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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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to boscus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. all the while, syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. the dozens of palestinians are killed across the gauze. as is right, the ground forces widened the results on the rough training to control the buddha area. with each of the alarm don jordan, this vouchers, the red value from dell also coming goes as make sure the pharmacist face and acute shortage of medicine. some supplies, the rise and casualties, unrestricted flow of a fall. accounting begins in south africa's general election. the amc spacing is
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biggest test yet since coming to 13 years ago. and of course in hong kong convicts 14 pro democracy act to this on the china is national security move. some of them criticize life in prison. the we begin in gaza where at least 31 palestinians have been killed across the strip since early on wednesday, as well as many trays continuing. it strikes despite colds, but to stop this operation. 21 pallets, demands were killed in a rough uh, alone is ready. forces are pushing further into the southern city. i'll just bear with him. tell quarter extent this report from data by law in central gulf, the dangers talk for billions. choose driving through the streets and reflect to reach the injured they find one man with charco for nearly 8 months now, they've dealt with this concept. so of that are people the so that the,
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the, we are receiving human is costs for health, from citizens as part of targeting to just keep people in these areas that this thing even in the safe areas. and the, the difficulty for ambulance is to reach the areas is great to, to, to the targeting of emergency jobs. and i used to do a complement of civil defense of the truck in the face i'm getting into is, are filled with people needing medical house. what happened was an explosion took place and they were shop. now, this is what happened. and the old man got shopping in his head. i thought a morality hospital medics to what they can to treat the wounded. it's the same for the few hospitals, so operating across cause a with the shortage of beds and medicines. i think group team cause a hospital south for newness. some patients are having to be treated the for the situation is no different here in the hospital. a desperate attempt to save lives
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with a few resources left in the city. i just see that there is, but i got some kind of find what is real is expanding its ministry, opperation in central and the west. and the roof of the military says it's in full control of the border area with egypt known as the philadelphia, colorado. the area is 14 kilometers long, unintended to be a demon. a tries buffers that running along the border between garza and egypt as well as bound down to 0 from reporting inside israel. so several high right. has this update for me to damian capital. i'm a he's right. the minute teresa is it has full operational control of the philadelphia car, a tool, and that how much tunnels have been found used smuggle weapons from egypt into the gaza strip. well, egypt hasn't confirmed any of this is riley cheese. this stuff has been speaking from rough off, saying that to get rid of how much is a national priority and that they will continue the fights and rough off until that goal is achieved. all of this was the opposition leaders had been meeting in tel
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aviv to discuss the plan to get rid of this current government as a quote on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign as soon as possible. meanwhile, international pressure and condemnation increases by the de, against is ro, side of height of algebra 0 a month. and a reminder that all teams are reporting from jordan, because israel has gone down to 0 from operating that. now at least 2 palestinians have been killed. and these really as striking a home in giovanni, a in northern gaza attacks have intensified that for weeks up to is ready for says re enter the north saying how must have regrouped that most of the full. it's not from jamalia, it's of these that the way the ground of ration and nothing goes stress is not over yet. for 16 days, as the is the range of forces keeps advancing in the central areas of nothing goes . a strip is where the forces have a 12 minute to control over the value of
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a fidget canvas, shift size, and show a bit to that here. in addition to a center which is and heavy us, are we an area of attacks right now? the live reserves collapsed, kept as the shooting every little by and by the emptiness of these areas. and civil defense cannot reach the dead bodies industries just because of the heavy fire. the 200000 palestinians have to flee. nothing does a strip and the east of nothing does trip to the west. as is where the forces altered in order to have a safer place shows to all of these people had to flee without water, food, or even batteries in order to live out of the dock. nice. there. these people are experiencing unimpressed isn't township and a crushing human started circumstances. and when it comes to food here,
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time in storms and hits. nothing goes again as nothing enters the total hurry for a very long time. and people here asking when there's well and its unpublished demands in guns are experiencing a major shortage of medicines and medical supplies, the delivery of life saving age into the strip as what you shop it on the is randy restrictions, delays and incursions and rough and goals as displacement comes, pharmacists struggle to help and ever expanding population of the sick and wounded . i'll just say what's topic i was the ripples this a small tent is the only place displaced palestinians, and garrick black and get much needed medicine box quickly running out of the lot file. most children's medicine along with those for chronic and acute diseases. i've totally gone. also anesthetics that not available in any 400 on many of the injured pots of dead bodies amputated to the new dentist fedex. but these items are
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totally out of stock. small as you would talk to. yeah. he took all the medicine he could carry you when he fled, is very bombardments and the noise on that. and i used to own a farm or something cause a city it was destroyed by these really forces. this is what is left of this talk. we had is made shift, pharmacy only has toppling into it to protect it from the weather. yet it's become a lifeline for doses assemblies. so how do we have is that it has all of us on many items must be kept in low temperature. and we do not have a cooler full so we are surrounded by waste and garbage. we are in 5th and 6th, and the flies and mosquitoes. it is very hard to know that we are doing our very best to some of our community and provide the best possible medical assistance to the accounts pointing pritchard's em. i want to sort to types of fees of outbreaks
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of disease among the thousands living in displacement camps is really a tax on hospitals and restrictions on the into your aid have left most of the strips made to come was unable to cope since as well. it began is encouraging and rough. i fairly of this month, the world health organization says only 3 of its 8 trucks have been able to enter the area. it was much of goes as medical care infrastructure rooms are due to the disability. relentless attacks palestinian pharmacist have a feat to be to pick 10 of hope for old gauze is does place assemblies that are trying to provide them with lifelines as they are trying to find power outages and even extreme temperature effect to ations that negatively when medicine storage power cup i was doing, i would just be around there with the palestine. the
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know vote counting is underway in south africa has general election president sooner and my post as african national congress. the amc is facing its fits this challenge for the 1st time in 30 years. soaring unemployment and rolling pallet guns are among the main issues. for many voters. voting was extended in some parts of the country because of a large turnout. that's close to for me. the miller was that the results operation center in the town of middleton to meet us up by all accounts, but to announce been quite healthy in the selection. and that's what's been happening well and most likely there. and because of those issues that you just mentioned, including those power cuts and issues around crime, these are the things that are pushed people to come out to the voting stations through wednesday. and the number of funding stations had to remain open later than expected because there was so long choose outside. and the electoral commission has
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always said that as long as the people in the queues even closing time, those people would be allowed to vote. so of course, quite a high would at least expected to be a high vote to turn out, especially compared to 5 years ago. 2019 about 66 percent of eligible voters turned out at the voting stations. the independent electoral commission is saying it's likely to be higher this time around. and i listen. i've also spoken about what this could potentially mean for the final result. traditionally, i to now to as savers the governing african national congress. this time around, the thinking may change in that people have a lot of grievances. this is a significant amount of disillusionment with the governing party. and so perhaps that higher turnout could indicate that there's been a move boats in favor of office opposition parties. but at this point it's speculative, but it's what ad alyssa saying in terms of what the expectation may be, we did see the initial results. so very, very,
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very early results trickling in about 3 hours off to some of the polling stations close. so at this point, there, in the very early results, perhaps in the next 24 hours, we'd have a purely insecure here indication of with things my goal. but remember, ultimately, the initial commission has up to 7 days to declare fido results off the following day. all right, you have to meet them in a life as the in mid round in south africa, somebody that thank you. all right, let's bring in the hydrology. she's the political editor with business day, that's a national daily newspaper. she joins us live from john. his bag as a good job you with us. so this is shaping up to be one of south africa's most countries for the election since the amc came to power. why is this selection so significant on watts at stake here as well? is indeed a crucial election to solve africa, arguably the most important since our democratic transition back in 1994. now this was for mass of celebration in the country today. we had a relatively peaceful election to sponsored sprints of disruptions from opposition
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. parties including the likes also includes who were sees where, which is know led by our former president jacob juma. we saw police saw that because your weight was put to agencies out in full force yesterday. i didn't get any signs of risk. i didn't ring the boat to go smoothly. that's a big talking point. and so that's really good indeed in a freak drive this morning is unexpected. the high voltage amount when we went to sleep last night till the most potent stations that those at 9 p. m. every one in the line was accommodated and we saw snaking chairs, not just in the suburbs, but in the townships. so if you look at the previous election results over the last 10 or 15 years, you've seen both s as the decline and the number of people voting seems we have fox . that trick? yeah. as you say, it seems that voted to announce,
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been quite healthy, but as long choose upholding stations. many experts sites reminiscent of the 1994 elections when black people could vote for the very 1st time. let me ask real quickly, what's driving so many people to the polls this time around. and so we've seen the major political parties in south africa, just confident in spend douches telling and previous election results. we've seen a decline in support for most of the countries. a big and political parties service delivery has become a big issue in south africa. and it seems as though what maurice of africans took of the role ineligible proceed very, very seriously. in 2021. just a few years ago when we sold africans went to the old. we had about 40 percent. well just now we looked like we're going to have about us 70 percent. but to turn out this time so that we can wanted to exercise the demo particular rights
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in terms of unity in the country. it will be interesting to see what impact the as on part you political politics with big winners and losers. as those results, the talking of winners and losers, let's talk about the a and see if we can soon oppose as policy. and then see as we know, as last support that's due at the rising and a high levels of corruption. soaring crime, the state to the economy, rolling power costs. you've mentioned a few of those many black south africans as well. i have not enjoyed the promise of a better future by the amc. so how do you see the mc performing in this boat? as well as concerns for some time with this. so that's a installed house, just economic and security lock down as a result of co with 19 to prevent prevent the loss of many more lives. we have done the same thing in terms of dealing with high levels of property, increasing poverty, increasing unemployment, an increase in cost of living,
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which is something like a to the middle. and the watching saw snow for about 15 years. we haven't had to buy levels of the konami's growth since the early 2, thousands in south africa. and it's on that for this next week on a leech, which includes the amc and opposition is leaders del, with the economy. the same way they did co would perhaps, so that would be in a bit of state today. service delivery has also been a big issue and saw that be good and how to need to have this bug, which is our economics of would you contribute to 40 percent? the g d. p. we have had robots potholes for service delivery that has not been tied to the agency that's called in fact it was an opposition coalition that took over here and you had this bug in 2016. so i think when it comes down to the boat and the result coalition politics in terms of what
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a position parties have managed to deliver over the last 10 years, will also be a big issue. how so, how much the rent a good to get your thoughts and your analysis how so? thank you very much indeed for talking to us. thank you. all right, side personal break here now to 0. understand human in mexico city work loud. your same box campaign rally coming up on explain why she just to bring with the the low quite unusual to be this hot, this early in the year for parts of the gulf. so here let me show you on thursday. look at this great 50 degrees on the nose for you. this could be your 1st 50 degree day of the year by the way,
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took to mid july last year to reach 50 degrees. by stay of spring friday 1st day of summer on saturday. your temperature is well above where they should be at this point in the year, or the view of the middle east shows us, okay. those winds are turning lighter up and down the golf. they sure have been housing as of late into the central asia. we go, we've got some heat around here as well. ask about at 34 degrees, also looking quite hot for you drawn as well. tater, on 35 inch arise. 38 will be the number for you on thursday tracking this slug of rain from southern searcy, a central turkey, and it will eventually catch up to the black sea coast. and it sure has been hot in the jet. but really the seats coming from sudan chat rate through to new share quite across the west staff for kind of share some showers and storms, but not what we'd expect to see at this point in the year. where the more intense rain is, is for a camera room and gap on the dropping those temperatures. for cape town, it's going to be whites. and when the 18 degrees northern cape providence, your turn will come on friday up into down to 19 degrees.
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the form of film and for you to stop traumatized by eastern few knows more of independence, but determined to turn tragedy to accommodate this comic genius concealing his own . more scholars creates a fictional character that uses happiness to chase people taking away the witness. this is the reality on that. just the the
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welcome back to watching out. just a real quick reminder about top stories here. this is maybe forced to kill 31 palestinians across guns on wednesday. 15 of them in the rough for a lot more than a 1000000 people have been forced to leave the southern city to south africa, select total commissions that there's been a high turn out in the general election. polls have closed in most places, but the commission says those wait, the lines will still be able to fence not to hong kong. with 14 pro democracy activists have been found guilty of violating the city circle, national security and all the charges. then from that campaign, calling for independent elections in the semi autonomous city. their mom, 47 active, is arrested envelope back in 2021. so do you want to pay to guilty and awaiting sentencing to were acquitted in person? is the age of director with human rights watch. she said the convictions come as no surprise. the extra bas, ranging in age from the twenty's to the sixty's. you know,
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$47.00 in total on trial. so this is a large trial. we have a feeling that we have a former journalist. you have people who a lawyer is academics. so i think this is a really broad section of people in phone call. and i think that's actually what made the hung cola theories so afraid that the democratic movement has to be support support. what they were doing was late and they were trying to get paging to live up to its obligation to give home phone people universal suffrage. so they organized back in 2020 and informal time range. so it's 600000 people participated in that. um and that is something that, you know, honestly, it shouldn't really be controversial, but obviously, and on the phone they want it to send a message. and so they've been tried for sufficient pride this the national security law has had a 100 percent conviction race about you know, the reality is i think this conviction really shows. busy what other contempt, the hong kong and chinese authorities have the democratic political processes. i
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mean, what these people have been convicted of is holding an informal crime rate. so you know, that is something that people should not be going to prison for. and yet time and again, we're seeing the application of the national security law is really designed to small the democratic movements in phone calls. and i think that's what this sentence is trying to. the south korea says north korea has launched a barrage of suspected ballistic missiles into its east and see the 10 objects landed in the city office travelling around 350 kilometers. south korea is a choosing young, young of provocation obviously has run. mcbride has more on this latest launch from sol to this law just happens just off the 1st lights on thursday with south korea. and i'll start with these detecting what they presume to be 10 short range. ballistic missiles being fired from the sou, 9 area outside, young, young, eastern blending in the waters off the eastern coast of the korean peninsula. now,
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given the large number of projectiles there is a lot of speculation that this could well have been what they call a super large caliber all large boil artillery rocket system. the kind that is fired from multiple launches on the kind that north korea has been testing recently . but with an estimated range of these project tells us 350 kilometers that's according to the south reno authorities would put pretty much all of south korea within range. and so this has been condemned by both the south koreans and the united states. all of this is calm, but the time of increase tensions this week. a with south korea having just hosted a unimportant pri, latrell summit with japan and china, which is an good north korea. and the latest tit for tat action we have seen from the north has been the launch of hundreds of these balloons, many of which have landed locations all across south korea carrying a waste garbage. and we're told a fertilizer that seems to be in response to north korean defect is based in the
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south having launched over the years propaganda balloons into the north. now it's difficult for the authorities here to prevent that because these groups say this is merely them exercising. the rights of free expression. interestingly, the north is use the same argument now with kim jo junk. that's the influential sister of north korea's lead saying that these balloons represent what she has described as the free expression of north koreans and that the south koreans can do nothing to prevent that. rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so. so the jury and donald trump so cold hush, money trial has been dismissed for the day off of deliberating for 4 hours from spacing $34.00 felony counts, accused of falsifying business records to cover up payments to adult film star stormy daniels during the 2016 presidential election campaign, the payments were allegedly meant to prevent daniels from going public about her claims of an affair with trump. presidential candidates and mexico have held that
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final campaign. ronnie is the head of the general election on sunday. a poll show the routing party candidate, county of shame, bomb is on cost to become the country's 1st female president of soaring crime and the economy among the major issues of voters. latin america, edit, tennessee, and human reports. now from mexico city or. ringback for mid day, tens of thousands of supporters of cloudy of shame. bone began arriving at the circle. mexico cds emblematic plaza chain bomb is the former mayor of mexico city, who, according to polls, is set to become the 1st female president of the world's largest spanish speaking country. may gomez, all i vowed to be my so my life and the best of me to they will be and dignity of the people. and i commit myself to guaranteeing the legacy of president lopez over the shame. bombs, approval rating is mostly attributed to the overwhelming support she enjoys from
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current presidents. and there is one way to look this over to have all the social programs and christmas have made him very popular. and 61 year old shame bob underscores, she will follow his every footstep. people with the government supports. there have been pages for the old. for example, my grandmother were kinda know, survive on a pension. we want her to maintain that support, an increase of indeed shame bows. biggest asset can also be seen as the biggest shortcoming, because she never seems to be the from the president, the real same balance. and if she's elected, well, she prime. oh boy. it's not at the far northern borders. mexico came bombs, main opponent. so cheap, galvis warned that is the candidate of continuity winds. mexico's democratic
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institutions such as the independence of the judiciary will be in danger. in fact, the only thing the leading candidates haven't common is their gender sunday. the. 2 the. 2 are you ready to vote and defend life, liberty, and the truth? we will, we to share not to steal, to serve us, not to serve ourselves, not to accumulate and especially to unite the country. the central right candidate is seen as a symbol of a person from very humble roots who came up in the world business. god of this is also proud of her indigenous roots. what she is lagging behind the poles wins will be sure to make history, if nothing else, because she will be the 1st one president in the country, no for its male chauvinism. lucy and human al jazeera, mexico city may or candidate has been killed or rally in the latest incidents of election violence and mexico rights groups have raised concerns about the increase
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in targeted killings during this is campaign one. so they suggest at least a $182.00 vonem incidence, including kennings threats, abductions and assaults. i've been recruited since september. those politicians on their family members have been targeted. at least the few candidates have been killed since june 2023. most of them allegedly by criminal guns, the western state of ghetto is the most dangerous stuff on the campaign trail. more than 50 public 7th politicians and candidates have been killed or threatened to since september. profound as the senior mexico analyst with the international crisis group. he says, criminal gangs are using violence as and negotiating tactics before the elections is essentially, um, groups have been branch at the leeway over this past government as well to uh, digging deeper um to their control over uh, listed economies to further expand their trucks, trafficking interest to expand their uh,
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foothold in state institutions to get better at competing state institutions. and to also increase the control over a civilian population, all that amounts to a greater amount of assets that these groups pass in order to play the political game. gaining access to the state for next speak. someone folks are still the number one resource because ultimately state institutions decide over who gets caught free with killing people with other serious crimes. and so they all have to try to push into the states and elect you time. if you don't manage to do that, you will essentially lose against the competition. and at the same time, we've had a explosion off the number of from the groups active in mexico. nowadays, according to on the estimates are crisis group. we're talking about at least $200.00 people on the actors out on the streets and mexico and all of those. i'm trying to push into the states and will change easily. so this access to come really, really crowded and violence becomes
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a new negotiation language. so india will soon conclude at 7 phase general elections with the last round on june, the 1st as 5 minutes of earn for moody success. the to unemployment is the biggest, wherever the among many voters, despite a booming economy, reminder, the indian government has not gone to the visa is to onto zeros generally. so we're coming get action from outside the country. my goal is to ensure a triple one from booming industry coast to collapse. the city of devonte in india's west and the state of my russia has no just number of problems in the country. now, many of closing with the workers being laid off. and that's what having those like on sawgrass, my c p is he may lose his job. after the noon facility he works in cops production . vehicles on the situation is very bad. we are struggling to make a living. the rooms are not functioning. you in total hours a day, what can you do if you make about $36.00 a fortnight? in 2015?
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india change the way it measures it's economic output. and ahead of selections for minister moraine to move, these governments has revised calculations to show proof of nearly 8 percent. yet, millions of people are without jobs report the international labor organization. an institute of human development says the youth in india accounts for nearly 83 percent of its unemployed population for voters. the lack of jobs is the most pressing issue, the student level. since i'm a student, i started on issues unemployment under dictation. according to folds, india has produced a record $200.00 building as this year. and a study from the wall in equality labs says the top one percent hold more than 40 percent of the countries. folks. critics say india is both. soley is limited to a very small group but we do if we government says.


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