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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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was unlike captive red monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals up thought dudgen free. the widespread destruction in the top of the gauze as largest refugee camp reduced to rubble by weeks of relentless is rarely your tax. the rock, this is l g 0 life from the also coming up is really forces conducting an operation in the occupied westbank city of jeanine, at least 6 palestinians injured. also it had early results from south africa indicate the amc is falling short of the majority for the 1st time since the end of apartheid. newman and mexico city where plowed the same box campaign
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rally. coming up on explain why see just to make the, we begin this broadcast in northern gods are worth 3 weeks of relentless is rarely a tax. have destroyed large parts of trouble. we are the largest refugee camp in the strip residential blocks and you and shelters have been reduced to rubble, local sources say, because really army has withdrawn from some areas as it struggles to gain full military control of trouble. yeah. i was the residents who returned. see their lives have been destroyed. well ma'am, i don't know who said the father who we came back to find them. nothing is no longer the same as before. to have a suspicion is colossal, most destruction is massive and beyond description. i'm assuming no words can express this kind of destruction. i forgot this once was a school building. i used as a shelter center have a new did nice not know where the displays,
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but the thing is usually shelter here. well, i do know that the entire area isn't livable, a goes to city. in addition, there is no food, or what? lucky you. i mean, who said this is a decompose body inside the shoulder. it had already been buried, but it was the date zoomed by. these really forces. this was a temper the baby out for the families to bury their dead. but the, all the windows being taught, we've got another thing that bodies malice, damian's how to mass pretty that in the temporary gave y'all, due to a large number of victims. precedents were not able to reach them. in symmetry, since they started, the army has seized the area for these items to measure the phone. since the 1st day of the war, we have been sheltering in the school building. then we were forced to we so i was separated from my family and i still continued to look for them. i came back to find everything destroyed until the state i can not find my 75 year old husband and
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my 35 year old daughter. we lost each other under israels merciless showing. well, what took us notes is in trouble of the following the latest situation on the ground. and i still can see you from the center value for just him is where the forces pointed to withdrawal from displace after spending about 20 days. here. as you can see, all of this destruction, all of this investigation this because there's really forces spent about 20 days. yeah. so one is on pollution here trying to reach the houses. on the other hand, that's wanting to reach the level of the houses in order to find something useful to use it in the next days. display some token from this to be a very commercial and populated street. but now just a level was include a da 0, nothing goes to spread. so i'll assign sunlight. image just show parts of garza had
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been cleared by israel as part of a buffer zone that it says is aimed at this arming hamas. the zone covers 96 square kilometers along the border, including what's called the net, sorry axis near that center is real, is also continuing to demolish surrounding neighborhoods as well. taking a total of 120 square kilometers or nearly a 3rd of the strip. now more than $100.00, bulldozers happened, deployed to m t. these areas, the spice of us saying it opposes permanent territorial changes in gossip. at least 53 palestinians have been killed and is rarely strikes across garza. in the past 24 hours, a funeral has been held for 2 paramedics killed west of alpha. the attack happens on wednesday install assault on an area that's been repeatedly attacked. the policy in red crescent says israel target at the vehicle while they were performing their
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duties, they were able to retrieve their bodies earlier. and the since october, at least 19 members of the organization have been killed in gaza. and israel's assault on gaza severely damaged the environment of landfills near a mic shift attends, are causing illnesses and threatening people's health. i'll just say was that i should offer alyssa or i just spoke to some of those living near these dangerous sites and essential a guy. so here is this report. i don't because i didn't cut off, there's no one else. you will see you as much as the loss of the progress we are here at the elm, a gauzy camp in central garza, this area has been transformed to a landfill. you can see smoke colors blowing all over the place as a result of the citizens burning trash. to keep it from piling up for the we have dozens of tons of trash that are being boned here, which is causing a significant health crisis in the surrounding areas. we're talking about health
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issues, illnesses, and insects that are spreading as a result of the scene that you can see here. recently, municipality crews dump so on the trash in order to make room for additional quantities of waste because there are no landfills for the waste that is being generated by displace people across the field. we will now talk to the head of all mcgraw's he municipality, mister mohammed mostly, you know, so i said i must be left at the bottom and it'd be that had a bit. i liked applause since the beginning of the war on the gaza strip of garbage has been diverted from the license landfill managed by the gods and municipality to this dumb larry that you can see behind me. it has the oh my god, the municipality, in the united nations relief and workstations, they started diverting all waves from the camp to this area because it is somewhat far from the population and located in the west and most corner of the region. it is also a large area, and the municipality is dumpling,
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approximately $25.00 tons of waste. here every day, occupation forces prevented all our vehicles. and all vehicles operated by municipalities in the central gaza strip from reaching the main landfill in order to dump all of this waste. and unfortunately, the presence of this garbage here constitutes an ecological disaster and causes very harmful effects to human health and the environment. toddler. but that's it, and kind of had the 2nd. what is interesting is what you told me earlier that the area here was uninhabited. however, we can see dozens of homes to uninhabited by citizens, as well as the tents used by displaced people can. i'm installed on the cool and you can make any bedroom up at the landfill should be located in the eastern part of garza in larger areas that are located farther away from the population. so even if a fire breaks out in the landfill, the smoke would not affect anybody else. however, like i said, accessing those other landfills requires coordination, that you say an occupation forces are not allowing minutes of healthy vehicles to
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access those areas. unless i want to pursue, unless you are a resident of the area, how are you living with this health crisis? you said i'm going to come on followed by the how you did this is my house there. as you can see, it sits across from the landfill. we have been suffering from this dump since the beginning of the war. all the waste that's coming from them. a gauzy camp is dumped here. it's a health calamity. there are mosquitoes, there's insects, there's flies and i'm talking, but huge numbers that we simply cannot put up with. there are displaced people living in my house and in the surrounding homes as well. we cannot sleep during the day or during the night and our suffering is massive. involved because he is beautiful. so you're involved in there are lots of mosquitoes and they are very annoying, not just to me, but everybody here is annoyed by the mosquitoes. mosquitoes off of west and at night it is unbelievable. well, the 5 get done. the situation is die. we have
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a real health calamity on our hands. see on the top of the low spot in just a little that should we will call you as much as you want. some of the boxes i'll show if it's a large this is really military is conducting a series of raids across cities and the occupied westbank is really forces store the janine refugee camp and surveillance plains are flying overhead. at least 6 palestinians have been injured. fluoride is really administered bizarro um most it's much storage has threatened to turn cities in the occupied westbank, 2 rooms the same way as in gossum and just a few hours earlier. the is really military, also rated room alarm is rarely force a storm to city firing, bullets, stone grenades, and tear gas. munitions caused a major fire at a vegetable market in the city center. at least one palestinian was injured and is really forced as also targeted a number of currency exchange officers including adam alum
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a seems equipments and files and arrested several workers the. a military says 2 of its soldiers have died of wounds sustained and a car ramming attack and the occupied west back. it took place near nicholas on wednesday, is rarely forces rated the city in search of the suspect who has reportedly turned himself in to the palestinian authority. the the jury in donald trump's so called harsh money trial is starting a 2nd day of deliberations. the former us president is facing 34 felony counts, accused of falsifying business records to cover up payments through adult movie star stormy daniels during the 2016 presidential election campaign. while the payments were allegedly meant to prevent daniels from going public about our claims
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of an affair with trump at the court house on thursday, trump once again called the trial rig is the same business as taken out to new york. good, john henry, who's live for us as support house. john. good to see you. what's happening? the really you heard there from the president,
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the former president. he said, we often says in that is it does trial. if it was brought at all, it should have been right years ago. but of course, one of the things we know about this trial is the reason this and the other 3 trump trials have not been concluded by now. does it usually years of use every delay tactic possible to push it to after the election? so the fact that it's occurring while he wants to be running in the election? that's really partly his problem. the drawers are in their 2nd day of deliberations a day earlier on wednesday, they asked the judge to seize and testimony again. that was about a night at $22015.00 meeting in which the publisher of the national enquirer cam lloyd agreed to find negative stories of outcomes and then question. and they wanted to see the testimony from him, david packer, and they also wanted to hear from michael cohen, and that was trump's former lawyer and fix or who was testified against him in this trial. and one of the things they're trying to establish whether the events occurred as the prosecution said,
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it was cohen who said that trump made those payments deliberately in order to pay off stormy daniels before the election. so the voters wouldn't know when that's the crime. we're talking about here at 34 instances of trust. trump writing a check should cohen to cover that up. so they're going to go over each of those checks and they're going to go over the testimony. and the defense shoes are usually cohen simply isn't credible. the prosecutors have argued, you don't have to rely on cohens testimony because we have lots of other testimony and documents pick show that donald trump covered up this payment. and john a so now a 2nd day of deliberation. so what can we expect next? well, at some point they're going to come to a verdict if it comes early, it could come as soon as today. there are a lot of court watchers who say that jury is like to come out with these verdicts on a friday. they want their weekends off, and if they're close to a resolution that they will try to do so on
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a friday if they can. but whenever they do this, they have to decide a couple of things. first is trump guilty of making these 34 payments, which are labeled by the prosecutors as false documents filing. they are called legal fees. and the prosecution says that's not what they are, their payments to a former don't don't start. and then they have to decide, in order to make that a felony or a high crime, they have to decide that he was done in commission with another crime of what prosecutors are arguing. they have a couple of theories, but their main theory is that what trump was doing was defrauding voters by hiding the facts about his private life. 12 days before the election. that's when he made the deal with stormy daniel. that would be the crime that makes this a felony. and he was convicted of all that he could get for years in prison for each of those adventures, which is highly unlikely because he hasn't been convicted of a major crime before. but also being a former president of the court has taken every opportunity to give him leeway
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despite the fact that he has 10 times been fine for violating a gag order. so it's more likely that he would get a home detention or even probation either way. it's going to make it difficult for him to campaign this fall and you can expect to hear more complaints from trump about that. all right, john, unprecedented to a john had been reporting alive from us at the courthouse in new york. thank you so much. i. we still have here on al jazeera courts in hong kong convicts 14 pro democracy activists under china's national security along the the illusion of anti semitism with opposition to design is a, is cynical. and it is harmful, a dangerous completion between the persecution of a people and the criticism of the state is echoing across the world news rooms and to send me keys in the hatred of jews because the country is honest and it's not
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about jewels. it's about teacher and we need to talk about design isn't a listing call special on of just the they floods from the world's most secretive state. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune celebrity influences, but to shining a light on the home of kings and bring danger. one on one east meets north. korea's influence is coming out in new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching elda 0 reminder of our top story is this, our 3 week serve. relentless is really good. tax on god's as largest refugee camp as a storage most residential blocks and you and shelters their local sources, say the army has withdrawn from some areas of which i believe your account is really military conducting a series of res, across cities in the occupied westbank is really forces stores the janine refugee county surveillance plains are flying overhead at least 6 palestinians insurance.
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the vote counting is underway and south africa's general election early results indicates the governing amc is following shorts of the majority for the 1st time since the end of apartheid. a soaring unemployment and rolling power cots are among the main concerns for many voters. voting was expanded in some areas due to large turn out. all right, let's cross now to my kind of who's at the results operation center in the town of me put on mike, how's it looking for the amc and well, put it this way. it's looking rather dismal at this particular point. most predictions with the partial results that have been counted indicate that the a and c would be between somewhere between 42 to 45 percent of the both way, but to below the majority that wanted which would drive it into forage in some kind
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of calculation government, some of these the results are quite outstanding as we looked at the results board in the quad, zulu natal, the a and seeing was this great to buy the new intake party in the west and take way more than 50 percent of the vote has been come to the democratic alliance has held onto the pile of the uh, but it as also increase its majority. but with all of these details comes a couple of copy ups. number one, only just over 20 percent of the vote has been counted. secondly, what we're looking at is very much a real picture. we're not seeing the boats coming from the major urban centers, which generally have trends it towards the amc. so we've got to be very careful not to go ahead of ourselves in terms of the predictions, given the fact that so you vote so relatively happening tom to the novice just mentioned to uh, that's in the last election at this time, 3 o'clock in the afternoon we'll an hour off to that. some $17000000.00 folks have
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been counted at the stage, only 2 and a half 1000000 votes will be counted. so the process is very slow, much lower than in previous elections. and we will not get a really clear, confirmed picture of motion for a while. all right, so my kind of words of caution there. thank you so very much, greatly appreciate your reporting and presidential candidates and mexico have held their final campaign rallies ahead of a general election on sunday polls that show the governing party candidate claudia shine balm is oncourse to become the country's 1st female president. our latin america editor and we see a newman reports from mexico city from mid day, tens of thousands of supporters of lousiest shame, bone begin arriving at the circle of mexico cities emblematic plaza. shane bomb is the former mayor of mexico city, who, according to polls, is set to become the 1st female president of the world's largest spanish speaking
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country. may gomez, all i vowed to be my so my life and the best of me to the well being and dignity of the people. and i commit my says to god team, the legacy of president locus of the shame, bombs, approval rating is mostly attributed to the overwhelming support she enjoys some current presidents. and that is my new way, lopez, over as all the social programs and christmas have made him very popular. and 61 year old shame bob underscores. she will follow his every footstep. people with the government supports they have the intentions for the old . for example, my grandmother, who can no survive on a pension, we want her to maintain that support and increase of the chain balls the biggest asset can also be seen as the biggest shortcoming, because she never seems to be made from the presidency.
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the same balance, and if you selected, once you find all going on at the far northern border with mexico, came bombs mean opponent. so she died of ish want. that is the candidate of continuity. wins. mexico's democratic institutions such as the independence of the judiciary will be in danger. in fact, the only thing the leading candidates have in common is their gender as sunday stuff up the. are you ready to vote and defend life, liberty, and the truth? we will win to share, not to steal, to serve, not to save ourselves, not to accumulate and especially to unite the country. the central right candidate is seen as a symbol of a person from very humble roots who came up in the world. business database is also
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proud of her indigenous roots. what she is lagging behind the poles wins will be sure to make history, if nothing else, because she will be the 1st one president in the country, no perch, male, chauvinism. the sea and human al jazeera mexico city. south korea says north korea has launched a garage of suspect and ballistic missiles into it's eastern seas. the 10 objects landed in the sea after travelling for about 350 kilometers on south korea is accusing killing young of provocation. and hong kong court courts has found 14 active this and politicians guilty of subversion. the trial is the largest ever held in the chinese territory under a national security line post by beijing aside, big reports, high security, hong kong for what seemed as lunmark trials. 16 people spending
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12 for supervision. women 47 invested in 2020 to 2021. 14 were convicted on to a credit. i would say this case is finished because of the proceedings this going on. i am unable to see too much to bear with me. thank you very much. depends on what are the boundaries of this case? both it i got. thank you and for your concern with the receipt and everyone's not. however, due to department of justice, there is a possibility of an appeal. so i cannot comment on the judgement or express any opinions about this case had to be cut in stage. diplomats from the us from it to the island, attended the trial as well as members of the public. the defendants were charged under a national security though imposed by beijing for taking part in an unofficial primary election organized. but democracy support just in 2020. this conviction really shows what other contempt the hong kong and chinese authorities have the democratic political processes. i mean,
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what these people have been convicted of is holding an informal crime rate bush, you know, that is something that people should not be going to prison for. and yet time and again, we're seeing the application of the national security law is really designed to smell the. the democratic movements in phone calls, the former british colonies, hong kong was handed back to china in 1997 invasion. has since expended the attempt . johnson control and its impulse of those critics. they are containing freedom of speech and dissent. fulton activists have yet to be sentenced, but could face prison tens ranging from 3 years to life. i said big i was just there trying as president choosing thing has called for the establishment of an independent palestinian state and promised more aid for people and got some who made the announcement during a summit with leaders of arab states and vision. problem brand reports meeting every 2 years. this is the 10th summit of the china. ara cooperation for
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a dig comes is badging seems keen to demonstrate its close this to our states and support for the palestinian cools to move. i'm kidding, just shoot you an e. a. china family supposed establishment of an independent state of palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 bought us. i know if you have a significant assets capital, who supports us styles, full membership into you and, and supports a more broad based upon what sort of data for an effective international peace conference. as well as calling for an immediate cease by china has pledged millions of dollars and emergency humanitarian assistance to gaza. many adult cup a couple of and worked on my i'd call them the international community to fulfill the model and the giving responsibility to stop this brutal, slightly walk up and immediately provide for, along with them q man getting assistance. and they slightly see china has been expanding its influence in the middle east as that of it's us. rivals has waned
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during the war last year, the aging broker, the landmark reconciliation between a ron and saudi arabia, of china is willing to work with that of countries to strengthen communication and coordination and multilateral platforms. select the united nations of jointly advocating for world multilateralism of equality in order opposing his gym and is in power politics. china has also promised for the cooperation with arab states on oil and gas production and large scale infrastructure investments. rob mcbride out, is there a volcano in south western iceland is a rough thing for the 5th time since december. here's a live look for you where these pictures coming to you from rick janice peninsula. it's the most powerful eruption since the volcanic system became active. 3 years ago will nearly 4000 people have been evacuated from their home in
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a nearby fishing town. as i said, for me, literally, i could find more information by adding to our website out to xerox dot com. i'll see you next time. the low there's some good news for that. he didn't northwest india starting to back off of it. we'll get there in one second to see by the way. but 1st let's talk about the act of whether in ne india 2nd and a son states. still sundry downforce here, but throughout the day on friday that will peter out now to the story of the he, let's turn the colors on dark, the red, the hotter it is. so these temperatures down by a few degrees still hot though in punjab state i'm. it's are coming in at 46. temperatures have dropped in a person. providence and buckets done, but they're heating up in southern sense. so congrats. you at 37 and with this
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breeze off the baby and see we're going to see some dust and sand storms in karachi, quite active in the south trying to see this could spin up into a tropical storm. either way though, it's throwing a lot of rain to china is honda, an island in southern china, and then we've got flood alerts in place for the philippines, power one island and lose on island. there had been some for the size, but those have been dropped off. so these storm southern china will also extend into se china and food in providence, but everything is really important into your once again for glen g province were just the other day. there was flooding there, tropical storm, passing just to the east of japan's main island of han choose. so a lot of rain coming for the pacific coast, including tokyo, adapt a on friday sale.
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the on the and the phones move on to the local stage. the video is in the process of joining a combination of countries and a significant diplomatic initiative. the recognition of the palestinians, such as the shadows of the woods, even though because of this royal compartment escalating daily and no truce inside the international communities since defined. all major european powers, like germany continue to support as well with supplies. this coalition is cooling for an immediate 2 state solution position and tell us city and state what is the


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