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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the is really forces killed dozens of people across the gaza, including 15 people sheltering in the southern city of rocks the time. so venue is good to have you with us. this is else as your life from the also coming up is really ground forces lighting their results on the rasa flaming full operational control of the border area. with each algeria introduces a un security council resolution ordering israel to stop its military offensive and roughly immediately. and a high turnout is reported in south africa in an election that could see the
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governing amc party lose its hold on power. the israel's military is keeping up it strikes in gaza despite growing calls for the military operation to end. at least $25.00 palestinians were killed across the strip since early on wednesday. 15 were killed in rafa is really military is moving its forces deeper into the southern city. alpha 0 is handled already. has this report from darrow, by the in central desk. the dangers, talk for ambulance crews driving through the streets and reflect to reach the injured they find one man with charco for nearly 8 months now they've dealt with this concept. so of that are people the so that the other, the we are receiving human as quotes for help from citizens as part of targeting to
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escape people and these areas get this thing even in the safe areas. and the difficulty for ambulance is to reach the areas is great to, to, to the targeting of the emergency champs. and i used to do a complement of civil defense as truck in the these i'm going into is, are filled with people needing medical houses. what happened was an explosion took place and they were shop. now, this is what happened with the old man got shopping in his head. i thought a morality hospital medics to what they can do, treat the wounded. it's the same for the few hospitals. so operating across cause a with the shortage of beds and medicines as a routine cause of hospitals. so for newness some patients are having to be treated the for the situation is still different here in the hospital. a desperate attempt to save lives with a few resources in the city of the data that is by god's upon assign
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israel is expanding its operation in central in western rasa. the military says it's in full operational control of the border area with egypt known as the philadelphia card or you see it there on your map. the area is 14 kilometers long and intended to be a demilitarized buffer zone, running along the border between gaza and egypt. in the united nations security council has meant to discuss these with tier deteriorating security situation in gaza. algeria has said to propose a draft, the security council resolution calling for israel to stop the killing in rough and bassett, or is condemned. israel's attack on attempt can't bear on sunday, which killed 45 people. we decided the whole world world of what the news lately, offensive, and bluff would mean a new pause such an offensive and yet is while proceed with the consequences that
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your old full so i'm available. human suffering is line one spell. this thing is to understand that if they remain in gaza, that is the feet, death, or the displacement. maybe i should say, death and displacement displacement and when will it be enough? what other level of cruelty must be leached before this assault is finally blocked to and then there is no deadline imposed by legality of actuality humanity. that is why it has not cost if it's not costing the red line set by the entire world on the left, and it is the duty of this concept to uphold, that's what line human lives of it stick to uphold. that's what line and to take decisive action to force is way to hold its military offensive and to a low its occupation forces and to ensure an immediate cease fire. there was still for a full how much battalions in rough or,
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and many of the hostages are being held the hundreds of terrace shots, the tunnels have been discovered while tens of how much terrace are being eliminated. and i wish to also point out that is where recently we turn the bodies of motors, hostages to the families, bodies found in an unreal facility in garza, in order to accomplish our mission, we have no choice but to route out the terrace and southern gauze. kristen salumi as more from un headquarters in new york a this was a monthly meeting, a regularly scheduled meeting of the security council on the middle east, but it was the 1st open security council meeting since the rafa air strikes over the weekend that killed burn, dismembered dozens of palestinians, including many women and children, and that attack was widely condemned by many council members. and many of them also reference the fact that the international court of justice had ordered
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a halt to any military activity. and rafa just days before it happened. so notably, algeria did in that meeting call for the counsel in the international community to support the i. c. j with a security council resolution and the interest of holding up international law. he said he was tabling a concise resolution to do just that. so no vote has been scheduled on the jury and draft resolution as of yet uh, at the same time, france has been circulating its own draft for a more comprehensive long term resolution focused on a way forward for a 2 state solution. and interesting to point out that the council was briefed by the un special coordinator for the middle east peace process toward venice land. and he pointed out that no attempt to address the humanitarian and security situation in gaza will last or survive or be effective unless there is
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a long term permanent solution. and that address is causes political future. palestinian groups have declared gaza a famine stricken zone and they want the united nations to do the same. and g o, as in professional unions, described the catastrophic situation in the strip it abraham reports from ramallah in the occupied west, back a dozen of palestinian and jose here the occupied west bank and the besieged guys to announce the call to declare garza assignments 3 can zone calling upon the palestinian government to adopt this declaration and hold these radio, occupation accountable for what is happening now in the b c's goes us through and to join to talk more about that. i'm joined here now by o. b. i body, he's one of the organizers of this campaign. i want to ask you why this call and why today the school? is that a reflection on the reality?
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i'm guessing about a student, a civil society. we have of, of $12.00 to $3.00 organizations from kids that have signed and called for this, including part of the non governmental organizations that work, the biggest coalition of somebody for us to in civil society. calling upon the policy and government and do an agencies to declare that as a, as a feminist took an area. this is the video of the people, people are having causative, and that she can reaching every aspect of life. the one has to declare, simon simon, is not the technical issue. we have witnessed 7, we are experiencing salmon and boasting and civil society professionals that are present in every aspect and together have raised their voices saying that we are experiencing as opposed to me and people's timing that you and come up get seems to access all together in order to deliver the 8, this is their own words. actually in order to measure the health situation of the people that have sick that has been completely destroyed them together. there's
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almost non functional gathering and reporting system and non functional and health sector. so what we have talking about is that we are raising the we are bringing them in, we are calling on the u. n. we are calling on governments that are supporting this genocide enough is enough. and why do you think the policy and authority is yet to declare guys the assignments to can edit a disaster zone? if you me? well, i think the test 2 things. the 1st swan is that the palestinian, minnesota is, is like an all context policy and the issue of gaza. we are seeing very minimal action to go. everything goes on. this is actually for us, kansas. we are seeing the, from the city and i thought the put this focus on other areas. well, that's main focus should be on goza, on the 2nd thing that we thing for the you and lead that was never come there. you and organizations by their own words, they don't have access, they cannot reach the people, they don't even come up. they come up even delivered on both of the 4th the 4th
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till then like of the cases we documented them get the city of clean water for them to drink. how are they supposed to know if there's coming on? we as low comes we as local i civil society. know what time and is we are experiencing it. deluxe a trucks is only a couple of 100 meters away and the end of some boulder. and is why the fluids policy is depriving us of that i fly. thank you so much my a booty. he is one of the organizers of the campaign to the clear gaza assignments rick in area or a disaster zone. let's not forget the people here in the middle are often looking at their t be seeing the image is coming out of gauze and they feel they tell us that they're helpless and they want more from the palestinian authority to help aid the people in the besieged cause us to do that, but he manages ita from a law the occupied westbank palestine. the
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voting has been extended in some parts of south africa because of the large turned out to the general election. president 0 around a post as african national congress is facing a serious challenge for the 1st time in 3 decades. soaring unemployment, rolling power cuts in violent crime or key issues along the south african voters for me to mail it has this report from so with the immediately off the cost of these votes. and so went to prison and sold on the 4th. so was back on the campaign trail for his party. the african national congress will and see a final push for a party in trouble. this is the day when south africa decide, decide on the future of our country. who should lead the government of south africa. and i have no doubt whatsoever in my heart of hearts that the people will once again,
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invest confidence in the african national congress to continue to lead to this country. but the latest polls indicate the party may struggle to reach a 50 percent majority in parliament. and if it fails, it would be forced to form a coalition. it's government for 50 years with much of its support, tracing back to its origins as on the duration movement, opposing apartheid in south africa. so that demographic is changing nearly 28000000 people are registered to vote. many of them for the 1st time. it's august the 4th time and we don't really understand. so you know, what kind of politics that well, and we're trying to gather as much information as we can draw and research pretty as a democracy is a very long way. that'd be tom. so i just want to continue to help our country, you get to a better place. but politicians and officials are concerned. many young people may stay away from the polls. it's a high unemployment rate, especially among the young is and good many of them to use uh,
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an important part of the selection clearly because as you go through the demographic, the younger you all the less likely you are to identify with the n c for historical reasons, moreover, about 7 or 8000000 young south africans, i'm the fuzzy of decline to register for this bird. so that's part of the eligible voting population. i'm not registered, they didn't effect that back on electro democracy. so address issues like corruption lacked last day economy constant. paul looked at some crime unlikely to influence their vote. opposition parties are hoping for a high turn out the polls to grow their support and other things, and know what turnouts makes. save of the governing proxy. as many of it's supposed to have a long been loyal to wait, but many of the votes has been spoken to say they will change. the most significant change may be the end of one party dominance and uncertainty to the amc and it's liter sudle. remo parsa freedom of ultra 0,
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so it is go to mike hannah, who has been following this day of voting and mike, you're currently at the results operation center in the mid rand. what's happening there of the? well, this is not a center. this is where all the results will come in and on the board behind me there you will get the results in real time as they collated and finished collating . so that will start happening in coming dollars as a result, start coming in and getting counted. now what do we do know at this point is that voting is continuing at some 60 percent of the voting booths. now, the, in the independence election commission announced earlier that anybody who is in a queue at the time that the polls close, which is over an hour ago now, will be able to vote. now we saw that we will have to nearby pole here in the case of the disappearing crowd for those is ordinarily a broad costs. and what has happened while i was talking to the camera,
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is that officials behind me moved over a 1000 people into the school grounds itself, closing the gates so that they know that everybody who is in the queue will be able to vote. and nobody else can join the q off to the cut up with a voting time. now that i imagine is the sort of system that is happening at the voting booths throughout the country. but what we do know in at least 60 percent of those voting is continuing until the last person who is in the queue at 9 o'clock local time cost to his or her to mike, can you, you know, the story so well, i was hoping you could give sort of pull back the curtain from our viewers about how south africans talking about this selection. you not just when they, when they don't have the playing microphones of during this, right. when they're in their comfort zones with friends, family, what kind of debates are they having? how are they talking about the selection? well, the debates is how to get
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a better life than who is going to provide that to life. now this is the 7th election since democracy since 1994. the amc has swept each of those selections. the is the current public debate that in this case the agencies facing a very real election challenge. it has been in government for this period of time and yet many believe that it has not deliberate as it should have deliberate. the amc has a acknowledge mistakes that it's made in the past, but continues to insist that it will deliver on its promises. should it get voted in as the majority party again, but why don't have this so much discussion about this at the moment is the fact that the parties are talking about forming coalition is to take on the a and c o l. sports, the amc into forming a coalition with one of the party if it doesn't get to 50 percent majority. but the amc itself remains confidence that that is within the public as
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a whole historic memory. but it was the amc that was an operation organization that battled against the pond. take 10 in the end, one b a and see, let that struggle. and there is among many stole that a glimmering memory of that with a v a n. c can continue to bank on that and the selection. well, that's something we hate to be finding out in a few hours. yeah, absolutely. it's going to be so interesting to watch the results as they come. and you told us that we should get a good idea of the results in the next 18 to 24 hours, maybe early, or you're at the results operation center. so we'll be checking back in with you. thank you so much, mike. i is still a head on alpha 0 or rate the jury in new york begins deliberating, and donald trump push money case. he insists the trial is unfair. nature's power on display,
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right there. that's an iceland raising concerns for residents in tramps the hunted in then millions. stephens prize does a delicacy value just as highly if i called cells in the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different shrugs with exclusive access lines, joins the environmental prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the list of the world of wildlife trafficking and its devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and hunches on al jazeera, the latest news, as it breaks. the hot fidelity is a very critical point right now are not far from completely shutting down all the further this with details coverage houses are being forced down the live with the constant. fear that more is right is hawks, are never far behind from the hearts of the story. the is very well in the golf is
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flip has list to talk to can go you many carrying position as huge amounts of waste flights courses. that 3 the they fled from the world's most secretive states. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences. but to shining a light on the home at kings and bring danger one on one east meets north korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera, the news the, the watching out. a reminder of our headlines this hour is really forces have killed $22.00 palestinians across guns on wednesdays. 15 of them in russia. more than 1000000 people have been forced to leave the southern city in the past 3 weeks
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. the united nations security council has meant to discuss the deteriorating situation in gaza. voucher is proposing a draft resolution folding for his real to stop the killing. in rough south africa's electoral commission says that there's been a heights for announced in the general elections. poles have closed in most places, but the electoral commission says that those waiting and long lines at the following sessions will be able to counselor, balance ukrainian, president followed him. your zalinski is seeking the approval of allies to use the weapons that they funded to directly hit russian territory. russian president vladimir putin has warned a serious consequences if miss sized cross the border. john home and reports from keith president below them is the landscape travelling round europe, signing weapons deals with belgium, portugal in spain, agreement. but it's not just um, she probably needs, he says, but changes to how it's allowed to use the strike. increasingly he's government
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speaking against the but particularly from the us or using the width is it provides to with tech, russian territory and navid just the bunch of storage, even from recognizance, you get maps, satellite images, but you cannot respond to. i think it's unfair, but we cannot, and this is a fact risk the supporting of our partners. and that is why we do not use the weapons of our partners on the territory of the russian federation. please give us the opportunity to retaliate against their military sol. system ukrainian officials say that means that con, still russian troops that it knows a massing on its border before they cross or talk me so launching sites if this is the increasingly european allies, the change in that positions britson gave the green light for you. cranium forces to use its weapons inside russia. earlier in may, now serve his friendship president emanuel mack, chrome should, so not even have it. the point is we tell them what supplying you with weapons,
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but you cannot defend yourselves. we stay exactly within the same framework. we think that we should allow them to neutralize the ministry sites from which the missiles, a fire mit other european countries like suite to have done like weiss. but the biggest weapons provide that to you. crime by far is the united states and sofa despite already sending the country long range missiles is resisting nearby. this was the white house, but they can choose the one i just sort of where the interest that presence of warranty is expressed. in this regard, i would tell you that there's no change to our policy at this point. we don't encourage or enable the use of us supplied weapons to strike inside russia and you buy from us is reportedly worried about escalation. and so it should says president vladimir putin laptops live in the representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, especially in small countries. they should be aware of what they are playing with before talking about striking russian territories. in general,
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this constant escalation can lead to serious consequences. meanwhile, ukraine continues on the box to with an ongoing brushing offensive in the how to keep region. and it says more troops messing that, it's northern border. it's on the home and how does it keep the hungary government has signed to deal with bella roost to help build a 2nd nuclear power plant in hungry foreign ministers from the 2 nations announced the agreement in minsk congress packs to react or has been under construction by russia's state agency, rosa thompson's 2014. the $13500000000.00 project has experience several delays. nearly 3000 sydney's refugees, stranded in ethiopia, have now been on a hunger strike for nearly a week. within 5000 of them are being held in camps under ethiopian control and forest. cindy, i'm har, region the board, a sedan there, protesting against their detention and the lack of food and medicine. they fled
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deteriorating humanitarian conditions at another camp. earlier this month, the we less becomes and sled for our lives. we will pull to, to many organizations about the lack of security. as a rapid support for system comes to thomas the low valuables, the break women, and take a trojan into servitude. no response was received from any organizations. that's why we were forced to leave. we all know stranded in the woods without security or food. even clean water is not available. all the units suited in these refugees are living in dire and complicated conditions here, and one of them are as forest pictures, speak volumes for 2 weeks. those refugees are left exposed to the elements. the rainy season started in the total absence of the you and hcr, or the ethiopian government, about $5000.00 refugees are left without shelter,
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food, water, or even security. and so the jury and donald trump, the so called hush, money trial, has been dismissed for the day. after deliberating for 4 hours, trump is facing $34.00 felony charges excuse the falsifying business records. the cover of payments to adult film star stormy daniels during the 2016 presidential election campaign. the payments were allegedly meant to prevent daniels from going public about her claims of an affair from has pleaded not guilty to all charges. nbc j grey has more from outside the court house in new york, or they've been sitting quietly, taking notes, instructed by the judge not to discuss the case, but now it's the jury's time to speak. after just over an hour of explanations and details about the rule of law, then instructions to guide them through the deliver ration process. a group of 7 men and 5 women on this jury move behind closed doors to review, discuss at times,
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perhaps argue over testimony from 20 with this is and more than 250 evidence submissions working toward a verdict in this history making case. as he left the court room, former president trump again blasted the proceedings he has roundly criticized the judge and said repeatedly that this trial is politically motivated. after staying late last night to your closing arguments, the jury resumes it's normal schedule, which means if there is no verdict they will leave at about 430 this afternoon and then come back and resume deliberations tomorrow. we have been told by the judge that he will each day ask them if they want to stay a bit later to continue to deliver ations. but that that choice has entirely up to them. as for the former president, he is required to state not in the courtroom, but inside the court house. as long as the jury is there,
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as they decide whether the former president will be the 1st in our nation to also be a convicted felon. that's the latest from here in lower manhattan and j grey. the temperatures in northwest daily of hit 52.9 degrees celsius. now that is the highest temperature ever recorded in india. the intense heat wave of straining power grids and causing water shortages nationwide. india often the surface scorching summer temperatures, but research has found the climate change is causing more frequently waves that are more intense. and the volcano in south west in iceland is a rough thing for the 5th time since december. the new fisher is shooting lava or about 15 meters, 55050 meters into the air. the nearby town of greenville and a geothermal spa resort has been evacuated. iceland is media or logical office reported intense earthquake activity in the lead up to this erosion. that's it for
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me 0 then yay! weather is next. then inside story looks at the peace summit proposed by the cranium. presidents, will it return the world's attention to the war? the low? there's been a lot of activity rolling around southern china. so this has striked, southern gwen g problems with copious amounts of frames here. water logged roads tough to get around. and i tell you this morning, the forecast here on sunday. the storms lining up lighting up from the gang see to the pro river valley. once again, impacting bungee providence on thursday, just how the story goes for japan. we've got a disturbance of type who moving just to the east could kicked back a few drops of rain for the pacific coast of sure, cocoa and hunt. you have enough data for china is capital beijing,
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34 degrees and some rain in the forecast for harbin. here's where all that weather is in the south trying to see this is some of what's causing the storms in southern china. flood alerts in play for northern philippines, lose on island, and there has been some funding, in se, there's a way easy and central kelly, montana on borneo island trust straightly. we go personal. it's whether you stay most rainfall and about $300.00 days. still a few showers, but here's where the bulk of that rain is, the kimberly the red center, down into that southeast corner. gotta tell you when this rolls through, it's going to dramatically dropped down those temperatures. adelaide just 16 degrees and new zealand. still a cool breeze for now, but those winds will turn around on friday, and temperatures will go up the,
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the, the president for all of them is that on skis, hoping a piece some, it will return the world's attention to ukraine's will. with russia roches. nothing vices and some major will of late is on coming on the chance of success does it have this is the inside story, the


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