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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sorry, i'm demise the welcome to the news our life from dell ha. coming up in the next 60 minutes. parts of gauze is the largest refugee count reduced to rubble. as israel target's all areas of the strip leaving many palestinians with no place to call home, is there any will cabinet minister if any gun submits
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a bill to dissolve parliament and hold the elections elsewhere, is ready forces again, conduct raids in the occupied westbank, enjoying at least 6 palestinians enclosing a fire at a local market at our other top story vote counting wraps up in south africa. the results shows a ruling amc policy could lose its majority for the 1st time since coming to pallets 30 years ago. and on peace of statement with your school to use know that you all could which is closing in on roger federals. old son, grandson, match, winning records. you reach is the 3rd round of differentiates. and for the 19 straight, you would victory of the reverse. a cup biased by and the outcome to that program. we've been following developments in northern gaza with 3 weeks of intensified is riley attacks of all but destroyed what was the largest
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refugee camp in the strip palestinians who used to live in jamalia say they are shocked by the level of destruction that i say is there any forces of less, the area, completely uninhabitable. i'll just there is a child. stratford begins out coverage now. so she has this huge range of destroyed lives. screens fun down homes down, make god punish them. and you answer all those back in israel. we run for our lives . repeatable, we're going to move a 100000 people used to live in the jabante, a refugee camp. these mountains of rumbles and twisted metal used to be polished to be in homes, schools, businesses, markets. as often this week alone is really military operation, people returned limits to try and salvage what remains that their lives at these
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ready all me and ask strikes, have a blue to richard even the shelters are they used to try and hide that have the most common phenomena oh well you know how to print the gun since the 1st day of the war we have been sheltering in the school. then we were forced to leave south. i was separated from my family and still looking for them until now. i came back to find everything destroyed. these are our only strides our homes. and we did our lives was the entire place is no longer livable. i found a state of low from red on the ground. i picked it up. i have not eaten for days. these are early spring, everything until now i cannot find my family, my 75 year old husband, my daughter who we lost each other under these really medicine. it's shelly, know that what looks like blood splattered on
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skeleton and looking at a local journalist films and describes the scene, or you move bodies piles of over, transcend missy task. se generally says, and this really made a triple lose. i got this makes it symmetry. the palestinians were forced to bury some dead again, the total destruction only 3 weeks ago. this was to jump in the main market. research tools used to get our hands in some food here. now it's flattened level to the ground. people cannot find the homes or shrubs. the entire area has disappeared. we do not even know if we will find to assemblies and relatives. this is a crime. it is a city, a subsidy, who such are this sort of these really forces stones our center and the refuge account. we were forced to leave to word gives us an hour to how we would shop by the scale of the section, but hundreds, nothing. standing by the entire ideas flattened,
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the to the beyond the dry. instead, nothing hold places light though often destroying our homes, like bone down this way we shelter says this woman is the only place that was left for us and our children to hide. where do we go now? it's almost awful over the, in and out as there is most of the company which is reporting from giovanni. i was more on the story. these are the forces that are treated to the eastern areas of developed, referred you can offer spending about 20 days in the value of refuge account. they show an open fire activity as was tried to return to the home. this is actually 7 till 10000 and it's got to enter. as you can see that the,
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all the house has all of this massive destruction. all of this the best patience. just because the forces fence about 20 days in this areas. by the way, this is freed, used to be a very commercial, the delay to discrete small things. now just a ruffles. i'll just there is a whole jury is in darrow by line. central garza, she joins us now and. and you've been telling us throughout the day about strikes right across the gaza strip from the north to the south and everything in between. tell us about the, off them off on the strikes. you know that there are no hospitals. there, there is equipment, all the sort of rescue services to be able to help. and we've been seeing images of people digging under the rubble with that bad hands to find family members
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with this smart. yeah, we just noticed that there are 3 policy news that were pulled from under the robot and bit tenuous after the civil defense themes have been trying for hours after that is where the forces targeted their house and bid genuine. and they said that there are more people under the rubble but them. fortunately, they do not have the equipments and the, the tools to remove these palestinians and rescue them from under the rubble. also, there has been a couple of injuries that were transferred to the hospital where i am right, you know, and they were transferred with donkey carts because i'd been in says are very low on fuel. this hospital where i am right now up to the hospital, has been receiving injuries from the central area in there in bella, and also in the se dots, and also can eunice. and some of the of the injuries from griffith were also
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transferred to here because it's one of the hospitals that are sitting open writing . but all of this tab here are working on their best to provide treatment with with the low is resources that they have. as you see, the hospital is filled with patients and everything. and even the hallways are crowded and packed with people. and they're not only people that are receiving treatment, but they're also displace palestinians, many of them. and so tell us about what is happening around you. you are the one of the few remaining functioning hospitals that it is able to operate because it hasn't been destroyed. and because it still has some fuel running there, there's a lot of activity, we can see ambulance and ambulances, and people around what is the, what is the scene verify, mind you many. and this is not only a hospital, it's also a refuge for thousands of products. the news before my live right now,
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i just met a woman that survived the attack on that makes of tense in dropbox. and she said that she made it all the way from brooklyn to that it's been on her feet. her children are barefoot and she said that she could not provide or anything with her . it was for her children because she, she, she escaped and it was breathing and it was like full of fire when she tried to leave the area where we remember how horrifying the incident was. she said that she doesn't have any shelter and she has been searching for hours for anyone to host her or to give her a space to like to, to sleep with her children. and this is one of the stories we have been seeing in the hospital. another, another story, we met a person that is supposed to receive his treatment abroad. what's the restaurant
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crossing has been closed and no one could sleep for their medical treatments. a lot of stories every single day and all of them are heartbreaking. thank you very much for your reporting. we do appreciate it. and i was wondering uh, coming to us there from daryl by la inside garza. thank you and well, in all the developments out of israel leader of a centrist policy in the war cabinet is saying that he has submitted a bill to dissolve the parliament and to hold elections. many gowns who threatened to resign of the postal plans for gauze at once a new mandate before october is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the elections would damage as well as ministry operation and gaza messing yahoo is insisting that dissolving his unity government would reward him as well as well. his band algae there from reporting from inside the country. so instead we speak to sort a high, right, who is in the dining capital, amman?
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what more on this cool for any elections from any guns? miss martin, this comes of the box because many guns just a few weeks ago, threatening to quit the wall cabinets. and uh, if they pull the national unity governments out of the emergency, a unity government for all the that was the plan that this would have potentially happened before june the 8th, still to made some, but benny guns has given whether it would go through or know is something else putting it forward as a bill is one thing, guessing the majority for votes is another. and if they don't get the majority for a vote just yet, then they wouldn't be able to revisit that bill for another 6 months. but many guns was very clear on his demands from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he says that he wants the captives brought back, so that means it sees 5 deal, as well as a post. we'll turn in cruising and international alliance. uh that would help take
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over and normalize what's going on in gaza until they find the palestinian authority or palestinian entity to govern garza but all of this is also happening as i've got the defense ministers meeting. we promised to benjamin netanyahu for the 1st time and weeks because he's also angry at the style mates when it comes to the sci fi do. okay, so or will, you know, obviously in the, in the past few days and weeks in the reporting on the various countries that have been recognizing f as essentially issuing the recognition of a palestinian state. and so we have one development here from the government of sylvania. i just want to bring everyone up to date with the latest information on that cuz they have approved a motion to recognize a palestinian state as well. this is the latest european country to do this. as israel faces, rubbing international pressure to stop the offensive and rasa emotion still does need approval from the parliament that to that you have
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a more and more countries that are recognizing a palestinian state. tell us or about israel's reaction to this. and this well was all of the recognitions of a palestinian states. we've immediate 3 heads from these ready for administer as road cats and fights. he usually does it through a tweets and he has said that this decision would in fact, reward thomas. he said for the mother, right, a mutation to be heading, a babies and strength, and the rainy an access. he says, well damaging the relationship, the israel has a with a silvia and also said that he hopes the civilian parliament will reject this recommendation. but also we've been hearing from one of the most fall rights ministers in this fall rights coalition government and that's the that's so the finance minister best law smart trish. he's also in charge of the is ready, illegal sets and then so let's just say what we got to say on a potential for
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a palestinian statehood. called the old message to the neighbors beyond the fence and told cut them notions sh waco cascadia. we will turn you into ruins, lock in the gaza strip. if the dead or you are inflicting on the settlements continues and message to the citizens if as well is that if god forbid a palestinian state is established, what happened in the communities around the gods on october 7, god forbid, can also happen here. this will not come to be and will not happen. we will strike at the cutter. we will continue to control to dance scenario. it's common slight race that has caused lots of problems for these raise on the international stage because it's some of those comments that have been used in the cases accusing israel of a genocide. and now he's been referencing. a guessing, you know, gets rid of people in gaza or, and reset clean browser, which is something that he very much wants to see as well as it's small. ben to visit is ready national security,
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minnesota. and now he's applying this to occupied westbank. and also there's been reports that these riley ministry is called not seeing these drills. i see like in case that is a similar situation to what happened, don't say the 7 with westbank, they've increase the number of rays and certainly a web smoke which was speaking was on the is right of the size from a 2 car on which is an area in occupied west bank with the most of on spices and resistance. but it's these kind of comments from him that have caused a real problem. so these ratings and such and the increasing that pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who is also trying to piece people like him. ok, thank you so higher at reporting from amman and jordan and just reminded us because i was just there has been banned by the government of farming us and us and younger from reporting inside israel. meanwhile, these really ami is conduct a numerous range across the occupied westbank over the past 24 hours. there was one rate in ramallah which ended up causing a major fight at
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a local market of the is ready forces $510.00 gas canisters at the shops, a prevented fire crews from immediately responding to the blaze. this resulted in the destruction of thousands of palestinian shops upstairs in the interim. has this report now from ramallah? there is no more hustle and bustle at this vegetable market. the smell of smoke and fire has replaced the scent of fresh fruit. this is the aftermath of and is really me the city they don't from the occupied left bank a major fire broke out after these read the army, fire t and gas canisters towards the area. civil defense team say that they expect a great deal of damage. these really forces blocked the roads leading to the market and prevented our teams from responding to the fire right away. so we have to wait for the rates and to go in. madison has him him
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a tells us he lost the dates and grapes. he was preparing to sell. there was also some cash, but now he can't find it. what can i do? this is my only source of income and we've already been going through a very difficult economic condition. it's been more. c than a and a half hours of civil defense themes trying to put off the fire after they control much of it. they were surprised to learn that there is still fire coming out from one of the main buildings here. an old building near the vegetable market. dozens of stores in neighboring buildings have been damaged. not be in a ball and they have, i'm 32 years old now and that's been working since i was 13. i lost all my life savings in this fire. i still haven't been able to go in as they tell us the building might fall down 30 thursday morning. these really minute 3. read it to money exchange offices in the heart of the mama. it's put up posters thing the
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stores had been involved in funnelling money for what they called terrorist organizations. after every is really rate in the occupied westbank, people try to continue their day to day life. some are continuing to buy bunch dibels from this near the collapsing market, trying to find normality with there is none there, but he just eat a demo, palestine the of the applicant, national congress could lose the parliamentary majority, its health of the 2 years. that's what partial results from south africa's national election are showing us in the key battleground, programs have quite a zip code and a top full president jacobs who missed the forces of welcomed his policies of the lead in the province, which is the ruling policies stronghold holland latasha reports now from the eastern coastal province that england, jesus is living in south africa,
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is tough. she's 31 years old, unemployed and still lives with her parents. that's why she and her family voted for jacob zoom is m k potty? i will show the her to give us case top opportunities, especially if this is like a new school tend to say n s, i still don't have me told the other parts of the problem, but still not being between putting cds if you we and we don't know what's happening. so i think the n k is going to give us a great change because the tell province is a key battleground in the election is traditionally being a strong, most of the government african national, congress resumed his party is leading on the provincial that jacob feeling was pushed to play as president in 2018 opposite a series of scandals. but he's real popular in this province because politically, it is particularly important in terms of size and influence. similar to it has
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considerable political. it's not particularly amazing is that because largest, if it goes to a lot of people who uh, either described to fidel is who affiliate in see has let them down. so they see these, you please cut patches because i need to. and then you have a lot of people do this because i'm supposed to just because in him the see themselves, it's clear into parties making magic in north, in present, in the town. so that precludes to be watching to see how wells him, his party does national need to know um you know, um on the channel. um so no kind of latasha out is there didn't as go to my account. i. he's following the story in south africa as well, from the town as an address. and mike, it looks as though the ruling african national congress may have been delta blowing
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. this selection indeed, yes sir. italy indication show that, i mean it's a bit like watching paint dry, but become too slowly inching up. it's now 34 percent of the vote has been counted . that's more than 4000000 photos. and it must be remembered that each of these votes is determining the political future of south africa. and certainly it's a political future that could be very, very different from the 3 decades of the past. the a and c a p is unlikely at this early stage to get the 50 percent majority. that means it's going to have to form a coalition with one or a number of parties to remain in government. well, to discuss this is a spokesman for the official opposition that the democratic align sunnyvale, etc. thank you so much for joining us. first of all, the d. a sofa retained control of the wisdom kate that's had a strong showing nationally though. are you satisfied with what you're seeing? thanks very much for the opportunity to yes, we are very satisfied with the piece of that you starting to manage with that as,
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as thought out. now, it's very encouraging for our prospects in this election. from the onset, you can introduce election with fairly uptick sheets. one was to retain the list in case to grow, didn't proven so such as housing. and because we do not have and also the state and to be able to be an inc, intends office publishing a partisan government for the admission 11. this is why we, we formed that much proxy charge of the receipt to the full di and how, what commitment to the amount to particular towards that as a democratic guidelines, we would bring as close to half the number of folds that i needed to get us closer to, to, to 50 percent. the truth of the mid term right now is that the future of governance in south africa is quite russians. the. yes, i mean, do you think that there is some road to using your various alliances to actually see the da is being part of the coalition government without the agency?
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when does that pc to better assist? i'm just west of the much apache child drives. but since this comes from end of the month to punch in charge of the developments on the political c, i think the introduction of the m k partridges and maybe judge you take me in on the piece how that we are seeing the med shit. and that also means that there is a shift in terms of the balance of power. but our case is that what about the ultimate outcome? we're going to take into consideration, but our priority is to set up a document with the amounts of how to charge us. if that does not take sides, because we didn't obtain enough to get over the line, we have more than happy to retain as late as the official position nationality. because we know that we would still have been governments footprints in that was somebody might not see. thank you very much indeed for joining us. well that you have a clear outline of what the official positions position is and it does appear given
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these are the results that this country is heading for. the most major political shakeup indicates. thank you so much my account or forcing to us from the town and the drawn in south africa in the, on the point that mike was just making very about a turning point in the selection for the ruling policy. you want to get a bit of analysis from that last and 90. we spoke to him idea form the amc act to this he is saying that the results don't look good for the i n c. it seems that the answer is to be a will lose its majority in the national assembly of the selection of color and projections show the n c. like to, to come in, i, but swing 40 to 45 percent of the, of the votes, which would, you know, be a significant reduction in this for having signs of 57 percent in the previous election. so it's a, it's a, it's a, a sobering election for the national congress seems to find roads and fisheries.
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the answers, dropping support has been taken soon as you and k, policy of the official opposition. the democratic alliance seems to be staying relatively stable in the low to $0.22. so it's certainly the intake policy awesome . and the tell the huffman of j consumer, what they've done very well, that is, that is really and of course, the antivirus here to collect, as well as, as well as the impulse of people, the longer problems which has a significant suited speaking community and the south part of that problems where the and k party is again also done, which as well sure is, and donald trump hush money. trial of started the 2nd day of closed door deliberations in new york, trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. it allegedly sought to cover up extra marital affairs to protect his campaign. in 2016 trumpets pleaded
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not guilty to all the charges on the 5. a. john henry joins the slide from outside the court house in new york. and of course, both sides have made that final pitch as to the jury. what are they discussing now? the other jurors have come back with questions for the judge. they've asked for headphones and a speaker so that they can play out testimony that's on the evidence laptop that they have. and they particularly focused in on testimony. that was about the catching kill scheme between the national enquirer tabloid and the trump campaign
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by which the tabloids would find negative stories about trump, for instance, eliminated allegedly had affairs with and then wash those stories by buying the exclusive rights to them. and then not publishing, and then at one of the, one of the incidents, the jurors asked about involved a former playboy play made her name is karen mcdougal. they also asked to hear some of the jury instructions again for some reason by new york law. they're not allowed to have those instructions. i've read them their 55 pages long, but in there, one of the things the judge talks about is how you can infer things. in other words, if you go to bed and it hasn't rained and you wake up in the morning and around is when people are caring umbrella, you can infer that it has rains overnight and it's always paralyzed to guess what the jury is thinking based on their questions, but i'm going to tread those dangerous waters for just a 2nd. here it is possible that by hearing that trump had a direct conversation with the publisher of the national, inquire about karen mcdougal,
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which patrick testified happened. they might be deciding whether they can infer that he had an affair with stormy daniels. don't know that she was an example of the kind of thing that could happen here. could be something entirely different, but they're asking questions. and the question suggest they're really doing their due diligence. they're really digging into this information and trying to determine whether trump committed fraud, well defrauded voters by covering up this affair with the point start charming, stormy daniels. and then whether he falsified 34 business documents, user invoices, and checks and ledger items. and if they find that he did most things well then trump is susceptible to felony punishment. and that is considered a high crime transfers, which is very well as always. thank you. so much, and i hope we hear from you again and the coming out is john henry and
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a new york following a trump trial. this is the news i was still a head start using cause this struggle with the health causes caused by mountains of rubbish. cool in hong kong convicts 14 pro democracy activists under china's national security. you know, well number to tennis by, it needs just over an hour to reach the french open. the 3rd round piece will have this for the hello good to have a long kicking this weather report off in the middle east as we expect this time of the year. and friday is the last day of spring. there's temperature shooting up coates. 49 degrees. you're still searching for your 1st 50 degree day of the year, at least at the airport. we've lost those brisk winds up and down the golf, so it's a light breeze here. and because of that,
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that's what's allowing those temperatures to shoot up. it's also getting quite hot in southern buckets phone cannot you? but with a breeze off, the radiant sea dust and sand storm seemed likely some heat to the east of the caspian sea park, minnesota, and ask about or shooting for a height of 36 degrees for you. certainly are still central parts of the country here. seeing that what weather flare up, but it's fine and assemble. 24 degrees full on sunshine for you and the heat go in and north west africa transferring to libya and egypt across the west, africa, fairly quiet, but where the rains are really coming down, the southern nigeria, that's wrapping around. cameroon and gap on northern congo, slipping into the western side of the congo, there's been a big dropping those temperatures for the cape. providence is up in 1020 degrees, but where it's heating up is southern mozambique my put so 30, then i wanted to show you this. it's a stormy mess coming in to south africa's south coast on saturday. be careful. see
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you later. they fled from the world's most secretive states. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences, but shining a light on the home of kings and bring danger one on one east meets north. korea's influence is coming out in new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera, investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. on alex's here, the latest news as it breaks here, that being given basic things. but the main concern is how these people are able to feel that live with detailed coverage hall teeth tooth has been on the heavy ariel from above and to months. now, the residential building here is just been here from around the world, which you will see here. is
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a catch of mussels at the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here. now we have to go out at least 4 hours of the welcome back. recap of our top story. now. is there any forces of attacks and now the school for displace people in the giovanni a refugee camp in northern garza, the army has withdrawn from some areas as it struggles to gain full military control of the area. meanwhile, is right and will, competent minutes to benny kansas admitted have built out early elections. east threatened to resign of a post will pants because that it's not to have the fuel. when the votes he needs to dissolve, the parliament pallets to being checked in south africa's general election off the
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vote. counting was completed the result show, the governing a n. c is set to full show of a majority for the 1st time since the end of a ponti. well as well as a sole tongue cause or a severely damage the environment as well, landfills and in not landfills that need to make shift tens of closing illnesses and threatening people's health. i'll just there is asher. of a. so raj spoke to some of those living navy sites in the central gaza, the other because i didn't cut off the one that you will see you will because the loss of the block as we are here at the element gaus, he can pin central garza, this area has been transformed to a landfill. you can see smoke columns below going all over the place as a result of the citizens burning trash. to keep it from piling up further, we have dozens of tons of trash that are being burned here, which is causing a significant health crisis in the surrounding areas. we're talking about health issues, illnesses, and insects that are spreading as
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a result of the scene that you can see here. recently, municipality crews dump so on the trash in order to make room for additional quantities of waste because there are no landfills for the waste that is being generated by displace people across the field. we will now talk to the head of, oh my god. so the municipality, mr. mohammed mostly, you know, so i said i must be left at the bottom and it'd be that had a bit. i like applause since the beginning of the war on the gauze of stripping the garbage has been diverted from the license landfill. managed by the gaza municipality to this dump, that you can see behind me it has the oh my god, the municipality, in the united nations relief and works agency started diverting all ways from the camp to this area. because it is somewhat far from the population. and located in the west and most corner of the region. it is also a large area and the municipality is dumping approximately $25.00 tons of waste. here every day,
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occupation forces prevented all our vehicles. and all vehicles operated by municipalities in the central gaza strip. from reaching the main landfill in order to dump all of this waste. and unfortunately the presence of this garbage here constitutes an ecological disaster and causes very harmful effects to human health and the environment. all right? but enough for them to have had the so what is interesting is what you told me earlier that the area here was uninhabited. however, we can see dozens of homes that are on inhabited by citizens as well as tents used by displaced people cannot installed on the cool. and you can make any bedroom. one of the landfill should be located in the eastern part of garza in larger areas that are located farther away from the population. so even if a fire breaks out in the landfill smoke without effect anybody up. however, like i said, accessing those other landfills requires coordination. that is an occupation forces are not allowing municipality vehicles to access those areas. a bonus i want to
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just to up on nash. you are a resident of the area. how are you living with this health crises? you said i'm going to come all followed by the how you did this is my house there. as you can see, it sits across from the landfill. we have been suffering from this dumps since the beginning of the war. all the waste that's coming from them. a gauzy camp is dumped here. it's a health calamity. there are mosquitoes, there's insects, there's flies and i'm talking, but huge numbers that we simply cannot put up with. there are displaced people living in my house and in the surrounding homes as well. we cannot sleep during the day or during the night and our suffering is massive. involved the continued beautifully involved in there are lots of mosquitoes and they are very annoying not just to me, but everybody here is annoyed by the mosquitoes. mosquitoes off of west and at night it is unbelievable. well, the 5 get done. the situation is die. we have a real health calamity on our hands. fee on behalf of the most part and just get on
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with us and we will call you back because he was hoping to box up a show for such a large area. and my colleague layla holleran spoke to me not complying a professor of political science at bi line university. he says, the israel goal to dismantle a mass is unattainable, is riley, is moving to very slowly, much slow, or then it had hoped to, to, to make it only, or, but slowly and truly, to complete the occupation of a, of a gas trip with americans. keeping silent now or we heard from it's really official . yesterday you're saying that the offensive would last at least for another 7 months. is that tunnel? i don't know. they don't construct me. they don't tell me their plans. but if they
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would have asked me, i, i would say, and they know cut the loses as soon as possible immediately because you are going to lose. you are going to is every day you lose more, more and more your, your well goes are unachievable. and the suffering of the severe and of the civilian see it does not. it is beyond where it's i i, i held the of the are reports and it made me sad. it's also, it's not about losing the life. it's about how school dishes, but it's impossible to, to hear it's impossible that human being lives in such a horrible situation. if it's made by his read and is one still the hopes that the can to get the story totally how much it's a, it's a 3 and after the
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a drink. when out china is the president has called for the establishment of an independent palestinian state. and promise more aid for the people in gaza. changing, paying made the announcement during the summit with the leaders of our states in badging for mcbride reports. a meeting every 2 years. this is the 10 summit of the china arab co operation for a dig comes is badging seems keen to demonstrate. it's close this to our states and support for the palestinian cause to move on tending tissue. jenny, china finally supposed establishment of an independent state of palestine that enjoys food solving based on the 1967 borders. ne jewelry slip assets, capital, who supports bio styles, food membership into you and, and supports a more broad base follow sort of data for an effective international peace conference. as well as calling for an immediate cease by china has pledged millions of dollars and emergency humanitarian assistance to gaza. and many adult cup
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a couple of and worked on my pipe, calling the international community to fulfill the model. and the gives us functionality to stop this brutal a slightly walk up and immediately provide for, along with them q man getting assistance. and they slightly see china has been expanding its influence in the middle east as that of its us rivals has waned during the war last year, the aging broker, the landmark reconciliation between the ron and saudi arabia. giovanni of china is willing to work with out of countries to strengthen communication and coordination on multi latch or platform. select the united nations of jointly advocating for world multilateralism of equality in order opposing his german isn't to empower politics. china has also promised for the cooperation with the arab states on oil and gas production and large scale infrastructure investments. rob mcbride,
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i'll just share, or a home concord as sound 14 active as some politicians guilty of subversion. the trial is the largest of a held in the chinese territory under a national security though imposed by badging. i said bank has the story now. high security hon. conflict. seen as landmark trials, 16 people spending trials for subversion women 47 invested in 2020 to 2021. 14 were convicted on to a credit. i would say this case is finished because of the proceedings this going on. i am unable to see too much to bear with me. thank you very much. the concern over what did the functions of this case? both it i got. thank you and for your concern with the receipt and everyone's not. however, due to department of justice, there is a possibility of an a b. so i cannot comment on the judgement or express any
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opinions about this case. had to be cut and stage the diplomats from the us fronds to the island attended the trial as well as members of the public. the defendants were charged under a national security though imposed by beijing for taking part in an unofficial primary election organized but democracy support just in 2020. this conviction really shows what other contempt the hong kong and chinese authorities have the democratic political processes. i mean, what these people have been convicted of is holding an informal crime rate bush, you know, that is something that people should not be going to prison for. and yet time and again, we thing the application of the national security little is really designed to smell the democratic movements in phone calls from a british colony. hong kong was handed back to china in 1997 invasion. has since expanded its incense and control and its impulse, those critics, they are containing freedom of speech and dissent. fulton activists have yet to be sentenced,
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but could face prison tens ranging from 3 years to life. i said big i was just there. now to iran with the registration period is open for candidates who want to compete and it's presidential election poll is due to be held up to present a brian rice. he was killed in a helicopter crash last week. candidates will be evaluated by the 12 member government body known as the guardian council. when that's approved, the public then gets to vote on june 28th ali hash and reports on this from to ron . one year from now presidents ibrahim, right, you see was supposed to go on for another 10 and office claudia, of course, and i'll see about his death in this helicopter crash or change everyone's plans on process to many. so right. you see as a potential candidate to succeed, the kinds of brandy that on the, on this day kind of the aiming to succeed to stock or just doing the name of somebody not cause want adulthood. you know, runs internal issues right now,
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mostly or economic. but the solution is definitely political politicians who move through the political tunnel so they can find solution for economic and social problems. several people are expected to put their names forward. former accommodates the phrase he regarded as conservatives are aiming to keep his seat and the political camp. they're competing against all those affiliated with moderate and reform is count who wants to try the chances, what the golfing counselor is responsible for confirming the candidacy. so clearly a significant role in determining the size of poor to turn out the test on need to have an open admin fee for the candidates who want to run is unlikely to have an impact on those who have boy called at the election. it seems to turn out would be at around 40 percent at the most. and i think the system also is not often a high turnout,
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but others disagree. and believe the country could be on the verge of significant change. so seeking to on where the president, in your one is in the soul decision maker and becomes an unexpected election of the time of regional's tension and turn of a certainty. i'm in direct, dotted with united states, could influence people's choices in the bottom of the actual address. you know, so i had for you on the program will take it. i'm hoping you can eat a land slice valued an entire community that you and is now wanting of a major risk of disease. fine, unix, new coach hoses, 1st news conference is surprise, appointments or yes. maintenance. full pizza. the business latest is brought to you by the pegasus. i live slowly on. one of your
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lives makes modern pleads. the business like just is free to you believe i guess is
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a nice guy on one of your just makes model inflates the point. now it's better and thank you very much know back talking which is reached the 3rd round of the french open for the 19 straight. yes, the beach, but it's a come by a spider and straight. say it's a drug and carol's the defending champion, easier to win the title this year. but he paid some of these based tennis against the spanish chocolate, which sort of funny side of cub by a, by and as the teams. so when a point here, somebody to tell you that the 37 year old is looking to pick out the most successful grand slam champion the whole time. if he makes it 25 titles. amazon is a good. so for your face, the winter of lorenzo, mississippi and go mo fees and the next man, if he wins me,
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caroll just said was because of most grandson that's wins, which stands at $360.00 headaches on his there. there's also 3 to the 3rd round to the straits. it's victor again, 7 golf and the full see distributed to face 10 on the fixed uh, on the friday. the same day that he will face the public funding. and then also the accusations of physical pieces useful the cost. this does not have to appear in person. women's will number 2 arena sutherland powered into the fed up with the straight fits when ever qualified mo, yuko g, g. my in just 62 minutes in the most impressive 19. that's really sweet. having 13 straight idea of titles across to surfaces and confidence before successfully qualified in paris. something like that was like hung up, but the next so full cedar lane as a back in a is also serious. you have to withdraw from the teddy and opened due to illness a couple of weeks ago. but looks as strong as ever here. because look, standing winning 6364, see chase is
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a 2nd grand slam title me back. and that has ever made a profit round abroad and get off the line to do so. it gets in the same mood, some greek side, and then be all coast hope to push on to even greater achievement. so after they became the 1st team from big country to land, the major european trophy it'd be gone until you know, an extra time to win the rope. a conference lead. so hell medic reports it's a theme that never been witnessed before. a clump from greet, celebrating winning a major european profi olympia because his play is making history by beating fiorentino the rope a conference leak final and to make even sweeter. they did it in the greek capital at the end, at the home of one of the vs. this driver is now, course the match itself was the k g. if s both sides had chances in the 1st top was perhaps the clears opening, forwarding to be a town the inside. there were more opportunities off through the break,
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but neither sides to the school with a much going to extra times. both sides still continued to like any type of cutting edge and penalties looked inevitable. that was until the dying minute morocco, international, valuable copies. finally, putting the bowl in the back of the nit raptor, however, to know as a v, a on a chip was needed for a possible upside. but it was to be a live youngest his day with the gold guessing the old, clear the greek side going on to clinch the tiny through with a one. then we can make history to paypal much. we've given a promise to ourselves into effect. and so we would do everything until the very last minute. we tried a lot during a regular time, but we didn't make it. but we strived until the last minute and we made and we won
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. the cost is enough time though. so this is the biggest moment for greek football since the countries and national teams down the sporting world by winning euro 2004 . it's also a moment, the piano consent will likely cherry for the rest of the line. so he'll malik, i'll just see it on. we spoke to greek football journalist puddle, split souls. he believes the conference league is given teens of smaller resources, the platform to competes on the european stage. it's virtually impossible for uh, the upsides outside the big 5 of a 0 beautiful books to reach this level to make it the final level. we european god for fault the good champions, the season. i what also the last a decision in the couple of years bought as well. it would be, i was of course, reach the same as for the 1st time. and that's your story. the final and then well, last night the major or you will be on top. so is perhaps an opportunity,
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a success that was but other major aggregate sides on hudson invest more and the product gets more on the success was which has always included our websites. we're just 2 days away from the next big european final, the way for champions and inside. we'll decide to proceed. oakland will take on around the goods of the trophy at wembley on saturday. we saw that friends in london. i've had a chance to get up post with the trustees both on stage by form a chelsea saying, michael john, it'd be to want it back in 2012. it's always good to hold it. obviously, prophy is a very difficult to set it up. you know, once we, once you're able to enter, it was an amazing feeling. so it's my old friend and it's good to be back here in the trophy so long. i hope is going to be an amazing game on saturday. i hope maybe best because chelsea be by munich in that 2012 fine of the gym and john so hoping
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to be back in contention for champions league soon having appointed a new head coach and some company has hobbies with news conference and signing a 3 year deal bond failed to win domestic or european silver way of the season for the 1st time in old and a decade. and the belgian saves, you know, the amount of aggression and bravery from is the team. you'll say it back in the critics the say he was a surprise choice for the bavarian club. the aspect of being surprised is because you're sure that it was the only club that called and you assume that it was the only interest i had. and you only assume that because i'm very privates, that's the only reason. so by that time i was not surprised, maybe the 1st phone call, but it was in barton unit. i live my job honestly to intends to speculate too much or to make any distinctions whatsoever. the opportunity was that to work with great people, that's why i signed that. the edmonton oilers have level things up in the stanley cup playoffs series with the data stalls. who if they to
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a lead slip in the best of 7 wisdom conference funded with the school tied to to, to came full on wednesday, the stalls go 10 to jake. i'll think i kept out an oil is go when he accidentally dropped the 6 to 6 spots with the lock in the bay for the so just the oh it is when the game 5 to the other piece to see was boy for to gain leave it for now, i'll be over again later with most schools, 9 go sound, watch p to want to go to pop. when you get any officials the saying that they don't expect to find any survivors on for a massive landslide. there government estimates move in 2000 people might have been buried alive. only a few bodies have been recovered. tonya bio has moved from angle province. i met young valley village in the western reaches of the inner province in the highlands of poplar new guinea. and this is the point where the land slide has come down the hill and cops the highway off cutting off access to the rest of the province. from here,
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the scale of this land slot is unprecedented in angle province. this is one of the most remote pots of pop. when you get a relief, has been very smart to arrive. today, we saw a strange and i'd come in the 1st international i to reach you. they've sent 12 just asked to release specialist as well as much needed supplies. we also saw that on either side of the land slide does off the area makes if tents have been set up to cater for the casualties which are coming in. what we've seen here today is people in the state of shock. people is slowly sort of coming to terms with what's been going on here. the tanya bound out a 0 annual provence. but when you give me enough time to bring you this story, life pitches a volcano in south west. iceland continues to see you love the for a 2nd day. this is the 5th major option to strike the right can us peninsula. since
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december, thousands of people have been evacuated from the homes in a nearby fishing village. film locks reports. this soon looked at volcanic crate to is once more in full, full nature's fine works for roaches. the visible from a very safe distance that a tennis peninsula home to 30000 people has already seen weeks of directions elsewhere. too often 8 centuries of inactivity officio that's opened up in the stretches several kilometers. experts say at the moment it only threatens infrastructure like water pipes that remains fall from stable continuous current in a fire. that is more than 2 and a half kilometers long by now. but as a do lapse with time, it will focus into certain points and eventually, and often only one or 2 graders will be active on the long run. but we can't say that by now we only observing the initial phase by now. the interruptions have
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shift to teaching systems, crossed roads and semester, several homes in the fishing community of get into that. for now. defensive goals and dykes blocked the lava from further destruction. and despite the crowds of steam and ass flights have continued at the countries nearby international airport . this is localized events in the southwest corner of the island on the map. it seems to be many the seems to be very close to the airport. but that's, it's elizabeth saving. below the surface reservoirs of maxima have continued to mass on the scene. often a warming of possible further explosion. this storm of orange and red, the latest remind for the small population of this island nation, that spectacular interruptions will remain a regular feature of life here. so many decades may be centuries to come
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with a month, so does it. so that's it for many years. our for myself, that 10 my colleagues, 0 then yay, is next was more of the day. the hundreds in the millions. stephens pines does the delicacy value just as highly by coats housing. the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different shrugs with exclusive access. quote, lines joins the environmental, prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the list of the world of wildlife trafficking and it's devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and hunches on al jazeera, she says he went to vote on syria to provide a 27 year old active as the as healthcare services as being working as an i'm the then started with nursing,
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the eyes of his government with my citizenship. most of all, i was surprised in the 1st part of the ceiling. we funded restore you to push the shape worker to see confronts the news. the piece of citizenship verification on a walmart citizenship. fact, if i'm proven in a sense, i don't want to wait on secular cully stake listed in syria on a tuesday around the award winning program from international. so make, as we've just seen so many people traveling with children, taking
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a long and difficult to explore an abundance of wells plus programming every time we do an interview well met with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from wells on allergies in the digit volume. a refugee camp in northern garza, reduced to rubble, leaving many palestinians with no place to call home. the pennsylvania is good to have you with us. this is our lives from the also coming up . another mass killing in rough,


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