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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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really disruptive towards the democratic process and we also need a, i to fight a i, the streams on al jazeera, the largest refugee camp and gaza is falling into piles of rubble leaving thousands of palestinians without shouts at the no, i'm sorry, i'm to my z. this is algae 0 life from don't how it will. so coming up on the program is writing forces conduct rates in the city of janine and the occupied west bank injuring at least 6 palestinians. also a vote counting wraps up in south africa. and the results shows a ruling amc policy could use it some majority for the 1st time since coming to alice 30 years ago. and we're in public anyway. a land slide has buried a whole community. the when is now warning of a major risk of disease,
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the as we begin in northern garza, what 3 weeks of intensified is riley attacks of all but destroyed what was the largest refugee camp and the strip palestinians who used to live in your body as say they are shocked by the level of destruction that i say is there any forces of less the area, completely uninhabitable? i was just, there was a child. stratford begins out coverage now. so she has this huge range of destroyed lives and screens. fun down homes down, make god punish them, and you answer all those back in israel. we run for our lives. repeatable. we're going to move a 100000 people used to live in the jabante
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a refugee can. of these mountains of rumbles and twisted metal used to be polished to be in homes, schools, businesses, markets of during this free week alone is really military operation. people returned limits to try and salvage what remains that their lives at these ready all me and, and strikes have a blitzer rate and even the shelters. but they used to try and hide that, hasn't moscow from them. and oh, well, you know how to print the gun since the 1st day of the war, we have been sheltering in the school. then we were forced to leave self. i was separated from my family and still looking for them until now. i came back to find everything destroyed. these really stretched our home to and with our lives was the entire place is no longer livable. i found a state of low from red on the ground. i picked it up. i have not eaten for days.
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these are alien sprint, everything till now. i cannot find my family, my 75 year old husband, my daughter. we lost each other under these really medicine and shelving no matter what looks like the blood splattered on a scale and a local journalist film or some describes the scene or you move bodies in piles of overtones signed. and if you test it, see the generally says, and this really made a triple lose. i got this makes it symmetry. palestinians were forced to bury some of the day. again, the total destruction only 3 weeks ago. this was to jeopardy as made mock. and we still use to get our hands on some food here. now it's flattened level to the ground. people cannot find the homes or shrubs. the entire area has disappeared. we do not even know if we will find or families and relatives
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. this is a crime. it is this a subsidy, a whole such island, so that these a forces stones, our center and the refugee camp. we were forced to leave to work guns. the 2nd one already to we were shocked by the scale of the section, but does nothing standing by the entire areas, flats and then to the east bed. nothing. the whole place is white house. after destroying our homes, like bone down to school where we shelter says this woman, the only place that was left off and all children to hide. where do we go now? it's almost all over the years and a hood, or even darrow, by law in central gauze or, and joins us now. so we've been reporting on the destruction of causes launches refugee come to finally in the north, but also compartments of continued with attacks and rasa in the south. tell us
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about the strikes across the cause of the strip today. well let's start with the central area. maybe a more the is there any forces targeted a car that was travel traveling near as the raids where at least for palestinians have been killed and for others have been injured. this is one of the incidents that took place today in the central area of moving to do by the at least a 3 policy means were killed as they went back to the high school. they were displaced in and there's really forces started selling that's area to go into bit 10 to 9 policy news were killed as these really forces targeted the house, their policy means today we're trying to go back to their houses in july. the after that is really partially withdrawal from the area, but unfortunately the, is there any forces we're targeting them with air strikes and our tubs? are we selling moving suds right into the gaza strip in drop off the is there any
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ground invasion continues, goes deeper, and there has know telecommunications in the past couple of hours. so that's what has been completely disconnected. but we know that there are no hospitals and dropped off. there are a lot of people that are being targeted in several areas. why is there any air strikes? and there are tons of resetting, but the coverage is very challenging because there has been no communications in the area and we're out of reach of journalists and people. so it's still intensifying in different areas across the street from am. thank you very much for the reporting to us from darrow, by the in gaza. the leader of a centrist on seeing israel is, will cabinet says he has submitted a bill to dissolve parliament and to hold elections by any accounts who threatened to resign of a post floor plans for gaza once a new monday before october is ready. 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu, who says elections would damage as well as minute trail peroration in gaza. and
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that's and you all who insist that dissolving his unity government would only reward him us. oh, we are pushing from online in jordan because israel has band out as they are from reporting from inside its country. so our high right is there and joins us now. what is guns been saying? so we know that so earlier in the months, guns had so many guns. he's also a will cabinets. men had been very vocal, he came out with the scaling statements against the prime minister himself benjamin netanyahu. and the government saying that they needed a post war plan when he agreed to be part of this will cabinet in the early part. so the was certainly not sorry, but last year parts of the agreements was that they would eventually know or have a plan as to what would be next once they have reached a goal,
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is these res coolant eliminate? seeing how i'm us up. but starting saw 8 months in and they'll still fight seeing areas that they had said like jabante a refugee count. and they said that they menus to clear out how about us from those areas. and now that but fighting, it's taking them 3 weeks in the last 2 and this last month, raw the um and now that they've evacuate some parts of those at back in rough and expanding those operations. now with his government says, or rather his policy, one of the members is push this forward then it's uh they said that said october 7 was it is also there requires us to return to receive the people's trust to establish a broad and stable unity government that can be those safely in the face of these challenges, not just to security, but also to the economy which is suffering immensely. this war is costing the government an absolute fortune. there's also been processed by some of those families outside of many guns whose house for the last few days,
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calling on him to quit the war cabinet because they want to see some change in the leadership. and also just yesterday you had opposition lead a. i love, he's meeting with 2 opposition, paul teenagers looking up plans to try and bring this government down. now this is old, indicating the amounts of pressure. the prime minister is facing as many people within his radius as i see you're asking what happens next? what all we the see slide that has come to a complete holtz, and it seems that it hasn't as a country to the recruits, so they will be discussing it again and meeting with thomas a need. the eights is that hasn't happened. so there's a real concern that not just from the public, but also divisions within this current government. well, those voices grow louder, perhaps with this new video that has been released of a captive being held in gauze. that what, what do we know about this? the uh yeah, just a reminder order that says of his name,
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it's sasha, a true for know, and he was appearing in a video just a few days ago by this nomic jihad, which is another group that's been fighting in the gaza strip saying that so well putting pressure on the families of those how come to a $125.00 is and still remain in the gaza strip. those protests been taking place every stop today. i just want to remind you that we don't always show these videos because it could be under collage and with what he's saying. but regardless of that, the fact is is that it will put more pressure every time the family see those videos. yes. whose parents, whose mother reduced the video of the other day, saying that she felt a sense of relief. it was the 1st sign of life since october 7. but the fact is that those are returning through these ratings forces tend to come back in body bags. they, it's a real concern to the families. they want them returns as soon as possible,
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and that's why they've been pressuring the government to accept any deal. and also all do, if we remember, that was the term that was being used by those protests. does. every thought today, and hostage square saying, except to ever how mazda is offering, as long as it means the return of those health cops. if the that should be the number one priority, i'm going to choose the prime minister of putting his own personal interest 1st by staying in governments for as long as he possibly can ahead of the family and ahead of bringing back those costs as he is saying but no, he is continuing this wolf that the cops is all being held and roughly how not so why he has to push forward. okay, sorry, thank you. and just to remind uh that these really government found out is there from reporting from inside the country. so we all, instead based in amman as well anyways, but to get a young lady who is a columnist for the hearts paper, you told me that there are no divisions and these riley will cabinet i so just love
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to get too excited. and those who want to see that, then you all stepping down should wait, was opening the champagne voters because the say government also adults and the guns, the stainless sold as a sorted majority. we might like you to know, but they have the 60 full seats on the on a wednesday, and they seem to be very sorted. and as long as this coordination is, they get things together and there are no corrects there, and there are no rigs there. then there any guns can declare what everybody wants, but it is quite meaningless. those sort of defense will care will nearby. busy out their own carrier, and that can really be over once the world b o r and they know it's very well and the on the board show it's either very decisive way overseas. my extension both. right?
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so that's the situation with, once these warranties over this government this over and therefore we have to me to continue with this. but the war steves think the majority is always riley's to support the continuance of the war. it's very tiny minority. is this the overseas you guys always? most of these are, these are old expos with or, and the very tiny majorities calling for ending the war building for the best. these against the problem is the and according to reduce the also just nothing to do with the supp old guys. uh, best thing to do with this. the vision was investigating. none of this orals are continuing to follow developments in the occupied westbank where these writing the tree has conducted a series of raids. a storm to the janine refugee camp surveillance plains are also flying or the head at least 6 palestinians were injured. phone right is ready,
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minutes step is all a smart which threatened to tons, cities in the occupied westbank to ruins the same way as in gaza. i was there and that ever and has more of this from ramallah we've been hearing from is really media and is really voted this is saying that there should be a bigger cracked out on jeanine that has been already a target for the latest is really reason in the past 7 months or so, we've seen more than 126 promising is killed just from gene itself. today in the afternoon, we've seen these really are vehicles forming inside the g need refugee camp. a company with both of those are, is, this is something that we've been seeing a lot of in the past. few raids, it's not more. we see a damage to the infrastructure, to the extent that some people there tell us that they're not even done fixing the damage from one rate before another read comes in. now, according to local sources, we've been speaking to see say that there are and confrontations already now going
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on between the palestinian fighters inside did a few decals. and these really me, the 3 forces does have school inside and as nice according to the ministry of health, we're talking about 6 palestinians who have been injured by is really 4th is higher . again, we've been hearing a lot of incitement against the janine itself and did you need hospitals as well as these really media says that they've been facing a lot of a resistance from within janine itself. and even in the last 3 to janine, we've heard these really forces saying that did it has been new techniques found by the palestinian fighters inside the camp, which is making their job or their mission as to what they say to come about, the palestinian fighters and you need more and more difficult so i have for you on the program court in hong kong context for team pro democracy activists on the china is national security. you know that story and will coming on
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the lo, there's some good news for that. he didn't northwest india starting to back off of it. we'll get there in one second to see by the way. but 1st let's talk about the act of whether ne india 2nd and his son states. still sundry downforce here, but throughout the day on friday that will peter out now to the story the heat. let's turn the colors on dark, the red, the hotter it is. so these temperatures down by a few degrees still hot though in punjab state i'm. it's are coming in at 46. temperatures have dropped in a person. providence and buckets done, but they're heating up in southern sense. so cannot yet 37 in with this breeze off the baby and see we're going to see some dust and sand storms in karachi. quite active in the south trying to see this could spin up into a tropical storm. either way, there was throwing a lot of rain to china is high,
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not island in southern china. and then we've got flight alerts and play for the philippines. power one, island, and lose on island. there had been some for the size, but those have been dropped off. so the storm southern china will also extend into south east china and food in providence. but to rain is really point in here. once again for glen g province were just the other day there was flooding there, tropical storm, passing just to the east of japan's main island of honshu. so a lot of rain coming for the pacific coast, including tokyo, adapt a on friday sale. now let me tell you about the cold results, the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon, occupied right now able to practice what the mission the user slowly elected very close like common, he sits on within large tears. faced with
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a look in my privacy. now thinks royal, i can also visit somebody valley equal, resorted in gun and the the come back. a recap of the main stories are following now and is there any forces of attacked him now? the school for displace people in giovanni, a refugee camp in northern garza, the army is withdrawn from some areas. is it struggles to gain full military control of the area? meanwhile, is really forces of also killed at least 12 people in the southern city of rough. um, ministry has been intensifying its attacks on the central parts of the city. more than 23 people were killed right across calls us on 1st day. and then and all the
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developments fee is ready. we'll cabin administered, ben he, kansas admitted a bill told annie elections. he's threatened to resign as a post for plans because it's not fair. if you'll win enough modes to dissolve parliament the, the african national congress could lose. the parliamentary majority is held for the 2 years. that's what partial results from south africa's national election is showing us in the key bottle ground province of closing the natal form of president jacob's human supporters of welcome to his policies of the lead in the province. which is the ruling policy strong hold on the test reports from the eastern coastal province that people in keys is living in south africa, is tough. she's 31 years old, unemployed and still lives with her parents. that's why she and her family voted
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for jacob's image in k potty. i will show her to give us case top opportunities, especially as she has this. cuz like a, a for the school they tend to say n s. i still don't have rachel or the other parts of the the but still not be referring to the series if you, we, and we don't know what's happening. so i think the m k is gonna give us a great change. because the tell province is a key battleground in the election is traditionally being a strong hold for the government african national congress resume. his party is leaving on the provincial that jacob feeling was forced to play as president in 2018 opposite a series of scandals. but here in this province because politically it is particularly important in terms of size and influence zoom as to what has considerable political. it's not particularly amazing so that because not just, it's a group of a lot of people who uh,
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either described to fidel is who lived in c has let them down. so they see this, you please cut patch as we always had it. and then you have a lot of people who just do this because i'm supposed to just because in him the see themselves, it's clear, the intake part is making made to in or in present an account. so that's a good to be watching to see how wells him, his party does nationally to send this over to no man. so no, i'm tired of my tasks out there. devon, that's cost to mike hannah, who's in the town of neutrons and joins us now. what's happening the as well, the votes count is going on, the votes are continuing to be published, but it's an agonizingly slow process. just over 2000000 votes have been counted so far. that's roughly 20 percent of the total but that very expecting. so it's going
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to be a long period of time before a complete picture images, but there are indications, sofa, what is happening, what trends of the, and the trends that is that is that b a n, c's declining quite sharply. that's projected the final vote is in the region of 40 to 43 percent. but what is the most significant movement in the south african political scene? is a party that was formed any 6 months ago and content we ceased with m. k. it is made startling advances in personally natal at this time of the a and c and what was the a and c stronghold? i didn't neighboring them from a long ago, which the a and c one by close to 80 percent of the vote in the last election. b i n c has seen a 20 percent decline in a share of the vote in that problem. it's largely due to m k, what i'm joined by a member of the m k. do see ladies whom i assembled to thank you very much for joining us. and k is 6 months old and yet it is producing these results. how's it
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up and running? so quickly, well, i think that the fact that we have business in the meeting the parties and everyone seems to, you know, mean towards him. and so i think he was a great magnets to have. now we're looking at possibly becoming the good strong this quality which is v i n c does not get the 50 percent. people are going to be talking coalition. what would em case position? fee on a coalition with the amc. uh they'll be no colors until to the and see if this could be employed to that well the, the m k. the reason it was formed was because the agency was struggling to implement the policies of for the people which includes the land free education. so it wouldn't be a applied to that one to have a code, isn't it? because it would probably uh, stuff as i'm trying to do those things. now what sort of future do you see for m k?
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no venue for that, ma'am. is all for my agency, they came away from the amc. they followed jacob zoom that. is it the threat that they could read to and when things change, or do you think this is now a permanent fixture and solve everything politics? i think it's a permanent fixture insights and politics. it's one that is needed, and one that is obviously want to be can see, but the number. now, it does seem that there's been this mess up desire for change. but what's also being reflected in these results is what appears to be a maturing democracy. vote is in the selection of voted, in many cases, strategically, technically, and not because of old memories. and that is correct. i think it's what democracy is. you know, people have the right to choose who they want to choose, and the bulk of our vote is the ceo of a young people. so they one day during the struggle, so they obviously have different uh, invitations at this point. thank you very much indeed. and congratulations on the cheapest of the party and the selection. well, i spoke again about the slo counts and the vote. and let me just put this in
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a perspective in the last election in 2019, at 3 o'clock on the day, off to that particular boat. 17000000 votes had been counted at 3 o'clock today, the day off to only 2000000 folks were counted. so the actual countess slowed down considerably. election officials say this is because of new. i say god, measures introduced because of new voting systems. but still, what it means is that it's going to be matter of days, not hours before we see how this present 18 political scenarios plays out. thank you very much. like kind of reporting to is the, from the town and the trend in south africa. 6, go to the top and you're getting now because officials are saying they don't expect to find any survivors off to a massive line slide in a village. last week. government is saying more than 2000 people might have been buried alive. only a few bodies has been recovered. tanya bell has moved from anger province. i met
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young molly village in the western reaches of the inner province in the highlands of poplar new guinea. and this is the point where the land slide has come down the hill and cops the highway off cutting of access to the rest of the province. from here, the scale of this land slide is unprecedented in the annual provence. this is one of the most remote pots of popping. your guinea relief has been very smart to arrive today, we saw a strategy and i'd come in the 1st international i to reach here. they've sent 12 disaster relief specialist, as well as much needed supplies. we also saw that on either side of the land slides does off the area makes if tents have been set up to cater for the casualties which are coming in. what we've seen here today is people in the state of shock. people is slowly sort of coming to terms with what's been going on here. the tanya bound alj, a 0 annual provence when you want to focus on hong kong. now 14 pro democracy,
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active as of been found guilty of violating the national security will push through by jane the challenge of stem from that campaign. calling for independence elections in the territory among 47 active is arrested onto the lower in 2021. 31 pleaded guilty on our awaiting sentencing to were acquitted. the south korea says that the north says launched a barge of suspects of ballistic missiles into the sea. 10 objects landed in the sea, travelling about 350 kilometers. south careers accused appealing youngest provocation over this now to the us chairs and donald trump's hush money drives started the 2nd day of close door deliberations in new york. trump faces 30 full 70 counts of falsifying business records, illogically sought to cover up extra marital affairs to protect his 2016 presidential campaign. trump has pleaded not guilty to all the charges on
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the file. so leaving it wrong, the registration period is open for candidates. he wants to compete in the presidential election poll is due to be held off the present day. brian rice, he was killed in a helicopter crash last week. candidates will be evaluated by the 12 member government body known as the guardian council. once approved, the public gets the vote on june 28th and for 0, latin america's human rights quotes has held a final hearing on a landmark case involving climate change. the quote looked at how human rights are being affected by environmental changes in the region. and why that governments
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have a legal judy to act lawsuit could have major implications of international alessandra on behalf of what's on this rising, steve, caused by the changing climate or slowly swallowing the in both good fish and community in southern mexico. 2019 dozens of homes and other buildings have been swept away by the waves. forcing 700 people to the office. i'm ok, we hear about climate change all the time, but we never taught that it would come to us former and both residents are among hundreds of people. you ain't officials, companies, and scientists who spoke at landmark hearings held by the inter american court of human rights and to present in the city of my house. the court will issue an opinion grappling with the fundamental question of our times or governments obligated to protect people from climate change. and if so, to what degree?
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the answer will be important for a growing wave of global litigation, and that's forcing countries to compensate victims of climate change and do more to control its impact. almost as we have high expectations for this document and hope it will offer a favorable instrument for the protection of the requirement and human rights in order to force countries to act on their obligations, whether an advocacy or litigation of columbia and she lives. governments ask the courts to intervene, saying they were experiencing daily climate challenges with buyers, land slides, droughts and floods becoming more severe.


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