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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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grams that opened your eyes to an alternative view of them. well, on alger 0, the digit volley a refugee camp in northern garza, reduced to rubble, leaving many tell us the news with no place to call home. the pennsylvania is good to have you with us. this is our lives from the also coming up . another mass killing in ross on is really forces kill 19 people sheltering in the southern city of gaza with dozens of more killed across the currency exchange is rated in the market. and romano sets on fire during a wave of his really rates across the occupied west bank and vote counting wraps up in south africa. early results show the ruling amc party could lose its majorities
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the 1st time since coming to power. 30 years ago. the we begin in northern garza where a 3 weeks of intensified is really a tax, have all the destroyed. what was the largest refugee camp in the strip palestinians? we used to live in jamalia say they are shocked by the level of destruction they have found upon returning there. they say is really forces of lift the area completely uninhabitable. charles stress that begins our coverage for the 1st year, 100 years. these ranges have destroyed our lives. when screens the phone down homes down, they go to punish them, and you answer all those back in israel. we run for our lives. repeatable. we're going to move a 100000 people used to live in the jabante
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a refugee can. of these mountains of rumbles and twisted metal used to be polished to be in homes, schools, businesses, markets of during this free week alone is really military operation. people return limits to try and salvage what remains of their lives at these ready all me and, and strikes have a blitzer rate and even the shelters we used to try and hide, that hasn't lost them. and oh, well, you know how to print the gun since the 1st day of the war, we have been sheltering in the school. then we were forced to leave south. i was separated from my family and still looking for them until now. i came back to find everything destroyed. these really stretched our home to and with our lives was the entire place is no longer livable. i found a state of low from red on the ground. i picked it up. i have not eaten for days. these are alien sprint, everything till now. i cannot find my family,
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my 75 year old husband, my daughter who we lost each other under these really medicine and shelving no matter what looks like the blood splattered on a scale and a local journalist film, or some describes the scene. or you move bodies piles of overtones signed. and if you test it, see the generally says and this really mean a triple lose. i've got this makes it symmetry. palestinians were forced to bury some of the day. again, the total destruction only a few weeks ago. this was to jump, it is made market research tools used to get our hands on some food here. now it's flattened level to the ground. people cannot find the homes or shops, the entire area has disappeared. we do not even know if we will find or families and relatives. this is a crime. it is a,
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in the rest of the whole such island. so that these early forces stormed our center and the reference the account. we were forced to leave to work as a safety on our data. we were shocked by the scale of the section for hundreds, nothing standing by the entire areas, flats and then to the east bed. nothing. the whole place is white tops. after destroying our homes, like boon, down to school, where we shelter says this woman, the only place that was left for us and our children to hide. where do we go now? it's almost awful office and i am one of those guys who was able to reach jamalia. here's his report. these way, the forces that are treated to the eastern areas of developing referred you can offer spending about 20 days in the value of refuge account. the short to open fire activity as was slide to return to the home. this is actually
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7 till 10000 is got to enter. as you can see that the, all of the houses all over the massive destruction. all of this the best patience. just because the forces fence about 20 days in this areas, by the way, this is creep used to be a very commercial the delay to the street. it's law seems now just a ruffles. at least 37 palestinians have been killed and is really strikes across the gaza strip. on thursday, 19 of the victims were killed in the southern city of ruffled funeral has been held for the 2. paramedics killed, the palestinian red crescent, says israel targeted the vehicle while they were performing their duties. since
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october, at least 20 members of the red crescent organizations have been killed in gaza hunting mount motors in barrow bala in the central part of the strip following developments. these really military is expanding its uh the, the scale and the range of its r tillery ceiling all the way to the, the central part of the city, with much intensity, a magnitude of the destruction that is caused by your tillery ceiling and reaching, as far as a very close area to where the remaining displays have families are still in the restaurant part of robust really mentally and robust milwaukee evacuation. so we're looking at is huge influx of people to started to leave the area as it's becoming increasingly quite difficult. it's important to point out and put a context of what's going on. the area with today's really military took over, that's a long day, gives you a rough motor. that's the philadelphia core door. it's not in terms of elevation.
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it's a higher area compared to the remaining part of robust city, particularly to the west, to a couple of tanks on these. and these little hills and those southern parts, very close to the philadelphia where a door can it, they control the of the, of the rest of the overall by city at every part of the western part of the, within the range of the of the shelves are fired by the times or by, by the artillery, and that's where it's increasingly becoming unsafe, particularly the area that has been designated as a safe zone for people have been filtering inside their tents for the past months. and since the beginning of, of this genocide, the word as the leader of a centrist party in israel's war cabinet says he has submitted a bill to dissolve parliament and hold early elections. many against once a new mandate before october is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says early elections with damage israel's military operation. in garza, he insist that dissolving his unity government now would be
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a reward for him us. well, israel band else is here. if i'm working there, so star high rock is reporting from neighboring jordan. sorry. what's the play for gans here? and how much pressure does this really put on that? yeah. who's got of the it puts a lot of pressure, whether it's enough pressure is another question. if you look back the valley of may, beginning of may, rasa benny jones has a stress and saying that he would quits if by june 8th. and that's and yahoo, having to accept to a plan that he propose which includes bringing back all the concepts. so that's accepting a sci fi deal, and some of the other points was having a post we'll plan, which includes an international committee that comes together as a sort of force in the meantime. um, now this bill has been pushed forward by the national units. the government's up,
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but whether it would receive the majority is another question so that if it doesn't get the majority, they would then have to wait another 6 months before they can put a such a bill forward. again, any gotten says policy only has around 6. so 8 seats in the government, so he was, it wouldn't be enough basically to quote for all the election and dissolves the current government as it is. but it's enough. a ratcheting of the n c ness and yahoo account, which yesterday for example, just a day, this is compass the day off to a guy the eyes and caught who's of one of the observed this for the war cabinet. also it cooled for the elections and then you also had opposition. the does meet yesterday as well are coming together looking, applying to bring down based government. so prime minister benjamin netanyahu is facing immense pressure. he has the, as you had mentioned, criticized this thing that it would damage of unity that says to see a victory towards the end of this rule. i didn't respond to that. the national
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unity government has responded again saying, well, we could find a happy medium, a middle ground, we just need to come together, and that has to be some concessions. so is there anything like these happen major? is this government going to dissolve any time soon? likely not up, but it starts in the enough to put pressure on the governments on, on problem. this is benjamin that's in the office. ok. sorry. something else we need you're reporting on the government of slovenia has approved a motion to recognize a palestinian state. a sylvania is the latest european countries to do so. and israel is facing growing international pressure. the stop it's offensive in rough or remember we've been reporting that norway, spain and ireland have as of may 28th officially recognized palestine as a state slovenia. now points to do the same thing. so there's already been, i think, strong reaction to this, and israel tell us more about that. well, so somebody from this area outspoken is ready for administer as wildcats who's time to x and suites. it's a that t is against this overseas saying that some uh,
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you know, that moving forward if they go ahead with this. but so it would give me a munition to how my son almost to say that it's okay to be a carrying out such a an attack which was on. so it was something we also have been hearing from finance minister best law. smart church has been speaking just on the other side of the will that surrounds occupied west spine, cuz he's definitely against the it's been very vocal about cit, but also someone that has made some incredibly inflammatory remarks. and now we'll just say from him to see what he has to say, the caused the old message to the neighbors beyond the fence and told cut a notions shake, cascadia. we will turn you into ruins, lock in the gaza strip. if the capital you are inflicting on the settlements continues and message to the citizens, if as well is that if god forbid
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a palestinian state is established, what happened in the communities around the gods on october 7, god forbid, can also happen here. this would not come to be and will not happen. we will strike at the cutter. we will continue to control to dance america now, but as all smart stretches, someone who has made incredibly and so i'm at 3 remarks. in fact, uh, quite soon bye. of the south african in britain within the south african case of the i c j. and in fact, so i much say that israel has to, is that is how to investigate some remarks made by him as well as it's not going to be the national security minister. these ministers that have pushed for the idea of what they called voluntary migration from calls or, and they've been calling on egypt to alternate support is to allow palestinians to lease thoughts because they want the re settlements of goals are. and it's because of the best law, smart traits, the way that he was able to actually have an important role in this coalition
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government and agreed to accomplish government with promise to benjamin netanyahu. if he was given another role, which is a to allow so the expansion of those illegal is riley supplements in occupied west spot. and he is the son of a set to the family. so he's very much pushing to this, and as he was speaking is riley forces have been carrying out drills around to that area and certainly, and occupies the west bank in case they say of any such event such as october 7, happening. that's just on the other side from where he's speaking was to call them and that's an area where they have the flights is. and these riley's say that they will, can, can you, they're raised on places like to cut them. novelist and janina was suddenly seeing that not only was lost to the deadly c and not supplied west spikes, but it's certainly become much, much hard to being a polish simian until to patients when i saw a high rock reporting from amman. jordan because and again this reminder of these
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really government of benjamin netanyahu is shut down alpha 0 in israel. thank you very much. sorry. a palestinian man was killed by his really forces in the town of i'll be re near ramallah in the occupied west bank. the v is really military, has conducted a series of raids across the occupied west bank since israel's one gaza began last october. more than 500 palestinians had been killed in the west bank. and one rate in ramallah cause the major fire at the local market after is really forces fired tear gas canisters of the shops is really forces prevented fire crews from immediately responding to the blaze that resulted in the destruction of dozens of palestinian shops. it abraham has this report from my mother. there is no more hustle and bustle at this vegetable market. this smell of smoke and fire has replaced the scent of fresh fruit. this is the aftermath of and is really made it
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to the data and from the occupied left bank. a major fire broke out after these read the army, fire t, a gas canisters towards the area civil defense team say that they expect a great deal of damage. these really forces blocked the roads leading to the market and prevented our teams from responding to the fire lights away. so we have to wait for the rates and to go in. man has him him a tells us he lost the dates and grapes. he was preparing to sell. there was also some cash, but now he can't find it. what can i do? this is my only source of income and we've already been going through a very difficult economic condition. it's been more. 7 than a and a half hours of civil defense themes trying to put off the fire after they controlled much of it. they were surprised to learn that there's still fire coming out from one of the main buildings here. an old building near the vegetable market
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. dozens of stores in neighboring buildings have been damaged and not be in a ball and they have, i'm 32 years old now and that's been working since i was 13. i lost all my life savings in this fire. i still haven't been able to go in as they tell us the building might fall down the 30 thursday morning. these really minutes are you read it to money exchange offices in the heart of the mama is put up posters. thing the stores had been involved in funnelling money for what they called terrorist organizations. after every is really rate in the occupied westbank, people try to continue their day to day life. some are continuing to buy bench dibels from this near the collapsing market. trying to find normality with there is none the that but he just ita drama, la palestine. still a head on alpha 0 where i'll be in helping you any more. a landslide area,
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community the you and is warning a major risk for 4th and hong kong convicts 14 pro democracy activists under china is national security. the hello, here's your forecasts for friday, the last day of spring and it's feeling like the middle of summer for portugal. in spain, turn the colors on talking to read, the harder is less than $35.00 degrees. that could be a record for the month of may if you hit that number. and so there's a number to beat 34.8, and yep, we've got you in for 35 for stay of summer on saturday in temperatures still above 4th. who should be at this point in the year? also hot, we can call it that for the baltic states and western russia. oscar this could be
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your 2nd day in a row of temperatures at 30 degrees last year. it took you to august to get a tell you that hot. here's where the mess is. the rounds of rain coming in for switzerland at northern italy as we looked at board sylvania and austria in this on the potential to see some flooding and for turkey as. so saying is what whether flare up across central areas of the can entry here. its including for the capitol region on correct. okay, lets go to africa. we see that heat dropped down from ivy area. so things will hot up in morocco, for example, mirror a cache pretty close to 40 degrees. and there's been a big trap in those temperatures for south africa. but where it's heating up is southern booth and big my puts a 30 degrees for you and look at this mess coming in to south africa, south coast on saturday. be careful season you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use
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a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red chris the, the, the watching else is 0. reminder of all headlines this, our in northern guys is really forces of a time to school where displace palestinians were sheltering. indeed, jamalia refugee camp, the army has withdrawn from some areas as it struggles to gain full military
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control. richard volumes and southern guns is really forces of killed at least 19 people that was rough. uh, the military is intensifying attacks on central areas of rough up more than 37 people have been killed across the strip on thursday. is really what cabinet minister had been against has submitted a bill to hold early elections. he has threatened to resign over post for plans for gaza. it's unclear if he will win enough folks didn't solve the south africa's ruling african national. congress says it's too early to tell whether the party will lose its parliamentary majority in the general election. 58.558.57 percent to be precise of the population turned out the cost of votes on wednesday. but early results indicate that the governing party is fully in short of a majority. for the 1st time in 30 years. the election commission is now validating
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and auditing the ballots before releasing the official results. officer, as mike hannah is at the operation center where results are coming in, in mid to end. so what do you have so far, mike? so what, what do we have is a very slow count. uh, the number of votes counted has now risen to around 36 percent. but what supposed to be mentioned at this point is that this is largely largely a rural picture that we are seeing. the major metropolitan centers, the count, has not been completed in those areas yet. so the figures that we're seeing now may alter it to a certain degree. but what is clear at the moment is that we are seeing trends. the biggest trend is that the amc has been leading support in many areas that it may not. in fact it almost appears such and not to be able to get that 50 percent majority, which would allow it to remain in government for another 5 years. but with it's
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below that 50 percent, it's going to have to form a coalition with one party or a number of parties in order to remain impala. so it is a very slow process. it could take another day, may be another 2 days before the full count is in, but we are getting this picture developing more and more strongly. we are becoming more aware of the themes that have emerged in the selection. mike, you mentioned that you explained that it's tricky to read partial results. only 36 percent of the votes have been counted so far. you also said that we don't have the results from the big urban areas. the big cities. do you think the amc is going to feel better once those results come in as well? normally they would because the big cities all the agencies domain to historically they've always done very well in the nature of incentives. but what we've seen in the rural areas is definitely a bleeding of support. now, if that is repeated in the open, syria, the areas that the amc is going to do,
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even worse than we predict at the moment a. but it is a very tricky situation because you do have a somewhat regional bias to things as well. uh the m k paci. i'm going to waste this way potty uninformed 6 months ago has done really well in cods into natal, which is the hot land. a was a absolute bit rock of the amc within south africa. but now it is eaten away as opposed to it and may even take away control of the problems from the a and 61 split to stick. the jump out of me is that another problem scrolled and put belong go, which is right next to cost of living. the tell the the a and sees a boat is 20 percent less than what it received in the last election. that's a mess. it dropped from 79 percent to some 59 percent. it's an absolutely massive drop and this is just indicative of what is a bleeding. a listening of agency support not just in one province or another,
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but generally throughout the country. and this is a real worry for the agency at this particular point. it would be happy with 46 percent, because then it could form an alliance without a large number of smaller parties, which would do a bonded list to join the table. so that's interesting, this 46 percent threshold, 50 for 50 percent, obviously is the threshold to have an absolute majority in parliament, but 46 percent. it's a good number for of us to remember. that's the threshold for the and see basically to be able to form the ruling coalition with the smaller parties, which would probably demand fewer concessions of b and c. mike, just before i let you go, we're almost 24 hours into results counting. and we only have a 3rd of the results that are tallied, is that normal? you know, it's not normal. you know, let me just give you an example. in the last election, 5 years ago, at 3 o'clock on the day off to the election, 17000000 votes have been counted in this election 3 o'clock on thursday. only
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2000000 votes have been counted. now election officials say that this is because of the different voting procedures, increased security, new voting equipment and all of these reasons. but the fact simply is, is that this is the slowest presentation of results i've ever seen in the south african election over 3 decades. right? mike had a reporting from the results operation center in mid ran. thank you very much. we will keep checking in with you. officials in pop and you're getting save that. they do not expect to find survivors following a massive landslide, the number remote village last week. the government estimates more than 2000 people may have been buried alive, but only a few bodies have been recovered so far. tanya bell has more from anger province. i met young valley village in the west and reach us of the inner province in the highlands of popping your guinea. and this is the point where the land flood has come down the hill and caught the highway off cutting off access to the rest of the
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province. from here, the scale of this land slot is unprecedented in, in provence. this is one of the most remote pots of pop. when you get a relief, has been very smart to arrive. today, we saw a strategy and i come in the 1st international i to reach here. they've sent 12 disaster relief specialists as well as much needed supplies. we also saw that on either side of the land slides does off the area makes if tents have been set up to cater for the casualties which are coming in. what we've seen here today is people in the state of shock. people is slowly sort of coming to terms with what's been going on here. the tanya bound out a 0 annual provence when you get a. so hong kong court has found 14 activists and politicians guilty of subversion. the trail is the largest ever held in the chinese territory under a national security law imposed by badging asset bank reports. high
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security hun console, the same as landmark trials. 16 people spending 12 for subversion, women, 47 invested in 2020 to 2021. 14 were convicted on to a credit. i would say this case is finished because of the proceedings this going on. i am unable to see too much to bear with me. thank you very much. depends on the order. the problem is with this case, both days. i got thank you and for your concern with the receipt and everyone's not . however, due to department of justice, there is a possibility of an a b. so i cannot comment on the judgement or express any opinions about this case had become an stage. diplomats from the us from it to the island, attended the trial as well as members of the public. the defendants were charged under a national security though imposed by the agent for taking part in an unofficial primary election organized. but democracy support just in 2020. his conviction
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really shows what other contempt. the hong kong and chinese authorities have the democratic political processes. i mean, what these people have been convicted of is holding an informal crime rate bush, you know, that is something that people should not be going to prison for. and yet time and again, we're seeing the application of the national security law is really designed to small the democratic movements in phone call phone with british colonies. hong kong was handed back to china in 1990. 7 invasion has since expanded its influence and control and its impulse of those critics. they are containing freedom of speech and dissent. fulton activists have yet to be sentenced, but could face prison tens ranging from 3 years to life. i started big, i was just do of us secretary of state anthony blinking has met with the check president peter pablo in prague. the to leader discussed support for ukraine defense and deepening energy ties during his visit blink,
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and will participate in an informal meeting with nato foreign ministers ahead of the upcoming nato summit in washington dc. scheduled for july, a protest as a rallying in armenia against a prime ministers plans for land concessions. there's a large present police presence in the capitol years on. hundreds of demonstrators have gathered there. they are demanding the resignation of prime minister nichol passion. yeah, that's after his government agreed to hand over territory to us or by john last month. in jurors in donald trump's harsh money trial have begun the 2nd day of close door deliberations in new york. trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. he allegedly sought the cover of extra marital affairs to protect his 2016 presidential campaign. trump has pleaded not guilty to all the charges and indians capstone new daily has recorded its 1st heat related death. this year. local media reported a 4th year old labor or died from heat stroke. on wednesday,
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the temperature in delhi has reached a record high of 52.9 degrees celsius. other parts of the country has been experiencing severe heat wave conditions for weeks and a volcano in south west iceland has continued dispute lava for a 2nd day. it's the 5th major eruption to strike the rocky on this peninsula since december. thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes in a nearby fishing village. built marks reports this soon look at volcanic crate to is once more in full, full nature's fly works for roof just the visible from a very safe distance that a tennis peninsula home to 30000 people who.


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