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tv   Al Jazeera World Aden 1986 - Anatomy Of An Assassination  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 4:00am-5:00am AST

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of investigating the use and disease of power across the globe. on alex's here, the, i'm carry johnston in de la, the top stores on out here, former us president donald trump has been convicted on all 30 full felony charges and he's circled hush money trial. jew is found trump of guilty of falsifying business records, to cover up extra marital affairs that threatens his 2016 run for the white house. the verdict makes the trump the 1st american president to be convicted of a criminal offense. this is a rig try 7 rig race. they wouldn't change. we were 6 percent.
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that is a this area, this was a great price is going to be november and they know what happens here. everybody knows what happens here. the manhattan district attorney has said that prosecutors and the jury only for the fact while this defendant maybe unlike any other in american history. we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes to the court room doors by following the facts and the law. in doing so without fear or favor, at least $37.00 palestinians have been tales and is very strikes across the gauze. this trip on thursday, 19 of the victims were killed in a southern city of rafa. the funeral has been held for the 2 paramedics to protest
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in unit red crescent says israel targeted the vehicle hollywood performing the duties since october. at least 20 members of red crescent organizations have been killed in dallas. in northern gauze is really forces of a texas school were displaced, palestinians, with sheltering midge of on the refugee camp. the army has withdrawn from some areas as it struggles to gain full miniature control of which about the leader of a centrist puts in. israel's war cabinet says he has submitted a bill to dissolve parliament and host early elections pending against and threatened to resign as a postwar plans for gaza once new monday before 10. but it's ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says early elections with damaged israel. mitch operation in gaza and rewards him as president joe biden has partially lifted a band on ukraine using us sobs and strikes on russians. have a treat the changing policies on this to, to apply only to defend the hockey area. they to allies having the quarter them us
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to allow you crate to use west and weapons to attack inside russia. she have her tense, it has more now from washington, dc. douglas, this is you have another red line, another go bite and foreign policy read life that has disappeared by live long said you refuse to allow the use of us weaponry into russia because he didn't want to start with. busy war 3, a reference to russia being nuclear weapons, homes, not with a pair that these limited strikes are acceptable to buy them. they appear to be both a recognition of how poorly ukraine is doing on the battlefield, but also the need for the bite administration to at least to keep this one going into the presidential election, given the amount of political capital biting the spence on your credit. so africa's really african national congress says it's too early to tell whether the party will lose its parliamentary majority in the general election within 58 percent of the
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population turned out to cost that but it's on wednesday. but early results indicate the governing policies for in short of the majority. the 1st time in 30 years, protests is a routing and a media against the prime minister has plans for land concessions. is what a large police presence in the capital year of a hundreds of demonstrate has gathered and demanding the resignation of the prime minister and the cold passion. young, myself to his governments agreed to hand over the territory to suffice on last well those all the headlines. these continues here and out 0 of to witness to stay with this. and thanks to watching the . ready
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me community name is a shift for dollars to obtain an invoice in miss von raped dissembled, and left for dead at a nearby construction sides. the 17 year old was walking home from a local cabin when she was mad at 3 specimens have been arrested. perfidious has been described as an incident that has caused a cloud over the entire nation. so i forget, has some of the worst cases of gender based violence against women and children. in the will. everbank is really with shocking following the model of a 5 year old go cater williams was found buried in the bushes, listening to columbus from the home to yourself to the goose and murder of i mean voice for da story town because it gave me wrong about the matter a 14 year old of just imagining on the hands of a 27 year old boyfriend, the incident spot and national outcry put the spotlight
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the and those are the goals as a people to say today we need to pay fee is may receive a that is, the may see you monday
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may be of the whole investment underneath the but they would know dog me and me so i can get send you an accessory fee. of course, you know my numbers in the system much my know, but i am on the mute with them on the site,
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but you'll find that's how you submit the papers. you're not the end of the check here now because she's under the influence now just do the inc. thank but we're not going to do any town sitting on the last thing because she has to get in the boss. she must get something to eat in too much sleep . so we gotta look to close is still friends. these people that small ocean, fullest, just the washy. again, pop, pop me,
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9 months. the more of the stuff as the as a can you more in the name that i didn't even know how you know, make this is not able to name no fire. you see my mom, this elma, any that this shipped to you that took you the dana more of them did he voskus for them divided by katie? so some of these slow or small case can be both of my c or b, i literally c as in the most in d, c, l must be i look forward to see that i didn't even see on the most us, what do you most designate for your what the so c most in
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a mode. so no one is allowed to have money in the house. i'm going to 0, right? the name of the, the select the can is on the, on the sounds on the, the don't feel welcoming stuff. i think it's because of my work. i do this thing says they don't want it, but it's also fine. i'm not the a to satisfy everyone. i me
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a 3 of the speaker. most of them though, maybe i maybe able speak to. 6 6 6 6 feel like you can see in the. 2 most common sense it could do we need city minutes fast forward. it could be out it the envelope to be out. you killed. ha. and the lady on the phone on the look a little yeah my is what. 2 are you more be plenty for me? and then for me, if i knew clinic, that's funny. for me it's like fast. if somebody's a friend to cut us 90 thoughts them along with funded cut us know who feel for is
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school. asian saw me because doesn't sound like you're in the class probably to be really fast. be really no favorite huntsville. 6 6 go honey, and there's no for come. see me says they're all. i know that i gave it to them, but i get brandon to come in. it's me leaving the company is delana. i'm so you're like, that's like that's basically the one that he passed as a whole month to get hold on because you know, you. so if you have a moment the lonely office as a loan. yeah. okay. okay. i see the rest of the seed hold off. so be
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okay for social security office does all these might you send to me, cindy or a computer frontier that i have at the uh you provided me with a few seconds. india. in my opinion, let's just assume that the me a c d 's noise. it cannot be, it can, i was come on this for being on, on the, on the internet then. and this may. yeah, but i am, it's funny. let me try it. let me go the yells fine, no the, the design different can then know that the better for you to know the quote to see more than like you should do you mind the picture? yeah. what are you guys?
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well yes, i'm going to get a nice oh yay. yeah. she left it kick after the kentucky. it is a got to have fun. a honey and nobody has beautiful stomach is much coupler because we have to send them the steve and they have most of both the as the most name, it can take all the scientists and his face has over different number does with us what are the as i said it was so some of the comes and if it's the cms k and it's kind of expensive and i'm good. my name is the boyfriend. the a miss. i seem to get the death of percent obama
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macy i gave me the for the gave it the means that the local me the home school. it's 350. so if i understand the problem, the say fast, the meaning i do not enough. i'm in a lot of places and it's like fast to come and i to be on the left, you know, by the
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full service move as i'm doing it. because i know despite i know what i've been sort of what 51 years. and so i feel myself the, [000:00:00;00]
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the a miss
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massey positively. all my husband. oh my god. oh yeah. oh, that's really as i was thinking of mary jane and honda hold on the thing was know something that wasn't you know? yeah.
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i tried to see if you can see who could do is there come via it says in monmouth. sure. it was like via and then on this i know that yeah, let me know cuz me the money to make the
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renewals. pick that up. the sun safety every couple months. so the the, the, the, the, the for us here for tomorrow, for the models it no, no, no, definitely set up a lease. see all the time. okay and all she said was when she was going on like that at at the hospice up is that on there on from they shut that thing down when she was a baby and the someone to sort it says in that and and as it reminded me to do something with that, the last step, susan, nice in front of
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a deal with this stuff, with the substances essentially con, sleepy. if she can do something like this. but what if i gives a phone call to nice decent body lying at the most holiness city. right. and that is, why do i do we and do i the line. now let's go so this is my concern. i don't know what to do. i'm calling on this and the social, the payment seemed to me, she must go out for the safety of the other. my personal view. really
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yes. yes, that's correct. the confidence in the eyes with the surface of this a lot. so ok by that, get those 10 by the sound. let's look here for some reason. the funds the 50 the in means the
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the c. c. a do not discriminate against the fact that they suddenly flip the means. the same is the person at the gate or most of the kids in the state. and this is also said
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that i me this whole fucking to ask me in service. so most of us through some of those. okay, beautiful the the,
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the the unit and the whole by the time it as easy to come here. so just put it in
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the in the same day so many more more. so maybe you might need a good task one lucky done to the people you see the space is pretty key in doing
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so the okay, so the inside of the so say that no big deal, we'll put that in so that's kind of research than what you use by side code says the the 1967 explains the read through the map of the middle east to dark colored aircraft appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on. they dropped the bombs on the run out as they were exposed the events leading to the will and its consequences, which it still felt today is really all me. and it was such as the
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the, the stuff is live, the war in june on outer zara. the latest news, as it breaks, the hot fidelity is a very critical point right now are not far from completely shutting down. all the for this with detailed coverage houses are being forced to be on the live with the constance. fear that more is right is hawks, are never far behind from the hearts of the story. the is very well in the gall just flip has linked to the desktop to control your human carrying position as a huge amount of waste like courses that 3 or since east wales were on gaza. thousands of the simians helping indiscriminately displaced ridley forces are systematically targeting health care infrastructure hospitals and one of the only safe options to seek refuge until we became targets. so most wages war from hospitals, i've never seen a soldier inside the hospital. out is the real world investigates where the east ran is violating international. no, but targeting supposedly
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a new crisis. dr. silver on hospitals on tuesday, around the i'm kerry johnston and a lot of the top stories now and elders here former us president donald trump has been convicted on all 34 felony charges. and it's circled harsh money trial. juror has found trump guilty of falsifying business right close to cover extramarital affairs. the threatened, his 2016 run for the white house. the verdict makes trump the 1st american president to be convicted of a criminal offense. this was, this was a rig dr. 7 rig trousers race, they wouldn't use
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a venue change. we were at 6 percent. that is the state of this area. this was a great price gonna be november and they know what happens here. everybody knows what happens here, or at least 37 palestinians have been killed and is rarely strikes across the gauze . this trip on thursday, 19 of the victims were killed in a southern city. a rafa a funeral has been held for the 2. paramedics killed palestinian red crescent, says israel targeted the vehicle while they were performing the duties. in northern garza is ray, the forces have a texas school for displaced palestinians with sheltering and the jabante, a refugee camp. the army has withdrawn from some area to assess it struggles to gain full miniature control of july present. joe biden has a partially lifted
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a band on ukraine using us alms and strikes on russian territory. changing policies on this do to apply only to defend the hockey area they tow otherwise have been quoting on the us to allow ukraine to use question weapons to attack inside russia. and south africa's routing after the national congress says it's too early to tell whether the party will lose its parliament treat majority in the general election within 58 percent of the population turned out to cost that it's on wednesday. the results indicate the governing policies forward in short of the majority for the 1st time in 30 years, election commission is not about a day thing or the thing about it's because all the headlines and these continues here on the opposite of the witness statement. this
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quick lane, this thing that i should ever look at the main, how did they could i never use of the license? i mean, if you look at this should be, i think that should be thing we have in front of our children. and while we under the influence of any substance, why do we do we fight fit infant in children whether they think it's no, no. so the domestic violence, it's like that says the people must just come to get, get out of the like city home. on that as long as the community say, it's not my problem. each state problem,
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they want to be like that. you're always gonna have another like one of the med shop presidents gather outside your d peters house. and now somebody is seen in this community to come in from per dollar store for wasted and appeared in quotes. then on the to the technical tech. now this is the price we have, but he was found me they couldn't actually identify . yeah, because she was that i said she was put on fire and that's a could only identify how on the face of the,
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of the late the us people to get involved is recently the churches of all of the churches inc.
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don't give me what, but they don't come forward. i think they christianity it seems like except that the best rate in the yeah, yeah. i just know of. yeah. yeah. okay. the more a landlord, i'm more than to put his on this cuz he may throw me the monthly's. i see. no. see the defendant going with space cohort. oh,
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this is what i mean. so says sign the portal on the phone so you don't send those in no confidential vehicles. okay, sounds good and then somebody owns a new signed file screen for me. this comes up just comes right and i was not put in for like 10. that's the sides custom, and that as a sense of what we, i in full went on the u. s. government made the communities not still name like isn't that a smart city that like it does this via the same for the my good morning. i'm doing,
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you can listen to us this morning. it's time for us to start doing something, child welfare. we are, you know, up in every town who's being abused every night for the wonder we have in this community. we have a nice diet woman stay, but there's no outcomes. and what type in san jose. so these families here, the she's got it is monday easier. but it's all of this. and then we saw and then we these nice feel know what happens off to that your lives mean. so what i am with process with the say, saw school math, funnel concise new month, low excess style organizations that on my own skin, i yacht as station city or ned city that stuff. and on
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a mon observation of costs done because they sent that on fund, i see all the payoffs to the field. how many seats are the same stuff each as own seats opened the fund? oh no expense. right? because the only so i'm going to read a memorandum out to you. what do we expect a mind to time in life at night? and the legion boy, you say, told the that's a good i have has already been done already and low level of education plays a huge house. and how are we going to 65050? not the municipality and this council only, but the community has a huge house in flight from the squads to camping, sit on it and trying to find those areas. we are taking the plots,
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months up to safety, city minus in an out section of use a legit assault and they come in that say false beaten. bottom line is something has to be done to empower goals, line and goals, and women prevention and intervention. the federal grants needs to be implemented now. yeah, defense, a woman and mind the goals should be able to defend himself in that the moment. even if the, this abuse of main regardless of municipality from a women later, good standing in front of you. i promise you, i'm making a promise. i'm putting my head on the block here. if i may say, i'm gonna do everything in my powers to ensure that what is investment model on them is going to benefit our community. i think yes,
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back. this is how is used to only receive about 10000. yeah. we increase that. now we never received any since $15000.00 was only for the loss and of course it's next on the screen. so to cut off this, not the write this out to the guy when this council came in, we said you cannot, we cannot let law, not know. it's a shame on us as administer kind of like um, let someone such as doing such fools less. so i accept this on a very positive note to say, i'll do everything in my power is to ensure that what is it that you didn't do? i accepted. okay, so it was san francisco by a duncan, sophia, as outage of the display of good, but done key with you a security, but when i, i also know that you can so to a point, something takes time to accept this, me know, so thank you for that but the main thing i want to run this by the 14th of september,
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we run thirty's phones, and the respond is not going to be another meeting or flip. sit around this table, we set that on stables for yes, i pretty much off on speed. so and on community, thank you. i want you to sign, i will sign and i need a copy of that for the be the median stuff. but that's a stuff for the of the 250 maya,
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the meeting is a follow up from a much that organizations had coming to the paper. and the most important, the request that these organizations have lots of pieces for women. and so what we have basically saying we support, we will give you funding by what we want. we want to roll it out for the 1st 3 months. then we see, what is it in how easy it was in the community. i just wanted to say thank to their 50. thank you my a, this is a very, very crucial meeting. think we're good for people of color. full of politically i've done the mock isn't move down. ringback and do what i, i know you said is going to be lot of like, you know,
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all the again, you understand and this, that the kind of making good people use it. so i decided i'm coming. yeah. it's not about it. i know it was safe on the was it will people who say it's a bad one. we want to do i know what the charge i see. so each other, so you just do something. can i on some that, that, that, that the name of a number was for women and girls. so this is what the name of an off and what is just like it always full 15 me in the sense that i'm just kind of yelling and i didn't know. i just want to tell you i, you know, law now law, not i'm a products and it's as somebody so only like view calm and it is what they need to
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. it's okay. so in an and it's, it's a utility and it's a good, it's not, it's a suitcase and it's that's that they just independently bought honey and leave us a misty all for somebody. all come means of the look. we're committed that somebody to see me on people missed a 6. see this is my passion. i was molested by i had people was reported to me. that was the difference and not i really thank god for this my and you like what i ended up doing really well and they cannot less than the all just stuff or side in the appeals look, a lot of the things the young adults,
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the lake does beautiful thank you very much for coming and enjoying the cup of tea with me so that we can have a nice discussion. so we can find this document and added over to as you see it cutting in and thank you for, for opening our eyes and seeing, you know, i don't forget about the other issues. it's also about the social using our community. thank you. thank you. thank you. very much i the new test. no say it is, you know,
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even monday this is dakota. yeah. so well, 100100 to get it printed just by invoice for ne, as buying it this via infinity. oh, so the, my old school has been a big it might be tomorrow. so 3, thank you. so the, as far as the students doing much better to see the notes here on some of the appropriate and what i how that's all right, so go through it. thank you. i some know of a slight some with mark and even with 50 us call board back with us
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on wednesday. no developments like an empty so like what time sick, what home circumstances the as that's concerned that attend as healthy as the newest mccullen foreman on. let's say i'm pretty open at rockies. sometimes they are home and the can say no, i'll get a mob this. so yeah, that kind of feel was picked out the 51 to know what to t lifecycle salon, not all of a big, no valley is built in no food my day, much all affiliated with the whole with want to that and stuff. this is the time i still signed up once i still has it. okay, so it's a good time like it and can i snap or some stomach them so but i so that i can i an outside the how much time or inside
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you live outside that i know okay. as i see the right people, the speech
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which is facing the improved facilities victims, particularly in the experience with the course to testify facility and safety by getting where it's read age. and so 1223, the the kind of a cut off of wood on the front of you all can come up with katie as sauce but not
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necessary for the it test pages on with the on. cuz you have a c, h, c o c, which will be honest with you on my end here to be my friend with an invite senior director process um disability to see um how the lady the the um,
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investigation any soften body and the dog d. i took the card for it, so i mean voice is what they need. bad or come to d soft pay for the bill in open pages. if that's the case, me um, if i need to se dogwood, let's see it. so that was it. me didn't know to for martin display next to me or me and that way we try to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. so if you need to meet with us, let us know and we will meet. and when we, when you have to follow up leasing with a different role, says i'd like to be there because you have
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a general understanding of the for me i, i never followed it when it's one of those that slipped through. so that's why i'm saying i need to make sure that now this issue, i need to make sure that it is happening. how fi is it? when must it be done? and why is it not done? so that because at the end of the day, people are going to sit there for to me or you like to ask. so i don't want to be remembered as a deputy message makes promises and never for 1st then they was in lodge. i had to do something, i had to promise something and nothing became of that promise
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is just i had to promise something to get you off my cheese can nice away. when i get out of this price, that's not once close a just want to keep the one thing i'll government actually to watch. ok now they only comes in the non seems it does concentrate on this thing. so it's got the message in the town. i didn't know what to say, but i'm fighting a losing battle, but i also know i can fight the losing battle because the one the as an i e
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l. o as in the hospital or goes to the or anything. it's the one. this is getting abuse to it's too much the ancient human remains cold between science and spirituality. both seeking to
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understand and the owner of those who came before us the danish, scientists, quests to interrogate the dna of the 30s. people in the united states reveals shocking, ethical and personal di lemme remains a witness documentary on a jersey to of the. let's go with your headlines for the american. thank you so much for your time for southern brazil here. well, we've got some fresh starts to the day weather alerts and play for some for us the mornings over the next little bit. here's our usual problem, spots top end of south america. northern brazil is we look into venezuela, columbia, and ecuador. there are some weather alerts in this own for how intense that payment will be. also seen intense pockets around kosta rica and panama, so specifically for both panama city and san jose, the risk of seeing some funding here. then in northeast mexico, there was flooding around monterey in monterey,
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and that rain has dropped down those temperatures. once again, texas getting straight with solid bands of rain, st goes for arkansas, all that energy pouring into louisiana. so we will see some more flooding here before the weekend starts. still nice through the great lakes, a few clouds drifting about for the us, northeast and westbound. we go, it is wendy for canada as alberta, saskatchewan, and manitoba providence is. there's a center of the weather maker there over in northern manitoba for california. let's take a peek at the weather on friday. sure. it's a bit breezy along the coast. $25.00 degrees in los angeles, and it's that time of the year where it hits up in the us southwest. so phoenix, 40 degree is for you on friday the there's a delivery and mission of post in western and it needs to be question. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies
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everywhere. here at the listing, the best, the donald trump is found guilty on old searching for criminal counts and is plus money trial. the 1st time a former us president has been convicted of a crime rate is going to be november the carry johnston. this is all just arizona from the also coming up to golf is not just a refugee camp aflac. some of the 3 weeks of is radio tax leaving thousands of protest


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