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tv   The Lost Souls of Syria Ep 2  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems cuts on red chris, the how many buck rainbow the top story is allowed to 0? is there any forces of code that he wouldn't tell us the needs? of course guys are on wednesday. 15 of them in rough or, or 1000000 people have been forced to leave the southern city in the past 3 weeks. is where i was expanding as ministry operation in central and western reference. the ministry says it's in full operational control of the border area with egypt. notice of philadelphia, cory to the areas 14 kilometers long and intended to be at the miniaturized buffers running along the border between gauze or in egypt. united nations security council
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is meant to discuss the deteriorating situation in gaza and both of those condemned israel is attack on a camp in rafa on sunday was code 45 people. would you ever have it set to propose a draft resolution quoting for israel to stop the killing in rough time? because you as a responsible member of the security council. and with the support of the auto group, has decided to submit a draft to the solution. and everyone in discounts and to ensure that it's sort of sponsibility we hope that these gold size that off, that is lucia can gather the support of people to one in this concept start kind things on the way in south africa's general election facing was extended
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in some parts of the country because of the large turn of soaring unemployment, rolling power, cancer among the making issues. so many vices, husband's robert poses african national congress is facing, is fits his challenge for the 1st time in 30 years. mike kind of has more from the town of mid trent. the key issue here and to understand this 400 seats in the national assembly, the amc needs to get 50 percent or more of those to continue governing as it has over the past few decades. if it doesn't get that 50 percent, it's going to have to form a coalition with one of the parties that something this country has never experienced on the democratic rule. that would be something new. and perhaps the excitement of the great excitement that is surrounding these elections. this particular electoral process is perhaps exactly that, that there may be a change to the status quo. oh, not a complete change,
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but there may be some form of change. us presidential candidates and mexico were holding that final campaign. riley is the head of the general election on sunday. oh, show me the ruling party. kind of that claudia, shine biome is on close to become the country's 1st female president. maybe a $100000000.00 votes, who is, are expected to cost that by that's kind of it's a contesting for more than $20000.00 positions, including members of congress and state governors. soaring crime and the economy are among the major issues for folks is the jury and donald trump. so court house money trial has been dismissed for the day after deliberating for 4 hours terms facing $54.00 felony counts, accused of falsifying business records to cover up payments. the adult film star store mcdaniels through the 2016 presidential election. the campaign rather, the payments were allegedly meant to prevent daniels from going public about her claims after a fat will after leaving the court room on wednesday, trump again called the trial unfair and said the challenge is
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a rig he's pleaded not guilty. so what with challenges all countries of the message to borders? fake elections and you haven't traveling, this is a disgrace. volcano in south west in iceland is erupt. thing for the 5th time since december. these a lot of pictures. the new fisheries shooting law for about 50 meters into the the nearby town of green, the vic and a g assemble spa resorts have been evacuated, license mutual logical office report, it intends to escalate activity in the lead up to the other option. okay, those but headlines, news continues here and i'm just here of the, i was just a world the, the
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the of the jama. 1986 power politics and murder at the very top of government. the
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states that the amount of what they said the lock, and then i've been waiting another guy here, no way that the that done about his that model and the that the, the in the mid 20th century german was divided into a northern, our kingdom at a british colony in the summer besides gained independence from britain in 1967. the founders of the new states had worked closely together to end the british presence. but soon the leaders of the new country turned on each other. this is the story of a power struggle that became extremely violent. it began on the 13th of january,
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1986, as demons top political leaders gathered to discuss power politics at the port city of 8. on the right seat armed guards representing one political faction. open fire on the wide. yeah. a lot. when it smells like a not because then i had to flush the, i didn't want to do that and how does that assessment? this is screw it up. just a little bit not allow them to move forward either the what the the cx, 5 mouth, like i the got collazo at the end. we'll kind of look at what was that under the testing? could i see? what kind of who did when jenna, but how does any yeah, it's a little not, i don't know. do you want to set up the subject sent him a list of the
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photos how him know that i'm haven't had it. so i'm going to do that when was the lecture. so this is for the day of the not i kind of thought, i'm what i saw the cause of the brush in the, the guy and that it was the bag and all the other things out of most of us. so you got, lisa, i don't think i on to the one over over the head who would have seen the guy the any possible god to either out of up to at least 3 cabinet members. what killed in the attack,
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including the vice president, the defense minister, and the ruling, gemini, socialist party's discipline of cheap the bodyguards, assassins, and politicians exchanged machine gun fire, leading pools of blood on the carpet, on the walls, riddled with bullet homes, the socio man's political leadership descended into this bloody tales because of a combination of local and international power politics. saw him and existed from 1967 until 1990 a power struggle between politicians on the left and right led to the formation of what was called the peoples democratic republic of yemen. in 1969, it was the only soviet back call me in the states and the arab world. alda 0 arabic
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report has come out. i'm like, he has examined the history of modern human. and for the 1986 assassinations. and this of are still relevant today, not on the side of i show many areas here. edu, m, he and p that lead the little studies here. and i don't know dfcs on, on, on how long you can the new to the home in uh my company just declined so that my bane is good. but that, that it would give that a call the house on uh, the new model of the day in which the 30th and after that, i really uh, paid about call, call me a while i give it to or uh, get back on that. we'll give it the model for now. what kind of to get that done uh to clock the non stop matter. but if i what kinda fell out while the had no. uh, so i had them in the system assist by this that model. but it,
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but the when person withdrew from so if you have this completely changed the political dynamics of the country, the left wing national fund became the governing party. bunch of the internal disagreements as to which direction the new country should take a few minutes. i left larry so that he might have some way you megan den this of it. i know i'm, i'm a booklet in the seen the before the and then what, who and what with him. i'd rather just give that to me. yes. using the back at senate many bad at least if left tennis in any way that that is similar to what is this of ash with haven't. and what with the matter with the f a may you said that the mean a regular e will use out of the
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on one side were left wing politicians led to by marxist, silent little by yardly of the fox. i smiled an oddly now, so most of the and on the right or yemen, spend president cock dano? shucks. i'm prime minister fi, so i'd love to find a chevy when the i'll face i'll have the lovely flow kind of one of that. she had the face that i've been lucky while i'm in a brands what a given other wash just so you can and will not be the velocity i need. kenny award tim the head of let's start getting a little flat. this must be had young body and the leg be heavy. he didn't, but bradley and liam and beloved with a homeless and now you will get fee on the list. any lie you will get. she had made it into 5 or 10 from that. yeah. well, in that that was the out of the heavy hit sora. now you get mad. you had to do a lot in the middle. yeah, i should see. i wouldn't miss keel casa,
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let in the day will gladly be lovely. and so now i love the lovely gemini joiner list a month. so a higher reported on the idea logical clashes between the left and right and the outer use of the song c, m an independent the gun. and then i'm the c f guy of the interview and then the for the machine out of the code number lays that, that one person or the mosquito my, for the account that i think, i think even though is that i q kenneth interested accumulation, did a lot of skin caught it could be ok, they can let me open it up for you and let me take a look at that and then enough. well, i look on lots of other kind of can you hear the hold on because without having to hold up the problem before getting comfortable listed. but if you can just to get
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a message that it, cuz it's getting to the from the beginning, i think this was clear that the cuts on a shot they would have difficulty or a bridge in the regional divides within the southern part of the country. and also responding to the aspirations and the radical intentions of the left wing of, of the national liberation front. and that's what happened in 1969 when president dough shall have these left wing rivals, hosted him in what they called a correct to move. years after an attendance with cost on the shot be and his
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cousin were both arrested. tom was kept under house arrest for years, is cousin highschool was killed officially after trying to escape custody. and that left the left his wing of the party in power. the 3 men who to call shapes the 19 seventies and eighties in the people's democratic republic of yemen. they were silent little by you ali, adore font out a smile, and adding no suitable comment. that had a good, his name was issued a new, a new says the feat this uh, with the deed, just gonna make listed as just in case of an a theater. he has had negatively as it hasn't been, sadly, but the way i live at he said loud benefit smell, he's. well, i lena said how much one of
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these 3 individuals very clearly had the most important and in the development of south you. how many politics after 19693 very different individuals didn't to agree with one another and often schemed and plotted against one another. their differences were on various levels. one was regional. and there's competition between such areas and the fame and beyond in life insurance. the value and each of these personalities relied upon people from the district which exacerbated divisions within the party. the set, the tendency was much more dramatic and more pro russian. it was generally said,
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but basically much more of a dogmatic approach to socialism and the administration of the policy, etc. i'll do some fast. my will actually came from the northam in the background and some people who say he was born in north him and so he had most no family background steaks in the south. and he was there for probably more of an ideological figure than the others. and more committed to ideology these 3 men were officially partners in government. but in reality, they were each fine for political advantage about the club, but by the shabby seats social dean. belinda had by the my computer had that danny and but that was the one who told goodness
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in not seeing any new or that can i last here. i mean they moved them. i love you. yeah. i need a month coach from god. i could be a how do i know, how does your father call me at that? the been cut and medicaid that kind of be a part of the law and what else i needed and why that couldn't in the as to so much about how to do something. and i said $150.00 would have to shout out to any found at the comfortable home for the home for the bottom. i'm not sure how to, i mean i'm having a copy a or like an as to why that is an act. and that's how, uh, outside of the way i live, cuz you'll see my move on to the get my, why the but i'm going to cut a but i'm, and it's kind of the machine or can side of mean they have to miss the door to me i
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would say to for the physical the ruling national front held its 5th congress in 1972. it was a very heated event and the parties, internal ideological divisions were late. they're getting more than 10 minutes. hi, miss fee if needed was $70.00 where the at to value and they to yet a map. it's the same and it will be, yeah, i well they and the yet of the, the, for the test and i had limited way i'd be, can you hear me in the scene? well, i have the desk now 80 a, me the letter c. like to have us to for you to another. well not that heavy, the shacking deck, that's what 10 more have there was some that a that that see the what it should be in your and you look you up with him. he has added literally there was a wave of high profile political kennings in the region and then 19 seventies in north known as a yemen auto republic president i'm it will cost me was killed by
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a bomb in a briefcase. opponents of the president into suff, solomon, or by ali, accused him of the modem, the 2 days later, prime minister, most of the most of the oldest presidents celebrate by ali who was then executed on the nose with mohammed has never spoken openly about the 1986 motors at the cabinet table and age and also known locally as the until now come out on the lake. he asked the former sophie, how many presidents, what he knew about the execution of his wife. solemn little by showing that by the most of the she, i had some items that are not as the heavy though as that is what kind of the what yeah, i mean the humble level and they said, well yeah,
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i'm assuming you have in the one that that i'm sure you know, i did, i have very little with the shipment. the so the rivals of solomon and ad used up crisis moment, the assassination of on of last me and so not to remove solomon from power and out in the south. and by the way, the, the, the individuals that removed sort of hang from power were presumably the ones who arrange the briefcase bom, maintenance on, on. so they not only assassinated the north you, i'm and the president, but they used to use it as a way to remove the president and south him as well and, and come to power on there. on the british folder and office documents
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do not support the view that i mean, not certain, well how much regime was directly responsible for the kenning of 2 presidents. president, i didn't know suitable homage, denies orchestrating the hosting and execution of his bible solemn little by awning . but he does accuse solemn little by ali of being politically out of touch at a time when there was increased tension between north and south cnn. the, the michigan, the as long as the few that a little, the mobile yeah. any muscle behavior that i gave it to active as the maddox. this is just the level, the gun, the what kind of a side. so that was why that is, why don't you but will look good about stuff that doesn't that,
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that can cover the moment. but i had this idea of a hate have to be able to show that that can come out. how does that is that no? yeah, that'd be that's it. uh you know, it as i'm not sure but this to help us manageable shadow credit. the whole of the kind of what i know the rest of especially yeah. the kind of cool what the, what, what do we have like when, how about that? well, good is hands. okay. that's the amount of cut out of what the, what should have did. well, that will cause the delivery of the cabinet that i have about him over the to us the because it was kind of a little bit as a little bit. yeah, i definitely do my job much worth a 1000000 as of use the city, which i knew what i got. no, hey, let me see the brother. well, that is a 100 miles on aut. well that i'm, i'm for a lot of the kind of head and the still got the weather the so that's the
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as of the that the yeah. i mean, the use of that. so what kind of a, some of the above the what has been in the head as it a lot the otherwise it doesn't have to come down together. most of them that we haven't had that. so yeah, that good, but the that is a dad. i don't think i know the how does it have my thing, but that can be able to do i do like a better understanding what has all that i didn't oh, sort of what kind of view them same i was to i just shot by them, but after that, then i hit send them to send me that list. i need to deal with that and concerned because the size of it was that then the head of my name is the. but i have to go look to assist with that i use the best buy that has a smart today's been using. well, i've been the somebody, somebody so with the
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i don't want that i can do to get the homes with the mobiles and they can either get out the next gun. been that they've had that as i'm putting them in front of the ones that are in the again, then there's a dash, i mean then i'm then what do i the necessary method it use? hey esther. the essence of making this a chevy on the right. you said, you know, the 3 leaders of saw him and i'd be come to also to buy his dish body. no sort of mohammed became president, but only for 6 months. also during 1978 adults. i smiled, founded the gemini socialist party, replacing the national front. and his influence increased, that they had the,
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some system issues that are available for getting out, even in a benefit that let them know what the noise they use to for you. and i mean an i'm that has the vehicle race, hey, s a s as in douglas, a shot, but after that so that it is that you said the what you said it has to but then is, i mean do you need to have this one? but the amount of them that it has what, what was the uh, the middle of the v. that's the, that's my one. 0, but as i mean, i have to get a little bit of them as color so that they will have the silver to i had never the okay, i'm gonna go ahead and as i'm the i'm the, as i will have the brother ma'am. that is like, i'm gonna have to head to some, but what i text him the, the as a, what kind of a sample of it,
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the whole of these. well that means i'm little that they have that it has as well how the honeymoon code is a one. yeah. no, i think i'm gonna pull it up. but any. oh cool, great ease. yeah, i mean i'm just his check for the, the, my mom, dustin night, the unofficial theater. but then i just felt like an asset to do the results. i mean, literally like i'm on the bottom of what would be the wouldn't be that. that'd be just these confidential documents written by the british embassy and aiden. the 1979 show how concerned the west was about the political direction. the abdul, such a smile was taking the it's clear that breton saw some few m. and as a marxist, lynn in this country where the soviet union pull the strings, a smile was quote, moscow as much as the people's democratic republic of yemen entered the 1980s. a new deadly power struggled was emerging that would reach its
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bloody conclusion. 6 years later and 8 the the in the center. i bet the data
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you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red, chris foster, a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from an into the outer big language world. wide shaped come out award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the
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award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the document, the top stories on that which is 0 is ready for assistive cove, $31.00 palestinians across cause. and on wednesday, 15 of them in rough or the 1000000 people have been forced to leave the southern city in the past 3 weeks. united nations security council is meant to discuss the tearing situation in god's i'm, i'm busted as condemned israel's attack on a comp in reference sunday, which code 45 people. oh jewelry. i was sent to propose a draft resolution cooling for israel to stop the killing in rough m a jory and
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donald trump. so cold hoss money trial has been dismissed for the day. after deliberating for 4 hours trumps facing 50 full felony counts, accused of falsified business records to cover up payments. the adult film style stormy daniels during the 2016 presidential election campaign. the payments were allegedly meant to event daniels from going public about her claims of an affair. often leaving the court room on wednesday. trump again called the trial on fire and so the charges erect. he's pleaded not guilty to all of those charges. mother. these charges are all countries of the messenger to borders, fake elections, and you have a trial like this where the judge a so it's a disgrace. counting is underway in south africa's general election facing was
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extended in some parts of the country because of a large ton of soaring unemployment and rolling panel account. so my main issues for many voters present, civil em opposes african national congress is facing its face. this challenge for the 1st time in 50 years, presidential candidates in mexico holding that final campaign, riley is the head of the general election on sunday, whole show, the ruling party. kinds of that code is showing bottom is on cost to become the country's 1st female president. maybe a $100000000.00 votes is expected cost, the ballots candidates, the contesting for more than $20000.00 positions, including members of congress and state governors. so in crime, in the economy are among the major issues for many votes as the bottom. okay, you are up to date, those are the headlines. the news continues to announce the 0 of to have just to go away.
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the sophia, all the peoples democratic republic of having existed from 1967 to 1919 was the only communist state in the out of work to hobbs, of a divided in the north side of the 1970s went through periods of extreme political violence by 1979 president of the front i smiled at tightened his grip on power in the southern capital a. but there was serious tension between the president and his defense minister aaliyah until once more. at the same time, all i was war broke up between the north at the sun, had an advocate of female with a, there's a deficit map. it was the that it had with
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a headache and i've had an arrow scheduled with them have i've doesn't definitely take them. i've looked at this as well. got out of the home. i've the have you had that mean that it had the surveys been very good if you have photos he had and it has a 0 v t. langley the bad that lucy yet to pull out all these shipments. but i'm glad to have that 11. know this should be to get the, the kind of what i've had husband at the bottom of that he kind of went up by that side. it was selected that a good idea and luminous october had the death last for us, i need a full size. some a fill out my be, are you going to? well, i'm with the estimate auto body. i've tried to get it done. this test made them just of the idea until i left the publish to add as much as i can reduce. i don't
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totally. and what's the one with the columbus completed remove the mat in a little. it was only the metal and i had an issue that i can ask you to do is that if it does that you just showed was that i'm going to do that and that's how that. yeah. and the and the home you should do it. the add then, what is the difference of the position, or cutting out those different dice. nice. but no, no. i mean i get sent on the inside of the mileage to quit after that. what's the level that i'm, i'm with wisdom i'm, it's been a familiar so with you and then managed must have a se, se like it then, but because the issue of window, and i'm not at this level, actually, it's a little and there was a lot of the stuff
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that cut off the fab, this past may mean trust in his well, that's what i get. my so you should get the mean. i'm going to don't know why. um and he says here and see i may get, well, i've been a while and god bless you, kind of a zillow. does that hang on a lot and i was out of it and helped me mildly well, yeah, well hope with the with them. what is sincere agent has produced that i can see it, but if you talk about having so many and to highlight it and also them how much isn't oh, i mean, and how many little issues, what are easily dolah, what isn't it was on. however, sophie, how many politics was shaking off again and in a tobar 1985 to a smile, flew into exile in moscow. exciting medical reasons. the new man in power was audi na, suitable for assumed all sweet main offices of state. so after elena savannah is to
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basically get rid of the other 2 by 1980 or the struggle continued, not on the absolute top, but the various people who got close to being to the top. not only nicer mohammed effectively controlled all of the strings of government and then at that point and this began to generate other sources of, of tension and opposition into odds and other places around the country that that will not. but that has been a fresh eye on them, but they are, by the end of the now sort of that would mean on the effort, not even that like can any i'm 2nd step i've had in the past that something i leena said to him, a 2nd but that to me, let me check in with that and,
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and ship out what get an idea on that. and now the doing of a policy as a doing the part, the only one that believe me from not a whole popular. that's something i had. and i had a lot and it happened most on the home. uh, the best man i loved before across you, for the fact that i was talking exclusively to all just need a report or to come out on like a farmer. so if you have any president on, even though certain will homage spoke publicly for the 1st time about his predecessor at the front ice mine, she opened the book is about our minus of them instead of them. and yet they have on it. but at least to get another ticket on you let the boys you out to give up. so i thought to go with the other but kind of got to go out. i don't know the got difficult. what kind of shit, what is the about either somebody kind of looked at it a legit
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a guy will stop at the low side of the by the the that i'm not. well, the tobin, they looked at again, what are the good, what's up this will let them know shaddick and then i would what's your name as a shadow? shad, the asymptote will not. well, that doesn't get it. by talking about that. see what i have now, which would be the shop of the didn't. yeah. the didn't have you set that up. he was couldn't download it. that's what to us. lemme kind of what you will see. rush that date and update yet. and then give me a rough idea until we can get my last id and that's why that she was, if well,
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please turn it on to m opec, then se mountain not to. yeah, i'm to be do you know you can she do a little while ago really you are so many i guess why know how to get i feel know number or do little amount of i met it has well i didn't tell you i knew for race was more i didn't ask, what is the know how they you can any of some had me and as easy, my finish would do it at the skins interview. and if indeed a man i know, i say happy back of the mass i fell asleep. listen, i'm in meshes with definitely worse luck and have that to my lab and that again, i need to set those. have the test stuff not to yes. with the to yes, lack in was whole like, you know, i then say you, i can because, you know, i mean also was under pressure on several fronts. he faced
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a direct challenge in 1985, when now the fafsa smile returned from x. so i think you have the socialist party congress the same year on, you know, so it was forced to make concessions to other fathers function by giving up one of his 3 top jobs by 1985. that particular section had basically come back and become much stronger and they forced an asset to allow a booth at death to come back and the others who wished to linux side or came back . and it was very clear in the 2nd half of 1985 that there was a big battle coming and brewing that big battle was for control of the public bureau. the political cabinet. on the 9th of january, 1986, the 2 sides fundamentally disagreed on the allocation of the top party positions. they postponed their meeting to the 13th of january, a date now,
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cough and yet many history related to sub and him together, which has come, they go to college and i got a few, few up. what could we unplug it with an attach it and it was like i said before, the, the, the one who gave you the other kind of not been somebody and advised if you'd want to get an email. i think we'll come out on that, but i'll get a good code on that or the phone did not say and i did live there and also the oh i'm how about yeah, i me or let me at that i got a number. like i said, i will head that while of items of disease. well, i'm glad to do that before the the, the, the default value of the funnel b, r a. and i'll follow up with a whole another month in there and again on. now we know that has one that has been honda and i'm interested in the off the head of how it looks the
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way that the status i should have an idea of how does that kind of like 2 out of data could be just how hadn't been found kind of like the, the, the him coming in the social because that might have access to the lives of those and who move those funds seemed the way the products we started together. so that's what i'm getting have. and that was the goodness of these to my left and left us as well to the matter because of i didn't know, i never how i thought about it comes of it. like i said, live with us. that was a live in the that's the, the thing i had the, that land. i got that the bottom, the, the bottom of the left here. um and then the how does that kinda say in the, to god, but in this way, then that is how let them know so the to
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look dyson. now you feel like i have to leave the, not the mazda to these to mat lady, but then are inside united way. i'm assuming some of the well, how about the image of seeing what the need highly. so i, so i said, if you have, if you let me go to the side shows a man who by the who need to list the guy the ago, the end of the week. so how much i guess what can i let you, me, lady sadie? how does the guy on the of the manual been out of my god, i lose that. well, i got highlight, you mean? go to say let me uh, i will my god for the phone and letting me go see, let me like wait we just about that. in fact i, like i said,
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of course you live in the middle of this day and night set them solid. alicia lafferty what can i but then again to think aloud and it had this what you said, i've seen that he definitely knew you were waiting until a lot of variety and the answer and that i didn't know from how much how will it be done, but it's not when i told him and how may i have it. let me go ahead and we'll be that a, me a, be a, come to the vending as it. um. it'll be about accent alignment guide has a side of them and also to see how bad the, the data see to the title and the assassins video was recorded in the aftermath of the events of the 13th of
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january, 1986. the circumstances of the recording have not been independently verified. a few weeks after this video was recorded, mubarek solomon was reportedly arrested, tried to execute the only 7 that is kept in my statement describes how the attack on the cabin was planned, authorized and carry dogs. it's a 1st time to come to by the leader of a political death squad. i guess you guys went to one, but i definitely look at the 200 a minute. and then i'm going to come in and see how i never can. i didn't notice that with alex, since you've had
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a good project that you had the the on assets and the fat non according to the inclusion to the in diamond head i. so again i that if for that does have somebody who knows. so the highest that on the she has a yeah, a lot of the like i'm not quite sure what the next couple 100100100 less than how does that assessment?
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this is screwed in theater and just to the not allow them to move forward. like what the the fish died mouth like. i don't the good collazo because he got on the flow kind of a national. was that on the didn't that destiny could i think well, can it will just been jenna, but i mean, how does the city yeah, it's a little not i don't know. you want to set up the stuff. it's sending me a list of the website. yeah. we've got some photos, i don't know how and i know that i'm haven't had it. so i'm going to do that. one was i said this is for the day of the not kinda thought i'm what i saw. but i know because of the bush and the guy
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by the name of the vegan. all the other things that i think i, lisa, i don't think i on to the i'm gonna oh, go ahead. who bought them from a guy the any possible guy, the guy that what i think i said, did you the guy what i think i just thought of and i said sort of, it's sort of a so you to the guy who is going to be guy or would skip that a the come, let's on good, really funny. 10 of a late fee. that is another 10 of dispute. that's
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a little bit about them that the funds to the, to sat does have some items coming to load that can i will gladly go out the funds to go with the some of the data, the lack m y got the mentality into cause the that led to get to the issue of activity, it was the down, am i that i could look then the, my thought i, you know, the thing you know, done instead of tomorrow, the tunnel jennings out of it. and how does the, how you, how does the necessarily model look at the, the, the, again, the secretary had gone
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to them is that if you do decide somebody pushes shot of, of the, the how to, how did that lady kind of intend to buy that kind of, and they've gotten into a unit for donna to have them, and then you're kind of the ext. uh, hopefully that and the son which at the mazda 100, well, then the other will have the little bit about, i'm not sure. i, you know, looking at that, you know, why don't you want to? yeah, so that, that a single feed feed the bed,
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the team and the settlement be a lot of this task made a lot of the year was that we'd like to shop one, had to see about how many of me do that in the bottom frustrating, i can do that and get it really simple, but yeah, that's good. and like if i did the candles, i yeah, because i thought you said i had this in the most kind of what they've decided my yes, what i've had my had to to be. so i just kind of what, what's really move on the, i'm the so that can definitely let us know how that, let's say, what come out of one of the have a to you if you haven't left. and then i did the try to look that up here. well,
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what about a mass? got to give it a heavy team so that i can i'm, i want to go and that, that if i'm going to go out savannah chatham, supp plan, i think that goes on the level. so as an, as getting the, not the somebody on my head, us any letter of calling me. so then i'm going to miss all this. well, uh, well as of what happened after like realistic phase, i'd have to start again with the truck, simon, which will move on that's. that's what most of the time of the lobby will have to do. i have going to, i'm to apply up at all. so yeah, there's been, uh, at least we get 2 way left. so pretty well kind of go
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a sofa to and what are they going with the other service from the get to what i said the low. i know they just do what i kind of limit it as a lot of them at the community a my head this and the local, and i'm assuming i'm the son pm in the civil war of 1986 lasted just 12 days, but cost thousands of lives including voucher, a former president of the $5.00 ice mine is wible, oddly enough, sort of a holiday flight the country nearly 4 decades later, jammin nor answer is still in a state of violent political turmoil, as well as representing one of the world's largest humanitarian twice the, the consequences of the current war,
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the ongoing more since 2015 is that it may reawaken these old regional divisions within the south. and it has to be said that the war has had a similar consequence. the north rear reawakening all divisions that troubled early government. so north. yeah. the yeah. the to the on the committee published within right now is that a lot of how we a payment lies that yeah. and so that and the food will slip low as to what the hush by him. let's add it on the side. as i said, yeah, yeah, and i'm glad you said i know the bookstore. i like that a whole more fruit shop to the end. it could be a good producer, which i did that,
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isn't that a whole or so i did a hunting, gave me 4 years off to the 1986 political murders known simply as the events north and south human agreed to unify the new republic of general tried to put aside the deep ideological differences, but the country was to place my conflict and a resolution to the regional war that began in 2015 as proved elusive. today's protagonist finally begun peace negotiations. it remains to be seen before the views can lead to both on lasting peace and an end to the humanitarian disaster. in yeah, since he's whales, we'll run gaza thousands of the simians helping indiscriminately displaced. certainly forces are systematically targeting health care infrastructure. hospitals of one of the only safe options to seek refuge until we became targets. so most
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wages war from hospitals. i've never seen a soldier inside the hospital, which is the real world investigates where the east ran is violating international . no, but targeting supposedly a new crisis. dr. silver on hospitals on i'll just say around the, let's go with your headlines for the americas and much pressure field across the river plate. good to see by the way. so month of the day or 14 degrees, mostly cloudy sky. the good news is the rain has stopped in southern brazil, some parts of lake re 18 will be the number for you on thursday. rain really gets going across central western venezuela through the pacific coast of columbia and ecuador, there could be some flooding in this. so that meets up with the weather in central america from let's go nicaragua, coast rica, and panama, and still more for us to bring to go around mexico city on thursday, 13 degrees and still a stormy mess for texas along the border with oklahoma,
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eastern texas. once again, dallas is going to get straight with some pretty severe storms on thursday. has turned brighter through the great lakes. okay, still a few showers around new york. those will dance. so roger skies in the days to come 21 pin number for you on thursday. its turn cooler and sketch one province in canada, regina address 12 degrees. and if you spits of rain around vancouver, 15 will be the height for you. okay, so the other day phoenix at 40 degrees for the 1st time this year last year that happens at just at the beginning of june. so you're a bit ahead of schedule there. but let's go 39 degrees for you on thursday with walter was sunshine. the unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump, with blad folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make
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sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream announces era forced out of the homes, and now i think for lead, a group of displaced people sit in the shade. this is the 3rd time they've had to flee that village close to the town of cobra. they hadn't even arrived. it'll be late before they start telling us it's especially hard for the children. most schools being closed since the q 3 years ago and constantly moving is the plan set 24 hours a day as a constant bonds in the sky. that's what the fight to say is why 12, it's a sponsor place. it's up the looking for targets fronts, hillary, but also capable of jumping down on other basic services like health care scares to
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the clinic. a small truck arrives inside my pen a in labor and moaning in pain. the sound everyone has been hoping to hear smiles and relief for the family and the medical stuff. but a new arrival in a very on system. well. the, the dozens of palestinians are killed across cause i'm as ready, ground forces. why didn't they result on rafa climbing, full operational control of the pool, the area with egypt, the funny part of this i would just say with life and also coming up causes making shift, pharmacies, face and acute shortage of medicine that supplies the rise in casualties and restrictive flow of a product counseling begins in south africa's general election. the amc parties
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facing is the biggest test coming to power 30 years ago. the 1st year.


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