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tv   Fault Lines The Shark Fin Hunters  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST

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washington protested, rallying at armenia against the 5 ministers plans, the land, the concession specimen, a large police presence in the capital, you have on hundreds of demonstrate as gavin that de bonding the resignation of 5 minutes and the cold passion, young assault, that his government agreed to handle the temperature as a by john last month. i mean it has control the strategic area for decades. how far it isn't popular new guinea have ruled out finding any most of life. as of last week's massive landslide, the government says more than 2000 people may have been killed. only a handful of bodies have been recovered so far. landslide hit the and bonnie village and the angle regions last friday. tanya bell has moved enough from the time of what bag and pop into a guineas and got probably so many houses have been destroyed. so people are without shelter. so many canvases and things like that, they need, they need shelter, they need will talk the needs freed, they need bidding. these people have lost everything. the area that had coverage was an illness. and the depth, you know, 5 to 8 maintenance of trouble in that land slide. the other factors that him to the
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rescue operations and the disaster relief operations is that this is a very rugged province. it's a 3 hour drive, but it's a very rugged and warranty, right? to get that the excess has been exacerbated because over the weekend, tribal flashing, broke out along the road, and that's brought into a lot of people. it's not so say you need to drive through that fighting zone to get to the side. they do have helicopters. you may see one applied person in the background. they've been doing that all day from an a strip just to the east of us here. bringing in supplies, but really it's, this is a, this is the one of the most rather parts of the, in a very rather country. and they are unable to take any of the bodies using machinery because the area is still incredibly unstable. the key focus is on the people who left the people left behind people who being displaced approximately 4000 of them. and so hopefully in the coming days,
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we'll start to see more of those really urgent released supplies start to flowing up. ok now in southwest on the iceland is erupt team for the 5th time since december. these all the latest pictures of the reagan is split into 3800 people in a nearby fishing town. they've been evacuated from their homes, the blue lagoon, thermal spa, one of ice dunce, biggest stories, attractions was also evacuated before the russian began. officials say lava has been blasted about 50 meters into the sky and started early afternoon on the wednesday after a series of quakes. it's, well that's it for me down in jordan for now you can find more information on our website. i'll just say i'm a dot com. there it is. the news continues here on out to 0 off the lines state you . thanks so much. and the the floods from the world's most secretive state. now you're on north koreans are
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finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences. but to shining a light on the home at kings and bring dang, jeff, one on one east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera, the one of the, i mean, i'm gonna try to leave him a message for nearly 3 years. evelyn lemitrus has been investigating the chart fen trafficking operation. now, she's putting together the team. it's going to rated and lexie though they're still, but at the all. but i said the cynthia, this bit of a how most short for them to become a global commodity prize doesn't ingredients and with special soup in asia sharps that played a vital role in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years. but the trade is now pushing some species to the brink of extinction. there was a trade in short,
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francis valued of hundreds of millions of dollars a year. which had in mind that they look at one more thing, go that on the reading that much than that which other baskets we gained exclusive access to a team of investigators and dismantling or ring a short vend traffickers, city every medical help, a single study or things under the see me until then also the or following this car here as an investigator and a couple of cops and that we're going to lead a rate today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some species. a chart at risk is that correct? yes, that sounds a lot of the nadia of the photos, the same spotlight, no data mafia either they've got to pay investigation improved, also takes us to equity. we're smuggler and tells us details about where he sense of the films i want to please. one of the board call for group. are you sure most
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of the follow up with a few of the little and we went under cover in new york city for shark fin. soup has been legal for a decade to see if it's still being sold. this is where we are in the whole thing right here of the this episode of the lights, we take you inside the world of sharpened smuggling, in the effort to crack down on the tree moist. you always things that are always t o e. i saw know that be a case some of when you're literally simple. when camino you could almost say the is a special prosecutor church with enforcing crews environmental laws. evelyn stays often started early. i left the money on that they most game a. we got them all saying affordable h and what they call affiliated for it. sadly,
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i the mighty for that in defeat, gotten nothing better. castillo, and this is simply on the send off to be that is i her plan this morning is to search fishing boats coming in for short, defense, anybody's, he felt like the whole is the thing. there is no reports on that. that is no annual . the info kato, given me at the school northcom spaces of what the gus can, that's going to see your edward has received threats from some of the network she's investigating. so she has police protection everywhere. she goes in the same way, getting informed about the. * no, no, on the basic gaiety or the not the p you. but at the point i'm not instead of going to meet up with his team play till they nope on that. i'm really slow. oh, they know us to that and the value of this stuff. mean we have to maurice, up our basically a higher mind them letter from media
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a little them in middle. so the case, boy assume no less cost has to be a know when did you become aware of start in trade they, they don't you mean the safe comments? i almost have the seat that are most solely instead of sequel mercedes. a seal is part of a ceiling daylight. that's that the widow in phones is about to feel to be a common some most. i know that in 2018 evelyn and your team arrested to trap caught with truckloads of tried bins leading to the 1st ever conviction in jail. send it to me preferred for sharpen traffic. the quick on that i to come, you know, put a lot of my meant they will know that uh is, oh my say the no, no, for the one you said uh, i live, you know what? i don't want to buy another month. it went through, i knew the business of shock mentioned per it was legal, but heavily restricted. most of them are sold in the black market. they can go for
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more than $500.00 us dollars a pound in hong kong sharks and is an incredibly lucrative commodity. i'm going to price per kilogram is equivalent to several different alyssa drugs and it's almost like the now look it up. tell me what it is. i mean, don't you know that? that's fantastic. well, i think i'm going to see him, but he is a hood. i think i hear from them in time is, is it means that he gets to the indiana case. they can view only if at the posting ceiling if can be a little late. but i didn't mean that in that kind of simple life and it will cost them we have to, but i most i said the ok. evelyn inspected fishing nets and the catch the bill to bring it up. some fishermen were not too happy with their presence and we will need the full so, you know, mean, did they send me this book captain was brandishing a nice one
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for you to illegally. soon as next together, it's like a smaller fish. they said, i thought of a separate daniel or to let the young lady say your say of the things that you'll be ok maybe that will fit on scene. said he, that is the yeah, we're not real slow through the findings. shorts didn't somewhere in the sea of boats is a long shot, but even evelyn is successful. the small time fishermen are not target vending. when is the case, the only way you get most of this is simple with they. i say yes, sometime this will say you'll get an element, then this is done by that system. that's the missed a lot to him by the will. in the middle side of goes ok and say, getting a little we'll see you as soon as can somebody when i get in the dark to
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go to a space, see where everything is. know, have some fun by the end i know for the, for the home, but the rest of the know we're looking for fun isn't good thing. i'm not that get us into industry. sodium. venus gets our lead. i will scott at. good. yes. let me though this he lives, at least the record of that gave me in the us, is to a said little me in the, in a lot, but so not good. we always have to be nice and this is stuff that would handle the peruvian coastline stretches for more than 3000 kilometers. the waters here have fish for sharks for thousands of years. no, no got call from you know and for the. ready best best said that the one i didn't know, i put it in my final luminance but it's only allow me i am an equal. ready ready the popularity of consuming shark fin. soup considers a delicacy in countries like china and thailand has cost
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a number of sharks of world wide to plummet. as many as $100000000.00 sharks are harvested each year for their fence. you don't devote about that and we're gonna suspend. well, let's put this stuff. okay, norman there and i'm going. so may i ask, what is the zip code is this i, i think i meant that to say no, i don't approve you fit in the middle of the cost of it contains the entire marine ecosystem, the back of the composer, him this passes cycle more like one o 5 mos love us the all a sudden minority carrier reach, critical to the health and wellbeing of the planets oceans were shirts. if it over fished, some countries advance, the short entry would not permit which has emerged just one of the leading exporters of sharks. hence, worldwide we went up to see what's improving fishermen who has been throw home. why, especially in these waters about 10 p. m. now the last hour they've been bringing
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in and then that for the 1st time tonight, and then that goes much further than you were thinking. they really didn't take a full hour to bring it all ended. but in their 1st catch, i got a hammer, had chart for the 1st 50. what always to see a come the other was sunday don't for most people the less come us for the month because he said he mostly saying he was thinking what's the name of the temple and all that kind of stuff. i don't see what on this, you know, almost like even so sharp fishing is francisco likelihood and he calls that artisan will fishermen like him are not the main problem when the press ok. you level this is the actual not, unless you're not the not the most nice today most inc on do you that inc. i'm gonna sparkles, but on this see 4 people get stuck on the, on the last the, this is one of the,
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of our ships. he's talking about hundreds of chinese fishing vessels operate off the coast of south america, including for they are responsible for the majority of sharks, harvested from these waters. in the last 50 years, the population of sharks has declined. i'm more than 70 percent. we watched as the fisherman brought their sharks into this port in northern for the plan to sell them, but they weren't very clear about what would happen with the fence is. is there a black market or a gray market on the, the print them all the big ones that i wanted to kind of made so far. no one is willing to tell us what's gonna happen to the some of these hammerhead sharks that they caught. it's a protected species and i think the camera is making them nervous. so we're gonna have to keep looking to figure out where they're cut off, drive and moved the
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additional marketing gym boat. we found shorts for sale, but it was just the trunk. so there's a cheap protein substitute. the most valuable part of the show. the bins had already been removed, but they may not be that far away. across the street from the fish market, everyone in her team have identified have been drink opperation. i thought the convenience store in the settings based on some kind of building distance. it comes on the for the people. it's a kind of like that the modem is i put on the c 11 different thing, photographic evidence of dense on the roof. meaning that, let's say the latest you said with the pin for the, for what i mean, it's a little stone course is supposed to i'm, i'm thrown close that the modem. mean, i let the select the select the select this i live this info. so, but you and don't says most most of them into the flow you i've got
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a little bit to say that they'd be guessing, but they said god, most most in your we just received word that the judge is a for the rain tablets barney headed over there were rushing there to meet her now the, the one, the thing was i was going to leave the name on the police here. but i am not a civilian that easily. i just had a very big part of the image doesn't be so yeah, it's bad. yeah, it's a good that are the what a lot of that it's aria that the app or the with a b will resario the
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telephone and go down to give us got like, given when people that opened in the fields of web team available . let me see, let me get inside this members office, the investigators found bags and bags of dried, sharp pens, metallic, tough guy. you must select the s s. i'll have to get this out in my line. so no, i don't see must be on this for the problem.
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can you say that that on the one bullet, by the way, to get the skin the evelyn entertain collected more than a $180.00 killers from 9 different species, including baby will shirts, which is endangered and better stop review rules and meaning celebrates in the my benefit of monday, i know it's a stop. what are you? yeah, let's do that. so i'm going to send these assign you that on spot terms. part of the process. i mean 1st, the spacing and open at the will a former, but i think most of them in succeed don't source, but no they, they are same. we took them both to assign you separate from that. i mean that and most going to, you know, it looks could be, will a couple and double moscow, your windows, the system know that looses they gave them for when coming evelyn cups to convince the smuggler to cooperate with their investigation. issue choices the next week and
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the supply chain. why is it important? what, what you still pointed them off in and you know, for the client, most of them at that point, the ways that if i'm being is we don't know nearly 55 percent of the short vents that are exported from for actually coming from neighboring ecuador shark fishing has been banned here for almost 20 years, but there's a loophole that can be brought to shore as part of a bi catch. meaning that they were caught by accident networks, the smugglers didn't move the product across the porous border to prove it. what you meant, the fast input bustles can also look for them at least a goofy. they put in a set of numbers. when they go out, you will be a win win. i basically, at the north stuff i found the going through the understanding of what is the security situation in ecuador has worsened deeply over the past few years.
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international drug cartels involved in the homicide rate has skyrocketed in the last month, although under been 3 major political assassinations here and even more attempts to not the violets is really shaken, ecuador in dripping, to sharpen trade even deeper. underground. the under saturday morning we can clear access to the santa rosa market on the south west coast. when it's short been, smuggler's got us while we were here, it didn't seem like any one was inspecting the catch. we know, isn't that the fish market in santa rosa? i don't see any government officials inspecting or observing one kind of look at buffy because the statement is going to allow for murphy's no, i use victoria how that we will noisy 90 of the monitors the lease to go 9. not the
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seen the money today or that i business. our team are caught a fisherman bringing a hammer head shot. most of this beast is in danger. he jumped off the head and the body was destined for the pending pile, indistinguishable from the other sharks. the presence of the market quickly became problematic. the person who arranged the visit was threatened and asked us to leave the book before we left. we made another important connection. fisherman, who had just been a week on the high seas of the coast of ecuador, shared some of their videos with our team. they show a hammer, head shirt, protected spacing is being hunted and how the sharks are ultimately killed. and the crime is so far out and see that it is away from people's radar perception
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of sharks. this is scary. predators hasn't always lent them to be the most sympathetic animal, but people need to understand the importance that they play in maintaining housing or in eco systems. we wanted to find out what happens to the students after they lead the market. so we met a smuggler who was willing to share some of the secrets of the traits, but only we create the consumers identity. how many sharpens do you, by every week or month, pre owned and what do you have? the option after you sell your sharks, friends, what happens to them next year? we will do all the months and months of a bigger postal city in ecuador, their large scale operations set up to drive the fence before there smuggled out of the country. because on the water was what the water up here to at this
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point, most experts had told us that almost all sharks tends from south america are shipped directly to asia. what our contact had one more to us for us. we'll take care of one folder for baltimore on view apartments. do you know if short fence are sent directly to the united states? the number one people know about mentioned. they both are well, i'm not sure but them through law the of all. the 1st part of one more month is the one with the one that we've got the very reasonable both for the new york had long been one of the largest ports of entry for short fence in the united states in 2013 following good years long campaign by conservation groups. the state being destruct ventured in 2022. it was banned nationwide. we wanted to follow
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up on the information we received in ecuador, so we hired and experienced wild like traffic and investigator to work with us. we changed his voice to protect his identity. have you also been down in south america working on the shark fin issue? yes, i have been to adult peru ton among many countries in south america. it's highly illegal here. what are some of the challenges of trying to source this? if you walk into a fantasy chinese restaurant, the owner and a manager as they with united, even if they do so those who in the restaurant? because they see a strange face for a new face. they will not take the risk because they don't decency legal. so it's impossible for me to walk in border abolla sharpen so i think that you have almost 80 percent chance 0 percent. yeah, 0 percent. we dropped him off the shops and restaurants around the city in just
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a few days. he made a break through a dinner reservation for, for that, an otherwise non descript chinese restaurant in brooklyn, or investigative reserved a table in a private room and arrange for 2 pounds of sharks to be served as part of an elegant meal. at $700.00, a person in the kitchen, the ship showed off the fence, had been prepared to move them into sort of a new to the specialist. we looked at the hand written menu, sharpened soup was listed as a 2nd course defends, have virtually no taste. so the ship sold them inside the skin of a whole chicken and cooked it for hours. in
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the soup is considered a status symbol is often reserved for special occasions such as weddings or banquets. while the service were out of the room, we were loose from the fence from our boat and preserve them in a plastic case. after the middle, the shift came in to meet our group. he showed us a photo of the fins before it got them. he said they came not from pruitt or ecuador, but from consuela. we sent the soup to a laboratory to have the dx tractor and tested the results confirmed with the sharp vin in the suit was often in new york, stopping the trade of it was such short fence as the responsibility of the states department of environmental conservation. we shared the results of our investigation with them. they declined to speak with us on camera for answer any of our questions. the federal agency, the combat 12 trafficking official language services also did not answer our
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questions. there should not be sales sharpens anywhere in the us anymore. so it's surprising that there isn't, it's disappointing but speaks to the challenges for really effectively implementing and enforcing these permissions on our last day. and for, as evelyn was rounding up defense moraine, we searched for more trying operations nearby. we're trying to be conspicuous, but we're going to drive by. so what we can see from the street, can you see anything? it was clear that if we were going to find more fence, it would have to be from above which houses from that block over there. yeah. there we need to go. is our street one of these streets? it didn't take long before we found a house. they had even more finished drawing in the sun, although there, covering every receivable which we shared our image would definitely be all center
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field, which we'll see. then i'm just going through. we need to sing. what is it? my seo, mrs. e commerce, i, you'll see that most are you a little that's one thing is clear, this isn't just an issue, blah blah, is an escalating environmental catastrophe in order to save the species, the spin on our planet longer than trees. sharks will need help from the various basics, pushing the brink of extinction. for most of most models, the newest pulls heavily, so i mean, i don't know so local succulent way. nobody see in the middle of the thing. say, 9, well, 30 minutes. you on fort gordon, told me to look and we'll do it. so the sleep and plenty that the
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hours before his killing a canadian sea key there said the agents of the indian governments were pumped into assessing a fault lives, explores how the coal for an independent state as spilled beyond india's borders and investigates, the nation's electorate campaign of eliminating critics on foreign soil begin the assessing nation on a just need a full set of the homes. and now i think from the huge a group of displaced people sit in the shade. this is the 3rd time they've had to flee that village close to the town of coker, and they hadn't even a ride in the village before they start telling us. it's especially hard for the
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children. most schools being closed since the q 3 years ago and constantly moving is the plan set 24 hours a day as a constant pause in the sky. that's what the fight to say is why 12? it's a supposed to play. it's of the looking for targets fronts, hillary, but also capable of jumping down on other basic services like health care scares to the clinic. a small truck arrives inside my pen a in labor and moaning and paint sound. everyone has been hoping to hit smiles and really for the family and the medical stuff for the new arrival in a very on system well, a form of film and for you to stop traumatized by eastern few knows more of independence, but determined to turn tragedy to accomplish this comic genius concealing his own more scholars creates a fictional character which uses happiness to chase people taking away the
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witness. this is the reality on that. just the donald trump is on duty and also the full accounts in his testimony trial. the 1st time a former us presidents been convicted of a crime rate is going to be november. the other ones are in jordan, this is out to 09 from dough. so coming up, lots of guys as largest refugee camp are reduced to rubble off to 3 weeks.


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