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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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in a democratic future, i believe for which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives. the, [000:00:00;00] the . oh i marian, minimize the welcome to the news out live from tao ha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, the largest refugee campaigned gaza is volumes of piles of rubble, evenings, thousands of palestinians without shelter. is there any forces, again, conduct raids in the city of janine and the occupied westbank injuring at least 6 palestinians. also coming up this now vote counting wraps up in south africa. are the result show the routing and see policy could lose its majority for the 1st time
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since coming to pallets 30 years ago when pop unique anywhere land slides buried. an entire community. united nations is warning of a major risk of disease. and she to statements with your sports needs and empty all coast to make history and become a 1st step from greece to with a major european tracy attention to your role from conference, the size of the welcome to the program. we begin this news out in northern gauze. the last 3 weeks of intensified is riley attacks of destroyed launch pots of the biggest refugee camp on the strip homes. and a school in the giovanni account with the latest targets were destroyed and is riley drummond. strike witness to say that is there any forces of withdrawing from some areas off to fighting with palestinian groups? the space people are desperate for somewhere safe to stay and for the injured to be
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treated as well my wife does now. who is the father who we came back to find and nothing is no longer the same as before due to his face in his colossal most destruction is massive and beyond description, i'm assuming no words can express the scan of destruction. i forgot this once was a school building, i used as a shelter, a sense of him and no, i do not know with the displacement of simians used to shelter here. well, i do know that the entire area is on livable, a goes to city. in addition, there is no food or what? lucky you. i mean, who said this is a decompose body inside the shoulder. it had already been buried, but it was the date zoomed by. these really forces. this was a temper the baby out for the families to bury their dead, but the, all the below is being taught. we've got another thing that, that bodies bella stimulates how to mass pretty that in the temporary gave you a new conduction number of victims. presidents were not able to reach them in symmetry, since they started,
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the army has seized the area for these items. the since the 1st day of the war, we have been sheltering in the school building. then we were forced to we so i was separated from my family and i still continued to look for them. i came back to find everything destroyed until the state i can not find my 75 year old husband and my 35 year old daughter. we lost each other under israels. merciless showing obviously was lost. all kind of it is reporting to us now from giovanni a has this update and i still can see you from the center of that error for just him. there's where the 4th is probably going to withdrawal from this place after spending about 20 days here. as you can see, all of this destruction, all of this invest station this because there's really forces spent about 20 days. yeah. so one is on pollution here trying to reach the houses. on the other hand,
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that's wanting to reach the level of the houses in order to find something useful. to use it in the next days. display some token from this to be a very commercial and populated street, but now just a level was include a da 0. nothing cause a spread. so i'll assign meanwhile at least 53 postings have been killed in his writing. these strikes right across cause a, this is over the past 24 hours. a funeral has been house the 2 paramedics who were killed west of the southern city of rough uh, policy and right present. it says that israel attacked the vehicle while they were carrying out that g cheese that happened on wednesday in titusville ton. this is an area that's been repeatedly hit by is ray strikes since the month of october, east 20 members of the red crescent have been killed inside gaza.
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oh, in terms of all the developments for the following, a leader of a centrist policy in israel is war cabinet says that he has submitted a bill to dissolve parliament and to hold elections by any gowns who threatened to resign as opposed for plans for gauze at once and you, monday before october, through the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the elections would damage israel's military operation in gaza. ominous fitness. and y'all to insist that dissolving his unity government would only reward him us well as well as bind. i'll just hear from reporting inside the country, so instead, we are based in each retaining capital a month. so our high rights joins us now from that. tell us more about what many gaps has been saying. all right, well let me just explain to you this uh, latest developments here. you have the the member of the can assist us from pentagon,
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says national unity policies. its put this up bill forwards and then its he said the service um is a disaster. the requires us to return and receive the people's trust to establish a broad and stable unity government that can lead us safely in the face of the tremendous challenges to not just the security video. so it mentions the economy, the a and also, so it's rarely society because of all the public price that we've been seeing against the governments and against the wall cabinets. now despite this move, it's might be that this was the brutes up and the commission to any time soon or debated. because if it's debated and then reject, since they comp put that bill forward for another 6 months and to be able to do that, they would probably need a majority of the policies or members of parliament to put this forward. but just to give a bit more context here, you have many guns earlier in the year, threatening the prime minister and threatening the will cabinet saying if they
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don't come up with a plan for the post, we'll plan a bite june the 8th, said one which is another 2 hours a week from now, then he will quit. you've also had the o position, leave the p just yesterday convening a meeting with to a position policy lead is looking at to plan to be able to bring down the governments and openly a talking prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that this will isn't guessing the results that people had expected, it's been 8 months since the war started. and on top of that they've calling on by the guns to be able to resign so that they can try and move things forward and change that leadership. you've also has protesters, especially those from the families of those health kept to protesting outside of many guns is hines, also demanding that he quits the wood cabinet. so lots of divisions at the moment, politically, and also within the war cabinet itself. okay, thank you,
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sir. a higher up joining us the from amman in jordan, and just to remind us that we are reporting from that rather than insight to israel itself because the government of permanence investing yahoo has found out you 0 from doing just that. i'm pleased to say we now joined by getting lazy. he's a columnist at hearts. he joins us from tel aviv. so this isn't the 1st time the new guns, one of nothing you all whose main rivals has tried to push so early elections. how much pressure is this like you to put on the prime minister notes? what so ever done whatsoever? i suggest not to get too excited and those who want to see it then, you know, stepping down should wait. who's. busy reading the champagne voters because they say government also we though that and guns the still less. so there is a sorted majority. we might like you to know,
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but they have the 60 full seats on the wednesday and they seem to be very sorted. and as long as this coordination is very good things together, and there are no critics there, and there are no breaks there. then there are many guns, can declare what everybody wants. but it is quite meeting this because we had about having divisions among members of this cabinet that they disagree pops on it. the way in which i'm asked should be removed from gauze or about the, the post will plan a or, you know, reconfigured security arrangements for gaza. but do you, do you? are you surprised at just how united and cohesive they have been off to 8 months of war? you know, i'm not surprised because those are wanting to spend some care only of. busy their own carrier and they can't really be over once they will reveal and they know it's
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very well. and the on the board show is either very decisive way or mislead my extension. right. so that's the situation which ones the smaller these old, but this government this over. and therefore we have to, to continue with this, but at the war. and it seems as a v, as writing public has a high tolerance for this approach. the way in which is ready positions of prepared to prolong this war in order to safe got their own survival much more than the toner it is. i still think the majority of these ladies to support the continuance of the war. it's very tiny minority. is this the are the seeds in garza which most of these are examples. expose the words or, and the very tiny majorities quoting for ending the war building for the best, these against the prime minister,
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and according to reduce the just nothing to do with the supple guys. uh, i think to do with this. the vision was the best feeling. none of this. what would you say is it is sometimes when you have many months of violence, particularly that, that we have seen on this scale. you know, we've just been talking today about the complete destruction of the, the largest refugee camp in northern gauze. i'll let you know, people had already been displaced and we're extremely vulnerable. in many cases, when we see this playing out elsewhere, it reaches a sort of inflection point where critical decisions have to be made doesn't seem as uh, we are anywhere near that point yet because there is no public pressure. politicians have the same objectives as you would just saying, and there is no pressure from israel's allies, particularly the most powerful allies. so it could this,
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do you see this will going well not just this year, but, but far beyond support only this year is why it's a quite a terrible revision. i mean, if this is going to continue another 7 months, it means another pass. so so, so you know, send by spinning and spinning q a god, so we become a one big here, senate tree. yeah, i, i, he, i mean, supervisor is by far too much. yes. you can go as low as the initial community don't, doesn't take any measures. you know, it's very nice if from the, from the side, the president, i've been to the picture ration. so the people kind of say, advise, this isn't ok the most of the, uh, and by the end of the east supplies the webpage,
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obese mess, casey. and the show me a simple thing is to supply new weapons and the ones doesn't do anything except the even better, some of them nation of nation. so here's what i'm seeing is free to continue in this endless war. ok, thank you very much. good in lazy hearts column is joining us from tel aviv thank you for having the oral. so following developments and the occupied westbank is ready, the ministry is conducting a series of rates across cities in the area. they have storm the janine refuge, account surveillance, plains are flying overhead. at least 6 palestinians have been injured. fluoride is ready minutes to absolve those smart treasures. threatened to ton cities in the occupied west bank to ruins the same way as gauze and the ever and has more from ramallah. you know, we've been hearing from is really media and is really voted. this is saying that
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there should be a bigger cracks out on jeanine that has been already a target for the latest is really reason in the past 7 months or so. we've seen more than 126. the city is killed just from gene itself. today in the afternoon, we've seen these really army vehicles forming inside. did you need refugee camp a company with both those or is this is something that we've been seeing a lot of in the past. few raids, it's not more. we see a damage to the infrastructure, to the extent that some people there tell us that they're not even done fixing the damage from one rate before another rate comes in. now, according to local sources, we've been speaking to the 6th that there are and confrontations already now going on between the palestinian fighters inside did a few decals. and these really with the 3 forces that have sold inside and as nice according to the ministry of health,
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we're talking about 6 policy. these who have been injured by is really 4th is higher. again, we've been hearing a lot of incitement against the janine itself. when did you need hospitals as well as these really media says that they've been facing a lot of a resistance from within janine itself. and even in the last 3, did you need, we've heard these really forces saying that did it has been new techniques found by the palestinian fighters inside the camp, which is making their job or their mission as to what they say to come about. the palestinian fighters and you need more and more difficult. the balance of being checked in south africa is general election off the vote counting was completed or the results indicate the governing amc is following shortly. the majority for the 1st time since the end of a parts, a soaring unemployment,
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enrolling power costs are among the main concerns. so many voters losing was extended in some areas because of such a large time out. so we have correspondence standing by and own lives in the ease 1st though, we'll get to how to in a moment. so. so let's go to mike. hannah is in the drawn at the results operation center. i'm like, what are you hearing the of the well, at the moment we've got just over 20 percent of the boat's concepts. and at this stage the amc has around 43 percent of the boat lower than it might have expected. but a couple of copy ups here, we're looking largely at a rural picture at the moment. we haven't had many of the urban areas coming through and we are waiting to go through the day and possibly tomorrow for all the votes to come in to get a clear picture. well, to help me with all of this, the deputy secretary general of the a and c, and i'm putting, i'm looking you on the thank you for joining us. what do you see? and the results so far it's
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a demonstration of the efficiency of the work done by the i use the supplement, but on other punches that defends the code of conduct to participate in these vixen's 2nd, please. it's um, it's still early in the day. the 23 percent of it. it is only the in that these. oh but it means your now um we are scheduled to receive the township. uh uh well also as yet to receive even uh some of the other problems as well. outside of was wondering outside of the woodson case, including some parts of the, of the northwest and the full. we still believe that this is going to be a change in the, in the pets and what, how most of it and see is that this is a demonstration of a maturity demo across this piece. that's cooperation. everybody's talking to one another like yes,
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in the tools people that relate to. and it's only to that about that to see that. so that's again, we're able to make that choice. now even though it's early, if the i n c doesn't get that 50 percent majority is the thought at the moment or discussion about what form of coalition would be for. we have always been given a, a monday by a constitution of so that's how they they made it monday going into the election. was that do multiple out then with these elections decisively. so that then we can work together with some stuff. we can do more over the above that we have done over the last 6 years of cost. a lot of the amc that is also being in a government the most valued energy in 1994. well, that minnes, that's a point that's including now in the administration, i'm the president, i'm up with less money admin is the coming from it. but does that or does nothing to not have been part of, of this government and up for,
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for us. so it is not about discussions about positions is about what, what's, what's the zip code? and what that demonstrates the we looked at people of south africa. and that's a suitable structure of the sea and not through that as well. what does make a determination about the we for thank you very much and the that's the deputy secretary of the a and c, reminding us that the coalition government is not something new in south africa. there was a coalition government to enforce for the 1st 5 years of this democracy. all right, thank you very much, mike. kind of bring us all the latest from the opposing center. they're also harm latasha is lives in las vegas, the south west of dub. and i was the party of the full president, jacob zooming performed the whole jacob's image in k policy. it was formed last year, so it's only a few months old, but it's madness to make inroads in this province because we do not tell already.
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we've seen that as much take away st. mary's away from the a and c. this is just been a problem hold. but the intake part is better to take some urban and rural st. just away from the a and see. so that's quite remarkable in that, in that effect, when you ask people why they supporting jacob zoom and his intake pa to they say, 1st of all is frustrations with the a and c. but they also say this is jacob zoom is home province. so they expected him to do well here, and they say that when he was the president of south africa 2 years ago, they feel that he put a lot of input in this part of the country, his club, and say, say that need improve the role built hospitals educate to what children they feel loyal to him because of that. that's why they supported him. so they expect him to the extremely well here, in case the tell what the weight fee is, how the intake pots is going to do. nation, me and how many posts will be in they could be in tape ought to take away from
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a government agency. thank you so much time tensor 40 inches from mozy. now in the us jurors and donald trump's harsh money trial of started the 2nd day of closed door deliberations in new york, trunk faces 30 full felony counts of falsifying business records. a allegedly sought to cover up extra myers low, fast to protect his 2016 presidential campaign trumpet. pleaded not guilty to all
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the charges the world to which 100 joins us live from outside the court house. and you can, it's been over a month and many hours of testimony tell us about what the chair is discussing now and the instructions they've been given. that's right name the jurors are in the to the 1st ever trial. criminal trial of an american president or a former president, and they have come back 4 times asking to have certain testimony re read and what they've been focusing on is in august 2015 meeting. cohen was there, david tucker of the national enquiry, was a publisher at the time there as well. and the reason it's important that jurors are looking into that is because the prosecutor's a legit it was at that meeting that there was a, an agreement between the national enquirer ended trump campaign to find negative stories about donald trump and question. and if i negative stories about his
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opponent and put those out there. so that is part of what the prosecutors allege is . a conspiracy in order to defraud motor is by, by giving them bad information by hiding information about trumping that. all of that was essentially in illegal campaign contribution that wasn't reported. and that's important because those payments to michael cohen, which went to stormy daniels eventually this is the porn star. trump was alleged to have had an affair with those payments. 34 of them. those are all misdemeanors unless you tie it with another crime. and if that crime is the conspiracy that makes this a felony case, which is what the prosecutors are trying to do. so, jurors seem to be interested in that meeting in which an alleged conspiracy took place. okay, so they now have to make a historic decision about whether or not the former president is guilty of
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a crime. what happens next as well if they can come to that point and decide, yes, she is indeed guilty of a crime. we can either design the old, 34 of those payments which the prosecutors are saying are, are illegal at our business filings. so we can either does that, those are all legitimate, or those are all crimes if they're crimes and they have to take the next step was that, was they there another crime connected to those? that is what makes it a felony. and if they come to that point and convict donald trump, well, there are a number of things are going to happen. he could get up to 4 years in prison for each of those crimes. that would be highly unlikely for anyone who hasn't had a prior conviction. what is more likely, a court watcher say is that he would have to get a court and he would have to get home detention or probation in either case that would make it very difficult for him to campaign for you. home detention. you cannot leave your home on probation, he wouldn't be able to leave the state of florida without permission of the
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probation department. so all of these things would make it difficult. and that's why you were here, donald trump complaining over and over again, that this is affecting his campaign and that this is indeed the whole process of choosing in his view is another kind of campaign interference. thank you so much for the latest on that to trial. now the, the jury's deliberations john 100 following that story from new york officials and popping you, gave me say they don't expect to find survivors after massive landslide in a remote village last week. government estimates move in 2000 people might have been buried alive. only a few bodies have been recovered. tanya bell has moved from angle province. i met young valley village in the west and reach us of the inner province in the highlands of poplar new guinea. and this is the point where the lens flood has come down the hill and cuts the highway off cutting off access to the rest of the
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province. from here, the scale of this land slide is on price it into the an angle province. this is one of the most remote pots of pop. when you do need relief, has been very smart to arrive. today, we saw a strange in i'd come in the 1st international i to reach here. they've sent 12 disaster relief specialists, as well as much needed supplies. we also saw that on either side of the land slide does off the area makes if tents have been set up to cater for the casualties which are coming in. what we've seen here today is people in the state of shock. people is slowly sort of coming to terms with what's been going on here, the tanya brown out a 0 annual provence. when you get a are you with a news our life from dom will still to bring you on the program? of course in hong kong convicts 14 pro democracy activists on the china is national security. lo fi and unix, new co children's 1st news conference. since a surprise appointment we have from since
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a company in sports with just the we've gone from extreme heat. so extreme flooding in ne mexico have one let me show you. so deluge here was enough to carry away this car in monterey. copious amounts of rain with this cloud here. so this rain has done its job, knocking back the temperature in monterey 233. that's down by about 10 degrees over just a few days ago. otherwise, central america problems spots will be nicaragua coast to redone panama. it's looking quite bad. around san jose and panama city. big burst of rain there. and for the us up and down the plains. that's where we're going to power up the storm. so let's go region by region, just the other day to stay and saw some flooding and we could see more of it over the next 24 hours getting strikes by the storms here. great lakes,
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it's looking good. plenty of sun dispatch of what weather in the us northeast now moving through new england and westbound. we go with whites and wendy through the canadian prairies, mostly cloudy sky for vancouver at 15 degrees and up and down the california coast . plenty of sun phoenix closing in on 40 degrees. what do you say we go to south america right now. it's our usual problem spots, northern brazil, columbia. venezuela rate. through to ecuador and for southern brazil, it is quiet now, but there's weather alerts for just how cold it is going to get some frosty mornings over the next bill bit. and now you're in the know, see the hundreds and then millions. stephens. hi. is this a delicacy value just as highly by cartels in the mafia? price per kilogram is equivalent to several different shrugs with exclusive access lines, joins the environmental. prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals,
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exposing the list of the world of wild life trafficking and its devastating impact on the planets ocean. the shocks and hunters on al jazeera. the latest news, not only that these patients were receiving, tells me that y'all as, as treatment in unless you are hospitalized. but they were also seeking refuge here with detailed coverage for the warrant. people had access to a leaders of water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the heart of the story. probably send you the officials hold on to 0. that in situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs tax. it's
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the welcome back to within use our life from dell. let's just take you through the main stories we've been following now, and is riley forces of attacks another school for displace people in giovanni, a refugee camp in northern casa, the army has withdrawn from some areas as it struggles to gain full military control of the area meanwhile, the is riley, will cabinet minister benny guns has submitted a bill to hold elections. he's threatened to resign of a posts for plans for gaza. it's not clear if he'll win enough modes to dissolve upon them in time and found it so being counted and checked in the south africa's general election office to or any results show the governing a n c policy is that's for sure of the majority for the 1st time since the end of a contact now home concord has found 14 active
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this and politicians guilty of subversion. trial is the largest of the health and the chinese tired tree under and national security low imposed by badging side bay reports high security hunk conflict seen as lunmark trials. 16 people spending 12 for subversion for a month. 47 invested in 2020 to 2021. 14 were convicted on to a credit. i would say this case is finished because of the proceedings this going on. i am unable to see too much to bear with me. thank you very much for the consent pulled up. what are the functions of this case? both is i got thank you and for your concern with the receipt and feed, everyone's not. however, due to department of justice, there is a possibility of an a b. so i cannot comment on the judgement or express any opinions about this case had become an stage. diplomats from the us from it to the island,
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attended the trial as well as members of the public. the defendants were charged under a national security though imposed by beijing for taking part in an unofficial try me election organized but democracy support just in 2020. his conviction really shows. busy what other contempt, the hong kong and chinese authorities have the democratic political processes. i mean, what these people have been convicted of is holding an informal crime rate. bush, you know, that is something that people should not be going to prison for. and yet time and again we seeing the application of the national security law is really designed to smell the. the democratic movements in phone calls from a british colony. hong kong was handed back to china in 1990. 7 invasion has since expended its incense and control. and its impulse, those critics, they are containing freedom of speech and to sent 14 activists have yet to be sentenced, which could face prison tens. ranging from 3 years to life. i started big,
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i was just do smell to iran. they have opened the registration period for candidates who want to compete in his presidential election poll is due to be held off to present a brian rice. he was killed in a helicopter crash last week. during the next 5 days, iranians can apply to run for the presidency. they need to comply with criteria including age, education, religious beliefs, and experience, and government cabinets will then be evaluated by the 12 member government body known as the guardian council. off of its members. a directly appointed by the supreme leader, i told ali human eye. on june 11th, the ministry of the interior will announce who has been approved. candidates will then seek vote to support and campaigns last the last thing about 2 weeks. the final stage will take place on june 28th. well then, $60000000.00 people are eligible to cost ballots. already hash him reports on this
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now from tapper on one year from now, president to brian, right? you see was supposed to on for another 10 and office caught it across and i'll see about what his desk in this helicopter crash or change everyone's plan was to many. so right. you see as a potential candidate to succeed the cards to bring the that on the, on this day, trying to the aiming to succeed, to start registering the name of somebody not cause why the adult for the, you know, runs internal issues right now. mostly our economic, but the solution is definitely political politicians who move through the political tunnels so they can find solution for economic and social problems. several people are expected to put their names forward. for my culminates, the phrase he regarded as conservatives are aiming to keep his seat and the politic account they're competing against. all those are affiliated with margaret and reformist count who wants to try the chances. what the garden council is
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responsible for confirming the candidacy. so clearly a significant role in determining the size of poor to turn out the test, i need to have an open admin fee for the candidates who want to run is unlikely to have an impact on those who have boy called at the election that it seems to turn out would be at around 40 percent at the most. and i think the system also is not off to a high turnout, but others disagree. and believe the country could be on the verge of significant change. so seeking to on where the president in the law isn't the sort of decision making. and because what i don't expected election of the time of the regional central, internal, all certainty and got excited with the united states could influence people's choices in the bottom of the actual address. you know,
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the india is 7 phase general elections drawing to a close with the last round on june. first, on the prominence center under moody's tenure governance media freedom has come on serious threats. john list have been arrested and harassed for holding the government to account is 96 a 3rd time. they refuse the press freedom will continue to decline just to remind you that the indian government has no ground to visa as to alger 0, as john less. so we are covering the election from outside the country. all right and go through reports on this per bit took a us to is the found an editor of news, click website, and india, and he's out on bail. he was arrested in october and held on charges that include terrorist activities and criminal conspiracy. but he's in the early john list to be arrested in the past 10 years of the page. i piece governance critics for another 5
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years of prime minister and the rent emoji could further suppress the media. the state seems to be much more involved in deciding that it makes it, this is one of the government is in fact it could be considered the solutions indeed, always seem to be going towards a more impressive state at the moment. india has one of the largest medium markets with nearly 400 news channels and thousands of daily newspapers in english and regional languages. several and by businessmen seem to be close to prime minister and the rent from moody. moody has been criticized for rally, holding media interactions, but tearing the ongoing elections has given several interviews to media groups, cns favorable to his policy by the government. but not many. critics say india has suffered a shop drop in press freedom in recent years. the
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well smartest democracy felt 25 places on the press. freedom index between 201520. 23. you have no model. stand it run to $161.00 out of a $180.00 countries last year down from $115.00. so yeah, before reported was that boat assess india, some media has fallen into what's called an unofficial state of emergency for beach i p dismissal allegations of media suppression under moody saying they've been around since he was chief minnesota. we'll see him more than 20 years ago. this very to has been that also it was in see was it you start off? uh would you live in 2000 and it is going do you notice planters you have news channels because sizing goods. i'm good. who i'm not fit social media. i'm mostly think yeah, you have unfair comments, but so be this is democracy. news outlets and social media arose coming on
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districts in the india top few tips, list of video removals with more than 2000000 been taken time between october and december national desktop, the youtube channel is more than 9000000 subscribers. so it is also being targeted, upset of god. the government seems to basically have an issue with criticism. todd, we are talking about the rights of people on religion hoodlum spike is the temple of being invoked. the prime minister is making comments that he should not be making x, but say there are increasing restrictions on for and media outlets to last year offices. it was a bbc and india were rated as part of an investigation by income tax authorities. the rates came off to the british brewed costs to add a documentary, cnas critical of new and remedy. exec as to the violence in west africa dropped in 2002. when moody was chief minister of the state. more than 1000 people, mostly muslims,
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were killed in the interest. the investigating agency has cleared the date of complexity. and what the current government has done is created defense a few of by creating a strong and image that they will go after media organizations which are critical of them. and they're doing the same that for the media audience of some political agenda. and we did a rate on data to my any question, what is good, any kind of questioning. the indian government has also been tightening recommendations on silicon valley companies. fact which i'm google several times, list based hate speech and threats on social media. and according to access now and keep your tongue coalition, the country that global internet shut down for a 6. yeah, we're in a row with services being closed on more than a 100. and 15 times in 2023. barbara and go out to sara to look on as a journalist, as online you cite the quincy joins us now from new delhi. how would you describe
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the role of john list and the media in this selection? as i see most of the media and i'm that much of the main stream media has sort of given the edge all of speaking to, to bottle send can even glean bare minimum decent journalism much of the mainstream you get to be is going to go the median in the body is in the form. that's cool. uh so i think that is enough to get you the state of mainstream. again, journalism. what that has done to it has created avoid, absorbs because that aren't enough people actually wing these 2 bedroom and the gods. and so i've seen them void, hasn't these things you being screened by a lot of youtube? does. a lot of joints were previously part of a mainstream news organizations that with the adults, the capitalistic on either of those to the government going to spend the ministers have bought those media houses. and the journalists have ended up in your forming the objectives. and that's how they're doing independent leads and to put on his
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journalism and how much longer they can do that for you or the question that none of us have an answer to because the student is also okay and will be on who do. just as recently as last month, a month before the elections are going to be, uh, there was a couple of you channels that were given no notice of buying the government saying that, you know, they're taking down your time and then you do catch to comply. um and they were digging down just like that. so even bill functioning instead, he gave his environment. so those john less so now on youtube, this sort of fragmentation of the media landscape. and it looks as though they will also find it difficult if not impossible, to keep doing that job sort about the public and india. you know, how do they, how do they feel about the fact that there is, there appears to be no platform that is holding the government to account on issues like kashmir. um, the treatment of minorities, including most of them, is all the,
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the academic conflict in money for. and so i think it's important to understand and address the fact that much all of the country to the done find the minister movie is as a very popular attribute extinguish. and i mean that the proof of that is, is being built for the game back to bodies. randy 19 with the company majority and, and i mean they expect to do the same, the same, i don't. and when they don't know, that happens what has happened in the country over the last decade and the think that has to do it almost or die again. when that happens, regardless of what happens in the elections and you know, back to new medical, it's a good that comes with the 4 things every day, such as a duration that it could be, i know many years, it's hard, many decades to actually come back to us being but ordinary citizens, the mind being said on and as i'm, i think today people are just formal store. okay. we accomplish that and live with the media. and so not many. and you're not seeing that question. but even he more
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and more people, especially people who say, until a couple of years back one to the update of bunches on, on, been really good about these things have. ready moving up, the defendant venue opened to be done in the only and only find the news that is extremely voiced after some and they've been doing, trying to reach on amazon. and so they are daunting towards the youtube and, and that is, that is also what explains that you the model. but reach that a lot of these, you do generate that. i mean, if you go back to the com, thank you very much. you've been by the time is just fine too well, you know, we will a very important story about the state of journalism and press freedom also the way in which students and activists have been treated as well. but we will continue the conversation. but for now, from the content from the clint. thank you for your time. still a head for you on the program. a line not no suit lighting americas human rights court. here's where the government's are obligated to protect people from climate
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change in the walls number to tennis pioneer. it's just those right now to reach the french opens 3rd round, feasible show you how she did it. the business latest to be sponsored by intellect. tuck he's real estate consultant.
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the business like just to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the the pieces in our useful mary. thank you very much. greek side and then p all coast hope to push on to even greater achievements of today became the 1st team from bacon streets to land. a major european trophy that meets the order. and so you may an extra time to win the ramp at the conference league. so i o matic reports.
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it's a theme that never been witness before. a clump from greet, celebrating winning a major european trophy olympia because this play is making history by beating fiorentino the rope a conference leak final and to make even sweeter. they did it in the greek capital at the end, at the home of one of the vs. this driver is now, course the match itself was the k g, a fast. both sides had chances and the 1st top was perhaps the clearest opening forwarding to be a town. the inside. there were more opportunities off through the break, but need the sides to the school with a much going to extra times. both sides still continued to like any type of cutting edge and penalties looked inevitable. that was until the dying minute morocco, international, valuable copies. finally, putting the bowl in the back of the neck raptor, however, proved to know as a v,
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a on a chip was needed for a possible upside. but it was to be a lindsey offices day with the gold guessing the all clear. the greek side going on to clinch the toys who was the one then we can make history . 7 to paypal much, we've given a promise to ourselves and to our funds that we would do everything until the very last minute. we tried a lot during the regular time, but we didn't make it. but we strived until the last minute and we made and we won the cost is enough time. know that this is the biggest moment for greek football. since the countries and national teams down the sporting world by winning euro 2004 . yeah, it's also a moment the piano because then we'll likely cherry for the rest of the line. so him, alex, just did. we spoke to greek football, just paulo split souls. he believes the conference leak has given teams of smaller resources,
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the platform to compete on the european stage. it's virtually impossible for uh, the upsides outside the big 5 over your beautiful books to reach this level to make it to the final level we, you will be on god for fall to give jump in the season. i would also use the last 8 . this is on the as box as well, only because of course reach the same as for the 1st time. and that's your story. the final and then one last night the major you will be on capsule is perhaps and what's going to be a success that was but the major advertised on huffman invest more. and the target's more on the success was which has always a little bit of glove sides. we're just 2 days away from the next big european. finally you a for champions to the title decide to the rest of the documents will take around madrid for the trophy at wembley. on saturday, the full that friends in london have had a chance to get up close with the trophy and propelled the square foot on stage by
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form a chelsea plan. nicole, john it'd be you want it back in 2012. so is the, the property is a very difficult to set it up once we, once you're able to enter, it was an amazing feeling. so it's my old friend and it's due to be back here as a trophy. so i hope is going to be an amazing game on saturday. i hope maybe best because chelsea be by munich in that 2012 final. but jim and john, so hoping to be back in contention for champions league soon having a points with the new head coach. prince and company has held these 1st news conference in signing a 3 year deal. buying failed to win domestic. oh, you repeat. and so the way for the 1st time and moved in a decade and the belgian says, you know, the amount, aggression and bravery from each new team. you'll also hit back in the critics. you say he was a surprise choice for the gym and giants of the aspect of being surprises because
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you're assume that it was the only club that called and you assume that it was the only interest i had. and you only assume that because i'm very privates, that's the only reason. so by that time i was not surprised, maybe the 1st phone call, but it wasn't barton unique. i live my job honestly to intends to speculate too much or to make any distinctions whatsoever. the opportunity was that to work with great people. that's why i signed the anal massey scored against the into miami on wednesday, but it wasn't enough to keep hold of a 10 match list. i'm beaten, run going into the match, miami's opponents, atlanta. you know, i should have only 132 team matches. so for the 2 goals, i decided to break some change and international about nobody needs a, put them to know uh, may see how the ad lenses advantage in the 62nd minutes of the season. that makes the time to to interrupt school in is team along. so i thought i feel the boss
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soneta to make me be slower. is that was it for miami's come back? atlanta feeding a $31.00. when it's miami's, the face need less since march 20 to the world's base 10 display you can see on sites that you doubted. she would win her 2nd round match with the french open of to having to save match. point against ma'am jo saca the full time grand slam champion was 53 down in the 3rd 5th with us soccer serving for victory. jeff jones proposal, hitler opportunity to come back and one of the next 5 games to swing the magic, another favor typing up the deciding said 75 take that explains who wrote and goes when he speak to 6, the matches that seem choices. food, stay tracy. in paris, to another, to reinstall the link to a pallet into the 3rd one with the strip it's, it's when the qualified smo, yukon, g, g ma,
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in just 62 minutes embedded in places like literally see i think $13.00 straight itf cycles across to surfaces and consonants would be from successfully qualifying in paris. somebody. so it's a kind of, i guess, a full cedar lane every back in a is also through. she had to withdraw from me. tell me it open due to illness a couple of weeks ago. but looks as strong as ever here because it's funny winning 636 full c chase is the 2nd grandson cycle 3 back. and it has ever made across the fed round that road. and carol is going to do it again. so either it least they move to a picture box which on the main sofa see the new method is the advance to realm 3 when these opponents as full suicide through injury that they've made middle mean catch men of age, 615 love. when the serbian quits the edmonton oilers of level things up and they stand because play of series with the data stalls,
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who if they to one need slip in the best of 7 western conference finals with the school to, to, to engage in full on wednesday. the stalls goals and the jake offering the kids out an oil is go when he accidentally dropped the stick in the perfect spot while trying to make a series of saves. but the lock in the stalls as we weighed his headphones straight goats when the game 5 to at least to see police to games a piece or that's what the suppose things for the time being that i need to thank you. want to take your natural volcano in southwestern iceland, interrupting for the 5th time since december is a live pictures from the raking us peninsula. this is the most powerful eruption since the volcano system became active 3 years ago. any 4000 people have been evacuated from the home in a nearby fishing town. in brazil, not in america's human rights court has held a final hearing line long case involving climate change. the court looked at how human rights are being affected by environmental changes in the region,
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and why the governments have a legal juicy to act. alexandra, yet the reports on this rising cease caused by the changing climate were slowly swallowing the in both good fish and community in southern mexico. since 2019 dozens of homes and other buildings have been swift. the way by the waves forcing 700 people into the office. i'm ok, we hear about climate change all the time, but we never taught that it would come to us former and both residents are among hundreds of people. you an official companies and scientists who spoke at landmark hearings held by the inter american court of human rights and to present in the city of my house. the court will issue an opinion grappling with the fundamental question of our times or governments obligated to protect people from climate change. and if so, to what degree? the answer will be important for a growing wave of global litigation,
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and that's forcing countries to compensate victims of climate change and do more to control its impact. almost as we have high expectations for this document and hope it will offer a favorable instrument for the protection of the environment and human rights in order to force countries to act on their obligations. whether an advocacy or litigation of columbia and she lives. governments ask the courts to intervene, saying they were experiencing daily climate challenges with buyers, land slides, droughts, and floods becoming more severe. they also ask the court to clarify with governments must do to protect environmental activists. that, you know, may cause the most dangerous is region 4 environmental defenders, including children. you'll any see me these letters. i started my activism when i was 9 years old and since i was 11 years old,
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i have been receiving death threats and constant attacks which haven't stopped many yet. and these were indigenous people who say they are being disproportionately affected. so this is the moment we want the inter american court to hear us here are cry here. call here are anguish, feel some of the pain that the indigenous people are brazil i have been going through thousands of years. the court's opinion applies in over 20 latin american in caribbean countries and could be issued by the end of the year. it will be closely watched by other international courts also dealing with the issue. there is little legal precedent when it comes to climate change obligations. but their importance will only rise as the crisis of our lifetime continues to unfold. allison, but i'm just either. well that's it. first me is out but i'll be back in a couple of minutes with another full for lessons for you to stay with us.
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the israel's war on gossip becoming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down wide? is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, a week to look at the world's top business stories. how much of the rebuilding go to cost of who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses have just started seeing inspection coming down and how it affects the dives? how big a problem is global food insecurity? counting the cost on al jazeera injustice, the me k is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in some of the most dangerous parts of the world to live in places where
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injustice isn't something you read in the news is something that happens to every single day. everyone, hey, is watching the news on their mobile phones. unlike your eyes, they don't watching full the news. they weren't seeing that he was being destroyed in real time. when you're on the ground, when you're showing people what's going on, whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand less simple language is absolutely crucial. facilities already 50 percent evacuated. most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best camera man, best produces the best pictures and those other people the ivr long. and in order to be able to get that message out to the well, the unique suspect is able to ship this contest, needs the average american don't really trust mainstream news. connect with all community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. artificial
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intelligence is doing all of these things that are going to be really disruptive towards the democratic process. and we also need a, i to fight a i, the stream on out to 0 of the largest refugee campaign. gaza is falling into piles of rubble leaving thousands of palestinians without shelter. the hello, i'm sorry, i'm to my z. this is alger 0 life from del, how it will. so coming up on the program, is there any forces conduct rates in the city of janine and the occupied westbank, enjoying at least 6 palestinians also vote counting wraps up in south africa. the


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