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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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from australia to on the sierra, daniel bella, dental rafa, and this will be the 5th displacement age groups holding for isabel to de escalate . now and say there is no plumb the for the people in rough on the dozens of palestinians all killed across the guns as rainy brown forest as one and the result of ruffled him in full control of the area with each of the hello. i'm don. jordan, this is i'll just say around life and also coming up god's as makes it pharmacies, face and acute shortage of medicines and supplies for the rise of casualties. unrestricted flight with a balance counting begins in south africa's general election amc space and its biggest chest. yet since coming to a pallet so 2 years ago,
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setting the stage for elections in mexico, which the final day of campaigning as a country defense to elect its 1st female press. the we begin in gaza where at least those who on palestinians have been killed across the strip since early on wednesday, as well as military is continuing, it strikes despite cools for it to stop its operation. 21 palestinians were killed in rough or is ready forces pushing further into the southern city under there was entailed quarter recept. this report from the bala in central dancer, the dangers talk for ambulance crews driving through the streets and reflect to reach the injured they find one man with charcoal for nearly 8 months now they've dealt with this concept. so of that are people the so that the
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other, the we are receiving human as quotes for help from citizens as part of targeting to escape people and these areas get this thing even in the safe areas. and the difficulty for ambulance is to reach the areas is great to, to, to the targeting of the emergency champs. and i used to do a complement of civil defense as truck in the face i'm going into is, are filled with people needing medical house. what happened was an explosion took place and they were shop. now, this is what happened with the old man got shopping in his head. i thought a morality hospital medics to what they can do, treat the wounded. it's the same for the few hospitals. so operating across cause a with the shortage of beds and medicines as a routine cause of hospitals. so for newness some patients are having to be treated the for the situation is still different here in the hospital, a desperate attempt to save lots with
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a few resources in the other data that has been a part of fine. what israel is now expanding its military operation in central and the west and the rough on the military science. it's in full control of the border area of egypt, known as the philadelphia coming to the areas 14 kilometers long and intended to be a d minute tries, both of them running along the boat at between casa and egypt. what israel has bombed out, as they are from reporting inside israel associate or higher it does this update from the jordanian capital i'm off. this is randy minute 3 says it has full operational control of as an adult, the car, a tool and that how much tunnels have been found use to smuggle weapons from egypt into the gaza strip. well, egypt hasn't confirmed any of this is really chief of stuff has been speaking from russell, saying that to get rid of how much is a national priority and that they will continue the fights and rough off until that goal is achieved. all of this was the opposition leaders had been meeting in tel
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aviv to discuss the plan to get rid of this current government as a quote on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign as soon as possible. meanwhile, international pressure and condemnation increases by the de against is ro, side of sight. it's all just, sarah, i'm on a reminder to have you as our teams are reporting from jordan because as well as bottomed out as the rep from operating this well as well as continuing its operation in rafa in violation of the international court of justice is routing on may 24th, the ice age i ordered israel to hold expenditure offensive in a rough or immediately. but since then is ready forces of killed at least 83 palestinians in rough or doesn't, is more really buried under the rubble. some united nations security council has meant to discuss the worst thing situation in gaza. baset is condemned, as well as attack on a company rough uh, on sunday, which killed 45 people. algeria, this set to propose
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a draft resolution quoting for as well to stop the coming in rough idea of how responsible member of the security council. and with the support of the auto group, has decided to submit the off to this lucian decision for everyone in discounts. and to ensure that it's the responsibility we hope that these a good size, the last that is lucian, can god does the support of people one in this concept, the whole world. one of what the nice lady offensive and bluff would mean a no pause such an offensive and yet is while proceed with the consequences that your old full so i'm available. human suffering is fine once for this thing
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is to understand that if they have a meaning, garza, that is the feet, death, or displacement, maybe i should say, death and displacement displacement and when would it be enough? what other level of cruelty must be leached before this assault is finally blocked to and then there is no deadline imposed by legality of actuality humanity. that is why it has not costs. if it's not costing the red line set by the entire world on the left, and it is the duty of this concept to uphold, that's what line human lives at stake to uphold. that's what i'd like then to take decisive action to force is way to hold it's military offensive and to with low it's occupation forces. and to ensure that an immediate cease, fire, or crescent, certainly has more on the resolution in front of you in headquarters in new york of
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israel's attacks on ross. i was widely condemned by security council members, many of whom reference the order of the international court of justice just days earlier, and such military activity, algeria, for its part called on the security council to back a concise resolution supporting b i. c, j, and international law, while the un special coordinator for the middle east peace process called on the international community to get behind a framework for guys as recovery. no attempts to address the military and security chose this will be sustainable unless it's a part of a broad approach that addresses gusts of political future. that future is an integral part of a single unified palestinian state, which is a closer foundation for realizing a 2 state solution. now no vote has been scheduled on al jerry as draft resolution yet. france for it's part,
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has expressed support for it. but it's also been working on a more comprehensive solution to ending with conflict directed at a 2 state solution. kristen salumi alda 0, the united nation. well, earlier in the month us president joe biden won't israel today would be a price to pay if it's minutes removed into rough up. in the past few days is rainy attacks and gauze of southern city of killed dozens of civilians. tanks on that, on the streets in the center of the city. despite that, the white house insist israel still hasn't crossed a red line. made it clear that if i go into rough or i haven't gotten rough, is yet to go in or off or i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with ross. i've made it clear to be, be in the work, and they're not going to get our support. if in fact it going these population centers, everything we're seeing and we can see everything. but everything that we can see tells us that they are not moving in, in
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a major ground operation in population centers, in the center, rasa. we still don't want to see these, or at least as we say, smash and or off or with large units over over, over the large pieces of their territory. what area we spoke to eli clifton from the quincy institute. that's a think tank focusing on us foreign policy. the says it's becoming increasingly evident the bite and the circle, red line and a wide scale is randy. and then the invasion in russia is meaningless. i think what the, by the administration, like many other american policy makers are learning once again, is a providing largely unconditional military aid to israel is extremely dangerous. because google has demonstrated that they are either unwilling or incapable of abiding by their own state of the rules of the game engagement, let alone american red lines that they simply are behaving like a professional military. and it gives real bomb the world central kitchen. again, workers they killed 45 displays, people in rob, of using
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a weapon made by boeing and ship from united states. and they have down entered into the spike woods on kirby says in the what appears to be a major ground incursion. interoffice is becoming increasingly clear that the by the white house is either on the interested in enforcing any red lines on israel. or that these red lines, maybe it's simply don't actually exist as well. palestinians in gauze are experiencing a major shortage of medicines and medical supplies, the delivery of life, saving a it into the strip. as would you sharply under is randy restrictions, delays and incursions in rough up and goals as displacement outcomes. pharmacists struggle to help and ever expanding population of the sick and wounded just aristotle, god bless the ripples. this is smote. tent is the only place displaced, palestinians in garret black and get much needed medicine bucks quickly running out the other is not fun. most children's medicine, along with those for chronic and acute diseases. i've totally gone. also
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anesthetics that not available in any 400 are many of the injured had pots of dead bodies amputated and need dentist fedex. but these items that totally out of stock corresponds with the 2. yeah, he took all the medicine he could carry you and he fled is barely bought. mentioned the nose on that and i used to own a farm or something cause a city it was destroyed by these really forces. this is what is left of this talk. we had is made shift. pharmacy only has toppling and route to protect it from the weather. yet it's become a lifeline for doses assemblies. so how do we on the head start off on many item of what must be kept in low temperature. and we do not have a cooler full so we are surrounded by wasting the garbage. we are in 5th and 6th, and the flies and mosquitoes. it is very hard to know that we are doing our very
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best to some of our community to buy and provide the best possible medical assistance to they may buy accounts, huntington pictures, and i want to show 2 types of fees of outbreaks of disease among the thousands living in displacement camps is really a tax on hospitals and restrictions on the into your aid have left most of districts medical of work is unable to cope since as will began, is encouraging and rough. i fairly of this month, the world health organization says only 3 of its 8 trucks have been able to into the area with much of gauze has made to coca and for us, the truck routes are due to the east venue, relentless attacks. palestinian pharmacists have a fee to be to pick $10.00 of hope for old gauze as best place assemblies. we are trying to provide them with lifelines as they are trying to find power outages and even extreme temperature fluctuations that's negatively on medicine storage. power
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. so about, as boone algebra there with the palestine, the vote counting is on the way in south africa, has general election. presidents are pushed as african national congress is facing its biggest challenge yet for the 1st time in 30 years. soaring unemployment and rolling power comes among the main issues for many voters. obviously it was my kind of report, some of the results operation center. in the time of mid run, the queues continued late into the evening at the official poll closing time that would thousands in line still waiting to come to the ballot at more than half of the countries putting stations in key. we in for a higher to notes, then we had in 2019 which is why it is
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the signal mos the intention of the commission at this point to ensure that every vote that is under to be able to pull it out of it. who's on the queue is given an opportunity to record the put it's got a choice. even in the long wait. the spear was celebrate cree, almost jubilant. here's a 1st time. so to how excited all you about costing your excited. i'm very excited with my 1st time to vote. i think you this kind of infuse, yes and that we're seeing in the voting lines were you, how important is it to see this amount of people coming? i'm excited to see a lot of people come out to me. it's about time that we have changed in this country, and i'm really proud that people came out to come and quote units come and make a change. um yeah, you know, we need change. we're tired, we need change. and regardless of party affiliation, pride was the operative,
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would a national sense of a job well done. the 1st result came in after midnight, but now and not the long wait for the results to be collected and released at stake, of the country will pick up and will the next 5 years, montana. oh, just the era, the grand south africa, a surface upright here, and i'll just here when we come back, a warning of dangerous levels of feet of india's capital, temperatures reach that was never seen before in the country. nature's power on display in iceland raising concerns again for residents and trumpets. it's more than the let's go with your headlines for the americas and much pressure field across the river plate. good to see by the way, so month of day or 14 degrees, mostly cloudy sky. the good news is the rain has stopped in southern brazil,
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some parts of lake ray 18 will be the number for you on thursday. rain really gets going across central western venezuela through the pacific coast of columbia and ecuador, there could be some flooding in this. so that meets up with the weather in central america from let's go nicaragua, coast rica, and panama, and still more for us to bring to go around mexico city on thursday, 13 degrees and still a strongly met for texas along the border with oklahoma, eastern texas. once again, dallas is going to get straight with some pretty severe storms on thursday. has turned brighter through the great lakes. ok, still a few showers around new york. those will dance. so roger sky's in the days to come . 21 thing number for you on thursday. is turn cooler and schedule and province in canada, regina address 12 degrees and a few spots of rain around vancouver. 15 will be the height for you. okay, so the other day phoenix at 40 degrees for the 1st time this year last year that happens at just at the beginning of june. so you're
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a bit ahead of schedule there. but let's go 39 degrees for you on thursday with walter watts sunshine. the there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken activists making. that boy saves her. how many disasters do we need to start taking action in the fights against the climate catastrophe. this generation is trying to save the world. we are in an emergency right now. when you do the much destruction, you're gonna face the consequences. nature's done. i will just the or as a new series, dying now or never. the the
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for going back, you're watching out just a right quick reminder about top storage. see, at this hour, is there any forces of people felt you want us to manage across console on wednesday, 15 of them in a roughly more than a 1000000 people have been forced to leave the southern city. in the past 3 weeks. the united nations security council has meant to discuss the worst thing situation in regards of algeria is proposing a draft resolution, quoting for israel to stop the clinic in south africa is an actual commission says there's been a high turn out in the general election, dispose of those in most places, but the commission says those waiting in lines will be a presidential candidates in mexico withheld. the final campaign valley is the head of the general election on sunday that going to be the largest in mexico, us history, and terms of a number of voters and posts being contested. nearly 100000000 people are due to
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cost the ballots, including a record number of 1st time voters, more than 20000 locals states on congressional positions being fort full as well as that of president em for the 1st time. the 2 front runners women, claudia shane bomb is that for my matter of mexico city, she's the candidate for the governing marina potty and wants to continue. it's the agenda selection tool, galvan as the strong critic of the administration of president lopez orbital. she's published a coalition government the defends, democratic checks and balances. after there was my arrival, i was in the city of monterey, where gathers, has just concluded already. were outside the monterey or rena in monterey mexico where the close of campaign event for the leading opposition candidates in the upcoming mexico elections search. the database has just ended thousands of people now leaving the event. so many people refer to court here. same bomb has the candidate of continuity was use the candidate of continuity building such as these
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guys represent. probably the stork is the parts are a different path for mexico in the upcoming election goes represents a coalition of political parties here and mexico that would normally not have a whole lot in common. but in this instance that common it commonality is a shared disdain. for the policies of mexican president, and this one with nope, is over the door now both claudia sheen bomb and so team galvis enjoy the backing of a very, a very strong respective political move it. but it will be june. second, this coming sunday that will determine which of the 2 candidates has a stronger backing. it up a little algebra, one thing. but more than 70 percent of women and girls in mexico have already experienced gender based finance. sandra 0 spoke to female voters of different generations. on their expectations for the new government. i like it that it is so you do not hear. my name is gina a few years ago i quit my job and started my own business. i've got
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a whole lot. good bye to me numbers, maria. hi, my name is maria. i am a lawyer and an artist. i work in the hotel business and i have my own online store . the situation for women and mexico's for risk. the fact that 11 or 12 women are killed every day in mexico just for being women is horrendous. if several resources step out of the security situation has gotten out of the hands of the government, they are hoping criminals will kill each other. so organized crime is taking root in small towns, so people have to flee and leave their home, go good. mexico has improved in certain areas, but issues like massage any and violence against women are still widespread. so let's hope that will change with the 1st female president. whatever they the candidates have had to adapt to male dominated system. there are suit wearing women, so to speak, but women, nonetheless, they are very strong women with
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a lot of character. so i'm pretty made obvious, i started other supplies for the 1st time in our history. we're going to have a female president. but to make sure this happens, we all need to vote. it doesn't matter who you vote for, but we need to obtain an overwhelming victory to the opposition. cannot say the election was great. being a man is still a privilege. for example, there are many top jobs that women can't get. so if we have a female president, a historic feet, it might help change people's minds west coast to assume that there's going to be that doesn't city. maybe some people might think the candidates are female, they can be manipulated. you know, many, i would not like to be in a position where they have to take orders from a woman. it is very side, but that is changing. younger people don't think that way. somebody don't auto monthly sadie. i leave actually i would. and romanticize the idea of having 2
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female candidates, because at the end of the day, they are the daughters of the petri arkell system. but i hope they understand the historic event this represents for this country, sort of the government, this bit of a guessing duncan fee, and for the next 6 years, they will be running the country so they should focus on women's issues. i hope this happens, but i am realistic, but i do hope they can improve the situation for women in mexico because this will be a historic event. you said 6 annual etc. so south korea says north korea, as low as the barrage of suspected ballistic missiles into his eastern sea. 10 objects landed off and traveling for about 350 kilometers. south co is accusing field young of publication. mcbryan has moved on the latest launch from so this was the detective just off the 1st slide on thursday morning, coming from the s 29 area which is just outside the capital p on young. it's from where a lot of the missile and weapons testing originates. and they did the authority said today they detected a total of a 10, presumably short range,
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ballistic missiles, flying east woods, and landing in the sea of the east coast of the peninsula. now given the relatively large number of projectiles, there was a lot of speculation that this could well have been what they call a super large caliber all large bull rocket artillery system. the kind of system that uses a multiple launch is full. that launch is a kind of system that north korea has been actively testing of late, but the, even so, regardless of exactly what nature this weapon system was the fact that it flew 350 kilometers ease of concern here in south korea. because as the south koreans point out, that puts pretty much the whole of the southern part of dependency the within range . and so it has been condemned by both the south korea and also the us as a provocative act. so the jury and donald trump said, cold hoss money trial has been dismissed for the day off of deliberating for 4 hours from spacing 34 percent of the accounts that use the full suffice business
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records to cover up payments to out of film stuff. stormy daniels during the 2016 presidential election. the payments were allegedly meant to prevent daniels from going public about her claims of an offense was from john henry reports from new york. the jury called it a day after 4 hours in the 1st day of jury deliberations in the 1st ever criminal trial of a former us president. the jury said they wanted to hear more about a 2015 meeting. they wanted to hear the testimony again. that meetings between national enquirer publisher, david hecker and trump officials in which hecker allegedly agreed to find negative stories about trump. so he could wash them. that came after about an hour of jury instructions. you're not allow leeway the judge has he simply telling the jury what they may and may not consider in order to decide whether donald trump is guilty or not guilty, but trump didn't like it anyway. in the same way, he has said about every election he has been in for criminal trials. he now faces.
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he says, the system is rigged against all countries of the mess, borders, fake elections, and you have a trial like this. with a judge. it's a disgrace. keep in mind, mother theresa probably would never have been charged with trying to cover up an affair with a porn star in order to hide that from voters won't running for president. but if trump is convicted, he faces up to 4 years in prison for each of $34.00 charges. prosecutors a, it's highly unlikely that he would face prison time more likely that he would either face home confinement for probation. neither of those is really a good deal for a guy who's running for president. because with home confinement you can't travel
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and campaign. and if you're on probation, you have to ask your probation officer and that requires planning before you can leave the state. so for donald trump, we don't know exactly how this would happen if you were convicted because we've never seen anything like this before. john henry l g 0, new york. now, temperature is in parts of india is capital, have reached the highest ever seen in the country, heat wave restraining power grids and causing water shortages. barbara or thoughts a severe heat wave is tormenting. residents of india is capital new. den temperatures have sold cost $52.00 degrees. the temperature has gone up extremely high and this heat wave and deli, when we go outside, it seems like someone is slipping out faces. the heat isn't slowing down. delivery, right? as in that port got to me the boat in most cases that a lot of times we have to travel time to meet. it's free to go to the blankets,
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how we may write it, even though hands behind it. i've received the heat, the message on my phone, but we have no other choice but to we're sorry, it is in the house state closed on government schools for a week after students fainted. and we don't get to make up the company that we both do to stream heat and rising temperatures. the students are facing difficulties to collect. there is an electrolyte and balance which is making the students faint of woman or feel different. temperatures are expected to cool down and fast day, but not before causing misery to city dwellers, modern and living in slats. each item in effect of cds makes it very works and the areas are facing the gate by mall. also be, i want to take vitamin s o l e has the highest baltic. why the today? i do 8000. think of the why fi fi to spiteful to bring wall 5 under control
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in general and kashmir estate survive as a 5 ton remo. which back to india as northeastern states on sunday, rebuilding the homes meteorologist say the extreme with us will become more common because of climate change. barbara and grandpa, out to 0 of all, came out in south west and the iceland is erupt. thing for the 5th time since december, the new fisher shooting law for about 50 meters into the nearby town of greenville, kind of geothermal spa result. i've been evacuated. latin america's human rights cooled as hell. the final hearing in brazil on the wednesday, on a landmark case, the court looked at how climate change is affecting human rights in the region, and the governments are obligated to prevent it. the climate lawsuit could have major implications for international law. sometimes you have to your thoughts rising steve, caused by the changing climate or slowly swallowing the in both good fish and community in southern mexico. since 2019 dozens of homes and other buildings have
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been swift the way by the waves. forcing 700 pieces to the hold up is, i'm ok. we hear about climate change all the time, but we never taught that it would come to us former and both residents are among hundreds of people. do you and officials, companies and scientists who spoke at landmark hearings held by the inter american court of human rights and the present in the city of my house? the court will issue an opinion grappling with the fundamental question of our times or governments obligated to protect people from climate change. and if so, to what degree? the answer will be important for a growing wave of global litigation, and that's forcing countries to compensate victims of the climate change and do more to control its impact. almost as we have high expectations for this document and hope it will offer
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a favorable instrument for the protection of the environment and human rights in order to force countries to act on their obligations. whether an advocacy.


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