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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the football team, whatever happens next to the university, have already made history out. as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the faucet. the story, the thousands of palestinians are killed across garza as is where the ground forces wide and their results on graphic flaming full control, the buddha area. with egypt the by moving side, this is all and is there a line from the also coming up a series of is rarely raids across the occupied west buying sets off a huge fire at a vegetable market, and romano counseling is on the way in south africa. with the governing african
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national congress facing its biggest intellectual challenge. since the end of the pa side 5 day period begins for candidates to register for a snack presidential election in a ron following the death of some dream receipts and they had a car crash the . we begin in gaza where at least 31 palestinians have been killed across the strip in the last 24 hours. facing bombardment continue in rafa with 21 palestinians. cuba as is riley forces pushed farther into the city. the noise of the strip has not been sped either and has been on the repeated attack before he and devali refugee camps have been targeted by is ready all temporary shells. people are fleeing yes again and casualties of mounting the majority of them civilians. inquiry begins coverage from there on the ballot and central gaza the
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dangers talk for ambulance crews driving through the streets and reflect to reach the injured they find one man with charco for nearly 8 months now. they've dealt with this concept. so of that are people the so that the other, the we are receiving human as quotes for help from citizens as part of targeting to escape people and these areas get this thing even in the safe areas. and the difficulty for ambulance is to reach the areas is great to, to, to the targeting of the emergency champs. and i used to do a couple 100 civil defenses truck in the v's. i'm going into. these are filled with people needing medical house. what happened was an explosion took place and they were shop. now, this is what happened with the old man got shopping in his head. i thought immortality hospital medics, to what they can do,
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treat the wounded. it's the same for the few hospitals. so operating across cause a with the shortage of beds and medicines as a routine cause of hospitals south for newness. some patients are having to be treated. the for the situation is no different here in the hospital. a desperate attempt to save lots with a few resources in the city of the data that is by god's upon assign. well, these are in the ministry is expanding its operation in central west and rough. uh, the army says it is in full control of the buddha. area with egypt known as the philadelphia card. oh yeah. we have robins for 14 kilometers along the border between garza and egypt and is intended to be a demilitarized buffalo. this guy's a honeymoon. he joins no. lo, i from there all by that. and central garza, honey, what, what can you tell us about these ready armies? movements in southern gaza the,
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the this value? well, this is really about 3 continues. do they would, they are try span or killers in a read the remaining part of roughly city. but at the same time, any quietly taken over the philadelphia core door at work and what it looks like. part of that to try to you building a buffer zone, a demilitarized area to add the egyptian rough. i a border and we're looking at at least one kilometer depth of from the northern part of the philadelphia core door into a dropbox data, which means the majority of the residential buildings are public facilities there, including the schools and, and hospitals, and privately owned in clinic unimpressed circle of be destroyed for this demon that dr. area. now there's really military stated that this area is a quite a critical and a fight against the homicide. it's working to secure it and making sure it doesn't have really any weapons or how much does not use this era,
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but what's going on. and in fact that the, creating a more difficult conditions on ground, not only will look it up and going to block 8 of the crossing right now within this move definitely is for longing. and this, the closure of the, of the cross, including the crossing as well as the garden of those sound and crossing to the eastern parts. and also it delays any efforts of reopening these 2 crossings and allows the more sufficient if little of a human to jury on 8 at the same time, these really amount of great pushing deeper to the western part, the remaining of the 2 or 3 kilometers of the philadelphia core door to the western side. that's the cost of the road at the same time pushing more people who have been filtering in that area. mainly the western part of our city until further displacement and what's going on right now for people who are affected directly by this. these are the local residents of, of rough city as well as those have been displaced for the past month. everything right now seems to be feeding into what they have been talking about. it would you
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is the permanent of displacement caused by this ongoing genocide. the word not only that area, we're looking at being part of the buffer zone, but also the old days when border all the way from rough city to further north through the city of bit tunnel on which as please it's eating up a 16 percent of the total area of the gods, the further shrinking, the size of an a really small in cloud is really monetary. continue to pound across parts of the dr. including bid via devalue. i refuse you, kevin, which it stated it has withdrew from parts of it. and this is, this is exactly what a topic of withdrawal looks like. these really missouri now is a station at the edges on the entrance of jo valia refuge account is still preventing people from leaving these a dangerous area as well as preventing the injury of a human a jury on a honeymoon sat for us in there all paula thank you. it will tell us the indians in
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gauze are experiencing a may just shortage of medical supplies. the delivery of life saving aide into the strip has reduced sharply on the is there any restrictions? delays and ministry incursions in russia in the space when it comes. pharmacists have been struggling to help as a increasing numbers of sick and wounded people. talk about doing the thoughts this is smooth tend to is the only place displace palestinians and caribella can get much needed medicine box quickly running out of the problem. most children's medicine along with those for chronic and acute diseases. i've totally gone. also anesthetics that not available in any for many of the injured parts have parts of their bodies amputated and need done esthetics. but these items are totally out of stock. come small as you would talk to. yeah. he took all the medicine he could carry when he flipped his belly button and send the noise on. that's not that i used to own a farm or something cause
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a city it was destroyed by these really forces. this is what is the lift of this talk we had is made shift, pharmacy only has toppling into it to protect it from the weather. yet it's become a lifeline for doses assemblies. so how do we have is that it has all of us on many items must be kept in low temperature and we do not have a cooler full. so we are surrounded by waste and garbage. we insisted in 6 to let flies and mosquitoes. it is very hard to know, but we are doing our very best to sort of our community to buy and provide the best possible medical assistance to they may buy accounts, hollington's, riches. and i want to show 2 types of proxies of outbreaks of disease among the thousands living in displacement camps is very a tax on hospitals and restrictions on the into your aid have left most of the strips made to come,
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work is unable to cope. since as well began is encouraging and rough. i fairly of this month the world health organization says only 3 of its 8 trucks have been able to enter the area. it was much of goes as medical care infrastructure rooms are due to the disability, relentless attacks palestinian pharmacist have a fee to be to pick $10.00 of hope for old gauze is this place assemblies that are trying to provide them with lifelines, as they are trying to find power outages and even extreme temperatures, fluctuations that's negatively when medicine, storage, power cup i was doing. i would just be around there with the palestine. so these already ministry says to if it's sold as a died if williams sustained in a call, robbing a talk in the ok pod, westbank it took place near annapolis on wednesday is already forced his way to the city and such if the suspect who has reportedly turned himself in to the palestinian authority. so as well as you know, has found out is 0,
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which is why correspond emerald con is following developments from jordan's capital . i'm on these radio and we have made an initial investigation. and what they've said is the soldiers were hit near the town of nablus. they were actually examining another car. and the soldiers nearby didn't open fire of the perpetrator. they say because they didn't understand what happened. and that allowed the man to get away after that rhyming attack actually ended it with the desk of those 2 soldiers that according to a security, sol. so speaking to his really media, the drive that has turned himself into the published and you know, pharmacy on wednesday night, but has yet to be handed over to israel. also, another soldier died in northern garza. so that brings the total uh, site fall since october, the 7th, and the war and go on goes to $640.00 is ready. so does that just have a $3300.00 injured as well?
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these were, any military is conducted a series of raids across the cities in the occupied west spike. these are the scenes in ramallah, sorry for the storm. the area far in bullets, stone grenades and gas, munitions, cause the may just fire out eventually market where at least one palestinian was in yet is ready for it is also rated currency exchange offices, including in ramallah. they seized the equipment and files and arrested. several workers, that's gamble on this. we can speak to nija abraham, who joins us now live from ramallah. so talk us through what happened beginning, what happened to the, the vegetable market? the yes we are now at the vegetable market, which really is a place that people go to every morning to buy the vegetable approach. as you can says, here, this is the scene. the civil defense themes are still trying to put off the fire that has it are up to after these really forces of read this area. we're talking
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about vendors who are you do any coming here every day to work for some of them. these small places where they sell vegetables are the only source of income, but now it's all in ruins. the only here in the vegetable market, it was that was affected, but we're talking also about the buildings that are close by. of course we cannot move forward. we've been banned by the teams that are still responding to the fire from accessing the area, but we met a birch and to own 3 shops in these buildings. one of them is for the shoot. okay. now is the civil defense team member who's warning us because he says, we are expecting this building to fall down. that's why they're pushing people out of the scene to be able to respond to the fire that has interrupted after these re, new forces have rated this area around midnight and they've started sort of when
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see a gas coordinates, some coordinates causing fliers to erupt. the problem is that no one was able to get to this area so long as he is ready, the forces are there. so they have to wait until these radio rate is over before they would able to put off the fire. this is still happening now for hours and hours and there's a what happened at the money exchange because there was also re that by is there any forces as well would believe money in. but the main reason for the raid has been to target the exchange shops, the money exchange shops. we have to very close to where we are right now. and 3 times justin from a light itself since the beginning of the war. we've seen these where you are me raising these money exchange shops saying they are helping, excuse me. they are helping transfer money to satirist organizations. this is the
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statement that came from the way the army. and that's why they've hung those posters on these extreme money exchange. so to night they've asked them to close down. one of the places was destroyed. the owners of the 2 exchange shops that with he did have refused to talk on camera, possibly fearing retaliation from these really forces let's not forget were talking about a huge issue which is funding money to terrorist organizations. and we've seen already these really interesting to members work at the money exchange. so i think the smoke is getting too much. we might be moving away from the team, but this is the after math. one is really read through the center of it on my left in the occupied. okay. me that i'll let you move to somewhere a little sites that need to improve reporting from that been touts of vegetable
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market in robust regardless of the occupied westbank. so in other news officials in pop and you're getting say they do not expect to find survivors following a mass of land slides in a remote village. last week, the government says of a 2000 people may have been buried alive, but only a few bodies have been recovered. tanya bell has moved from the young body village in good provence. i met young valley village in the west and reach us of the annual province in the highlands of poplar new guinea. and this is the point where the land slide has come down the hill and caught the highway off cutting off access to the rest of the province. from here, the scale of this land slide is unprecedented in angle province. this is one of the most remote pots of pop. when you do need relief, has been very smart to arrive. today we saw a strange in i'd come in the 1st international i to reach here. they've sent 12 dissolves to release specialists as well as much needed supplies. we also saw that on either side of the land slide does off the area makes if tents have been set up
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to case up for the casualties which are coming in. what we've seen here today is people in the state of shock, people is slowly sort of coming to terms with what's been going on here. the tanya bound out a 0 annual provence when you get a still head on out a 0 a course and home calling convicts to team pro democracy. activists on the china is national security. the hello. oh wow. is it hot? in ne era by name we're dealing with temperatures, we generally see in the stick of summer. of course we're not even in the season yet . and today moscow could hit 30 degrees for the 1st time this year. last year it
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took it to august to get a day that hot, now we'll see some showers dancing over the next little bit. but that will do little to press down your temperature 28 over the course of the weekend. and other places it's heating up is portugal and spain. 30 degrees in lisbon. but for the last day of spring, 35 english been that could be good enough for your how this made a on record. here's where we run into problems. so send downpours. germany, switzerland, northern italy, some of these could be bad and produce some flooding. and for turkey, a bit of wet weather going from the south to the north, but throughout the day on thursday that will peter out and turn lighter. it's also getting hot in the northwest of africa for morocco merit catch closing in on 40 degrees, and really our showers and storms are seasonal range for west africa. not really there today on thursday, that's been the trend. as of late dropping those temperatures for cape town, eventually that will happen in painting on friday and a place where it's eating up for a state of winter and my put so, but it's still feeling like summer with
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a heat wave. the interrogate, the narrative is being us has continued support for israel, affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states is effectively complicit to the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct, but so is the international community. can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the
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watching out. as a reminder, on top stories, this our, as the is really military attack areas across russia in southern goals that palestinians are fleeing the city. and especially one palestinians have been killed across the strip since wednesday. is really ministry is carried out res. across the occupied westbank, they have targeted currency exchange. offices, majority forces, sees the equipment and files and the rest and several employees. as long as the sultan garza has cost severe damage to the environment, landfills have accumulated near make shift tents causing health issues and illnesses. i'll just is ashcroft also. raj spoke to some of the people living near the sites and central gaza assistance report. i don't because i didn't cut off, there's no one else you will see you as much as the loss of the progress we are here at the elm. a gauzy camp in central garza, this area has been transformed to
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a landfill. you can see smoke colors blowing all over the place as a result of the citizens burning trash. to keep it from piling up further, we have dozens of tons of trash that are being burned here, which is causing a significant health crisis in the surrounding areas. we're talking about health issues, illnesses, and insects that are spreading as a result of the scene that you can see here. recently, municipality crews dump so on the trash in order to make room for additional quantities of waste because there are no landfills for the waste that is being generated by displace people across the field. we will now talk to the head of all mcgraw's he municipality, mister mohammed mostly, you know, so i said, i must be left eh, but i'm in. it'd be that had a bit. i liked applause since the beginning of the war on the gaza strip. garbage has been diverted from the license landfill managed by the gods and municipality to this dump. that you can see behind me, it has the oh my god,
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the municipality in the united nations relief and workstation say, started diverting all ways from the camp to this area. because it is somewhat far from the population and located in the west. and most corner of the region, it is also a large area, and the municipality is dumping approximately $25.00 tons of waste. here every day, occupation forces prevented all our vehicles. and all vehicles operated by municipalities in the central gaza strip from reaching the main landfill in order to dump all of this waste. unfortunately, the presence of this garbage here constitutes an ecological disaster and causes very harmful effects to human health and the environment toddler. a lot of, but that's what i'm seeing. i've had these like, what is interesting is what you told me earlier that the area here was uninhabited . however, we can see dozens of homes to uninhabited by citizens, as well as tense, used by displaced people cannot installed on the cool. and you can make any bedroom up at the landfill should be located in the eastern part of garza,
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in larger areas that are located farther away from the population. so even if a fire breaks out in the landfill, the smoke would not affect anybody else. however, like i said, accessing those other landfills requires coordination, that using an occupation forces are not allowing minutes of healthy vehicles to access those areas of linus, i want to make sure, unless you are a resident of the area. how are you living with this health crises? you said i'm going to come on followed by the how you did this is my house there. as you can see, it sits across from the landfill. we have been suffering from this dump since the beginning of the war. all the waste that's coming from them. a gauzy camp is dumped here. it's a house calamity. there are mosquitoes. there's insects, there's flies and i'm talking, but huge numbers that we simply cannot put up with. there are displaced people living in my house and in the surrounding homes as well. we cannot sleep during the day or during the night. and our suffering is massive. involved because he is
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beautiful. so you're involved in there are lots of mosquitoes and they are very annoying not just to me, but everybody here is annoyed by the mosquitoes. mosquitoes off of west and at night. it is unbelievable. well the 5 get done. the situation is die. we have a real health calamity on our hands. see on the top of the low spot in just a little that should we will call you as much as the most of the boxes the show if it's a large the hey, accounting is on the way in south africa's general election president. so around the pose as african national congress is facing its face is challenge in such a yes. soaring unemployment unrolling, power counselor among the main concerns for many voters facing was extended in some areas due to a large 10 out as cost is submitted. miller's at the results operation sends us submit
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a. so indications all the 10 now it has been extremely high. the we've had some analysts say that there's been a renewed enthusiasm in terms of south africa's democracy and people such as the coming out in big numbers to cost their ballots, especially compared to 5 years ago when just about 66 percent of eligible voters came out we are in the very early stages of results about 15 to 14 percent, excuse me, of those ballots have been counted. but joining me to give us a better idea of, of the projections what might be going on and what this turned out. and what these initial results mean. pull the governing african national congress rejoined by angelo. vicky is a political analyst, angelo. we are seeing a great to turn off and be sol 5 years ago. what was it indicates about how so the africans are feeling. it's my sense is the majority of south africans on the 27th.
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that may be the most under represented component of the electra role, but actually the votes as well. but actually those young people have seen that the future depends on the participation, the performances of political parties over the last, i guess. so if you can talk to one, so many people are turning out to make them off because the consequences and towns and cities across this country with those decisions. how could sony, could that be or not for the african national congress? as i said, we've had about 40 percent of the votes counted the amc 42 percent of the votes. it's still very early, but this such and it could be some concern not only for the parties, but president obama close us. absolutely. i don't think anybody wants to be the last person to be president of a policy that has the majority of the folks in the agency. i'm just doing my posts up. the elections indicate that he wants people in his policy to return. steve, to save 70 percent of the electorate in support of the options. so many of the
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polls have indicated that this will be the case, but as you pointed out, we counted 5040 percent. if you look at the map of where those votes, accountants are not necessarily the up and conversations, but not in the larger cities yet. i mean those spaces, we like to see some shift, particularly in the pay the evidence around about open open spaces. are tons of whether or not that 40 percent from mainstay or whether it goes up into higher fees or push to, to just the documents. we'll see. we'll know that there will be a reduction in the a and see, you know, because that's been the case in municipal volume diction results across the country over the last 2 years. they all just so many scenarios to look at in terms of the way for the potential for coalition governments. what, what the agency may do, what you would have void entirety. we've seen the official opposition grow to at this point 26 percent. we don't know if those of those are 2 ports of work together . what it, what are the chances with the amc to maintain its majority and with whom?
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and just give us a brief idea of why. so if they score a way of the current junction, 42 percent, they may need one very large boxes for some over 50 percent. and they, they may be watching the economic freedom fighters because i'll just talk to the countries, or they may walk through the coalition of some of the policies, which will be, i think, complicated. as we've seen in those conditions where they come in with multiple policies in places like john is box um for many and uh, if this for in the higher 40. so if they come in adjustment, they may need you to 3 sort of parties to break away from their own sort of original staples to get some thoughts about might be helpful if the scoring been load 14, which is really on cross. and then we may then see them come on in ways that nobody's really seen in that. they won't deny they would. and that might be the 2 people that i'd say that we can do it about politics is
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a very strange business. and we've seen pro additions happen between people before, particularly, and so forth. so thanks so much for your time. and, you know, think the political analysts, it's likely that perhaps in the next 24 hours we'll have a q or a picture of what the future's looking like for the african national congress. and which opposition parties. how these bids and perhaps the challenges will post for the governing amc. okay, thank you for that for mid the mid as i for us. roland has opened the registration period for candidates. one thing to complete is compete in its presidential election. the policy to be held off to the president abraham racy, was killed in a helicopter crash last week. there is looking to run will have to be approved by a 12 member vesting body. the guardian council hoff if its members are directly appointed by the supreme needa. any hash them has moved from tyrone
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one year from now. presidents ibrahim, right, you see was supposed to go on for another 10 and office claudia across and i'll see about about his death in this helicopter crash or change everyone's plan was so many. so right. you see as a potential candidate to succeed, the con, sabrina, the, that on the, on this day trying to the aiming to succeed, to start registering the name of somebody. not a lot of adult, you know, runs internal issues right now. mostly our economic, but the solution is definitely political politicians who move through the political tunnels so they can find solution for economic and social problems. several people are expected to put their names forward. for my culminates, the phrase he regarded as conservatives are aiming to keep his seat and the politic account they're competing against all those affiliated with moderate and reformist counts. who wants to try the chances? what the governing council is responsible for confirming the candidacy. so clearly
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a significant role in determining the size of poor to turn out the test, i need to have an open admin fee for the candidates who want to run is unlikely to have an impact on those who have boy called at the election that it seems to turn out would be at around 40 percent at the most. and i think the system also is not off to a high turnout, but others disagree. and believe the country could be on the verge of significant change. so speaking to on where the president in one is in the sol decision making and because what i don't expected election of the time of the regionals tension and turn of a certainty and got excited with the united states could influence people's choices in the bottom of the actual address, you know, it's a home comb with 14 pro democracy activism and.


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