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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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all the israeli forces pushed further into the central and western parts of alpha and bomb barge. some areas along causes border with egypt. the . this is all to 0 ally from the also coming up in the morning in animal where c is rarely strikes. skilled 21 palestinians account for the displace any so called saved. so the road form of patrol and we have a local sports of frustration at the polling route. south africa's governing amc
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faces of saint guest ever. alex will challenge 30 years and daily reports in his highest temperature as well as the mercury touches. 52.3 degrees celsius. the we begin this broadcast and gaza. we're at least 20 to palestinians have been killed across the strip since early wednesday. and this comes as the is really military is moving its forces further into the central and western parts of it. off i city in the south. israel says it's now in control of 75 percent of the border area with egypt known as the philadelphia core door. the area is 14 kilometers long ad intended to be a di, militarized buffer zone. running along the border with garza and egypt. and alpha,
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at least 15 palestinians killed as a result of is really strikes and showing as central of alpha displace families trapped inside residential homes. nearly all the cities hospitals out of service is really your tanks are concentrated in northern and western rasa, such as and beware, c evacuation zone and along the philadelphia cord, or it also time has also been targeted repeatedly in the past few days. meanwhile, heavy artillery showing has been reported near the european hospital, that's in an area between of alpha and hon. eunice. as a big begins, are coverage a dangerous task for ambulance crews driving through the streets in rough i could reach the insured to find one man with the truck, no boots for the 8 months, and now they've dealt with the constant flow of get them into people the so that the, the we are receiving human as quotes for help from citizens as part of targeting to
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escape people and these areas get this thing even in the safe areas and the difficulty for ambulance is to reach the areas is great to, to, to the targeting of the emergency champs and i used to do a couple 100 civil defenses truck in the field of these ambulances filled with people needing medical help. what happened was an explosion took place and they were shop. now, this is what happened with the old man got shopping in his head. a murder at the hospital, emetics do what they can to treat the wounded. that's not the, it's the same for the few hospitals to operate and across cause of the shortage of beds and by defense of the european cause, a hospital south of han, eunice, some patients that having to be treated on the floor a desperate attempt to save lives with the few resources they have left, i said big i was just there. and the other is in the how central garza where she's yours is now live. and what more can you tell us about the situation along the
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philadelphia core door? so the philadelphia inquiry door is the last point where it's a border zone which separates the godless trip with egypt. and that is really forces started then page in a rep flash starting with the rough crossing. and then they moved west to the front of does the car door and then moving to north to select dean and they're currently right now in the hearts of adults off. they're pushing deeper and that the at ground invasion is expanding. but we have been talking to people who were trying to leave this area because 7 months ago in the is there any forces asked the people to evacuate from the nothing parts of the gaza strip. they directly went to the philadelphia corey door. some people do not have money to relocate and they feel that there are also at present because the is there any forces are using drones and
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class captors for anyone who's trying to move? so there have been a couple of initiatives from kind of thing is to provide those people with friends, they send them money, the payment towards the central air. yep. and not the strip and some units they handle. so it's a little bit about the status of the hospitals. how are they coping with this new influx of the wounded people? they look for more than 3 months now the reference crossing and cut them to gnome has been nose. there has been nothing entering the cause of stroop. we're talking about medical supplies. we're also talking about few of all of the hospitals in rough clothes in the past couple of days we're talking about and the jar has put to a equate to hospital marashi at field point because they were a targeted by that is really courses. and the last target was the, a morality
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a couple of hours ago. all of the people that are getting injured needs to be transferred either to the european hospital in an area between dropbox, a ton eunice or to unlock the hospitals. but also those hospitals are on the verge of collapse. there has been no medical supplies to treat all of these injuries. and also there has been no fuel. that is correct, mean thousands of palestinians of trust. and i received in severe need for medical treatment. all right, so and to hold or you're reporting a and bare and bella, thank you so much for your coverage us and israel has bound to 0 from importing from israel. so let's go to a set of higher to joyce is now from the jamie and a capital a month. sorry, i just want to get your to go. we heard the from israel's a national security, your advisor about the time line. they feel they still need a for the cause,
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the operation. now what have you been hearing? the hello, the national security adviser cannot be spoke to a local is ready for the cost to con, saying that so not only has a minus $275.00 to sense of the so the delphi cargo, which is the box design between garza and egypt. but also that it will take at least 7 months. he said before the war comes to a wind down and now it just came back to the card. or yes, today we had from the ministry spokesman saying that they had my new found weapons as well as real quick. no one shows me of the philadelphia cargile and also interesting. lee said that they had found tunnels. he said, going towards sinai, which is on the other side of that car, to lots in egypt and that they were speaking to the egyptians. this is one of the aims that they have said when it comes to real fast. they want to have control all
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the sides of the car doors over that side of that border. first thing as one of the main reasons to going into a rough day said because that's what they also believe. a lot of the captives being held on earlier today as well, a less it was sent from me as some of the members of the la crude policy to the prime minister himself demanding that he oh, go ahead with a c z 5 z o box. they said it's essential to the war, continues, they don't stop the fights and drop off and they set to meet, take control of the whole of that cordial. and so, and i also like to ask you about the 3 soldiers of the is really forces have confirmed have been killed that off off us. yeah, that's right. so the, is there any minute tree confirmed earlier today that 3 of the soldiers were killed? they said that they were ended up put in a, in a building that was booby traps by the hum us spices. and that's how they were
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killed. we've also had at least 11 soldiers wins. it's not just in dropbox, across the gaza strip. and also they've also declared in the occupied west bank, but the point being is that every time any of the soldiers are killed or wounded. and certainly they all say has radiate, has admitted that they're off against quite a big fight with how most places, especially in jamalia, as well as rough box. this causes concern for the families of those health cap too . but also a full a is really is because they don't know when this will is going to end and such. and these things at least 7 months before the war winds down will be a huge cause for concern. especially for the families of those are desperate for us . these 5 deal to bring those remaining and gaza back home. all right, so sort of heart attack reporting from the due date in a capital, oman, as always,
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thank you very much us. all right, we've got some breaking news for you. a security council is getting underway right now. was stage to discuss the situation in gaza. you keep sentence last sunday. when they reported $45.00 per stimulus were killed, then $200.00 in good as to 10 stay where she has to ring and burned around them. does not stand alone at mid shocking numbers of civilian casualties. i remind all parties on their obligations to protect civilians. at the same time deal to pied westbank remains the pressure cooker of negative trends. the risk of the regional conflagration is constant, is mounting every day. this war continues. this trajectory must change. if we are to avoid further catastrophe. i urge all parties to return to the
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negotiation table immediately and in good faith, i read. for the my end, the secretary general's repeated calls for immediate release of hostages, headed in gall, saw and for an immediate humanitarian seas 5. mister president, how the scene is in goss or face, and no the round of must displacement with 1000000 fleeing from rough on many being displaced. most of its types overcrowded conditions and acute shortage of food, water in medicine, have led to misery and spread of diseases. the many turn response is hopefully in adequate to address these needs. on $24.00, made the international court of justice deliberates older on the request of south africa for the more modification of the older of 28 march in the caves concerning applications of the convention of the prevention and punishment of the crime of
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genocide in the gaza. strip reaffirming its previous provision with measures and indicating numerous use. many tyrants, hit rowley click continue to deliver live saving assistance. indeed, credible difficult environment, the unsafe conditions resulting from dangerously deficient human to terry notification that conditions are compounded by overcrowding. desperation and the breakdown of little and older, imperiling humanitarian operations and costing the lives some humanitarian workers, including some $200.00 un steps. just hours ago, me this breakdown overall and over the past resulted in a well organized looting of the only want rough up log base,
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making it more or less in the upper team. and this is the key center of our operations. why do we are still investigating the circumstances? i condemn any violence on un premises? as i brief discounts and a little over a week ago, the opening of 2 crossings in the north, alongside with the entry of human nature and goods arriving from us stalled and from joe. as well as to the un been floating p e a cypress, which is by the way know under repair, a positive developments, but highly insufficient. i read through it to 6 to again, those called for an immediate reopening of the rock for crossing and for m. p, did you return an access throughout the goes to sleep based the president? let me also focus on the occupied westbank where violence and all the negative trends continue in the alarming rate. large scale at least really operations
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persist. we've often met by lead to experiences with on palestinians as well as a spike, consecutive violence and attacks by policy then against these weights. the friction points around the settlements are getting worse as the settlement enterprise expand in the very well planned manner. i am particularly concerned by east was a listing of the military, older bonding use ways for mentoring. 3 evacuated set months in the northern westbank, a policy effective in effect, since 2005, this engagement law was put in place. i do take note of the subsequent military old of declaring the area of close military stones, effectively preventing the entry of a lease way, at least and boasting its around in the region. the drift of a series escalation has intensified. it changes so far across the blue line between
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the swelling his bowline or the non state on groups in lebanon continued. in addition to the deeply concerning escalation between these for any wrong was witness last month area, the text was the swell from militancy, the region, and who the attacks against international shipping in the red sea persisted. this is a combustible, makes me as the president. it is clear that all sides, but good simply change course. it is right that we are all focused on preventing it for the determination of looking for a solution to the most pressing needs. yet, we don't linking these options efforts to a longer term political strategy. any solution will be short lived or even counter productive to no attempts to address the military and security challenges. this
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will be sustainable unless it's a part of a broader approach that addresses goss as a political future. that future is an integral part of a single unified palestinian state, which is a closer foundation for realizing a 2 state solution. besides being that continues and will continue to be the key focus of my own efforts throughout the last month. the 2nd to again little and i a in gauge extensively with the part is the region that need to national actors to encourage the common approach to addressing the complex humanitarians acute in political crisis, affecting nothing really gospel but the whole of the occupied palestinian territory is well, and to reach them we must reach an agreement to release the hostages and put in place and immediately cease fire. there is absolutely no time
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to lose to you and remains in regular contact with the media just in parties. and we are committed to support and implement any such agreement as sustain ceasefire. it will be critical to have full scale humanitarian and only recovery as bones to meet the men's needs in goal. so, at the same time, we should be putting in place the framework for glossing recovery and doing so in ways that these times people for moves forward rather than away from a long term political solution. in this way, they publish the new conflict. i have previously outlined some of the key principles that should guide us in network and allow me to read the rates and expand the several of them here. or there should be no loan to amuse wally military presses in gall saw one at the same time eastward. legitimate security concerns, particularly in the wake of the act. so thorough committed on 7 october must be
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address. secondly, garza is and must remain an integral part of the future palestinian state with no reduction in its territory. number 3, goss on the west bank must be unified politically, economically and administratively. they must be governed by a proceeding in government that is recognized that supported by the thought of seeing people and the international community. in transitional arrangements are required, they must be designed to achieve a unique, fide proceeding in government within the precise and limited timeframe. there can be no long term solution in golf saw that is not for the mentally political means the precedent by mess. he's in brussels, where we met with the international partners meeting on palestine was along these lines. that is the same message i'm giving you today and it's straightforward and
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it's urgent. we must strengthen and preserve the institutions of the palestinian authority before it is too late. was rejecting any steps that seek to systematically on the minds it liabilities the such as the ongoing is wally withholding of the p a's clearance revenues. it is a very serious fiscal situation for the palestinian authority. mister president i world over a year ago. the 30 years of state building in palestine with gray, brisk studies even more to to day. and the consequences are even more serious affirming a path to the 2 state solution means of preserving and safeguarding the very use that use instead of meant to govern such a state. moreover,
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these institutions will be vital to the essential objective of ensuring process. the new lead governments, and also the new tech proceed in government doing the prime minister mohammed most stuff up with 8 ministers from casa, represent any pull up the petition to for all of us to support a 10. you both stepped in the right direction and the design with the principles regardless future. as i just open line. the international community should provide support to and work with the new government to address b as dire, free, screwed crisis strength and the governance capacity, and prepare it to re assume its responsibility in gaza and ultimately govern the whole of the occupied palestinian territory politically institutional and economic reforms would be needed, but they must be achievable, credible, and financed with students here that the posting, you know, toward these is an integral part of planning for gone. so those are recovery and
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reconstruction. i urge all act is to recognize the critical role of the p a and how that could be played out in garza and work towards enabling its return because there's actually no credit. but alternative, as we already know, that the scale of damage, the cements, the world bank and the un together with support from the you conducted the entering damage. assessment of the impact of the 1st 4 months of the conflicting garza quantum to find the cost at that point of sick, physical damage to critical info. the structure like hospital housing and basic uh, roads to be around 8 and a half $1000000000.00. the final cost will be most peoples of this figure. the massive scale of these efforts we clearly rec, require
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a mobilization of the why is this possible correlation of dollars? private 6. the sources of financing and significant improvement as to hold reconstruction and materials should be able to enter into the strip. we know already that the owners and invest, this will not be forthcoming. we don't concrete steps by the part is to find a political solution. and then, sir, that's gone, so is not rebuilt. all need to be destroyed. yet again, let me be clear. the political framework instructors we establish now will play a significant role in the success or failure of what follows. this requires us to plan an act deliberately and thoughtfully knowing that 2 days decisions. we not only shape the future of governance in gospel, but also determine the trajectory of these really palestinian conflicts more
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broadly. but as the president, i'm aware of the many challenges this i'm trying to achieve these objectives wide war rates as in gossip. and while our attention is right, the focused on the origin needs on the ground. but it is time for making difficult political choices. see if we neglect to lay the foundations of a lasting resolution to these rarely published evening, coma fixed an end, the occupation, the price of failure will reverberate for generations. these foundations will not only be laid in gospel, but also in the occupied westbank. and the most besetting plays, nope, just by doing most of the international community. but by committed lee this on the sides of this conflict, the drivers of conflict must be addressed including violence, sacrament, advancement. and the military activity is really mess yours that undermine p. a
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must hold, now we don't progress on each of these. we will begin the process of undermining what we have not yet even started after the horrors of the past 7 months. and the past days post, do you need to send these really desperately need the political horizon without it? there is no stay in the past, out of the suffering and between we are we missing every day? thank you. i think the this the winners game. right. or for various just joining us. so you're not watching the un security council which has been holding it's monthly meeting. you're on the middle east with the focused squarely being on garza and the recently bradley strikes and about
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. let's take you straight now to new york to speak to christian this salumi. she's at the united nations headquarters in new york. she's been listening in a christian. what jump out at you of the well, it was quite an extensive speech by tour event as find the middle east coordinator for the united nations. he started off of course, by acknowledging the dire humanitarian situation in gauze and ross in particular. now the un saying 1000000 displaced from ross and that stood out to me because just a few days ago it was 6 150000. then it was 800000. it's already over a 1000000. now this place many of these people have been displaced many times and he talked about the woefully inadequate humanitarian response with acute shortages of food, water medicine and fuel ongoing. and took note also of the international court of
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justice is provisional measures calling for the situation. and rafa to be addressed for the assault, they are to be scaled back. the majority of the speech, the really talked about a political way forward. he is the middle east coordinator and the need to establish some hope for palestinians. and his really is a like that there can be peace in the region and he's spelled out some very basic elements for dogs is recovery and long term political resolution. he talked about the need to strengthen the house, the didn't have city and authority to get them financially secure. he to called on countries to support them. in doing that, noted that the recovery of gaza is going to cost some $18500000000.00 to rebuild a christmas standby. we're going to go back a, robert, we're the deputy investor of us is speaking or let's listen to the continued pattern. a significant civilian har,
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resulting from incidence like sunday's air strikes, undermines israel, strategic goals, golf or colleagues. many of you have raised last week's order by the i, c j, which we know it goes the u. s. position that israel must avoid a major military operation in the heart of rough or that would put huge numbers of civilians. it risk. we continue to believe there are alternatives to a major operation that would better advance israel's goal of the enduring to feed from us and also protect innocent palestinians. we remain concerned the 2 little aid is flowing into guides and reaching those in need. in this regard, we welcome egypt, the decision to allow the shipment of a through commercial on and call on israel to remove all barriers to the flow of a at scale through all crossings and roots. more must be done to ensure more aid
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is getting into gaza through all routes and is able to be safely distributed to those in need throughout because of the closure of the roof or border crossing as impacted humanitarian and security situation. as gods are face of famine, it is essential we increase food fuel and supplies, reaching those in need. a text by, by one extreme to settlers on humanitarian aid convoys bound, forgot that and against palestinian civilians must stuff we condemn these attacks. it made clear that israel must provide security for the convoys and their drivers and take action to ensure accountability for those individuals committing violent acts and hindering the delivery of humanitarian aid civilians. in the we take note, a special coordinator vigilance discussion of reconstruction and gaza. and underscore senior coordinator cox. important role in that effort. ok.
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all right, so let's just go back to where kristen is a in, in new york, or we just heard there from the us deputy investor to do you when robert would of us obviously coming under fierce criticism for a not to distancing itself from the israel's recent to conduct to, let's christmas back with us. let's go to her. how has the us is a reaction to these a deadly bombings been received for the united states continues to reiterate the same position they don't want to ground. defense have been rasa. but when it comes to any action, not the united nations, it box, they say that any resolution has to come from the parties on the ground. and they put the focus back on israel and her boss and called for him us to release
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all captains in order to secure a piece for guys is this is a position that they've been saying it on the way into this meeting. i can tell you that robert would was confronted by media from all over the world and asked about a proposed resolution on rafa. that is being circulated at this time by algeria an elected member of the security council. this is a resolution that would call for an end to the rod on roster offensive, but the united states has continuously said that action of the security council does not help the situation that any resolution must come from the parties on the ground. so while he is certainly acknowledging the humanitarian situation in rasa and gaza, more broadly the need for is.


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