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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the inside my pen, a in labor unloading and pain, the sound everyone has been hoping to hit smiles and really for the family and the medical stuff for the new arrival in a very on system well, of the most residential blocks and you and shelters destroyed and gauze as largest refugee count of giovanni, often nearly 3 weeks. this is really a tax. the i money to fight. this is out. is there a life and also coming up currency exchange is rated on the market in ramallah catches fire during a wave of is there any rates across the field to pod westbank? also ahead of the results from south africa indicate that the african national
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congress is pulling shorts of a majority for the 1st time since the end of apologize. a little hope of finding survivors. we report from the remote village in pop and guinea, which was hit by massive landside the we began in gaza where the is where any army says it's carried out 50 strikes across the strip in the last 24 hours fighting and is riley bombardment is continuing in russell with 12 palestinians killed since on the on thursday. so as the ministry pushes father into the southern city, the shelling on tell us will tom and alma wasi has been relentless. both areas have come under attack in the past few days. the north of the strip is also been attacked repeatedly. baseline here and giovanni, a refuge account have also been hit by. is there any shells?
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full palestinians have been killed when a house was shelled in all new there. it's refugee camp in central gaza. people are fleeing again and casualties of mounting mostly amongst civilians. for now on wednesday is there any forces? targets have an ambulance in tulsa, tom area which is west of rough reckoning. 2 paramedics, the palestinian red crescent society says israel targeted the vehicle while they were performing the duties any 3 weeks after relentless is rarely a tax. in jabante, a refuge account has left behind wide spread destruction. the ministry destroyed most of the largest refugee come in, garza landmarks and shelves has been reduced to rubble, local sources, all reporting that the israeli army has withdrawn. now from some areas more solid colors has in giovanni following the latest situation on the ground. and still can
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see from the center of the bed there could you can there's where the forces partner with the drum displace after spending about 20 days here. as you can see, all of this destruction, all of this investigation this because basically the forces spent about 20 days. yeah. somebody is under pollution who are trying to reach the houses. on the other hand, that's wanting to reach the level of the houses in order to find something useful to use it in the next days. display some token from i used to be a very commercial and populated street. now, just a rumble was include a 0. nothing goes to spread. so i'll assign to list any ends in garza, experiencing major sausage of medical supplies. the delivery of large saving aid and to the strip has reduced sharply on the is there any restrictions delay,
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administering cousins in rasa and displacement counts. pharmacists all struggling to help ever increasing numbers of sick and wounded. sorry, gumble is doing reports. there's a smoke. tent is the only place displace palestinians, and garret bella can get much needed medicine box quickly running out of the club. most children's medicine, along with those for chronic and acute disease is i've totally gone. also anesthetics that not available in any for many of the injured pots of dead bodies amputated a new dentist x. but these items that are totally out of stock comes won't you with a doctor. yeah, he took all the medicine, he could carry you when he fled isabelle, he bought, mentioned the nose on that, and i used to own a farm or something cause a city it was destroyed by these really forces. this is what is left of this talk. we had done doesn't mean 100 is made shift, pharmacy only has top pulling into it to protect it from the weather. yet it's
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become a lifeline for doses assemblies. so how do we on the online menu item or must be kept in low temperature and we do not have a cooler full. so we are surrounded by wasting the garbage. we are in 50 insects, the less flies in whiskey to us. it is very hard to know, but we are doing our very best to sort of our community to buy and provide the best possible medical assistance to they may buy accounts, hollington's, riches. and i want to show 2 types of proxies of outbreaks of disease among the thousands living in displacement camps is very a tax on hospitals and restrictions on the entry of a have left most of the strips made to come work is unable to cope. since as well began is encouraging and rough. i fairly of this month the world health organization says only 3 of its 8 trucks have been able to enter the area.
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it was much of goes as medical care infrastructure rooms are due to the disability, relentless attacks palestinian pharmacist have a feat to be to pick 10 of hope for old gauze is this place assemblies are trying to provide them with lifelines, as they are trying to find power outages and even extreme temperature effect to ation that negatively when medicine storage power is about as boone. i would just be around there with the palestine. these really ministry is conducted a series of raids across the cities in the occupied. westbank is really full, says target to the number of car and c exchange offices, including in ramallah. they seized equipments and files interest and several workers forces also student a number of areas in ramallah firing bullets, stone grenades, and t. a gas emissions caused a major fi at a vegetable market in the city center where at least one palestinian was injured,
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corresponded to abraham when to the market in rough at the foot down. what we believe has happened this after these really forces rated the 80. i inquired state of gas renee's and some great need that the location a major fire broke house. the problem is that the palestinian civil defense team, the firefighters were not able to come here and put off the fire until after the v is re weighed, has ended. and these really soldiers have left the scene. and this is why we're seeing them now. still struggling to put off the fire that not only hit the vegetable market but also the building. that's our next to it as i'm doing here now, why it is shop owner. 2 who used to have and still has really owned the sobs that were damaged. the said only a slot is a thread. and then to push the can you please tell us on this? how do you have to do something about the fire?
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we were sleeping on suspects and you a about a 4 o'clock in the morning. we heard that on the it was that the marketplace was on fire. we rushed here and we was up to see the fire. hi collinsville, fly out of flaming and sledding the 1st and 2nd floor of the next building up to the 3rd floor of the base and buildings where on file i o and city soft, still garments and one for selling. so it was in addition to it, the vending platforms. so as you heard there, it's a situation where palestinians are facing losses every day. and that comes on top of the difficult economy situation that has already been excessive after the war started. well, these really ministry says 2 of its soldiers have died of wounds sustained in a calm running attack in new york pod westbank, and took place near annapolis on wednesday as early forces. right,
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of the city in search of the suspect who has reportedly turned himself into the palestinian authority. and so just to remind as well as band algebra from reporting from with it as well, which is why a correspond emerald con joins us from jordan's capital oman. so everyone just just tell us what exactly happened to these 2 is riley soldiers. and uh, what is the situation now regarding them? well, according to the initial, is really all the investigation. the soldiers were hidden near the town of nablus. um and they were examining another call when they put project to rammed it back, cause a he's caught into them and they died from the injuries. now the soldiers nearby didn't open fire, which is standard practice for is really sold isn't the situation because they simply didn't know what was happening according to his ready army. i'm not allowed to the attack it to get away. you know, according to security,
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souls is speaking to these randy media. the man has actually kind of himself into the palestinian authority on wednesday night, but they haven't actually had to move it to the is riley's in the northern gauze. the strip. i know the soldier was actually killed that brings the total number of soldiers killed. ready in because of strep since october, the 7th, to about $640.00 and just started, but $3300.00 have been injured each one of those represents a very big political problem for prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and that political problem is getting bigger, even within the war cabinet itself. there are divisions, any guns who is a woman is the minister of defense, your gland to publicly accused the problem next of not having of time for the day off the he's also got a position of senior position members and that was convening. looking to try and build another coalition against the probably minister and cool for early elections
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. this, according to a lot of his reading media posts where harrington against is interested in at least hearing some out. if he leaves that could well be mimi and all probably. so benjamin netanyahu has co listen and elections. however, the problem is that does have a secret weapon, and that is the open, the races fall right? ministers that for those smoked rich and at the bottom and give it, you continue to support and, and as long as that happens, he does remain in power. okay, thank you for that to me. ronco on that for us in amman, and just to remind you again that benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet, has found out, is there a from reporting inside israel? the, the 3rd counting is on the way in south africa as general election. the results indicate the governing a. busy c is following shores of majority for the 1st time since the end of
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a pop type, soaring unemployment and rolling pow counts from the main concerns for many votes is facing was extended in some areas due to a large towns. this conservative for mr. miller, who's out the results operation center in the town of mid round. so talk this through the late. busy the exit polls, what are they showing the well, we've seen about 20 percent just on to that to all of the results come in so far. and as you mentioned the, it's not looking good for the african national congress and the analysts. so that frequency one of the parties around what could happen in these elections and those predictions appear to be coming to, especially with the amc. so to get about 42 percent of the votes, excuse me. we do have 4 fifths of the vote, still to count, but all into a communications, all and also based on projections that the
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a and c would lose its parliamentary majority. and that's what the warranty has. good. we had heard from president silver, i'm a poor so on voting day on wednesday that he was confident b and c would retain its majority. but that's certainly not the case. and of course, can relate to what the independence elliptical commission says is potentially a very high vote to turn out. we don't have official figures on the kids, but we did cease making queues that a number of posting stations and weight. and you'd also mentioned there that the voting always extend it to accommodate the people who was still in those queues by 9 p. m local time. and so that might add to why we're seeing these results coming rather slowly because they're just so many votes a to count just behind v a n c, please. the democratic alliance, the official positions, projections the into k thing would quote, to be doing fit to that they did in the last election. but i think to some extent,
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surprising, who many south africans is just how well i'm going to was sees with m k party led by the former president jacobs, who might, is doing the, has been a lot of interest in the policy because it's been made by the former president and to the amount of support he would get team points who natal province, where he's from, is usually popular. they. and so at this point, projections are saying that that party could overtake the comic freedom fighters for that's the position behind the democratic alliance. and so if the amc uh, as, as we think can be the case, don't retain that parliamentary majority. where does not leave them, what, what options are in front of the mouth to that and it does leave them in quite a difficult position. but we do know that they've been talks about coalitions for some time. now, despite the amc saying that it's confidence around the election results,
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if you would retain that majority, potentially as i say not to the case. they are a number of options for the amc. whether it's the comic freedom fighters with its democratic alliance. but how likely that is, it's very questionable. one of the other options could potentially be the cause of freedom party. but it is in a pact with the democratic alliance for example. but what we're going to see in the coming days is lots of maneuvering and potentially what the amc has to give an exchange full. those votes from one of those opposition parties, but ultimately a massive shake of pool. so their frequent politics and also the a and c was in parliament for very much on child cent charge for a territory. okay, thank you for that. for mr. miller, that for us in the town of mid drive a head on al jazeera around, it opens a registration period for his schools, wanting to run and choose presidential election to replace the late for him. right
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. the hope is use it for young women in the south african town play by poverty, break and murder the baby. yet despite all community workers determined to provide refuge, long as the communities say, not my problem is always gonna happen. like one small town safe house and with this documentary on that it says here to the
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. ringback the 100 seconds mexicans head to the polls to elect a new president. with 2 leading female candidates, the country is points to make history. what can the new leader tackle escalating violence color to mexico presidential election on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the watching out as a reminder of our top story says alice sizing and is ready. bombardment is
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continuing and russell was 12 palestinians killed since early on says day earlier on. wednesdays. really forces booms a palestinian red crescent vehicle kenning, 2 paramedics, 3 weeks of a relentless is really a tax on golf is not just refugee count has destroyed most residential blocks in new and shelters. that local sources say the army has withdrawn from some areas in giovanni and residents returning to the cam, say the knives have been destroyed. well ma'am, i just know who said the father, who we came back to find and nothing is no longer the same as before. to his face and his colossal most destruction, his mess of beyond description, i'm a team of the no words can express the scale of destruction. and for this once was a school building used as a shelter a sense of him. and no, i do not know with the displacement of simians used to shelter here, want to know the entire area is on livable, a goes to city. in addition, there is no food, or what?
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lucky you. i mean, who said this is a decompose body inside the shoulder. it had already been buried, but it was the, they'd zoomed by these really forces. this was a temper the baby out for the families to bury their dead. but the, all the windows being taught, we've got another thing that bodies such as well as simians have to mass play. that in the temporary gave you all due to a large number of victims, especially since we're not able to reach the main symmetry since they started. the army has seized the area for days. officials in pop and you can even say they don't expect to find survivors following a massive loan slide in a remote village. last week the government estimates of a 2000 people may have been buried alive, and a few bodies have been recovered. tani bell has moved from embody village in the province. i met young valley village in the west and reach us of the inner province in the highlands of pomp when you're getting. and this is the point where the lens flood has come down the hill and caught the highway off cutting off access to the
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rest of the province. from here, the scale of this land slot is on price it in to the an angle province. this is one of the most remote pots of pop. when you get a relief, has been very smart to arrive. today, we saw a straining, i'd come in the 1st international i to reach here. they've sent 12 disaster relief specialists, as well as much needed supplies. we also saw that on either side of the land slide does off the area makes if tents have been set up to case up for the casualties which are coming in. what we've seen here today is people in the state of shock. people is slowly sort of coming to terms with what's been going on here, the tanya brown out to 0 and you'll provence. but when you're getting it wrong, has opened the registration period for candidates. one thing to compete and it's presidential election. the poll is due to be held off to president abraham race. he was killed in a helicopter crash last week. let me ask him,
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has moved from 10 from one year from now. presidents ibrahim, right, you see was supposed to go on for another 10 and office caught it across and i'll see about what his death in this helicopter crush or change everyone's dr. watson to many so, right. you see as a potential candidate to succeed, the kinds of brands that on the, on this day can do this aiming to succeed, to stock or just doing the name of somebody not cause want adulthood, you know, runs internal issues right now, mostly or economic. but the solution is definitely political politicians to move through the political tunnels so they can find solution for economic and social problems. several people are expected to put their names forward. former accommodates the phrase he regarded as conservatives are aiming to keep his seat and the political camp. they're competing against all those affiliated with moderate and reformist counts who wants to try the chances. what the golfing
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counselor is responsible for confirming the candidacy. so clearly a significant role in determining the size of poor to turn out the test on need to have an open admin fee for the candidates who want to run is unlikely to have an impact on those who have boy called at the election. it seems to turn out would be at around 40 percent at the most. and i think the system also is not off to a high turn out what others disagree. and believe the country could be on the verge of significant change. so seeking to on where that the president in your one is in the soul decision making. and because i don't expected election of the time of the regional central internal, all certainty i'm in direct, dotted with united states could influence people's choices in the bottom of the actual address. hong kong quote has found 14 activists and politicians
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guilty of some version. the trial is the largest ever held in the chinese territory on the national, secure, seem to impose upon patient by customer high security hun console, which seems as and mock trials. 16 people spending trials for subversion, women, 47 invested in 2020 to 2021. 14 were convicted and to acquitted. i would say this case is finished because of the proceedings this going on. i am unable to see too much to bear with me. thank you very much. depends on the order. the problem is with this case, both days. i got thank you and for your concern with the receipt and everyone's not . however, due to department of justice, there is a possibility of going to be so i cannot comment on the judgement or express any opinions about this case had become an stage. diplomats from the us from speak to the island,
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attended the trial as well as members of the public. the defendants were charged under a national security though imposed by page and for taking part in an unofficial primary election organized by democracy. support this in 2020, his conviction really shows what other contempt the hong kong and chinese authorities have the democratic political processes. i mean, what these people have been convicted of is holding an informal crime rate. bush, you know, that is something that people should not be going to prison for. and yet time. and again, we're seeing the application of the national security law is really designed to small the democratic movements in phone call, phone with british colonies. hong kong was handed back to china in 1997 invasion has since expanded its incense and control and its impulse. those critics say, containing freedom of speech descent 14 activists have yet to be sentenced, but could face present tens ranging from 3 years to life. i started big,
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i was just there to buy zillow where latin america, human rights courses held a final hearing on a landmark case involving climate change. the court looked at how human rights are being affected by environmental changes in the region where the, let's have a legal jesus act. i was under what i'm getting reports. rising cease caused by the changing climate or slowly swallowing the boss, good fishing community in southern mexico since 2019 dozens of homes and other buildings have been swept away by the waves. forcing 700 people to the hook up this, i'm ok. we hear about climate change all the time, but we never thought that it would come to us for in both residents, or among hundreds of people, you and no fish hills companies. and scientists who spoke at landmark hearings held by the inter american court of human rights and the brazilian city of my house. the
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court will issue an opinion grappling with the fundamental question of our times, our governments obligated to protect people from climate change. and if so, to what degree? the answer will be important for a growing wave of global dictation, and that's forcing countries to compensate victims of climate change and do more to control its impact. from us, we have high expectations for this document and hope it will offer a favorable instrument for the protection of the environment and human rights in order to force countries to act on their obligations, whether an advocacy or litigation of columbia, and she lives, governments as the courts to intervene saying they were experiencing daily climate challenges with buyers, land slides, droughts and floods become even more severe. they also ask the court to clarify
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with governments must do to protect environmental activists, latching americas the most dangerous region for environmental defenders, including children. you'll any see me, these letters. i started my activism when i was 9 years old and since i was 11 years old, i have been receiving desk threats of constant attacks which haven't stopped. many of these were indigenous people who say they are being disproportionately affected . so this is the moment we want the inter american court to hear us here. our cry here call here are anguish, feel some of the pain that the indigenous people are present. i have been going through thousands of years. the court's opinion applies in over 20 latin american in caribbean countries and could be issued by the end of the year. it will be closely watched by other international courts also dealing with the issue. there is little legal precedent when it comes to climate change obligations. but their
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importance will only rise as the crisis of our lifetime continues to unfold. allison, but i'm just either that's it from name, i mean side lots more information on a website out there. they'll call me to check it out whether it is next and inside story. we'll look at new cranes. cool for a piece of it without enticing question, the . the hello. glad to have you along. here's an update on our tropical storm in the pacific throwing back rain to japan's main island of han shoot the pacific coast here. what kind of quick it moves though, so start the day on friday. those intense rains in tokyo will peter out century downpours. the name of the game for se, china and fuji and providence, but that's also kicking back in the south as well. so there's been a big burst of rain around hong kong. right. and same for southern quin g profits
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as well. this could spin up into something tropical, but either way, throwing a lot of rain into southern china. well, things are heating up in the arabian peninsula as we'd expect to see if this something here is a forecast on friday. it's the last day of spring here. quite it's at least at the airport still searching for its 1st 50 degree day of the year. turn the colors on dr. the red, the hotter it is. and i think 49 for grades on friday for bucket strong. also quite hot in the south. now. heating up in karachi with his breeze off the radio and see that could trigger some sand and dust storms and highest level alerts for heats and northwest ended up being downgraded by level. this temperature slowly starting to come down. but still hot in punjab state. i'm right, sorry, 46 degrees and showers and storms for a 2nd and the sun stays on friday. see you later. i as the
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illusion of anti semitism with opposition to design is a cynical and it is harmful, a dangerous conflation between the persecution of a people and the criticism of the states is echoing across the world news rooms and to send me keys in the hatred of jews, because uh choose country is honest and is not about to lose its about teacher. and we need to talk about design is a listing close special on the jersey. the president, for all of them is that landscape is hoping a pay summit will return the world's attention to ukraine's war with russia for russia's not invited in some major will of late as on coming on the chance of success. does it have? this is the inside story,
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the hello welcome to the show. i'm sammy's a than a piece summit launched by ukraine. looks in trouble even before has begun present


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