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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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or whatever has been done before can be done even better. as long as the human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the dozens of palestinians are killed across gauze, as is right the ground forces wide and the results on the roof on turning full control of the buddha area with each of the other ones are in jordan to sound is a red line from the hot also coming up a wave of his radio rage across the occupied west bank, which also sets off a huge fire at a vegetable market. in ramallah. vote counting is on the way in south africa with the governing african national congress spacing,
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its biggest electoral challenge since the end of the 5 day period begins for candidates to register for i spent the presidential election in iraq, one of the debt and but i'm right you see, and i had a couple of the beginning garza where at least 31 palestinians have been killed across the strip since early wednesday as well as military's continuing it strikes just by growing international calls to stop it's operation. 21 palestinians were killed in the rough are, as is ready for us, is pushed further into the southern city onto zeros in south quarterly reports and i from did out by law in central garza, the dangers, talk for billions. coons driving through the streets and reflect to reach the injured they find one man with charco for nearly 8 months now, they've dealt with this concept. so of that are people the so that the other,
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the we are receiving human as quotes for help from citizens as part of targeting to just keep people in these areas that this thing even under safe areas. and the, the difficulty for ambulance is to reach the areas is great to, to, to the targeting of emergency jobs. and i used to do a complement of civil defense of the truck in the field of these i'm getting into is are filled with people needing medical. how what happened was an explosion took place and they were shop. now, this is what happened. and the old man got shopping in his head. i thought a morality hospital medics to what they can do, treat the wounded. it's the same for the few hospitals, so operating across cause a with the shortage of beds and medicines as a group team cause a hospital south for newness some patients are having to be treated. the for the situation is no different here in the hospital. a desperate attempt to save lives
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with a few resources left in the study. i just see that there is, but i got upon assign. uh, now to 0 is how do you might move joins us live now from the law that's in the central gaza honey. so just bring us up to date with the latest on the strikes on the whitening of israel ministry operations across the gaza strip. yes, very well as of this hour, we have confirmed reports of this really military. why didn't get to the ground invasion, pushing more, occupying ground forces into the eastern part of god. so they mainly do as they to a neighborhood. and what seems to be a renewed invasion ground invasion of the area. and in doing so, it's, it is destroying the vast majority of the remaining public facilities. that infrastructure is just, let's not forget that they do an, a neighborhood has been, it stormed and invaded 0 time. this is the 4th time. and every time the,
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the level of disruption is becoming much more visible. it's causing further civilian casualties and creating more tragedies on the ground for people to really displace and traumatize. meanwhile, the is really air strikes that are carried out across the gaza strip in over night attacks. and early hours of this morning continued to create more tragedies on the ground 3, we're looking at at least within an overnight attacks. and here now is of this morning it close to uh, at 30 people a total, but those, this is the number of people who have been collected a be an identified. there's still more people, as we heard of from paramedics and civil. the physical are still under the rebels in the targeted homes, the bombs, the public facilities with and have no and with no ability to remove these bodies of from, from under the levels. and it's likely to take dollars or days. and in some cases, a month to remove just just give you how difficult the situation across the gas strip. eh, people were able,
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the paramedics and civil events correct along with volunteers, were able to remove bodies of from august time. that's an area in eastern part of hon. union city. after 5 months, they've been trying to remove a bodies of families from under the residential homes that was bombed and destroyed and they were under the rubber for the past at 5 months. this is the level of difficulty that paramedics and civil defense across experience as they try to recover bodies it from under the bombs house is a or a public facility in rough city. these really military continue with our severe artillery shillings and the use of the quad cab to, to chase people of from areas that they have been a trapped inside. they were unable to leave a drop off itself alone. we're looking at least 20 people within the past 24 hours have been killed inside the residential homes or as they were trying to leave these areas. meanwhile, in the northern part,
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there are more reports of attacks aerial attacks and artillery. so they uh, they use word daily morning routines for those really military. all right to honey, my life was bare and dear on the bottom of that some central garza honey. thank you . a pilot stands in gaza are experiencing a major shortage of medical supplies. the delivery of life saving aid into the strip as what you sharply on the is rarely restrictions, delays and incursions into rough and goals. as displacement cams, pharmacists struggling to open, ever expanding population of the sick and wounded. i'll just say it was talked about, sue, are full, this is smote, 10 to is the only place displace palestinians in garret black and get much needed medicine bucks quickly running out of the club. most children's medicine along with those for chronic and acute diseases. i've totally gone. also anesthetics that not available in any for many of the injured had pots of dead bodies amputated to know a new dentist, fedex. but these items that totally out of stock comes for you with the doctor.
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yeah, he took all the medicine, he could carry you when he fled his belly button and send the nose on that night. i used to own a farm or something cause a city. it was destroyed by these really forces. this is what is left of this talk we had is made shift, pharmacy only has toppling into it to protect it from the weather. yet it's become a lifeline for doses assemblies. so how do we, on the test on, on many items must be kept in low temperature and we do not have a cooler full. so we are surrounded by waste and garbage. we insisted insert the flies and mosquitoes. it is very hard to know what we are doing, our very best to some of our community to buy and provide the best possible medical assistance to the me by caps, huntington preachers. and i want to sort 2 types of fees of outbreaks of disease
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among the thousands living in displacement camps is very attacks on hospitals and restrictions on the into your aid have left most of the strips made to come, work is unable to cope since as well began is encouraging and refined. earlier this month, the world health organization says only 3 of its 8 trucks have been able to enter the area. it was much of goes as medical care infrastructure rooms are due to the disability, relentless attacks, palestinian pharmacists have a fee to be to pick $10.00 of hope for old gauze is this place assemblies are trying to provide them with lifelines, as they are trying to find power outages and even extreme temperature fluctuations that negatively when medicine storage power cup i was doing, i would just be around there with the palestine. these really minutes he says 2 of its soldiers have died of the wound sustained in a car running,
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attacking the outside westbank. they attacked to place the city of nicholas on wednesday. is there any forces right in the city in search of the suspect, who has opposed him a ton himself and to the palestinian or farmer to these randy ministry has conducted a wave of raids across cities in the occupied westbank. these are the scenes in ramallah as the night is ready for us, is strongly error on live rounds. duncan agency, i guess, is really munitions caused a huge fire at a vegetable mock, at least one who taught us to me was injured. and try the know if he's ready, minute to ready to the city of to bass fighting erupted between palace to me and fighters on his 24th is the 7 explosive devices with designated they'll vote counting is underway in south africa's general election president serial force as african national congress, the amc is facing its face this challenge and so if he is soaring unemployment and rolling power cops among the main issues. but many voters voting was extended in some parts of the country because of
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a large turn out that's close to somebody. the miller, who was that the results operation center in the town of mid run for me to set my own accounts to turn out it's been quite healthy during the selection that tell us what's been happening. of the quote you've mentioned that the votes of voting had to be extended at least for a couple of hours at some of the voting stations because of these long. so they can choose around the voting stations where they appear to be in a late search in provinces like the one reading and how tang and the wisdom case, including the tall people coming out later in the day than expected to costs their votes. and so it's likely that we may also see initial results tricking trickling in a little later than expected because they're just so many more coating stations in boats to deal with. and i'm sure you decide that val, that's likely that a new results are coming in at this moment. let's say. and we've also heard from the into independent electro commission that it's likely the vote to turn out in
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the selection will support us. that of 2019, that was about 66 percent of eligible voters coming out. it's likely to be far higher this time around which ultimately could speak to the complaints the grievances and many voters have against the african national congress. and perhaps wanting to vote in opposition parties more than ever before. somebody the, as you say, some results are trickling in. what do we like to get to official results from the election commission? the federal commission has said that it would give official results on sunday, but that isn't confirmed until all the results like in collated and audited. remember, the commission does have up to 7 days off the voting day to display those results and the results you see coming in now they saw at about 2 or 3 hours off to some of the posting stations close. so ultimately the commission is on track despite that
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late such and voting a wednesday evening. all right, to estimate them in a life as the result suppression center in midland in. so that's got to be the frontier they were on those up and the registration period for its upcoming presidential election. the countries trying to replace late president abraham and i you see who was killed in a helicopter crash earlier this month. but during the next 5 days, it radians can apply to run for president. candidates must comply with certain criteria such as age education. but it just police and previous government experience. candidates will then be evaluated by the 12 member government body known as the guardian council, half of whom are directly appointed by the supreme leader. on june 11th, the ministry of interior, right, what announce who has been approved. candidates will then be able to seek vote to support and campaigns that will last around 2 weeks or so. the final stage will take place on june, the 28th or 160000000 people are eligible to cost that balance. i'll just, there's
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a house on that this report from the reigning capital tear up one year from now president to brian, right? you see was supposed to on for another 10 and office caught it across and i'll see about his death in this helicopter crush or change everyone's plan was to many so right. you see as a potential candidate to succeed, the kind supreme the, that on the one minute this day trying to the aiming to succeed, to start registering the name of somebody not cause why the adult for the, you know, runs internal issues right now. mostly our economic, but the solution is definitely political politicians who move through the political tunnels so they can find solution for economic and social problems. several people are expected to put their names forward. for my culminates, the phrase he regarded as conservatives are aiming to keep his seat at the politic account. they're competing against all those are affiliated with margaret and
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reformist count who wants to try the chances. what the governing council is responsible for confirming the candidacy. so if you could play a significant role in determining the size of poor to turn out the test, i need to have an open admin fee for the candidates who want to run is unlikely to have an impact on those who have boy called at the election that it seems to turn out would be at around 40 percent at the most. and i think the system also is not off to a high turn out. but others disagree. and believe the country could be on the verge of significant change. so seeking to on where the president in one is in the soul decision making. and because i don't expected election of the time of the regional central internal certainty and got excited with the united states could influence people's choices. and the bottom i actually went just the 1st one frank
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here and i'll just say about when we come back, a coach in hong kong convicts 14 pro democracy activists under china is national security. the more or less the in depth analysis of the days, ons, if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to give each one of 2000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a mess and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinion. you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the killing god to stop the inside story. on al jazeera, they fled from the world's most secretive state. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune celebrity influences, but to shining a light on the home at kings and bring dang,
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jeff. one on one east meets north korea's influences coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera, since he's waynesboro and gaza, thousands of the simians helping indiscriminately displaced, certainly forces are systematically targeting health care infrastructure. hospitals of one of the only safe options to seek refuge until he became targets. so most wages war from hospitals. i've never seen a soldier inside the hospital, which is the real world investigates where the east ran is violating international . no, but targeting supposedly a new crisis doctor on hospitals on tuesday, around the the welcome back. you want to know just a real quick reminder about top stories here. the ssl has these range even if she
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continues targeting areas across roughly in southern gaza, palestinians on the move again, leaving the city police $31.00 of the names have been killed across concepts since wednesday is randy ministry says 2 of its soldiers have died and wound sustained in a car run the attack and the upside west bank attacked to place the city of novice on wednesday was ready for his way to the city in search of the suspect. restoral supposedly turned himself in the public html on these randy ministry has conducted a wave of raids across the on by the west bank. it's mainly focused on steel from a foreign live rounds set up a huge fire and a vegetable market. at least one, palestinian was injured to hong kong with 14 pro democracy activists have been found guilty of violating the national security law that beijing pushed through the child. just then from that campaign, calling for independence elections in a city that amount of 47 active as the rest of the under the low back in 2021. 31
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feet of guilty and awaiting sentencing to work with you for the day. and pearson is the asian director for human rights watch. she said the convictions come as no just across the bas, ranging in age, from the twenty's to the sixty's, you know, $47.00 in total on trial. so this is a large trial. we have a form in this, we have a former journalist, you have people who are lawyers, academics. so i think this is a really broad section of people in phone call. and i think that's actually what made the hung cola theories. so afraid that the democratic movement has to be support support, what they were doing was late and they were trying to get aging to live up to its obligation to give home phone people universal suffrage. so they organized back in 2020 and informal time range. so it's 600000 people participated in that. um and that is something that, you know, honestly, it shouldn't really be controversial, but obviously, and on the phone they want it to send a message. and so they've been tried full sufficient pride this,
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the national security law has had a 100 percent conviction res. um, but you know, the reality is, i think this conviction really shows what other content, the hong kong and chinese authorities have the democratic political processes. i mean, what these people have been convicted all is holding an informal of crime rate. so you know, that is something that people should not be going to prison for. and yet time and again, we're seeing the application of the national security little is really designed to small the democratic movements in phone call. and i think that's what this sentence is trying to. south korea says north korea has launched the bar odd jobs, suspected ballistic missiles into its eastern sea. the 10 objects landed in the face of been traveling for around 350 kilometers south careers, accusing killing me on a publication. rama bryan has moved from sol to this law just happens just off the 1st lights on thursday with south korea and off
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barbara teese, detecting what they presumed to be 10 short range, ballistic missiles being fired from the sou, 9 area outside young young eastern landing in the waters off the eastern coast of the korean peninsula now given the large number of projectiles there is a lot of speculation that this could well have been what they call a super large caliber all large boil artillery rocket system. the kind that is fired from multiple launches on the kind that north korea has been testing recently . but with an estimated range of these project tells us 350 kilometers that's according to the south reno authorities would put pretty much all of south korea within range. and so this has been condemned by both the south koreans and the united states. all of this is calm, but the time of increase tensions this week. a with south korea having just hosted a, an important pri, latrell summit with japan and china, which is an good north korea. and the latest tit for tat action we have seen from
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the north has been the launch of hundreds of these balloons, many of which have landed locations all across south korea carrying a waste garbage. and we're told a fertilizer that seems to be in response to north korea into effect is based in the south having launched over the years propaganda balloons into the north. now it's difficult for the authorities here to prevent that because these groups say this is merely them exercising the rights of free expression. interesting, lee, the north is use the same argument now with tim yo junk, that's the influential sister of north korea's lead. saying that these balloons represent what she has described as the free expression of north koreans and that the south koreans can do nothing to prevent that. rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so securian donald trump circled house money trial, deliberated for 4 hours on wednesday, from spacing $34.00, felling accounts accused of falsifying business records to cover up payments to
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adult film star stormy daniels. during the 2016 presidential election campaign. the payments were originally meant to prevent donaldson grant public about her claims of an affair. withdrawn from henry has more from new york. the jury called it a day after 4 hours and the 1st day of jury deliberations in the 1st ever criminal trial of a former us president. the jury said they wanted to hear more about a 2015 meeting. they wanted to hear the testimony again. that meetings between national enquirer publisher, david hecker and trump officials, in which paper allegedly agreed defined negative stories about trump. so he could push them back, came after about an hour of jury instructions. they're not allow leeway the judge has he simply telling the jury what they may and may not consider in order to decide whether donald trump is guilty or not guilty, but trump didn't like it any way in the same way. he who said about every election he has been in and for criminal trials, you know,
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phases. he says the system is rigged against all countries of the message to borders, fake elections. and you have a trial like this where the judge a so it's a disgrace. keep in mind, mother theresa probably would never have been charged with trying to cover up an affair with a porn star in order to hide that from voters while running for president. but if trump is convicted, he faces up to 4 years in prison for each of $34.00 charges. prosecutor say it's highly unlikely that he would face the present time, more likely that he would either face home confinement or probation. neither of those is really a good deal for guys running for president, because with home confinement you can't travel and campaign. and if you're on
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probation, you have to ask your probation officer and that requires planning before you can leave the state. so for donald trump, we don't know exactly how this would happen if you were convicted because we've never seen anything like this before. john henry and al jazeera new york, several arab leaders are in beijing for an arab china summit, with israel's war and guns are set to dominate the tools as a states from egypt. the united arab emirates both reign on tennessee among those attending discussions will also include chinese expanding trade ties with the reach of junior china firmly supports the establishment of an independent state of palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 borders and with east jerusalem as its capital, it supports palestine full membership in the u. n. and supports a more broad based, authoritative and effective international peace conference. now lots of americans, human rights court has held a final hearing and brazil an alarm law case. the court looked at how climate
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change is affecting human rights in the region where the governments are obligated to prevent it. the climate loss of could have major implications for international law. as i was from pepsi results. rising steve caused by the changing climate or slowly swallowing the in both good fishing community in southern mexico since 2019 dozens of homes and other buildings have been swept away by the waves. forcing 700 people to the office. i'm ok, we hear about climate change all the time, but we never taught that it would come to us former and both residents are among hundreds of people. do you and officials, companies and scientists who spoke at landmark hearings held by the inter american court of human rights and the resilience city of my house? the court will issue an opinion grappling with the fundamental question of our times. are governments obligated to protect people from climate change?
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and if so, to what degree? the answer will be important for a growing wave of global litigation, and that's forcing countries to compensate big things of climate change and do more to control its impact. from us, we have high expectations for this document and hope it will offer a favorable instrument for the protection of the requirement and human rights in order to force countries to act on their obligations, whether an advocacy or litigation of columbia and she lives. governments ask the courts to intervene, saying they were experiencing daily climate challenges with buyers, land slides, droughts, and floods becoming more severe. they also ask the court to clarify with governments must do to protect environmental activists. that, you know, may cause the most dangerous region for environmental defenders, including children. you'll any assume that these mothers,
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i started my activism when i was 9 years old and since i was 11 years old, i have been receiving death threats and constant attacks which haven't stopped many yet. and these were indigenous people who say they are being disproportionately affected. so this is the moment we want the inter american court to hear us here are cry here. call here are anguish, feel some of the pain that the indigenous people are. brazil have been going through thousands of years. the court's opinion applies in over 20 latin american in caribbean countries and could be issued by the end of the year. it will be closely watched by other international courts also dealing with the issue. there is little legal precedent when it comes to climate change obligations, but their importance will only rise as the crisis of our lifetime continues to unfold. allison, but i'm it just either. okay,
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well that's it for me down in jordan. more information, of course, on websites, out as they are a dot com. the weather is next and inside story will examine ukraine's code for the summit to win the conflict to which russia isn't invited. all right, that's it for me state you. thanks so much in the low. quite unusual to be this hot this early in the year for parts with the golf. so sure. let me show you on thursday. okay, this great. 50 degrees on the nose for you. this could be your 1st 50 degree day of the year by the way, took to mid july last year to reach 50 degrees. the last day of spring friday, 1st day of summer on saturday. your temperature is well above where they should be at this point in the year. while your view of the middle east shows us, okay,
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those wins are turning lighter up and down the golf. they sure have been housing as of late into the central asia. we go, we've got some heat around here as well. ask about at 34 degrees, also looking quite hot for drawing as well. pedro and 35 inch arise. 38 will be the number for you on thursday tracking this slug of rain from southern searcy central turkey. and it will eventually catch up to the black sea coast. and it sure has been hot in the chair, but really the seats coming from sudan chad rate through to new share quite across west africa. sure. some showers and storms. but now what we'd expect to see at this point in the year were the more intense rain is, is for a camera room and gap on the dropping those temperatures. for kick town, it's going to be whites, and when the 18 degrees, northern k profit and your turn will come on friday, painting down to 19 degrees. the latest news, not only that these patients were receiving, tells me that y'all as,
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as treatment in unless you are hospitalized, let's say we're also seeking refuge here with detailed coverage for the war. people have access to the leaders of water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the hoss of the story house send you the officials photo does 0 that in situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs tax president, but all of them is that landscapes hoping a pay summit will return the world's attention to ukraine's will. with russia for roches. nothing vices and some major will of late is on coming on the chance of success. stuff it have. this is the inside story. the
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