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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the, the, this business uptake the rooftop, know bundle dash football to use the the hello i'm several venue. it's good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. this was a free trial. you as jury finds donald from guilty on old, 34 counts in the hush money trial. the 1st former president to be convicted parts of gods as largest refugee camp reduced to rubble as israel targets all areas of
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the strip leaving many tell us the use with no place to for president joe biden allows ukraine to use weapons supplied by the us at targets inside of russia, but only near the harkey reached the political shakeup in south africa. exit polls show the ruling amc party is fully short of a majority for the 1st time in 30 years the . and we'd begin this our, of course in the united states where a former president donald trump, has been convicted on all $34.00 felony charges and his so called a harsh money trial. juror has found from guilty of falsifying business records to cover up an extramarital affair that threatened his 2016 run for the white house. the verdict makes trump the 1st american president to be convicted of a criminal offense. sentencing is set to take place in july. he could face up to 4
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years in prison for each count or as he seeks to regain the presidency in november . this is great. this was a big, dry rig race. there wouldn't be us fire center 6 percent. that is the state of this area. this is going to be november and they know what happens here and everybody knows what happens here. so alice's here as john henry and it is live outside the court house in new york. john, for i think any other politician, this would be an absolute killer, right? no chance of being elected after something like this for trump though, not social that's right,
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0 for any other validation. this would probably be the end of the road. and there's some precedent for this. remember that richard nixon, in 1972, he had been just re elected. i had to resign a couple of years later because of the watergate affair. and he was pardoned by gerald ford, his successors. and for many americans, that was a mistake because they wanted him to be held accountable to the justice system. i talked to a professor at northwestern university, shortly before this trial, and he was pointing out that parent, lo and saying that that was a mistake, that americans very much did not like at the time that they are just the system was not able to whole back presence accountable, and he was saying that this trial held the potential to correct that historic mistake in his eyes. and what has happened here is the 12 ordinary new yorkers who had been selected for the jury decided on the wrong was not the judge. the templates complaining about setting up a risk reading system is. ready 12 ordinary new yorkers,
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some decided very quickly in fact that he was guilty over all 34 felonies of which he was accused. and now from sans for president is the standard bear for the republican party's 4 days after the sentencing. on july 11th, he will be at the republican national convention and he was given a speech to that convention, presumably, as beth tardies nominate. so we've never seen anything like this before. it's a, it's an effort to resurrect a, an image that has now been legally changed it 5, it was 34 felony house. but what seems clear is it, trump is not planning to step down that the republican party continues to back in. and it looks like it will be a race between donald trump and joe biden, despite these convictions. yeah, john, uh, since you mentioned biden, and by the way, just so you know, we're following the live a aerial shot of the trump motorcade. that is quite mundane,
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least stuck in new york traffic moments after this historic verdict. but trump said that this was done mean this, meaning the verdict, this was done by dividing the ministration. this is the some of the 1st words out of his mouth. when he came to address that, pressed the microphones outside of the court house. what has the button administration said? well, 1st off of the, by the administration, so they have nothing to do with any of these trials. and one could make the argument, the prison by the runs, the justice department in 2 of the 4 trials are being carried out. prosecuted 5, the justice department. this is not one of them. this is new york state. it was a new york state prosecutor alvin bragg, who momentarily will be holding a news conference who brought these charges forward. it was a new york jury that carried this out. joe biden is not in that chain of command. and one of the significant facts here is that uh, president trump, were uh,
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were convicted on those federal charges, and vin elected president. well, he could pardon himself, presumably would you can't as president of the united states, pardon me, yourself, from state charges you can't pardon anyone from state charges. so if this conviction is held up through all the appeals, there's really nothing donald trump can do about it, whether he is president or not, sir john henry and reporting from outside the court house. thank you very much, john. as bringing randy 0 and he's in the junk professor of lloyd cornell law school. he is with us live from new york and historic verdict. how is this going to go down in the history books as difficult to say? because i think even as we sit here now, those of us who are starting to buy the verdict, those who are, may be hearts and by the verdict. this trial is not really going to have an impact on the election. this really does it go to
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a matter of the fitness to serve as president if it had nothing to do with the presidential duty or presidential function. so i don't know that the history books are going to make too much of a deal about this other than if the former president is re elected again, he becomes the 47 president from the 45th. it will be the 1st time in history that a convicted felon, that is elected to serve as president of the united states. but there is proof of concept. and that in itself is interesting proof of concept that a president can be convicted of a crime in the united states. that's correct. uh, we have a rather unique system of checks and balances and a unique system of qualifications. and one of those qualifications is not. you can't be convicted, spell it. now if you're convicted of something that sounds like treason,
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that's another story. but as long as you're at least 35 and you are a citizen, you're born here. you can be a convicted felon. in fact, we've seen on at least one occasion, someone running for president from jail. so technically, a president can be president from a jail cell. i know he was found guilty. donald trump, of all 34 counts of falsifying business records from your point of view. a legal point of view may be, it doesn't matter too much, whether it's 5 counts, 10 counts or all counts. but i think for a layman like myself, if it's all accounts that does deprive the contract, in this case, donald trump, of an easy of a potential argument of well, this was a close call. clearly this was not a close call. yes, but believe it or not counter intuitively, it makes it easier for the appeal because said,
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i've been in this situation where you're arguing at appeal, where let's say on 34 accounts, your client is convicted of 10 and suddenly be a pellet lawyer for the prosecution. gets up there and says, your honors, the fact that the jury acquitted mister dylan's clients on 24 of the 34 accounts shows how carefully they've viewed the evidence, how carefully, how thoughtfully they discharge their obligations. so in a weird way, the fact that the jury did not quit him on any accounts and convicted him on all 34 . it makes it easier for the, for the defense to argue this notion of b rigs. it'd be painted it being infected, that the former president had no shot at a fair trial. because if he had been convicted of not everything, whatever he was acquitted on, you'd have to say i got the trial and they were failing and partial on the accounts
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that i walked. all right, you're right, that is completely counter intuitive, but i do take your point. i understand your explanation for the sentencing. we have explained that each of those counts carries a sentence that anywhere between one and a half maximum sentence of anywhere between one and a half to 4 years in jail. however, my sense speaking to a number of legal analyst and i want your sense is that you probably donald trump will not be sentenced to jail because this is a non violent crime and because he's a 1st time felon i would say yes. but i guess giving the starting verdict and, and how i feel right now, i will pause for a moment because i think the former president advised himself with a dilemma. the man who is going to sentence him is the same man that on a daily basis, the former president has called corrupt, corrupt,
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conflicting, corrupt, and conflicted. and i think the judge more sean is going to look at the former president. try not to personalize it, but by the same time discharges obligations as a judge where you have to think about it is defended. someone who gets it someone who accept responsibility, someone who is unlikely to receive aid. is this someone who is a danger? and i think when you have a defendant who's constantly just kicking sand in your face as a judge and shows absolutely no respect for the badge, it may be difficult to look at that same defendant and say, i'm going to cut you will prorate. well that's, that's really interesting because for as much as all of this right now is already unprecedented. we're ready and uncharted waters. it's donald trump were sent as the jail and the sentencing is july 11th, by the way, as a reminder. but if you will,
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if the former president were sentenced to jail now, that would be a whole different level of bizarre going into this presidential election. randy's ellen a junk professor of law at cornell law school. thank you very much. thank you. of the, the 3 weeks of intensified is really a tax and northern guys a have all the destroyed. what was the largest refugee camp in the strip palestinians who used to live in jamalia say they are shocked by the level of destruction they have found upon returning to jamalia, they say, is really forces of lift the area completely uninhabitable. charles transferred reports so she has this huge range of destroyed lives and screens. fun down homes down,
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make god punish them, and you answer all those back in israel. we run for our lives. repeatable. we're going to move a 100000 people used to live in the jabante, a refugee camp of these mountains of rumbles and twisted metal used to be polished to be in homes, schools, businesses, markets of during this free week alone is really military operation. people returned limits to try and salvage what remains of their lives. these ready all me and, and strikes have a blue to reach it. even the shelters are they used to try and hide that hasn't moscow from them. and oh, well, you know how to print the gun since the 1st day of the war, we have been sheltering in the school. then we were forced to leave south. i was separated from my family and still looking for them until now. i came back to find everything destroyed. these really stretched our home to and with our lives was the
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entire place is no longer livable. i found a state of low from red on the ground. i picked it up. i have not eaten for days. these are alien sprint, everything till now. i cannot find my family. my 75 year old husband, my daughter. we loved each other under these right aly medicine and shelly. know what i'll do that. what looks like blood splattered on a scale to a local journalist to illness and describes the scene. or you move bodies piles of overtones signed. and if you test to see, did you only says and these really minute triple lose? i got this makes it symmetry. the palestinians were forced to bury some dead again, the total destruction only 3 weeks ago. this was to jeopardy as made market research to use to get our hands on some food here. now it's
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flattened leveled to the ground. people can not find the homes or shops, the entire area has disappeared. we do not even know if we will find or families and relatives. this is a crime. it is a c in custody who died. so a lot of these really forces stones our center and the reference the account we were forced to leave to go to the 2nd one already to we were shocked by the scale of destruction, but hundreds, nothing standing by the inside areas, flats and the to the beyond the dry instead, nothing the hold places like us after destroying our homes, like boom, down to school where we shelter says this woman is the only place that was left us and all children to hide. where do we go now? tell us don't put the name to get more about the who was able to reach jamalia and he sent us this report. this is why the forces that are treated to the eastern
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areas of the value referred. you can also spending about 20 days in the value of reference. you can the short and open fire activity as was why to return to the home. this is actually 7 till 10000. it's got to enter. as you can see, that the top of the house is just all of this massive destruction, all of this the best patience just because it forces fence about 20 days in this area as a by the way this is free, used to be a very commercial the delay to discrete most things now, just a ruffles is really army. his conduct in numerous raids across the occupied west
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bank over the past 24 hours. one rate in ramallah caused a major fire at the local market after is really forces fired tear gas canisters at the shops is really forces prevented fire cruise from the mediately responding to the blaze. and that resulted in the destruction of dozens of shops that abraham has this report from ramallah. there is no more hustle and bustle at this vegetable market. the smell of smoke and fire has replaced the scent of fresh fruit. this is the aftermath of and is really me. the city they don't rumble in the occupied left bank. a major fire broke out after these read the army, fire t, a gas canisters towards the area civil defense team say that they expect a great deal of damage. these really forces blocked the roads leading to the market and prevented our teams from responding to the fire right away. so we have to wait for the rates and to go in. man has him him a tells us he lost the dates and grapes. he was preparing to sell and there was
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also some cash, but now he can't find it. what can i do? this is my only source of income, and we've already been going through a very difficult economic condition. it's been more than a foot and a half hours of civil defense themes trying to put off the fire after they control much of it. they were surprised to learn that there's still fire coming out. 2 1 of the main buildings here, an old building near the vegetable market. dozens of stores in neighboring buildings have been damaged. not be in a ball and they have, i'm 32 years old now and they've been working since i was 13. i lost all my life savings in this fire. i still haven't been able to go in as they tell us the building might fall down. early thursday morning. these really minute 3 read to money exchange offices in the heart. don't put them on it. put up posters, thing the stores had been involved in funnelling money for what they called
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terrorist organizations. after every is really rate in the occupied westbank, people try to continue their day to day life. some are continuing to buy bench dibels from this new d collapsing market, trying to find normally where there is none be there, but he just ita de la palestine. the president joe biden is partially lifted a band on ukraine using us weapons and strikes on the russian territory. the change in policy is understood to apply only to defend the har key area that is ukraine's 2nd largest city. nato allies have been calling on the us to allow ukraine to use western weapons to attack inside russian territory. so you have a ton, so you has more from washington dc. we're being told that
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a very strict guidelines to be ukrainians on what this a change in policy means it's bigger than telegraphed over several days. now we've had them up surgeon and linked articles about maybe in terms deliberations and the bites administration that we had. certainly blinking the secretary of state and mold of our on wednesday talking about the needs of flexibility app. but now we're being told yes, the ukrainians will be allowed to use weapons in the cross border region over in between cochrane and russia. in order to attack russian military assets, preparing to attack stock, car keys were told that there are all these strict guidelines. but i'm not allowed to that. but you guys all of that, out to the strikes deeper into russia, they're not allowed to attack civilian infrastructure. and there's always a sense that we weren't necessarily going to get a full announcement of this policy because this was one of the big red lines of, of job i'm going to cost clearly. now this is you have another red line that has this disappear. the reason why i bite and said it was a red line was because he said he didn't want to start world war 3 with russia of
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either us becoming effective. the code competence striking into into a new clip, a nuclear arms country. but now this red line has disappeared as, as i've so many on delivering weapon systems to ukraine on the other foreign policy issues. but you get the sense just because your credit is doing so, so badly right south. and the by the minister is desperate to at the very least, keep the will going into the election to avoid any formal sense of defense, which are defect biden electricity. even if there are a few here in washington, you think that any kind of ukrainian success as a possibility or dave, the rush is a professor at the near east south asia center for strategic studies and data or former nato operations director of the joint chiefs of staff joining us from bethesda, maryland. it's good to talk to you again. i wanted your reaction to this as well. i think it's, it's to be expected. i, i would disagree slightly with your correspondence. i mean it's, it's clear that the binding administration has not enunciated
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a strategy for victory, a new frame. what we've seen is a pattern where the ukrainians ask for a certain type of weapons. the binding ministration denies the nice and then agrees . in this instance of course, the ukrainians have been saying, look in car keeping particular we're seeing tactical operations being run out of russia into car keys, you know, firing artillery from car keys that we cannot respond to with american weapons. and again, as with the provision of howitzers, an attack comes, eventually the vitamin ministration gets sent. but there's another dynamic here which is that the ukrainians with their own weapons have been attacking russia's nuclear infrastructure. so they just damaged the present at our early warning radar with a domestic me pretty strong. that's very far within russia. early on this year they attacked the strategic bombing face in angles, air base,
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which was the heart of rushes up. uh, airplane delivered nuclear deterrent. so i think, paradoxically allowing russia are allowing ukraine to strike within russia within this limited tactical operation. the price for that is probably a cessation of you crating strikes on the strategic capabilities of rush, which would have the potential of increasing nuclear conflict. okay, well that's interesting the, the bite and strategy in the west more globally has been to strongly support ukraine, but also to do anything you can to avoid direct conflict with russia. now, when us miss size, if they start landing on the russian soil, you know around that border area around har keith, it's not direct conflict, but it is a little closer to direct conflict with russia as it is. but um, let's take rush up their face value. they said the car keeps up, or russia don't ask who hans been,
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crimea or russia. they've formerly incorporated even parts that they don't control . so technically, if you believe russia's self definition, american weapons as well as other nato part would have been landing in russia for some time. so what's the difference between one russian province and another? look from day one poses, has threatened nuclear war, has reminded people of their nuclear capabilities has conducted exercises because he wants to be left in peace to pursue his imperial ambitions. and i think that he is not stupid. does not want to nuclear confrontation then i think that by telegraphing this so quickly and so publicly as your correspondent, correctly noted. there of this is, this is just a limited escalation that's confined to tactical operations director that ukraine and they will cease when the operation against ukraine ceases,
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i suppose. and tactic. we do you think this is enough to turn things around, right? because the ukranian military has been on the back for me with this allow them to push back russian forces or at least contained the russian advance towards harkey. well, the rush is not advancing much towards perky what they seem to be doing is eliminating it with long range artillery fire. and particularly the launch of some uh, error launch, glide forms, which ukraine has no effective counter forks, particularly they're, they're launched in russian aerospace. so if the ukraine is able to use things like us patriot muscle, to uh, threaten the aircraft that are launching these bombs towards the car key from russia. i think that will have the potential to damp and the russian offensive considerably. but so far we haven't seen a whole lot of maneuver in this offensive this rush and dave to ross. thank you very much for your time and your insights today as the south african
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where really results show the governing amc party is full in short have a majority in the elections for the 1st time in 30 years is may force it to form a coalition with other parties in order to remain in government houses here, as mike had a reports from midland and south africa. the biggest political shakeup in 3 decades is looming by early thursday evening, just over 30 percent of the voted being comforted. and the ones dominant amc is being batted in the number of regions. the democratic alliance retained system majority in the western cape and with more than 50 percent of the votes counted, will continue to govern the province for the next 5 years. but the opponent people i'm telling the 6 months ago has provided the major surprise, including toby's this way. o m k may have the chance of seizing controlling costs and do natal ane amc stronghold and didn't neighboring improvement longer. the amc
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has so far lost 20 percent of the voted gained in 2019 the folks going to m k that the majority of votes are still being counted. there's already tool couple of coalition government among the partners, the a and so you could consider the economic freedom scientists or if it's though it's ready. cool policies, including nationalization of the mines, are deeply at odds with the amc democratic alliance policies to add to variance. ne, it's in the position on palestine obviously is not about discussions about positions is about what, what will sort of success and what that done. once they the, we looked at people from africa and up to a suitable structure of the, the, and not through that as well. we'll make a determination about the way for uh, on the end and on so has already come from the intake party. they'll be no
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coordination until to the and see if this could be employed to that well the, the m k, the reason was formed was because the agency was struggling to implement the policies for the people which includes the land for education. so it wouldn't be a part to that one to have a coalition that because it would probably stop by some time to do those things. another option would be for the a and c to form an alliance with the number of the smaller parties, which would be likely to demand less in return then the bigger ones. but in order to achieve this, the amc would need more than 46 percent of the boat a target which as the cons continues, appears more and more remotes. my kind of, i'll just era woodrand, south africa lead up to sundays general election and mexico continues to be marred
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by unparalleled political violence. the link between the violence and a long history of institutionalized corruption is perhaps the most significant challenge for whoever wins the presidency. houses heroes, diplomatic editor, lucy, a newman reports from mishawaka and in the western part of mexico. he has another episode of political violence in mexico. this when caught on camera, installed the election campaign from the start, the in the west state of mutual con. rudy is always drawing large crowds of local farmers. it's an ideal venue for state congress candidates, monica felicia to ask for both support this man gives her his blessing, a symbol of protection. she feels she needs love. others is the same old thing. i'm afraid for my children have you, i'm afraid for my life because the dangers are great. but even though i ask for government protection will succeed so far, i don't have
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a single policeman by my side that a bit that nothing on your body's the, i mean that i'm nearly 40 candidates and 14 family members have been killed. the deadly is campaign in recent mexican history, the most of the victims were running for mayor and other local offices positions wanted by corrupt politicians and organized crime. is that they could they take control of the office and they, they can by the can be they know the candidates. i mean it's very, it's very easily the findings by, by legal forces and all of a sudden valencia legion movement called citizens revolution. it tracks down kidnappers, and other criminals for the information provided by ordinary citizens. me said the less now that he's running for mayor of mutual kinds capital. what a yeah. he has 24 hour government protection and he also has his own private security and an armored car cuz he would pull it up as long as it goes. but i am
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heading to a rally. he tells me that state corruption feeds mexico's crime epidemic because on the scene of the style, if with the state has a means to stop this, get the but doesn't want to come with the crime because he generates dividends. it generates profit, so drives money, delinquent generates money for the authorities, while the victim is just the statistic that a lot of me that they're just getting into the middle console. eula, details supporters that with their vote, he can help change things, even though he's running under the banner of what many claimed to be as one of mexico's most corrupt party. under the welfare and, and business owners, politicians organized crime or trying to coordinate candidates, or somebody can call me that is a long history of corruption, which generally guarantees impunity president and this one little piece of it has all insist that stability is guaranteed despite the electro violence and it's very
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much associated with that where it needs, this is a way they understood how to go very in a country political this, the realities are both anything else? human rights, the, the corruption now eh, so you always play the corruption card because your want to preserve only because of this. that means it's almost a tradition as old as a disability just rate yet with the states under attack by criminal forces. as never before mexico's next president may find that corruption is too high, a price to pay for the illusion of stability. to see a newman al jazeera me to work on the still ahead on that was the 0 the we will look at how the children have gone to the find a brief respite from the horrors of war. that's after
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a short break the low. so 1st things 1st got to put this on your radar, the potential to see a tropical storm spin up here in the south china sea. either way, it's already throwing copious amounts of rain to china's high 9 island and southern china. then for the philippines power, one island moves on island for the alerts in place here. there had been for this highest as well, but those have been dropped. so there is all that, whether southern china that we were just talking about toward that southeast corner as well, for sure. yet, you know, it's going to be bad because the target, the blue and the yellow. those are the more intense rounds of rain falling. so it's going to be a washout for the pacific coast of japan's main island of 100. that includes tokyo as well as this tropical storm passes by but it moves quickly so the rain will
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light up fairly quickly after that. se, asia, it's west cali mountain on borneo islands. bertha brain here and speaking of brain . quite the deluge we saw for the red center in australia. what is may day and 20 years for alice springs picking up 20 millimeters of rain, that rain now draped over queensland through the coast of new southwell state. but look, this pores right across the tasman into new zealand. the south island. so rain and wind alerts and play for the south island for the southern elves, but it's a warm breeze here. so guess been 20 degrees for you on friday. the or the
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you will see a duty in a grove using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris the the the,
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you're watching else 0 reminder. in our headlines, former us president donald trump has been convicted on 34 felony charges in his so called a hush money trial. it makes him the 1st american president to be convicted of a criminal offense and faces up to 4 years in prison for each counts in northern gaza is really forces have a tack to school where displace palestinians were sheltering in the jamalia refugee camp. the army has withdrawn from some areas as it struggles to gain full military control. less of value and ballots are being checked in south africa's general election with results in from 42 percent of holding stations. early returns show the governing amc is set to fall short of a majority for the 1st time since the end of a party. let's return to that top storage. donald trump being convicted alan fisher, it joins us from washington, dc. ellen reaction to that guilty verdict is starting to come in. what do you have
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as well, the thing you've got to remember, of course, is that this has been a political event even since it's donald trump. i noticed that he was running for president back in november 2022 well ahead of when kind of it's normally declared because he realized that there were charges coming and that gave him the opportunity to suggest that if there weren't any charges, then it was a political prosecution, we also saw the republican party, essentially as a whole object to what was going on in manhattan. we saw a number of senior figures including mike johnson, the speaker of the house, and the number of senior senators show up and express their support date. and then for donald trump, claiming that this was a corrupt trial that it was misguided. and of course you've got to remember the donald trump also talked about the 2020 election being misguided. well, just in the last hour or so, we've had the reaction from the bite and campaign. they have said that in new york
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today, we have seen a we saw that say no one is above the law of donald trump has always mistakenly believed he would never face consequences for breaking the law for his phone, personal gain. but today's bad that does not change the fact that the american people face a simple reality. there's only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office and that's at the ballot box. and remember, even with this medic, donald trump is likely to be a body, any unforeseen circumstances that are public and no money for the election in november. now the white house, as just said that they believe and the rule of law and they will be making no further comment. the white house has tried to distance itself from the campaign on this idea of largely just said that the process has to go through. but that is the question about whether or not they continue to repair to donald trump as a convicted felon. and remind everyone that he claimed that this was
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a political process of kitchen, or whether they do what they've done in the statement from the campaign, which is just said donald trump is a threat to american democracy. and you've got to make sure he doesn't win into them, but so guide us through and i appreciate this is all uncharted territory guide us through how this verdict could impact the presidential election. well, it really depends on the, the sentence, but it's 100 that is highly unlikely that donald trump is going to be sentenced to jail type. and we might get more of an indication if that is what the process the kitchen are going to seek. when all the and brag the district attorney in manhattan speaks just in the coming moments we expect to him at any point, no, it may well be that he was on parole. so if you travel out of state, you've got to talk to your portal officer that makes campaigning slightly difficult . he's got to get permission to go either from florida to our new york, depending on where the sites is base to go to the debate in. but in, in june,
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even if he is still agree, is that he's got to get permission to go to the republican national convention in milwaukee. so it makes things slightly more difficult. but of course it gives donald trump that tries to say this was a political persecution. i did nothing wrong. this was all about taking me out of the a political race or making sure that i couldn't run for president, bizarrely if you're a convicted felon in america and most states you can vote. but you can still run for president. and we know that the republicans are saying, look, people that are raised by this. and the reason we know that our rates is because they're mean fundraising website when read has crashed, since the bad it was a nice they say, and we've no way of proving this. that is because so many people wanted to show the support for donald trump by pledging financial donations to his campaign. ellen fisher reporting from washington dc. thank you very much for all of that. i know
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donald trump has been found guilty of all charges in this new york hush money trial becoming the 1st former us president to be criminal. we convicted. here's a reminder of the 3 other criminal cases that he currently faces. i visual castro has more from washington dc. yet another court is holding a major key to donald trump's fate. this one is the highest in the land, the us supreme court. any day now we expect a ruling on trump's claim that he enjoyed presidential immunity. when, according to federal prosecutors in washington, he tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power to joe biden. the supreme court's decision will determine what happens next in the federal election case against trump. we will never give up, we will never can see that doesn't happen. that case accuses him of conspiring to overturn biden's when in 2020, culminating in a mob of trump supporters storming the capital. and the state of georgia is
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bringing its own election charges against trump very serious case. and there are consequences to violating serious laws. prosecutors there, so he let a corrupt enterprise that among other alleged crimes, harassed election workers and pressure to georgia officials to find more votes for trump. i just want to find the 11780 loads, which is one more than we have. then there's the classified documents case pending in florida. federal prosecutors accused trump a violating the espionage act 32 times for taking sensitive documents 2 more long ago after leaving the white house, then allegedly trying to cover it up the f. b. i says it's agents found state secrets stored in the bathroom, and trump was caught in a recording showing off a secret military document to a visitor. the treasure is present. i couldn't know. i can't, you know,
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sometimes pleaded not guilty to all charges and his lawyers have managed to secure in definite delays and all 3 of the cases, thanks to an office romance between prosecutors and georgia, trump friendly judge in florida and the pending appeal before the us supreme court, none of the cases even have trial dates. i think he's already won by the delay. donald trump has always been the master of delay and this is working to his advantage. if he can keep kicking the can down the road, pass the election day, or at least have nothing resolved by election day. that works to his advantage. is donald trump winds the presidential election in november, the pinion cases may pause or even evaporate. we've got a way to and where that was leave the country is uncharted territory. heidi jo, castro alger 0, washington. and these are the live pictures right now. the press
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conference that we will be following when it happens uh, from the manhattan district attorney alvin brag. who is the person who, who brought the prosecution against donald trump. so you heard from donald trump after the guilty verdict was handed down. we will want to be hearing from alvin brag also in the immediate aftermath of this verdict. and we'll come back to that. when that press conference begins, the at least 37 palestinians have been killed and is really strikes across the balance of strip on thursday. 19 of the victims were killed in the southern city of russell . a funeral has been held for the 2. paramedics killed, the palestinian red crescent, says israel targeted the vehicle while they were performing their duties. since october, at least 20 members of the red crescent organizations have been killed in gaza.
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honey, my hood is in darrow, by the in central gaza. you sent us this report. most of these really military is expanding its uh the, the scale and the range of its artillery, selling all the way to the, the central part of the city, with much intensity, a magnitude of the destruction that is caused by your tillery ceiling and reaching as far as a very close area to where the remaining displays have families are still in the restaurant part of robust really mentally and robust milwaukee evacuation. so we're looking at is huge influx of people to started to leave the area as it's becoming increasingly quite difficult. it's important to point out and put a context to what's going on. the area with today's really military took over, that's a long day. it gives you a rough motor. that's the philadelphia core door. it's not in terms of elevation. it's a higher area compared to the remaining part of robust city, particularly to the west. do
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a couple of parents on these. and these little hills and those southern parts, very close to the philadelphia where a door can it, they control their of the, of the rest of the over by city at every part of the western part of the, within the range of the of the shelves are fired by the times or by, by the artillery, and that's where it's increasingly becoming unsafe, particularly the area that has been designated as a safe zone for people to be filtering inside their tents for the past months. and since the beginning of, of this genocide, the word and i understand, we now have this press conference by the new york district attorney alvin bragg list listening.
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good evening. first and foremost, i want to thank the jerry for it. service jeff of jars perform a fundamental civic duty to their service is literally the cornerstone of our traditional system. we should all be thankful for the careful attention that this jury paid to the evidence and the law and their time and commitment over these past several weeks. 12 every day new yorkers and of course, are alternates. heard testimony from 20 to witnesses, including former and current employees as a defendant, media executives, publishers, custodians of records, and others. they review call locks,
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text messages and emails. they heard recordings, they saw checks and invoices, bank statements, and calendar appointments. this type of white collar prosecution is core to what we do at the manhattan district attorney's office. in the 1930s district attorney, thomas dewey ushered in the era of the modern, independent professional prosecutor for now nearly 90 years, dedicated professionals in his office have built upon that fine tradition. a major part of our practice during that nearly 90 years has been public. integrity works, including cases involving, curious, local and state elect. it's public servants and others. i want to thank this phenomenal prosecution team. embodying
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the fine is traditions of this office, professionalism, integrity, dedication, and service. they are model public servants and i am proud and humbled to serve side by side with the 12. as every day jurors vowed to make a decision based on the evidence and the law. any evidence and the law alone, their deliberations led them to a unanimous conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant, donald j. trump is guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records in the 1st degree to conceal a scheme, to corrupt the 2016 election. while this defendant, maybe unlike any other in american history. we arrived at this trial and
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ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes to the court room doors by following the facts and the law. in doing so without fear or favor. i want to conclude by expressing deep gratitude to the n y p d, and the officers of the officers of the office of court administration for securing the court house all of our safety making sure the court house and all of the other matters are important in their own right, continued seamlessly. they will continue to be kind of always been incredible partners. thank you. and do you request
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the judge to schedule the sentencing for july 11th. we will speak in court in that time you also say a motion schedule. speak in our court filings as we've done throughout this proceeding. i do not as. busy i did my job, our job is to follow the facts and the law without fear or favor. and that's
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exactly we did here and what i feel is gratitude to work alongside phenomenal public servants to do that each and every day. it matters that you all right about it make the press good in lots of matters that you don't. uh, i did my job. we did our job. i mean, the voice is out there and the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury. and the jury has spoken mr. spyglass. many people said the prosecution was masterful. and it's lawless. just want to know how to deal with this moment. all right, mr. stein, class, i think some of you probably saw him speak for a little bit the other day. so he's done his job as, as this team. and he just told me tom, i feel, i think you said that i would just say just enormous gratitude. you know, our,
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our system. i talked about the jurors at the beginning of my remarks. we have a phenomenal system. 12 every day, new yorkers. it listen to the judges directions, they follow evans, you saw them, and every day they were a careful and attentive. and so i feel deep gratitude work alongside them to be a part of the system. and i just want to echo that this is what we're doing every single day. mean during this trial. you know, just this week, i had those gun indictments from all these wage test, a plea, resolution, sex crimes, convictions. all sorts of work is being done by phenomenal public service. so we're, we're before you today on this. obviously, consequential matter. but this is what we do every day. we follow the facts in the law without fear or favor the jail are it is likely that
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trumpet player and they appeal in the scenario. one thing, uh, i'm gonna let our work. i'm gonna to let our words in court speak for themselves. when we get to the sentencing matter, i'm not gonna address hypotheticals, they raise arguments will respond. and i think your question really underscores important point. there's an active one going that are right. we have other phases of this going ahead we will continue to do are speaking about this matter about issues like that from day one side of the viability of this is the question. it all sorts of the objects all over the place defending himself. he was fine to any of that. how on the on now that we've gotten the conviction? so my response again is i did my job. and i think particularly,
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i talked about the history of the office. you know, my personal history. i started as a prosecute at 2003 in the public integrity unit. in the new york state attorney general's office. i served also in the public integrity unit in the southern district of new york. um, these are kind of cases i've done personally and it's a hallmark of the traditional of this office that i'm proud to leave. and i don't want to go into the whole body of litigation, you know, but we now have a federal court decision. the ruling on the legal series. we had a state court decision on the omnibus motions, but most importantly, today we have the most important voice of all. and as the voice of the jurors they have spoken. donald j trump has been convicted of 34 pounds, a box 5 business records by turning your office up in the beginning. this case is
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20 the retribution in front of the president. ok, you've been listening to the manhattan district attorney alvin brag. he is. the prosecutor, he's the man who's been leading this prosecution and a team of lawyers that you see behind them. and that's the team that secured the conviction against the 45th president of the united states. donald trump. allen fisher joins us from washington, dc. you've been listening to this with us, alan. it's a little unfair what i'm going to do to you because we have to take a break in less than a minute. but i just wanted your thoughts on what you heard. the 1st of all, i think there was no good thing for melvin brag. essentially just saying, did you already did their job? i presented the fax. i did my job. if i wasn't, don't know tom's team. i'd be concerned that he reference thomas jew a thomas jerry was the in new york in the 19 socrates. he then went on to become the republican governor of new york and run for president on the strength of the work he had done in new york. losing. with that infamous headlines, you
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a wins to truman. and so they will point to this and say, look, we told you all the and brag was doing this, essentially, to run for higher political office. he was after donald trump, you wanted a big scale. and that's exactly what he did there. it's interesting that he said when it comes to whether or not he'll seek jill time, he's going to leave it to july. the 11th. and that is because i suspect he doesn't want to give a heads up to donald trump's team. but also there is the question too, on whether or not the judge would actually impose a custodial sentence. given this is donald trump's 1st ever conviction. okay, alan fisher, thank you so much for that. as i said, we're going to take a short break and we'll be back at the very top of the hour, with carrie johnston, with a full slate of world news following this historic conviction of donald trump, former president of the united states, now a convicted felon. and that's the man who secured the conviction, manhattan district attorney and his team and brag that's it for me. several venue
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for today to stay with officer news of to 6 weeks. the final phase of india's general elections begins on seeing the 1st prime minister in our rent promoting is seeking to increase has majority of low 10 out and economic concepts. and the cost is rooting. p j. p. follow india is general election on out to 0. they floods from the world's most secretive states. now you're on north koreans are finding statement, fortune. celebrity influences, but to shining a light on the home at kings and bring danger. one on one east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera, the illusion of anti semitism with opposition to design is
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a cynical and it is harmful, a dangerous completion between the persecution of a people and the criticism of the state is echoing across the world news rooms and to send me keys in the hatred of jews because the country is honest and is not about judas. it's about teacher and we need to talk about design is a listening close special on the jersey. the in the
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center i bet is due to the donald trump is found guilty on all 34 criminal counts in the house. many trials, fast, former us preston to be convicted. this was a res. november the con. carry johnston. this is all just here. a lot from the also coming parts of gauze is not just the refugee.


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