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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the rank, each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view from well, on alger 0, the of the hello online site. this is a news life window coming up in the next 60 minutes. dozens of palestinians all killed across gauze, as is where the ground forces wide and their results on rough escalating full control of the buddha area. with egypt. wave of is there any rates across the occupied west bank, which also sets off a huge fight at a vegetable market in ramallah?
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counting is on the way in south africa with the governing african national congress facing its biggest electrical challenge since the end of the apostolic wrong opens a registration period for her falls, wanting to run in jane's presidential election on the desk of cooper. i'm racing in the head of the hello welcome to the program. we begin this news out in gaza where at least she wants to palestinians have been killed across the strip in the last 24 hours. fighting and bombardment continue in rafa with 21. palestinians killed that, as is riley forces pushed further into the city. meanwhile, the north has also been on the repeated attacks basically he and to body of refugee camps have been targeted by is really alternative ratios. people offline. yes, again, in casualties announcing the majority of them being civilians. and all could already
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begins all coverage from there. all by the and central gaza to the dangers, talk for ambulance crews driving through the streets in the flat to reach the injured they find one man with charco for nearly 8 months now they've dealt with this concept. so of that a good people. the so that the other, the we are receiving human as quotes for help from citizens as part of targeting to escape people and these areas get this thing even in the safe areas and the difficulty for ambulance is to reach the areas is great to, to, to the targeting of the emergency champs and i used to do a car belong to the civil defense of the truck. in the face i'm going into is are filled with people needing medical. how what happened was an explosion took place and they were shop. now this is what happened with the old man got shrapnel in his head. i thought a morality hospital medics to what they can do,
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treat the wounded. it's the same for the few hospitals, so operating across cause a with the shortage of beds and medicines as a routine cause of hospitals south for newness some patients are having to be treated. the for the situation is no different here in the hospital. a desperate attempt to save was with a few resources left in the city. i just see that there is, but i got the upon assign or israel has been expanding its military operation, both in central and western rasa. the ministry says that it is now in full control of the buddha area, with egypt, which is known as the philadelphia cargile. the area is 14 kilometers long intended to be a di, militarized bosses, the rubbing along the border between garza and egypt. let's go to the honeymoon where he joins is now long from there about in central gaza honey. so what,
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what can you tell us about the is ready on these movements in southern gaza? of the yes. well, just, just from the patterns of attacks and the movement of these really military and it's occupying forces in the ground along the eastern part of the l. brooklyn city . that's the are the, the border as well as the deep shouldn't rough on board that the philadelphia chord or all the way the 13 kilometers are from the, from the eastern part, all the way to the coastal road. that's the area. there's really monetary. this is not the 1st time it is it, and it stated is going to be the militarize or part of the buffer zone. it was stated that the initial weeks of a busy and inside the work. but what it does really on the ground, it's eating of more of the area of growth by city is similar to what's going on in the northern part and along the eastern area. so far, we're looking at a map that it shows with the buffer zone,
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and that is being established by this really military is eating, got about 16 percent of the tooth in the area of the gaza strip. and right now, in rough i city this area, we're looking at least one kilometer depth at north or in the philadelphia core door into a rough i city, which means the vast majority of the residential buildings, the public facilities on that particular area, including the, the schools the honor, what facilities and the residential buildings, the mach, all are going to be destroyed in order for that area due to be the militarized. what that means. it's more in force displacement, that's what people have been so frustrated about. everything has happened right now with these buffer zone, or demilitarized area feeds into permanent displacement for people who will not be able to get back to this, to these areas where they're in the, the southern part of robust city of the philadelphia core door. and the area surrounding it, or the eastern part of the gods trip all the way from bropa to the city. a bit
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tunneled that's for the nose ring. pardon? and, and this is the arrangement that these really military has been pushing for all of its sentiment. a narrative has been endorsed to get to this point where the have not only the military control, but also the to empty the area and make it uninhabitable from its own residents. right. how do you, as you, as you've been describing what is the biggest dilemma for people to escape suffice and is then now being forced to leave the south and returned back to the north. but find seeking the nose is also continuing a yes. and this just happened as is really military in the past hours in the hours of this morning. it's hard to do why then it's military maneuvers and operating in that they don't neighborhood that's of the eastern part of gas. it a densely populated a neighborhood and it has been invented several time. in fact,
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this type, it's the 4th time. i know really the bought a large part of this neighborhood has been destroyed in terms of the it's public facilities that it's uh, infrastructure and the residential homes. literally a people within the past weeks i've been going back to more of a waste plan. similar to the scenario that happened in han units. we're looking at an area that is, has become increasingly uninhabitable, given that old social services and old means of life have been destroyed. while this is happening in the day to a neighborhood in eastern gods. it's really monetary and now it's tactical withdrawal of from giovanni refuge account all the way through the images of the area that's between some of the doctor and the city of bit lot. yeah. and the for the northern part of the gaza strip. and in doing so, it continues in circling allows the hospital that has been under military for the past 14 days, there are injuries are patients. there are people who are inside unable to leave the safer area, unable to get whatever necessities of, of,
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of the terminal of supplies, water, food or medical supplies. so that hosted thought, so this is not a full withdrawal is tied to go by this really military. it means they can get back to the rep as you can at any time, give it that what it created on the ground, the new routes, and the new roads established by this very minute draped, gives it the now per hand in maneuvering into the remedy. despite all of this, we still have these confirmed reports of ongoing a clash is then going confrontation between the palestinian finding groups on the ground, whether in the northern parts and jo valia and the northern part of the strip or drop by city. okay, thank you for that update honey. my new, the 1st and 0, saw that in central garza, on top of all the challenges, palestinians are also experiencing major shortage of medical supplies. the delivery of live saving 8 into the strip has reduced sharply on the is there any restrictions? delays and incursions into rafa in gauze. as displacement counts,
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pharmacists have been struggling to help an ever expanding population for sick and wounded tarka boys whom reports there's a smoke. tent is the only place displaced, palestinians endeavored, bella, can get much needed medicine box quickly running out of the club. most children's medicine, along with those for chronic and acute disease, is i've totally gone. also anesthetics that not available in any for many of the injured pots of dead bodies amputated a new dentist x. but these items that are totally out of stock comes from all your doctor. yeah, he took all the medicine he could carry you when he fled. is really bought minutes and the noise on that, and i used to own a farm or something cause a city it was destroyed by these really forces. this is what is left of this talk we had done. doesn't mean 100 is made shift, pharmacy only has topple and then what to protect it from the weather. yet it's
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become a lifeline for doses assemblies. so how do we on the test off on the menu item, all must be kept in low temperature. and we do not have a cooler full so we are surrounded by wasting the garbage. we insisted inserts the flies and mosquitoes. it is very hard to know, but we are doing our very best to sort of our community to buy and provide the best possible medical assistance to they may buy accounts hollington's, riches. and i want to show 2 types of fees of outbreaks of disease among the thousands living in displacement camps. isabel yet tax on hospitals and restrictions on the interior of a have left most of the strips made to come work is unable to cope since as well. it began is encouraging and rough. i fairly of this month, the world health organization says only 3 of its 8 trucks have been able to enter
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the area. with much of gauze was made to coca impressed truck routes, are due to the east venue, relentless attacks. palestinian pharmacist have a fee to be to pick $10.00 of hope. for old gauze is this place assemblies that are trying to provide them with lifelines as they are trying to find power outages and even extreme temperature effect to ations that negatively when medicine storage power cup i was doing, i would just be around there with the palestine this tony is known, such as tell our commode, associated professor of public policy at the doha institute for graduate studies. good to jordan speaks you again summer. i want to get a sense of from you as to where we are teaching in terms of the will, because we now have these rarely ministries seizing control of this philadelphia, cordele, which is the entire lens of the gauze and border with egypt. and despite everything that we've been hearing from the international community in recent days,
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they seem to have deep in the ground invasion interest money and correct. i think the taking over the for the district to the door and signals for the beginning of a new stage. and i think this is also related to the statements with hearing from days of a, the government officials, the sward will, will take months. this, or maybe years to come to the dentist. i quoted the ones that i added one by the junction government because it's the exemptions were very concerned and they were threatening that this would change the arrangements over the come david, a peace agreement they had with these red. that's what it was model just like a deadline. that is what it has. what are the costs again? so is that it has been crossing all that headlines that by the us international community, even by its neighbor egypt now. and i think that these are, and these are, the more or less they'll have up at a 100 and this in this war. i mean, i don't see any sense to you, the willingness by the us to stop the days of a is these lane is always change the discourse of the behavioral reaction and my
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feeling my concern this, the signatures and you stage of probably alone precedence will present the troops and does that help your patients together step, cutting it into come tones, having full control over all the close things, including egypt, isolating does a, it's something similar to the west bank, you know, maybe a political stage. they wouldn't let me introduce the abc areas, you know, and it's, it's, i think that the, at this stage, meanwhile, the suffer. and so the people as cause a continues another warning today from the un about a deliveries into gauze have dropped by 2 thirds since israel's moving to a rough. and we had from honey, the people just going back and forth between the north and the south trying to escape the fighting. but the fighting is no, every with correct and, and also you have some days they need officials like it and statements. they don't hide it, i mean that they want to more or less to quote and the most of goes us population in this, not a simple sort of my was. so you can,
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you with us and there wouldn't be no return for cousins to the notes on this home. us release is the, is the captives. and so the crushing, the people like, you know, it's, it's those to, for the people and i think it's a, it's kind of gets its best, you know, and the uncertainty of these lane is a lot of missed having an open hand. i mean the, the, i mean there is no one who is really able to stop and then what, what the medications are really kidding about. now is what is meant to have a clear plan for the after as if again, that implicitly approving very professional because they don't, don't have a problem with this. what i'm having controlling does, but they want to know how is what it is going to govern. you guys and with the home . and again, that's one of the scanned the us thing is on. does this again to remind you to view what is the, is that a new patient occupation is the root causes of all these problems? we don't need the condition of the guy the step if these are the end is get to defend us. but the thing is, what does this thing with that is how much or someone else or uncertainty that the
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us as love booed at this. the good news coming from many countries, we see this wave of political condition. that's very good. and that's a step in that direction, but we're still far away from preaching up search stuff and look for this confidence. okay, good to speak to you. tell me i can work professor of public policy at the institute for graduate studies. are now the is really ministry has conducted a wave of raids across cities in the occupied westbank. these were the themes in ramallah overnight is ready for the stores in the area far in life, but it stung grenades and to gas is really munitions caused a huge fight at a vegetable market. this one, palestinian was injured in my father ne riley military right in the city of to bass clashes interrupted between palestinian fighters and is really forces several explosive devices will also designated will be as ready ministries as to if it's soldiers have died of william sustained in a call running attack in the occupied west bank. the attack took place near the
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city of novelist on wednesday, shortly forced his way to the city in search of the suspect to his reportedly tied himself in to the palestinian authority. just to mind as well as bound out, is there a from reporting from within the country, which is why corresponded in wrong con, joins us from jordan's capital a mine good to see you again in wrong. so let's start with uh, the soldiers. the soldiers that is there any soldiers that have died, a talk was through that particular incident as well. these radio may have made an initial investigation and what they've said is the soldiers were hit and they have the town of nablus. they will actually examining another car, and the soldiers nearby didn't open fire at the perpetrator. they said, because they didn't understand what happened and not allowed the man to get away after that running attack. the actually ended it with the desk of those 2 soldiers . now, according to a security sol,
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as is speaking to is really media the drive that has turned himself into the palestinian authority on wednesday night, but has yet to be handed over to israel. also, another soldier died in northern garza. so that brings the total uh, site fall since october, the 7th, and the war and go on, goes up to $640.00 is ready. so does that just take the $3300.00 and you'd have no more rates of run across the west bank. can you talk us through the latest, the that's how the ride to raise in places like to boss and now the success of truck all of these occurring almost every single night. there's at least one rate every single night, but perhaps by just allow me was the raid and rubella now to palestinians is what we're hearing were injured during confrontations that now these really forces in large of them. but still on the, the out lege exchange sho. in the city, they destroyed it and rested 2 of the employees as they were fighting with him. in
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confrontations with palestinians is ready. soldiers fired stun gun, a son, grenades, and gas phones, which caused a huge fight to break out the main vegetable kids. now this isn't the 1st time i'll lege, the money exchange places have been ready before i may, 15th, these ready forces rated almost all of the branches across the occupied west bank. they confiscated something like a $4000000.00 chuckles us over a $1000000.00. they designated else lege as a terrorist organization whose work is private to back. she left behind notices all of the shops they rated, particularly this one in ramallah. and the note just says a huge exchange is a key plant in transferring money to terrorist organizations. this is why it's considered the company illegal, f y, any money related by any means and terry store lies, ations will bring destruction to whoever is dealing with it. now remember the, the uh, the alt card westbank is under military control. that is no due process. have is
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the law that the palestinians have to go through to be able to prove that they're transferring money to prescribed organizations. body is ready state. so simply these, right, these are all just go in under the military occupation rules and rating shields without actually presenting any solid hard evidence. ok, thank you for that iran con that for us in amman, and just to remind to again a benjamin met snatching as cabinet is banned out to 0 from reporting inside israel, which is why we are reporting from i'm on the i think counting is on the way in south africa's general election, president serial rema pose as african national congress is facing. it's fits this challenge in searching. he is so worried that employment enrolling power accounts are among the main issues for many verses facing was extended in some parts of the
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country because of feet. large. 10 out that's cost is for mr. miller who's at the results operation center. so i submitted all indications of that 10 not has been extremely high. a took us through what's been happening. i think the turn out has always been under the watch of a many, many people because it may indicate the outcome of this election. and so to me, there was concern when there was a lower turnout, 5 years ago is 66 percent. this time around the neutral commission is saying they expect it to be quite high a given the amount of people that stayed in choose until late in the evening at many posting stations. many of those pointing stations had to remain open longer than the allotted time. but of course, the, the 2 commissioners said as long as people were in a to, they would to vote by the end of the evening. about 3 hours off,
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the polls closed on wednesday night. the initial results from some of the small disposing stations. thoughts of coming in, and at this point we're looking at about 11 percent of the results coming in the translates, do about a 1000000 people. and the analysts who have said that the higher the, the, the higher the turnouts by votes as good to possibly be bad news for the governing african national congress. we could possibly see people having come out to vote for the opposition, given some of those grievances that you had mentioned that perhaps people wanting to make a change in south africa. the and the any indications i, i know it's still early days in terms of the results. but do we have any inkling, a tool as to how the boots may be going on? when will we get some complete results? we're just civil always into the collection of results and as you said, they are the days we're likely to give final results perhaps by sunday. and
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we do know that the little commissioner has 7 days to announce those results. the final results. at this point, i said, 11 percent of those votes counted, and the biggest question has been around the african national congress hanging onto its majority. and the concern news, especially from within the quality that wouldn't be the case. so what they live in puts in college and so far we looking at about 42 percent for the african national congress. the official opposition in south africa, the democratic alliance at 26 percent. and then 2 other parties, the 5th and the newly formed onto receives where that's the party that's led to by the former president, jacob zoom up both at almost around 8 percent. so i think while it is very. 2 the results, the sort of key developments in terms of the position the amc sitting at and the challenges facing from these opposition parties. and so very much is likely that
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the agencies increasingly going to have to look at a coalition government depending on the province. it's dealing with their 9, all of them, and the final results that come out. okay, good to talk to some of the middle of that for us. from the results operation center in the town of midland. we can speak now to eunice kareem, a who has been a member of parliament for being governing amc since 1994 and is a need of some advocates communist policy. he joins us from pizza merritt specs and keep your time. so as we've been hearing that from our reports, a long queues people waiting for hours late into the evening to cost the ballast, are you surprised at the level of enthusiasm for this vote of the day and thank you for having me. ready good morning to you and your viewers. well, i think that, uh, it's good for democracy as i'm sure you wouldn't be, especially as commentators in general stuckey from the interest of media. we're
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speculating about apathy, the lack of interest, deluxe duty and voting. it's a reflection. they argued all the agencies, periods and so on. so it's great. and i think the independent electrical commission, which in many ways is both cross must be commanded for the quality of organization and a very difficult elections for the 1st time ever since 1994. we've had individuals standing side by side with political parties going to complex people also the patients. ringback that hasn't been any violence that was protected so saw there's not been a waiting for any of that, which i think is a getting assigned that we are stable but your democracy noisy is b r difficult as though and robust of those discussions all i think is commendable what has happened and i think that it's good. oh, good people voted to early on, wanting a bundle. it shows day and to is he hasn't been democracy. and that's just a huge growth in the number of political policies. now, in south africa,
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a number of independent standing for the 1st time. uh, do you think it suggests a growing this illusion with the big traditional policies like the amc as well that's happening globally as you know. i mean, for us to be in policy that you guys would up to 69.6 percent of the both of the one stage is remarkable. and to know in the world, these things do you get those sort of majorities and the develop phone 2 parties, just a slide over 50 percent. so if it has to be its 1st electric that decides really except for this out and it goes up because it made does a and see the majority party in the sense that so we've had a large boxes. yeah. it could be no coalition government, a book of us, of the don't us playing the major role at this stage. and with the same early days as a chosen testing that dissolves the vinyl does out. that'd be hovering at the bottom . 45 percent of the media least. so coalitions on the agenda, it's not necessarily
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a bad thing. it depends on the terms of the coalition. so who becomes a part of it? now we're a new democracy. so in that sense, you know, we're not mature enough to have a complex coalitions like you're having the bronze industrialized world, but it has to be, it has to be, it's the well people, the matches that decide most important of all is the numbers that have turned out which shows our democracy is the strong and stable and mitchell as you say, the and so you will have a voice regardless. and we've been hearing for many young voters who did not live through the apartheid system, who are particularly destination with the n c over the countries pool economic prospects, corruption, crime, unemployment and so on. what is the agencies message to them as well? we like to see what that is as far as you tell, read aware of these criticisms, the on sale is not used to princeton have admitted to these criticisms. some of
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them are not to be valid others, but then many young generations, understandably, they didn't go for the struggle era. so they don't feel their loyalties in seeing that older people do. you see, it was look at the fed to us as a whole, not just the last 5 years of baltimore can use it more as a whole. we've done remarkably well compared to what in fact it was used to be able to do better. but a good thing, for example, of young people, they didn't have the student bronson. so what i'd like to do now we have had over $5000000.00 rooms. i don't know, translate that into dollars located to university and college. and both of these, we have changed into 5000000 people overall through the system. so they have beneficiaries too. but obviously because they haven't been through what about a, was that right? and we have to us the voting the way they are, but it's good. the 18 to 42 year olds was the largest component of the new registration. and the amc has to take that into account. we cannot reside solely on
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the remedies of the older generation who engaged in the struggle and before 1994. we will learn from this and move on, but he will still be the largest party in this country. millstone county proportionately the biggest weight of show turning things around and things are beginning to turn around. it's a long haul, but we're moving in the right direction or the election results will help us to do so. okay, good. just maintain eunice kareem, member of parliament from the governing and see since 1994 need to south africa is communist party. so a roland has opened the registration period for candidates wanting to compete in his presidential election. the pole is due to be held up to president abraham, where you see was killed in a helicopter crash last week. those looking to run will have to be approved by a 12 member vesting body. the guardian council, the half of its members, are directly appointed by the supreme need to hash them has the story from day
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11 year from now, presidents ibrahim, right, you see was supposed to go on for another 10 and office claudia akash and i'll see about about his death in this helicopter crush or change everyone's boss, us so many so right, you see as a potential candidate to succeed, the kind supreme the that on the middle of this day trying to dis, aiming to succeed, to start registering the name of somebody not cause why the adult, you know, runs internal issues right now, mostly our economic. but the solution is definitely political politicians who move through the political tunnels. so they can find a solution for economic and social problems. several people are expected to put their names forward. for my culminates, the phrase he regarded as conservatives are aiming to keep his seat at the political camp. they're competing against all those are affiliated with margaret, and reformist counts who wants to try the chances. what the garden council is
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responsible for confirming the candidacy. so if you could play a significant role in determining the size of poor to turn out the test, i need to have an open admin fee for the candidates who want to run is unlikely to have an impact on those who have boy called at the election that it seems to turn out would be at around 40 percent at the most. and i think the system also is not off to a high turn out. but others disagree. and believe the country could be on the verge of significant change. so seeking to on where the president in one is in the soul decision making. and because i don't expected election of the time of the regional central internal, all certainty and got excited with the united states could influence people's choices and the bottom of the actual address here. ok,
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let's cross the line to resolve cetera. it was in the rainy and capital. is that wrong for us? we're so also to control the potential names who are likely to run for this presidential race. well, there are several names in the wrong that are being discussed. however, mostly people are, are, are focusing on 3 names. the 1st one is the former by the speaker of the fundamental or the letter johnny. so he has coming from quite a well known family and he's now the member of the experiencing console. and he's regarded as a more than as conservative, a pragmatic politician. so starting from 2007 until 2020, he was the head of the parliament as well. and so in that sense, people believes that if she runs, she will be able to both the appeal to the conservative was and also to a certain extent that po, to the reform is bays as well. that he is one of the, the strongest candidates that people are talking about. and the 2nd one is the
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sight of jelly lee. so he's quite a conservative politician from the department store from a shed, which is the most important religious center in the country. and he's also a member of the experiences console for a short why he was the secretary of the national security council. we directly, which directly reports to the, to the stop in the there he's and twice the 1st one. it was in 2015. a guest president has that whiny but she lost and then in 2021 t run again. but just one week ahead of the election, she withdrew from the res in favor of the, the, the, the former president to you. but i am raising another name that people are talking about is mohammed must be of now the current acting president of the country. he was the 1st was president of if that embrace. yeah, not that his southern debt. then he has been appointed as the acting president, which here we can see that despite some of the names being discussed,
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the race is expected to be among the conservative. we'd be put in some new emphasis such as sight generally must be a being quite conservative. why that is johnny slightly being regarded as more than it's here. so in that sense, people here believe that the company's face and loss of pro becomes economy problems domestically and abroad. and of course, now whatever it is going to around to be approved by the, by the garden council, it's going to give us signs indication about which direction this country is heading tobar. okay, thank you for that. we're still set at that for us in tech, for a head on al jazeera, a court in home comb, convicts 14 pro democracy act best some that china is national security. the los angeles and newman and mexico city were plow your same box campaign rally. coming up on the explain why suggest spring when
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the you're just in time for your weather update across europe in africa. and while we've got a bubble of heat through the baltic states, spell the roots and western rush, i mean re good. you could hit 30 degrees for the 1st time this year. last year you didn't hit 30 degrees until mid july. so in the thick of summer, we're not even into summer yet. now speaking of temperatures since heat, now let's go through, i'd be area 31 degrees and this been on thursday, but we'll keep this try and go in even more. how about 35 on friday, dark the read the hotter it is and that 35 degrees could be good enough for a new record as you and hope the month of may on friday 1st. if summer is on saturday. okay. here's where it gets a bit messy. rain rolling through switzerland. we've got a pretty heavy pocket of rain as well along the border with hungry and romania. st
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goes for poland as well. but that will do little to press down your temperatures. a slug of rain, southern searcy around on talia that will make its way up to the black sea coast and to africa. we go, the heats been blasting through, sudan chad. any share in fact for ne, ne share, we set a record hottest me day on record, but 48 degrees c other day. let's go to the south. big change and this temperatures for cape town 818 degrees, but a painting. your turn comes a day later on friday. you've got a cool wind out of the south bye for now. the okay, foundation is delivered over $300000000.00. will suffice be more than $75.00 countries around the world. 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spence on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all
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turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the the 14 hours era mind top stories based our see is where the ministry continues to august and areas across rockland southern, gaza, palestinians on the move, leading the seats. and these 31 palestinians have been killed across gauze. as since wednesday, his riley ministry is conducted a wave of raids across the occupied west spike installed within multiple currency exchange offices is there any forces, sees equipment. i'm filed, a rest, and several employees. accounting is on the way in south africa's general election
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. president serial, run the post as african national congress is facing it's basis. challenge in such a yes. during unemployment and rolling pow counselor and one of the main issues many basis is 10 to home comb. with 14 pro deluxe, the activists have been found guilty of violating the national security. lo, pushed through 5 beijing to the charges stem from the campaign. cooling for independent elections in the territory there among 47 activist arrested under the law in 2021. as he went to plead guilty awaiting sentencing to what acquitted. elaine pissed them is the agent director with human rights watch. she says the convictions come as no surprise the activist ranging in age from the twenty's to the sixty's. you know, $47.00 in total on trial. so this is a large trial. we have a problem in this. we have a former journalist,
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you have people who are lawyers, academics. so i think this is a really broad section of people in phone call. and i think that's actually what made the hung cola theories so afraid that the democratic movement has to be support support. what they were doing was that they were trying to get aging to live up to its obligation to give home phone people universal suffrage. so they organized back in 2020 and informal time range. so it's 600000 people participated in that. um, and that is something that, you know, honestly, it shouldn't really be controversial. but obviously in, on the phone they wanted to send a message. and so they've been tried for sufficient pride this the national security law has had a 100 percent conviction race. um, but you know, the reality is, i think this conviction really shows what other contempt the hong kong and chinese authorities have the democratic political processes. i mean, what these people have been convicted of is holding an informal of crime rate. so
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you know, that is something that people should not be going to prison for. and yet time and again, we seen the application of the national security law is really designed to smell the, the democratic movements in phone calls. and i think that's what the sentence is trying to do. the several arab leaders are in beijing for an arab china summit with israel's war and gauze set to dominate the tools, heads of state from egypt, the united arab emirates by rain and to this year among those attending discussions will include expanding china is trade ties in the region junior, ca, eli, china firmly supports the establishment of an independent state of palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 borders and with east jerusalem as its capital. it supports palestine full membership in the u. n. and supports a more broad based, authoritative and effective international peace conference space under located
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senior research fellow at the center of china and globalization and profess said, facing for and studies. university joins us from today in china. thank you so much for your time. so tell us a little bit about china's interest in the middle east and how there's interest have actually been evolving as a recent years. surely when big china is the interest in the middle east or west asia is longstanding and strategic. and this curve summit is the continuation of predators sees meeting largely in saudi arabia into so for 2023. and we know that of course the, my products which. ready is real in basel, it is one of these pop ups, but i think we are deeper issues that are going to be discussed as well. and i think 2 or 3 interlocking issues, the 1st is the future of the dog. and in particular, dollar gemini,
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is we've seen that the dollar of the global financial system controlled by the united states has been whether or not as in many countries around the world really seem to you need to transition to a system that is safer and impervious to this kind of what i'm saying, i think the 2nd big issue is the transition as the energy transition to a more sustainable future. we know that many of the countries in the middle east in west asia rely on fossil fuels as a cornerstone of their economy. and the transitions to a newer. ready world is very important and i think finally, which is really part of this is regional and global uh, security issues uh that i find a customer for holding deposit indivisible security where every country. well, oh,
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that's russia. whether that's how this started. uh whether that's all the parts of the world have. the legitimate and security entered has recognized see this as a continuation of a very important partnership that i like to visualize as the south ceiling while empowered by the dragon. so of course, the falcon refers to the middle east or west asia, and the dragon refers to china and that they have complimentary rules to play in the creation of a more stable and prosperous and saving role. i'm in terms of the, the role that a china is playing when it comes to the israel, gauze and crisis. i mean, we saw a china recently host, uh, these talks between homeless and fast to what, what does it think that they can actually achieve here? a set of things as well, so sorry, but does not have a direct stay going to conflict. certainly can be very,
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very valuable. we've seen other parts of the. ready role and made conflicts that have been successfully resolved the valuable role of an honest broker. so i think china can play a role here. and again, it is in, in, in the singly significance layer in this part of the. ready world, we've seen him play a role in the a ron of saudi arabia, kingdom, a solid getting ravia, rac coach months. we see is playing this role in other parts of the world. i think one of the most valuable things trying to bring to the table is the non ideological standards. so trying to is, i think, well know, globally for its pragmatism, towards respect for mutual sovereignty and warms of treating all parties involved with mutual respect. and this could certainly play
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a role in resolving this ongoing conflict in industry and the local very good to get your views and the a senior research product, the sense of the china in globalization and profess at beijing foreign studies university. thank you. apologies to view is about this most found issues we help as well. a south korea says no create has loans and barrows of suspected ballistic missiles into the c panel. objects landed in the sea of to traveling about 350 kilometers. south korea has accused fuel, yeah, and a provocation. we're also broad has more on the latest launch from so as this loads happens, just off the 1st lights on thursday with south korea. and i'll start with these detecting what they presume to be 10 short range. ballistic missiles being fired from the su 9 area outside p on young east and blending in the waters off the
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eastern coast of the korean peninsula. now, given the large number of projectiles there is a lot of speculation that this could well have been what they call a super large caliber all large boil artillery rocket system. the kind that is fired from multiple launches on the kind that north korea has been testing recently, but with an estimated range of these projectiles of 350 kilometers. that, according to the south reno authorities would put pretty much all of south korea within range. and so this has been condemned by both the south koreans and the united states. all of this is con, but the time of increase tensions this week, a with south korea having just hosted a, an important pri, latrell summit with japan and china, which is an good north korea. and the latest tit for tat action we have seen from the north has been the launch of hundreds of these balloons, many of which have landed locations all across south korea carrying a waste garbage. and we're told
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a fertilizer that seems to be in response to north korean defect is based in the south having launched over the years propaganda balloons into the north. now it's difficult for the authorities here to prevent that because these groups say this is mary, them exercising the rights of free expression. interestingly, the north is use the same argument now with tim yo junk, that's the influential sister of north korea's leader saying that these balloons represent what she has described as the free expression of north koreans and that the south koreans can do nothing to prevent that rub mcbride, i'll just say a russell. so head on the out is there a mother the discharge discharge during your deliberates? and donald trump's house, mudding k c. and 5th to trial is on fact global wave of climate change. no states a hub in las in america's human rights cold in the largest cakes.
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the to during donald trump cycled house money trial a do to start the 2nd day of deliberations on 1st day. trump is facing such a full felony counts. the key is to false the following business records to cover payments to adult film star store mcdaniel's. during the 2016 presidential election campaign, the payments were allegedly meant to prevent daniels from going public about 10 claims or from the 5 with trump. often leaving the courtroom on wednesday trumping
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den cool the trial on fire and said the charges rate john 100 has moved from new york. the jury called it a day after 4 hours in the 1st day of jury deliberations in the 1st ever criminal trial of a former us president. the jury said they wanted to hear more about a 2015 meeting. they wanted to hear the testimony again. that meetings between national enquirer publisher, david hecker and trump officials in which hecker allegedly agreed defined negative stories about trump. so he could push them back, came after about an hour of jury instructions. there's not allow leeway the judge has he simply telling the jury what they may and may not consider in order to decide whether donald trump is guilty or not guilty, but trump didn't like it anyway. in the same way, he has said about every election he has been in and for criminal trials, you know, phases. he says the system is rigged against the mother
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of all countries of the mess between the borders, federal elections, and you have a trial like this is a disgrace. keep in mind, mother teresa probably would never have been charged with trying to cover up an affair with a porn star in order to hide that from voters while running for president. but if trump is convicted, he faces up to 4 years in prison for each of $34.00 charges. prosecutor say it's highly unlikely that he would face present time, more likely that he would either face home confinement or probation. neither of those is really a good deal for a guy who's running for president. because with home confinement you can't travel and campaign. and if you're on probation, you have to ask your probation officer and that requires planning before you can
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leave the state. so for donald trump, we don't know exactly how this would happen if you were convicted because we've never seen anything like this before. john henry and l. g 0. new york, the presidential candidates and mexico of hills. the final campaign, riley is the head of a general election on sunday po, show the governing policy candidate, claudio is shawn bottom, is on close to become the countries fost female president, the $100000000.00 versus expected to cost the ballots. so worried crime and the economy amone's i just talked concerns. latin american edison, the c name and reports from mexico city for mid day, tens of thousands of supporters of cloudy, of shame, bound began arriving at the circle. mexico cities emblematic plaza chambers is the form a mirror of mexico city, who according to polls, is set to become the 1st female president of the world's largest spanish speaking
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country. may gomez, all i vowed to be my so my life and the best of me to they will be and dignity of the people. and i commit myself to guaranteeing the legacy of president lopez over the shame. bombs, approval rating is mostly attributed to the overwhelming support she enjoys from current president and police manual episode, as all the social programs and christmas have made him very popular. and 61 year old shame bob underscores. she will follow his every footstep . people with the government supports, there have been pages for the old, for example, my grandmother, who can know, survive on a pension. we want her to maintain that support and increase of the same balance. biggest asset can also be seen as the biggest shortcoming, because she never seems to be the from the president's
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the same boss. and if you selected, will she find all going on at the far northern border with mexico came bombs, mina, pony. so cheese galvis want that is the candidate of continuity winds. mexico's democratic institutions such as the independence of the judiciary will be in danger . in fact, the only thing the leading candidates have in common is their gender. sunday the are you ready to vote and defend life, liberty, and the truth? we will, we to share not to steal, to serve us, not to serve ourselves, nothing accumulate, and especially to unite the country. the centre right candidate is seen as a symbol of a person from very humble roots who came up into world business gather. this is also proud of her indigenous roots. what she is lagging behind the poles wins will
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be sure to make history, if nothing else, because she will be the 1st one president in the country, no for its male chauvinism. the sea and human al jazeera mexico city. in brazil, less than america's human rights courses held a final hearing on the landlord case involving climate change. the court looked at how human rights are being affected by environmental changes in the region and where the governments have a legal gc to act. and those they've cut out major implications for international i was on the, i'm here to of what's rising cease caused by the changing climate or slowly swallowing the in both good fish in community in southern mexico since 2019 dozens of homes and other buildings have been swept away by the waves, forcing 700 people in some. okay, we hear about climate change all the time,
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but we never thought that it would come to us for both residents or among hundreds of people. do you and officials, companies and scientists who spoke at landmark hearings held by the inter american court of human rights and the present in the city of my house? the court will issue an opinion grappling with the fundamental question of our times, or governments obligated to protect people from climate change. and if so, to what degree? the answer will be important for a growing wave of global litigation aim that's forcing countries to compensate victims of climate change and do more to control its impact. almost as we have high expectations for this document and hope it will offer a favorable instrument for the protection of the environment and human rights in order to force countries to act on their obligations, whether an advocacy or litigation, columbia, and she lives, governments,
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ask the courts to intervene, saying they were experiencing daily climate challenges with buyers, land slides, droughts and floods become even more severe. they also ask the court to clarify with governments must do to protect environmental activists lighting americas the most dangerous region for environmental defenders, including children. you'll any seeing that these motors, i started my activism when i was 9 years old and since i was 11 years old, i have been receiving death threats and constant attacks which haven't stopped many yet. and these were indigenous people who say they are being disproportionately affected. so this is the moment we want the inter american court to hear us here are cry here. call here are anguish, feel some of the pain that the indigenous people are. brazil have been going through thousands of years. the court's opinion applies in over 20 latin
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american in caribbean countries and could be issued by the end of the year. it will be closely watched by other international courts also dealing with the issue. there is little legal precedent when it comes to climate change obligations, but their importance will only rise as the crisis of our lifetime continues to unfold. allison, but i'm just either l. a volcano in south western iceland is erupt. thing for the 1st time since december. these are pictures from the rake in this peninsula. as you can see, the feet volcano is fumbling way. officials say lava has been lost at about 50 meters into the sky. people living in a nearby fishing town have been evacuated from the homes. the blue lagoon, samuel spies, one of the license biggest tourist attractions, was also evacuated before the erupt again. okay,
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you are up to date. i'll be back in the i want people to look closer at the aga sign of this. i points by camera where all of us prefer not to look. i'm right about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up. and us worse filmmaker rally, and also viet turn when on the power of political ok. what i'll just stories we tell sales about also. and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted to upon one on i will just sierra, oh is use it for young women, the south african town played by poverty rate and murder paid me. yet despite all community workers determined to provide refuge,
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long as the community say, not my problem is always gonna happen. like one small town safe house. and with this documentary on that, it just the, you know, the hearing the fact chart populations is declined 70 percent. and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality plays that floated reporting from the ex whatever happens next
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to the university have already made history out to 0 is teams across the world. bring you closer to the house of the story. the thousands of palestinians are killed across garza as is where the ground forces wide in their results on rough at flaming full control of the buddha area. with egypt. the by my name's side, this is all it. is there a line from the also coming up a series of his rarely raids across the occupied west buying sets off a huge fire at a vegetable market, and romano accounting is on the way in south africa with the governing african
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national congress facing its biggest electoral challenge since the end of the pop tides 5 day period begins for candidates to read.


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