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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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i can also of my lot of, if somebody probably equal, resorted in gun the is there any forces killed thousands of people across cause that including 15 people sheltering in the southern city of rough on the mazda you? this is alger 0. life from dell halls are coming up on the program. algeria submits a draft resolution of the united nations security council, demanding an immediate hold to israel, offensive and set to your process. it comes as is right and ground forces say they take control of the racial control of the rock or the area with each it. also coming off this alibi losing and south africa's general elections, the could see the ruling and see policy lose its majority for the 1st time since
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taking pallets 30 years ago. the or is there any forces or expanding their assault on rough uh, thousands of palestinians are again on the move as the forces advance into the city . more than 22 people have been killed on wednesday. 15 people and rough by itself . i said, bank reports now. the dangerous task for ambulance crew is driving through the streets and reflect to reach the injured find one man with the truck, no boots for 98 months now. they've dealt with the constant flow of get them into people the so that the other than we are receiving human as quotes for help from citizens as part of targeting to escape people in these areas. but this thing, even in the safe areas and the, the difficulty for ambulance is to use the areas is great to, to,
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to the targeting of the emergency terms. and i used to do a complicated civil defense of the truck in the these i'd be that these are filled with people needing medical help. what happened was an explosion took place and they were shop. now, this is what happened. and the old man got shopping in his head a motor off the hospital, emetics do what they can to treat the wounded. that's not the, it's the same for the few hospitals to operate and across cause of the shortage of beds and by defense of the european cause of hospital south of han, eunice, some patients that having to be treated on the floor a desperate attempt to save lives with the few resources they have left, i said big i was just there will despise pilot and he is in rough. i say very know so cold, say sons anywhere in the gaza strip was, is there is i sure if i will, i'm or when to a make shift camping out in the last in the south option is riley strike kills at
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least 21 palestinians. you spoke to some of those who survived choose days attack. this is his report. let me give you g heavy, low cost and with the way you did it. the other one was that a, b and we are currently in the western part of rafael. in the milwaukee area, this is the 3rd wave of air strikes committed by the israeli forces in less than 48 hours displaced. palestinians came to this area after these really military, designated a safety monetary and zone thousands flocked to the area and put up tents for shelter in a minute. how many of your family members have been killed? 2 my mother and father, the most precious thing in my life, i lost a piece of my heart. what do these riley's want from us? haven't they had enough? haven't they got a weary? good. 7 i wish i was
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killed. i wish i can join them. what is life to me now? i will live in pain and agony, grieving over my family, all my life. it would have been better if i was killed with them to be as really as claims at ralph it was safe. 2 without the items at all, we were warned to leave tennessee dot and we did to did in bella, and we did. and the same to alpha. where is that safety? there is no safe engine. the entire garza strip. displacement is not a picnic, it is nothing but pain and agony that god beyond my well like i will be the the what is your message to the world? oh, absolutely. i wish all those responsible will go through the same agony, taste the same bitterness. feel the same pain we experienced the at that deal, i mean that dozens of civilians were killed and dozens more injured in taken to the
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mix of hospitals put up west of rafa, shock and disbelief is overwhelmingly visible on the faces of all those in rough or the air strikes carried out by the, as really were plans were intense quantities, the shut off totally upon the high. and i said, the bar in the most of those killed were women and children. children were always playing here. they were all tuned to pieces. 40 pots scuffled all over the place. women and innocent children, there was no safe place in the entire strip. the victims families were displaced from all shots, the area in gauze, a city. it wasn't the 1st time to be forced to move back to court. did i say or not? if you had the a month ago today, it has is clearly noticeable. there is no safe ants in the entire gaza strip. displaced people's tensor showered not only by missiles from drones in more plans, but also artillery shells from the land. and warships from the c. b is really air strikes or intensifying, well targeting mainly displaced civilians are shut off,
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blah, blah. this is just the all, mo, off the off as not speak to him. the other, who during darrow bylines, central gaza, is riley drones hovering overhead. and so, and we were hearing earlier from the policy in on bassett, as the united nations. much is vanya describing the unbearable suffering of palestinian children, particularly in that tent attack on sunday, which at least $45.00 people were killed. he was speaking about a screaming palestinian children as they were being burnt alive in areas where they were told that they would be safe if they evacuate to those places. tell us what has been happening over the past few days and in rough up well, let's start the fact that palestinians thought that dropped off was the safest area . that's why more than 1000000 palestinians evacuated their thinking that they've said no one's gonna target them. they,
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when they have been living there for more than 7 months, suddenly when the is ready, of course has started it's grand invasion. they started telling people to evacuate south and west, sorry. so all of the people started squeezing western parts of dropbox and then is ready for says targeted a mix shift to come 3 days ago. and yesterday they targets another mix, f dot com, and at least 70 policy needs have been killed and both incidents, palestinians as the is there any forces are digging at that and bathing deeper into the hearts of for a fact more people are being displaced again to the central areas and to hun eunice, people do not know where to go. some people who were trying to evacuate in the past couple of days did not have the ability to evacuate, because at 1st they do not afford at the price of reallocating. and 2nd of all, they do not
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a big cost because they were tracked by those ready times. and that is really quite copters and uh, drones. so palestinians not only do not are not able to evacuate, but they are also trapped by the is really uh, military operations. some people that made it to the central area do not even have a place. there's no empty places in garza everywhere is talks. we're talking about schools that are pop hospitals that are park and even agriculture eh, labs are packed with before people are, are, are putting their ton is tend to on the sidewalks outside the hospitals here. all of the surrounding streets are filled with tense and not only the people are not only striving to lee is where the air strikes, but they're also striving to find food. and also to find drinkable. 5 water and also there has been nothing entering at the gaza strip for more than 3 weeks now
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after the is review started their operation under fi, and we're talking about aids fuel for hospitals and transportation and a lot of commodities. and this is did use that's our basic and are in need for like we're talking about to move in policy and using the gaza strip that are need every single state if thing that comes through the fund. and not only that, there are thousands of policy news. the are in immediate need for medical treatment and sense the data clause. they're counting the minutes that they're going to lose their lives due to the lack of medical treatments. thank you very much and uh, what are you bring us up to date with all the latest from darrow, by the, from gaza as well? is there others continuing its operation in rough in violation of the international court of justice as ruling on may 24th the icj? i ordered israel to hold his ministry offensive in the city immediately. since then,
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his writing forces have killed the east, $83.00 palestinians, and rough uh, thousands more. people remain buried under the russell. well, the united nations security council is met to discuss what is happening, the israel's intensifying, then it tree activity and rough. uh, this is gauze is southern, most of this has been the main topic of these discussions. one important development, algeria, is that to propose a draft security council resolution calling for israel to stop the killing and rasa was you cause a responsible member of the security council. and with the support of the auto group has decided to submit a debt off to the solution and everyone in discounts and to ensure that it's the responsibilities we hope that these good size off,
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but is lucia con god does the support of everyone in this concepts logic found me on the palestinian deputy on boston as the united nation says that the security council needs to take decisive action to force israel to stop pitching in a tree offensive. the whole world was what the news lately, offensive, and bluff would mean. a new pause such an offensive and yet as while proceed with the consequences that you owed for soul available, human suffering is on once for this thing is to understand that if they mean and gaza, that is the feat, death of displacement. maybe i should say death and displacement displacement and when would it be enough or what other level of cruelty must be reached before this assault is finally blocked to and then there is no red line imposed by
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legality of action. ality humanity. that is why it has not cost if it's not costing the red line set by the entire world on buffer, and it is the duty of this concept to uphold, that's what line human lives at stake to uphold the 3rd line and to take decisive action to force is way to hold its military offensive and to a low it's occupation forces and to ensure that an immediate cease fire is arouse deputy ambassador to the united nations justified the countries intensifying attacks on rasa by claiming that a mass battalions offer icing that there was still full for most battalions and rougher and many of the hostages are being held, the hundreds of to rush off to tunnels have been discovered while tens of how much terrace being eliminated. and i wish to also point out that is our reason, can we turn the bodies of murder as hostages to the families bodies found in an unreal facility and gauze. in order to accomplish our mission,
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we have no choice but to route out the terrace and southern gauze. or following that means hang out as there is kristen selina, she joins us now from the nice of nations. the council was also brief to buy the lens, middle east coordinator. kristen, did he present away forward for the council of the yeah, it's a great question and well, a lot of the council members were discussing the recent attacks on rafa and the i c j ruling and calling for israel to abide by a to and the suffering there and the humanitarian situation, a tour of that assign, made the point that there will be no end to the humanitarian suffering until there is a permanent solution to the occupation of the palestinian territory. is a 2 state solution. i actually asked him specifically, after the briefing, if he thought a resolution on the i c,
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j upholding the i. c j's calls would be helpful to the situation on the ground and to his efforts to bring about a piece. and he push that off. he said that he thought it was more important that the counsel get behind some concrete steps that the parties could take to move things forward for a palestinian state. and that he said would be most how helpful. and he was actually surprisingly hold for given the, in credible amount of warm suffering that we're seeing, that the international community, he said, is more engaged in this issue than ever. but that said, what he was saying did not signal much hope for the resolution that was proposed by the jury ends on the roof of situation. rather, it seems more in line with what the french have been proposing here, which is this resolution to address these long term goals of the international
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community for a governance of the palestinian territories and strengthening of the palestinian authority and so on. and i will note that after the meeting that was held, there were supposed to be consultations behind closed doors. on the draft resolution proposed by the algerians, those consultations were cancelled that would suggest that there is not much happening on that front. but again, some hold from tour event as long that the international community could come together and rally behind some of these bigger issues. thank you very much, chris. incidentally, is all the latest. don't let you in security council meeting at the united nations in new york. but it's always been expanding its military operation. and these central and western parts of rasa, the military says that it's in full operational control of the board area with egypt, known as the philadelphia car until the area is 14 kilometers long,
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and intended to be a demilitarized buffer zone that runs along the border between gaza and egypt. well israel, his band, i was just there from reporting inside the country. so instead we are in amman and jordan, this r hi rod is with us now. and so we have this announcement confirming that they are in full control of the border area between cause or in egypt any indication as to what happens now, sar. so does the quoting to is really, sol says the being mentioned in his writing media were yet to see the official statement. but then now saying that they have full operational control, a ball, a tiny area, they said that's closer to the coast line. but they said that that's not a problem because they're already surrounding that area. they're also said that they found 20 tunnels going to sign on, and that's on the other side on the egyptian border, according to these ratings. they're saying that they're in communication with
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egyptian. so let them know about this. the best thing that these tunnels have been used to smuggle lessons, and this is how, how mazda has been able to obtain some of those weapons during this voice, as thoughts as back in october. and now that they've found these tunnels, this thing that they should stem the flow of what happens in, well, a quite a big accusation that because that would assume that that's onto the noises the egyptians way yet. see from the chip sions on that's up. but also saying that they found locating doing shows, and this was an area that was used, it seems by how mosque, according to these is rating sources of being quoted. and also say that perhaps how mazda has been able to have, as far as has been able to have those real quick launches, the thinking that they are the right near the egyptian board, and not would somehow protect them from a full is ready a. so that's the situation that we know that those types was seen yesterday in central rough law, and also a statement actually from how does the,
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how that'd be. that's the chief of stop speaking to troops within a southern, a rough last name that we all have for several reasons. first the, this is the last time us brigade left. he says with full capabilities. so we want to dismantle the roof bus big brigade and got this is a top priority for as well. okay, thank you very much sir. hi. reporting to this from amman and jordan, as it was still to bring you on the program. here in new york again, instead of deliberating in donald trump's harsh swanny case, he insists the trial is on the fact the hearing disliked sharp populations, a decline, 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality is late that
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and exploded reporting from the ex whatever happens next to the university have already made history out. as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the faucet, the story. israel's war on gossip becoming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line. i want people to look closer at the ugly side of this i point by camera where all those referred not to the right about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up in the us. worse filmmaker around tech and also via turn when on the power of political lots,
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what i'll just stories we tell sales about also. and how do we base our past to change our future studio, be unscripted on one on i will just sierra, the, the, the welcome back, or reminder of the main stories. now, is there any forces of killed 22 palestinians across casa, on wednesday, 15 of them were in rough up more than a 1000000 people have been forced to leave the southern city in the past 3 weeks. is right. the ground forces say they are pushing deep into the city of ruffled claiming to be now in full operational control of the for the area with egypt. and is this an adult? the car? i don't suppose to be demilitarised under a deal with each end. and united nations security council is meant to discuss the
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deteriorating situation in gaza. algeria set on a set to propose a draft security council residents now wanting to, as well to stop the killing in rough on and self. i forgot people of hosting and a major general election for the the parliament also for presidential assemblies present. so around the places african national congress is facing a serious challenge for the 1st time in 3 years, storing unemployment rolling power accounts and violent crime or key issues for the voters. so wait a minute, has this report now from so i to the immediate payoff the cost of these votes. and so we're told president still around the pool. so was back on the campaign trail for his party. the african national congress will and see a final push for a party in trouble. this is the day when south africa decide, decide on the future of our country,
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who should lead the government of south africa. and i have no doubt whatsoever in my hon. so hard that the people will, once again, invest confidence in the african national congress to continue to lead to this country. but the latest polls indicate the party may struggle to reach a 50 percent majority in parliament. and if it fails, it would be forced to form a coalition, its government for 50 years, with much of its support tracing back to its origins as on the duration movement, opposing apartheid in south africa. so that demographic is changing nearly 28000000 people are registered to vote. many of them for the 1st time. it's obviously our 1st time and we don't really understand. so you know what kind of politics that well, and we're trying to gather as much information as we can do our own research, is that democracy is a very long way. that is tom. so i just want to continue to help our country. you
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get to a better place, but politicians and officials are concerned. many young people may stay away from the polls. a high unemployment rate, especially among the young, is an good many of them to use uh, an important part of the selection clearly because as you go through the demographic, the younger you all the less likely you are to identify with the agency for historical reasons. moreover, about 7 or 8000000 young south africans, i'm the fuzzy of decline to register for this bird. so that's 3rd of the eligible virgin population. i'm not registered, they didn't effect that back on electro democracy. so address issues like corruption lacked last day economy, constant power cut some crime unlikely to influence their vote. opposition parties are hoping for a high turn out the polls to grow their support and other things, and know what turnouts makes. save of the governing policy. as many of it's supposed to have a long been loyal to wait,
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but many of the votes has been spoken to say they will change. the most significant change may be the end of one party dominance. and on such a t v a n c, and it's liter sudle. remo parsa freedom of ultra 0. so it sounds great to harm latasha, who joins is from dub. and what is it like and what is the mood among voters in an election that could be a turning point for the governing amc party as well . we outside city hall and up and, and take a look at this gives you a sense of just how long these lines still are. people have been way to some of the hours to cost a boat at this putting station in other places in some parts of the country. this seems to be like it, just like psychologist for example. some people say the process seems to be slow. people waiting in line, some of them say they are frustrated with the long way for they determined to wait
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to see how long the engine this line is. a split is all the way down to the end of the road and then round the corner. again, there's a big possibly to this police station may not close on time and vote you may need to be explained. the mood is mix people, some kind of a hopeful, jovial, vibrant. some of the stages take long, but they all seem determined to both the issues on the same as people across the country is about jobs, is about health care. it's about crime things that was the position to address that i'm saying here of course is how well jacob lewis and k potty would like to do in this call. we'd be able to take away both from the government and see and have a beautiful parties. and if the a and so you get to listen to the sense of at the polls for mccaul listed with the other part. and which of those parts would be willing to pull mechanics for the 80? if that does indeed happen. thank you very much. i will check in with you a bit later on. but for now,
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how many tasks reporting to us on the decisive election or in south africa, very important story with jerry and donald trump, so cold hush, money trial has started deliberating, 12 jurors, and now meeting to reach a verdict off the judge gave them their instructions. facing fuzzy for felony charges, used to falsifying business rankles to cover up payments to adult film star stormy daniels during the 2016 presidential election campaign. payments were allegedly meant to prevent daniels from going public about her claims of an effect. often leaving the court room on wednesday, trump again called the trial on 5th, is that the charges of rigs is pleaded not guilty to all charges with it's a disgrace. i mean click update on so you don't
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need any 3000 refugees transiting if you appear then on a hunger strikes and nearly a week, more than 5000 to being held in camps on the if you open control in forest and the um holler region that borders to dawn, and protesting against that detention, and a lack of food and medicine, a flood deteriorates, and you monetary conditions another account earlier this month. and just one, the interesting story to bring you now the final story. before we leave you a volcano in south west and the iceland disrupting for the 5th time. since the month of december. it's shooting law for about 50 meters into the nearby town of grand to they can adjust. almost spa resort has been evacuated. i since meets your logical office, reports of intense us, quite attractive, etc. and the lead up to this error option, which is now the 5th, and just the past few months so, so, but a, you have some incredible pictures from that volcano in iceland,
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and i'll be back with an ease our in about 25 minutes time inside story is coming up next. the low quite unusual to be this hot this early in the year for parts with the golf. so sure. let me show you on thursday. ok this great. 50 degrees on the nose for you. this could be your 1st 50 degree day of the year by the way, took to mid july last year to reach 50 degrees. the last day of spring friday, 1st day of summer on saturday. your temperature is well above where they should be at this point in the year. while your view of the middle east shows us, okay, those wins are turning lighter up and down the golf. they sure have been housing as of late and just central asia. we go, we've got some heat around here as well. ask about at 34 degrees, also looking quite hot for drawing as well. pedro and 35 inch arise. 38 will be the
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number for you on thursday tracking this slug of rain from southern searcy central turkey. and it will eventually catch up to the black sea coast. and it sure has been hot in the chair, but really the seats coming from sudan chad rate through to new share quite across west africa. sure. some showers in storms. but now what we'd expect to see at this point in the year where the more intense rain is, is for a camera room and gap on the dropping those temperatures. for kick town, it's going to be white's. and when the 18 degrees northern cape profit, and your turn will come on friday, painting down to 19 degrees of the
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president. but all of them is that on skis, hoping a piece summit will return the world's attention to ukraine's will with russia for russia's nothing vices. and some major will of late is on coming on the chance of success does it have? this is the inside story, the hello and welcome to the show. i'm sammy's a than a pay summit launched by ukraine. looks in trouble even before this begun present.


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