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tv   Witness Small Town Safe House  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm AST

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the rank, each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view from wells today on alger 0. the lock and don't have the top stories on l g 0. nearly 3 weeks. a relentless is really a tax on to bali. refugee camp has left behind a wide spread destruction. the military destroyed most of the largest refugee camp in northern gaza. landmarks and shelters have been reduced to rubble. local sources say these really army has withdrawn from some areas. well, watch, i love how it is in job aliya. following the latest situation on the ground. i still can see you from the center or just by there you can there's where the forces
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partner with the drum displace after spending about 20 days. yeah. as you can see, all of this destruction, all of this is i station this because there's really forces spent about 20 days. yeah. so one use on to pollution here us why is to reach the houses on the other hand, dots wants to reach the level of the houses in order to find something useful to use it in the next, they display some token from just to be a very commercial and populated street book now just a level was include a 0. nothing cause a spread. so i'll assign as well at least 53 palestinians have been tubes and is really strikes across the gaza strip in the past 24 hours fighting and is really bombardment is continuing and off with 12 palestinians killed this early on
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thursday on wednesday is really our forces targeted an ambulance west of alpha q in 2 paramedics and these really military has conducted a series of raids across cities in the occupied west bank. these are the scenes that on my law is really forced a storm. the area of firing bullets, stone grenades, and tear gas, munitions caused a major fire at a vegetable market. at least one pound stand was injured. and trying his presents as choosing fee has called for the establishment of an independent palestinian state and promised for more aid for the people in garza who made the announcement during the summit with the leaders of arab states. invasion discussions also include expanding china street ties in the region. a junior ca, eli china firmly supports the establishment of an independent state of palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 borders and with east jerusalem as its capital. it supports palestine, its full membership in the u. n, and supports
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a more broad based, authoritative and effective international peace conference. and in hong kong, 14 pro democracy active as have been found guilty of violating the national security law, pushed through by beijing. the charge of stem from their campaign calling for independence elections and the territory. they are mon $47.00 active is arrested under the law in 2021. 31 pleaded guilty and are waiting sentencing to were acquitted. vote county is underway and south africa's general election early results indicates the governing amc is following shorts of the majority for the 1st time since the end of apartheid. a soaring unemployment ruling power cuts are among the main concerns for many voters. voting was extended in some areas due to large turn out and the miller is. so it's not
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looking good for the african national congress. and the analysts, south africans the party around what could happen in these elections. and those predictions appear to be coming to, especially with the agency sitting at about 42 percent of the votes. it is early. we do have 4 fifths of the votes, still to count, but all into it, indications, all, and also based on projections that the a and c would lose its parliamentary majority. and that's what the party has viewed . and a volcano in south western iceland is erupt. thing for the 5th time since december . these are lies pictures for you from the countess the peninsula. nearly 4000 people have been evacuated from their home in a nearby fishing town. and those are your headlines. the news continues here on al jazeera, after witness the
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. ready the community name is a shift for dollars to obtain an invoice in miss von raped dissembled, and left for dead at a nearby construction sides. the 17 year old was walking home from a local cabin when she was mad. at 3 specimens have been arrested. perfidious has been described as an incident that has cost of cloud over the entire nation. i forget has some of that with cases of tended based findings against women and children in the will of a vague is reeling with sugar. following the middle of a 5 year old go cater williams was found buried in the bushes, listening to columbus from the home to us off to the cruise and murder on an invoice for da story town. because it gave me wrong about the matter. a 14 year old
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out of jeff, allegedly by the hands of a 27 year old boyfriend, the incident spot and national out prime put the spotlight. the goals as a people to say today. the state based fee is may receive a that is the may be a good you
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might be the of the whole and muscle underneath the bed. the day with no dog canyon is so much i can send you on the device that the key, the cook, you know, my number is that and this is much more i know that i'm on the
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mute with them on the site, but you'll find that the the the com shakita now because she's under the influence now just do the inc day as we're not going to do any town sitting on the last thing because she has to get in the box. she must get something to eat and she must sleep
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. and we're going to close. it's so fast. these people that's motion full is just the wash a by the box hot months . the more a feel for sales a. can you more on the name that i make? this is not able to name. you see my mom and this elma is that this shipped to you that took you the dana more or did you hear about this further then divided by katie. so smoky slootsky with my case can be both ma, here i see post valley police. he is not that you my most in d,
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c. o must be. i look forward to see that how you didn't even see on the most us, what do you most designate for your what the so seeing the most. so no one is allowed to have money in the house. i'm going to zelma may 2nd name of the the select the can is on the own sounds on the the don't feel welcoming stuff. i think it's because of my work. 2 no comments,
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it's it could do we need city minutes fast forward. it could be it the envelope to be out and ma and to play in a phone and you look a little yeah, my is what what. 2 are you more be let me say? and then tell me if i knew plenty tough honey, for me think fast. if somebody's defined it good us and that he thought him along with funded could us know who is school named. jason saw me because that sound like it was a number he looked great collect probably to be really fast, be able to know david huntsville. 6 6 to honey this know for come see me says that all. i know that i gave it to me, but i keep running into it's me leaving the company is delana humphrey. you let us
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like best pray that it will not be passed as a whole month to get along because you know, you, so i'm going to be lonely or for a single. yeah. okay. not as evil at risk. so be it's okay for so 6 in the office does all these might you send to me? it's in the or a computer frontier that i've at the you provided me with a few seconds. india. in my opinion, let's just assume that the me a c d, 's moines, it cannot be, it can, i was kind of going on as being on the, on the, on the internet then. and they said that, yeah, but i am, it's funny key element of, of the goals, the yells fine. no, no. the different can know
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what to say that the 5 let's suppose the system wants you to know. it's pretty cool to see what we do and like you said, do you mind holding in the picture? yeah. what do you i will. yes, i need to get a nice oh yea. yeah. she left it could it can took me. is it got some honey enough because theater wants to have the keys? smith's coupler could be i could send them to the steve and they had most of both the as the most name it come typical was on the scientists and his face has over different number does with us what are the 4 to and i said okay,
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that was some of the, comes up as a knuckle k, a nicholas, and i am expensive and if i'm good, my name is a boyfriend, empty, a miss as you can get a minute, the last may see i mean the for me gave it the significance. i don't mean say the, the
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home is good. good. good deal, really busy. so if i understand the problem, the say fast meaning i do not enough. i'm in a lot of places and it's like fast to come and i to be on the left, you know, by the full service move as i'm doing it. because i know despite i know what i've been through for 51 years. and so i forgave myself the
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a miss massey positively all my hold on hold on. yeah. oh, but really as mary jane and honey hold on today. no.
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that wasn't, you know? yeah. i tried to see if you can see who could do is there any mondo there in monmouth? sure it will be. and then i know that i know that
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the the money to make the renewals pick that up the sun, the safety every couple months. so the, the, the, the, the, the for a little bit more open models that no problem, we're going to see all the time. okay .
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and all she sees was when she was going on like that at the hospice of the brands that i'm from. as they shut that thing down when she was a baby and the someone to sort it says in that and, and as it reminded me, says piece of something with that, the last step to the nice in front of a deep with this stuff with the substances and the social is contingent upon sleepy, and she get it like this. like what do you think is a phone call to nice piece of body lying at the muscle industry. and i, and that is why do i do we into i the line. now let's go. so this is my concern. i don't know what to do. i'm clear on this. and the social work even
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seems to me she must go up for the sake of the other. my personal view. really yes. yes, that's correct. the confidence in the life of the surface on this a lot. so ok by that, get those 10 by 10. this of the
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50 stuff in means, the do not discriminate again and we say suddenly for the me is the same
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is the person i said they gave most of it as a sign. this is also said that i may or may find this whole fucking to ask because they are listening in service. so those because okay, managing the beautiful the
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the, the the, the whole,
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i mean, yeah. well let's see here i'm going to come here. so this goodness, i'm going to see so so so many more one more thing. so maybe you might need
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and yes go the task one maki as compared to the people you see the space is pretty key in doing lindy's history. so the, okay, so the inside of the to say that no big deal in this interview, 100 research than what you use by side code says the the
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they fled from the world's most secrets of state. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences. but to shining a light on the home at kings and bring dang, jeff, one on one east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera holding the powerful to account. as we examine the us as role in the world on o g 0. the news. yes. again. these palestinians families in rough rep what little they have following forward is from the east really minute treat eventuate, or risk that they went told russell where to provide safety. the closure of the roof of crossing is prevented the departure of thousands of wounded people and patients who were waiting to travel among them is a 2 year old lemma of a holy. she and her cousins sustained injuries and is rarely as trained customer
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offices. 7 months to the path for more than $1500000.00 palestinians remain some such as does this apply to humanitarian aid, into this trip with the warnings they could be fed the depleted was this place from all? shoot ya on the sierra 10 to daniel bella, dental rafa. and this will be the 5th displacement age groups holding for israel to de escalate. now and say there is no plan be for the people in roughly the only laraca in doha, the top stories on al jazeera, nearly 3 weeks of relentless, is really a tax center. bali, a refugee camp has left behind widespread destruction. the military destroyed most
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of the largest refugee camp in gaza. local sources, safety is really army has withdrawn from some areas. we got a collusion is in trouble. yeah. following the latest situation on the ground in northern garza, as i still can see you from the center or just by there. so you can there's where the force is probably going to withdraw from this place after spending about 20 days. here. as you can see, all of this destruction all of this by station this because this really forces printed off when it is. yeah. so one use on to pollution here are trying to reach the houses. on the other hand, just wanted to reach the level of the houses in order to find something useful to use it in the next. they display some token from this to be a very commercial and populated street book. now, just a level was include a 0, nothing cause
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a spread. so i'll assign and vote counting is underway in south africa's general election early results indicate the governing agency is falling short to the majority for the 1st time since the end of apartheid ad in hong kong. 14 for democracy activists have been found guilty of violating the national security law. pushed through by vision a charge of stone from their campaign, calling for independence elections in the territory. they are among $47.00 active is arrested under the law in 2021. 31 pleaded guilty and are waiting sentencing to were acquitted and a lot of ok no. in south western iceland is a rough thing for the 5th time since december. this is a live look for you of the rocky honest peninsula. nearly 4000 people have been evacuated from their home in the nearby fishing town.
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all right, those are the headlines. the news continues here on al jazeera, after witness a lane . this time that i should ever look at the main. how do you think, you know, maybe a stipulation shift? i mean if you look at this should be, i think that should be thing we have in front of our children. and while we are under the influence of any substance, why do we, do we fight that infant in children? why do they think it is? no,
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no. so the domestic violence reflect that says come people must just come to get, get out of the lock city at home. as long as the community say, it's not my problem. space problem, they want to be like that. you're always going to have another like one as a med shop presidents gather outside your d. peter's house, and now somebody is seen in this community to come in front door store for wasted and appeared in court then on the to the 10 to get tech. now this is the price we have body was found me they couldn't actually identify.
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yeah, because she was that i said she was put on fire and that's a could only identify her on the face of the, of a lake the the
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how many times the people to get involved, especially the churches of all of the churches inc. don't give me one, but they don't come forward. i think they christianity it seems like except that the best rate in the yeah, yeah. i just know of. yeah,
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yeah. okay. thank you my the lot a landlord, i'm more than 2 for this on this cuz he had made for me the month means i see no. see the defendant on going with space cohort. oh, this is what i mean. so says sign the portal on the phone so you don't send those in no contents and it also puts stuff going on. and then somebody owns a new same file screen whom i just cut out of this complex and i was not put in for like 10, that's the sides custom. and that as a sense of what we, i in full went on as a fund guardian as government made the communities not still name like isn't that a much city that like it does this by you the
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same for the my good morning. you can listen to us this morning. it's time for us to start doing something, child welfare, we are, you know, off and every child who's being abused every night. but what do we have in this community? we have a nice guy, woman stay, but there's no outcomes. and what happens on children? so these families here, then she's got it is monday easier. but it's all about of this. and then we saw and then we these nice funerals. what happens often that
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your lives mean? so what i am with process with this i saw school math funnel stuff system some kind of new month, low excess style organizations that on my own skin. i yod as a station city or that stuff on a month. observation of costs done because they sent that on fund i see on the field to the field on the community for the same issue as own seat, open the fund. oh no expense because so i'm going to read a memorandum out to you. what do we expect?
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a mind to time in life at night and the legion boy you say, told the that's a good i have has already been dark pharmacy and low level of education plays a huge house. and how are we going to fix this? they put the not the municipality and this council only, but the community has a huge house in flight from this wants to camp and surrounding area clean behind those areas. we have the plots, months of to safety, city minus the non out section of use a legit assault and they come in and that's a soft beaten bottom line is something has to be done to empower goals, line and goals. and women prevention and intervention programs needs to be implemented now. yeah, the face for all women and mind, the goals should be able to defend himself in that the moment. even if they
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know this abusive main, regardless of municipality, from a women later, good standing in front of you. i promise you, i'm making a promise. i'm putting my head on the block here. if i may say, i'm going to do everything in my powers to ensure that what is investment model on them is going to benefit our community. i think yes. back the safe house used to only receive about 10000 a. yeah. we increase that. now we never received anything. $15000.00 was only for the loss, and of course it's next on the screen. so if it needs to cut off this, not that i can write this out to the guy. when this council came in, we said you cannot, we cannot let law, not know. it's a shame on us as administer kind of like um let someone set is doing such fools less. so i accept this on
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a very positive note to say, i'll do everything in my power is to ensure that what is it that you didn't do? i accepted. okay, so it was san francisco. by a duncan, sophia is out the display of good but done created a security, but when i, i also know that you can so to a point, something takes time to accept this. me know, so thank you for that. but the main thing i want to run this by the 14th of september, we run thirty's phones and the respond is not going to be another meeting or flip. sit around this table, we set that on tables for yes, i pretty much. * all feed, so and i community thank good. so i want you to sign, i will sign and i need a copy of that could be the median stuff, but that's a specified the
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of the 250 my a the meeting is a follow up from a much that organizations head coming to the paper and the most important, the request that these organizations have lots of pieces. so what we have basically saying, we stop boats, we will give you funding by what we want. we want to roll it out for the 1st 3 months. then we see, what is it?
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or in how easy it was in the communities. i just wanted to say thank to their 50. thank you my a, this is a very, very crucial meeting. they were good for people. callous for i've i've done is mocked, isn't loaded. um, let me get a moment. is it reasonable to stay in and do it because i know you said it's going to be lot of companies like, you know, all the info i can understand and that's the kind of make it good people. so, you know, i decided i'm coming. yeah. it's not about it. i know it was safe on the was it was people who say it's a good one. we want to do. i know what the change i see. so interest just do something. can i on some that, that, that the,
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the mainland animal was for women and girls. so this is what the memorandum off and what is it that they all his full name. and that is an amazing, but i just put kenneth yellen on the oven. now i just want to tell you, i, you know, law now law non, not, i'm a product and it's as somebody so oh, like view. com and it is with it. it certainly is. okay. and, and it is, it's the unity. and so it's not as a suitcase and it's that's what they just send differently. not me any of us. i miss you. i'll say some documents of the look will communicate that somebody can see me on people missed a 6. see, this is my passion. i was molested but i had people was the boat that me, that was the defendant and not i really thank god for this my and you well, i ended up doing really well and they cannot send me out of stuff or sign
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in the appeals the since then so the younger, desolate, the beautiful thank you very much for coming and enjoying a cup of tea with me so that we can have a nice weekend sizes for a few minutes and hand it over to angels. see it coming in. thank you. before for opening our eyes and seeing, you know, i don't forget about the other issues. it's also as a social using our community. thank you. thank you. thank you very much.
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i the nick desk. know fed as you know see them on the dates of the cold. yeah. don't you? well, 100100 to the printer just by invoice, for ne, as buying it this via in phase the my old school,
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i think it might be tomorrow to 3. thank you. so the us back a study student to inspect for, to see the notes here on some of it was appropriate and what i how that's all right, so go to it. thank you. i some know of a slight some with mark and even with 50 of how hold back with us do this, let's see. no development. so like an empty so like what time, slick order forms 2nd status to see as that's concerned that attendance cl fee as the newest mccullen foreman on. let's say, i'm sorry, oh, fair aussies sometimes like the home and that can signal, i'll get a mob these. so yeah, that kind of funky always picked out the $51.00. now, want to keep like simple salon, not all of it. there's no overlay is built in no food my day, much of the whole with want to that and this stuff. this is the time i still signed
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up once i still has it. okay. so it's a good time like it and can i snap or some stomach them so but i so that i can i an outside the 100 times or inside you live outside, but i see no, no. okay. as i see the
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the speech which is basic the victims, particularly in the experience with testify facility that they can tasty by getting where it's read age and they
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the kind of a cut off of wood on the front of you all can come up with katie itself but not necessary to be safe with the the it test pages along with the on to you have a c h c o c,
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which will be honest with you on my end here to be my friend with an invite senior, that's a concept disability to see um, how the lady, the, the investigation and the sausage and the dog d. i took the card for it. so i mean voice things with any bad or come to d soft bill. i'm in or contagious. if that's the case, me see. let's see it. so that was it, me didn't know to for mock and display next to me in front of me. and that way we trying to make sure nothing pulls through the crack cat. so if you need to meet with us, let us know and we will need and when we,
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when we have the nice thing with a different role, says i'd like to be there because you'd have a general understanding of the for me i, i never followed it when it's one of those that slipped through. so that's why i'm saying, i need to make sure that now this issue, i need to make sure that it is happening. how fi is it? when must it be done? and why is it not done? so that because at the end of the day, people are going to say deputy, may you like to ask? so i don't want to be remembered as a deputy message,
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makes promises and never for food stamps. they was in march, i had to do something. i had the problem is something and nothing became of that promise is just i had to promise something to get to my cheese. can i stay away while i get out of this place? that's not once. cause a just want to keep the one thing. i'll have a minute extra to watch. ok. now they only comes in the non seems it does concentrate on the said the daily mexico
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in the town is i didn't know what to say, but i'm fighting a losing battle. but i also know i can fight the losing battle because the one the as an i e l. o, as in the hospital or goes to the or anything. it's the one this is getting abuse to it's too much the
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ancient human remains cold between science and spirituality. both seeking to understand and the owner of those who came before us. the danish, scientists, quests to interrogate the dna. you earliest people in the united states reveals shocking, ethical and personal dynamic remains. a witness documentary on a jersey to the the college's here with the
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we've gone from extreme heat, so it's stream flooding in ne mexico have one. let me show you. so a deluge here was enough to carry away this car in monterey. copious amounts of rain with this cloud here. so this rain has done its job, knocking back the temperature in monterey 233, that's down by about 10 degrees over just a few days ago. otherwise, central america problem spots will be nicaragua coast to recon panama. it's looking quite bad. around san jose and panama city. big verse of rain there. and for the us up and down the plains, that's where we're going to power up the storm. so let's go region by region, just the other day, houston saw some flooding and we could see more of it over the next 24 hours getting strikes by the storms here. great lakes, it's looking good. plenty of sun dispatcher of what weather in the us northeast now moving through new england and westbound. we go with whites and wendy through the canadian prairies, mostly cloudy, sky for vancouver at 15 degrees and up and down the california coast. plenty of sun
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phoenix closing in on 40 degrees. what do you say we go to south america right now is our usual problem spots, northern brazil, columbia, venezuela right? through to ecuador and for southern brazil, it is quiet now, but there is weather alerts for just how cold it's going to get some frosty mornings over the next little bit. and now you're in the know, see the unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump with flag folders to try to win over black voters . these aren't real, but the farm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream announces era a hearing disliked shark populations is declined 70 percent,
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and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality plays that exploded reporting from the ex whatever happens next to the university have already made history out as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the house of the story. the the hello i'm, we love rock. this is and use our life from joe, are coming up in the next 60 minutes. widespread destruction in trouble. you guys
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as largest refuge account reduced to rubble by weeks of relentless is really your tax is really forces are conducting an operation in the occupied westbank town of geneva. at least 6 palestinians reported to have been injured. and also ahead or.


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