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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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for the seller, i bet you didn't have the donald trump is found guilty on all 34 criminal counts in the house. many trials, fast, former us preston to be convicted. this was a race november the con, carry johnston. this is all just here a lot from the also coming parts of gauze is not just refuge account,
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reduced to rubble of israel targets or areas of the street leaving many potus themes with no place to call. the president joe biden allows ukraine to use weapons subside, popping us some targets inside russia early to reach on the political shakeup in south africa. exit polls show the ruling i n c policies. phoning sort of the majority 1st to the beginning and united states with former president, donald trump has been convicted on all $34.00 felony charges and the so called hush money. trump jurors found trump go to a falsifying business right to cover extra marital affairs. the threatened peace of 2016 run for the white house, the verdicts and makes trump the 1st american,
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the president to be convicted of a criminal offense. sentence thing is set to take place in july. you could face up to 4 years in prison for each count. this as the 63 gained the presidency in november. this is great. this is a dry rig race. they wouldn't us age, we were 6 percent. that is the state of this area. this was a great price is going to be november and they know what happens here and everybody knows what happens here. on hatton district attorney said the prosecutors, i'm a jerry and they followed the facts while this defendant maybe unlike any other in american history,
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we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes to the court room doors by following the facts and the law. in doing so without fear or favor, i don't 100 in the joins as long as now outside the courthouse in. it's on just how the memphis is and what happens now. this is an unprecedented incident, and it's gotta be even more painful to donald trump that this historic verdict was rendered by his former fellow new yorkers. just a short while ago, his motorcade left here for trump tower across town. and he's got to be pondering the historic momentous occasion where he was convicted on 34 felony charges in
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a place where he really hopes to be king of new york. eventually went on to become president of the united states. and now is the 1st former president ever to be convicted on felony charges? he will be sentenced on july 11th. that's 4 days before the republican national convention where he is expecting to accept choose parties nomination for the presidency as a convicted sentence felon. nothing like that. has ever happened before, but it's not clear that the trump is going to pay a political penalty for this. so far, the reaction from republicans in congress and elsewhere has largely been almost universally supported. what happens now is the trump is going to have to do an energy interview with a probation department, like every other person convicted of a crime. his lawyers will undoubtedly appeal to this case on constitutional leather . whatever grounds he can come up with any certainly has the money to drag that out
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. it is unlikely that whatever the sentence is on july 11th, that he will in any way be confined before the election and all of those appeals. but it's important to note that he could face years in prison, he could face home confinement, he could just face pro patient having never been convicted of a major crime before. all of those things could potentially, at some point interfere with his ability to campaign. but it is expected that he will be free to carry out that campaign wall. the appeal is under way, but there's no way to to overemphasize the momentous news of a former president of the united states being convicted on $34.00 felony and so on . the jury came to its conclusions with some comparative speed. it was really unbelievable to be something over 9 hours, which means they,
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despite the fact that they came back, i believe 4 times asking questions, asking to have portions of the testimony read back to them. they decided this with lightning speed, which suggest that on 12 of them agreed rather quickly. and there was a lot of talk about whether they would be a hung jury, how long this could take. this is exceptional speed for a case at this moment is a complicated case where they had to decide a that donald trump was falsifying a number of business records in the b. he was doing that in conjunction with another cross that he was trying to hide from the american public. the fact that he had had an affair with a porn star, and he was doing that in what amounted to, according to the prosecutors anyway, and the jury seemed to agree what amounted to any legal contribution to his own campaign. so thanks very much indeed for that. rena shaw is
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a physical strategist and the founder of relax strategies and political intelligence, but he's also a former senior congressional advisor joins us from washington, dc. now welcome to the program. so what's your initial reaction to this extraordinary situation? of a form of preston, now becoming a convicted felon as bind today to be a somber day and us history a day unlike any other. and i think it's, it's one of those moments in which i'm stunned by the moment by the fact that the former president, the united states immediate former, now a private citizen is a convicted felon convicted. felons are able to vote in the united states, much less serve in office, but again, on that boy there, it should be noted that there's nothing in the us constitution that bars him from serving and the presidency showed he went to september. so i am taken aback by it, of course, i am celebrating on one hand that the rule of law has been upheld that everybody is
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accountable under the rule of law in these united states, even people who have served at the highest purchase. but i am also that in the business where we are as a nation, as in america, in the office of the presidency, has been venerated for generation. i myself and my mother to 3 very young children . and i am just, i find it tragic that this has happened in their lifetime that a convicted felon could hold this esteemed office and may again to hold it. you say it's the sum of the day, but you know, is this a stain on america's reputation or this is actually show that it's democracy works . no one is about to know this is not a stay on america. we are too great a nation to be, to be deemed to buy one thing. we have 3 branches of government at our highest perch here. and it's something that we all take great pride in the fact that the 3
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branches can be checks and balances on each other, our judiciary, our legislative branch, and certainly the office of the executive, the commander in chief, the president, the united states. so he is a former office holder, he is a private citizen, and a jury of his peers found him guilty on 34 count. that is really notable and we should be happy that that has happened that he is again held accountable. those are the key words, but moving away from that for a moment, we also should know that our system worked. he was presumed innocent until found guilty in this court of law. what happens next if he's able to exhaust the appeals process, he may do it from within the oval office. if you with the right now, the republican party has a very serious choice to me. do they want to put a convicted felon on the ballot for the highest office? this fault, that is where they sit across the road. donald trump, though,
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has come out fighting us, and he says it's a rig trial and disgrace. what does this mean for trumps? presumptive campaign for the white house, as we always knew that this was the playbook that donald trump was going to use because he's been using it for years, crime victim saying that he is being victimized in the political, which i of course a verdict coming down. so quickly and on, all counts does almost bolstered that claim of this being politically motivated. also, former just a good story, district attorney alvin bragg who is behind bringing this case forward, ran on the platform that he wanted to hold trump accountable. so there are many conservative, many republicans who take great issue with that and who do feel that the judiciary has been weaponized against the former. but i say it's all about a jury of one years, holding somebody accountable on the charges that were laid forth in front of them. and they believed on all counts that he should be penalized. and now what that
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penalty will look like. we don't know, but here's one also very sol bring back, you know, the material a truly this, this verdict may not have any material impact on the outcome of this election. and that is something that everybody across the lab ought to accept may happen. because right now from 2 major parties, bided in trump, is what the re match looks like right now. it is no different than that. mean it's all we very much appreciate your time. thank you. certainly thank you. the 3 weeks have intensified, is rarely a text and northern gauze of all, but destroyed what was the largest refuge account industry, palestinians who used to live in jamalia. i'm gonna say the shots by the level of destruction. they say it's rarely forces. i've left the are completely uninhabitable child stratford reports so she
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has this huge range of destroyed lives and screens. fun down homes down. make god punish them. did you answer was backing israel. we run for our lives. repeatable. we're going to move a 100000 people used to live in. did you volunteer refugee can of these mountains of rumbles and twisted metal used to be polished to be in homes, schools, businesses, markets of, to in this free week alone is really military operation. people returned limits to try and salvage what remains of their lives. these ready all me and, and strikes have a booth, richard. even the shelters are they used to try and hide that hasn't moscow from them. and oh, well, you know how to print the gun since the 1st day of the war, we have been sheltering in the school. then we were forced to be self. i was
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separated from my family and still looking for them until now. i came back to find everything destroyed. these really stretched our home to and with our lives was the entire place is no longer livable. i found a state of low from red on the ground. i picked it up. i have not eaten for days. these are alien sprint, everything till now. i cannot find my family. my 75 year old husband, my daughter who we lost each other under these. right. any medicine and shelly know what all do that? what looks like blood splattered on skin with a local journalists film, or some describes the scene or you move bodies in piles of overtones signed. and if you test to see, did you only says, and these really mean a triple lose? i got this makes it symmetry. the palestinians were forced to bury some dead again,
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the total destruction only 3 weeks ago. this was to jeopardy as made mock, and we still use to get our hands in some food here. now it's flattened level to the ground. people cannot find the homes or shops, the entire area has disappeared. we do not even know if we will find or families and relatives. this is a crime. it is a in custody who died so that these really forces stones our center in the refugee camp. we were forced to leave to go to the 2nd one already to we were shocked by the scale of the section, but does nothing standing by the inside areas, flats and the to the beyond. the dry instead, nothing the whole place as like us. after destroying our homes, like boom, down to school, where we shelter says this woman is the only place that was left for us and our
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children to hide. where do we go now? tell us don't put under the name to get the need there of a centrist partying, as well as will cabinets, as he has submitted a bill to dissolve parliament and hold early elections with any guns who threatened to resign. the postwar plans bukosa once a new monday before october is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says early elections were damaged, as well as miniature formation and gaza. and we both have mass. it's the most of the ways row has band elders here from reporting from the so so high, right, so it has this update from the jordanian capital. a pentagon says national unity policy, joined prime minister benjamin netanyahu. government placed october 7 as part of an emergency coalition. well, since then that happened divisions and many accounts earlier in the month a has tourette's and promise benjamin netanyahu saying that if you don't agree to
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a post will plan by june the 8th, i will quit the war cabinet. well, now it's put forward a bill to dissolve the contest. it, whether that's going to go through or not. they wouldn't need a majority with only just 8 seats in the car into a government. that seems to be unlikely. lots many guns has been very vocal about what he expects from this post war plan. and this comes just one day, all through his cabinet. the guy, the eyes in court, also called on a early election and the dissolving of the current government. all of this as international pressure goes private as to benjamin netanyahu increases, and they're all more internal protests within the country, especially from families of those health captive wanting to see a see slide deal as soon as possible to bring back those concepts. the are still in the gaza strip, as well as the a la p, the opposition lead up meeting with other opposition. park team members to look at
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ways to also bring down the current government. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is meeting with you all along the defense minister for the 1st time in weeks as a defense minister also has his own reservations. so at a height of, i'll just, sarah, i'm on on to remind you again, these ready government has banned. obviously, reporting from outside is a sofa. come here, a cousin of all the continues to close the volcano, south, west and ice. the the, let's go with your headlines for the americans. thank you so much for your time for southern brazil here. well, we've got some fresh starts to the day weather alerts and play for some for us the mornings over the next little bit. here's our usual problem,
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spots top end of south america. northern brazil is we look into venezuela, columbia, and ecuador. there are some weather alerts in this own for how intense that pain will be. also seen intense pockets around kosta rica and panama. so specifically for both panama city and san jose, the risk of seeing some funding here. then in northeast mexico, there was flooding around monterey in monterey. and that rain has dropped down those temperatures. once again, texas getting straight with solid bands of rain, same goes for arkansas, all that energy point in to louisiana. so we will see some more flooding here before the weekend starts. still nice through the great lakes, a few clouds drifting about for the us, northeast and westbound. we go, it is wendy for canadas, alberta, saskatchewan, and manitoba of provinces. there is a center of the weather maker there over in northern manitoba for california. let's take a peek at the weather on friday. sure. it's a bit breezy along the coast. $25.00 degrees in los angeles, and it's that time of the year where it heats up in the us southwest. so phoenix,
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40 degree is for you on friday, the . ringback in the
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book and back her mind domain stories now former us president donald trump has been convicted on thursday for funding each of these so called costs. money trial makes and the 1st american present to be convicted of a criminal offense. the face is up to 4 years in prison. for each count in northern garza is rarely forces have a texas school where displaced kind of thing is with sheltering the jabante, a refugee camp. the army has withdrawn from some areas, struggles to gain food, miniature control of july. when that's the return now to the story was a conviction of the former us present donald trump out in fisher was in washington, dc for us. no, i didn't. what all the repercussions of this, in terms of the us presidential elections and beyond the quote clearly that's going to be take time to play. i will understand what is going on. we know that both
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sides, already fundraising on the conviction at the white house, has only made one very short comment. it says, we believe in that respect the rule of law and we will be making no more common. the bygone campaign which is separate, put out a statement saying donald trump is always mistakenly believe that he would never face consequences for breaking the law for this one personal game. today's bad, it does not change that fact that the american people piece a simple reality, the way to keep donald trump out of the oval office is to beat them at the ballot box. as for the republicans, they say that they are managed to raise a great deal of money and fight their fundraising website has actually crushed since people dived onto it after the at the, the bad. that was the names of what is interesting, of course, is the republican party as a he tried to undermine what was going on in manhattan. we saw a number of senior republican figures stand up and say that this was essentially
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a call me in a short trial, a political prosecution of a presidential arrival. and that it shouldn't be allowed to stand in the hour since that conviction was a 9. we've had a number of senior figures, again, take the social media, say that this was absolutely wrong, that it was a huge mistake on behalf of the judy. and that this was jo biden's white toys pursuing a political arrival. it's important to point out is that the term campaign has been saying that for a long time, but i've never produced any evidence to suggest that this indeed was something that joe biden was pushing from behind the scenes. annalynn. how do the democrats handle this then? what will be the strategy as to what does bite and focused on? so could that be self defeating the spot? the one thing we can absolutely guarantee is this will be tested in a focus group before the message gets hammered into everyone. 2 things they'll be testing does the fact if they keep seeing donald trump, the convicted felon?
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does that remind everyone that donald trump says that this was a political process, the kitchen, and that might be bad for bite and in the long run? or do they simply see it once or twice? and continue with the message that we've seen today, which is that the only way to defeat donald trump is that the pilot folks. therefore, he could be a problem. if you elect him, he could go on a rampage of revenge. he's already talked about being a dictator. all of these things come into play if he wins the election in november, but it will be tested with focus groups and we'll get to see what the line of attack is likely to be in about months time. because of course, at before, we even get the sentencing because joe biden, and donald trump a trip to face off in the 1st presidential debate on the 27th of june in atlanta in georgia and fish and washington dc for as long as i think president joe biden, has it partially lifted
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a band on ukraine using us psalms and strikes on russian territory? the change in the policy is understood to apply only to defend the hockey area. ne title, otherwise have been quoting on the us to allow you to use western weapons to attack inside russia. she have a tendency, has more now from washington, dc deals with us for being told that a very strict guidelines to the ukrainians on what this changing policy means. it's going to have been telegraphed over several days now. we've had them up surgeon and linked articles about maybe in terms deliberations and the bites administration that we had trying to think of the secretary of state and mold of our on wednesday talking about the needs of flexibility app. but now we're being told yes, the ukrainians will be allowed to use weapons in the cross border region over in between call given and russia in order to attack russian military assets preparing to attack, so called keys were told that there are all these strict guidelines, but not allowed to but, but you guys onto now to the strikes deeper into russia. they're not allowed to
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attack civilian infrastructure. and there was always a sense that we weren't necessarily going to get a full announcement of this policy because this was one of the big red lines of, of job i. i know, of course, clearly now this is you have another red line that has this disappear. the reason why i bite and said it was a red line was because he said he didn't want to start world war 3 with russia of either us becoming effective. the co competence striking into, into a new clip, a nuclear arms country. but now this red line has disappeared as i've so many on delivering weapon systems to ukraine on the other foreign policy issues. but you get a sense just because your credit is doing so. so badly right south and the by the administrator is desperate to at the very least keep the will going into the election to avoid any formal sense of defense which would affect binding electricity. even if there are a few here in washington who think that any kind of ukrainian success is a possible affair to south africa, not where early results show the governing amc policies. failing sure to the
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majority in the elections for the 1st time in 30 years. now, this may force it to form a coalition with other policies in order to remain in government, montana reports from a drawing to south. the biggest political shakeup in 3 decades is looming by early thursday evening, just over 30 percent of the voted being comforted and the ones dominant amc is being batted in the number of regions. the democratic alliance retained system majority in the western cape, and with more than 50 percent of the votes counted, will continue to govern the province for the next 5 years. but the opponent people i'm telling the 6 months ago has provided the major surprise, including toby's this way. o m k may have the chance of seizing controlling costs and do natal ane amc stronghold and didn't neighboring improvement longer. the amc has so far lost 20 percent of the voted gained in 2019 the folks going to m k
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that the majority of votes are still being counted. there's already tool couple of coalition government among the partners, the and so you could consider the economic freedom scientists or if it's though it's ready. cool policies, including nationalization of the mines, are deeply at odds with the amc democratic alliance policies to add to barry and ne, it's in the position on palestine. obviously is not about discussions about positions is about what, what will serve up success. and what that done. once they, we looked at people up and up to a suitable structure of them and not through them as well. we'll make a determination about the way for uh, on the end and on so has already come from the intake party. they'll be no colors until to the and see if this point could you embroider that?
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well the, the m k. the reason was formed was because the agency was struggling to implement the policies for the people, which includes the land for education. so it wouldn't be a part to that one to have a coalition that because it would probably stop by some time to do those things. another option would be for the amc to form an alliance with the number of the smaller parties, which would be likely to demand less in return than the bigger ones. but in order to achieve this, the amc would need more than 46 percent of the boat a target, which as the cons continues, appears more and more remotes. mike kinda, i'll just sarah woodrand, south africa, around has opened the registration payment to the candidates. he wants to compete and it surprises dental election. the poll is due to be held off, the price of the for him re see was killed and a helicopter crash earlier this month. candidates will be evaluated to bother you.
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12 member governments and 40 and then there's a guardian council. once approved, the public has set to vote on june 28th. spain's parliament has approve the device of the old grunting amnesty to castanon separatists and falls into 2017 independence campaign. the bill natalie passed by 5 votes, had faced opposition from the consent to the property, as well as the fond rights books spots around 400 people should benefit from the noise, including those who took part in process and the format catalog mutual presence, we flipped to belgium, often the vote. legal experts have questioned whether the noise in reach of the constitution. protests is routing in all meaning or against the prime ministers, plans for them. concessions is what a large police presence in the capital. we are then, with hundreds of demonstrations gathered that demanding the resignation of mister nicole pushing them. i saw that his government agreed to fund the territory to
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advise you on the last month. i mean, it has controlled the strategic area for decades. this is capital has recorded its the 1st hate related deaths this year. local media report to the 4th year old neighbor died from heat struck on wednesday. the temperature jelly has reached a record high of 52.9 degrees celsius. other parts of the country haven't experiencing severe heat wave conditions for weeks. volcano and southwest iceland discontinued dispute. the 1st 2nd day is the 5th major option, distraught directly on this and see us since december. but amongst the soon look at volcanic crate to is once more in full, full nature's fine works for roaches. the visible from a very safe distance that a tennis peninsula home to 30000 people has already seen weeks.


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