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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the israel kills dozens of palestinians across concepts as is really ground forces, wides, and their results on rafa, claiming full operational control of the board and with agents. the company bulk of this is out just a lot though. also coming up causes make shift, pharmacies, face and acute shortage of medicine and supplies with the rise and casualties of
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district and flow of age. fall accounting begins in south africa. it was a voting is extended in some parts. the ruling amc policies facing its biggest crisis and assessing the stage for elections and mexico. the final day of campaigning is the country for the past to elect its 1st female press. the thanks for joining us with beginning goals that were at least $31.00 palestinians have been killed across the goals and strip since early on wednesday, as well as military is continuing. it strikes to spite clothes we had to stop at sa probation. 21 pile of things were killed and rough or is ready for us is a pushing further into the southern city. into diary has the support from darrow by left and central guns. the dangers, talk for ambulance crews driving through the streets in the flat to reach the injured they find one man with charco for nearly 8 months now
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they've dealt with this concept. so of that a good people. the so that the other, the we are receiving human as quotes for help from citizens as part of targeting to escape people. and these areas that this thing even in the safe areas and the difficulty for ambulance is to reach the areas, is great to, to, to the targeting of the emergency champs. and i used to do a car belong to the civil defense of the truck. in the face i'm getting to is are filled with people needing medical house. what happened was an explosion took place and they were shop. now this is what happened with the old man got shrapnel in his head. i thought a morality hospital medics to what they can do, treat the wounded. it's the same for the few hospitals, so operating across cause a with the shortage of beds and medicines as a routine cause of hospitals south for newness some patients are having to be
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treated. the for the situation is no different here in the hospital. a desperate attempt to say was with a few resources left in the city, i just see that there is, but i kind of find his role is expanding his ministry operation in central and western ross of the ministry says it's in full operational control of the border area with egypt known as the philadelphia, colorado. the area was 14 kilometers long and intended to be a demilitarized buffalo running along the border between garza and egypt. well, israel's bind down to 0 from reporting inside israel. so sort of highlights a set of this update from the georgia indian capital a month. this is randy minutes. 3 says it has full operational control of the philadelphia car, a tool. and that how much tunnels have been found used to smuggle weapons from egypt into the gaza strip. well, egypt hasn't confirmed any of this. these really chief of stuff has been speaking from rough off saying that to get rid of how much is a national priority. and that they will continue the fights and rough off until
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that goal is achieved. all of this was the opposition leaders have been meeting in tel aviv to discuss the plan to get rid of this current government as a quote on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign as soon as possible. meanwhile, international pressure and condemnation increases by the de, against is ro, side of height of i'll just, sarah, i'm on. and reminder, of course, the teams of reporting from jordan precisely because as i was banned though, just from the porting from inside the country as well, is continuing its operation. and roughly in violation of the international court of justice as ruling on may. the 24th the only siege i ordered israel to hold his ministry offensive and rougher immediately. but since then, that's where the forces of killed, at least $83.00 piloting is roughly thousands more main varied under the rubble. united nations security council is meant to discuss the detouring situation in gaza . ambassador's condemned israel's attack on a comp in raffle on sunday,
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which killed 45 people. julia has sent to propose a draft resolution quoting for israel to stop the killing in russia. was really of a responsible member of the security council and with the support of the auto group has decided to submit that off to the solution and everyone in discounts and to ensure that it's the responsibility we hope that these gold size that off, that is lucia a con god does the support of people one in this concept, the whole world world of what the nice lady offensive and rough would mean. no pause such an offensive and yet is while proceed with the consequences that your
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old full so available, human suffering is line one spell. this thing is to understand that if they have a meaning garza, that is the feet depth of displacement. maybe i should say depth and displacement displacement and when would it be enough? what other level of cruelty must be leached before this assault is finally blocked to and then there is no deadline imposed by legality of actuality humanity. that is why it has not cost if it's not costing the red line set by the entire world on the left side. and it is the duty of this concept to uphold that 3rd line. human lives of a stick to uphold the 3rd line and to take decisive action to force is way to hold its military offensive and to withdraw its occupation forces. and to ensure an immediate cease fire or christmas,
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we may has more on that to resolution from view and headquarters in new york of israel's attacks on ross. i was widely condemned by security council members, many of whom reference the order of the international court of justice just days earlier, and such military activity, algeria, for its part called on the security council to back a concise resolution supporting b i. c, j and international law, while the un special coordinator for the middle east peace process called on the international community to get behind a framework for guys as recovery. no attempts to address the military and security challenges. this will be sustainable unless it's a part of a broader approach that addresses gusts of political future. that future is an integral part of a single unified palestinian state, which is a closer foundation for realizing a 2 state solution. now no vote has been scheduled on algeria as draft resolution,
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yet. france for it's part, has expressed support for it, but it's also been working on a more comprehensive solution to ending with conflict directed at a 2 state solution. kristen salumi alger 0, the united nation palestinians and goals are experiencing a major shortage of medicine and medical supplies. the delivery of life saving agents of this trip is which you shop the hundreds or any restrictions, delays and incursions into rafa. and causes displacement comes pharmacist, struggle to help and ever expanding population of stake and when to target losing reports. this is small tens, is the only place displace palestinians and garrett black and get much needed medicine box quickly running out of the club. most children's medicine along with those for chronic and acute diseases. i've totally gone. also anesthetics that not available in any 400 are many of the injured pots of dead bodies amputated and need
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done aesthetics. but these items are totally out of stock. small as you to send the doctor yazzy to cold and medicine. he could carry you when he fled, is very bombardment and the noise on that. i used to own a farm or something cause a city. it was destroyed by these really forces. this is what is left of this talk . we had is made shift. pharmacy only has toppling and route to protect it from the weather. yet it's become a lifeline for doses assemblies. so how do we on the head start off on many items must be kept in low temperature and we do not have a cooler full. so we are surrounded by wasting the garbage. we are in 50 insects, the less flies and mosquitoes. it is very hard to know that we are doing our very best to some of our community and provide the best possible medical assistance to the accounts client temperatures and
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a way to sort 2 types of fees of outbreaks of disease among the thousands living in displacement camps is really a tax on hospitals and restrictions on the into your aid have left most of the strips made to come, work is unable to cope since as well began is encouraging and rough. i fairly of this month, the world health organization says only 3 of its 8 trucks have been able to into the area with much of goals as many coca and for us the truck chat rooms are due to the east venue, relentless attacks, palestinian pharmacists have a fee to be the p can hope for old gauze as best place assemblies that are trying to provide them with lifelines as they are trying to find power outages and even extreme temperatures. fluctuations that's negatively when medicine, storage power is about as boone. i would just be around there with the palestine.
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the vote counting is on the way in south africa's general election presidents it will run massages, african national congress is facing its fits, his challenge for the 1st time and the 3rd to use soaring unemployment, enrolling power cuts for among the main issues. so many voters, everything was extended in some parts of the country because of the launch turn, a less costly color. who's that the results operation center in the town of midland? and mike um, change of course, has been a recurring sentiment. so outside of this election, especially among young folks, is, are we seeing that play out in the election process so far? but we'll see it as the result start coming in. there has been much speculation that the a and c will not reach it's 50 percent majority for one of the reasons that it has being perceived as not having carried through on its promises on its surface
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delivery to the people of south africa. so we're waiting for the results as they come in. they is still boating on getting at some of the polls. the, i see the independent selection commission sent hundreds of, uh where, cuz to various posting stations because of the late search and the voting. which so long queues for me. now the poll is officially closed at 9 o'clock. that's a number of hours ago. it's now 10 past 1 in the morning, local time. some polls are still open. the i c has rule that who ever was in the queue at 9 p. m. will be allowed to vote no matter how long it takes. and in an attempt to show that it is actually working hard, that is done a great job. it officially released the 1st result. let me just step out of the way and you can see the 1st result. this is from the we need money because the money della municipality, that's in the eastern cape of south africa. that you can see the amc with 1040 votes, b e, f, f,
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the economic freedom fighters with 102 votes. the rest of the content is m k. i are seeing the double digits it would appear at this stage, but this is just a tiny slice up the election process that is going to be coming in in alice to come . and it's a lot of hours to come in a way. let's 1st result the single result was released as a way of the independent electro commission to show that it is succeeding the woods from one of the icy specs and was, there is no panic. we're on top of this. it is taking longer than we expected back to still, it's a job. well, not like him. some i've even compassed the long queues to the 1994 election, which of course, will nelson mandela become president mike without drawing attention to how many years you've been doing this? i know you were there in south africa back then. what shows times this time
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is an element of that 9 people with something else. it's the 1st time that many south africans voted for the 1st time, including myself at subsequent elections. south africans have got used to the process, but they seem to be a slightly different must be a, in this one that be election cues i was in there was a sense of absolute celebration. there was a joy and listen within a country that has suffered massively in recent years. it's in economic deterioration. some 30 percent of the country are out of work and you get kind of voting day, south africa's kind of band together they find the sense of joy, the celebration, the pride in being able to exercise the boat back for support, so hard for and the years proceeding 1994 and that's one of the reasons why amc lead is adamant that they going to get that 50 percent. they are trusting that there is enough of a residence among voters,
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of the agencies find or leading the fight against the ponti, resulting in those 94 elections. whether that's enough in a new generation of voters, some of whom may not remember those events with the clarity of the parents and grandparents. that's something that we'll see in the as to come as those results to cap on the boat behind me here on my grades, i got your personal sense on this, this important starting moments in the country. your mind kind of in mid runs, south africa, a place to the head on out as ever during a new york deliberates of donald trump's harsh money case, he insist trial is on the
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. let's go with your headlines for the america is that much pressure feel across the river plate? good to see by the way. so month of the day or 14 degrees, mostly cloudy sky. the good news is the rain has stopped in southern brazil, some parts of lake grade 18 will be the number for you on thursday. rain really gets going across central western venezuela through the pacific coast of columbia and ecuador, there could be some flooding in this. so that meets up with the weather in central america from let's go nicaragua, to history and panama, and still more per so brain to go around mexico city on thursday, 13 degrees and still strongly met for texas along the border with oklahoma, eastern texas. once again, dallas is going to get straight with some pretty severe storms on thursday. has turned brighter through the great lakes. ok, still a few showers around new york. those will dance. so roger scott is in the days to come 21 pin number for you on thursday. its turn cooler into the schedule and province in canada, virginia address 12 degrees. and if you spits of rain around vancouver,
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15 will be the height for you. okay, so the other day phoenix at 40 degrees for the 1st time this year last year that happens that just at the beginning of june, sir, a bit of head of schedule there. but let's go 39 degrees for you on thursday with walter was sunshine. the hunted in then millions. stephens, pines does the delicacy value just as highly by cartels in the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different tribes with exclusive access lines, joins the environmental. prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the list of the world of wildlife trafficking and it's devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and hunches on al jazeera,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, i'll just hear his reminder about top stories this hour. is there any forces of co $31.00 palestinians, a cost cars are on wednesdays. 15 of them, roughly. one of 1000000 people have been forced to leave the southern city in the past 3 weeks. for united nations security council, as man to discuss the deteriorating situation and gaza, algeria is proposing a draft resolution quoting for israel to stop the killing process. south africa's electro commission says that's being a high turn out in the general elections that polls have closed in most places for the electoral commission says those way to the long lines when pose close will
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still be able to the or the presidential candidates and mexico a holding that final campaign, riley is the head of the general election on sunday full show, the ruling policy. kinds of that claudia, showing them, is on cost to become the country's 1st female president. nearly $100000000.00 votes is expected to cost them, pallets sewing, crime and the economy among the major issues. for many folks has, are willing to payments we'll speak to men will drop. although he's in the city of monterey, where such utah galvis is holding high loss. riley, but 1st let's go live to mexico city on latin america and is that you see a newman is asked the ruling policies, campaign rally, and let's see if anything, of course, is certain. we know that to the next president will be a woman. but what does that mean for the country given it's patriarchal culture and high levels of gender based violence? that's a very, very good question. and i certainly wouldn't had to my best spot. interestingly
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enough, cloutier shame about the candidates from the ruling party who is still speaking now . she's been addressing this. a norm is proud now for nearly half an hour did mention, and she doesn't know i'm going to pay the $7.00 is card that she will be the 1st female president in this country. and she also said which i hadn't heard before. that any woman over the age of $76.00 will get a special bonus financial support for in recognition. she said of all the sacrifices the women in this country have made which are found very interesting. she also has been give me what i would call a very traditional left wing speech, very much along the lines of the car and president and our mentor. i wonder why nope, is all about it. and he basically has been attacking which he calls free market economy. he's been attacking a very, very good guy,
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did leave you like the united states. she said that her government would not the meals to any economic or foreign power, which is clearly a message to mexico. northern neighbour, and particularly if donald trump were to win the presidency in that country. so she is still speaking and there's still hundreds of thousands of people out here listening to her. she promises to continue the policies on the current press. and so she is very much the, the candidate of continuity. although she promises to take this semester in project even further if she is elected. alright, let's see, you have anything. so let's see and you have a new mexico city. let's go to manuel apollo's in the city of monterey west. what you tell, galbraith is holding her last riley, and model of the gulf as represents a different ball from mexico. i mean, clearly her policy proposals all popular with the people who gathered way you that's certainly the case here. dave,
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as you heard just moments ago from our latin america editor, lucy, a newman for the same bomb if she represents the party of continuity, then. so if you've got it is undoubtedly represents a different path that mexico could be taking in this upcoming election. there's not a whole lot that these 2 candidates have in common these apart from their gender. so to give gun business leader of the coalition of parties that coalition itself doesn't have a whole lot in common other than the shared disdain for the policies of mexican president. but it's one way nobody's ever thought whether it be on matters of the security of uh, worsted in violence, militarization matters of the judiciary. whether it has to do with the autonomy of mexico's natural electoral institute. these are all policies that sort of thing. got this has been very critical of when it comes to the policies of president lopez over the world. now, when we look at the likelihood of, of, of, of presidents such a few guys as exit,
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polls are placing here summer at around 33 percent. of course we know that anything to, to happen. so to be god vision, joyce, a very strong backing from a very strong, a political move mitchie has turned out to be quite a charismatic candidate herself. the question is whether or not that strong political movement will show up on june the 2nd, and i guess we'll find out on sunday they we went indeed sunday the big day, my little apollo in monterey. thank you. to the jury in donald trump cycle costs money trial has been dismissed for the day after deliberating for 4 hours trumps. placing 1st the full felony counts accused of falsifying business records to cover up payments to adult films. da, stormy daniels during the 2016 presidential election campaign. the payments were allegedly meant to prevent daniels from going public about the claims of an affair . after leaving the court room on wednesday, trump a game called a trial on the fire instead of charges or rings. ease pleaded not guilty to all of those charges,
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which on handwriting joins us live from new york now. and john trump once again lashing out what he believes is a political, which i'm driving even about 4 hours in consideration in the 1st day of the 1st ever criminal trial of a former us president. and the jury called it a day, as they did so after asking to see more testimony on a 2015 meetings in which the publisher of the national enquirer agreed to find negative stories about donald trump and crushed them. they wanted to hear from him and from michael cohen, the former fixer of trump, testified against trump in this trial. and that came after about an hour of jury instructions in mind. you, there's not a lot of leeway the judge has when he gives jury instructions. he's basically telling the jury what they can and cannot consider in order to decide whether donald trump is guilty, but trump didn't like it any way. after hearing those jury instructions,
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he said much like what he said in every criminal trial, he faces all 4 of them and in every election he's ever been in the system is rigged against it. the mother these charges are all countries of the messenger to borders. fake elections and you have a trial like this where the judge a so it's a disgrace. natural and let's talk about the mechanics of what happens next time because there are, as we mentioned in 34 felony counts, of falsifying his company's records. when it comes to all those counts, what exactly does the jewelry need to decide and how well each of those counts is a payment to michael cohen, a payment that the prosecutor say was to cover up the affair with stormy daniels. so basically the jury is probably either gonna side that those are all illegal or
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that they're all legal. and then in order for this to be a felony, they also have to decide that trump did that to further another crime. and in this case, the main thing that project peters are arguing is that trump did this to cover up an affair with stormy daniels at a time he was running for president of the bat affectively. is it campaign contribution? and he would be violating campaign finance laws that are the prosecutors are arguing and if he is found guilty, he can face up to 4 years in prison for each of those 34 charges. highly unlikely that he would either go to jail or face serious time if he did. it's more likely prosecutors say that he would face probation, or that he would phase home confinement. but either of those are a big problem for a guy running for president. if you face home confinement, you can't run for office in all 50 states, and if you're on probation, you have to ask for permission from your probation officer and that requires advance planning. but exactly how this will work. nobody knows because we've never seen anything like this before. and if you have, we all have and date and then on charts, entire tree,
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john 100 in the new york. thank you. or ukraine's present, as long as the lensky is seeking the approval of allies to use the weapons they funded to directly hit russian territory. russian president vladimir putin has one of serious consequences. if missiles cross the border on the home and report some keys, president followed him. is lensky. he's travelling around europe. so i mean weapons deals with belgium, port to golden spain agreement. but it's not just um, she cry needs, he says, but changes to how it's allowed to use them to strike. increasingly he's government speaking against the but particularly from the us or using the width and zip provides to a tech russian territory and navigate the bunch of storage even from recognizance. you get maps, satellite images, but you cannot respond to. i think it's unfair, but we cannot, and this is a fact risk the supporting of our partners. and that is why we do not use the
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weapons of our partners on the territory of the russian federation. please give us the opportunity to retaliate against their military sol. ukrainian officials say that means that conte still russian troops that it knows a massing on its border before they cross or talk me so launching sites if this is increasingly european allies are changing their positions. brits and gave the green light for you, cranium forces to use its weapons inside russia earlier in may now serve his french president, emanuel mack, chrome. sure. so not even the time to the point where we tell them what supplying you with weapons, but you cannot defend yourselves. we stay exactly within the same framework. we think that we should allow them to neutralize the ministry sites from which the missiles, a fire mit other european countries like sweden have done like weiss, but the biggest weapons provided to you crime by far is the united states and sofa despite already sending the country long range missiles, it's resisting of nearby. this was the white house,
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but i can choose the one i just sort of where the interest that presence on ski is expressed in this regard. i would tell you that there's no change to our policy. at this point. we don't encourage your enable, the use of us supplied weapons to strike inside russia by showing us is reportedly worried about escalation. and so it should says president vladimir putin laptops live in the representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, especially in small countries. they should be aware of what they are playing with before talking about striking russian territories. in general, this constant escalation can lead to serious consequences. meanwhile, ukraine continues on the box to have an ongoing brushing defensive in the how to keep region. and it says more troops messing at its nose in boulder on the home. and how does it keep? hungary is government assigned to deal with batteries to help build
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a 2nd. nuclear power plant for ministers from the 2 nations announced the agreement in minsk congress packs to react to has been under construction by russia state agency. it would also have them since 2014, the 13 and a half $1000000000.00 projects experience several delays. a news temperatures and parts of india is capital, they've reached the highest ever seen in the country. the heat wave is straining power grids and causing what's the shortages, barbara, and go for reports. a severe heat wave is tormenting. residents of india is capital new. den temperatures have sold past 52 degrees. the temperature has gone up extremely high and the seat waves in delhi, when we go outside, it seems like someone is slapping el faces. the heat isn't slowing down delivery, right? as in that port got to be the most can, is that a lot of times we have to travel time to meet. it's free to go to the blankets. how may write it,


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