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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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jersey the donald trump is found guilty of those $34.00 counts and is hushed, many trial the 1st time a former us presidents been convicted of a crime rate is going to be november. the other ones are in jordan, this is out to 09 from dough. so coming up, lots of guys as largest refugee camp are reduced to rubble off to 3 weeks of it's really a tax meeting. many pundits demands without a president, jo, bottom, that allows ukraine to use weapon supplied by the us against august inside russia,
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but only to the hockey. the weed again in the united states with for my president, donald trump has been convicted an old 34 felony charges and it's so cold hush money trial. juror has found from guilty of falsifying business reco was to cover up the extra marital affairs that threatened this 2016 run for the white house. $100.00 reports from the after more than 9 hours of deliberations, a jury of 12 new yorkers delivered their historic verdict guilty on all charges that made donald trump the 1st former president in us history to become a convicted criminal. he was found guilty on $34.00 charges of falsifying business records in connection to hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels. as the news filtered outside the court house, there were celebrations, along with
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a small number of opponents of trump would gather it wasn't long after the verdict that it clearly fuming trump let his feelings be known. this was a great price gonna be november. and they know what happens here. everybody knows what happens here, whether he likes it or not. what actually happened is that the jury apparently believed trumps former fixer michael cohen, on whose testimony much of the prosecution's case. huh. trump's lawyer spent 2 days trying to poke holes and cones testimony saying he was motivated by revenge in money, but it wasn't enough. the man who brought the chargers manhattan district attorney alvin bragg gave his reaction a short time later, while this defendant, maybe unlike any other in american history. as we arrived at this trial. and ultimately today, at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes to the court room
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doors by following the facts and the law. in doing so, without fear or fever, the evidence was overwhelming of trump skilled, but still to see a jury come back in 2 days and with a verdict of guilty on all 30 counts of a former president. i mean it's, it's a really sad day for the united states because you don't want to see a former president indicted and convicted of criminal charges. and yet it's also so clear that trump engaged in so much can we gallery, in order to obtain the presidency in the 1st place. the verdict and the court of public opinion has yet to be delivered for the republican party's candidate for president. trump sentencing his schedule for july 11th for days before the republican national convention, where he is expected to accept his parties. nomination for president is a convicted sentenced, fellow. the manhattan jury did what to presidential impeachment and a federal investigation could not do render. a historic verdict that labeled the
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former president and former fellow new york or the criminal. 7 john henry l g 0 new york. what class and concern is that progressive law at the university of pennsylvania law school and she explained how important today's reading was. so let me just say with an extraordinary day, it is for the rule of law, and i run a center call center for ethics and the rule of law. and what are the core concepts behind the rule of law as accountability? and we might have believed up until this moment that accountability for a former president was not possible. the presidents are just to powerful, ever to be held accountable if they violate the law. and today's verdict says for the 1st time that the spice, donald trump's efforts to intimidate the judge, intimidate members of the jury to rig the process and to cause unnecessary delay, and to do everything he could to interfere with the mechanism of justice. that in
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fact, members of the jury were not intimidated and they could follow the evidence and apply the law. donald trump will, will appeal and these appeals could take quite a long time. um and of course we have yet to see what the sentencing the result the sentencing hearing in on july 11th will be it may be that he is not sentenced to prison time all despite the fact is he could very well sped up to 4 years in prison for these offences, and how hard he fights undoubtedly will have something to do with the level of punishment that is assigned to him. the not 3 weeks of intensified is rarely a tax in northern gauze bowl, but destroyed what was the largest refugee camp in the strip palestinians who used to live in jabante, a site of the shopped by the level of destruction they say,
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is ready forces. i've left the era, completely uninhabitable, is child stuff, and so she has this huge range of destroyed lives. screens fun down homes down, make god punish them, and you answer all those back in israel. we run for our lives. repeatable. we're going to move a 100000 people used to live in the jabante, a refugee camp of these mountains of rumbles and twisted metal used to be polished to be in homes, schools, businesses, markets of to and this free week alone is really military operation. people return limits to try and salvage what remains that their lives at these ready all me and, and strikes have a blitzer rate and even the shelters. but they used to try and hide that, hasn't moscow from them. and oh, well, you know how to print the gun since the 1st day of the war,
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we have been sheltering in the school. then we were forced to leave self. i was separated from my family and still looking for them until now. i came back to find everything destroyed. these really stretched our home to and with our lives was the entire place is no longer livable. i found a state of low from red on the ground. i picked it up. i have not eaten for days. these are alien sprint, everything till now. i cannot find my family, my 75 year old husband, my daughter who we lost each other under these really medicine and shelving no matter what looks like the blood splattered on a scale and a local journalist film, or some describes the scene. or you move bodies in piles of overtones signed. and if you test it, see the general it says, and this really made a triple lose. i got this makes it symmetry. the palestinians were forced to bury
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some dead again, the total destruction only a few weeks ago. this was to jump, it is made market research to use to get our hands on some food here. now it's flattened level to the ground. people cannot find the homes or shrubs. the entire area has disappeared. we do not even know if we will find the assembly losing relative. this is a crime. it is a, in front of the whole such island. so that these a forces stones, our center and the refugee camp, we were forced to leave to work guns. the 2nd one already to we were shocked by the scale of the section for hundreds, nothing standing by the entire areas, flats, and then to the beyond. the east bed, nothing. the whole place is white house. after destroying our homes, like boone down to school,
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where we shelter says this woman is the only place that was left for us and our children to hide. where do we go now? it's almost awful over there and i think i'll just hear as mama shaheen is a northern gauze and reports on the scale of destruction in giovanni and i'm a product list i'm we are now at the trends intersection in japan. you count in the north of the gaza strip, where the east radio occupation forces have destroyed expansive parts of account. most property and civilians, belongings have been destroyed in the easy way, the military operation that lost nearly 20 days. these radio occupation forces withdrew from the camp on thursday morning meeting in the wake. this vast destruction. c fires resulting from his right, the shedding continued to bid the shadow of the month of azalea do a month if i could make these ready forces continue to fight weapons in the street, which leads desired on base, on noon neighborhoods. so the situation still dangerous at some residential tried to go down this road towards the northern parts of the 2 body account,
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but came on defiant. we can see here that a 5 belt bombing targeted the street causing voss destruction. we can still hear the sound of artillery shells at the other end of the street for your husband, of the mountains, and you have a different last cause of the scale of destruction and jamalia. these way these have destroyed this. so actually testing the massage on us, so out of your home, if i sit on the heavy, who has your method, it has a residency, say that the scale of destruction is as a result of is really use of weapons provided might the united states say that the goal is a strict including to body count as being used by, as well as a testing ground for weapons. you the sort of in how does the next to the we received a report that these radio keep ation forces have partially withdrawn from the job of the account. some forces are still deployed around commanded one hospital. and the us sick street area. we've recovered a number of decomposed dead bodies which we could not reach earlier until now. we
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have recovered the bodies of nearly 10 people killed in the camp. our crews continued to search for more people killed and injured houses here have been destroyed. sheltering centers in the schools, as you can see behind us have been completely burned. as a residents would cover the dead bodies, they are finding that most of them are decomposed and have been eaten by street dogs. as they have been lane in the streets. and to have on just a partial withdrawal by these radio occupation forces from the 2 body accomplish surrounding areas has revealed a launch scale and vast destruction to residents, houses, and companies, as well as infrastructure and public facilities, including clinics and schools. the residence of waiting for the end of the is really destructive attack. and the genocidal bull. the israel has been waiting since october the 7th of last year to be able to restore
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a place where they can live safely. how much is a jersey it? i'm a veteran. at least 37 palestinians have been killed in his riley strikes across the gaza strip on thursday. 19 of the victims were killed in the southern city of ruffled fields when hills of 2 paramedics killed the tell us doing. the red crescent says israel talking to the vehicle while they were performing the juices. since october, at least, 20 members of the red crescent organizations had been killed and gaza, as for some positive ends in data. but i have tried to find refuge from the bombardment and the heat at the beach upstairs, tired as of levels. these children are finding an escape from israel's will and goes below off to enjoy showing how life should be here. in contrast to the reality of supreme unhook during months, which is very a tax $17000.00. and the goal is a strip of living without an adult protection because the 3 says from the
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assemblies surely love it, is that i am a head to play and swim. we want to forget the horrors we are living in the destruction of a family of clifton hoff, father and brothers and garza. and here i am with my mother. i am living in a tent within 15 sounds of children have been killed since october. most of the 81000 palestinians who have been wounded, excluding thousands, will have had a few patients. also the children, j and items often have despite the horrible conditions we are living, we come to the c side. the only thing left for us to seek some concepts. there's innocent children did nothing wrong to go through all this tyra. we're trying to help them here, mentally, and psychologically hoping they will have a normal and positive future. we the old generation, already traumatized. and scott, this is our last results. lindsay, tens of little protection and searing heats. nearly 2000000 people have been
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repeatedly displaced and even tend incompetence. have be bumped while i have them and this is the only place we have to vent our grief and anger. the environment inside the tent is unbearable. they are loading the absence of hygiene flies, a hovering over a day and night. we are trying to get some teen and a fresh breath for our children. needless to say, we feel comfort with me all by the sea, as, as well as the homes. many of these children have lost the favorite clothes, books and toys. they do not have enough to eat and many of joints from hunger, the castles, and assumed for point some mental risk points. hundreds of thousands have found a unique with surprise at this speech every day. as these came from the own going solar and often freight to um to the is valley too much always in components of district display. so palestinian is the last remaining outlet trying to be a to the of the growing psychological impression that they have been in during
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since october the 7th. sorry about that. i was just 0. there is that i kind of story know authorities in pop one new guinea have ruled out finding any more supplies of last week's massive landslide. the government says more than 2000 people may have been killed whether only a handful of bodies had been recovered so far. landslide hit the valley village and the angle regions last friday. tanya bell has moved from the town of lubbock in papa near guineas. things from us. so many houses have been destroyed. so people are without shelter. so many canvases and things like that. they, they need shelter, they need will talk, they need food, they need bidding. these people have lost everything. the area that had coverage was an illness. and the depth, you know, 5 to 8 meters of trouble in that land slot. the other contract is that him to the rescue operations. and the disaster relief operations is that this is a very rugged province. it's a 3 hour drive, but it's
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a very rugged and one you right to get that the excess has been exacerbated because over the weekend, tribal flashing broke out along the road and that's frightened. a lot of people, it's not so site, you need to drive through that fighting zone to get to the side. they do have helicopters. you may see one applied person in the background. they've been doing that all day from an east strip just to the east of us here, bringing in supplies. but really it's, this is a, this is the one of the most rather possible in a very rather country. and they are unable to take any of the bodies using machinery because the area is still incredibly unstable. the change focuses on the people who are left, the people left behind, people who are being displaced approximately 4000 of them. and so hopefully in the coming days, we'll start to see more of those really urgent released supplies start to flowing proper. stop right here. and i'll just say are right, when we come back a political shakeup and south africa exit polls show the routing amc is pulling
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short of the majority for the 1st time. and so she found a cut of fire lava continues to flow from a full kind of south west on more than that. the hello good to heavy along, kicking this weather report off in the middle east as we expect this time of the year and friday, it's the last day of spring. there's temperature shooting up coates. 49 degrees. you're still searching for your 1st 50 degree day of the year, at least at the airport. we've lost those brisk winds up and down the golf, so it's a light breeze here. and because of that, that's what's allowing those temperatures to shoot up. it's also getting quite hot in southern bucket, strong karachi, but with a breeze off the arabian sea dust and sand storm seemed likely some heat to the east of the caspian sea to minnesota and ask about or shooting for
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a height of 36 degrees for you certainly are still central parts of the country here, seeing that what the weather flare out, but it's fine. it is stumble. 24 degrees full on sunshine for you and the heat. go in, in northwest staff for cabbage transferring to libya and egypt across west africa. fairly quiet, but where the rains are really coming down. southern nigeria, that's wrapping around. cameroon and gap on northern congo. slipping into the western side of the congo, there's been a big dropping those temperatures for the cape. providence is up in 1020 degrees, but where it's heating up is southern bows and beek. my puts those 30, then i wanted to show you this. it's a stormy mess coming into south africa's south coast on saturday. be careful. i'll see you later. i the okay, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries
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come 1st over $300.00 on luis, haven't it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the welcome back to watching it. i'll just keep in mind about top stories here. this our in northern gauze is ready forces of attack to school, where despite the palestinians with sheltering and the giovanni a refugee camp, the armies withdrawn from somebody or is this struggles to gain food, ministry control of giovanni for me. yes,
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president donald trump has been convicted. i'm searching for a felony charges and a surfboard hush money try. it makes him the 1st american president to be convicted of a criminal offense. it takes up to 4 years in prison for each for trump's team is bound to appeal. he called the trial a disgrace. the district attorney said prostitute centuries, only falling in ukraine, at least 3 people are dead and 16 injured after russian strikes hit, the eastern city of hockey's, local officials said that miss all struck civilian areas including an apartment building a shop. and assuming factory strikes came closely off each other using what else archie is described as a double top technique. southern joe biden has possibly lifted a band on ukraine using us arms and strikes on russian territory. a change in policies understood to apply only to defend the hard key the area. nato allies have been calling on the us to allow your brain to use western weapons to attack targets inside russia. for dave darrell, she's
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a professor at the neary southeast asia center for strategic studies. and i for my major operations director, explain why the by the ministration made this decision. what we've seen is a pattern where the ukrainians ask for a certain type of weapons the by the administration denies the nice and then agrees . in this instance of course, the ukrainians have been saying, look in clark, even particular, we're seeing tactical operations being run out of russia into car keys, you know, firing artillery from car key that we cannot respond to with american weapons. and again, as with the provision of howitzers, an attack comes eventually divide with mr. she gets it. but there's another dynamic here which is the ukrainians with their own weapons, have been attacking rushes nuclear infrastructure, so they just damaged the crescent. adar, early warning radar with the domestic me pretty strong. that's very far within
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russia. early on this year they attacked the strategic bombing face in angles, air base, which was the heart of rushes up uh, airplane, and delivered nuclear deterrent. so i think her doc, sickly, allowing russia over allowing you frame to strike within russia within this limited tactical operation. the price for that is probably a cessation of you craning strikes on the strategic capabilities of rush, which would have the potential of increasing their conflict. so south africa now where any results from half of the paulding station show the governing amc is fully show to the majority in the elections for the 1st time in 30 years, is may force it to form a combination with other parties in order to remain in government, obviously it was my kind of report. somebody dropped in south africa, or the biggest political shakeup in 3 decades is looming. by early
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thursday evening, just over 30 percent of the votes have been comforted, and the ones dominant a n c is being bound to in the number of regions. the democratic alliance retains us majority in the western cape, and with more than 50 percent of the votes counted, will continue to govern the province for the next 5 years. but diplomacy, boom, done. the 6 months ago has provided the major surprise, including toby's this way. o m k. may have the chance of seizing controlling costs and do natal ane amc stronghold and didn't neighboring and put them along to. the amc has sofa lost 20 percent of the voted gained in 2019 the bulk going to m k that the majority of votes are still being counted. there's already tool couple of coalition government among the partners, the a and so you could consider the economic freedom fighters or if it's though it's radical policies, including nationalization of the mines,
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are deeply at odds with the amc democratic alliance policies to add to barry and ne it's embedded in position on palestine. obviously does go about discussions about positions is about what, what's, what's the best, and what that demonstrates the we look to people and the for a suitable product of them and not through them as well. we'll make a determination about the weight for uh, on the engine on so has already come from the intake party. it will be no collision until to the in see if this could be employed to that well the, the m k. the reason it was formed was because the agency was struggling to implement the policies of for the people which include the land for education. so it wouldn't be applied to that one to have a code, isn't it? because it would probably uh, stuff as i'm trying to do those things. another option would be for the amc to form
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an alliance with a number of the smaller parties which would be likely to them on the list and return then the bigger ones. but in order to achieve this, the amc would need more than 46 percent of the boat a target which as the cons continues, appear as more and more remotes. mike, hannah, i'll just sarah woodrand, south africa. now the lead up to sunday's general election and mexico continues to be mobbed by unparalleled political violence. the link between the volunteer a long history of corruption is perhaps the most significant challenge for whoever wins the presidency onto zeros diplomatic editor. let's see a newman report summit truck on, in the western part of mexico. he has another episode of political violence in mexico. this one caught on camera called the election campaign from the start.
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in the western state of mutual gun road is always drawn large crowds of local farmers. it's an ideal venue for state congress candidates, monica solita. ask for vote for support. this man gives her his blessing, a symbol of protection. she feels she needs a lot of others that the family i'm afraid for my children, i'm afraid for my life because the dangers are great. but even though i ask for government protection will fix the so far, i don't have a single policeman by my side that i base that nothing on your bodies the. i mean the nearly 40 candidates and 14 family members have been killed. the deadly is campaign in recent mexican history, the most of the victims were running for mayor and other local offices positions wanted by corrupt politicians and organized crime. is that they could they take control of the office and they, they can by the can be they know the candidates. i mean it's very,
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it's very easily the findings by, by legal forces and all of a sudden the valencia lead to movement called citizens revolution. it tracks down kidnappers, and other criminals for the information provided by ordinary citizens. he said the less now that he's running for mayor of mutual kinds capital. what 80. yeah, he has 24 hour government protection and he also has his own private security and an armored car cuz he would pull it up as long as it was that i am heading to a rally. he tells me that state corruption feeds mexico's crime epidemic because on the, you know, the style, if with the state has a means to stop this, get the but doesn't want to come with the crime because he generates dividends. it generates profit, so drives money, delinquent, generates money for the authorities, while the victim is just as sophisticated a lot of me that they're just getting into the middle console. eula, details supporters. that with their vote, he can help change things even though he's running under the banner of what many
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claimed to be as one of mexico's most corrupt party vendor for the welfare and, and business owners, politicians and organized crime or trying to coordinate candidates or have somebody can call me that is a long history of corruption, which generally guarantees impugning the president. and there is one little piece of it as or insist that stability is guaranteed despite the electro violence. and it's very much associated with where it needs. this is a way they understood how to go very in a country political this, but really these are both anything else human rights, if a corruption now it so you'll always play the corruption card because you want to preserve or you think of this. i mean, it's almost a tradition as old does this really just rate yet with the states under attack by
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criminal forces as never before mexico's next president may find that corruption is too high, a price to pay for the illusion of stability. to see a newman al jazeera mutual can protest as are rallying in media against the prime minister as plans for lam concessions as an a launch police presence in the capital europe. i'm where hundreds of demonstrators gathered that demanding the resignation department has done the compassion. yeah, and a softer his government agreed to handle that charge as a by john last month. i mean, he has control the strategic area for decades. spring solomon says approved a divisive law, grunting. i'm gonna state to counsel on separatists involving the 2017 independence campaign. the bill now and he passed by 5 votes and had face to opposition from the conservative public policy, as well as the far right books deposit. around $400.00 people should benefit from the lord, including those 2 parts and protests and former capital and regional president
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douglas put them on the fled to belgium after the vote. legal experts of questions with the noise infringe of the constitution of whole table itself is iceland just intended dispute in law, but for a 2nd day, it's the 5th major option to strike the ranking us, but it's less since december thousands of people have been evacuated from that homes and then nearby fishing village for the multiple this soon look at volcanic crate to is once more in full, full nature's fine works for roaches to be visible from a very safe distance that a tennis peninsula home to 30000 people has already seen weeks of the russians elsewhere too often 8 centuries of inactivity officio that's opened up in the stretches several kilometers. experts say at the moment it's only threatens infrastructure like water pipes that remains fall from stable continuous current and the fire that.


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