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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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just deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems. customer ridgecrest the donald trump is found guilty on or $34.00 criminal accounts and its costs money trots the 1st time. a former us president has been convicted of a crime race november the carry johnston. this is i'll just share a lie from the also coming up. thoughts of gods as large as to refugee count
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reduced to run as this route call gets old areas of the strip leaving many types of screens. those place to the president joe biden allows ukraine to use weapons supplied by the us targets inside the russian own region. and a political shake comp in south africa. exit polls show the routing and seat on seas holding shots of a majority. the 1st on input to use the to begin in united states with former presidents, donald trump, has been convicted on all the 34 felony charges. and the circled hush money try to is found from guilty of falsifying business. right goal is to cover up extra marital affairs, a threat to him and his 2016 run for the white house. the for that makes trump the 1st american president to be convicted of
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a criminal offense. sentencing is set to take place in july. you could face up to 4 years in prison for each count. this as the 62, we gained the presidency in november. this is great. this was a dry rig race. they wouldn't us age, we were 6 percent. that is the state of this area. this was a great price is going to be november and they know what happens here and everybody knows what happens here. the manhattan district attorney said prosecute to is i'm the jerry only for the facts. while this defendant, maybe unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as
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every other case that comes to the court room doors. by following the facts and the law. in doing so without fear or favor it was on engine joins as long as not sides. the court house in new york. john, just minutes. this is the so what happens now? well gary is donald trump might say nobody's ever seen anything like it. after more than 9 hours of deliberation, a new york jury delivered that historic verdict guilty on all charges that may donald trump, the 1st former president who is also a criminal who was found guilty. as you said on 34 counts, felony counts of falsifying visitors records. now trump will be sentence on july 11th, which is 4 days before the republican national convention, where he is expected to accept his parties nomination for president as
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a convicted sentenced criminal. trump will certainly appeal that conviction. the sentence ranges from probation, 2 years in prison, but most court watchers don't think they will actually do present time. he left the court house in a motorcade that went to trump tower right here in new york, and it can't be lost on trump that this historic verdict was rendered by his former fellow new yorkers who did what to impeachment, trials and a federal investigation could not label the former president, a criminal, caring for an engine. thanks very much indeed for that. well, rick wilson is the co founder of the lincoln project. he's also a form of g o. p strategist, an author of everything trump, touches dies when he joins this phone cut out. i see in florida, welcome to the progress of foot simply what's your reaction to this? unprecedented but it's as well. i'm pounds by the fact that the american will
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was held up in the face of an earnest political pressure from donald trump. this is a country that for 9 years has been a been to the will of one man. and you know, he was held accountable today in a court of law by a jury of his peers under the american system, where he had a full opportunity to defend himself in every way he saw fit. and at the end of the day, he was convicted on all $34.00 accounts, in part because the prosecution made a solid case based on the evidence and the records and the paper trail that that led them to believe that he had engaged the criminal conspiracy. um, so it's a good thing for the whole lot america. it's a bad day for donald trump, but that's uh, that's what happens in this country when you commit crimes of eventually get caught . but trumps. fundraising is already in full swing just minutes off to the book coming. does he use the sure his advantage when it comes to his presidential campaign? donald trump would have use this to his advantage for fundraising with his base no
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matter what the result was. we. that's big to indicate because they say from what is what is having a problem with right now, is it millions of, of republican voters who have already told america that they are not comfortable with troll millions of these virtually different nikki haley. get other candidates in the republican primary. they are now confirming what they sort of knew in their guts about trump. he's, they've done with. he is a criminal. this is not a guide you. one is a role model in the country for your children. and we think it increases the likelihood of, of donald trump losing, and some of these key states among some of these key demographics, where he has been, we went to republicans, you, if you take out the national polls of trump, any focus on the swing states, it's a lot closer then it looks at the national level. and because the electron called you have to do it that way. and there are a lot of motors in those states who are swayed by the fact that this guy's a criminal. and i think it's going to be a very interesting race,
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still going to be a tight race. it's not this is, it ended for donald trump, but it certainly makes it a much more difficult proposition for. but when it comes to the election that, i mean, how do the democrats handle this in the run up to it? do they focus on it? or stick to issues like the economy, for example, as well. and what the, the, the idea that you're going to make this right about anything other than donald trump is, is fallacious. it will be about donald trump in the end of the day, just as it was in 2020, because it was in 2016. and this race will end up being decided on a judgment of do you want 4 more years of the chaos, the criminal ality, the conspiracies, the cruelty, all the things that surround trump of do you want 4 more years of that as an american? and i think for the most part the answer will be now, i think for the most part, the answer will be that that donald trump's behavior has disqualified him with a lot of the voters that he would have ordinarily expected. went inside the
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republican party, but will not in 2024. trump has come out fighting though, hasn't to you. typically he says a, it's a rich trial and just grace. i mean, looking ahead. he might be looking to appeal shortly. of course, you'll appeal what he's got, nothing but all the money we're talking about in raising earlier is not going to re elect him. it's going to pay his lawyers. it's going into his is because lawyers pockets, because he has so many legal cases against him. not because there's a conspiracy against him by the deep state or joe biden or anybody else. but because he's engaged in so much criminality, that there are legal cases against him across the board or in the united states. so he's gonna spend the vast majority of that money, he's raising our attorney fees. or do you see this as a sad today for america, or does it actually show that the democracy that works because no one is above below. what do i think this is a great day for america? because it shows that no one is above the law. it shows that no one,
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including donald trump, has the power to break the american judicial system by intimidation, which he was certainly tried to do during the course of this trial or by their, their celebrity status, which he was certainly try to do during the course of the trial, i think it's a good day for american, it shows that nobody's available to be absolutely clear for the audience here. despite this, he can still run for president county. that is the law in america. he can't vote or own a gun if he's convicted of a felony. buddy can still run for president pen as an irony, and it's something that the american founders never really anticipated would be a problem. because they believed that that shame when to prevent people who were criminals from running for office apparently not. oh, that will leave it eric little, so thank you very much indeed for joining us here on out here. great to be with you . thank you so much. i of the,
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of, in use now 3 weeks of intensified is really a tax and northern gauze of all but destroyed with was the largest refugee count in the strip palestinians who used to live in jamalia say the shops are the level of destruction besides really forces of left the air, a completely uninhabitable child, stressful reports. so she has this huge range of destroyed lives and screens. fun down homes down, make god punish them, and you answer all those back in israel. we run for our lives. repeatable. we're going to move a 100000 people used to live in the jabante, a refugee camp. these mountains of rumbles and twisted metal used to be polished to be in homes, schools, businesses,
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markets. as often this week alone is really military operation. people returned limits to try and salvage what remains of their lives at these ready all me and, and strikes have a blue to richard. even the shelters are they used to try and hide that had the most common phenomenon. oh, well you know how to print the gun since the 1st day of the war we have been sheltering in the school. then we were forced to leave self. i was separated from my family and still looking for them until now. i came back to find everything destroyed. these are our only strides our homes. and we did our lives was the entire place is no longer livable. i found a state of low from red on the ground. i picked it up. i have not eaten for days. these are early spring, everything until now i cannot find my family, my 75 year old husband, my daughter who we lost each other under these really medicine of shelving
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matt, what looks like blood spots is on a scale and a local journalist to illness and describes the scene or you move bodies piles of overtones signed, and if you test se generally says and this really made a triple lose, i got this makes it symmetry. the palestinians were forced to bury some dead again, the total destruction only 3 weeks ago. this was to jeopardy as main market. research tools used to get our hands in some food here. now it's flattened level to the ground. people cannot find the homes or shrubs. the entire area has disappeared. we do not even know if we will find to assemblies and relatives. this is a crime. it is a city, a subsidy whose job is sort of these a, the for systems, our center, the reference the account. we were forced to leave to go to the $31.00 already to
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we would shop by the scale of the section, but does nothing standing by the hand side as flat and then to the ground, the dry instead, nothing. the whole place is white house. after destroying our homes, like boon, down to school, where we shelter says this woman is the only place that was left for us and our children to hide. where do we go? now? i will stop over there and i know they need to have a centrist pots. in his rouse wall cabinet says he has submitted a bill to this old apartment and hold early elections. been against who threatened to resign of a post war plans for garza's once a new monday before october. is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says any elections were damaged, as well as military operation in gaza and reward how mass is well, has band delta 0 from reporting from there. so sar holler arrives as this update
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from the georgia and capital a month. many got it says national unity policy joined prime minister benjamin netanyahu government post. october 7 is parts of an emergency coalition. well, since then that happened divisions and many accounts earlier in the month a has tourette's and promise benjamin netanyahu saying that if you don't agree to a post war planned by june, the 8th, i will quit the war cabinet. well, now it's put forward a bill to dissolve the contest. it, whether that's going to go through or not. they wouldn't need a majority with only just 8 seats in the car into a government. that seems to be unlikely. lots many guns has been very vocal about what he expects from this post war plan. and this comes just one day, all through his cabinet. the guy, the eyes in court, also called on earlier election and the dissolving of the current government. all of this as international pressure goes private as to benjamin netanyahu increases,
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and they're all more internal protests within the country, especially from families of those health cap to one thing to see a see slide deal as soon as possible to bring back those concepts. the are still in the gaza strip, as well as the a la p, the opposition lead up meeting with other opposition. part team members to look at ways to also bring down the current government. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is meeting with you all along the defense minister for the 1st time in weeks as a defense minister also has his own reservations. so at a height of, i'll just, sarah, i'm on a reminder again, these ready governments has been down to 0. we're reporting from outside israel. so to come here on the program, a me look at how the children have gone to find a brief respite from the simple under curtain. the fire was
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novel continues to flow. you from full chain south west to nice. the in depth analysis of the days headlines, if that was a rougher offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to give each one of scouts and people has to be displaced at least 2 times. frank assessments, this is a max and blown to free speech and freedom of the press, informed opinions you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages. october 2nd, didn't return. and i want to stop inside story on al jazeera. oh, is it use it for young women? the south african town play by poverty, break, and murder the baby get
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despite all of a community workers determined to provide refuge, long as the community say, not my problem is always gonna happen. like one small town safe house. and with this documentary on that, it says here to the colleges here with the the you watching out. just a reminder about top stores. former us president donald trump has been convicted on
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the $34.00 front of the charges. and this so called costs money trying to make some the 1st american president to be convicted of a criminal offense. he faces up to 4 years in prison, but each count in northern garza is rarely for 6 have a texas school by displaced palestinians. with sheltering all the rest of the army has withdrawn from some arabs, struggles to gain the full miniature control of japan. does he mentioned the area is very as tries continue across. the goal is to strip some in the law, but try to find refuge from the bottom in time. the heat of the beach correct as the pulse of these children of finding an escape from israel's will and goes a loss to enjoy showing how life should be here in contrast to the reality of supreme and harder during months, which is very
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a tax. 17000 and the goal is a strip of living without an adult protection awesome races from the assemblies that i am here to play in. swim we want to get the hovers. we are living in the destruction, whole families, clifton hall, father and brothers and gaza. i'm here i am with my mother. he is living in a 10th more than 15 sounds like children have been killed since october. most of the $81000.00 palestinians will have be voted. excluding thousands will have had amputations also the children j and the despite the horrible conditions we are living, we come to the c side. the only thing left for us to seek some concepts. there's innocent children did nothing wrong to go through all this tyra. we're trying to help them here, mentally, and psychologically hoping they will have a normal and positive future. we the old generation, already traumatized. and scott, this is our last result. lindsay,
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tens of little protection and searing heat. nearly 2000000 people have been repeatedly displaced and even tend incompetence. have be bumped while i have them and this is the only place we have to vent our grief and anger. the environment inside the tent is unbearable. they are loading the absence of hygiene flies, a hovering over a day and night. we are trying to get some teen and a fresh breath for our children. needless to say, we feel conflict with me all by the sea, as, as well as the homes. many of these children have lost the favorite clubs, books and toys. they do not have enough to eat and money as do it from hunger. the castles and assumed for buying some mental risk points. hundreds of thousands have found a unique with surprise at this speech every day as these came from the on going so ring often for it to to the is valley too much always in components of the stress
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displacement. palestinian is the last remaining outlet. so i leave you a to the of the growing cycle it you can pressure that they have been during since october the 7th. sorry. so by soon i would just be around there is that i kind of sony to the un high commissioner for refugees as criticize the security council for its inconsistent response to the boot refugee crises for the program. the specifically condemned israel is force displacement of palestinians in gaza. kristof salumi has more from the un headquarters in new york. israel, the tax on ross. i was widely condemned by security council members, many of whom reference the order of the international court of justice just days earlier, to end such a military activity. algeria for it's park called on the security council to back a concise resolution supporting b i. c. j. and international law, while the u. n. special coordinator for the middle east peace process called on the
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international community to get behind a framework for guys as recovery. no attempts to address the military and security challenges. this will be sustainable unless it's a part of a broad approach that addresses gusts of political future. that future is an integral part of a single unified palestinian state, which is a closer foundation for realizing a 2 state solution. now no vote has been scheduled on algeria as draft resolution, yet. france for it's part, has expressed support for it, but it's also been working on a more comprehensive solution to ending with conflict directed at a 2 state solution. kristen salumi al jazeera, the united nation, to present terabyte, and this possibly lifted the band on that ukraine using us homes and strikes on the russian territory. the change in policies on the state to apply only to defend the whole cube area. nato allies have been calling on the us to allow you to use the
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western weapons to attack inside brush. so you have a tendency has more from washington dc. this has been telegraphed over several days with repeated articles in the us and media are about be in terms of deliberations within the administration about this policy shift. and then there to be as me blinking the secretary of state is called in some mold of a on wednesday where he talked about the need for us flexibility on ukrainian policy. now we have confirmation of in the last several days, the us gave you credit and the go ahead to use us weapon rate, but as a great deal of emphasis on the rules of engagement. the ukrainians can only use that us weaponry against russian military assets in the border region around khaki . across the border region, around cock keith called attack civilian infrastructure caught launch deeper attacks into russian territory. none the less though, this is yet another red line. another drove bite and foreign policy red line that
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has disappeared by the long said, you refuse to allow the use of us weaponry into russia because he didn't want to start world war 3. a reference to russia being nuclear weapons homes, not would appear that these limited strikes are acceptable to by them. they appear to be both a recognition of how poorly ukraine is doing on the battlefield, but also the need for the bite administration to at least to keep this one going into the presidential election. given the amount of political capital biting the spence on your credit shepherd, fancy elder 0 washington to a south africa now where any results. so the governing amc parties forming show to the majority and actions the 1st time in 30 years. this may force it to form a coalition with other policies in order to remain in government. what kind of reports not from the dr. south africa. the biggest political shakeup in 3 decades is looming. by early thursday evening,
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just over 30 percent of the votes have been counted and the ones dominant a n c is being brought to in the number of regions. the democratic alliance retains this majority in the western cape, and with more than 50 percent of the votes counted, will continue to govern the province for the next 5 years. but diplomacy, boom, done. the 6 months ago has provided the major surprise on con toby's this way. o m k. may have the chance of seizing controlling costs into natal and amc stronghold and in neighboring improvement longer. the amc has so far lost 20 percent of the voted gained in 2019 the folks going to m k. but the majority of votes are still being counted. there's already tool couple of coalition government among the partners, the a and so you could consider the economic freedom fighters or e f. f. though it's very cool policies, including nationalization of the mines,
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are deeply at odds with the amc democratic alliance policies to add to barry and ne, it's embedded in position on palestine. obviously is not about discussions about positions is about what, what's, what's the progress and what that demonstrates the we look to people and that will a suitable structure of the, the, and not through that as well. we'll make a determination about the way for uh, mon, the engine on so has already come from the intake party. there will be no collision until to the in see if this could be employed to that. well the, the m k, the reason it was formed was because the agency was struggling to implement the policies that for the people would come to the land for education. so it wouldn't be applied to that one to have a coalition that because it would probably uh, stuff as i'm trying to do those things. another option would be for the
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a and c to form an alliance with the number of the smaller parties, which would be likely to demand less in return then the bigger ones. but in order to achieve this, the amc would need more than 46 percent of the boat a target, which as the cons continues, appears more and more remotes kinda. i'll just sarah woodrand, south africa, now volcano in the south west. and iceland is a rough thing for the 5th time since december. we saw life pictures, not from the rec you and this news to the 3800 people in the nearby fishing town have been evacuated from the homes. if there was a goon, samuel spa, one of iceland, biggest tourist attractions was also evacuated before the rupture begun. it started early afternoon on wednesday after a series of,
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of quakes. or we can find more information on our website also. is there a dot com where there was next, an inside store, it would examine the hate season. you try minutes to turn the country around the use of funds. so let's go. let's start with this. thanks so much the low. there's some good news for that. he didn't northwest india starting to back off of it. we'll get there in one second to see by the way. but 1st let's talk about the act of whether ne india 2nd and his son states. still sundry downforce here, but throughout the day on friday that will peter out now to the story of the heat. let's turn the colors on dark, the red, the hotter it is. so these temperatures down by a few degrees, still hot though in punjab state i'm. it's are coming in at 46. temperatures have dropped in a person. providence and buckets done,
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but they're heating up in southern sense. so cannot yet 37 in with this breeze off . be a baby and see we're gonna see some dust and sand storms in karachi. quite active in the south trying to see this could spin up into a tropical storm. either way though, it's throwing a lot of rain to china is hung on island in southern china. and then we've got flight alerts in place for the philippines, power one, island, and lose on island. there had been some for the size, but those have been dropped off. so the storm southern china will also extend into south east china and food in providence. but the pain is really point into your once again for gwen g province were just the other day there was flooding there, tropical storm, passing just to the east of japan's main island of honshu. so a lot of rain coming for the pacific coast, including tokyo, adapt day on friday sale. the he says he went to go to and syria, to provide a 27 year old accident as to how kids survey testing was seen as i'm doing side
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with nose in the eyes of his government. with my citizenship was level, i was surprised in the 1st part of the ceiling. we found the restoril either push the shape worker because he confronts the news, the piece, citizenship verification. i only want my citizenship fact if i'm proven in a sense, i don't want to wait on the cali state list in syria. on a tuesday era. he has a new prime minister, gary condo is chosen to turn the country around of games control, most of the capital and violence has killed him and just thousands. so con condo, bring the stability hate to nice. this is inside story. the .


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