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tv   101 East North Koreas Influencers  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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this is capital has recorded. it's the 1st page related deaths this year. local media report to the 4th year old neighbor died from heat struck on wednesday. the temperature jelly has reached a record high of 52.9 degrees celsius. of the parts of the country have been experiencing severe heat wave conditions for weeks volcano and southwest iceland discontinued dispute. the 1st 2nd day is the 5th major option, distraught directly on yes and then see us since december. but amongst reports is this soon? no good. volcanic crate to is once more in full force. nature's fi works for roof just the visible from a very safe distance that a tennis peninsula home to 30000 people has already seen weeks of the russians elsewhere. too often 8 centuries of inactivity officio that's opened up in the stretches. several kilometers. experts say at the moment it's only threatens
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infrastructure like water pipes, the remains fall from stable to continuous current and the fire that is more than 2 and a half kilometers long by now. but as it develops with time, it will focus into certain points and eventually, and often only one or 2 craters will be active on the long run. but we can't say that by now we only up serving the initial phase by now. the interruptions, hey, i have shafts of teaching systems, crossed roads and semester, several homes in the fishing community of get into that for now. defensive goals and dykes blocked the lava from further destruction. and despite the crowds of steam and ass flights of continued at the countries nearby international airports, this is localized events in the southwest corner of the island on the map. it seems to be many the seems to be very close to the airport, but that's, it's elizabeth saving. below the surface,
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reservoirs of mac might have continued to mass on the scene, often a warming of possible further explosion. this storm of orange and red, the latest remind for the small population of this island nation that spec to interruptions will remain a regular feature of life here. so many decades may be centuries to come with a month. so does it. so you can find out more information on our website and i'll just see what the con, continue sent off to 101 east. israels . we're on gossip. be coming a forever across the united states. why are the students protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for
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israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, who they fled from the rules most secretive states. but young north korean defective now courting the limelight, the finding fame and fortune in south korea as of liberty influence in air, the okay that i need on another the or is it palm to seeing the power of the internet? this joining a light on the who and that to kingdom just doing the same thing. it to go to could that have induction done, dental victory on though it fits a man can be human and for the children that could creating such public profiles. bring danger for the effect is painted, we should probably get, it was always a promot. you know, sometimes you'll model with the slain was also like the when i, when is when,
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when he meets the north screen defect is coming out new lives on line. despite the risks, the in the south of sol needs north korean, defective con no to 26. year old, he's a youtube star with more than $360.00 thousands subscribers. some of those videos, bro, millions of use toys. one cannot. i agree all to go on problem solving. young payroll is to walk in through and sort of hardware and then they'll kinda as owns it through the appraisal. can even go get some factoring to tom's auto toller while he worked at a quote to little one of the quote, impersonal binding. both the decor does all our to town and she visual
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to goes april, you to the title. i can help you because you also need you to come soon as you go or get home on any go to don't to go. you don't enjoy any older kids in the world and doesn't go down and get somebody else to be human. she doesn't know their good size the pushing them or do you come up at the are you going to say, oh, you want to do it because 100 us you. it's a good one to don't want my you don't want the full crew to dollar more data on where you got it. so no need to them necessarily because hudson and can choose also have the today, nara is heading to a studio in the south korean capital, which he films youtube videos at least twice a week. the trick on
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youtube, us on a table meeting, also to kind of look us on the notes here. sunrise will get on on tuesday. we want to see the ways to move on to the some of the mentioned to do some more good. i thought you talked a little in teen day, oh, total minutes on taking with us how most i'm telling them don't bring somebody come on top dentist. i mean, from that is well being when i was exhibiting in type of mean due to the job done for 1st thing you're saying hon teaches a youtube create as course, a keep tpo university, which somebody told me that the language and get some put into you know somebody told me that the community need to really, which is on this one and we don't want him to the able someone to, to go to the joining they all can get into the hands on the other day. we cool.
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cool. you know, i'm sorry, is there any easy time, jim? cuz i'm definitely tough when you sign in. i seem to be going on with most of the places tabletop and even go on and kinda let them go in. and so either, yeah, i'm gonna do is cut down for cynthia and tell you that is how do i need more time controlling more about total intensity for the definitely minimize my point in the day. oh, june. like north korea, when he was 17 years old, off the he started posting youtube videos. he attracted move in 100000. follow was there you tell you guys him, you just you totally auto pin is how you by the a safe way, allen, sol refilled or if so you can push
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on up for you. so i need something to say so you guys to see what's going on with your single, the tunneling good. i'm familiar with the assessment and i don't want you to i'm saying uh huh. june says through these videos he wants to challenge prejudices. south koreans have about the defect is got a lot of them, but a tote that and to feed them on to the public. to be nice when you know it's all the power. oh it's. you'd see this here comes out. always hung out and going into the house on we're pushing them to contain more people. you upload it is 1st videos of to one of these new friends. it's so university. so just to be sure his story online running was some way of uh,
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put the 2 items on one to the board also can you can one day i will kind of play stuff out. feel that's a good thing. comfortable shaving. yeah. don't feel it gets okay. to get yourself on something real quick, if you knew how i'm going to go through this, tell them to pointing to them doesn't sounds i wanted you to call them and say, hello, virginia and mingling has had on the i think i need to go to get that table reduction done 10 minutes. ok to annoy them in can be humans important on the low but on children to you super saying you've got talk to dollars. how man. so click the the home. yeah. and oh cool. yeah. it gets all that on cocktail kind of go. yeah, that's what i'm doing because of pretty much one bonus on the as to how go what's going on or to, to, to focus on going more than
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a single do it. okay, so cost me a sense, of course what it was on the okay, well what, what to think of anything that you might have. so those on those to get on kind of the okay to realizing the honey uh on site under the last year because it does have the pump. so you is for me, leave it to you in north korea. i mean, views,
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it helps north koreans escape the north korean government tries so hard to control information and so control narratives, right? they try really hard, so only portray is uh and vision or image of north korea as a country. and of course, it's very focused on condone on, it's very political. and so when north korean people are able to escape and then actually use that voice for the 1st time. and, you know, reveal some of the fictions and some of the lies, even all of the north korean government. that's so powerful. the, that has been a big increase in the number of north korean defenses. saw in youtube channels in the last few years. but maybe some want to make money from the commercialization of youtube and having i bought assessments. but i think that it's actually more about
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this opportunity to share that versus the nara has arrived at the studio. and he's waiting to get to work with it. while we're on the world in time to, to guys any longer, we don't know what's his date and we'll talk eligible was he thought it sort of when it'll come to how to deal with one of the town that's available is i don't consider the more it's all sort of going to go through, well, can you run into a miserable one? could you tell me the chair goes upstairs when the in i was a little closer over or for, for this, i don't want to get coil. alternator moms of long, it's gonna be one,
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they're going to repeat it all to finish it on a talk to or to on to get to visit or for the order for me now down. yeah, they will come not i need another the or is it i know this or not. i mean the, i'm the new to the younger what it one bill i'm giving a little cause it all the way while the same as your service. you don't pay any type of horrible cutting your problems. it cvw this for you don't want that. aton not others on it. i was all okayed is where your civil will tell the young people come to don't wanted to kind of do you not?
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i could tell her and the daughter has all the gospel. i have a political all the all the the due to the status was on the days all to the to the troy. i will try to try. but could you call me the on to your bottom, but what going on with this? so all 4 of us, you go to the new tables, good to vote. key one oil. what does return the 2nd put them in there for them? one page from the boulevard, all financial ok, toy can your,
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is selling it up and you don't want the fluid which pulls a word up on the unless it, for the mobile cars all cobra. sure. long as you know, the warning going was 8 o'clock. so i'm wondering, we're good here, void on those orders and gone. how we're all doing where you don't as all the to me or shoot me an answer and i'll get to the control new. i do us different brands, you know, to promote products, to have a 1000000 full way across various social media platforms. humans on average, around $6000.00 a month. the older to auto renew. no legal movers. you don't call chrome books was informed that it online and it comes awful players to me is i wish long anymore. we all know ro issue you the see use that the north korean
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authorities, a monitoring her online profile. so i thought, well, that's true. i go, oh good i where it says certificate setup, which is awesome drone, you know, cuz it goes with the, with the, with the influence is like, no i should assume that being watched according to come be on tow, a north korean defector. i'm full, i'm a profess, a political science community shows community to joseph on sundays your model with the slain was also like the what i, we know you enjoy this. she to them tension economy. so as little to team g young a full, i'm a north korean soldier, defected to the south. when she was 23 years old.
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like kung nora, she quickly became the internet to liberty and reality. tv stuff still didn't have to have all my that i will will because it's only it is. so bonnie also was able to get turned on and i thought all the time so you don't get some dates from you guys. i didn't even, we're doing it for the eco box that i'm doing is how you think your logical pennies . i'm doing it. tell you who's on the yeah. yeah. to me to talk to the computers and figure out close on the wrong and do you come to the morning on the, on the moon when he got yeah, move which i give you that i was good. then when they opened, it would have gotten mahoney to call you on the because it,
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how long would it include 2017 in g soon. suddenly that is a few months later g, p. a didn't know 3 in propaganda video to 15 to 20 to a dozen years old. oh wow. good little thoughts right on the concrete to channel the to the go anywhere local. the rent to own it on the corner cupboard is what i'm interest.
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searching total won't pink and we have a walk, it all depends on what the total and the problem is. always a fluid and the good on the paper in data for you all to, to bought on uh can you um for to fill up the dog. couldn't live, i can go to move to come to learn those things on the 20th. and just are you talking about a lot that i'm in the about 2 months hang valuable or not? yeah. we'll go east of things will have an effect on those of us. i will go to my window. your dream is to my bathroom will tell you how long they will need. the only thing i
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should say is you need us to. i always have that on there. yeah, and i've done that. you take also time in order well up the to get to come on to comfortable around. are you doing this? i think i don't know the people kind of up on the nozzle. we need to tell you not to what are you able to to, to get in go down. you just took the, sorry at the moment i go. it's been 6 years since in g june. i finished the consensus amongst security agencies. isn't she was kidnapped by the north korean regime? i don't, i don't. so here's all from under, wasn't this, i'm not going to get totally got you. and we also kind of don't show you the kind of don't we as hold a candle for it along with it all to evaluate and don't want to cut out which it by
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producing that you've got your job to play. so now your total, you're going to change the way we're going to, to my, that's my competitive turn on the we've up to kind of think i'm gonna go years old because i get to come to the sound of a pay. what, how about the kinds of you did a lot of drama can total no more like a global customer to talk about that one of the others had gone over to the to the, to him on top of joe to mention dealt with isn't true. can normally also good, i mean, of course on,
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and we'll put on your introduce soon as you go to get them on sometimes on the columbia and she gets home what they are logical, which i'm going out in google and the username to to man. and i'll send them the young girl vonage donor stuff age and pushed on 12 hours to single again, or the kind of junction one shows on item. did you get your quote the gross i paula also includes your withhold. oh, i also thought little some of those are comfortable changing that as well to one of the wonderful point of with the took up. and of course, how can you get who was, how many i'll get, i'll get them one. it sounds like the don't come neuro also styles in self korean reality tv shows
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lots of shows help increase her exposure and informed south koreans about the lives of north korea. the dish on the toner when the dollar was a could for whatever processor as a full watching the longer into human during drums, the toner. and then they go to get on the level which doesn't go with the the
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cards. it tells you, man, if you're doing hold on the total or push it to their excessive pain, i think i think we'll do one of those. you know, that's the thing i did notice. wow, typically the big your label pretty much is the truth of the because you had to choose the country with the goals or the is it you go look in your one cumulate on the home on longer to get all the on. they're comfortable with it. the ones will not get there to wish, so it is all come me on to says poor shows featuring defective are often highly critical of king joan owns regime. how do some other side of the car it
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was really good to be at home the the the from while they don't on the hook up. i knew i knew the other one was okay to go. you can look up. i know the other one was the home and i told him should only just for us to do it or i don't have to go to them and talk to him, telling me that the younger to them is all all pulls him in with your to pull ticket to us, one or 2 to known as one got a hit. it's sort of the card i'm going to put on to do or talk to them it. okay. i really need where as well. so lot of calling down. it'll tell me the rules are advertised, how dollars or so you don't go through some fluid or was possible to to know which can you do? you go up to on top of being a celebrity, youtube and reality tv stock call. nora also landed a role in the 2021 with drama.
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colors or was it romans is oh not i a cut of up and i'm not, i'm not on to the whole table. no, because that will be done by 3 people couch the thing 100 entails turning on and then could on have save all of the this is the demilitarized zone on the border between north and south korea. it's a close to sick comb. nora can you get to the results that i'm on a pile of greens. you can go the less intrusive.
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all all the humans on the, on the cool come down your let's into one to learn from nicole difficult. i mean only one computer will. so the, what you want them to go to the printer because i don't so either you don't count on phones in to create them. so i'm going to guess which you sooner number and your thoughts on it is all done and it depends on i don't need all the data in for on. so you don't with the ronald's all tell me who it is. i'm the total now do live. i don't know. we'll come. yeah. and you don't. i'm doing doors. are you tell us fluid? i'm going to email to them. what you google is huge. you can comfortably it up into that. i'm no, can you hold all the little can go to the boys to use the
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100 seconds mexicans head to the poles, to elect a new president with 2 leading female candidates. the country is points to make history. what can the new leader tackle escalating violence? color to mexico presidential election on al jazeera. i want people to look closer at the august side of this. i points by time or where all those refer, not to the. i write about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up in the us worse to make a rally packed and also via turn when on the power of political lot. what i'll just stories we tell sales about also, and how do we base our task to change our future studio be unscripted want to on?
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i would just say around the you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on wordpress and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increase the systems cost on ridgecrest.
3:00 am
the donald trump is found guilty on or $34.00 criminal accounts and its costs money trots the 1st time a former us president has been convicted of a crime. this was a race november the carry, johnston. this is i'll just share a lie from the also coming up. thoughts of gauze as lot just to refugee count reduced to rubble. as israel call gets old areas of the strip leaving many types of screens those place to hold the.


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