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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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in western and it needs to be questions. this is not the time to turn this to kind of way examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listening post, the donald trump is found guilty on old $34.00 criminal accounts and is flushed money trial. the 1st time a former us president has been convicted of a crime rate is going to be november the carry johnston. this is, i was just arizona from the also coming up to gauze as largest refugee camp aflac.
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some of the 3 weeks of is radio tax leaving thousands of palestinians without the president joe biden allows ukraine to use weapons supplied by the us sent targets inside russia. the hook key to reach and where and pop when you're getting the where the u. n. is warning of a major risk of disease after a massive lens slide last week, 12 in 2000 people of the to begin in the united states with former president donald trump has been convicted on all 34 felony charges and the so called hush money trial. juror is found from guilty of falsifying business records to cover up extra medical affairs. the threatened, his 2016 run for the white house. it's on 100 votes now from new york. or after more than 9 hours of deliberations,
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a jury of 12 new yorkers delivered their historic verdict guilty on all charges that made donald trump the 1st former president in us history to become a convicted criminal. he was found guilty on $34.00 charges of falsifying business records in connection to hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels. as the news filtered outside the court house, there were celebrations, along with a small number of opponents of trump would gather it wasn't long after the verdict that it clearly fuming trump let his feelings be known. this was a great price gonna be november and they know what happens here. everybody knows what happens here, whether he likes it or not. what actually happened is that the jury apparently believed trumps former fixer michael cohen, on whose testimony much of the prosecution's case. huh. trump's lawyer spent 2 days
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trying to poke holes and cones testimony saying he was motivated by revenge in money, but it wasn't enough. the man who brought the chargers manhattan district attorney elvin bragg gave his reaction a short time later while this defendant maybe unlike any other in american history . we arrived at this trial and ultimately today this verdicts in the same manner as every other case that comes to the court room doors by following the facts and the law. in doing so, without fear or fever, the evidence was overwhelming of trump skilled, but still to see a jury come back in 2 days and with a verdict of guilty on all 30 counts of a former president. i mean it's, it's a really sad day for the united states because you don't want to see a former president indicted and convicted of criminal charges. and yet, it's also so clear that trump engaged in so much can we gallery,
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in order to obtain the presidency in the 1st place. the verdict and the court of public opinion has yet to be delivered for the republican party's candidate for president. trump sentencing is scheduled for july 11th for days before the republican national convention, where he is expected to accept his parties. nomination for president is a convicted sentenced, fellow. the manhattan jury did what to presidential impeachment and a federal investigation could not do render. a historic verdict that labeled the former president and former fellow new york or the criminal john henry l. g 0 new york. ok, i think assign is the i was your own middle professor of low at the university of pennsylvania law school. she joins us from the philadelphia. good to have you with this. an extraordinary situation then. but legally, where does donald trump go from here as well? he will certainly appeal the verdict. um, but before we talked about that, let me just say with an extraordinary day, it is for the rule of law and i run
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a center call center for ethics and the rule of law. and what are the 4 concepts behind the rule of law as accountability? and we might have believed up until this moment that accountability for a former president was not possible. the presidents are just too powerful ever to be held accountable if they violate the law. and today's verdict says for the 1st time that despite donald trump's efforts to intimidate the judge, intimidate members of the jury to rake the process and to cause unnecessary delay and to do everything he could to interfere with the mechanism of justice. that in fact, members of the jury were not intimidated and they could follow the evidence and apply the law. donald trump will, will appeal and these appeals could take quite a long time. um and of course we have yet to see what the sentencing the result of the sentencing hearing in on july 11th will be it may be that is not sentenced to
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prison time. all, despite the fact that he could very well spend up to 4 years in prison for these offences, and how far 2 fights undoubtedly will have something to do with the level of punishment that is assigned to him. and i understand that as a states crime, he cannot pardon himself, even if he became president. that's correct. so the president of the united states has the ability to issue burdens only for federal offenses. and as you say, these are state crimes and therefore only a governor, namely the governor of new york would be in a position to pardon more grant clemency. and i doubt that cathy hucks was about to do that. but despite all of this, he can still run for president. now many people think that's just extraordinary. it is a very interesting fact that in these crimes, unlike some other crimes,
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that he could have been convicted of adult precluded him from becoming president of the united states. and so we have the on believable possibility, but the next president of the united states could be conducting white house business as it were from riker's island. and despite the number of charges here, 54, the jewelry wasted no time in coming to a verdict today. that's right the, let's remember that a lot of the charges for multiple counts of the same offense. so the falsification of business records, which becomes a felony because he was attempting to falsify those business records, welcoming another crime which were campaign finance violations. they all have the same structure. and so once the jury believed to the testimony, for example, of michael cohen and the store mcdaniels and just believe the defenses version of
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a balance of them. they were really just applying the law to the facts and colleagues as they saw it. and this was the inevitable result. a trump has come out fighting though hasn't the says it's a rigs trial and this great somebody. what does this mean for his presumptive campaign for the white task will list in bold and his support is as well. we know that about a quarter of the american voting public actually believe that the 2020 election was stolen. and that's a frightening figure when you think about that because it really fits our democracy at risk. so obviously trump is going to try to use this to talk about a deep state conspiracy. as it mentioned, to say that the trial was rude to say that he's being persecuted to make people fearful that if the government is reading things against him, they can read things against any one. but i think actually it will,
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over the long run and even over the sort of medium run start to sink in, especially if there are additional verdicts that come down that actually this man is a criminal because he has violated the law multiple times over. and as americans start to look at the evidence and start to really think about the charges as everyone is going to be doing now, it may start to change their minds. so i think will sign. we very much appreciate your insights. thank you. thanks for having the, the 3 weeks of intensified is rarely a tax and northern gauze of all but destroyed what was the largest refugee count in the strip pot of stains, who used to live into a volume say that shocked by the level of destruction. besides where the forces of left the area completely uninhabitable,
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child struck the reports. so she has this. these ranges have destroyed our lives and screens. fun down homes down. make god punish them. did you answer was back in israel. we run for our lives. repeatable. we're going to move a 100000 people used to live in the jabante, a refugee camp. these mountains of rumbles and twisted metal used to be polished to be in homes, schools, businesses, markets. as often this week alone is really military operation. people returned limits to try and salvage what remains of their lives at these ready all me and, and strikes have a blue to richard. even the shelters are they used to try and hide that had the most common phenomenon. oh, well you know how to print the gun since the 1st day of the war we have been
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sheltering in the school. then we were forced to leave south. i was separated from my family and still looking for them until now. i came back to find everything destroyed. these are our only strides our homes. and we did our lives was the entire place is no longer livable. i found a state of low from red on the ground. i picked it up. i have not eaten for days. these are early spring, everything until now i cannot find my family, my 75 year old husband, my daughter who we lost each other under these really medicine of shelving matt, what looks like blood spots is on a scale and a local journalist films and describes the scene, or you move bodies and piles of overtones signed. and if you test it, see the generally says, and this really made a triple lose. i got this makes it symmetry. the palestinians were forced to bury
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some dead again, the total destruction only 2 weeks ago. this was to jeopardy as made markins. we still used to get our hands in some food here. now it's flattened level to the ground. people cannot find the homes or shops, the entire area has disappeared. we do not even know if we will find to assemblies and relatives. this is a crime. it is a city, a subsidy whose job is sort of these a, the forces stones, our center, the reference, the account. we were forced to leave to work guns. the 2nd one already to we would shop by the scale of the section, but does nothing standing by the entire areas, flats, and then to the, the, nothing the hold places like us. after destroying our homes, like boom, down to school, where we shelter says this woman is the only place that was left for us and our
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children to hide. where do we go now? it's almost on foot over there and i think i'm the leader of a center spots in these rose wall cabinet. says he has submitted a bill to dissolve parliament and hold any elections pending against the threatened to resign. a postwar plans for gaza once a new monday before october is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says eli elections were damaged, as well as miniature operation in gaza. underwood, i'm us as well. his band, they'll just arrow from reporting from the so that so high right. has this update from the jordanian capital a month? as many got it says national unity policy joined prime minister benjamin netanyahu . government placed october 7 as part of an emergency coalition. well, since then that happened divisions and many accounts earlier in the month a has tourette's and promise benjamin netanyahu saying that if you don't agree to
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a post will plan by june the 8th, i will quit the war cabinet. well, now it's put forward a bill to dissolve the contest. it, whether that's going to go through or not. they wouldn't need a majority with only just 8 seats in the car into a government. that seems to be unlikely. lots many guns has been very vocal about what he expects from this post war plan. and this comes just one day, all through his cabinet. the guy, the eyes in court, also called on earlier election and the dissolving of the current government. all of this as international pressure goes private as to benjamin netanyahu increases, and they're all more internal protests within the country, especially from families of those health captive wanting to see a see slide deal as soon as possible to bring back those concepts. the are still in the gaza strip, as well as the a la p, the opposition lead up meeting with other opposition. part team members to look at
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ways to also bring down the current government. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is meeting with you all along the defense minister for the 1st time in weeks as a defense minister also has his own reservations. so at a height of, i'll just, sarah, i'm on remind you again, these very governments has banned thousands here. the reporting from outside as well. in the us university students have gathered on the campus of the massachusetts institute of technology in cambridge to show that sort of diversity for palestinians in gauze. i'll just say it was a practical hate has more from cambridge, massachusetts, or as this, we just began the day of commencement here in the massachusetts institute of technology, otherwise known as mit. about $200.00 students stood up chatting free, free palestine in march. you can see their marching yet again. they walked and stood in front of the gates of the ceremony. then they walked over the administrative building block the street. now there, continuing on their way,
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these students, these supporters of palestine, they sort of like we seen so many universities, the university setup barricades around then. and the purchase of these protestors pushed down those barricades filled in at about 4 in the morning. hundreds of heavily armed police moved in, broke down the and cabinet with the students have continued to purchase. they shut down the factory parking garage. they shut down the main street here in cambridge, massachusetts did a very specific demand because of what the university does for these really military emergency has projects that are directly sponsored by the is really ministry of defense. and so one of those isn't not telling them is swimming drone program. another one is an automated surveillance, underwater surveillance program. and so both of those are direct the military or programs with direct military application. and so the number one demand was to divest was to, in was a couple, those ties with the as male, it is really ministry of defense to these processors face serious consequences.
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this is the university that costs about $86000.00 a year to attend. they were told that they didn't stop protesting, they would be suspended. many were told they wouldn't get degrees. now, some of the suspensions that the lifted the purchasers. i talked to say that they are just going to continue next year, particularly l g 0 cambridge, massachusetts. so i had all now just in a political shakeup in south africa, the exit polls show the routing amc policies pointing shore to the majority of the 1st time in 30 years. and the codes enough, fire was novel, continues to flow from the volcano southwest and the ice of the lo, there's some good news for that. he didn't northwest india starting to back off
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a bit. we'll get there in one second to see by the way. but 1st, let's talk about the act of whether in ne india 2nd and his son states still sundry downforce here, but throughout the day on friday that will peter out now to the story of the heat. let's turn the colors on dark, the red, the hotter it is. so these temperatures down by a few degrees, still hot though in punjab state i'm, it's are coming in at 46. temperatures have dropped in a person. providence and buckets done, but they're heating up in southern sense, so cannot yet 37. and with this breeze off, be a baby and see we're gonna see some dust and sand storms in karachi, quite active in the south trying to see this could spin up into a tropical storm. either way though, it's throwing a lot of rain to china is hung on island in southern china, and then we've got flight alerts in place for the philippines, power one island and lose on island. there had been some for the size, but those have been dropped off. so the storm southern china will also extend into south east china and food in providence. but the pain is really important into your
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once again for gwen g province were just the other day. there was flooding there, tropical storm, passing just to the east of japan's main island of honshu. so a lot of rain coming for the pacific coast, including tokyo, adapt a on friday sale. the ok foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone so through the rustic crossings in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the
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to watching. i'll just hear a reminder on top stories. now. this time for us president donald trump has been convicted on 34 felony charges and he's so cold hush money trying. it makes him the 1st american present to be convicted of a criminal offense. he faces up to 4 years in prison. each count trump 16 has vowed to appeal for the trial, a disgrace. the manhattan district attorney said prosecute just gives me the facts in northern gauze. so it's very forces that a texas school where displaced palestinians with sheltering jabante, a refugee camp. the army has withdrawn from somewhere is struggles to gain full little control of japan presence, revise, and this partially lifted
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a band on ukraine using us alms and strikes on russian territory. the change in policy is understood to apply and to defend the whole kids area. nato allies have been calling on the us to allow you trying to use western weapons to attack inside russia. so you have a tendency has more now from washington, dc. this has been telegraphed over several days with repeated articles in the us and media are about the intensive deliberations within the administration about this policy shift. and then there to be as me blinking the secretary of state is called in some mold of a on wednesday. what he told you about the need for us flexibility on ukrainian policy. now we have confirmation of in the last several days, the us gave you credit and the go ahead to use us weaponry, but as a great deal of emphasis on the rules of engagement. the ukrainians can only use that us weaponry against russian military assets in the border region around khaki, across the border region around ca, keep combs,
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attack civilian infrastructure caught launch deeper. attacks into russian territory . none the less though. this is yet another red line. another drove bite and foreign policy, red light that has disappeared bite. with long said, you refuse to allow the use of us weaponry into russia because he didn't want to start world war 3. a reference to russia being nuclear weapons homes, not would have had that these limited strikes are acceptable to buy them. they appear to be both a recognition of how poorly ukraine is doing on the battlefield, but also the need for the bite administration to at least to keep this one going into the presidential election. given the amount of political capital by dispense on your credit. she advertise the elder 0 washington authorities in pop. when your guinea have ruled out funding any survivors of last week's massive lens slide, the government says more than 2000 people may have been killed, but only a handful of bodies having recovered so far. the line slide had to involve the
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village and the angle region a week ago. well, enjoyed knob i tonya by or from my bag in pop. when you get into tanya, what's the latest you can tell us about what's happening on the ground right now? well today, um, i mean, well the town which is about 3 hours from the disaster such um, today the communities being visited by the prime minister of public any for the 1st time. and this is really going to leave this here. it's there in a very remote area. they don't even know if the rest of the world knows what's happening. so just have the prominence to come and speak to them and hopefully give them some tangible promises of, of assistance. i think that's really going to make a difference to the spirits of that community up there and what all the and the immediate needs of those who did manage to survive this catastrophe. so immediate needs that some of the houses are being destroyed. so people are without shelter,
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so any campuses and things like that they, they need shelter, they need more talk that needs freed. any bidding, these people have lost everything. it's 1st and cold up the rain so much to every, not much. and these people a left to the elements. there's also concerns because the water supply up there is mail can terminated. the, the last slide is full and all of the top of the bed. and with the decomposing bodies in that rubble, it's, it's, it contaminated the water supply and there, and that concerns that disease could start to break out. and how difficult then has it been for rescue is to reach those affected? i mean, the land slide was immense, wasn't it? yes, the area that had coverage was a little list and the depth seen as 5 to 8 meters of trouble in that land slide um the other practice of him to the rescue operations. and the disaster relief operations is that this is a very rugged province. it's a 3 hour drive, but it's
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a very rugged and warranty, right? to get the, the excess has been exacerbated because over the weekend, tribal flashing broke out along the road and that's frightened. a lot of people, it's not. so i said you need to drive through that fighting zone to get to the side . they do have helicopters. you may say you want applied parts in the background. they've been doing that all day from an a strip just to the east of us here, bringing and supplies. but really it's, this is a, this is the one of the most rather possible in a very rugged country. and they are unable to take any of the bodies using machinery because the area is still incredibly unstable. the key focus is on the people who left the people left behind, people who are being displaced approximately 4000 of them. and so hopefully in the coming days, we'll start to see more of those really urgent released supplies start to flowing live for us at that time. you about thank you very much to south africa now. well, early result show the governing amc parties forming short of
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a majority in the elections the 1st time in 30 years. this may force it to form a coalition with other policies. north remaining government might 100 reports not from address to south africa. the biggest political shakeup in 3 decades is looming by early thursday evening. just over 30 percent of the votes have been counted and the ones dominant a n c is being bound to in the number of regions. the democratic alliance retained to, to majority in the western cape, and with more than 50 percent of the votes counted, will continue to govern the province for the next 5 years. but diplomacy, boom, done. the 6 months ago has provided the major surprise, including toby's this way. o m k. may have the chance of seizing controlling costs a new natal and amc stronghold and didn't neighboring and put them along to. the amc has sofa lost 20 percent of the voted gained in 2019 the bulk going to m k
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that the majority of votes are still being counted. there's already tool couple of coalition government among the partners, the a and so you could consider the economic freedom fighters or if it's though it's radical policies, including nationalization of the mines, are deeply at odds with the amc democratic alliance policies to add to barry and ne it's in the position on palestine obviously does good about discussions about positions is about what, what's, what's the and what that done. once they the, we looked the people up and up for a suitable structure of the, the, and not through them as well. we'll make a determination about the way for uh, on the engine on so has already come from the intake party. they'll be no coordination until to the in see if this could be employed to that well the,
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the m k. the reason it was formed was because the agency was struggling to implement the policies for the people, which includes the land for education. so uh, it wouldn't be applied to that one to have a code, isn't it? because it would probably stuff, but sometimes do those things. another option would be for the a and c to form an alliance with the number of the smaller parties, which would be likely to demand less in return then the bigger ones. but in order to achieve this, the amc would need more than 46 percent of the boat a target, which as the cons continues, appears more and more remotes kinda. i'll just say era, the trend, south africa, spain's parliament has approve the divisive oh gone thing. i'm this to the catalyzed separatists in falls into 2017 independence campaign. the bill natalie passed by 5 votes had faced the position from the conservative party as well as the
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far right vault spots around 400 people should benefit from the including those who took part in purchase and formats have allowed visual presidents and slipped to belgium off to the event sound of goals, new president is on his 1st visit tomorrow. the under booking, a fuss that you sent me to strengthen ties with the 2 states. as of which announced they withdrew from the original book. echo us molly? look into for us. so i missed you on the minute true, because hot reports from a set of goals and capital dot com. and the card central bus station, a farmer from team book to the jeweler from walker do wait for their names to be called out ahead. a treacherous journey, $2.00 to $7.00 days on the bus travelling across the ward towards the house toward home. and yet, despite the threat of attacks from iceland, ok to fighters, the young farmer is more worried about the changing climate and his back precious
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rice seeds resistant to droughts. people are going hungry. he wants plants, millet and rice in synagogue. there are seats that i cannot find, and molly, in january, the june t, as in molly news air and burkina faso announced they would break away from the regional body echo loss after the organization imposed sanctions on them. the withdrawal isn't just about trade. it will also end free movement across west africa for their citizens. i'm worried for my wife and children with these 3 countries detaching themselves. it's not going to be good to divide, us will hurt us. all, all african countries need to work together and unite. it goes new anti establishment president bus. you would you mind bias visiting neighboring molly and preaching a fast so a move supported by regional leaders. the hope he can succeed where others have failed. don't put us in regards.


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