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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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in the dozens of palestinians are killed across garza as this way the ground forces white and never salt on rafa. claiming full operational control of the border area with ages of the bulk of this is all just every log. some doe who also coming up cause is make sure pharmacies face and acute shortage of medicine and supplies of the rise and casualties, unrestricted flow of age. but accounting begins in south africa as opposed things extended and sometimes ruling amc parties facing its biggest crisis. and setting the stage for elections in mexico, the final day of campaigning as the country for pass to elect its 1st female
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president. news will welcome to you will begin in gaza where at least 31 palestinians have been killed across the strip since the on wednesday, as well as military is continuing it strikes despite calls for it to stop its opperation. 21, postings were killed and rough or is there any forces of pushing further into the southern sitting cooter he has the support from darrow bile are in central guns. if the dangers talk for billions, choose driving through the streets and reflect to reach the injured they find one man with charge for nearly 8 months now they've dealt with this concept. so of that are people for the so that the other, the we are receiving human as quotes for help from citizens as part of targeting to escape people. and these areas that this thing even in the safe areas and the
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difficulty for ambulance is to use the areas. it's great to to, to the targeting of the emergency terms. and i used to do a couple 100 civil defense of the truck in the face. i'm getting to is are filled with people needing medical house. what happened was an explosion took place and they were shop. now. this is what happened. and the old man got shrapnel in his head. i thought a morality hospital medics to what they can do, treat the wounded. it's the same for the few hospitals, so operating across cause a with the shortage of beds and medicines at the root cause of hospital south for newness some patients are having to be treated. the for the situation is no different here in the hospital. a desperate attempt to save was with a few resources in the city of the data. there is but i got upon assign. israel is expanding its been entry operation in central and west and right from the
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ministry says it's in full operational control of the board area. with an agent in the philadelphia, colorado, the area is 14 kilometers long. it intended to be a demilitarized buses and running along the border between gulls and egypt. but as i was by and i was just very from reporting inside the country, so it was sort of hot up. so this update from the georgia indian capital m on this is randy minute 3 says it has full operational control of as an adult. the car, a tool and that how much tunnels have been found use to smuggle weapons from egypt into the gaza strip. well, egypt hasn't confirmed any of this is really chief of stuff has been speaking from russell, saying that to get rid of how much is a national priority and that they will continue the fights in rough up until that goal is achieved. all of this was the opposition leaders had been meeting in tel aviv to discuss a plan to get rid of this current government as a quote on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign as soon as possible.
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meanwhile, international pressure and condemnation increases by the de, against is ro, side of height. it's all just 0. i'm on a reminder of teams are reporting from jordan because as well banned out to 0 from operating that is always continuing as opperation in rockford in violation of the international court of justice as ruling on may. the 24th the i c j o. that is road holt: it's ministry offensive, and rafa immediately. but since then is there any forces have killed at least $83.00 palestinians and rafa dozens more, remained buried under the rubble. united nations security council is meant to discuss the deteriorating situation in goes, i'm a massive is condemned. israel is attack on a comp and rougher on sunday, which code 45 people give you a sense of oppose a draft resolution cooling for israel to stop the killing. in rafa for judy of a responsible member of the security council. and with the support of the auto group
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has decided to submit the off today's lucian decision for everyone in discounts and to ensure that it's so there's possibilities. we hope that these good size off that is lucian, a con god does the support of people one in this concepts, the whole world world of what the news lately offensive enough would mean. no pause such an offensive and yet is while proceed with the consequences that your old full so unavailable, human suffering is on one spell. this thing is to understand that if they remain in gaza, that is the feat, death, or displacement. maybe i should say,
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death and displacement displacement and when will it be enough? what other level of cruelty must be leached before this assault is finally blocked to and then there is no red line imposed by legality of action. ality humanity. that is why it has not cost if it's not costing the red line set by the entire world on the left, and it is the duty of this concept to uphold, that's what line human lives at stake to uphold. that's what i'd like then to take decisive action to force is way to hold it's military offensive and to with low it's occupation forces and to ensure that an immediate cease fire christmas leave me has more on the resolution from un headquarters in new york of israel's attacks on ross, i will widely condemned by security council members, many of whom reference the order of the international court of justice just days
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earlier and such military activity. algeria, for its part called on the security council to backed a concise resolution supporting b i. c. j. and international law, while the u. n. special coordinator for the middle east peace process called on the international community to get behind a framework for guys as recovery. no attempts to address the military and security chose this will be sustainable unless it's a part of a broad approach that addresses goss as a political future. that future is an integral part of a single unified palestinian state, which is a closer foundation for realizing a 2 state solution. now no vote has been scheduled on algeria as draft resolution yet. france for it's part, has expressed support for it. but it's also been working on a more comprehensive solution to ending with conflict directed at a 2 state solution. kristen salumi al jazeera, the united nation. now,
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palestinians in gauze are experiencing a major shortage of medicine and medical supplies. the delivery of a life saving 8 into the strip is which is sharply under use or any restrictions, delays and incursions. and rafa and ghost as displacement comes pharmacist, struggle to help an ever expanding population of sick and wounded target because they have reports there's a smoke. tent is the only place displays, palestinians endeavored, bella can get much needed medicine, but it's quickly running out of the problem. most children's medicine, along with those for chronic and acute disease is i've totally gone. also anesthetics that not available in any for many of the injured pots of dead bodies amputated and the dentist that expect these items that code the out of stock comes mostly with the doctor. yes, he took all the medicine he could carry you when he fled. is barely bought, mentioned the nose on that nonsense. i used to own a farm or something cause
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a city. it was destroyed by these really forces. this is what is left of this talk we had is made shift. pharmacy only has top pulling into it to protect it from the weather, yet it's become a lifeline for doses assemblies. so how do we on the test on online menu item all must be kept in low temperature and we do not have a cooler full. so we are surrounded by wasting garbage. we insisted inside the less flies and was due to us. it is very hard to know, but we are doing our very best to sort of our community to buy and provide the best possible medical assistance to the buy accounts. huntington pictures and i wanted to show 2 types of fees of outbreaks of disease among the thousands living in displacement camps is rarely a tax on hospitals and restrictions on the into your aid have left most of the
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strips made to come, work is unable to cope since as well began, is encouraging and rough. i fairly of this month, the world health organization says only 3 of its 8 trucks have been able to enter the area with much of gauze as medical care infrastructure. ruins are due to the east venue, relentless attacks. palestinian pharmacist have a fee to be the p can hope for old gauze is does place assemblies that are trying to provide them with lifelines as they are trying to find power outages and even extreme temperature effect. to ation, that's negatively when medicine, storage power is about, as boone would just be around there with the palestine. the, the stuff i took, the kind of things underway and south africa's general election has been surround poses african national congress is facing,
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is fits. his challenge for the 1st time in the city is soaring, unemployment and rolling power conser among the main issue. so many voters facing was extended in some parts of the country because of the large turn out that's cost to you, my kind of who's the results operation center in the town of mentioned. and mike could bring this up to speed with where we are in the electrical process sofa as well. it's been a long day and certainly there was very long to throughout the day it does appear that the turn off was exceedingly substantially at the, the independent electro commission saying that it is certainly more substantial than the last election 5 years ago. the long queues they went late into the night voting was expended at the number of posting stations. once again, the ruling was that anybody who was in the queue at the formal end of voting at 9 pm would be allowed to stay until the boat was counted, said the station would be forced to stay open. as some results have started to come
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in, very, very limited at this particular point, but not like you to see any form of trend whatsoever until mid morning tomorrow. but let's just take a look at what we've got so far that you see that the amc has around a full and a half 1000 votes at this stage. look a little bit further down and you see that the da, the democratic alliance is around 3300 the votes in that region at the stage. and so if you put those the to sticks together, the amc is got 43 percent of the vote. the a d a has got to the point 99 percent of the boat. but how much stress is truly misleading? one of the results that came in that is from cape town, which is an absolute da stronghold. that's the kind of figure that we're expecting to see from there. and now the results that came in is from the eastern cape the, when he might have because a lot of municipality, that's an a and c strong health. so as i say,
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we want to be very careful here because things are just very, very preliminary billings of results. and the only time that we can really start speaking about meaningful trends will be when there's a lot more votes coming in. most importantly, from a lot of diverse areas, and that's probably only going to be around about 10 or 11 o'clock in the morning tomorrow. yeah, my god, despite those predictable votes, results coming in, change as being of course, a recurring sense of mental outcome by ending coupled with a sense of disillusionment with the ruling amc. what does this say about where south africa is right now? a well, it's a very difficult question in a way to answer because this has now the 7th election since democracy. the one thing that has moved from the process in the past day is the fact that there is
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still the desire to vote. that despite through the process haven't taken place the number of times since that glorious day at 1994. the vote is still considered a very important thing in this country. you're looking now at a percentage call perhaps a over 65 percent, which is a substantial number of folks is going on that. and which removes the possibility as that many have become so disillusioned that they are not going to vote at all. so on one level, what you're seeing here is a celebration of the vote regardless of what the party affiliations with those votes. so going is going to be the key issues that has been dissatisfaction with the amc as the government. what has happened in this country that die? it cannot make situation. the failure to provide services, old happened on its watch off the over the past 3 decades of costs as a substantial portion of people who want to change whether they see the amc or
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a reformed amc. that is admitted to the mistakes of what's passed as being the vehicle for that change, whether they need other parties to come in. that is something that these results will show. but the key issue here and to understand this 400 seats in the national assembly, the amc needs to get 50 percent or more of those to continue governing as it has over the past few decades. if it doesn't get that 50 percent, it's going to have to form a coalition with one of the party. you said something. this country has never experienced under a democratic rule. that would be something new. and perhaps the excitement, the great excitement that is surrounding these elections, this particular electro, a process. it is perhaps exactly that, that there may be a change to the stage as quote, not a complete change, but there may be some form of change. micah, always get ahead because i hear your thoughts. uh mike, kind of the reporting from midland and south africa. so headline which is 0
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a jury in new york deliberates and donald trump's harsh money case. he insists the trials on for the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced these 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions. you can be somebody that says i'm one of the hostages, october 7, and return. and i want to start inside story. on out to 0, they fled from the world's most secretive states. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences, but shining
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a light on the home of kings and bring dang, jeff. one on one east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online despite the risk on al jazeera stairs from, i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app . is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think? is it the, [000:00:00;00]
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the you're watching out? is there a, is there a mind of on top? so is this. so is there any forces of kills that he won't allow us to get into the cause cause of them when say 15 of them in rough, with 1000000 people looking for saline for solving the city and the cost between the united nations security council has meant to discuss the deteriorating situation, im goes out. julia is proposing a draft resolution quoting for is around to stop the killing rafa. and south africa's electrical commission says that as being a high turnouts in the general elections, the pulse of clothes, in most places for the electoral commission size, those waiting in line will still be able to of presidential candidates in mexico. holding that final campaign, riley is the head of the general election on sunday po, show the ruling policy candidates. claudia showing bottom is on close to become the countries the 1st female president. nearly
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a $100000000.00 voters are expected to cost by products. so in crime and the economy among the major issues for votes as well in a moment will speak to my local apollo. he's in the city of monterey, what she'll do, she'll go horizon is holding her last riley. but 1st let's go live to mexico city. i left america edits, nbc and newman, is that the ruling policies, campaign riley and lucy. yeah. what's the so called continuity comes of that being saying to her, supposes that a well 1st let me say that the riley has ended and read news about a half an hour ago, and that's why you don't see the plaza, the soap kind of the same as some kind of mexico city which can hold up to 200000 people, absolutely packed to the brim as it was up until about 30 minutes ago when, when they come out of the assemble and the official candidates was speaking to said that she would be precisely that the candidate have come to nobody's you said that
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she would continue what, what the current president's and that is, manuel lopez overload calls the 4th transformation on mexico. every sort of left wing this cards said that this country would not about to free marker economics would not filed to the rich to the wealthy or to foreign countries, which was a message of course, to this country's largest and most powerful neighbor, the united states. and so she also finally, however, made the business card in this last campaign rally. she hadn't talked about it very much, but this time she said that if she is elected president, she will be the president that will, will do away with the patriarchy, with male chauvinism. and with women tides, which as we all know is something that mexico know as to well. so it was as a speech that only at times sounded conciliatory, but basically promising to continue with the social programs and with everything
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that the current president will not have had time to finish. when the next one takes over in october. for right, let's see how many things when i left in america and it's a lucy and even though reporting from mexico city lights go to my node, i follow, no, he's in the city of monterey where, so just all go. this is holding her last riley and, and while of course we know whoever wins based, it's definitely going to be a woman book of represents a very different puff and mexico doesn't she? she's trailing in the polls because they have policy proposals. a popular with people where you are the that's right, they, regardless of the outcome of the selection of the country, his voice made history and welcome his 1st female president. you use the term both you and our latin america editor, lucy, a newman just wrote, referred to plug to show you about an, as the candidate of continuity will excuse the candidate of continuity will. so you can get it is the candidate that offers probably the most distinct possible path
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for mexico in this upcoming election. so you can gather this has been critical of just about every political stance of mexico's a current president and the discipline will lopez over that or she represents a coalition in alliance of political parties here in mexico, that on, on a normal day would probably not have anything in common, but in this case what, what they do have in common is the sort of disdain of all of these policies of the president lopez over the world now. so we've got this over the course of the last few weeks. we did see her, and while the scene bomb and the other candidate, ahold of him minus in 3 separate debates. so we did get a chance to get an idea of the different policy proposals of all of these candidates and on just about every thing, whether it be matters of in security, matters of immigration matters of the judiciary and the nash and the autonomy of the national electoral institute, there's really not a whole lot that the 2 leading candidates search, if you've got this, unplug the machine,
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but i'm having comment apart from their ginger. perhaps maybe. 4 economy and their desire to, to seize on the opportunity of building better relationship with the corporations and companies in the united states and sees the opportunity of near shore a. but really what we're seeing here is 2 candidates that have a very strong backend of their own, our respective political movements. uh now when it comes to likelihood, the exit polls that we saw early in the hours of, of uh, wednesdays, suggest that such a theme guidance has about 33 percent of the boat. now there's still room for surprises. that doesn't necessarily mean that this is in the bag, so to speak, for club dishing bomb. so you can get it is just moments ago took the stage here at the monterey a rita speaking to supporters uh, several 1000 people. this is a very pack stadium at this point um, but, but again, this is going to be the ultimate test of whether or not these political movements really have the, the strength to propel one of these 2 women to the presidency. and of course,
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that's something we're going to find out on sunday, june the 2nd. and as you say, i mean, well, whoever wins it will be starting by minutes of mexico mind loaded up all of this from the monterey. okay, the jury in donald trump, so cold hush, money trial has been dismissed for the day off to deliberating for 4 hours, some trumps facing $34.00, fell into camps the keys to falsifying business records to cover up payments to adult film style stool mcdaniel's. during the 2016 presidential election campaign, the payments were allegedly meant to prevent daniels from going public about the claims of an affair, laughed, leaving the court in a wednesday. trump again cooled the trial on the 5, and so the charges of rigs is created not guilty to all of those charges to 100, as well from new york. as the jury called it a day after 4 hours and the 1st day of jury deliberations in the 1st ever criminal trial of a former us president, the jury said they wanted to hear more about a 2015 meeting. they wanted to hear the testimony again,
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that meetings between national enquirer publisher, david hecker and trump officials in which hecker allegedly agreed to find negative stories about trump. so he could wash them. that came after about an hour of jury instructions. there's not allow leeway the judge has he simply telling the jury what they may and may not consider in order to decide whether donald trump is guilty or not guilty, but trump didn't like it anyway. in the same way, he has said about every election he has been in for criminal trials, you know, phases. he says the system is rigged against all countries of the mess, borders, fake elections. and you have a trial like this with a judge a. so it's a disgrace. keep in mind, mother theresa probably would never have been charged with trying to cover up an affair with
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a porn star in order to hide that from voters won't running for president. but if trump is convicted, he faces up to 4 years in prison for each of $34.00 charges. prosecutor say it's highly unlikely that he would face prison time more likely that he would either face home confinement or probation. neither of those is really a good deal for a guy who's running for president. because with home confinement, you can't travel and campaign. and if you're on probation, you have to ask your probation officer and that requires planning before you can leave the state. so for donald trump, we don't know exactly how this would happen if you were convicted because we've never seen anything like this before. john henry, l. g 0, new york hungry is government assigned to deal with batteries to help build a 2nd nuclear power plant. foreign ministers and the 2 nations announced the agreement to minutes on greece punks to react to as being under construction by
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russia state agency. what most often since 2014, the 15 and a half $1000000000.00 projects experience several delays. temperatures and northwest dahlia of hit 52.9 degrees celsius. that's the highest temperature ever recorded in the intense heat wave of straining powered graves and causing water shortages. nationwide india often surface scorching summit temperatures, but research has found climate change has causing more frequent st. waves a much more intense volcano in southwestern iceland is erupt. thing for the 5th time since december. a new fisher shooting law for about 50 meters into the yeah, these are live pictures of the scene, the nearby town to get into the kind of g assemble spot, a result of being evacuated. items me to a logical office reported intense earthquake activity and the lead up to the other options by taking the seats them all right, that's it for me. these boxes have again,
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a website i would 0. don't com. boulevard top stories, whether it's next been inside story. we'll look at the piece of opposed by the ukranian pressed the the hello red warning is for intense rain in northeast and the i have now being downgraded to orange warning. so let me show you these range will slowly begin to peter out from a sun state for example. but look at this. now we're pumping in humidity of the baseband goal. so doc us $35.00 degrees, but you're factoring that humidity. it's going to feel closer to 50. okay, or mountain see right in still running into the coast of care list state in southern india and the heats in the north also starting to back off a bit. so those red warnings also here now dropped down to orange warnings. 43 and i'm red star and 45 in new delhi, but where we are turning up,
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the heat is in southern buckets done. so karachi, $38.00, maybe even seem 40 over the next few days and also breezy here. so sending dust stones seemed likely quite active in this part of the world's, for a lot of rain coming across the south trying to see that's been plaguing southern china. so this has not been good for southern grungy province. copious amounts of rain. sure. that clogged up the roads with water. tough to get around to 4 of these storms in the forecast on thursday from the gang saved right down to the pearl river valley. and we've got our type food move in just to the east of japan, but could still throw some rain for the pacific coast of chicago and honshu islands on thursday. so yeah, the, the latest news as it breaks here, that being even basic things. but the main concern is how these people are able to
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feel that live with detailed coverage hall teeth tooth has been on the heavy ariel from above and for months. now, the residential building here is just been here from around the world, which you will see here. is a catch of muscles, the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here . now we have to go out at least 4 hours the president, but autumn is the landscape, is hoping a peace summit will return the world's attention to ukraine's will with russia for russia's nothing vices in some major will of late as on coming on the chance of success does it have this is the inside story, the


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