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tv   Witness This Is Reality  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 8:30am-9:01am AST

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$86.00 a fortnight. in 2015, india change the way it measures it's economic output. and ahead of selections for minister moraine to move, these governments has revised calculations to show proof of nearly 8 percent. yet, millions of people are without jobs. report the international labor organization. an institute of human development says the youth in india accounts for nearly 82 percent of its unemployed population for voters. the lack of jobs is the most pressing issue, the student level. since i'm a student, i started on issues unemployment under dictation. according to folds, india has produced a record $200.00 building as this year. and a study from the wall in equality labs says the top one percent hold more than 40 percent of the countries folks. critics say india is both. soley is limited to a very small group breach if the government says it's listed millions of people out
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of what it calls the below poverty line crew of b p. m. inequality without visited. there's this thinking just like just sitting some, there's not like 250000000 people have someone to do. the vpn category means below the poverty line category. as multi 6 of the town and office, the b j b says it will spend more than a $130000000000.00 on infrastructure projects. in the past, it's used well for schemes to compensate for lack of jobs. but in 2016, it's launched a de monetization policy, changing its currency overnight. that affected millions of people in a cash defenders economy. 4 years later, a cold with 19 locked down hit the economy hauled and led to a for the loss of livelihoods. but despite that, the international monte funds says in the, as the was fost is growing, economy yet exposed, say it's high, g, d, p mach 7 challenges. so at the moment we are writing an investment,
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but the investment piece paper out because a bank of the day with an invest has invested, he needs to sell his products. and that can lead to come from consumption. so on the longer term of your own, a slight use to cubic the b b has highlighted the performance of india is economy in its election manifesto would with employment a major issue among voters strongly economic drilled without jobs, may not resonate with that. and the consumption he's causing caesar. okay, well that's it for me down jordan, for now you kind of course find much more information on our website down to 0 dot com. the news continues here of to with nice state you. thanks so much of the the
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challenges with the, the, the the
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people were sending you the day. you mean, maybe we did a meeting with me that you said you took me see the the, the flu the the you get the how likely that it, that was the if the some or if the sick one thing what the hell. i never told me the, the
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unit is going to go to the polls. all correct will space. so once again, all it takes an east to move is dominated by, as a man was supposed to get involved in the countries 1st, for independence from vision of the patients around 40 percent of people is to lose in publishing. many of the solutions to high unemployment and improvements to health care and education the the mm hm.
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how about can you ma, call me at a building you didn't any. i think the site conflicting waterloo we have a wonderful town, but i go to what what do i like igloo the may completely sound in mid town the stand like? well no ma'am, like a how long we've done some boards that had money and event a 100 percent on me. feet that maybe i'm lucky man. they send me money if you don't need them, i got an easy coming. what us me, you have a lovely talk i do. i thought i talked about the whole thing zone, the key and what's the result of seeing the
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most in the bottle and you're getting more just needed to go even though you didn't because the got a 100 percent on the screen. you read the scene every little paper was on pain pay or do you have that one day monday morning? the maybe the 1000 about how tall it was. all that would be zone while i'm talking to
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you that name a co part of the ceiling. a lot, but i don't see how i lied to me, but it was that how i lied to me by a my more as i would think it's a to find a new and see a policy that had this petersburg will have that kind of new ne complete the sound of the said completed any pallets in the bag. tommy last name. i've got to do to some people i live with, you know most i got another thing from the go to the you about the phone to him. i gave him a bundle that i wanna get up to tempe on it's all on the company's home. bob, look like who? who do you? what do you, nick? peter? laura, i incognito. all the out of the
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name of the i got to see the the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the loading, it's a that it and then that it, let me just put on the, i'm gonna hit the don't say the name of the things that pop up you didn't listen on this and as you don't owe us me for the theories at the rose garden, how about the winners? and we're looking at the numbers by 11, but then perform it through my yes,
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it gave me up and on the corner of i stood up days, your phone? i didn't you had me that the dimple leslie gotten in the, on my home. what is maybe get him out to holy disney daddy on his own whole motors, new dad. he's in my bed. yes. like 8 o'clock and then they lack on visit. i don't have that the that. and they said this, there we go. nothing more letter in the negative data. this the the, the, the, the hello, but the way a political, the name about noon of him. i didn't get the can you get a fee to manual look, man,
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man. they like you have, they can look at the, the counting them isn't political know, but i'm going to move the horsemen now and there's some kind of city to and they've been awesome. it was a whole they had sent. so happy to buy and look up. that's the home of the lord it as a my modem, you might have lost, it may be a new one. you have to put this that's equal to the quote, but this is going to be a little be sending me to lisa, we just have wasn't in isn't level f one digit down. they had to have for you to find the call it that it in my mind a lot you remember yeah,
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the them are many times more or less than yeah the it the. 2 you the my calling me on the phone. 2 i think i'm done on your billing money. there wasn't any damage and there is a mistake on it. and we'll have to look the same for the west side to live. but how much miller facility to the my so okay, i do have to call a an email to ask how
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many using located maybe my go to feet that he had in a me near who's the ball proceed in the lehman. i not going on it and say hey, allow i don't want a lap on. yeah, yeah, cool book a whole file. know it kind of want me to see that link of home i did the on and that me so it a boy is it that is on a what is the losing there by now how to how loading one more us how sandy clinic, how hit then how that oma will do things c and e, side them of motors. how, how, how sandy,
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how can i make a, how more s how old are assessing, eating the i to hello did the new, how lavelli. i'm a louse, how data most paid his name. tony vehicle and the date and. c the
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minnesota, the one we have. oh my goodness. awesome. miss langley to the name of the one of the maybe i'll be available that i'm going to differentiate the fitness level for me. maybe in the near the village niema by the name morales. there's been other hello. are you looking to move over a lot of the hook up us a how does the quasi hello? yes. look and
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see what he, they, they, the man is indeed an assembly. let's see. some of the to the believe from over the last minute the lenders are new. oh oh my gosh. i live them the different much i will see the uh yeah, i was looking for you to cuz this thing is i've thought of a 4 year old that may or may call your whole family or known about me. i have a feed in any way on amazon. ringback ringback or. ringback ringback ringback yeah, well thought of
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a vehicle, a funny idea. yeah, no, yeah, there can be a thing, but oh my god, i input it the the, the whole or something. it a lead the so and then they proceed to hollywood, back it for the my sound by the see the sound, the bmw you thought, what i say if the house had 50 on the slot. i homage saw the she's out to her mass, at least one. it's in the city. we sound input sensitive status moment please. so we have ne, yeah, the feeder. how compact to on a how yeah. mean tv again. yeah. keep the sound from 2. i have to, i have to have sort of model, so click on apple tv that be mounted gamble bear, lady, half powerful, very happy by me w. c o l. i mean i don't why or not covered email? no, i had a lag
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a that was see to me. no one was maybe that it was anthony. hey c c, l e, c d, the pretty nice thing. really nice here program i didn't daily the so content nemea daily that it points out any that in what is me in the army myself. he has though goes into view of uh, valid data. maurice, me and i me see to be somebody that's going to bite and i might be in the paper in the. 7 the
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sending minus got it and then while i'm asking you mind me on my last part of the how many of them with them or how many form photos on them, they sent them. well, you must certainly be have a lot in their lives out around the media plus out of me on, my gosh, i go to hollow near nissan or send me an immunization. negotiate that i got caught up now and it was the sound of what i mean or the fact that i was hoping that this bottle. okay, thank you. lisa, leave me a bit of a something, but the and the basic be then
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how about a travel? somebody, me a holler for the leader may be ready for the visit, the the the, the, the,
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the, the oh, oh oh, the new the
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maybe the assignment calling for me see, hold on, let me see the weight of going to sandy might hope on ben zillow, the,
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the, the, let's go, the good thing is the, the, the, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, the lowest on the money that they had and what the movie say look like done by the hand man isn't comedian. was that call me? but if my be anybody have you had me. thank you. so one of the so see i me the be the by the for good. i see
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the the the . 6 the
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the police say it is a better animal that yeah, the public below is making the youngest country welcome promptly from having trouble cost hoping for an interesting shift. okay.
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the the, the with up front left on base story settlement if you have more of the funding might. but then proceed to me and i can make it really. 6 the
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the new to june 1967, 6 days the read through the map of the middle east to dark colored hair crust appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on them. they dropped the bombs on the run out as they were exposed the events leading to the window and its consequences, which i still felt today is really all me in this was because that is such of the of the stuff is live the war in june on out is there a unique perspective, a deep sake image of donald trump, with flood folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make
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sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the way the stream on al jazeera to leave off church solutions. that gives us no for a future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs on the don't think that has a number, think about it as a person and yourself and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the education, we want to go great. because the women in my country, they're not sweet to come up to us. we are not so nice all a to we are human beings in this area to be trees and the coins. we are walking in
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the footsteps, our ancestors, whatever has been done before can be done even better. as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the visions keywords you do. the dozens of palestinians are killed across gauze, as is right the ground forces wide and the results on the roof off turning full control of the buddha area with each of the other one down. jordan, this sound is a red line from the hot also coming up a wave of his radio rage across the occupied west bank, which also sets off a huge fire at a vegetable market. in ramallah. vote counting is on the way in south africa with the governing african national congress spacing,


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