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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the football team whatever happens next to the university have already made history out to do is teams across the world. bring you closer to the house of the story. the parts of god as largest refugee camp reduced to rubble as israel targets full areas of a strip, leaving many palestinians with no place to call home the single venue. it's good to have you with us. this is elva 0 lives from don't. also coming up is really worth cabinet minister. penny gans submits a bill to dissolve parliament and hold the early elections. both counting and south africa. partial results suggest the ruling amc party could lose its majority for
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the 1st time since coming to our 30 years ago. and will be in popping up anywhere a land slide has buried an entire community. the land is warning of a major risk of this. the beginning, northern garza where a 3 weeks of intensified is really a tax of all the destroyed. what was the largest refugee camp in this trip, palestinians who used to live in jamalia and have just been able to return and say that they are shocked by the level of destruction they say is really forces of lift the area completely uninhabitable. charles, stress and begins are coverage so she has this huge range of destroyed lives. screens fun down homes down, make god punish them, and you answer all those back in israel. we run for our lives.
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repeatable. we're going to move a 100000 people used to live in the jabante, a refugee camp. these mountains of rumbles and twisted metal used to be polished to be in homes, schools, businesses, markets. as often this week alone is really military operation. people returned limits to try and salvage what remains that their lives at these ready all me and, and strikes have a blue to richard even the shelters are they used to try and hide that had the most common phenomena. oh, well you know how to print the gun since the 1st day of the war we have been sheltering in the school. then we were forced to leave self. i was separated from my family and still looking for them until now. i came back to find everything destroyed. these are our only strides are home so and we did our lives was the entire place is no longer livable. i found to stay low flow from red on the ground
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. i picked it up. i have not eaten for days. these are early spring, everything until now. i cannot find my family and my 75 year old husband, my daughter who we lost each other under these really medicine of shelving matt, what looks like blood spots is on a scale. and a local journalist films and describes the scene, or you move bodies piles of overtones signed. and if you test se, julie says, and this really made a triple lose, i got this makes it symmetry. the palestinians were forced to bury some dead. again, the total destruction only a few weeks ago, this was to jump in the main market. research tools used to get our hands in some food here. now it's flattened level to the ground. people cannot find the homes or
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shrubs. the entire area has disappeared. we do not even know if we will find to assemblies and relatives. this is a crime. it is a city, a subsidy who sort of these really forces stones our center and the refugee camp. we were forced to leave to word guns. the 2nd one already to we were shocked by the scale of destruction, but nothing standing by the entire areas flattened, the, to the beyond, the dry instead, nothing hold places like the 2nd week of the destroying our homes, like bone down to school where we shelter says this woman is the only place that was left for us and all children to hide. where do we go now? tell us don't put it under the name of the leader of a centrist party and israel's war cabinet says he has submitted a bill to dissolve parliament and whole early elections been against who threatened
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to resign over postwar plans and plans the guise at once. a new mandate before october is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says that really elections with damage, israel's military operation in gaza. and he insist that dissolving his government would reward him us. israel has been down to 0 from reporting there. so sar hi, wright has this update from the jordanian capital m on see, look back at the early of may beginning of may rasa by any chance, had a stress in saying that he would quit. it's uh, by june 8th. and that's and yahoo hadn't accepted a plan that he propose, which includes bringing back will the concepts. so dot 6, that thing is the slides deal. and some of the other points we're having a post will plan, which includes an international committee that comes together as a sort of force in the meantime. now this bill has been pushed forward by the national unity government up, but whether it's would receive the majority is,
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is another question. so they, if it doesn't get the majority, they would then have to wait another 6 months before they can put a such a bill forward. again, any guns says policy only has around $6.00 to $8.00 seats in the government. so he was, it wouldn't be enough. basically to cool for our election and dissolve the current government as it is, but it's enough ratcheting of the n c ness and yahoo account, which yesterday, for example, just the day this has come to the day off to a guy the eyes and caught who's of one of the observers for the wall cabinet also cooled for the elections, and then you also had a position the does meets yesterday as well are coming together looking, applying to bring down the government. so prime minister benjamin netanyahu was facing immense pressure. he has, as you had mentioned, criticize this thing that it would damage of unity that says to a see a victory towards the end of this rule. i didn't respond to that. the national
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unity government has responded again saying, well, we could find a happy medium, a middle ground, we just need to come together. and that has to be some concessions. a. and a reminder, again that is really government has banned allison 0 from working there. so we're reporting from outside israel. now the un high commissioner for refugees has told the security council, the parties to conflict all around the world, are repeatedly disregarding the rules of war. philipo grandy said, israel is a case in point where international law is being ignored. it condemned is really offensive in rasa. kristin salumi, is that the united nations headquarters in new york christian? i believe the speech ended not long ago. what were the headlights? yes, this was a briefing on force displacement and there are some 114000000 people worldwide who been forced to flee. headline i think is that felipe or
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grande's took the security council to task for not speaking with one voice when it comes to enforcing the rules of law and not just in gaza. but also when you claim sudan, me in mar, syria. and you said this is really having an impact in driving up the number of people who are fleeing conflict world. why the number of refugees worldwide. and he expects the number a 114000000 to go up very soon. but as you mentioned, he pointed to gaza as an example of what happens when international law is not respected or upheld. and in particular, he pointed to the recent attacks and ross law, where some 945000 people have been forced to flee or were forced to flee in order to avoid israel's attacks. many of them, it was not the 1st time that they had to flee. this is what he said of the process events in alaska made us witness one more and most dramatically.
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hundreds of thousands of people trying to avoid lead philip packs by moving frantically in the limited, constrained space of seldom guys are reached only by a trickle of 8 with dozens losing their lives. among the many images from this conflict between home tests for a long time is that of desperate people trapped and often cute inside the war. so and he pointed out that while individuals have a right to seek asylum in other countries, that is real as an occupying power, has a particular legal obligation not to force the civilian population to move. and he said that a forced exit is from gaza at this stage to another country that would only make resolving the conflict more difficult in the long term. kristen,
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so when the reporting from un headquarters in new york, thank you very much question. the south africa's ruling african national congress says it is too early to tell whether the party will lose its parliamentary majority in the general election within 58 percent of the population turned out to cast their votes on wednesday, early results indicate the governing party is falling short of a majority, the 1st time in 30 years, the election commission is now validating and auditing the ballots before releasing official results. let's go down to zeros mike hannah. mike, you're monitoring results as they come in in real time. you're at the operation center in mid round. what do those results look like so far? so we've got about 36 percent of the total results coming in, and that's about 4 and a half 1000000 voters. so it's very,
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very slow process. indeed, about election officials are essential insisting that they want to get everything completely right now. let me just show you something. we should go back over this. essentially each po to had 3 voting forms. now you see the on the left, the provincial ballot that is full of both within a region within one of the provinces about what party is going to control. the problem's been in the middle, you get the national ballots. that is full members of the national assembly, all of that national ballot that will be $200.00 members will goes to the national assembly. been on the far right. you have another provincial ballot. now this has been introduced in the last 5 years in that you have got to parties and individuals who the top 200 of whom will join the other 200 in the national assembly, giving you full 100. now we're free. go back to the national ballot board and the
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sent to the you see that the amc has gotten around 42 percent of the boat at present. now it would be easiest for us if it has to put in the coalition, for example, to join up with something like the e f, f with its perhaps 89 percent, which would give it over the 50 percent majority. but the e f. f would demand a lot, now why i'm showing you all these boats and that is because you begin to understand how many candidates and parties the amc could do a coalition deal with the key here the is that the getting and see has to get at least 46 percent of the vote to be able to bring in parties that have maybe one percent or half a percent, or maybe even individuals who come through the problems to parliament at a boat. so they could as sold a whole number of parties or even individuals, or with less than on present to the vote and still get to the majority. but in able to do that, the i n c will need at least 46 percent. so that is the figure that they aiming at right now,
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even at this early stage as they appear to be almost acknowledging that they're not going to reach that majority by themselves, as is really interesting. so 46 percent is kind of the unofficial magic number for the and see at this stage wire result. so slow, they've been counting them for 24 hours. yes, the election officials have been trying to explain this a way they've had a lot of questions about that. they say that there is new equipment being used. they say that new safeguards have been introduced, including, for example, the digitize ation of each and every ballot. this is a now new se gone, put into the process. so election officials are adamant that there's no reason to panic. there's nothing going wrong. it's just these new meshes that have been put in a slowing the entire process down. it's the 1st time that the account is being conducted like this. people are new to it. so the election officials are completely insistent that yes, it's slow, but they going to get the wednesday. okay. and to get the,
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well we have 36 percent at the moment. we still have all the major metro areas to come in and which the votes likely to be a little bit slower, even because of the vast number of votes that will be counted from those particular areas. but still, it's a slow process. as i said earlier, it's rather like what you can take try, but one must remember as well that each and every one of those boats will do to them in the future that this country takes over the next 5 years. mike, you are in the i the storm results coming in at the operation center in mid rad slowly, as you said, but they are coming in. we're still waiting for the results from the big city. mike had a thank you so much for walking you through what you have so far as a drawer, as in donald trump, so cold hush, money trial had been deliberating for a 2nd day in new york. trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records . he allegedly sought to cover up extra marital affairs to protect his 2016 presidential campaign. trump has pleaded not guilty to all the charges on henry and
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has more from outside the court house in new york. the jurors have come back with questions for the judge. they've asked for headphones and a speaker so that they could play out a testimony that's on the evidence laptop that they have. and they particularly focused in on testimony that was about the catching kill scheme between the national enquirer tabloid, and the trump campaign by which the tablet would find negative stories about trump . for instance, women, he had allegedly had affairs with and then wash those stories by buying the exclusive rights to them. and then not publishing. and then, and one of the, one of the is it is a jurors asked about involved a former playboy play made her name is karen mcdougal. they also asked to hear some of the jury instructions again for some reason by new york law. they're not allowed to have those instructions. i've read them their 55 pages long, but in there,
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one of the things the judge talks about is how you can infer things. it's always paralyzed to guess what the jury is thinking based on their questions. but i'm going to tread those dangerous waters for just a 2nd. here. it is possible that by hearing that trump had a direct conversation with the publisher of a national, inquire about karen mcdougal, which patrick testified happened. they might be deciding whether they can infer that he had an affair with stormy daniels. don't know that she was an example of the kind of thing that could happen to hear. it could be something entirely different, but they're asking questions. and the question suggestion, you're really doing their due diligence a still a head on alpha 0, another series of his really raids in the occupied westbank. this one leads to a local market going up in smoke where at the massachusetts institute and also a short break. that's in the us where a university students refused to be silenced and continued to show their solidarity listings in
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the low. so 1st things 1st got to put this on your radar, the potential to see a tropical storm spin up here in the south china sea. either way, it's already throwing copious amounts of rain to china's high 9 island and southern china. then for the philippines, power, one, island lose on island for the alerts in place here, there had been for the size as well, but those had been dropped. so there was all that, whether southern china that we were just talking about toward that southeast corner as well, for sure. yet, you know, it's going to be bad because the target, the blue and the yellow. those are the more intense rounds of rain falling. so it's going to be a washout for the pacific coast of japan's main island of 100. that includes tokyo as well as this tropical storm passes by but it moves quickly so the rain will light up fairly quickly after that. se, asia,
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it's west cali mountain on borneo islands. bertha brain here and speaking of rain. quite the deluge we saw for the red center in australia. what is may day and 20 years for alice springs picking up 20 millimeters of rain, that rain now draped over queensland through the coast of new southwell state. but look, this pores right across the tasman into new zealand, the south island. so rain and wind alerts simply for the south island for the southern elves, but it's a warm breeze here. so guess been 20 degrees for you. on friday the you will cekada like duty and the girls using for p use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's
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a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest the the you're watching now has 0. her reminder of our headlines in northern garza is really forces have attached to school where displace palestinians with sheltering in the 2 volume refugee camp. the army has withdrawn from some areas as it struggles to games for military control. it's your volume is really war. cabinet minister benny gas has submitted a bill to hold early election seniors threatened to resign over post floor plans for the task. it's unlikely that he will win enough votes to develop the valid to
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being checked in south africa's general election of to vote. counting was completed early results show the governing amc is set to fall short of, of the georgie's the 1st time since the end of a 4th a to the us where a university students have gathered on the campus of the massachusetts institute of technology. mit in cambridge, massachusetts to show their solidarity for the palestinians and gaza houses. there was petty go. hey and joins us now from cambridge. i see the palace seen flag behind you that didn't get to talk to you. tell us what's happening. well, this is the main speech for the main commencement. all the departments we ended up tomorrow, but what happened was, at the beginning of it about a 100. it's baby $200.00 students started chanting, free paolo's. time to get out of the way they'd march. now to the head of the administrative building, and they're holding basically block the street in there holding a peaceful protest with chance of free palestine from the river to the sea post. i
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will be free. no, these activists have been, have gone through quite a bit as the university crack solomon. i wouldn't tell you about that through talking to austin cole. he's a 3rd years master student, which i know no means he's getting to master's degrees from the one of the more prestigious universities on the planet. good for you. tell me you are part of the encampment. how does the school over at school reacted by 1st walking away from the negotiating table with the gym and several times and being forced to come back and then eventually spending on the 22 other students from who were part of being came in or supposedly part of being came in, and then 2 days later they brought in about 200 police almost about a 100 riot police at 4 am and destroy the encampment. arrested 10 of the folks indian came in as well. um and then basically for reprimands and other people and said that if anyone else tried to set up the appointment again,
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they would suspend those people as well. so tell me what your demands are, cuz it's not in many of these universities we're hearing just of us from companies and not because your mit has a direct connection. tell me about that. yeah, so it might be is a really direct connection. so are we had really just to do that, the 1st one, so you might see to cut the ties with these rarely ministry of defense. you might see has projects that are directly sponsored by the is really ministry of defense. and so one of those is in autonomy is swimming drone programs. another one is an automated surveillance, underwater surveillance program. and so both of those are direct, the military are programs with direct military applications. and so the number one demand was to that, as do was to in was a cut. those ties with the, as male is really ministry of defense. and those programs are funded by the department of the us department of defense money. but these really ministry of defense controls everything about the on. so it's a little bit complicated, but it's directly going to military applications. and then the other one was for,
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it might seem to cut all other ties with designers into the internet. stop help, stop the genocide that's going on and goes. and so you just went through 3 years of incredibly expensive university. they suspended, you told you couldn't do finals. you were about to walk away from a degree that you spent 3 years getting really, really tough university. what happened? how did you end up actually get into where the future? yeah. so you know, we all banded together. all of us that were suspended and then we had a lot of support from other folks, you know, but it might see community and outside of that might see community. um folks are kind of helped us get ourselves together and figure out what we needed to do to fight the suspension. and so they put us through the disciplinary process. and we put a lot of pressure on the administration because obviously it's, it's ridiculous to suspend all these people. i think literally one week before classes. and they like you said, i've been here for 3 years. they suspended me so i couldn't finish my last classes . so i had to do a bunch of work before when i was fine when the suspension was missing over the 2
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days that i had to try to get the degree, which obviously i'm here. so i'm getting that which is nice. but it was a lot of support from inside of mit tons and tons of faculty, tons of staff and other students all came out and supported us. and then a ton of people from the community as well. that res i made calls to and might see that you know, refineries to stand by idle the interest and i am i to get away with this. and just because also the suspension process that they put us through does not hold up to their own standards. and they basically justified that by saying that we were a threat to safety. so thank you very much. i congratulations with us. i know it was a very peaceful protest. i want to say there was a counter protest. there were some students who held up these really flags. one held up, assigned st. good riddance to him, off terror fans. because they were asked to leave the event. so just to give you a good contact. so what these protestors have put at risk,
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this is the university that costs next year and the $85.00 basically $86000.00 a year except just 4 percent of the students that apply. so that's very latest here . they're basically protesting, yet again on this commencement day. yeah, this is really quite remarkable patty from and, and you pointed this out from one of the absolute most prestigious places of learning in the world. i've had a cold hand reporting from cambridge, massachusetts. thank you so much. the is really army has conducted numerous res, across the occupied westbank over the past 24 hours. one rate in ramallah caused a major fire at the local market after is really forces fired tear gas canisters at the shops. these really forces prevented fire crews from immediately responding to that blaze, and that resulted in the destruction of dozens of palestinian shots that abraham has this report from ramallah. there is no more hustle and bustle at this vegetable market. the smell of smoke and fire has replaced the scent of fresh fruit. this is
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the aftermath of and is really me to city. they don't from the occupied left bank. a major fire broke out after these read the army, fire, t and gas canisters towards the area. civil defense team say that they expect a great deal of damage. these really forces blocked the roads leading to the market and prevented our teams from responding to the fire right away. so we have to wait for the rates and to go in madison hedge of him. that tells us he lost the dates and grapes. he was preparing to sell. there was also some cash, but now he can't find it. what can i do? this is my only source of income and we've already been going through a very difficult economic condition. it's been more. c than a half and a half hours of civil defense themes trying to put off the fire after they contain much of it. they were surprised to learn that there's still fire coming out from
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one of the main buildings here. an old building near the vegetable market. dozens of stores in neighboring buildings have been damaged. not be in a ball and they have, i'm 32 years old now and they've been working since i was 13. i lost all my life savings in this fire. i still haven't been able to go in as they tell us, the building might fall down 30 thursday morning. these really minutes are read to money exchange offices in the heart, the bottom of it put up posters. thing the stores had been involved in funnelling money for what they called terrorist organizations. the after every is really rate in the occupied west when people try to continue their day to day life. some are continuing to buy bunch dibels from this near the collapsing market, trying to find normality where there is none there, but he just ita drama la palestine explains parliament has approved
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a divisive law granting amnesty to capital and separate this involved in the 2016 independence campaign, so the bill passed very narrowly by a margin of 5 votes. it had faced opposition. somebody conservative popular party as well as the far right fox party, around 400 people should benefit from the law, including those who took part in protest. and former kaplan regional president carlos ridgemont slipped to belgium after the vote. legal experts have questioned whether the law is in breach of the constitution. the hong kong court has found 14 activists and politicians guilty of subversion. the toil is the largest ever held in the chinese territory under a national security law imposed by badging acid bake reports high security hunk conflict a seen as landmark trials. 16 people spending 12 for subversion. women 47 invested in 2020 to 2021. 14 were convicted
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on to a credit. i would say this case is finished because of the proceedings this going on. i am unable to see too much to bear with me. thank you very much. depends on the order. the problem is with this case, both it i got thank you and for your concern with the receipt and everyone's not. however, due to department of justice, there is a possibility of an a b. so i cannot comment on the judgement or express any opinions about this case had become an stage. diplomats from the us from it to the island attend with the trial as well as members of the public. the defendants were charged under a national security though imposed by the agent for taking part in an unofficial primary election organized but democracy support just in 2020. his conviction really shows what other contempt the hong kong and chinese authorities have the democratic political processes. i mean, what these people have been convicted of is holding an informal crime rate bush,
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you know, that is something that people should not be going to prison for. and yet time and again, we're seeing the application of the national security law is really designed to smell the democratic movements in phone calls from a british colony. hong kong was handed back to china in 1997 invasion. has since expanded its insurance and control and its impulse, those critics, they are containing freedom of speech descent 14 activists have yet to be sentenced, but could face prison tens ranging from 3 years to life. i started big, i was just do. iran has opened the registration period for candidates who want to compete in his presidential election. the poll is due to be held after president abraham racy was killed in a helicopter crash last week. candidates will be evaluated by the 12 member government body known as the guardian council. once approved at the public, a set to vote on june 28th protest.


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