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tv   The Listening Post  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 7:30am-8:01am AST

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and, but i do hope they can improve the situation for women in mexico because this will be a historic event. you say that it's like the west side of the kilbourne. i'm not a jury. and donald trump, so cold hush, money trial has been dismissed for the day after deliberating for 4 hours from spacing 30 full set of accounts that used to falsifying business records to cover up payments for adult films. tasks when mcdaniels. during the 2016 presidential election campaign, the payments were allegedly meant to prevent donaldson, i'm going public about her claims of an affair. it was from john henry has more from the of the jury called it a day after 4 hours in the 1st day of jury deliberations in the 1st ever criminal trial of a former us president. the jury said they wanted to hear more about a 2015 meeting. they wanted to hear the testimony again. that meetings between national enquirer publisher, david hecker and trump officials in which hecker allegedly agreed to find negative stories about trump. so he could wash them. that came after about an hour of jury
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instructions. you're not allow leeway the judge has he simply telling the jury what they may and may not consider in order to decide whether donald trump is guilty or not guilty, but trump didn't like it anyway. in the same way, he has said about every election he has been in for criminal trials, you know, phases. he says, the system is rigged against all countries of the mess, borders, fake elections. and you have a trial like this. with a judge. you gotta do is you it's a disgrace. keep in mind, mother theresa probably would never have been charged with trying to cover up an affair with a porn star in order to hide that from voters won't running for president. but if trump is convicted, he faces up to 4 years in prison for e age of $34.00 charges prosecutor's
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a. it's highly unlikely that he would face prison time, more likely that he would either face home confinement or probation. neither of those is really a good deal for a guy who's running for president. because with home confinement you can't travel and campaign. and if you're on probation, you have to ask your probation officer and that requires planning before you can leave the state. so for donald trump, we don't know exactly how this would happen if you were convicted because we've never seen anything like this before. john henry, l g 0, new york. okay, well that's it for me down in jordan for now. the news continues here on out to 0 off to the listening folks to go with the state you. thanks so much in the in depth investigations. they give compelling science into toes
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to from asia and the pacific one o one here on out. just sierra india is now 4 weeks into the biggest electoral process on the planet. lorenz remote is everywhere on every channel, all over social media. and his language is deeply devices. the i c. c, the charges against israel and from austin and the coverage that tells its own story. and have you read that headlines on java? they're fix that for the as the election now underway in india is happening on a scale. but no other country can match with more than 950000000 eligible voters casting ballots over 6 weeks. and the various parties spending a reported $15000000000.00 on their campaigns. the bidding favorite is prime minister now runs remote and his hindu nationalist party. the b j. p gunning for an
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historic 3rd term. india also has a media space like no other featuring more than 400 news channels. the vast majority of which do mode is bidding 247 and they stepped it up a notch, conducting an unprecedented number of interviews with the prime minister, loving softball questions, his way funding in front of the cameras. and yet, even with all of those factors playing in the b, j piece, favor, moti and the parties are their star. campaigners of leaned heavily into what they consider their primary election winning strategy, bashing indian muslims calling them infield traders out to eat up national resources. it is dangerous language and it's being repeated over and over. because despite all of those interviews, no one is really holding the prime minister to account
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it is fitting that the world's largest democracy. india has the longest election process of the over the 1st 4 weeks to vote. and with about a week to go and unexpectedly low turn out suggests that for prime minister and a wrench for moti and his party, the b j. p. things are not going according to plan. one sure sign of the prime minister who has spent 10 years in office, mostly avoiding interviews with the mainstream media. he's spending more time with journalists than ever before. 5 minutes, the movie verity gives interviews. he does not forward press conferences, how ever from the 31st of march to the 14th of may have give 41 interviews, which is quite the place. what these interviews do is may came from set them on television channels in newspapers, to remind people of his career ma,
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am his appeal be knows that mister moody is its best trump card when it comes to elections, because he does better when it comes to national elections as compared to the state of texas, the reason being that investment elections. mr. morgan is the fees that they're projecting. so you maximize the visibility of your best performer? can i be very blunt? these interviews are nothing but sort of unpaid political advertising designed to project the prime minister to a wide audience for uh, bottom gate. this up zillow presented, the hey, i'm doing the, i'll give you something to put in the time of cheese, but bonita not go up like the ball will be what i bought to oscar. use the local mess, who's got their the questions. i'm not searching, they're not challenging. they don't deal with the obvious problems that have come up and missed the move. these can be a record that i'm the follow up questions, vest print, and then when he comes we've been rented, we have been friends running whatever indian journalists could argue,
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that they're just out of practice after a decade of struggling to get access to the prime minister they're now frequent exchanges with him, while present it as respond, tedious and unscripted appear to have been anything by part of the vast majority of india news outlets, including almost all of the $42047.00 news channels, are explicitly promo for reasons ranging from the ideological to the pragmatic in such a crowded media space, most outlets have come to depend on revenue from government advertising, which the b, j. p controls. media owners often own diversified conglomerates. there are other companies do business with b, j, p, governments in new delhi. and in various states, so it is in their interest to be in the party is good and to many news
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organizations to mention that have been critical of body of landed in legal trouble with the government, including the taxes or the selection of our lab cent interviewer, as low to choose us to talk to their for can be as revealing as the questions those interviewers do or do not ask me how to give them the fact that some of the names that come to mind are over. because the out that's from tv 18, i think up myer from times now are the swami from really popular government not. busy from india to the other outlets such as n i c, i a hodge stuck. any news that was drawn to interviews, there was some national dealings as well in the song dimes in times of india and a couple of significant vision of the media outlets. none of these interviews are
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being drawn to anyone who was known to be able to create a course, the government, or prime minister. i wouldn't as the prime minister about his daily routine and what time he wakes up and what he eats for breakfast or how he maintains his energy to the data. serious journalists should be asking about the problems of unemployment. the problems of jobless roles, price rise, and inflation. the fact that there are people in his body that continually played the rest of the rising politics on the ground. people who have been convicted of acts of terrorism who remain members of his part to get what he thinks about that. these are questions to ask the prime minister of the country, write a record of his dom for the rest itself. the ground was uh, pretty clearly established because it cannot be that you don't have follow up
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questions about pick a dock code up here one line if the other day. the fact is that today there is not a single channel that is willing to buck the trend. all of these outlets in english can be all in different reason. the languages are, so it'd be whole into the government. and so much in all mr movie that you didn't have any kind of serious question. there have been rhetoric sections midst all of the soft falls, a few her teasing questions, most notably about the unmistakable turn taken by moti ends. it'd be j. p in 0 election message to explicit, most of them batch. but i am with the model. i just got the word spread. yeah. i know, but jump it up in a while. is the positive was on mad honor the the use the get be going to get this pulled up a, a really good job. but one of our big did the interviewer could have reminded most
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of some of his other campaign speeches containing coded rogatories language like that that has been long used to describe indian muslims. but she left him off the nor has mowdy been asked to answer for some of the ugly campaign ads. his party has put out. like this one, a cartoon depiction of ro, guntee, the leader of the biggest opposition party, the congress, feeding muslims to the point where they out grow. other minority groups in india and rule the roost has been making claims that the congress wants to see his private wealth and redistributed among muslims. and he has been citing these claims to the congress is election manifesto nicer. look at the conferences election manifesto these 2 claims to know what the future in, in, in that document. but whenever more the speak set, an election, riley argue, speaks as an, in an interview. these are broad teams that he has been focusing on the job the,
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the, this has sort of become the, you know, mean blank, major blank of the media is tempe, and i'm just, i'm moving him, says his own political campaign has gone back to, or troops of the can do right where they are trying to sort of create a polarizing image of the opposition as a group of rag tag coalition fog div, that's going to eliminate or going to side line the majority in those. so that's been a very clear shift in message of the b j b from the beginning of the election. the fact that he's gone back to the or sort of troops of him. but the politics signifies the need for the b j. b to ensure that the base is not in the state of the civic. in the 10 years under run for moody's rule, according to the reporters without borders press freedom in india has sunk from 140 years to 159 out of the 180 countries on vac list with back track
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record. it takes a special kind of goal to say, as moody did last week, that his prior reluctance to give into and his continued refused to hold even a single press. congress is because of a quote, lack of neutrality in the indian media. media are the border. there is such a lack, but it works in bodies favorite and not against to suggest otherwise does not inform indian voters. it leaves them missing for the agenda of the media is to ask difficult questions of those water box. and the whole purpose of living in a democracy is that the leaders present themselves for questioning. i'm. i'm not afraid to answer questions because uh, that's the way journalism is. what the world considered as news uh on tv. you do not have that and then get to the you have propaganda. outlets. things will get
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much worse. obviously, if mr. moody comes back to par. i barely watch television news in india any more? my says i con bed to watch it for now, and once the may at each other all the time. it's sounds pretty much to the bottom . what would happen in another? don't just more of the same and as long as, as an audience and keep delivering, that's the sad tool, right? there's a reason why indian use television was on the safe component, the only 90 because it was a very false please. the communication propaganda, whatever. today, if you don't need to be government going to be part of the propaganda machine, we just are, the bigger your business, the more reliant you are on the government for money. and therefore the more willing you want to do the government spinning. whoever the government of the day made this past week, the international criminal court announced its intention to seek arrest warrants for leaders in both israel and of how mos,
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the reaction from tel aviv and washington has been fast and furious. tara nelfa has been following how it all unfolds. well, this was an historic decision by i c. c. prosecute a kareem khan. the 1st time the court has targeted assisting western by the leader, in this case, benjamin netanyahu for war crimes and crimes against humanity. there was some unusual choreography in the way the announcement was made on when public before the arrest warrants were approved, which may be a sign of the pressure he is. and he puts out not just an official statement on social media, but also this prerecorded interview with sienna. we're not going to be swayed by the different types of threats, some of which are public. and so maybe, you know, this court is built for africa. and for folks like putin was what one senior leader told me, the i think the prosecutor was talking about the intimidation. he and his office have come on the in recent weeks. but he also revealed how western need of view the
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quotes and the kinds of lead as it should. the few. while the icpc has had an open investigation into the situation in palestine for more than 2 years, con, chose to now are his focus to war crimes committed since october 7th, which has done little to modify israel and 5. mr. con texas place. i'm up the great anti semites in modern times. labor and critics anti semites, is hardly new material for is ralph prime minister. he then followed up with a series of interviews with us networks, which included this band conceal of threats. he delivered on a b, c. i'm not concerned at all about our status. i think that the prosecutor should be concerned about his status reactions in the us have been similar. president joe biden called the ice and steve and susan, outrage us, many of us have pointed out the us government's hypocrisy in protecting,
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as ralph and community, given how and through the attic they agreed to be arrest warrants issued for vladimir putin. and while the media and political debate rages on about the icbc decision, israel continues to masika name and stuff. palestinians in garza, including and rough uh, which president biden one said with a red line. thanks. talked in 8 months of the war on god, media coverage, especially from outlets in the united states, has been torn apart by critics. the repeated inaccuracies, the recurring rotation is really talking points. the striking absence of context, such failings can jump out at you because often they're in the headlines. copywriter is committed all kinds of journalistic sense and sometimes try to justify them by saying that headlines need to be brief, but the results can be incomplete, misleading text. that is quite often at odds with the reporting, the false. and since many readers never get past the headlines,
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the misinformation contains there can have an effect on public opinion. one historian also rod has been on a journal is taking mission to fix those headlights. she's been tweeting them out with stripe, through annotations, and critiques. her work has gone viral because it's so on point. we spoke with us, all right about how an american academic has found herself patrol in a small but significant corner of the 4th state. the world of headlines, my name is s, all right, and i am the historian of the modern released. and since the beginning of this war and actually before this war, i have been correcting headlines the as a historian. i know how important narrative and stories helpful is in the way that the story is being told in the western media especially, is not right and it's not accurate. the
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so i tend to focus on headlines because the reality is most people don't read beyond them. often use content is paywall or people just don't have that much time within their day to dedicate every topic headlines do, catch the eye though, and the shape the way that people think about. this is a framing of stories on palestine. israel in the western world, particularly the u. s. has always been very one sided these headlines and stories. and the way they're written, the use of language. it's all deliver it and all intention. and i wanted people to see how simple change of words could improve the way the stories are framed in the journal isn't one pattern i see so often is headlines that whitewash israel's culpability. and war crimes by not even
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mentioning the word is really an original headline. from the new york times reads strikes, pound russell, flattening large long. and this is an older headlines since before the recent attacks. we're seeing the roof on now. there's so many issues with this one. but let's start with the most clearing which forces behind the strikes. israel right, so why is that not mentioned? it's an omission and not emission is not accidental because you see a pattern of it happening event strikes. you could have at the 3 letters and made it very clear that they were in fact airstrikes. there's a mention of alpha, but no reference to the fact that it's in gaza that gaza is a part of the policy new territories. and this might confuse people who aren't knowledgeable about the entirety of the geography. but also the fact that russia is the last refuge for palestinians, and this trip is so important. i mean, that's the reason why rafa is in the news. and in the headlines the 1st place, you know, there might be a counter argument that says, uh, well,
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all the details or what the entire article is for the headline doesn't have to give all of that away. but you see that the addition of just a few words makes it very easy to bring the context into the headline. and then you can explain the details in the body of the piece. but this headline in its original form. so problem not a because it attributes basically nothing to know why. you're not clear where this is taking place. you don't know what exactly happened and you have no clue who didn't. thursday's attack has been described as a massacre of civilians. hundreds of starving palestinians had gathered to collect food aid when they were attacked. so this headline was published after the flower massacre, which happened in february of this year. where we saw a really horrifying footage of palestinians killed while trying to get to the headline reads in k otic, seen, many are killed and wounded as his release open fire,
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which is just an absurd way of phrasing what happens. so one of the 1st problems with this phrasing is it makes it seem like chaos is inherent to the situation because it's causes not because of the external forces. specifically, these really forces that are causing the situation. also, it wasn't a chaotic scene, it was a messenger. and to call it a chaotic scene is just an obscene way of talking about it. but headline also says many are killed and wounded. they've used passive voice to describe a situation with more than a 100 starving people. people who are being deliberately starved, chilled, is really forces open fire on them as they were trying to get food from the 8 convoys. that's what happens when you look at reporting from other conflicts, like russia's war against ukraine. you see the difference in language used very quickly. in this headline, how russia is using ukrainians, hunger as a weapon of war. you can see very clear leave. there is no pass the voice. russia
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is named as the responsible party and the crime that is committed by russia is stated clearly in plain english, most of ukrainians are named as victims. if you notice, i underlined that line a residence of variable ukraine because that's not how postings and goals are talked about. writers use gardens rather than palestinians, so ukrainians in a specific location. a new cream are still called ukrainians. but in the case of gaza, too often, there are no references to palestinians. and this goes back to the idea of how not just in the media, but also in our political discourse. how sign is fragmented? the people might not understand the cause of the west bank, east jerusalem. they're all part of a palestinian state. they're all post to me in territories. and if you single out cause is without explaining that they're posting news, you're essentially separating garza from the larger issue of palestinian statehood and liberation. and this falls into and is really pattern of racing posted in
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identity and posting in statehood by treating each of these illegally occupied territories and their people, a separate entities, people in gaza or palestinians, and journalists should call them that new share. a lot of headlines from the onion, it's a satirical new site in the us and their headlines are supposed to be a joke. they're supposed to be humorous exaggerations, that sort of put a mirror of the society and politics. and especially the way that our own media covers events, but some of the onions or posts on this particular issue on israel palestine and the us as role in it. they almost read like predictions. we've come to the point where the situation with gaza has become so atrocious that they onions headlines have become pretty spot on. this headline reads, nathan, your insurance critics. he still has the utmost respect for us money and the
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context in which i shared it was that nathan, y'all who had cancelled a visit buying his really delegation to washington dc. because the us finally didn't veto a cease fire resolution at the united nations. they did everything and this was back in march of this year. they did everything to undermine the resolution still by calling it non binding, but they didn't actually veto it, but need to know who it wasn't. so it said that he turned down to $3300000000.00 in tax pair of dollars, but the us is giving israel to funded tours. he was very quick, in fact, to thank america for that money. mind you this and i mean, had like as from originally 2015 when the obama administration was at odds with amazing young government. but despite those very clear disagreements, obama still handed his real 38000000000 dollar package of military aid over 10 years. that was the largest of his con years later. the onions headline is still applicable because nation, y'all,
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who's doing power. he's still snubbing the us and undermining us policy and international law. and he's still getting billions of dollars, which is happy to get the when you talk about mask off gaza is really shred it anything that resembles the sort of world order that we had become accustomed to sharing western powers, especially the united states and mainstream media in the us champion for such a long time and they're still using that language. but with such an egregious level of the park receive that everyone can see it now. and i think that's the part that's resonating with so many people with these headline corrections. the state of israel seems to be able to get away with anything, anything and not be held accountable. and the fact that the media so complicit in this process that it continues to whitewash israel's crime and parent basically,
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whatever the us is, official line is. it's a real application and it's, and these incomplete and accurate headlines are shaping help people speak. and that's where i think it's so important, pointed out and finally, the ongoing case against the julian assange may well have taken a major turn this past week. the by the administration is pursuing a science for wiki, lexis publishing of classified documents, exposing american war crimes, interact, and afghanistan. this week, british judges granted a sam's the right to appeal against extradition to the us. so to make the case that he would not get a fair trial there, the judges zeroed in on washington's failure to promise that if expedited assange and astrology and citizen would be entitled to the same constitutional protection that americans get under their 1st amendment. which safeguards freedom of speech. supporters of assange say that this ruling provides more than just
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a glimmer of hope. it is a potential turning of the tide. but after 5 years in a maximum security prison in the london julian assange could be a free man in a matter of months. and then a case that has implications for journalists around the world. that's big news. what's the next time? here at the listening post to interrogate the narrative. there's no question about it. the united states is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yeah. think the correct, but so is the international community upfront. only what, how does it hard, huge. i mean to be, is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing. yep. one of these governments with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way.
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that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the fact that he was signing a present as not that important factor? he had the story on talk to how does era in some neighborhoods, across lebanon, syrians are being forced out. the government estimates. they're up to 2000000 syrians and 11 on one and every 4 people. they are managing the crisis. one day, the internal security acts against violators, and then i don't do anything for you. use human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force them to return to their country. they include deforestation often without judicial review. and the latest crack them security forces are closing shops be legally owned by syrians, nearly 70 percent, according to the united nations don't have the proper documents. the government
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into boskus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. all the while syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. the dozens of palestinians are killed across the gauze as is right. the grounds was his wife and their souls on a rustling training tool controls the buddha area, with each of the alarm. don jordan, this is all just need to run by you from dell also coming gauze as make sure pharmacies face and acute shortage of medicine. some supplies the rise and casualties, unrestricted flow of a fall. accounting begins in south africa's general election. the amc spacing is
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biggest test yet since coming to 13 years ago. and of course in hong kong convicts 14 pro democracy act to this on the china is national security move.


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