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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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for the seller and then the donald trump is found guilty of those $34.00 counts and as hushed money trial. the 1st time a former us president has been convicted of a crime rate is going to be the other ones are in jordan, this is out as they are a life. and so, so coming up on some causes launches refugee camp and up to 3 weeks. it was really a task leaving many palestinians without
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a home. president trip button allows ukraine to use weapons supplied by the us against targets inside russia. but i'm in need of a hard to, you've reached the record finance against politicians and mexico just days before on historic and the beginning the united states with for my president, donald trump has been convicted an old 34 felony charges. and it's so cold hush money trial. juror is found from guilty of falsifying business records to cover up extra marital affairs. the tracking has 2016 run for the white house on hand from the thoughts from the. after more than 9 hours of deliberations, a jury of 12 new yorkers delivered their historic verdict guilty on all charges that made donald trump the 1st former president in us history to become
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a convicted criminal. he was found guilty on $34.00 charges of falsifying business records in connection to hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels. as the news filtered outside the court house, there were celebrations, along with a small number of opponents of trump would gather it wasn't long after the verdict that it clearly fuming trump let his feelings be known. this was a great price gonna be november. and they know what happens here. everybody knows what happens here, whether he likes it or not. what actually happened is that the jury apparently believed trumps former fixer michael cohen, on whose testimony much of the prosecution's case. huh. trump's lawyer spent 2 days trying to poke holes and cones testimony saying he was motivated by revenge in money, but it wasn't enough. the man who brought the chargers manhattan district attorney
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elvin bragg gave his reaction a short time later while this defendant maybe unlike any other in american history . we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes to the court room doors. by following the facts and the law. in doing so, without fear or fever, the evidence was overwhelming of trump skilled, but still to see a jury come back in 2 days and with a verdict of guilty on all 30 counts of a former president. i mean it's, it's a really sad day for the united states because you don't want to see a former president indicted and convicted of criminal charges. and yet, it's also so clear that trump engaged in so much can we gallery, in order to obtain the presidency in the 1st place. the verdict and the court of public opinion has yet to be delivered for the republican party's candidate for
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president. trump sentencing is scheduled for july 11th for days before the republican national convention, where he is expected to accept his parties. nomination for president is a convicted sentenced, fellow. the manhattan jury did what to presidential impeachment and a federal investigation could not do render. a historic verdict that labeled the former president and former fellow new york or the criminal john henry l. g 0 new york. but the finkelstein is a professor of law at the university of pennsylvania law school and she explained how important the ruling. it's, let me just say what an extraordinary day it is for the rule of law. and i run a center call center for ethics and the rule of law. and what are the core concepts behind the rule of law as accountability? and we might have believed up until this moment that accountability for a former president was not possible. the presidents are just too powerful ever to be held accountable if they violate the law. and today's verdict says for the 1st
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time that the spikes donald trump's efforts to intimidate the judge, intimidate members of the jury to rig the process and to cause unnecessary delay, and to do everything he could to interfere with the mechanism of justice. that in fact, members of the jury were not intimidated and they could follow the evidence and apply the law. donald trump will, will appeal and these appeals could take quite a long time. um and of course we have yet to see what the sentencing. the result was sentencing hearing in on july 11th, will be it may be that he is not sentenced to prison time. all, despite the fact that he could very well spend up to 4 years in prison for these offences, and how hard he fights, undoubtedly will have something to do with the level of punishment that is assigned to him. the
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not 3 weeks of intensified is riley attacks and northern gauze that have all but destroyed what is the largest refugee camp in the strip palestinians who used to live in giovanni a say the shocked by the level of destruction they say is really forces i've left the area completely uninhabitable, child strengthened reports. for sure. 100 is these ratings have destroyed our lives and screens and uh, homes down. make god punish them. did you answer all those back in israel? we run for our lives. repeatable. we're going to move a 100000 people used to live in the jabante, a refugee camp of these mountains of rumbles and twisted metals used to be polished to be in homes, schools, businesses, markets of to in this free week alone is really military operation. people were
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tongue, let me try and salvage what remains of their lives at these ready all me and, and strikes have a blue to richard and even the shelters are they used to try to hide that? had scott phenomenal will. how does the gun since the 1st day of the war, we have been sheltering in the school? then we were forced to leave south. i was separated from my family and still looking for them until now. i came back to find everything destroyed. these are our only strides our homes and we did our lives was the entire place is no longer livable. i found a state of low from red on the ground. i picked it up. i have not eaten for days. these are early spring, everything. till now i cannot find my family, my 75 year old husband, my daughter who we lost each other under these really medicine and shelly, know that what looks like blood spots is on
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a scale and a local journalist films and describes the scene. or you move bodies on piles of overtones signed, and if you test se, julie says, and this really made a triple lose, i got this makes it symmetry. palestinians were forced to bury some day, again, the total destruction only a few weeks ago. this was to jump to the as main market. we still used to get our hands on some food here. now it's flattened, leveled to the ground. people cannot find the homes or shops, the entire area has disappeared. we do not even know if we will find to assemblies and relatives. this is a crime. it is a city trustworthy who sort of these really forces stones our center and the refugee camp. we were forced to leave to go to the safety already to how we would
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shop to buy the scale of destruction, but nothing standing by the entire areas flattened, the, to the ground dates. i said nothing. the whole place is white though. of to destroying or hook of like going down to school where we shelter says this woman is the only place that was left for us and our children to how are you? where do we go now? it's almost all over the meanwhile, the lead of us sent response in israel is war cabinet says he submitted a bill to dissolve parliament and hold and the elections benny guns who threatened to resign of a postwar plans for garza once a new monday before october. is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says any elections would damage, as well as military operation in gaza and reward him us as well as find out as they are from recruiting from the several higher ed as this update from the jordanian capital i'm up against is national unity policy joined prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu, whose government placed october 7 as part of an emergency coalition. well since then, that happened divisions and many accounts earlier in the month, a has threatened promise. benjamin netanyahu saying that if you don't agree to a post war planned by june, the 8th, i will quit the war cabinet. well, now it's put forward a bill to dissolve the can. that's it. whether that's going to go through or not. so they wouldn't need a majority with only just 8 seats in the car into a government. that seems to be unlikely. lots many guns has been very vocal about what he expects from this post war ton. and this comes just one day off through your cabinet. the guy, the eyes, and court also called on a early election and the dissolving of the current government. all of this as international pressure goes private as the benjamin netanyahu increases. and there are more internal protests within the country,
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especially from families of those health captive wanting to see a see slide deal as soon as possible to bring back those concepts. the are still in the gaza strip, as well as the i la p. the opposition lead up meeting with other positions policy members a to look at ways to also bring down the current government. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is meeting with you all along the defense minister for the 1st time in weeks. as the defense minister also has his own reservations for the height of algebra a month. and a reminder again these when a government is banned down to 0, so we were approaching from outside israel. now that you and i commission of a refugee's has criticized the security council for its inconsistent response to the level of refugee crises for the, for grand, a specifically condemned israel force displacement of palestinians and gaza. christian, somebody has more from you and a headquarters in new york, a. israel's, a tax on ross, i will widely condemned by security council members,
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many of whom reference the order of the international court of justice just days earlier, to end such military activity. algeria, for its part called on the security council to back a concise resolution supporting b i. c, j, and international law. while the un special coordinator for the middle east peace process called on the international community to get behind a framework for guys as recovery. no attempts to address the military and security challenges. this will be sustainable unless it's a part of a broad approach that addresses gusts of political future. that future is an integral part of a single unified palestinian state, which is a closer foundation for realizing a 2 state solution. now no vote has been scheduled on al jerry is draft resolution yet. france for it's part, has expressed support for it. but it's also been working on a more comprehensive solution to ending the conflict directed at
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a 2 state solution. kristen, so let me, i'll just narrow the united nations to the us where university students have gathered on the campus of the massachusetts institute of technology in cambridge to show this solid out to the palestinians and gaza. i'll just say, what's practical? hayden has more from cambridge, massachusetts as this, we just began the day of commencement here and the massachusetts institute of technology, otherwise known as mit, about 200 students, stood up chanting free, free palestine in march. you can see their marching yet again. they walked and stood in front of the gates of the ceremonies and they walked over the administrative building block the street. now there, continuing on their way these students, these supporters of palestine, they set up an account like we seen so many universities, university set of barricades around them and the purchase as each purchasers push down those barrels cancelled in about 4 in the morning. hundreds of heavily armed
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police moved in, broke down the and cabinet, but these students have continued to purchase. they shut down the factory parking garage. they shut down the main street here in cambridge, massachusetts, in a very specific demand. because of what the university does for these really military emergency has projects that are directly sponsored by the is really ministry of defense. and so one of those is an autonomy, a swimming drone program. another one is an automated surveillance underwater surveillance program. and so both of those are direct the military. 7 are programs with direct military opportunities. and so the number one demand was to divest was to, in was a cut. those ties with the as male, it is really ministry of defense to these purchasers face serious consequences. this is the university that costs about $86000.00 a year to attend. they were told that they didn't stop protesting, they would be suspended. many were told they wouldn't get degrees. now, some of the suspensions have been lifted the purchasers, i talk to say that they are just going to continue next year, pedagogy, l g, 0,
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cambridge, massachusetts, personal care. and i'll just be around when we come back. i political shakeup and south africa exit polls show the routing and sees phoning show to the majority for the 1st time, and search a year. and we're in pop what you're getting, whether you and is warning of a major risk of disease up to a massive deadline slide last week on that side of the let's go with your headlines for the americas. thank you so much for your time for southern brazil here. well, we've got some fresh starts to the day weather alerts and play for some for us the mornings over the next little bit. here's our usual problem, spots top end of south america. northern brazil is we look into venezuela, columbia, and equity, or there are some weather alerts in this zone for how intense that pain will be.
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also seen intense pockets around kosta rica and panama. so specifically for both panama city and san jose. the risk of seeing some funding here. then in ne mexico there was flooding around monterey in monterey, and that rain has dropped down those temperatures. once again, texas getting straight with solid bands of rain, st goes for arkansas, all that energy pouring into louisiana. so we will see some more flooding here before the weekend starts. still nice through the great lakes, a few clouds drifting about for the us, northeast and westbound. we go, it is wendy for canadas, alberta, saskatchewan, and manitoba. providence is there's a center of the weather maker there over in northern manitoba for california. let's take a peek at the weather on friday's shirts. a bit breezy along the coast. 25 degrees in los angeles. and it's that time of the year where it hits up in the us southwest . so phoenix, 40 degree is for you on friday, the
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hundreds and then millions. stephens cries, does the delicacy value just as highly if i called cells in the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different tribes with exclusive access phone lines joins the environmental. prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the list of the world of wildlife trafficking and its devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and hunters on al jazeera, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the book about you're watching out, is there a quick reminder about top stories here? this,
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our in northern gauze is ready forces of attack to school were despised palestinians with sheltering and the giovanni a refugee camp. the army has withdrawn from somewhere as struggles to gain food ministry control officer involved formerly as president donald trump has been convicted of $3047.00 new charges and a central hush money trial. and makes in the 1st american president to be convicted of a criminal offense sites up to 4 years in prison. each for trump's team was about to appeal. he called the trial a just price on the district attorney said prosecute centuries and we followed the fence for trump is still facing $3.00 of the criminal cases, which is 0 is hodges ro, castro has moved now from washington dc. yet another court is holding a major key to donald trump's fate. this one is the highest in the land, the us supreme court. any day now we expect a ruling on trump's claim that he enjoyed presidential immunity. when,
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according to federal prosecutors in washington, he tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power to joe biden. the supreme court's decision will determine what happens next in the federal election case against trump. we will never give up, we will never can see that doesn't happen. that case accuses him of conspiring to overturn biden's when in 2020, culminating in a mob of trump supporters storming the capital. and the state of georgia is bringing its own election charges against trump very serious case. and there are consequences to violating serious laws. prosecutors there, so he let a corrupt enterprise that among other alleged crimes, harassed election workers and pressure to georgia officials to find more votes for trump. i just want to find the 11780 loads,
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which is one more than we have. then there's the classified documents case pending in florida. federal prosecutors accused trump a violating the espionage act 32 times for taking sensitive documents 2 more long ago after leaving the white house, then allegedly trying to cover it up the f. b. i says its agents found state secrets stored in the bathroom, and trump was caught in a recording showing off a secret military document to a visitor. the treasurer is present, i could have no, i can sometimes pleaded not guilty to all charges, and his lawyers have managed to secure in definite delays and all 3 of the cases. thanks to an office, romance it between prosecutors and georgia. a trump friendly judge in florida and the pending appeal before the us supreme court. none of the cases even have trial dates. i think he's already won by the delay. donald trump has always been the master of delay and this is working to his advantage. if he can keep kicking the
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can down the road, pass the election day, or at least have nothing resolved by election day. that works to his advantage. is donald trump with the presidential election in november? the pending cases may pause or even evaporate, where and where that was leave, the country is uncharted territory. heidi joe castro alger 0, washington southern lead up to sundays general election and mexico continues to be mob by on power the political violence, the link between the violence signed a long history of corruption is perhaps the most significant challenge for whoever wins the presidency. i'll just say to is diplomatic, edit, tennessee, and human reports now from a truck on in the western part of mexico. he has another episode of political violence in mexico. this when caught on camera next door to the election campaign from the start. in the western state of mutual con,
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rudy is always drawing large crowds of local farmers. it's an ideal venue for state congress candidates, monique, as the leader to ask for vote for support. this man gives her his blessing, a symbol of protection. she feels he needs the demo. i'm afraid for my children, i'm afraid for my life because the dangers are great. but even though i ask for government protection will fix the so far, i don't have a single policeman by my side that nothing on your policy, i mean, allowed them. nearly 40 candidates and 14 family members have been killed. the deadly is campaign in recent mexican history, the most of the victims were running for mayor and other local offices positions wanted by corrupt politicians and organized crime. is that they could they take control of the office and they, they can by the can be they know the candidates. i mean it's very,
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it's very easily the findings by, by the legal force. that's not a, a, as i knew valencia need to movement called citizens revolution. it tracks down kidnappers, another criminals for the information provided by ordinary citizens. me said the less now that he's running for mayor of mutual kinds capital. what a yeah. he has 24 hour government protection and he also has his own private security and an armored car cuz he would pull it up as long as it was that i am heading to a rally. he tells me that state corruption feeds mexico's crime epidemic because on the scene of the style, if with the state has a means to stop this, get the but doesn't want to come with the crime because he generates dividends and that's it generates profit. so drives money, delinquent, generates money for the authorities, while the victim is just the statistic that a lot of me that they're just getting into the middle console. eula, details supporters that with their vote, he can help change things even though is running under the banner of what many
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claimed to be as one of mexico's most corrupt party vendor for the welfare and, and business owners, politicians organized crime or trying to coordinate candidates or somebody can call me that is a long history of corruption, which generally guarantees impugning the president. and there is one little piece of it as or insist that stability is guaranteed despite the electro violence. and it's very much associated with that where it needs this is a way they understood how to go very in a country political this, the realities are both anything else? human rights, the, the corruption now eh, so you always play the corruption card because you want to preserve or lead the colorless. that means it's almost a tradition as old as disability just rate yet with the state under attack by
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criminal forces. as never before mexico's next president may find that corruption is too high a price to pay for the illusion of stability. to see a newman al jazeera me to work on to south africa. now, where are the results from half of pulling station show, the governing amc potty is folding short of the majority and the elections for the 1st time. and so 2 years is may force it to form a coalition with other parties in order to remain in government, south africa's in october, the body says it has concluded, vote counting and is now validating and forwarded to the results. obviously it was my kind of reports now from mid run south africa. the biggest political shakeup in 3 decades is looming by early thursday evening, just over 30 percent of the voted being comforted. and the ones dominant amc is being batted in the number of regions. the democratic alliance retained system
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majority in the western cape, and with more than 50 percent of the votes counted, will continue to govern the province for the next 5 years. but diploma people i'm telling the 6 months ago has provided the major surprise on con toby's this way. o m k may have the chance of seizing controlling costs and do natal ane amc stronghold and didn't neighboring improvement longer. the amc has so far lost 20 percent of the voted gained in 2019 the folks going to m k that the majority of votes are still being counted. there's already tool couple of coalition government among the partners. the amc could consider the economic freedom scientists or if it's though it's ready. cool policies, including nationalization of the mines, are deeply at odds with the amc democratic alliance policies to add to variance, not least,
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it's in the position on palestine. obviously is not about discussions about positions is about what, what will solve of success and what that done. once they the, we looked at people up and up to a suitable structure of the, the, and not through that as well. we'll make a determination about the way for uh, on the end and on. so it has already come from the intake party. there will be no coordination until to the in see if this could be employed to that well the, the m k. the reason was formed was because the agency was struggling to implement the policies for the people which includes the land for education. so it's wouldn't be a part of that one to have a coalition that because it would probably stop by some time to do those things. another option would be for the amc to form an alliance with the number of the smaller parties, which would be likely to demand less in return than the bigger ones. but in order
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to achieve this, the amc would need more than 46 percent of the boat a target, which as the cons continues, appears more and more remotes kinda. i'll just say era. the trend south africa president joe biden has partially lifted a band on ukraine using us alms and strikes on russian territory. the change in policies understood to apply only to defend the hockey area. nato allies have been coated on the us to allow your brain to use western weapons to attack targets inside russia should have a chance he has moved from washington dc. this has been telegraphed over several days with repeated articles in the us and media are about the intensive deliberations within the administration about this policy shift. and then there to be as me blinking the secretary of state is called in some mold of on wednesday. what he told you about the need for us flexibility on ukrainian policy. now we have confirmation of in the last several days, the us gave you credit and the go ahead to use us weaponry, but as
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a great deal of emphasis on the rules of engagement. the ukrainians can only use that us weaponry against russian military assets in the border region around khaki, across the border region around ca, keep combs, attack civilian infrastructure. cotton launch deeper attacks into russian territory . none the less though, this is yet another red line. another drove bite and foreign policy, red light that has disappeared bite. with long said, you refuse to allow the use of us weaponry into russia because he didn't want to start world war 3. a reference to russia being nuclear weapons homes, not with a pair that these limited strikes are acceptable to by them. they appear to be both a recognition of how poorly ukraine is doing on the battlefield, but also the need for the bite administration to at least to keep this one going into the presidential election. given the amount of political capital by dispense
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on your credit. she advertise the elders are at washington protest as are rallying and armenia against the prime minister as plans for land concession specimen, a large police presence in the capital yet on hundreds of demonstrators, gavin, that demanding the resignation of prime minister nichol passion, young assault, that his government agreed to handle the temperature as a by john last month. i mean, it has control these strategic area for decades. so far it isn't popular. new guinea have rooms out finding any more survivors of last week's massive landslide. the government says more than 2000 people may have been killed, although only a handful of bodies had been recovered so far. landslide hit the and bonnie village and the angle regions last friday. tanya bell has moved not from the town of lubbock in popular guineas, and probably so many houses are being destroyed. so people are without shelter. so many canvases and things like that. they, they need shelter, the need will talk, they need freed any bidding. these people have lost everything. the area that are covered was an illness and the depths, you know,


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