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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business leg just is free to you believe i guess is a nice guy on one of your just makes model inflates the, [000:00:00;00] the serial of any aides good to have you with us. this is the news. our life from the coming up in the program today is real, kills dozens of palestinians across gaza, as is really ground forces whiting their results on the rough, claiming for the operational control of the border area. with egypt. algeria proposes a un security council resolution ordering israel to stop it's military offensive
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and rasa immediate. a high turnout reported in south africa and an election that could see the governing amc party loosened its hold on power discharges. and the jury begins deliberating, and donald trump hush money case. the former us president insist the trial is unfair. don piece has statements with your support. also to have the points of hon . see slick is a new head coach before mature many and by munich manager takes over from chevy at the spanish club by the so we begin this news hour in gaza where at least 31 palestinians have been killed since early on wednesday. israel's military is keeping up it strikes despite calls for it to stump its operation. 21 palestinians were killed in rasa. b is really
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forces are pushing further into the southern city. include already reports from darrow, by the in central gaza. the dangers, talk for ambulance crews driving through the streets and reflect to reach the injured they find one man with charco for nearly 8 months now. they've dealt with this concept. so of that a good people. but the so that the, the, we are receiving human is costs for health, from citizens as part of the targeting. just keep people in these areas, but just staying even under safe areas. and the, the difficulty for ambulance is to reach the areas is great to, to, to the targeting of emergency jobs. and i used to do a complement of civil defense of the truck in the face i'm getting into is, are filled with people needing medical house. what happened was an explosion took place and they were shop. now, this is what happened. and the old man got shopping in his head. i thought
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a morality hospital medics to what they can do, treat the wounded. it's the same for the few hospitals, so operating across cause a with the shortage of beds and medicines at the root cause of hospitals south for newness some patients are having to be treated. the for the situation is no different here in the hospital. a desperate attempt to save lives with a few resources left in the city. i just see that there is, but i got upon the sign is real, is expanding its military operation in central in western rasa. the military says it is in full operational control of the border area with egypt known as the philadelphia car door. know this area that you see on the map. there is 14 kilometers long. it's intended to be de militarized buffer zone, running along the border between gaza and egypt. houses 0 sarah high right has more from jordan israel. remember his band alpha 0 from reporting from inside israel. so
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sorrow is in the jordanian capital. this is randy minutes. 3 says it has full operational control of the philadelphia car, a tool, and that how much tunnels have been found use to smuggle weapons from egypt into the gaza strip. well, egypt hasn't confirmed any of this is riley cheese. the stuff has been speaking from rough off, saying that to get rid of how much is a national priority and that they will continue the fights and rough off until that goal is achieved. all of this was the opposition leaders have been meeting in tel aviv to discuss the plan to get rid of this current government as a quote on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign as soon as possible. meanwhile, international pressure and condemnation increases by the de, against is ro, side of height of alger 0. i'm on. and again, that reminder that we're reporting out of the jordanian capital because the is really government has been announced as euro from reporting in the country
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displaced palestinians in rasa say there are no so called safe zones anywhere in the gaza strip houses here, as i'm sure if i'm or i went to a make shift camp in l. milwaukee in the south, how soon is really straight killed at least 21 palestinians. he spoke to someone who survived tuesdays attack and this is his report, a number. and you did see heavy an o gotten with the way you did it. the other one up there is that a, b and we are currently in the western part of roughly in the milwaukee area. this is the 3rd wave of air strikes committed by the is rarely forces in less than 48 hours displaced. palestinians came to this area after the is really military, designated a safety monetary and zone. thousands flocked to the area and put up tents for shelter in a minute. how many of your family members have been killed? my mother and father, the most precious thing in my life. i lost
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a piece of my heart. what do these riley's want from us? haven't they had enough? haven't they got a weary? good. i wish i was killed. i wish i can join them. what is life to me now? i will live in pain and agony, grieving over my family, all my life. it would have been better if i was killed with them the. ready the is really is claims that were off, it was safe. 2 the items that we were warned to leave tennessee dot and we did to did in bella, and we did. and the same to alpha. where is that safety? there is no safe engine. the entire gauze and strip displacement is not a picnic. it is nothing but pain and agony that god beyond the what is your message to the world?
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oh, absolutely no. i wish all those responsible will go through the same agony, taste the same bitterness, feel the same pain we experienced the at that deal. i mean that dozens of civilians were killed and dozens more injured in taken to the makeshift hospitals put up west of rafa. shock and disbelief is overwhelmingly visible on the faces of all those in rome. for the, for the air strikes carried out by the is really war, plans were intense. why do you use the shut off phones upon the behind? i should add on. good bye. in the most of those killed women and children, children were always playing here. they were all to pieces. 40 parts, scott said, all over the place, women, and innocent children, there was no safe place in the entire strip. the victims families were displaced from all shots. the area in cause a city, it wasn't the 1st time to be forced to move back to court and i say or not. if you had the a month because they it as is clearly noticeable,
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there is no safe and send the entire gaza strip displaced peoples tensor showered not only by missiles from drones in more plans, but also artillery shells from the land and warships from the sea. the is really air strikes or intensifying, well targeting mainly displaced civilians are shut off, blah, blah. this is just the all mo, off the offer is really, is continuing its operation and rasa in violation of the international court of justice is ruling on may 24th the i, c, j, ordered israel to hold its military offensive and rough uh, immediately since the end is really forces have killed at least $83.00 palestinians, and rasa dozens more remain buried under the rubble. the united nations security council has met to discuss the deteriorating situation in gaza. algeria is set to propose a draft security council resolution calling for israel to stop the killing and rasa ambassadors condemned israel's attack on attend campaign ross on sunday, which killed 45 people as well as you as
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a responsible member of the security council. and with the support of the auto group has decided to submit a draft to this solution and everyone in discounts and to ensure that it's sort of sponsibility, we hope, or the these gold size that off. that is what lucian con. god does the support of people to one in discount. so the whole world won't of what the nice lady offensive and bluff would mean a no pause, such an offensive and yet is while proceed with the consequences that your old full so i'm available. human suffering is on one specialist and you'll still understand that if they remain in gaza, that is the feat,
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death or displacement. maybe i should say, death and displacement displacement and when would it be enough? what other level of cruelty must be leached before this assault is finally blocked to and then there is no red line imposed by legality of actuality humanity. that is why it has not costs. it is now costing the red line set by the entire world on buffer, and it is the duty of this concert to uphold the 3rd line. human lives at stake to uphold the 3rd line and to take decisive action to force is way to hold its military offensive and to a low it's occupation forces and to ensure an immediate cease fire. kristin salumi has more on the resolution from the un headquarters in new york of israel's attacks on ross. i was widely condemned by security council members,
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many of whom reference the order of the international court of justice just days earlier and such military activity. algeria, for its part called on the security council to back a concise resolution supporting the i, c, j, and international law. while the un special coordinator for the middle east peace process called on the international community to get behind a framework for guys as recovery. no attempts to address the military and security chose this will be sustainable unless it's a part of a broad approach that addresses gusts of political future. that future is an integral part of a single unified palestinian state, which is a closer foundation for realizing a 2 state solution. now no vote has been scheduled on al jerry as draft resolution yet. france for it's part, has expressed support for it. but it's also been working on a more comprehensive solution to ending with conflict directed at
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a 2 state solution. present salumi alj, a 0, the united nation. you accept it as a senior advisor, the quinn seems institute for responsible statecraft. that's a think tank focused on us foreign policy. you while you're joining us from new york, i wanted to talk to you to address what looks like a contradiction in u. s. foreign policy. the us president joe biden allow me a little bit of a lead up here that you as president joe biden said that there would be a price to pay for israel if it's military moved into rafa. here's the exact bite and quote, this is from an interview with cnn earlier this month. quote, i made it clear that if they go into a rough or i am not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rosco, i've made it clear to the is really prime minister in the war cabinet. they're not going to get our support if in fact they go into these population centers and quote this for us from 3 weeks ago since then, it is really tanks have been spotted earlier this week in the center of russell. and these really military has targeted displaced palestinians,
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killing them with us bonds that's been established. so of course the white house national security and the spokesman john kirby was asked about all of this. and he says, israel has not yet launched a full assault on or off despite these attacks. listen to this, everything we're seeing and we can see everything. but everything that we can see tells us that they are not moving in, in a major ground operation in population centers, in the center of rasa. we still don't want to see these realities as we say, smash and or off, or with large units over cover over large pieces of their territory. okay, you uh, you heard the president, 3 weeks ago you heard his national security adviser yesterday. has the us just moved the gold post to move the president's red line as well? i think what the, by the administration,
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like many other american policy makers are learning. once again, is it providing largely unconditional military aid to israel is extremely dangerous because it was real, has demonstrated that they are either unwilling or incapable of abiding by their own state of the rules of again, engagement, let alone american red lines that they simply aren't behaving like a professional military israel bomb the world. central kitchen again workers. they killed 45 displays. people in rob, of using a weapon made by boeing and shipped from united states. and they have now entered into the spike woods on kirby says, in what appears to be a major ground incursion. interoffice is becoming increasingly clear that defines the white house is either on the interested in enforcing any red lines on israel or that these red lines, maybe the simply don't actually exist. oh, so why doesn't okay, so 2 things i suppose. i start with this one in that case, why does the president say do what he said he would do? and limits or withdrawal military support for israel?
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what i think they are low is to undertake an action like that or to even acknowledge that their reliance have been crossed. and you know, i think there are probably 2 reasons that are fairly consistent. but certainly one can quibble about how well thought out they are. i mean, i think on the domestic political front, there is a fear of offending voters and donors coming into what's going to put some really hotly contested an american presidential election. but there's also the strategic reason that undergrads this and which is very consistent across administrations of doubling down on what is arguably failed strategies of, you know, embracing these relays, embracing doesn't know who closely with the believe. but by doing so, one can influence their decision making. now, once again, it's hard to show how that the actually played out here in a way that couldn't justify that, that theory or that strategy, or make one want to continue pursuing it. but it certainly seems to be a persuasive argument for many policy makers. so, but just as a matter of logic then,
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if biden doesn't actually want to limit us military support for israel, why did he say he would increase an immediate credibility issue as absolutely, and he was facing increasing domestic little alone the international backlash for the positions that he had taken of providing this unconditional support in a and i think as a way of trying to back stop the or the way i'm trying to address those concerns. and at this point, i would doubt that, you know, he's lost maybe around 3 percent of the voters who voted for him in, in the previous election in 2020 or now saying they might not vote for him. again. that could be pretty decisive in swing states. so you're looking to do something to say something. and i think that's where the making statements about the potential for, for freezing weapons sales for holding them up and be they get ahold of some with insight weapons transfers that have that scheduled to, to occur, plays into it. they kind of want to have it both ways and unfortunately by having it both ways they, they might not make anyone happy. you. okay,
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so you've kind of addressed this next point, but i think there's a little bit more meet on that boat is how much do americans actually care about what's happening in rasa? and i assume that's something that's very, you know, that's a question. biden must be asking himself, i mean, what the pulling of what drives american votes and elections for policy tends to be pretty low. that said, this is looking to be a razor. and then the presidential election, you have a swing states where a small percentage of votes may actually determine the outcome for the entire country for the election. so i think in this case it could matter a great deal, even diff, actually where it stands stacks up in terms of motor issues is relatively low. this is a really hot button issue for the administration. it's incredibly divisive within the united states. it's incredibly divisive within democratic like likely democratic voters. it's incredibly devices, but devices within the donor base,
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but nobody needs to raise the estimated $1000000000.00. the one needs now to run a presidential campaign in this country. so i think he's facing a lot of competing interest, a lot of competing needs, and unfortunately, i'm not sure of the outcome we're getting is actually beneficial for us. national security are advanced as american interest in the world. little alone helps protect innocent people in roswell. okay, eli clifton, senior advisor to quincy institute for responsible stay craft. thank you very much for your time today. thanks for having me. at least to palestinians have been killed in and is really airstrikes on the home and jamalia in northern gaza. attacks have intensified there for weeks after is really forces re entered, the north saying a mouse had to regroup. there was a hoot reports from july. it's of these that the way the ground, the ration and nothing does stress is not over yet. for 16 days. as the way to force this keeps advancing in the central areas of nothing goes
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a stress. is there any forces have a 12 minute to control the value of a fidget canvas shift say, show a bit. yeah, yeah. in addition to a solution is and heavy us are we an area of attacks right now? live reserves cross cap, the shooting every little by and by the emptiness of these areas and civil defense cannot reach the dead bodies industries just because of the heavy fire. the 200000 palestinians had to flee. nothing goes a strip and the east of nothing goes trip to the west. as is where the forces altered in order to have a safer place on a ship to all of these people had to flee without water, food, or even batteries in order to live out of the dock. nice, there. these people are experiencing under president township and a crushing human started circumstances. and when it comes to food here,
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timing storms and hits, nothing goes again as nothing enters the total hurry for a very long time. and people he are asking when this will end to the palestinians and gaza are experiencing a major shortage of medicine and medical supplies. the delivery of life saving aid and to the strip has reduced sharply under his really restrictions delays and his latest military incursion into a rough and gas is displacement camps. pharmacists struggles to help an ever expanding population of sick and wounded are a couple of reports. this a smoke tent is the only place displaced palestinians in garret black and get much needed medicine box quickly running out of the tub. most children's medicine, along with those for chronic and acute disease is i've totally gone. also
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anesthetics that not available in any for many of the injured pots of dead bodies, amputated a new dentist, fedex. but these items that totally out of stock comes for you with the doctor. yes, he took all the medicine he could carry you when he fled. is very bombardments in the nose on that, and i used to own a farm or something cause a city it was destroyed by these really forces. this is what is left of this talk. we had is made shift, pharmacy only has toppling into it to protect it. from the weather, yet it's become a lifeline for doses assemblies. so how do we on the test on the online menu item all must be kept in low temperature and we do not have a cooler full. so we all set onto thing waste and garbage. we insisted insert the flies and mosquitoes. it is very hard to know what we are doing, our very best to sort of our community to buy and provide the best possible medical
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assistance to the accounts hight temperatures. and i want to show 2 types of fees of outbreaks of disease among the thousands living in displacement camps is very attacks on hospitals and restrictions on the into your aid have left most of the strips, medical work is unable to cope since as well. it began is encouraging and refined. earlier this month, the world health organization says only 3 of its 8 trucks have been able to enter the area with much of gauze as medical to impress truck routes are due to the east venue. relentless attacks. palestinian pharmacist have a fee to be to pick. and let's hope for old gauze is this place assemblies are trying to provide them with lifelines as they are trying to find power outages and even extreme temperature affect to ations that negatively when medicine,
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storage power is about as boone. i would just be around there with the palestine. the voting has been extended in some parts of south africa because of the large turn out to the general election. president serial rem, oppose as african national congress is facing a serious challenge for the 1st time and 3 decades. soaring unemployment, rolling power cuts in violent crime, or key issues among voters for me, the miller has this report from so what immediately off the cost of these votes. and so with all presidents over on the plaza, was back on the campaign trail for his party. the african national congress will and see a final push for a party in trouble. this is the day when south africa decide decides on the future of our country, who are sure to lead the government of. busy africa and i have no doubt
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whatsoever in my heart of hearts that the people will once again, invest confidence in the african national congress to continue to lead to this country. but the latest polls indicate the party may struggle to reach a 50 percent majority in parliament. and if it fails, it would be forced to form a coalition. its government for 50 years with much of its support tracing back to its origins as the liberation movement, opposing parties in south africa. so that demographic is changing nearly 28000000 people are registered to vote. many of them for the 1st time, it's august. the 4th time and we don't really understand. so you know, what kind of politics that well, and we're trying to gather as much information as we can draw and research pretty as the democracy is a very long way that we've come. so i just want to continue to help our country get a better place. but politicians and officials are concerned. many young people may
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stay away from the polls. a high unemployment rate, especially among the young, is and good many of them to use uh, an important part of the selection clearly because as you go through the demographic, the younger you all the less likely your to identify with the agency for historical reasons. moreover, about 7 or 8000000 young south africans under fuzzy have declined to register for this word. so that's the end of the eligible voting population. i'm not registered, they didn't effect and that back on electro democracy. so address issues that corruption lacked last day economy constant. paul looked at some crime unlikely to influence their vote across the options here as mike hannah, who's been covering this boat who's now in the town of mid around the results operation center. we see that big screen behind you, mike. the results are going to be coming in, but that's not happening yet because actually voting have to be extended, right?
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this isn't evil. what happened is that the cues live so long that the independence electro commission insisted that every posting station at which there is a q must stay open until everybody in that queue has voted. so they are allowing every party who was in the queue at 9 pm local time, which is when the official in the voting everybody who is in a queue at that time will be allowed or was allowed to vote. so we do understand, there are several polling stations where those cues are still in place with people all continuing to vote. so yes, it is taking a lot longer than it was a thoughts, but it was something that reflected what has happened throughout the day that had to be long queues throughout the day in many of the countries voting centers. and we've heard from the independent selection commission as that the, to an out in the selection is much higher than it was back in 1929 team. so it does
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appear to be a really huge to announce, we're looking at well over 62 percent. it would appear at the stage which the independence electrical commission would describe as a massive success. that might, this is a really interesting election to watch for south africa because for the last 30 years, the african national congress, the amc has dominated politics, has been in power for 3 decades. but this time it's not so sure we just did the results this time are not a foregone conclusion. while the opinion polls indicate that that's the i n c, which every election a since democracy in 1994. and this is the 7th has up to the stage. court will over 50 percent of the boat in most cases, well over 60 percent of the boat. but in this particular election, polls indicate that i didn't see support has dropped. this is for
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a number of reasons. it's the right of a new generation of voters who may not like their parents. remember the amc as the liberation organization that defeated upon take. there's also a rise of the political parties, various political alliances that have been formed. so the polls indicates that the amc may not get that 50 percent wife needs to 50 percent. it needs the majority in the 400 c national assembly. the majority of the next the uh, the countries president. so it is actually critical for b and c to get to that we get. now despite all these polls and see lead is continue to insist that they are actually confident of getting that 50 percent. if they don't, they all going to start having to consider coalitions with one or more parties in order to se impala even though they would have to share it. but as i said, amc leaders and says that that will not be the case. but as a result,
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start to come in and as we begin to get trends emerging as to what does exactly happen, things will come a little bit clearer. yeah, absolutely, and you'll help us scrutinize the, the board, the big screen behind you throughout the evening and possibly into tomorrow. mike had a reporting from mid ran. thank you very much. i. this is still a head on alpha 0, ukraine's president's autumn, as the landscape falls for a change of strategy and the war against russian forces and a warning of dangerous levels of heat in india's capital. as temperatures reached levels and never seen before in the country. also in sports, boxing fans can now look forward to a christmas cracker in the middle east. we'll have all the details later. this
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is just in time for your weather update across europe in africa. and while we've got a bubble of heat through the baltic states, spell the roots and western rush, i mean re good. you could hit 30 degrees for the 1st time this year. last year you didn't hit 30 degrees until mid july. so in the thick of summer, we're not even into summer yet. now speaking of temperatures since heat, now let's go to i'd be area 31 degrees and this been on thursday, but we'll keep this try and go in even more. how about 35 on friday, dark the read the hotter it is and that 35 degrees could be good enough for a new record as you and hope the month of may on friday 1st. if summer is on saturday. okay. here's where it gets a bit messy. rain rolling through switzerland. we've got a pretty heavy pocket of rain as well along the border with hungry and romania. st goes for poland as well. but that will do little to press down your temperatures. a slug of rain, southern searcy around on talia that will make its way up to the black sea coast into africa. we go, the heats been blasting through, sudan chad. any share. in fact, for ne ne share, we set
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a record hottest me day on record, but 48 degrees c other day. let's go to the south. big change and this temperature is for cape town, $818.00 degrees, but a painting. your turn comes a day later on friday, you've got a quote wind out of the south bye for now. since israel's war and gaza, thousands of the simians hoping indiscriminately displaced really forces are systematically targeting health care infrastructure. hospitals of one of the only safe options to seek refuge until they became targets from wages war from hospital . i remember seeing a soldier inside the hospital, alger 0 world investigates where the east ran is violating international. no, but targeting supposedly a new crisis doctor to run hospitals on out to 0, a former film and for you to stop traumatized by eastern few knows more of independence,
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but determined to turn tragedies to commer. this comic genius concealing his own more scholars creates a fictional character which uses happiness to chase people taking away the witness. this is the reality on that jersey the, you're watching else or 0 reminder of our headlines this hour is really forces of killed 22 palestinians across casa, on wednesday. 15 of them in rasa. more than 1000000 people have been forced to
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leave the southern city in the past 3 weeks. the united nations security council has met to discuss the deteriorating situation in gaza. how jerry is proposing a draft resolution pulling for israel to stop the killing and off or south africa's electrical commission says there's been a high turn out in the general elections. poles have closed in most places, but the electoral commission says those waiting and long lines when polls closed, we'll be able to counter balance the jury and donald trump, so cold hush, money trial has been dismissed for the day. after deliberating for 4 hours, trumpets facing $34.00 felony charges accused the falsifying business records to cover up payments to adult film star stormy daniels. during the 2016 presidential election campaign, the payments were allegedly meant to prevent daniels from going public about her claims of an affair. after leaving the court room on wednesday, trump again called the trial unfair and said that the charges were rig he has pleaded not guilty to all charges. nbc j grey has more from outside the court house
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in new york. they've been sitting quietly, taking notes, instructed by the judge, not to discuss the case, but now it's the jury's time to speak. after just over an hour of explanations and details about the rule of law, then instructions to guide them through the deliberation process. the group of 7 men and 5 women on this jury move behind closed doors to review, discuss at times, perhaps argue over testimony from 20 witnesses, and more than 250 evidence submissions working toward a verdict. and this is free making case. as he left the court room, former president trump again blasted the proceedings he has roundly criticized the judge and said repeatedly that this trial is politically motivated. after staying late last night to your closing arguments,
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the jury resumes its normal schedule, which means if there's no verdict they will leave at about 430 this afternoon and then come back and resume deliberations tomorrow. we have been told by the judge that he will each day ask them if they want to stay a bit later to continue to deliver ations. but that that choice has entirely up to them. as for the former president, he is required to state not in the courtroom, but inside the court house. as long as the jury is there, as they decide whether the former president will be the 1st in our nation to also be a convicted felon. that's the latest from here in lower manhattan and jake, right. ron and phillip cowski is a former state and federal prosecutor. you're also the editor in chief of political new sites. midas touch dot com. and you're joining us from sarasota, florida. thank you very much for your time, ron. so the jury is deliberating, as ray was explaining what happens in that room behind closed doors between those
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12 drawers as well. for one thing their cell phones are confiscated, so they can't have any contact whatsoever with the outside world. they can't, they can't call a friend, they can't get any advice or look anything up. and, and so what a lot of times things can get very heated in those rooms because they have to reach a unanimous verdict on at least 2 aspects of, of these, these charges. so that's very difficult to get 12 people to agree on anything, especially something this controversial and politically charged is one person in that room. if there's one person that really disagrees, then then that can hang things up for quite a while. why do you say you need them as verdict? i understand that part, but about you said about at least 2 aspects of the verdict. well, because there's 3 parts to the crimes that are charged. park number one has to be unanimous. they have to find that business records were falsified part number 2. they have to find that the reason why they were falsified was to cover up
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a crime that also must be unanimous. so they all must agree on those 2 things. the 3rd part does not have to be unanimous, and that is what crime were they trying to conceal? the prosecutors gave them 3 different choices sort of a menu to choose from. and as long as 4 of them as long as they all agree that one of those 3 was violated, then then he's guilty. they don't have to all agree on the same one. but one of them was campaign finance laws. one of them was tax fraud. so half of them could say, well, i think the law that was violated was tax fraud. the other half gets a campaign finance. as long as they all unanimously agreed to the 1st 2 parts of it, then they can disagree on. on the 3rd part that seems like a really high bar. i mean, unanimous agreement between 12 people on anything seems like a high bar does it. it and, and yes it is. and so what typically happens when you have this many charges and
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that high bar is if there is disagreement among the jurors. you often get compromises where they might say, ok, we'll agree to convict him of half of the charges or some of the charges, but not others. so they'll reach compromises in those rooms. now, legally, are they supposed to do that? no. but in reality and practicality, that happens quite a quite a lot and the judge doesn't stare them right? no, you can have any input whatsoever. nobody can know what their deliberations are at all. they had 2 questions today that they were brought back into the court room. one was they wanted the law read back to them all over again, which takes about 45 minutes to do this. judge shows not to send the law in writing back with them. it many judges will do that. they will send the jury instructions, the actual law that applies in writing and give them a copy to take with them back in the room. this judge did not do that. so part of the part of the, the delay here is that, you know, dislodged, quite complicated. so they, they wanted to read to them
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a 2nd time and they're having to commit a lot of this the memory. is there a time limit on how long the jury takes to deliberate? i mean, could we still be having this conversation in 2 weeks? i understand it's unlikely, but is it possible? well, no, it's not going to be 2 weeks, but the judges will leave it entirely up to the jury to decide when you come, when you run into a problem is when the jury will sometimes say we can reach a verdict, they'll send a note to the judge, they'll say, look, we have one or 2 people that are holdouts, they just will not agree with the rest of us. so we don't think we're going to be able to do this. what happens then is a hung jury and a missed trial, which means a do over, doesn't mean that he's, he gets to go free. it just means that the prosecution will have to decide if they want to do the whole trial all over again with another jury. often times they don't . so if they have a couple of whole doubts, they'll notify the judge. the judge will typically send them back. they'll get, he'll give them
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a special instruction on how to resolve differences. but if they still can't resolve things, then, then they sort of threw up their hands. so i wouldn't think it would go more than than 2 or 3 days before that would happen. and also something to put in our viewers radar. sentencing is a totally different matter. so they're, they're going to come back. and unless there's a hung jury, there is going to be a decision, right? a conviction or an acquittal on the various counts that the trump is, is a is accused of. um, but then that doesn't mean that we're going to know then in there, assuming that trump is convicted of anything, that doesn't mean we're going to know then in there, what kind of sentence he gets that is true. and in most criminal cases, when somebody is convicted at a trial of a felony, that person is remanded, is taken into jail in the custody. a sentencing hearing is scheduled a month or 2 months out, and that person will stay in jail until that hearing. now in some cases that does not occur, and i don't think that will happen in this case. i think most likely if he's
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convicted, the judge will set a sentencing hearing a month or 2 from now. that's where the decision will be made as far as what he's going to get. and, and i expect that he will let trumps stay out of jail until that sentencing. but there is no guarantee. and trump has been trashing and insulting this judge every single day. so, and it's entirely up to the judge whether he's gonna let him stay out of jail or not. so this judge is going to have to just put all of that aside. and trump is also attacked the judge, his daughter repeatedly the judge is going to have to put all that aside and let him stay out of the kindness of his heart. yet he hasn't pulled his punches with the judge, calling the judge corrupt multiple times run that was old crystal clear. thank you so much for your time and for explaining all of that to us today. sure, happy to do it. thank you. mexicans will likely elect their 1st female president on sunday and candidates, claudia, shine bowman, and such
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a galvez are leading in the polls and mexico, where more than 70 percent of women and girls have already experienced gender based violence officers. 0 spoke to female voters of different generations on their expect uh their expectations for the new gum. and i like it that it is. so you do not hear. my name is gina. a few years ago i quit my job and started my own business. i've got a whole lot. good bye to me numbers, maria. hi, my name is mary. yeah, i am a lawyer and an artist. i work in the hotel business and i have my own online store . the situation for women and mexico's for music. the fact that 11 no 12 women are killed every day in mexico just for being women is horrendous. if several reasons. so what are you going to and step out of the security situation has gotten out of the hands of the government. they are hoping criminals will kill each other so organized crime is taking root in small towns. so people have to flee
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and leave their home go good. mexico has improved in certain areas, but issues like massage any and violence against women are still widespread. so let's hope that will change with the 1st female president. whatever they the candidates have had to adapt to male dominated system. there are suit wearing women, so to speak. but women, nonetheless, they are very strong women with a lot of characters. so i'm pretty made obvious i story other suffice for the 1st time in our history, we're going to have a female president. but to make sure this happens, we all need to vote. it doesn't matter who you vote for, but we need to obtain an overwhelming victory to the opposition. cannot say the election was great. being a man is still a privilege. for example, there are many top jobs that women can't get. so if we have a female president, a historic feet and might help change people's minds,
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west coast to assume that it's going to be that doesn't city, maybe some people might think the candidates are female, they can be manipulated. you know, many men would not like to be in a position where they have to take orders from a woman. it is very side, but that is changing younger people don't think that way. somebody don't auto monthly sadie. i like that. i wouldn't romanticize the idea of having 2 female candidates because at the end of the day they are the daughters of the petri arkell system. but i hope they understand the historic event this represents for this country sort of though, that assignment, this bit of a guessing duncan's team for the next 6 years, they will be running the country. so they should focus on women's issues. i hope this happens, but i am realistic, but i do hope they can improve the situation for women in mexico because this will be a historic event. you say that 6 in your website are ukranian president followed him here as a lensky is seeking the approval of allies to use. the weapons that they funded to directly hit russian territory. russian president vladimir putin has warned of
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serious consequences if messiahs crossed the border. john, holding the reports from keith. president followed them is the lead skis traveling around europe. so i mean weapons deals with belgium puts a girl in spain agreement, but it's not just um, she cried needs, he says, but changes to how it's allowed to use them to strike. increasingly he's government speaking against the but particularly from the us using the width and zip provides to a tech russian territory and navid just the bunch of storage, even from recognizance, you get maps, satellite images, but you cannot respond to. i think it's unfair, but we cannot, and this is a fact risk the support of our partners. and that is why we do not use the weapons of our partners on the territory of the russian federation. please give us the opportunity to retaliate against their military sol. ukrainian officials say that means that conte spelt russian troops that it knows a massing on its border before they cross or talk me so launching sites if this is
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the. increasingly, european allies are changing their positions, brits, and gave the green light for you, cranium, forces to use its weapons inside russia. earlier in may. now serve his french president, emanuel mack, chrome, shoot this. so now the time to the point, we tell them what supplying you with weapons, but you cannot defend yourselves. we stay exactly within the same framework. we think that we should allow them to neutralize the ministry sites from which the missiles, a fire, or the european countries like suite to have done light wise. but the biggest weapons provided to you, crime by far is the united states and sofa despite already sending the country long range missiles, it's resisting nearby. this was the white house, but it can choose to want to just for it at the time where the interest that presence on ski is expressed in this regard, i would tell you that there's no change to our policy at this point. we don't encourage your enable, the use of us supplied weapons to strike inside russia by showing us is reportedly
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worried about escalation. and so it should says president vladimir putin laptops live in the representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, especially in small countries. they should be aware of what they are playing with before talking about striking russian territories. in general, this constant escalation can lead to serious consequences. meanwhile, ukraine continues on the box to it with an ongoing brushing defensive and the how to keep region. and it says more troops messing that, it's northern border on the home. and how does it keep still a head on alpha 0. nature's power on display in iceland raising concerns for residents and travelers. and the world number one was almost knocked out of the french open, but she clawed her way back. we'll have details coming up with peter, stomachs and sport, and just
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a moment the this business uptake the school by the city grove, partner of bung the dashboard forward to use the
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this business uptake the restaurant net bundle dash before to use the the frontier sports news is peter stomach is doing just in the studio theater. so thank you so much for the coast. have become the 1st greek team ever to win a european try to see if they'd be field and seen a 1000000 extra time to win the rope. a conference leak in athens, and it was the seasons top score in the competition. all you've l, call b to do if you score 5 goals against aston villa in the semi finals, and even with the match winner here. all right, so if you don't see that who lost in the final loss due to a 63, your wait for
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a european trophy continues. both of them have high form of germany and bond meaning coach on c flick is a new head coach. the german has signed a 2 year contract with the lead club and we replaced chevy and those who were sacked off to try to see some it slicks 1st coaching job since being funded by the june the national team last september. first of all i, i would like to say thank you to everyone who is included in the house. it's a big bona and also a team. um for me to sign my contract to you in barcelona to work for this platform is amazing club. and i yeah. i'm happy to start one, some titles with by munich, and my hunger is really is really big for tablets. and i would like to to stay on this path with barcelona. and i think we can, we can achieve
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a lot together. and this is an important think spanish full broad costs, the jim. so land told us that the appointment to afflict his boss alone, his new coach box a big change for the castle and club. it's difficult to say if you will fit in these a squad because he was playing something a bit differently. it's true that his ideas, his understanding of your football is similar to the offensive vertical style. i think the decision of a 100 simply 1st is that kids without the jobs so, and they can fit his money expectations. and the fact that i think that's the one that has understood that he's way of playing it need to leave. it will be the more physicality, more pressure, another kind of training and, and maybe not saying good bye to the ideas of always trying to hold the goals and play these to get tucker totals football and while you're playing, but also in mother football, they need to be more of physicality of pressure at to accompany that. otherwise
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there will be no trophies um it's. 5 for in a coach with no history link to barcelona and, and, and this is quite new. we haven't seen that seemed to come up to, you know, at more than 10 years ago that the experienced the them work. and let's see how it goes about tons, typically keys who was very much interested in joining barcelona. and his agent, penny savvy, has a great relation with develop ortho. and i think those are the key factors of him. finally being the coach of barcelona. i had to so many cheerio movement at flicks old club by and munich with the news that vince some company has signed as a new head coach on a 3 year deal bind. i've been on the lookout for new manager. some small show of today decides parkway thomas to go at the end of the season. i finally got them and despite the company and during a tough season with english side, bentley which sold them relegated from the premium. the company who was following titles as a play with mattress, the city will be tossed with bringing the book to sneak it title back to munich off
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to a disappointing food place. finish as well. the one that used to be on sex of, of the huge scale in the 2nd round of the friendship and the she defeated form of grand slam champion. know me a soccer in 3 sites to progressive during the girls. she don't take one the 1st phase, but i li, off the saving a safety point when to a time break and it took a well over an hour as a witness. but then came the soccer fight back the full time. grand slam champion has dropped to as low as $134.00 in the world. but this was the best performance since returning to the, to up to giving birth to tools the in july, last year. she won the 2nd say 61, just the 3rd so it just feels like his last step to friendship. and since 2021. i saw offices for the match. it was 2 points away from winning it. but it was so you wanted to increase the points for this method to by 761675 to be those soccer heart broken. well, the one remains on close to in her 3rd title in
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a row americans foods. the co code golf is also 3. she accounts and full slip in use. tomorrow. is it done? she? $63.00 and $6.00 for the 1st on when suggest 51 minutes, but this time she was on hold for an hour and $3120.00 roll will play your phone when you are diana? yes. from scott dean. the 3rd round. well, number 3, you called us alvarez has booked these place in the friendship and stood round. the splendid was up against us, but the all of the middle is the 2nd round match of running gallows. it is all day according to plan as the food see to stop is to, to safe lead production. good. the young, the 1st to 3rd says have been winds up a break in the fall. but al cortes, 10 things around, off to that. eventually he won 6364 to 6, and 6 to 12 months to a meeting against either so best include a suit,
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me for a criminal charges against adults. will number one, scott suggested i have been dropped. there's not enough evidence to pursue further legal action against the american ship that was arrested before. the 2nd round of the us pga championship, you allegedly attempt to drive around traffic. it was backed up due to a pedestrian faith has the investigation. a data has been set for the re match between undisputed heavyweight boxing champion alexander to say concise and fury. the showdown will happen on december 21st thing. saudi arabia, a venue has not been confirmed. who sick one the 1st 5 by split decision deal this month. that's what was supposed to be useful tonight. so all right, peter stomach there. thank you very much. better us at temperatures in parts of india as capital have reached the highest ever seen in the country. the heat wave is straining power grids in causing water shortages. barbara angle power points, severe heat wave is tormenting,
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residents of india is capital new. den temperatures have sold cost $52.00 degrees. the temperature has gone up extremely high and this heat wave and deli, when we go outside, it seems like someone is slipping out faces. the heat isn't slowing down. delivery, right? as in that port, gotta be the boat in most cases that a lot of times we have to travel time to meet. it's free to go to the blankets. how me write it, even though hands behind it. i've received a hateful message on my phone, but we have no other choice but to we're sorry, it is in the house state closed on government schools for a week after students fainted. and we don't get to meet up on the floor pads these companies that we both do to stream heat and rising temperatures. the students are facing difficulties to collect. there is an electrolyte and balance which is making the students faint of woman or feel different. temperatures are expected to cool down and says stay, but not before causing misery to city dwellers. moder,
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living in slats with each item in effect of cds makes it very works out of the areas are facing the e file more also be a requirement s o l e has the highest quality wiley today. i do 8000. think of the while fi fi to spiteful to bring was 5 under control in general and kashmir state. survivors are $510.00 remo, which back to india is northeastern states. on sunday, rebuilding the homes meteorologist say the extreme was us will become more common because of climate change. barbara and grandpa. out to 0. stuff. ok. know in south western iceland is a rough thing. so the 5th time since december, the new fisher is shooting lava about 50 meters into their nearby town of greenville and a geothermal spa resort have been evacuated. i sends meteor, a logical office,
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reported intense earthquake activity in the lead up to this direction. we're going to take very short back a short break. we're back on the top of the office there with the on june, 2nd mexicans head to the polls to elect a new president. with 2 leading female candidates. the country has points to make history. what can the new leader tackle escalating violence color to mexico presidential election on al jazeera, hunted in then millions. stephens, pines does a delicacy value just as highly if i called cells in the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different tribes with exclusive access lines, joins the environmental. prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals,
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exposing the list of the world of wildlife trafficking and it's devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and hunches on al jazeera, you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red, chris are investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. colleges here. unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump with flood folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly real. it on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make
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sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the way the stream on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the fellow in sort of n e a. it's good to have you with us. this is the news our life from don't coming up in the next 60 minutes is real, kills dozens of palestinians across gaza, as is really ground forces white and their results on the rough are claiming full operational control of the border area with each cause as make shift pharmacies


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