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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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are exposing the list of the world of wildlife trafficking and its devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and hunters on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i am the why is the welcome to the news our life and go ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel's minute, truth pushes further into central and western rasa, saying it's taking control of a strategic cargile along the causes border with egypt. meanwhile, al jerry introduces a un security council resolution ordering israel immediately to stop it's minute
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treat offensive and also coming out the salvation in south africa is general elections. the can see the ruling amc policy lose its majority for the 1st time since taken pallets 30 years ago. and the temperatures in india's capital reach the highest ever in the country. somebody sees a warning of dangerous levels of the kind on peace of statements with your school news. barcelona. have a point to come see slick. has a new head coach the form of germany and fine munich manager type children from chevy at the spanish club. the so we begin this news out with as well as expanding assault in central and west and rough uh, thousands of palestinians are again on the move is, is right. the forces at vons into gaza, southernmost city. i'm going to theresa's it's now in operational control of the
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board area with egypt known as the philadelphia carl. this area is 14 kilometers long and intended to be admitted, tries offers and running along that border between gauze or in egypt and move in 22 pilot things have been killed on wednesday. 15 of them in rough by itself. i said, bake begins out coverage now. the dangerous task for ambulance crew is driving through the streets and reflect to reach the injured to find one man with shots, no boots for 98 months now they've dealt with the constant flow of get them into people. but the so that the other than we are receiving human as quotes for help from citizens as part of targeting to escape people. and these areas that this thing even in the safe areas and the difficulty for ambulance is to reach the areas, is great to, to, to the targeting of the emergency champs. and i used to do a car belong to the civil defense of the truck in the seas. i'm going into the
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field with people needing medical help. what happened was an explosion took place and they were shop. now this is what happened with the old man got shrapnel in his head a motor out the hospital emetics to what they can to treat the wounded. that's not the, it's the same for the few hospitals to operate and across cause of the shortage of beds and by defense of the european cause of hospital south of han, eunice, some patients that having to be treated on the floor a desperate attempt to save lives with the few resources they have left, i said big i was just there. that's no speed the end of the quarter in darrow, by that in central garza, what is ready? drones, oliver in overhead. and, and as we have seen it, the story there are over the past few days, weeks and months of palestinians being attacked in the accounts and residential homes on the street in areas that have been designated safe. so in policy, as people have been forced to be displaced and now being found,
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tell us what's been happening there in the past few hours. many. and so the last attack on drop off was a house and then most of the area kaufman edge. and it's in the, in, in the heart of dropbox, there were also other targets at it in the eastern parts of delphi. and that is ready. tanks are currently stationed on the philadelphia car door, which is separate that the, as i start with egypt. and also there on so long deeds and there in the heart of the causal city, we're talking about areas like god who ate the hospital. we're talking about an out there on the box. and these are places that were packed with people that evacuated to, to fall off when it's ready for us is called them to evacuate. 7 months ago, we're talking about 1000000 palestinians evacuated and lead drop off in the past 3 weeks. and can you imagine 31000000 people squeezed into the central area and 10
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units of people are striving to find food. they're striving to find water, they're striving to find medicine under. also, it's striving to find a safe place where they are 100 percent. there is no safe place across the causal strip and there have been moving from place to one other looking for a shelter. but at the end of the day, there's no guarantee that they won't be bombed or killed in the places they evacuate to medium. and of course, people are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. and by that i mean basic things like food or to medicines. but what is also going to happen to those who are injured now? if there were no hospitals functioning in rough? uh, either because they've been attacked or because they simply don't have the fuel to keep operating. okay,
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so the 3 main hospitals that were operating in real fast, gradually, we're out of service and today the last the hospital was out of service. so all of the trends, injuries are transferred either to the european hospital or up to the hospital focusing on the hospital. i'm right now i would just right now made a quick visit into the interest of the hospital. people are laying on the floor. they do not have the right medicine we. we met a cat, a cancer patient that does not have her calculus therapy at her camera therapy treatment. we also met people that were injured by is really extracts and those were burned. did not have do not have the medical supplies to treat their once we're talking about thousands of palestinians, the are risk of death and every single then every single minute it's getting all your and more horrifying to palestinians. thank you so much. reporting to us from darrell by the end of the ordinary
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a well united nations security council has met to discuss the what is happening in gaza, also in rasa. l. jerry and made a proposal for a job security council resolution calling to israel to stop the killing in rasa. bassett is condemned, and his riley attack on a tent camping rough on sunday, which at least $45.00 people were killed. christmas really joins us live now from un headquarters in new york. tell us more about the purpose of this meeting and this sort of what is likely to happen now in terms of this draft resolution from algeria. this was a monthly meeting or regularly scheduled meeting of the security council on the middle east, but it was a 1st open security council meeting since the rafa air strikes over the weekend, that killed burn dismembered dozens of palestinians,
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including many women and children. and that attack was widely condemned by many council members, and many of them also reference the fact that the international court of justice had ordered a halt to any military activity in rough or just days before it happened. so notably, algeria did in that meeting call for the counsel in the international community to support the i. c. j with a security council resolution and the interest of holding up international law. he said he was tabling a concise resolution to do just that. here's what israel and the palestinian ambassador had to say in response. the whole world was what the news lately, offensive, and bluff would mean. a new pause such an offensive. and yet as while proceed with the consequences that you owed full soul available,
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human suffering. this is mine once but as the newest one to stand that if they remain in gaza, that is the fate, death of displacement. maybe i should say death and displacement displacement and when would it be enough? what other level of cruelty must be leached before this assault is finally blocked to and then there is no red line imposed by legality of actuality humanity. that is why it has not cost if it's not costing the red line set by the entire world on the left. and it is the duty of this concept to uphold. that's what line human lives of it stick to uphold the 3rd line. and to take decisive action to force is way to hold its military offensive and to withdraw its occupation forces and to ensure an immediate cease fire. there was still for a full how much battalions in rough or, and many of the hostages are being held. the hundreds of terra shaw to tunnels have
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been discovered while tens of how much terrace are being eliminated. and i wish to also point out that is our reason can we turn the bodies of motors, hostages to the families, bodies found in an unreal facility in gauze. in order to accomplish our mission, we have no choice but to route out the terrace and southern gauze of the no, no vote has been scheduled on the jury and draft resolution as of yet uh, at the same time, france has been circulating its own draft for a more comprehensive, long term resolution focused on a way forward for a 2 state solution. and interesting to point out that the council was briefed by the u. n's, special coordinator for the middle east peace process toward venice lined. and he pointed out that no attempt to address the humanitarian and security situation in gaza will last or survive or be effective unless there is
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a long term permanent solution. and that address is causes political future. okay, thank you very much, chris. incidentally, reporting to us on the united nations security council meeting there in new york, as well as continuing its operation. ross signed, violation of the international courts of justice is rolling on may 24th the icj. i ordered israel to hold his military offensive and rough. i immediately, but since then, is there any forces of killed at least $83.00 palestinians in rough, a dozen small remained buried under the rubble. let's bring it down there, lumber. sharlitra is there a senior political analyst who joins us on sky from paris and so on. i'm curious to hear your thoughts on the remarks we heard from the pot of sending a bastard un security council meeting. the very precise arguments about the pretext for this war, the way in which its been carried out. and now the international community has
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failed to uphold its own basic legal obligations by allowing it to continue a yes, this was important for once to make, get her the concrete arguments against these are the arguments, meaning make these counter arguments that are precise and detail about the procedure, the is rarely position the times in humanity and racism of days ready to position, but doesn't seem to recognize after 75 years of dispossession. or if the patient that kind of thing is next door or under their domination needs also a degree of freedom, liberty, and certainly, uh, security. so i thought that was important that you would want also to hear the same arguments made against the american origins more salient,
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i would say more cynical american arguments made in favor of is that because it's, it's not the international community desktop upholding the united states. that's blocking the international community from upholding international law. and we're one another thing we heard from the, i believe it was the out, jerry and i'm by sit down. and he said that quite right, either counsel so far as focused on the war and gauze or in the the terrible humanitarian conditions that only seemed to get was. but the other thing he made a point of, of referencing was the continued settlements, violence and evictions of palestinians and the occupied westbank and east jerusalem . he kept the sort of brought everyone back to the point that gaza is just a symptom of what is a, a bruce owen, sense this occupation a absolutely no, only there is not have mass problem. there's
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a guys are problem. there is more really guys a problem. there's a palestine problem, but in fact, there is no satisfying problem is that is a problem. because last year to solve the problem, the how much problem the guys up problem, the west side problem, the jerusalem problem. then this problem, all of it to dissolve the tot to the main driver behind the war and security and then at least 2 day, 2 days inside the war mongering. is there a leaders asked other uh what? 678 wars and stuff in the past 4 wars against garza, these are the ones that have driven the region to the brink of uh, to the bank of uh, an agent to why uh, regional wide war. and that's what's bringing genocide. and that's where it's continuing and deepening documentation of the west bank. the old she wouldn't, al judy have said that,
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like when the irish say something like that when the south africans are been, say, things of that nature. it brings the point home a box, a clock, colonial mine says of france, the u. k. the united states and others who have committed equal crimes. so the ones being committed by his right, they'll, judy is uh, sacrifice hundreds of thousands, perhaps a 1000000. ah, that's because of the occupation and domination of france. so they all understand that the, the, the, the, the, the, all julian liberation movement was also quarters like how much school thursday a n c in south africa was also called generous lot how mouse and the be a low quarters. it was always good to to mind the secret council members as one of our viewers around the world does, how much does not exist until the mid 19 eighties that 20 years
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into the israeli occupation didn't. how much the church as an existing school in guys i knew that on, on, and the west side. but how much is a product of the israeli occupation? the is the patient is not the product of how much. so in a sense is there and keeps escaping its response to make it the worst, the better signal people after having occupied them for some 57 years. i'm dispossess and for something like 75 years. all right, thank you very much for the context to our wanda shower out. is there a sample that's kind of speaking to the staff from paris of the while we want to take you to south africa. the electrical commission is saying that has been a high time out of a general election for parliamentary and presidential assemblies. polls are due to close in less than an hour, but the electrical commission says that people that have been waiting and long
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lines will be allowed to cost them loads presents. so around the post as african national congress is facing a serious challenge for the 1st time in 3 decades. i mean, the miller has this report now from so i to immediately off to cost and use vote. and so went to prison, sold on the plaza, was back on the campaign trail for his party. the african national congress will and see a final push for a party in trouble. this is the day when south africa decides decides on the future of our country who are sure to lead the government of. busy africa and i have no doubt whatsoever in my heart of hearts that the people will once again, invest confidence in the african national congress to continue to lead to this country. but the latest polls indicate the party may struggle to reach
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a 50 percent majority in parliament. and if it fails, it would be forced to form a coalition. its government for 50 years with much of its support tracing back to its origins as the liberation movement, opposing a part 8 in south africa. so that demographic is changing nearly 28000000 people are registered to vote. many of them for the 1st time, it's august the 4th time and we don't really understand. so you know, what kinds of politics that well, and we're trying to gather as much information as we can draw and research pretty as a democracy is a very long way. that is tom. so i just want to continue to help our country get a better place. but politicians and officials are concerned. many young people may stay away from the polls. a high unemployment rate, especially among the young, is and good many of them to use uh, an important part of the selection clearly because as you go through the demographic, the younger you all the less likely your to identify with the agency for historical
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reasons. moreover, about 7 or 8000000 young south africans under fuzzy have declined to register for this bird. so that's 3rd of the eligible virgin population. i'm not registered, they didn't effect that back on electro democracy. so address issues that corruption lacked last day economy constant, paul, look at some crime, a likely to influence their vote. opposition parties are hoping for a high turn out at the polls to grow their support and other things and know what turnouts makes. save of the governing party as many of it's supposed to have a long you've been loyal to wait. but many of the votes has been spoken to say they will change. the most significant change may be the end of one party dominance. and on such a t v a n c and it's lita sudle. remo polosa but we de la o 20. so it to mike how to joins this from a polling station now in the town of midland. so tell us, mike has voting,
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gone smoothly today of the world of being some hiccups, as the independent electoral condition says at one stage the number of voting machines broke down, but all of this has been repaired, they insist, and generally they say the voting is gone exceedingly smoothly through much up the country, all the poles voting booth opened on time. it is said this morning. well, some 96 percent of them. so generally election organizes very happy with the way things are going. however, what they've been hit, they say is by a late search in the afternoon now the polls are due to close in roughly 40 minutes time. uh, but throughout the country, they are still reports of exceeding the long queues. now the commission says as well, that even when the polls close in 40 minutes time, those who are part of the queue will still be allowed to vote. so not only
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a people waiting to vote and have prepared to wait so many hours in order to cost that bonnet, but the time out has also been quite high as well. it would appear to be. so at this stage, there are some predictions of a 10 out of over 60 percent, but let me just give you an idea of the fence behind me. here is a cute stretching for about a kilometer up the road. now i spoke to people at the front of this queue, it took them over 2 hours to get to this particular point. now if you put a little better rhythmic together, pulse closing, you are still going to have a q here of people who will still have to wait for some 2 and a half hours to actually costs a boat. this is happening in many parts of the country. what this means as well is that the actual results will be delayed because you've got to wait to all the votes come in before you can start collecting them. so that is going to be an issue in
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terms of pushing what was going to be expected time for the results to come in. one last point, this being the social media discussion about whether you want to short use or long keys long queues. you can check to your neighbors have a wonderful time. those one to blown fuse have actually got it today. okay, lovely. lovely sounds good. thank you very much, mike. and we will then hear from you again a mike hunter opposing to us from the town of mid drawn. thank you. and joining me now is sonya shan, i do a senior research fellow at the institute for global dialogue. she joins us live from john his bag. i'm not sure if you heard that. some of the reporting that from our correspondence seems to be quite a vibrant sort of g, but an atmosphere people prepared to q for many hours to cost the vote in the heat . and so what does this suggest? do you expect and see this level of the mental and infuse the as im going into the
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selection a good day mary. i'm a good day to the view is i think that's uh it's, it's something that's really astounded us. it's a no for me. but as a, as somebody who voted in 94 and now seeing what i've seen today is the day most of the time because i think it greg makes you realize that people are a baby and they take the whole day seriously. they see this boat as an important instrument of change and they are willing to stay out there even off to the 9 o'clock cutoff has come and gone, and even to be in lone cues in the dock. and i think this is kind of symbolizes but, but the, the investments of this democracy and important is that this democracy, that's yes. we haven't glitches. yes, there's been challenges in terms of, with the voltage stations opened on time. there were other issues around the fact that you had to buy the papers. maybe people are not sure on how to, to look at the 3 better papers that's going to cause delays in the, in the cues. but i think what we generally seeing is yellow people as well,
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having done at the moment to be able to cost involved. so i think in many ways for me this, this stuff goes back to 94, but itself goes back to 94. not in terms of the expectations that we are going to be delivered by the agency, but i think itself goes back to its to 94 in the sense to say where we come from now. and how do we make sure that our lives and livelihoods? i improve that, i think what is happening this election is for the most part of political parties have tried to use that transaction. i'm going to somebody tell me, i'm trying to tell me the new. sure. because the early indications all the time out is 60 percent or above. those are just as some of the initial figures that we are getting, but does a high time out then fav, uh, your position policies and strengths in that position. and these results. well, the 1st disclaimer to that is those high, early turnouts that you're getting. i think i would be vague courses because one of those turn off of being assessed. oh oh,
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basically they've been evaluated. we've got to wait for the see the independent electric commission to give us the verified towed off rate. so i wouldn't be cautious on that because it's too early to tell at this point in time with a dot, that high voltage turn out that you're getting is going to be a new fable of the opposition part. you all in favor of the, uh, the, the n c a we'd be, we'd be roughly with this for a long time. no, that typically a high vote to turn on favors the n c and they're no going to turn up the payments, the opposition party, this election, we've kind of had a kind of a reconfiguration of that argument that another move to turn off would be in the agencies of, of, of you and the higher level to turn on for the, for the, for opposition parties. but i think what we thought we did say right now, and we have to be very careful is of what ever to king information is coming to a ball will to turn out. it is not the end of the friction of with things. when we
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speak again tomorrow or we start looking at things tomorrow because remember that it said no, the district voting district council, the voting district areas. you have a very, very big voting station, a registrations, and that's going to be able to change the complex. and so be careful of that one. and the 2nd one i'd say is also be careful because these numbers that you are giving me what very well the numbers that are coming in from smaller boat and stations. and the last thing on that, i would say also caution is we have to look at the number of spiked ballots, which are also impact one vote of ton of but also in terms of what happens as the calculation of the results. it could be interesting, see how this on falls sent me. it has to be something of the turning point of the country with some very serious challenges facing the next government. thank you. solution i do. thank you very much. well,
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the jerry and donald trump is so cold, harsh money trial has started deliberating, $12.00 jurors, and now leasing to reach. invite a doctor, the judge gave them. the final instructions trumps facing the c for felony charges accused of falsifying business records to cover up payments to adult film star stormy daniels during the 2016 presidential election campaign. the payments were originally meant to prevent daniels from going public about her claims of an affair . often leaving the court room on wednesday, trump again called the trial in fact and set the charges of rigs. he has pleaded not guilty to all charges and b, c's. j grey has more from the court house and new york and there's certainly an energy that's different outside the criminal courts building here in. busy our man have to right now, protests is on both sides of this controversial trial. have gathered here and the energy is picked up significantly. you see a lot of officers as we have throughout this trial surrounding the court house and more states just a few blocks away. after sitting quietly, taking notes for more than a month,
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it's now the jury's turn to speak. they get instructions from the judge in this case, one more sean sharing with them the laws that are pertinent to what they've heard over the last month, plus and how to apply those laws while deliberating the fear they will be reviewing testimony from 20 witnesses more than $250.00 divots and taking their time to work through $34.00 felony charges against the former president. you're faced with making a decision that's never been made in the history of this country before. well, a former city president donald trump, the convicted felon as he entered the court house this morning, he said nothing to reporters in the hallway that were gathered. that's a bit different than we've seen throughout this trial. and now he sits and waits and forced to sit here at the court house. as long as the jury is deliberating, waiting to see what his fate may be. that's the latest right now. we'll continue to
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monitor things here in manhattan, and then use our life from doha also to bring you on the program, which is our on full display in ice and raising concerns for residents and travelers. bringing that story and also the school coming out focusing task look forward to a christmas in the middle east of the details in a few minutes the the although quite unusual to be this hot, this early in the year for parts with the golf. so sure, let me show you on thursday. ok this great. 50 degrees on the nose for you. this could be your 1st 50 degree day of the year by the way, took to mid july last year to reach 50 degrees by steve spring, friday. first day of summer on saturday, your temperatures while above where they should be at this point in the year. while
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your view of the middle east shows us. okay, there's windsor turning lighter up and down the golf. they sure have been housing as of late into the central asia. we go, we've got some heat around here as well. ask about at 34 degrees, also looking quite hot for drawing as well. pedro and 35 inch arise. 38 will be the number for you on thursday tracking this slug of rain from southern turkey, a central turkey, and it will eventually catch up to the black sea coast. and it sure has been hot in the chair, but really the seats coming from sudan chat rate through to new share quite across west africa. sure. some shows in storms but not what we'd expect to see at this point in the year where the more intense rain is, is for a camera room and gap on big. dropping those temperatures for cape town, it's going to be whites. and when the 18 degrees, northern cape providence, your turn will come on friday painting down to 19 degrees. the
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interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, the correct, but so is the international community. can we also say that deals? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic process upfront without award winning program from international. so make us, we've just seen so many people traveling with children, making a long and difficult to explore and abundance of world class programming. every time we do an interview, when met with soldiers, voices from different quote, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view from well,
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today on ouch is here of the the welcome back. reminder of the main stories this hour is raining, forces of killed 22 palestinians, across gauze on wednesday, 15 of them and rough fox, more than a 1000000 people have been forced to leave the southern cities in the past 3 weeks . is ready, ground forces, say they all continuing that push into rush thought, claiming to be in full operational control now of the board area with egypt known as the philadelphia car adult. it's supposed to be a demilitarized zone on the deal with egypt. meanwhile, the un security council is meant to discuss what's happening. the algeria is proposing
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a draft security council resolution phoning for israel to stop the killing in roswell, in all the development spain's prime minister as welcome to foreign affairs ministers of the arab islamic ministerial committee on casa and day after his government officially recognized the state of palestine henry sanchez is hosting the farm ministers of council children saudi arabia and here in madrid. spain island a no way for many recognized a palestinian state on tuesday. european countries believe their initiative has a strong symbolic impact that could encourage all the nations to do the same for brandon has more of this meeting now from the dread. the serious days recognition vice pain of a palestinian state was not some one of the photo cool parts of a concert had coordinate the diplomatic push for the 2 state solution. very family, back on the table. there was a words from the photo minister, all biased towards is our guest. he spoke about the 2 state solution being the only route to piece the price caps off with
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a remarkable work to negotiate the lease of hostages. and he said that the visit demonstrates the close friendship between spain and the advert are well the jordanian, a foreign minister. he spoke about spain and didn't, nobody's doing the right thing. i never particularly strong was of support from the kingdom of saudi arabia's foreign minister. we are here to say thank you for us to spain and to no way unto island and to slovenia for taking the right decision at the right time for being on the right side of history for being on the right side of justice. with all the doc we have seen as a result of the continuing human catastrophe. and cuz this is the right moment to give a beacon of hope to the 2 state solution to piece to go systems of hope. in fact,
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the expectation of spain on island and no way is the more european western nations will follow their example and also recognize constant in states. lavinia and malta, later this week are expected to follow suit. but the pressure is now growing on countries such as the u. k. germany and france to joins that clump. hol, brennan, i'll just 0 madrid. we turn to so down now and 83000 refugees transit in ethiopia has been on a hunger strike for nearly a week, more than 5000 to being held in camps on the easy, open control in force and the em har region. the board has to done, they offer, testing against the detention and a lack of food medicine. they have fled unbearable who monetary conditions, different comp, just earlier this month. earlier we heard from samuel got to to a john list and the address i would, but he says the student needs refugees have been caught up in a novel conflict while they was seeking safety. it has been
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a cold switch between the 2 open government and finals. loosely higher focused movement, they've called it of fighting for the interest of i'm hire us, they've been saying. so this rate for use have been in the course far between the 2 forces and much of the region is you've been out of touch in terms of uh, any kind of movements such as fruit and medicine that much of the population of the needles. and this conflict has been going on for a year, and it's a facing disability. you have come to yoga, looking for some kind of safety. and many of them have been saying they've been for testing they've, they've been on hunger strike, trying to tell the u. n. the children government, which has promised to listen to them that something needs to be done before this becomes much bigger than it really is at the moment. but as of now, according to they said about a 1000 people have skipped from this company. they took on government has said they
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would be listening to them. some of their complaints would be addressed by the to open government. they've been saying, but again, it's been a conflict area for the last year. you're finding present was him, is the landscapes thinking the approval of allies to use the weapons, a funded to directly hit russian territory. present idea of a pollution is one of the serious consequences. if missiles across the board to join home and reports now from keys, president followed them is the landscape traveling around europe. so i mean weapons deals with belgium, portugal in spain, agreement, but it's not just um, she probably needs, he says, but changes to how it's allowed to use the so strongly, increasingly his government, speaking against the band, particularly from the us or using the width and zip provides to a tech russian territory and navid just the bunch of storage, even from recognizance, you get maps, satellite images, but you cannot respond to. i think it's unfair, but we cannot and this is
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a fact risk the support of our partners. and that is why we do not use the weapons of our partners on the territory of the russian federation. please give us the opportunity to retaliate against their military sol. ukrainian officials say that means that conte still russian troops that it knows a mass thing on its border before they cross or talk me. so launching sites if this is the increasingly european allies are changing that positions. brits and gave the green light for you. cranium forces to use its weapons inside russia. earlier in may, now serve his friendship president emanuel mack, chrome should so not even have the time to punch. we tell them what supplying you with weapons, but you cannot defend yourselves. we stay exactly within the same framework. we think that we should allow them to neutralize the ministry sites from which the missiles, a fire, other european countries like suite to have done like why, since the biggest weapons provide that to you,
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crime by far is the united states and sofa despite already sending the country long range missiles, it's resisting a nearby. this was the white house verdict on tuesday. i want to just sort of where the interest that presence of warranty is expressed in this regard, i would tell you that there's no change to our policy. at this point, we don't encourage your enable the use of us supplied weapons to strike inside russia. this new box with us has reportedly worried about escalation. and so it should says president vladimir putin laptops live in the representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, especially in small countries. they should be aware of what they are playing with before talking about striking russian temperatures. in general, this constant escalation can lead to serious consequences. meanwhile, ukraine continues on the box to we've been ongoing russian defensive in the how to keep region. and it says more troops messing that. it's northern border on the home
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. and how does it keep the government and hungry assigned to deal with bella roost to help build a 2nd nuclear power plant for ministers from the 2 nations. and now it's disagreement in minsk hungry is packs to react or has been on the construction by russia. state agency ross, the tom since 2014. it's a project with 30 and a half $1000000000.00 bought. it has experience, delays or fee is that the deal could have consequences. the hungry is relationship with the european union. the big american corporations are relocating some of them manufacturing to mexico, giving a boost to the local economy the that many mexicans say that government isn't taking full advantage of this. they say they want the next president to use jude to be liked it on sunday to do something about it. money, it awful reports from one of the country's manufacturing homes. monterey, mexico's industrial capital. for years,
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factories here had been gearing up to capitalize on the economic trend known as near shoring. corporations. relocating supply chains to bring manufacturing closer to the united states. one of those companies is iron light, trailers, which builds and exports premium. industrial trailers for sale in the u. s. is not something new for mexico being the manufacturer of american products. that's something we already know how to do. we have an opportunity. it saves us more and more companies and are leaving asia looking for another place to make a business. it's a natural thing to take a look at mexico. in recent years, dozens of us manufacturers have brought their business to this region of mexico. even the automotive joya tesla has plans for construction of
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a factory on the outskirts of monterey. but some economists argue mexico has failed to fully sees the near shoring opportunity. other countries have grabbed the opportunity to fill contracts once held by chinese manufacturers. is the main thing, unfortunately, nationally we have not had the desired effect of attracting investment. they used to go to china. we have captions very low. so just to give you a comparison, as though as attracted 5 times more of these investments than we have mexican businesses, like iron light, trailers say that despite modest growth over the last few years, the impact of new shoring has been negligible. it's clear that manufacturing here in montana lay continues to read the benefits of the close proximity with the united states was also clear, is the lack of optimism when it comes to the potential for more significant growth . all 3 of mexico's leading presidential candidates have focused their economic policy proposals and promoting near shoring as
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a driver for growth in mexico. experts say that well, mexico can still harness the economic trade winds of near shoring the country's next leader will need a concrete strategy for attracting for an investment before the window of opportunity offered by near shoring begins to close men. wizard up a little alger 0, monterey, a quick bright now that was still to come off the lives of the in columbia as congress is a big win for the countries animal rights activists. but a low for a poppy. this entries, old tradition on its full is great team, has a shot at making european foot for history. peace responding fine with all the details of business like this. this brought to you believe, i guess as i live slowly on, one of your this makes modern plates.
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the business latest is free for you, i guess as an ice fly on one of your just makes modern fleets
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the, [000:00:00;00] the veteran. thank you very much, boss. a lot of hired for germany and by munich, coach hunts. the flick is a new head coach. the german has signed a 2 year contract with the legal club and will replace the chevy jimenez who was sacked off to trophy the season. it's licks 1st coaching job since being funded by the gym and national team last september. first of all, i would like to say thank you to everyone who is included in the house. it's a big honor and also a team. um for me to sign my contract to you in barcelona to work for this platform is amazing club and i yeah,
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i'm happy to start one. some titles move by munich and my hunger use is really is really big for titles. and i would like to, to stay on this path with barcelona. and um, i think we can, we can achieve a lot together. and this is an important think spanish football, broad costs such as solar, have told us that the appointment afflict his boss to learn. his new coach mocks, a big change for the cattle and club, the existing clause to say if you will fit in these a squad because he was playing something a bit differently. it's true that the, his idea is to understanding of how football is similar to the offensive vertical style thing the this to show no fun to play. first is that kids without the job so, and they can fit his money expectations. and the fact that i think that's the one that has understood that he's where you're playing it, me tell you it will be tough, more physicality, more pressure, another kind of training and,
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and maybe not saying good bye to the ideas of always trying to hold the bold and play these to keep tucker totals football a way of playing but also in mother football. they need to be more of physicality of pressure at to a company that otherwise there will be no trust fees. um it's. 5 for in or coach with no history link to barcelona and, and this is quite new. we haven't seen that seems and that's i'm up to, you know, at more than 10 years ago that the experienced the, the work. and let's see, well how it goes about 1050 keys, who was very much interested in joining barcelona. and his agent, penny savvy, has a great relation with develop ortho and i think those are the key factors of him finally being the coach of barcelona and to some managerial movement, netflix old club, i'm unique with the news events. some company has signed his venue. busy codes from a 3 year deal. buying have been on the lookout for new manager since march off.
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they decided to part ways of thomas to cool. at the end of the season. they finally got the man to spot company and doing a tough season with english side barely, which sold him rid of jason from the premier of the company. you one full lead titles of the play with mattress. the city will be tossed with a bringing the buddhist lead guitar to back to munich of to disappointing food place to finish to the final be read the conference lead site specialty with olympia coast, looking to become the 1st greek team to win a major european trophy bianco, so we'll be taking on last is a run is up field on tina and the final hit of wednesdays shows he's the closest, the greek seem is go to winning the continental on. it was in 1971 when pallet the michaels reached the european cup final. the match itself is being played in the greek and capital at the home. overland bianco society arrivals a e. k. evans will forward ease of carrying out a massive security operation to ensure fed safety. holden,
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5000 police officers and firefighters, have been deployed well, member, one a guess fiance x of of a huge scale and the 2nd round of the friendship. and as she defeated for the grand slam champion, they only have soccer in the 3 states to progress, so threatening, carol's. she'll take one the 1st trip, but i me off the saving a fit points. it went to a tie break and it took a well over an hour to when it's but then came the soccer 5 back. the full time grand slam champion has dropped as low as $134.00 in the world. but this was the best performance since we're tuning tube to of to giving birth to her daughter in july last year. she won the sick and said 61, just the food sets fiance, because last at the french open since 2021. i saw the full the match and was 2 points away from winning it. but those fiance, so when crucial points when a method 217616752 leave a soccer heart broken. well,
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number one remains on close to being hosted title in a row. also on the women's side seat on strawberry has progressed to the 3rd round, the tennessee and won the 1st 863 against camilla assario spot, the columbia. and it bad to take the 2nd 61 to the top of that to win the deciding said 63 and progress. she will face either later for 9 days or 2 you when next will number 3, call us al, caresses book to use place in the friendship. and 3rd round, the span it was up against. yes. but the young of the medlin's in he's 2nd round match. it right and carol's, it was all game according to plan is the 3rd. so you to service the to say plead, but that's when he back the, all the 1st of the food, say, i then went up a break in the full. but al cortes turned things around off to that eventually he would win 6364, to $6.00, and $6.00 to, to advance to a meeting again. so i have this the best in quarter
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o. soon we quan criminal charges. the guy scouts will never once got to shift that had been dropped. there was not enough evidence to pursue further legal action against the american ship. it was arrested before the 2nd round of the u. s. p. j championship. you allegedly attempted to drive around traffic that was backed up due to a pedestrian fatality investigation based upon the totality of the evidence. my office cannot move forward in the prosecutor and of the charges filed against mister scheffler. mister chef, there's characterization that this was quote, a be big misunderstanding. close quote is corroborated by the evidence. a days has been said for the rematch between undisputed heavyweight champion knowledge on britain, sick insights and fury. the showdown will happen on december 21st in saudi arabia. a venue is not being consumed the sick one, the 1st 5 by spec decision or the of this month. the minnesota symbols of tape in
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the western conference finals alive with a narrow victory over the dallas mavericks. minnesota managed to in game for by 5 points for they 1st went up the series, which is now $31.00 to the dallas, called anthony towns and anthony edwards start on tuesday with $25.29 points respectively. besides, we'll meet again on thursday. all right, i'll be here again in a few hours with most bolts needs better than not strongly. thank you very much, pita. well, now we've take you to india temperatures in northwest alley of hit 52.9 degrees celsius. the highest temperature ever recorded in the country. the intense heat wave is straining outwards, causing water shortages across the country. and the often sofas scorching summit temperatures. but years of research a found climate change is closing frequency waves at last and a lot longer. and they are more intense when they do happen. but a lot of the butler is
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a science john list with the television channel and the tv explains how india is coping with the heat. but each at this time of the year is not uncommon for indeed as in games nor houses. andrew. ready each as that deal based in the deeper pride keep them says for 8 or 10 days, the cities used to shut down between 11 and 12 pm. that's no long. ready is what people know, but now that it going to be coming on the 5th in the seat because of what i said because the in doors and then the step both the feet of the teeth. and now let me add one small to that as occasion for you. this temperature of $52.00 degrees celsius plus 10 degrees party at all is not an option confirmation. i spoke to
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b o b in the department of the product. i need confirmed to me yet taking but the sense that it says is working off of the form. so use the outliers most of the day, the, the automatic weather stations, every fucking between 45 degrees. and this is an outlier, so they are checking but other insight expense is working properly at the citibank, the purchase of ross, india, of very high. my own home town, which is little is i just thought it is pretty hard to get into possibly the waste . i use that use and teaches the t v as people who come from the desert region know, house and envelopes all these good pictures. but the modern jazz history has made us more stable in the re. this now is ok now in south western iceland is erupt, things to the 5th time since december. we've got these remarkable pictures shooting over about 50 meters into the it's in the nearby town of greenville, vic, a g o,
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samo spa result. i've also been evacuated, license major on you. co office reported intense us quick activity in the run up to this to columbia. as congress bind bull slicing on tuesday, following years of failed attempts to prohibit the activity, the split will be phased out and totally banned by 2027. i was on project reports from the capital bogota. raleigh. after years of strain, use political battles. columbus congress banned bull fighting nationwide. it brings to an in the centuries old tradition, brought by spanish colonizers. that is spit, man against boons ever since. once popular entertainment has been losing signs in recent years, as low as courts and municipal governments prohibited the events on ethical grounds
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. during getting to a pastime for a small elite in the country is to this victory. reevaluate to the culture, we inherited a culture of violence of torture that does not deserve to be called culture. the next generations will grow up in a country with culture will define things much more creatively than torturing animals for the amusement of a few insensible people. supporters in detractors of the tradition squared off in congress, lowers house before the long be late boat, etc. the my daughter, who romantic dean, a 2nd generation bullfighter proudly showed us fixtures and gates. he says he dedicated his entire life to the bulls case, the insurance. okay, the hardest part of the prohibition is that even if they help us find another job, even if i find something that pays me better, i simply don't understand life for that bull fighting the sensation i feel when the
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bull passes alongside me, is something i will not find anywhere else. the law proposes binding all bull fighting within 3 years to give time to the industry to adapt and transform bull rings like this one into cultural centers, must have to be columbia, a 5th generation boot reader gonzales. sense the something like the knowledge that bull fighting official. now those are a dying breed, but believe the law will mean and then for the annual together myers if that alaska co op for k, this breakable exist to fighting. and the cow is kind of the use of milk for us, dispose of like god, who instead of dying and a slow to house like most animals, have an opportunity to defend themselves even save their lives. and up in the remaining fighting those in columbia will likely end up being sold in other countries where the practice continues. or that see that this boat confirms that
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this old tradition which use to thrill the masses in famous intellectuals the like, has reached its final thrust. allison, the b a, d. i just eat a good a of that. so for me, but sarah will be here in just a moment. the teams in the gaza strip as is there, as long continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as is readings and actively humanize of palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies
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everywhere. here at the listening post, the you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cod to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost . and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request. a former film and for you to stop traumatized by eastern few knows more of
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independence, but determined to turn tragedies to accommodate this comic genius concealing his own. more scholars creates a fictional character which uses happiness to chase people taking away the witness. this is the reality on that jersey. the israel's military pushes further into central and western rasa. most hospitals and gaza, southern city are barely functioning, the types of any age group to have you with us. this is elsa 0 life and also coming up is really ground forces. why didn't their results on the rasa, claiming full operational control of the border area with egypt. algeria introduced
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as a un security council resolution ordering israel to stop. it's military offensive and


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