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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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state can be allowed to breach intend is not low and at the same time clear on either of us to a bite bite as you approach to some of the future and consider the future of this organization and the challenges facing much. and that's what as an, as a who knows, accept that wouldn't be signed on and accept to be part of the united nations. we accept to be bound by schools. this should especially be noted by those that stick leadership positions with this organization. i think i think a to so we just by listening to the united nations security council meeting that speaking about the relentless bombing of gaza, including the deepening offensive into the southern city of russell, which is what hes tree. good. see, this meeting is ready for us to continue to push and deeper into central and
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western parts of the city. they all keep buying those parts of the city. of course, rough i was also the scene. all they have restrictions, dry proof, in which at least 25 people were killed when a make shift times in the on the was the area was attacked. israel had explicitly told palestinians to evacuate to this area on the questions roommates been following. all of this you joins us live from you and headquarters in new york, and it was interesting that at one point we're hearing and the south african representative that the international community and the bodies that exist, stop, hold peace and security in the world, particularly when applied to those homeless and honorable have failed to uphold their obligations towards the palestinians. it'll be very interesting to see what happens with this draft resolution that out. jerry has propose mostly of the absolutely south africa of course, the country that brought the case before the international court of justice,
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which is found a preliminary plausibility that genocide is happening in order to an end to the rasa offensive. she called on the security council to uphold international law and support that ruling to speak out as they have called for in the past. and so far the security council has not done that as an international body. we also heard of course, from the palestinians, and the israel is there, i thought the palestinian deputy ambassador gave a very passionate speech about the suffering of his people in not only gaza, but also in the west bank and the injustices that they have had to deal with he described it as heartbreaking to suffer any talked about mothers holding their dead children and the screams that you can't on here. it's bad enough to see
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a family member killed. the families are watching. their children be burned to live . he talked about holding a be headed child in the horrors of that, but he also called out israel and the international community, again saying that israel has violated every red line set by the international community using the justification that so you can tell any palestinian college that person either a terrorist or a human shield. and he said that the greatest lesson of the holocaust is that such crimes can never be justified. and then right on to the, as riley ambassadors spoke and said that the strike on raso was precise and it eliminated to mos leaders and calling them to again those who are died and the terrorists are being used as human shields by those terrace. so this
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is really in basset are also blame the security council for failing to condemn us, even though a resolution that would have condemned to mos was vetoed by israel's ally the united states. um, so ongoing debate here, but the underlying theme i think that we're hearing again and again is respect for international law and an appeal to council members to act, to uphold rulings by the international court of justice. okay, thank you very much. kristen. selling me at the united nations for us and also listening to all of this is out of their senior, but it's kind of a smaller one. but shari joins us for, on skype from paris and similar one, just picking up on christmas comments there, about the very passionate remarks made by the policy and in representative magic vanya and very powerful, not just pops and his description of the suffering of the palestinians. but also in the way he was explaining how it has been allowed to happen on the sort of level of
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cruelty and the human eyes. ation to the point where bodies has been reduced to the numbers in unmarked graves and with palestinians, a cold human animals in language and rhetoric that is accepted even in some cases, encouraged by israel's allies. yes. for many months now. in fact, for many years we've heard from is right, isn't that a senior speaking across each other don't even meet at any one point. there are 2 speeches meant for 2 different old uses as us within the on ecosystem. and. busy it sounds a piece from the is really side, there's always a 0 sum game. but today, there was something different. it wasn't just about the fashion which was bad and humane approach,
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which was also there. but was also about the concert arguments. i think it's refreshing to see kind of sydney ends up putting out each and every argument as the doc by the israelis i'm contacting, get with isaac and more rational, more reasonable argument that is quite simple and quite comprehensive for the odd years, at least at the un security council to understand but also for people around the world to get but we also get somebody, i'm and i think problem. and this is the most important for me coming out of this sort of sessions, especially at the united nations security council. as a south african upset and as the processing upset is meant or is concerned with peace and security with international peace and security. well. 1 early today, 8 months into this war on castle. well, i think we have to win defined counts and that's just getting out across
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the un security council. there is a walk around and there's a beast. the palestinian representative was talking about peace, the need for peace, the need for cease fire. the need for the go. she dish and the promise that is ready to present. it was still going to baltimore the need for more the needs for the continuation of war. the need for more offenses, they need to intensify the war. the, the, the reason why there are no other alternatives to more, right. do basically, genocide because they have to engineers, have mazda is on the sofa. and these idea, the idea of a well defined word can't be scanner's, not just the security council. now the on the world over you see warmongers versus peace activist. you see students versus city completes. you see,
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my 1st is right, you'll see peaceful park tests and you'll see post by conspiracies in bar cruise. you'll see my feel is the 5 chicken downs. and you'll see people uh, crying out for peace. you see people signing petitions for peace and you see people styling go. rockets, dependents, i've seen your time, is usually international human rights organizations. and you see on this is obvious and these regular lobbies. so the entire world today is responding in one of 2 ways . walk caps, which is quite a minority, and basically, so this lies was, is the main all i today, the, so not the schultz and the part is the low end. and then there's the rest of the more than one space that wants to cease fire. that once i'm in and to be on the genocide conflict, i'm just wondering about that. you speak about the rest of the world and you know,
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how conscious of the palestinians when they deliver that remarks at a meeting like this of that particular audience. this growing movement that has been dismissed as anti sematic threatened to have the careers and the reputations destroyed yet. it is a movement that remains defiant. you know, when the policy being i'm boss, are speaking about they have poker c of the politics. he's making arguments about the state to comply with international law is, is this to he is really trying to, to reach out to, in, to communicate with. so, this is the thing, right? i think, i mean, you know, as much as the fellow students are making up today at this very important discourse with a very important narrative towards peace and justice. i think a lot of the arguments made in the speech, but actually inspired by jewish activists around the world by piece activists around the world, by the huge movement for social justice, for the quantity of racism around the world. i think young people
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a piece of sophisticated little progresses around the world are teaching leaders, especially cynical leaders lessons every day in politics and diplomacy and international relations. so when they were the kind of sitting and in speaking about how is a is exploiting prostitute thing and to submit to them and the holocaust is using. those arguments has really been made so eloquently now by jewish activists here in the west. notably against the hours of the world said stop getting water in our name, stop exposing as the stomach ism in our name stop getting general side and the name of the holocaust. so i think these arguments are now what state and people no longer bite into that charge of anti semitism. when, as the kind of thing a spokesman said, if the icpc is understood, i think i'm the i. c. j's on some ethics and the u. n. is on to so my take on the dimensions you want to rush organizations from. i think i'm sorry for adults will
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support well then as one is in the summer and when everyone is understanding i think no one has an semester. all right, thank you very much. for this kind of smart along the shy, joining us stuff from paris. thank you more one also want to now speak to him to other further issues in darrow, by the and central guys are and, and you know, in the want speak you about the, the remarks the policies are published in a box of imagined bomb. yeah. he was speaking about the unbearable suffering of palestinians there and gaza. is israel informing refugees in the area is like on the last the places they have been told to evacuate to where they've been forcibly displaced. of course, this is what happened in a horrific tent bombing in which at least $45.00 people were killed and we were hearing just as a policy. and our boss of the saying is speaking about a screaming children who had been burned to live. is it just was reflecting on what
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has been happening there in rough uh, in the area over the past couple of days. and what i witnessed has been telling you well, definitely we just talked to a couple of people who made it saved from left off. right. now and they evacuated to unlocks the hospital because they did not find any place to stay for the night and tomorrow they're going to start searching for a tent or an area they could shelter. and, but they were telling us that they made that a big, it was a matter of how they left their houses and how they know their make sense as to is really what crafters are shooting. everyone that is moving from texas to con area the hearts of the city of the class, or even in the western eastern parts of breakfast. they also mentioned that there's a completely different areas of precedent. even people who are trying to call the ambulances, they were trying to call, the civil defense team is not to waste them,
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do a safe zone, but they could not reach anyone according to enter. well, at least 1000000 palestinians evacuated general question the past few weeks, and there are more deep was enough. i still disability and they do not afford a to reallocate. and not only that, they do not know where they should be going to. another thing we need to mention in the highlight is that there are 0 hospitals currently in dropbox. they're only 2 wet fields, hospitals working in the last 8 of us. but now if anyone is injured, if anyone is killed, there is no one that could reach them due to the lack of hospitals and also that hospitals are running out of fuel where ambulances cannot afford to go back and forth to transport these injuries. and also it's very risky and dangerous because the is really horses and uh, tanks are stationed on the philadelphia corey door and also onto the had being
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a main road. and also in the heart of the engines. if i in the class and it's it, people do not know where to go and they totally believe that there's no, please save all over because it's true. yes. because every time, every time they palmed in a displaced and move to another area, they then find that they all the target of an attack in that area you're speaking to us from the central gaza, you know about the occupies. they are occupying parts of rock by so the offensive is deepening that but also the ground operation in northern gauze or isn't of the, at the definitely in the gaza. it's way harder to get news because we are not only not able to reach the people, but lots of people do not have access to telecommunications. they don't have access
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to internet and we're talking about 3 weeks. another, it's brittany ground invasion in big now. yeah. into bad yeah there's, there's horrifying testimonies from the people living there where the is really course is completely wiped off presidential areas. and people also do not have any hospitals in the nothing part of gaza strip of press the god, the city, there's only one hospital that's working which is an needs so it's, it's happening on both sides across of the gaza strip in the north, in the south the same terrifying atrocities the palestinians are currently going to an end. unfortunately, people do not have the access to move from a place to another. the only place that people are being squeezed to. 2 is in 10 through area which is good, but i must say that people are trying to go back to some units, but it's completely new but, but,
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but what's very important that ethan recite us there is but are also being targeted by, is there any artillery and is read the air strikes. thank you very much. thank you . hand down the street talking to us the darrell by law in gaza. thank you and is there, i was found out you there from reporting from the inside the country. so instead we go to amman, the capital of children, westoff i right, joins us now. israel has, they said previously that they were in control of 75 percent of for the area with egypt. any updates on that from that, from the is writing that it tree as well, that has changed now with the is ready media reporting at the moment the the is ready, minute treat has confirmed saying that they've now gained full operational control of the philadelphia car door now we haven't actually seen an official statement
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just yet, but all of the is right. the media is reporting the symbol. so i said the 20 tunnels were found of from the gauze of size going to sign i that's on the addiction. so i thought the other side of this is l. c cards or. a they're saying now the now the, they have found these 20 tunnels, which they are saying, well, used by hamas to smuggle weapons. now what they're saying is that they stem that, which means that how much wouldn't be able to bring any weapons from outside of gauze. the in the goals, and they're saying that those twins seats on those what some of the, a c plus tunnels across the whole of that philadelphia crossing. and this just came as news as that speech was being read out by the is riley that keeps the bus to the, to the way. and he didn't really add anything new to what we haven't heard from israel before. however, he did reference that type in rough spot. how that happens on sunday night. could we move in for the palestinians in the come,
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but we saw some horrific images. now he said that they use, again, precise talk and things that throughout this will they haven't broken any international humanitarian. no. and actually also how to go view and a security council saying that they are listening to false statements by a power thing was the word used by how mosse and saying that they just repeating it . and if anything they should be signing on these riley sides that has the rights to defend itself. this is something but they have maintained rights from the stalls . when it comes to accountability though, that's another story we see. many we've seen schools, hospitals as the, the steps, the palestinian. i'm positive to you and was saying, but they have tugs of schools, hospitals, john list, even some of our colleagues have colleagues raw the have been killed in gauze or in some of that family. no one has been immune to israel's policy. now when it comes to internal politics. so lots of developments have been happening in israel today.
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you have the p, that's the head of the opposition. the opposition leave the meeting with all the opposition policy leaders looking at ways that they can bring this government down there trying to also it seems the many guns he's one of the war cabinet. members, there's been a lot of divisions within that will cabinets. we've also been hearing from one of the war council members today, got the eyes in coats, referencing the was saying that nets and yahoos government has failed militarily to achieve all the goals that they've put themselves. he says the elections on needed urgently. he also says that they all settings a fake delusion. susie is re the public when it comes to the will saying that the only way through is victory to get rid of how much, how realistic that is. it's still not clear because just today these ready national security advisor says that this will is going to take at least 7 months before it's
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wrapped up. and then you also have the situation with the to what happened the day, the so called day off to all of this. once they take rough off, which of, of the prime is what will happen next. and the is riley public as. c as the families of those hells concepts are increasingly concerned, increasing the words and start today will probably be these things. some of those protests last stop today's protest, tons quite violent as they demanded the resignation of prime minister, meant benjamin netanyahu, but also to accept a cx, 50 as soon as possible. okay, thank you very much, sarah. hi, right in amman, and now we also will mentioning any other situation in northern gauze, up is ready for us to been expanding their assault on rafa. but then 1000 policies are again, on the move is, is ready for us. is it fonts into the city or moving 22 policies have been killed on wednesday, 15 of them in the rough uh, side, babe. well, thoughts on this now?
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a dangerous task for ambulance crews driving through the streets and reflect could reach the injured find one man with the truck, no boots for 98 months now they've dealt with the constant flow of get them into people the so that the other than we are receiving human as quotes for help from citizens as part of targeting to escape people. and these areas that this thing even in the safe areas and the difficulty for ambulance is to use the areas is great to, to, to the targeting of the emergency champs. and i used to do a complement of civil defense. as the truck in the these ambulances are filled with people needing medical help. what happened was an explosion took place and they were shop. now, this is what happened with the old man go shopping in his head. a murder at the hospital, emetics do what they can to treat the wounded. that's not the, it's the same for the few hospitals to operate and across cause of the shortage of
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beds and by defense of the european cause. a hospital south of hon. eunice, some patients that having to be treated on the floor, a desperate attempt to save lives with the few resources they have left. i said big i was just there to the spain's prime minister as welcome 5 ministers of the arab islamic ministerial committee on the cause of the day after his government officially recognized the state of palestine thunder sanchez's hosting of foreign ministers of cattle. georgia in saudi arabia and take here in madrid. spain island in norway formerly recognized a palestinian state on tuesday. european countries believe their initiative has a strong symbolic impact, so it could encourage all the nations to do the same. well, are on the top story of the day south africans of voting in an election for parliamentary and provincial assemblies present. so around the post as african national congress is facing a serious challenge for the 1st time and 3 decades, storing unemployment rolling powered costs in violent crime. a key issues for
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viruses. for me, the miller has this report now from so i to immediately off to cost and use votes. and so way to presidents over on the floor. so was back on the campaign trail for his party. the african national congress will and see a final push for a party in trouble. this is the day when south africa decide decides on the future of our country, who should lead the government of south africa. and i have no doubt whatsoever in my heart of hearts that the people will once again, invest confidence in the african national congress to continue to lead to this country. but the latest polls indicate the party may struggle to reach a 50 percent majority in parliament. and if it fails, it would be forced to form a coalition. its government for 50 years with much of its support tracing back to
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its origins as a liberal ration movement, opposing apart agents of africa. so that demographic is changing nearly 28000000 people are registered to vote. many of them for the 1st time, it's august the 4th time and we don't really understand. so you know, what kinds of politics that well, and we're trying to gather as much information as we can draw and research pretty as a democracy is a very long way that these come. so i just want to continue to help our country. you get to a better place, but politicians and officials are concerned. many young people may stay away from the polls. a high unemployment rate, especially among the young, is an good many of them to use uh, an important part of the selection clearly because as you go through the demographic, the younger you all the less likely you are to identify with the amc for historical reasons. moreover, about 7 or 8000000 young south africans under fuzzy have declined to register for
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this word. so instead of the eligible voting population on not registered, they didn't effect and that back on electro deluxe to address issues like corruption, lack last day, economy constant, paul looked at some crime unlikely to influence their vote. opposition parties are hoping for a high turn out the polls to grow their support and other things, and know what turnouts makes. favor the governing policy, as many of it's supposed to have a long to be loyal to with. with many of the voters in spoken to say they wouldn't change the most significant change may be the end of one party dominance. and on such a t, v a n c, and it's lead to settle remo, parsa, but we them a low to 0. so wait till now, nearly 3000 student needs refugees transit in ethiopia. and then on a hunger strike for nearly a week, more than 5000 of being held in camps on the east european control and force and the um har region that borders to dawn and protesting against that detention and
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a lack of food and medicine. a site to deteriorate to humanitarian conditions. another account earlier this month, to temperatures in positive and use capital, new dallas or to a rate quote high as it is $52.00 celsius, intense heat wave of straining powell goods and causing water shortages in different parts of the country. and there is no stranger to a scorching summit temperatures, but years of scientific research are found that climate change has caused these heat waves to last for much longer periods of time. also, they are occurring with more frequency and they are much more intense when they do happen. a volcano in southwest in iceland is erupt. thing for the 5th time since december is shooting lava, about 50 meters into the nearby town of greenville and a g o. samo spa result has been evacuated. i since meet urology co officers
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reporting the intense escalate contingency in the lead up to the interruption was definitely present. that's what they detected just before this took place. of course, even bringing you continuing coverage of the situation in gaza. of in the past couple of hours, we will continue to follow the story. united nations security council has been holding a meeting on that. what's been happening that is the 1st open session since and is really a tap on a tent camp and rough on sunday. at least 45 people were killed. also on wednesdays, ready for us is killed. 22 policy is right across the street. 15 of them in rough us more than a 1000000 people have been forced to leave a southern city in the past 3 weeks. ground forces are saying they are pushing deep into the southern city. media report suggests they are now in full control of that board area with egypt that is known as the philadelphia cargile,
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the watching out there. the business like to be sponsored by intellect tuck, he's real estate consultant. the
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basement installations to be sponsored by interlock to keys real estate consultant, unique perspectives, a deep sake image of donald trump, with loud photos to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly real. it on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream announces era. now let me tell you about safari valley, you called result the past of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now, able to practice what the now be used, only elected very close here,
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like come in here, sits on to play with a large stairs face with a look in my private now. thanks royal, i can also somebody probably equal, restored to being gone. the is there any forces killed thousands of people across causes that including 15 people sheltering in the southern city of rough on the low i, marianne and mosley. this is alger 0, life from dell homes are coming up on the program. algeria submits a draft resolution of the united nations security council, demanding an immediate halt to israel's offensive in the city of rasa. it comes as is right, he ground forces say that.


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