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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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well, as the united states, as role in the us, the stream announces era the, [000:00:00;00] the fellow and serve any a. it's good to have you with us. this is the news. our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes is real, kills dozens of palestinians across gaza, as is rarely ground forces white. and there are salt on the rough uh, cleaning, full operational control of the border area with each causes makes shift, pharmacies, base and acute shortage of medicine and supplies with the rise and casualties and restricted flow of a valid counting begins in south africa as voting is extended in some parts of the country,
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the ruling amc party is facing its biggest places and setting the stage for elections and mexico. the final day of campaigning is the country prepares to elect its 1st female press. the so we begin in gaza where at least 25 pound listings have been killed across the gaza strip since early on wednesday. israel's military is keeping up it strikes despite the calls for it to stop its operation. 21 palestinians were killed in lava . these really forces are pushing further into the southern city and who dari has this report from darrow bella and central augusta. a dangerous talk for ambulance crews driving through the streets and reflect to reach the injured they find one man with charco for nearly 8 months now they've dealt with this
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concept. so of that, are people the so that the other, the we are receiving human as quotes for help from citizens as part of targeting to escape people. and these areas that this thing, even in the safe areas and the difficulty for ambulances to reach the areas is great to, to, to the targeting of the emergency champs. and i used to do a complement of civil defense as truck in the face. i'm going into is are filled with people needing medical house. what happened was an explosion took place and they were shop. now. this is what happened with the old man got shopping in his head. i thought a morality hospital medics to what they can do, treat the wounded. it's the same for the few hospitals, so operating across cause a with the shortage of beds and medicines as a routine cause of hospitals south for newness. some patients are having to be treated the for the situation is no different here in the hospital. a desperate attempt to save was with
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a few resources in the city of the data that is by god, the upon assign israel is expanding its military operation in central in western rasa. the military says it is in full operational control of the border area with egypt, which is known as the philadelphia car door in orange here on your map. the area is 14 kilometers long. it's intended to be a demilitarized buffer zone. running along the border between gauze and egypt. israel has band owls is 0 from reporting from inside israel, so also 0. so high, right? as this report from the jordanian capital i'm on this is randy minute tree says it has full operational control of as an adult, the car, a tool, and that how mazda tunnels have been found, used to smuggle weapons from egypt into the gaza strip. well, egypt hasn't confirmed any of this is really chief of stuff has been speaking from russell, saying that to get rid of how much is
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a national priority and that they will continue the fights and rough off until that goal is achieved. all of this was the opposition leaders have been meeting in tel aviv to discuss the plan to get rid of this current government as a quote on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign as soon as possible. meanwhile, international pressure and condemnation increases by the de, against is ro, side of height. it's all just 0 a month. and a reminder that our teams are reporting from jordan because his real band balance is 0 from operating there at this place, palestinians and ross, i say that there are no so called safe zones anywhere in the gaza strip houses here, as i'm sure off i will i'm right, went to a make shift camping on the was the in the south after it is really straight killed at least 21 palestinians. a spoke to some who survived tuesday's attack, and this is his reports, the number to the g heavy an o gotten with the way you did it. the other one was that
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a b and we are currently in the western part of roughly in the milwaukee area. this is the 3rd wave of air strikes committed by the israeli forces in less than 48 hours displaced. palestinians came to this area after these really military, designated a safety monetary and zone thousands flocked to the area and put up tents for shelter in a minute. how many of your family members have been killed? my mother and father, the most precious thing in my life. i lost a piece of my heart. what do these realities want from us? haven't they had enough? haven't they got a weary? good. i wish i was killed. i wish i can join them. what is life to me now? i will live in pain and agony, grieving over my family, all my life. it would have been better if i was killed with them to be as really as
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claims at ralph. it was safe. the items that we were warned to leave tennessee dot. and we did 2 did in bella, and we did. and the same to alpha. where is that safety? there is no safe engine. the entire gauze and strip displacement is not a picnic. it is nothing but pain and agony that god be on my well like i will be the the what is your message to the world? oh, absolutely. i wish all those responsible will go through the same agony, taste the same bitterness feel the same pain we experienced the that can be, and i mean that dozens of civilians were killed and dozens more injured in taken to the makeshift hospitals put up west of russell shock and disbelief is overwhelmingly visible on the faces of all those in rome for the, for the air strikes carried out by the is really were plans were intense flooding,
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so i'll shut up photos upon the black behind. i shudder eh, on the far in the most of those killed women and children, truth in what ways play and here they will all turn to pieces. 40 parts scott, to the all over the place, women and innocent children. there was no safe place in the entire strip. the victims families were displaced from all shots, the area in gauze, a city. it wasn't the 1st time to be forced to move back to court. did i say or not? if you had the a month because it has is clearly noticeable, there is no safe entering the entire gaza strip displaced people's tensor showered not only by missiles from drones in more plans, but also artillery shells from the land. and warships from the c. b is really air strikes or intensifying, targeting, mainly displaced civilians are shut off, blah, blah. this is just the law, mo, off the awful israel is continuing its operation in rasa in violation of the international court of justice is ruling on may 24th. the i, c. j,
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ordered israel to hold it's military offensive in rough or immediately. but since then, is really forces have killed at least $83.00 palestinians in rough, dozens more, remain buried under the rubble. the united nations security council has met to discuss the deteriorating situation in gaza. ambassador's condemned israel's attack on a camping rasa. on sunday. the attack killed 45 people alger algeria is set to propose a draft resolution calling for israel to stop the killing in russia. julia, as a responsible member of the security council. and with the support of the auto group has decided to submit that off to this lucian and everyone in discounts and to ensure that it's so there's possibilities.
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we hope of the these gold size that off there is a lucian con. god does the support of people one in this concept, the whole world world of what the news lately offensive and what that would mean. i know both such an offensive and yet is while proceed with the consequences that you old full so available human suffering is on one specialist and you still understand that if they remain in gaza, that is the feat, depth of displacement. maybe i should say, death and displacement displacement and when will it be enough? what other level of cruelty must be reached before this assault is finally blocked to and then there is no deadline imposed by legality of actuality humanity. that is
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why it has not cost. if it's not costing the red line set by the entire world on the left side, and it is the duty of this concert to uphold, that's red line. human lives at stake to uphold the 3rd line and to take decisive action to force is way to hold its military offensive and to a low it's occupation forces and to ensure that an immediate cease fire, of course. and so moving as more on the resolution from the un headquarters in new york, a israel's a tax on ross. i was widely condemned by security council members, many of whom reference the order of the international court of justice just days earlier, and such military activity. algeria, for its part called on the security council to back a concise resolution supporting b i. c, j, and international law. while the un special coordinator for the middle east peace process called on the international community to get behind
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a framework for guys as recovery. no attempts to address the military and security chose this will be sustainable unless it's a part of a broad approach that addresses goss as a political future. that future is an integral part of a single unified palestinian state, which is a closer foundation for realizing a 2 state solution. now no vote has been scheduled on al jerry as draft resolution yet. france for it's part, has expressed support for it. but it's also been working on a more comprehensive solution to ending with conflict directed at a 2 state solution. kristen salumi, l g 0, the united nations and the us president joe biden said that there would be a price to pay for israel if it's military moved into rafa. here's his quote from interview with cnn. earlier this month, this was 3 weeks ago. quote, i made a clear that if they go into rasa, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rough. i've made it clear to be is really prime minister and
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a war cabinet. they're not going to get our support. if in fact they go into these population centers both since fight and said that is really tanks of entered rafa, city center and displace palestinians have been killed using american bonds. so the white house, national security spokesman john kirby was asked about all of this on tuesday. he said in his view is real, has not yet launched a full assault on a rock. this of everything we're seeing and we can see everything. but everything that we can see tells us that they are not moving in, in a major ground operation in population centers, in the center of rasa. we still don't want to see these realities as we say, smashing through offer, with large units over, over, over the large pieces of the territory. earlier we spoke to eli clifton about this . he's a senior advisor, the quincy institute for responsible statecraft. that's a think tank focused on us foreign policy and he says, according to him,
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it's becoming evident that biting the so called red line on a wide scale is really offensive, and rasa is meaningless. i think what the, by the administration, like many other american policy makers are learning once again, is a providing largely unconditional military aid to israel is extremely dangerous. because google has demonstrated that they are either unwilling or incapable of abiding by their own state of the rules of the game engagement, let alone american red lines that they simply are behaving like a professional military. and it gives real bomb the world central kitchen. again, workers they killed 45 displays, people in rob, of using a weapon made by boeing and shipped from united states. and they have down entered into despite what john kirby says in the what appears to be a major ground incursion. interoffice, it's becoming increasingly clear that the by the white house is either on the interested in enforcing any red lines on israel. or that these red lines,
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maybe it's simply don't actually exist. at least 2 palestinians have been killed in and is really or a strike on at home. and jamalia in northern gauze attacks have intensified there for weeks after is really forces re entered, the north saying how most had regrouped martha account fluids reports from jamalia . and it's of these that the way the ground, the ration and nothing does stress is not over yet. for 16 days. as that is, the range of forces keeps advancing in the central areas of nothing goes. a strip is where the forces have a full, a minute to control the value of a fidget camera, shift size, and screw a bit to that. here. in addition to a center which is on the heavy us or re an area of attack swipe, now slide reserves cross cap. the shooting every little by and by the emptiness of these areas. and civil defense cannot reach the dead bodies industries just because
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of the heavy fire. the 200000 palestinians had to flee. nothing does a strip and the east of nothing goes trip to the west as, as weighty forces altered in order to have a safer place shows to. all of these people had to flee without water or food or even batteries in order to live out of the dock. nice there. these people are experiencing under president township and at a crushing human started circumstances when it comes to food here, time in storms and hits. nothing goes again as nothing enters the touch of terry for a very long time. and people here are asking when there's well and us tell us thing is in gaza or experiencing a major shortage of medicine and medical supplies. the delivery of life saving 8 into the strip has reduced sharply under is really restrictions delays and
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incursions in rasa and gases. displacement caps, pharmacist struggle to help and ever expanding population of sick and wounded palestinians. power company has a reports this is small, tend to is the only place displace palestinians and garret bella can get much needed medicine box quickly running out of the lot file. most children's medicine, along with those for chronic and acute diseases. i've totally gone. also anesthetics that not available in any 400 are many of the injured at pots of dead bodies amputated and need done aesthetics. but these items are totally out of stock . small as you would talk to. yeah, he took all the medicine he could carry when he fled is really bought minutes and the noise on that. and i used to own a farm or something cause a city it was destroyed by these really forces. this is what is left of this talk we had is made shift,
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pharmacy only has top pulling into it to protect it from the weather. yet it's become a lifeline for doses assemblies. so how do we, on the test off on many items must be kept in low temperature and we do not have a cooler full. so we are surrounded by waste and garbage. we insisted in 6, the less flies and mosquitoes. it is very hard to know, but we are doing our very best to sort of our community to buy and provide the best possible medical assistance to they may buy accounts, a huntington fritz's and i want to sort to have stock fees of outbreaks of disease among the thousands living in displacement camps is very a tax on hospitals and restrictions on the into your aid have left most of the strips made to come, work is unable to cope since as well began is encouraging and refined thoroughly of this month. the world health organization says only 3 of its 8 trucks
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have been able to into the area. with much of gauze, has made to coca impressed truck to ruins, are due to the east venue, relentless attacks. palestinian pharmacists have a fee to be to pick $10.00 of hope. for old gauze is this place assemblies are trying to provide them with lifelines as they are trying to find power outages and even extreme temperature effect to ations that negatively when medicine storage power cup. i was doing, i would just be around there with the palestine. the vote counting is underway in south africa's general election president serial rema poses african national congress is facing its fiercest challenge for the 1st time in 30 years. soaring unemployment and rolling power cuts or among the issues the voters, boating was extended in some parts of the country because of the large turn out,
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especially later in the day. let's cross now tells us here's my kind of like you're at the results operation center. this is in the town of mid rand. i'm fascinated by the screen behind you. you told us the results would start appearing there. i assume that's not yet the case because voting is still happening at some pulling sessions as well. yes. the voting does appear to be going on at the number of coding stations. there are a number of polling stations still open, but what we're hearing behind me now is the possibility that the 1st result is going to be released. let me step out of the way so guide us through what we're looking at, mike what do you see the, the screen with the results when they all collated will come up that you cannot see results starting to know that you're looking at the numbers of votes at each
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quantity is getting uh you will see this going on now for hours and hours and hours, but this was the 1st result, the ac saying that this demonstrates that they have been working hard, that they haven't stopped despite the problems throughout the day. some more details for you though, is, is that in terms of the polling stations that have finished polling, there's some, $17000.00 polling stations now in total, that all over to $23000.00 putting stations. so as you can see, the a lot of plumbing stations with votes, a still being counted, the full being collected and sent them here to the results center. so we're not going to get any substantial results for a lengthy period of time. i'm talking 68 hours and that's a bit of a thumb suck. but there you clearly given the fact that so many polling stations are still open at the results. so going to be very slow to come in. at the same time, the,
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i see saying this proves that it's done its job. we've got the best results in. right, so this is going to go well into thursday morning. look that the amc is synonymous with nelson mandela with the end of apartheid in south africa. but polls suggest that their support is now waning. have you felt that in your coverage, talking to voters as well? yes, it is a sense about that. and there's a number of factors at play here for cn. importantly, you've got a new generation of coaches, a generation supposed to have come through since 1994 with each election. what the amc achieved in 1994 at phase the degree in the memory, the parents of the children who are voting, 18 year olds and voting today. and they have a particular memory of the a and c. maybe this generation doesn't have the particular residence that the parents do in addition to that as well you've of course you've got the issue of
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a failure in delivery that has been economic nope, down. you have a thing with the electricity grid has full in the pond, all sorts of issues that have happened under the stewardship of the a and see. and this obviously has a run on, in terms of the, to like pro, support. so for all of these reasons you have got to do. busy diminishing off a and see support, it would appear to be and polls appear to show at the same time the if we single and c liter i have spoken to is actually adamant that they how going to get that 50 percent majority. they are reliant on the support that they have, and indeed they have a solid and substantial quarter of support. but that's will be enough to push them over the 50 percent mark. and to take another 5 years as government, if they don't, they going to have to sit down and talk to another party or other parties to get that 50 percent in parliament. it would be a new experience for the
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a and see to have to govern in a coalition government rather than govern by itself. so it is an absolutely fascinating election, probably more so than any one since the 1994, which was the 1st of the elections. and incidentally, the cues we saw today were women, a sense of bet 94 election. those too long to snaking in all fonts of the country and also the joy, the jubilation in those long queues with people with laughing. they was singing, they were bobby cooing at the side of the road. this was a joyful process. and didn't that you get a sense among the south african to vote to today a sense of pride, the sense of a job well done, mike hearing, thank you so much for all that context that you have a very long night ahead of you. you're reporting from the results operation center, where just a few minutes ago you helped us broadcast live,
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the very 1st of the results that was being sent in to the, the, the results hub there. so they will keep coming in throughout the night and into the morning mike, hannah, thank you very much. melanie, for what is a political and list and former and seem member of parliament. and she says voter fatigue could affect the agencies dominance. they are definitely wary. definitely, and people one change that doesn't necessarily mean they won't vote for the and see, but it is very, very true that people are very frustrated by a basic service delivery. as you say, a power outage is also corruption. and, and then also, so some of the other issues like um, uh yeah, service in the re being the major one. so the question is though, how badly it will be and see do i know this stage? it looks like i could possibly still make the 45 percent mock and up. and it's important to note that they will still be by far the majority party in the country
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. the democratic alliance, which as you rightly said, is the main job position party. they're not expected to get much more than sort of the low mid twenty's, and then they cannot make freedom sizes under julius my name i somewhere around 101112 percent. so the ac will stay a dominant dollar in the political domain, but it will be in a big shop for them when they fall under 50 percent for the 1st time since democracy or another election, india will soon conclude its 7 phase general elections with the last round on june, the 1st prime minister under, under moody took charge in 2014 promising economic reforms and development. now as he seeks a 3rd term, unemployment is the biggest worry among voters. despite the booming economy, a reminder of the indian government has not granted visas to officers during list. so we're covering the election from outside the country. when we consume sharif reports. once booming industry close to collapse,
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machines used for making separate from young, sold estimate in squad. the city of devonte in india is west and stated my roster has the lowest number of problems in the country. now, many of closing with the workers being laid off, and that's warming, those like on solving months. he is, he may lose his job. after the new testament, the books and cops production vehicles on the situation is very bad. we are struggling to make a living. the rooms are not functioning you in 2 hours a day. what can you do if you make about $36.00 a fortnight? in 2015? india change the way it meshes. it's economic output. and ahead of selections for minister moraine to move, these governments has revised calculations to show proof of nearly 8 percent. yet, millions of people are without jobs report the international labor organization. an institute of human development says the youth in india accounts for nearly 82
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percent of its unemployed population. the voters, the lack of jobs is the most pressing issue. yeah, i'm look, that really had better got, i'm unemployed. so i have voted on the issue of unemployment, rather forms the government should give jobs to the young. according to folds, india has produced a record 200000000000 as this. yeah. and a study from the wall and equality labs says the top one percent hold more than 40 percent of the countries. folks. critics say india is both solely is limited to a very small group. but we to be, government says it's listed in millions of people out of what it calls to below poverty line crew of b p l inequality without visited with this thinking. yes, i just didn't. it's not like it isn't anything that's i have no newman to the class because people have come out of the a, the vpn criteria, equity,
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normative class, and eventually become a new one within class and in a middle class and upper middle class as well. so if i could auto payments 250000000 people have someone to do the vpn, the category means below the poverty line categories. as multi seats the to tell me in office, the b j b says it will spend more than a $113000000000.00 on infrastructure projects. in the past, it's use well for schemes to compensate for lack of jobs. but in 2016, it's launched the monetization policy changing it's got and see over night. that affected millions of people in a cash depend in economy. 4 years later, a cold with 19 locked down hit the economy hauled and led to a further loss of livelihood. but despite that, the international monte funds says india is the, was fost is growing economy. yet exploits say it's high g d p mosque said some
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challenges. so at the moment we are writing an investment investment piece paper out because a bank of the day with an invest has invested, he needs to sell his products. and that can really come from consumption. so on the longer term of your own, a slight use to cubic on the beach to be has highlighted the performance of india's economy in its election manifesto. would with employment a major issue among voters? strongly economic drilled without jobs, may not resonate with that. and the consumption causes these are still ahead on al jazeera these charges are rig injury in new york deliberates, and donald trump's push money case insist the trial is unfair. nature's power on displaying iceland raising concerns for residents and travelers
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the the low there's been a lot of activity rolling around southern china. so this has striked southern glenn g problems with copious amounts of frames here. water logged, roads tough to get around. and i tell you this morning, the forecast here on sunday, the storms lining up lighting up from the gang see to the pro river valley once again impacting bungee providence on thursday. just how this story goes for japan. we've got a disturbance, a type of moving just to the east, could take back a few drops of rain for the pacific coast of sure, cocoa and hunt. you have enough data for china is capital beijing. 34 degrees and some rain in the forecast for harper. here's where all that weather is in the south trying to see. this is some of what's causing the storms in southern china. flood alerts in play for northern philippines, lose on island,
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and there has been some funding, in se, there's a way easy and central kelly, montana on borneo island trust straightly. we go personal. it's whether you stay most rainfall and about $300.00 days. still a few showers, but here's where the bulk of that rain is, the kimberly the red center, down into that southeast corner. gotta tell you when this rolls through, it's going to dramatically drop down those temperatures. adelaide just 16 degrees and it was evening. still a cool breeze for now, but those winds will turn around on friday, and temperatures will go up the . the illusion of anti semitism with opposition to design is a cynical and it is harmful, a dangerous completion between the persecution of a people and the criticism of the state is echoing across the world news rooms and to send me keys and use the hatred of jews because the country is honestly,
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is not about to lose it's about teacher and we need to talk about design is a listening go special on his jersey a. the latest news as it breaks the hospital is a very critical point right now are not far from completely shutting down. all this further, this with detail coverage houses are being forced down. they live with the constance . fear that more is where it is. hawks are never far behind from the hearts of the story. the is very well in the golf is flip has linked to talk to can only be many carrying position as a huge amount of waste. like 3 the, the,
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you're watching else, a 0, a reminder of our have really forces have killed 31 palestinians across casa, on wednesday, 15 of them and rossa, more than 1000000 people have been forced to leave the southern city in the past 3 weeks. the united nations security council has meant to discuss the deteriorating situation in gaza. how julia is proposing a draft resolution folding for israel to stop the killing and russian south africa's electoral commission says there has been a high turn out in the general elections. poles have closed in most places, but the electoral commission says those waiting and long lines when poles close will be able to cast their balance. the presidential candidates in mexico are holding their final campaign rallies ahead of the general election. on sunday polls show the ruling party candidates, claudius shine bomb is on course to become the country's 1st female president. you're watching live pictures right now. nearly a 100000000 voters or expected to cast their ballots,
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soaring crime and the economy, or among the major issues for voters or latin america editor. let's say a newman is at the ruling parties, campaign rally in mexico city. so lucy, a polls put, showing them 20 points ahead of her nearest arrival. her supporters at that rally must be feeling pretty good about their chances right now. they're feeling very confident and so does she, if you can judge my her face, she just arrived a very short while ago here on the plaza, on mexico city, directly behind me is the presidential palace and just over there is the office of the governorship and that was the business that she held until she became the candidate, the favorite candidate, the current president, and based on nobody's over that order was very, very strong support. thanks. j social programs. so she and she is basically as
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promising to lead in his footsteps and every step that he has to take and she promises to continue. that is certainly over spring here. but also one good favor week to this because people aren't really sure the assume bound is because you sometimes even speaks like the president's never been met. the harvey is where you can see the amount of people who are here, just 200000 feet here in the last of this look. i know it looks like it may start reading soon, so we expect to just speak to the proud as soon as possible. i believe i have been here for hours and hours, and that just gives you some ideas to use the as. oh, okay, so in many ways she will be the candidates of continuity. she is the candidate of continuity. however, if she wins, she will be the 1st woman, president of mexico. how much does that factor into her campaign?
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what it doesn't matter as much in different campaigns, as you might think, she doesn't mention it. she has described herself as of the time it is. but then again, she is running into shoes. if you're like up the current president who is not a feminist by any means. so the real question is, will she be able to speak with her own voice? once is and if she is a negative as the president of mexico. she has said that she is out, she supports abortion gate, right? but she doesn't really bring up the time i just called very much at all during her campaign thing. so we'll have to wait and see if she so next is just how much that will factor in to her administration. okay, let's see. thank you for your reporting. that's really interesting. we're going to take it now to manual real follow. he's in the city of monterey, where it start cheapo galvez is holding her last rally manny. and i said the cloud is showing them was 20 points ahead and the poles that became so chito galvez is 20
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points behind her in the same polls. so what's the mood like where you are good to be with you 0. we are in the city of monterey mexico. at the monterey or a retail. we have stepped outside to the sort of entrance line that you can see here because there is a live show taking place inside just to get away from that noise. that will leave it the exit polls that we've looked at here 0 have so do for you guys to get somewhere around 33 percent of the vote. in that example, we know that anything to, to happen. so to be you got it is enjoy is a very strong political move. it's similar to the one enjoyed by claudia shame. but there isn't a whole lot that these 2 candidates have in common. perhaps the one front that they do have in common other than their then their gender is their policies on the, on the economy when it comes to trying to build better relationships with, with orange corporations. companies in the united states trying to attract board investments, try to seize on the opportunity premier soaring, that sort of thing. you're in mexico. but again, to that, the, to the matter of,
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um, of the popularity of each one of these con candidates, such as these guys has proven to be a very chairs, maddox, candidate, one that does enjoy the backend of a strong political move. but ultimately, however, it will be on june, 2nd, that we will find out who has that stronger movement, backing them and manual right below reporting from monterey the last rally as such. she to galvis. thank you so much for your reporting as bringing falco. ernst elko is a senior mexico analyst with the n g o international crisis group. falco you're in uh, mexico city. it's great to talk to you again. and there's, there's one topic that we haven't broached yet, but which is a major topic in this election, which is political violence. it's, it's something that mexicans, alas, have got used to because the assassinations, kidnappings, threats against that is politically related. always spikes before elections. but
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it's been worse than this election cycle. why as well, essentially, um, oops, have been branches of leeway over this and the past government as well to uh, digging deeper um to the control over of the city economies. um, to further expand the drug trafficking interest to expand their uh, foothold in state institutions to get a better competing state institutions. and to also patrice the control over a civilian population, all that amounts to a greater amount of assets that these groups have some order to play the political game, gaining access to the state for next week. some folks are still the number one resource because ultimately state institutions decide over from jeff scott free. we're killing people with other serious crimes. and so they all have to try to push into the stage and electric time budget. don't manage to do that. you will essentially lose against the competition. and at the same time, we've had
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a explosion off the number of criminal groups, access mexico. nowadays, according to on the estimates of price group, we're talking about at least $200.00 people on the actors out on the streets and mexico and all of those. i'm trying to push into states and will change easily. so this access have to come really, really crowded, and violence becomes a new negotiation language to numbers that i want to give our viewers to put this politically related violence in the, in some context, one survey suggests that at least a 182 violent incidents that in that means including killing threats, abductions and assaults, a 182 incidents have been recorded since september. both politicians and their family members have been targeted. another number, at least 30 candidates, have been killed since june 2023, most of them allegedly by criminal gangs. now, the other reason this is interesting is because the outgoing president,
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under his mental health as ober door his signature policy, was the way he chose to deal with criminal groups. and the slogan was hugs, not bullets, right? he decided the, the root cause of the criminality is poverty. and so i'm going to address this with social programs rather than sending the army which he ended up doing anyway. what, what is the, what is the, did it work is my question, hugs, not bullets after 6 years. did it work or did it not work? right. so the, the numbers indicate that were still on the high patrol officer, at least the pilots in mexico is american australian and started a new record for of overall homicides. were talking about more about more than 185 spouse murders during the past 6 years. and this is not taking into account the many disappearances that i've also been happening. so the task for should be considered a significantly higher. and according to our own investigations that we did in high
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conflict areas and number of states that we see the brands of people, vitamins, criminal findings, criminal presentation, i'm over a local population. the situation has become more dire the past years. and one of the reasons is that there hasn't been a sound strategy implemented during this are also the past government. and the sounds about this course has really been we will no longer flight fire, but fire and boy in the past into addressing associated with causes for recruitment, for the lack of turn it to the local populations to join criminal economies, the from one groups. but i'm on the ground. this is look dramatically different in the sense that the huge number of troops of military forces happened, deployed, and the house, and has taken much the same way as to how before in suppressing those back to our outbreaks, off promo by lunch on friday. but not really um, have copied savvy ads,
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the dismantling criminal that works perfect final power to the effect prevention is kind of, i'm the violence against quoting a lot of innocent bystanders. so the overall grades up out of his work towards getting for his of security policy that is that the she has allowed to a probably the problem to permit the problem to bro, cheaper overtime. okay. sancho earnings to senior mexico and list with the n g o international crisis group. thank you so much. thanks so much for having more than 70 percent of women and girls and mexico has already experienced gender based violence. alpha 0 spoke to female voters and different generations on their expectations for the new government or, or like it that it is. so you do not hear. my name is gina. a few years ago i quit my job and started my own business. no one's got a whole lot. good on me numbers, maria. hi, my name is mary. yeah, i am a lawyer and an artist. i work in the hotel business and i have my own online store
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. the situation for women and mexico's for music. the fact that 11 no 12 women are killed every day in mexico just for being women is horrendous. if several resources and stuff over the security situation has gotten out of the hands of the government, they are hoping criminals will kill each other. so organized crime is taking root in small towns, so people had to flee and leave their home. go good. and tony mexico has improved in certain areas, but issues like massage any and violence against women are still widespread. so let's hope that will change with the 1st female president, whether they the candidates have had to adapt to male dominated system. there are suit wearing women, so to speak. but women, nonetheless, they are very strong women with a lot of characters. so i'm pretty made obvious, i saw this device for the 1st time in our history. we're going to have a female president. but to make sure this happens,
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we all need to vote. it doesn't matter who you vote for, but we need to obtain and overwhelming victory to the opposition cannot say the election was great. being a man is still a privilege. for example, there are many top jobs that women can't get. so if we have a female president, a historic feet and might help change people's minds, west coast to assume that there's going to be that doesn't city, maybe some people might think the candidates are female, they can be manipulated. you know, many, i would not like to be in a position where they have to take orders from a woman. it is very side, but that is changing. younger people don't think that way. so my daughter a month you said a young lady that i wouldn't romanticize the idea of having 2 female candidates because at the end of the day they are the daughters of the patriarchal system. but i hope they understand the historic event this represents for this country sort of the memphis bid. ok, yes thing. duncan's fumes for the next 6 years,
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they will be running the country so they should focus on women's issues. i hope this happens, but i am realistic, but i do hope they can improve the situation for women in mexico because this will be a historic event. you said 6 in the jury in donald trump, so called hush, money trial has been dismissed for the day. after deliberating for 4 hours, trump is facing $34.00 felony charges, accused the falsifying business records to cover up payments to adult film star stormy daniels during the 2016 presidential election campaign. the payments were allegedly meant to prevent daniels from going public about her claims of an affair . after leaving the court room on wednesday, trump again called the trial unfair and said the charges are ring. he has pleaded not guilty to all charges. j great reports from new york. after about 4 and a half hours of delivery options, and this high profile case here at the criminal court house in lower manhattan,
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the jury has now gone home for the day. doors were behind closed doors around 1130 this morning and remained behind closed doors for a majority of that time. but the signal that they had a couple of questions for the judge in this case, the 1st test, if they could have some testimony, re read specifically testimony from both the 1st and last witnesses in this case. the 1st question surrounded national enquirer publisher david hackers testimony, they want to hear testimony about a phone conversation with the former president, donald trump during an investors meeting. they wanted to hear his testimony regarding karen mcdougal, and they wanted to hear his testimony about a meeting and from howard. the 4th question was about the testimony from the key witness for the prosecution of former attorney and right hand man for donald trump, michael cohen. and again, they wanted to know about his meeting in from tower that was followed just moments
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later by another questions surrounding the jury instructions. but judge one was on gave the jury this morning before they went into deliberations. now those instructions lasted about an hour. it's not clear they want the entire instructions re read or just a portion of those instructions. what the judge says is, we'll do all of that, but we'll do it in the morning. go home for the day. during the delivery shifts, the former president must remain not in the courtroom but in the court house. and so he was at the court house the entire time. of course, he has voiced his displeasure with this trial repeatedly today, saying that the trial is quote, rig a disgrace and politically motivated. also criticizing, judge marsan saying at one point it was because of his directions to the jury that and i'm quoting again here, even mother teresa couldn't beat these charges. the jury again going home for the evening. they'll be back in the morning at 930. the judge says they can deliberate
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until 6 o'clock at the latest, so they'll get back to work here. and that work will begin with a rereading of that testimony. we talked about as well as a part of the instructions or perhaps all of the instructions, which would again take about an hour. that's what happened here today. that's the latest here in lower manhattan and j. great. a still ahead on elsie's 0 ukraine's president followed him. here's a lensky calls for a change of strategy and the war against the russian forces. the,
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the, the premium president followed the music lensky is seeking the approval of allies to use the weapons they funded to directly hit russian territory. russian president vladimir putin has warned a serious consequences if misses cross the border. john home and reports from keith . the president followed him. is lensky. he's travelling round europe. so i mean weapons deals with belgium, ports of golden spine agreement. but it's not just um, she probably needs, he says, but changes to how it's allowed to use the increasingly his government speaking against the band, particularly from the us on using the weapons. it provides to a tech russian territory and navid just the bunch of storage. even from reconnaissance, you get maps, satellite images, but you cannot respond to i think it's unfair, but we cannot. and this is a fact risk of the support of our partners. and that is why we do not use the
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weapons of our partners on the territory of the russian federation. please give us the opportunity to retaliate against their military sold system, ukrainian officials. so that means that conte still russian troops that it knows a massing on its border before they cross or talk me so launching sites if this is the increasingly european allies, the change in that positions britson gave the green light for you, cranium forces to use its weapons inside russia earlier in may now serve his friendship president emanuel mack, chrome. sure. so not even the thunder point. we tell them what supplying you with weapons, but you cannot defend yourselves. we stay exactly within the same framework. we think that we should allow them to neutralize the ministry sites from which the missiles, a fire, other european countries like suite to have done likewise. but the biggest weapons provided to you, crime by 4 is the united states and sofa despite already sending the country long range missiles is resisting nearby. this was the white house verdict on tuesday
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morning just for it at the time where the interest that presence on ski is expressed in this regard. i would tell you that there's no change to our policy at this point. we don't encourage your enable, the use of us supplied weapons to strike inside russia as new by us has reportedly worried about escalation. and so it should says president vladimir putin to a lot of the representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, especially in small countries. they should be aware of what they are playing with before talking about striking russian territories. in general, this constant escalation could lead to serious consequences. meanwhile, ukraine continues on the box to with an ongoing brushing defensive in the how to keep region. and it says more troops messing that, it's northern border on the home. and how does it keep? nearly 3000 students, these refugees stranded in ethiopia. and now being on
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a hunger strike for nearly a week. more than 5000, they're being held in camps under ethiopian control, in forests in the m, how our region, the border sedan. they are protesting against their detention and the lack of food and medicine. they fled it deteriorating humanitarian conditions at another camp. earlier this month. the we less becomes and flood for our lives. we will pull to, to many organizations about the lack of security as a rapid support, full system comes, shoot on the low valuables, break women, and take all children into servitude. no response was received from any organizations. that's why we were forced to leave we and all stranded in the woods without security or food. even the clean water is not available all the time. the units suit and these refugees are living in dire and complicated conditions here, and one of them are as forest pictures,
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speak volumes for 2 weeks. those refugees are left exposed to the elements. the rainy season started in the total absence of the you and hcr, or the if you open government. about $5000.00 refugees are left without shelter. food, water, or even security lava temperatures, and parts of india is capital, have reached the highest ever seen in the country. the heat wave is straining power grids and causing water shortages. barbara and go reports. a severe heat wave is tormenting residents of india's capital. new den, temperatures have sold past 52 degrees. the temperature has gone up extremely high and this heat wave intently. when we go outside, it seems like someone is slipping out faces. the heat isn't slowing down delivery, right? as in that port got to me the boat and was getting us at a 100 times. we have to travel team to meet. it's free to go to the blankets for me,
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right. even though i hands behind, i've received the heat of the message on my phone, but we have no other choice but to we're sorry, it is in the house state closed on government schools for a week after students fainted. we don't get to make up the 12 pack the start company instead of a boat due to the stream heat. in rising temperatures, the students are facing difficulties to collect. there is an electrolyte and balance which is making the students faint or vomit, or feel different. temperatures are expected to cool down and assessed day, but not before causing misery to city dwellers, modern and living in slats. each i the effect of cds makes it very works out of the areas facing the e file more. also, the water requirement, s o l e has the highest quality wiley today at 18000
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while firefighters thoughtful to bring was 5 under control in general and kashmir estate survive as a 5 ton remo, which back to india is northeastern states. and sunday, rebuilding the homes meteorologist say the extreme was us will become more common because of climate change. barbara and grandpa. how does era of ok know and south western iceland is a rough thing. so the 5th time since december, look at this. we've got life pictures, the new fisher shooting lava about 50 meters into the air, the nearby town of green, the vic and the geothermal blue lagoon spa resort, has been evacuated. iceland meter, a logical office reported intense earthquake activity in the lead up to the russian . take just a last look at this before we take a short break. all right, that does it for me. several vineyards. today, there's more information on our website need bunk,
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that will be your host at the top of the hour. the hunted and then millions. stephens, pines does the delicacy value just as highly if i called cells in the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different shrugs with exclusive access lines, joins the environmental prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the list of the world of wildlife trafficking and its devastating impact
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and increases systems costs on red chris the israel kills dozens of palestinians across casa, as is rarely ground forces, wides, and their results on rafa, claiming full operational control of the board. and with egypt, the many bulk of this is i was just there a lot though. also coming up causes make shift pharmacies, face an acute shortage of medicine and supplies with the rise and casualties and mistreated flow of age. while accounting begins in south africa, it was


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