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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 9:30am-10:00am AST

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testifying this generation is trying to save the world. we are in an emergency right now. when you do the much destruction you're going to face the consequences. nature is done. i will just say a risk new series dying now or never. has a new prime minister, gary condo is chosen to turn the country around, but gains control most of the capital and violence is killed and then just thousands. so can condo, bring the stability needs? this is inside storage. the hello welcome to the show. i'm assigned me say that for you is haiti has suffered from violence, political instability, and poverty. in recent months,
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gang violence has led to the resignation of prime minister ariel henri and false tens of thousands of people from that homes. many have been forced to live and make shift shelters, but now some hope. com can gradually be restored to the car be a nation. a transitional presidential council sworn in last month has chosen a new prime minister, gary condo will leave the country for the next 2 years. now this is condo, 2nd time in the top job, and these promise to bring the country together. so how will he tackled the violence and instability, terrorizing the people of haiti, and what role would be us playing all of this? all we're bringing out guess shortly. but 1st, this report by imaging can the with games controlling 80 percent higher these capital. and you put minister has been chosen the country. gary connie is a former regional director of human staff in latin america. briefly led how you too bye to decade ago. he was selected by 9 member kind so created to oversee its
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transition to democracy. that came of the prime minister ariel henry resigned in april and the international prussia spiraling kyle some grubbing violence. i feel very honored that the presidential console has chosen me as the new prime minister of hatred. together, we will work for bits of tomorrow for all the children of our nation. connie charge with bringing stability, put on the streets. and heidi, they're mixed feelings about his appointment. well, this is the 1st time that the presidential constant has made that choice in favor of the people. everyone knows that the guy, the courtney isn't on a citizen who is do his utmost to fight corruption in the country as he did under the government of some of the president my daily. so we have been through this before. they could have given us new people were and already in charge. and we could have seen what would have happened. a c u. n says more than 360000 people
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have been displaced from their homes in height and the past 2 years. in 2024 more than 1500 people were killed and hundreds injured. nearly 60 percent of people live in poverty and avoidance, prevent aid reaching those in need and limits the access to healthcare and schools . in february, governments during the airport police stations and prisons releasing move in full size and inmates. garlands, mushrooms. following the assassination of president juvenile maurice in 2021. no elections were held to replace him leaving a power vacuum. the gangs of throw it in. he is waiting for you. in fact, deployment of canyon police supported by the us to help quote abundance of the countries of also country security personnel. but some, a skeptical they have the ability to break the grip of the pos gains
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and gang leaders of whom they may not accept decisions of the presidential council leaving high eighties, new prime minister. the major challenge ahead imaging came back out to 0. the inside story, the well, that's assess what this moment could mean to hate these people with, i guess in haiti's capital pull to prints we have events are involved. he's the executive director of policy tay. it's an n g o and policy think tank in paris. we have diego, doreen, he's a consultant experts on hese for the international crisis group. i'm involved though. we have one d chevy say he's from the defense intelligence company. james. he's covered midvale operations in hate and other conflicts. good to have you with us. so if i could start with the events, so does the new to chosen prime minister have credibility?
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do you think in the eyes of most haitians? well, you know, i think she brought it, we don't patients, donald trice, but it is the that's a lot because yeah, i've seen any progress in the country for the last many years. you know, 25 or 50 years viruses. so yeah, i really think we need to survey back in january and we know like the, the, the needs of the population is what the i can find out those amenities, secuity, referrals, 80 percent of them, and 89 percent of it. is it security, but also healthcare services and accessibility and security? so the government, he's got all trying to resolve those issues. those needs. i think the way to start to, you know, get some somebody on the truck right now. we are just waiting to see situations because we don't the know okay, courtney was right. any surgery the 1st doing the mondays,
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but at the same time the difference is the least bit you probably the was the size of me decided to the border. the money we don't see those, the cost which the me somebody's one. so that situation, that one point may. okay. we the asian population. but right now we're just, we just noticed the weight is easy to me is all right. and given what eventually just said, diego, what dancing, can he unify the nation as well? and clearly it will be one of the most challenging jobs in the world, the one, the income you will have as the in having these transitional government. but it has a very ambitious plan, it has to restore security, and it has to organize dimensions and pretends also organize and national
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conference going to in every department in the, in the country to get an input on the, on what patients want and the desires of may be some changes of the constitution, you know, swimming judges and reforming the constitution. create a commission of through. busy isn't reparation so many, many tasks and. busy very challenging tasks in the moment where the huge nose institutions are in the brink of collapse. so and it will need. busy to be very independent from the groups that selected a human to be in the position and, and trying to convince the international community to and support it in their massive way the haitian institutions not only did restore security to through that when somebody king of the for him personal, then we'll be deployed windham of special mission, but to restore democratic institutions in this traditional period. all right,
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you've highlighted 2 important things, the restoration of democratic institutions and the dispatch of foreign troops. let me take the question to other one and say, what will be the mission exactly of canyon troops? and so to, to the, i mean it, while the mission will be kenyan, led, the kenyans will not be the only ones contributing, been as already pledge to send police. and there are several caribbean countries such as jamaica believes and that the behind us were also on board. with the suspicion in this operation, the men did used to bring back security and support the, the highest patient police. but that is quite and vicious undertaking that is being considered even for now. the limited mind powers that has been formally pledged. we're talking about the southern canyon police officers up
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to 2000 from the lien and a few 100 from the the time to come. country that the committee to participate military person or the one i say they're probably not off to the job that i'm not saying that i'm just saying that maybe there will be too many numbers to make a sufficient difference. okay, i could see if i just wanted to get in on that. go ahead. yeah, it really didn't truly when, when you compare the last you envision maybe the, the wrong 10 times instead of question. and we had a different situation. we didn't have a lot of games in progress. right now we have the right one for the emily called now means we are more problems, more danger, monterey tourism. okay, bye my days. and i'm going to have less so the right, right. so if you, you look at the numbers there, so the, it leaves on, so the people in the, you know,
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the street walk or maybe we can, we can see that it's going to be the success. but so the numbers we have to be very scheme to go to it all, just take us to doing no events, what the position is of some of these important groups. and that lead is like barbecue on the question of how they view not on the some of the foreign troops coming in, but also the new prime minister. what i mean for the emission i do yeah. send it to them. so they are getting ready for the mission. that means they are getting ready to engage in combat with that. but a brand new sir. i've heard of it to you so far. but from the mission, i know the, the view, you know, the policies that are coming to 80. and so, you know, for many reasons why it's the same thing, even though the wow. so you and you didn't want to be the want to have the security
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situation, but it's not. the issue of them is uh, which means that securities calling for the so it is be seen on the interruption. but again, i think they are ready to engage in come back in the setting themselves in the media hype, of course, would be the we why we send reason, what is it not showing us? you know, some of the game never was all easy to find the stands. were there any way you know how to, to get to come back to gaze, say the easy task speeds is the everybody is going to bob indentations go away from you. and you've been a single stop. the maximum of the ladies, the most acute account board is do some of the bases. and then he just does, the job is not going to be that the part of the situation on the ground is very, very curious. and it needs to be as well, so as well, in that case, the nation's yeah. got guys that the people. so i think it is
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we are in for so most of the time that i'm going to be very, very last dressing, both patient bodies, but most of the this all right, going back to add wrong for a minute for your analysis, then if it sounds like this can get messy very quickly, is the a backup plan for these forces, particularly what role might the us play and all of this? so for now the us and canada shown to you that did not want to get any fold. these boots on the ground, they're more than happy to fund and train the personnel that is being deployed. but that's it. and even when it comes to funding, there's been some issues with the equipment with the americans suggesting for example, to some of the tell you come countries that they, for the bill for the equipment in the us will reimburse them. when the original deal was that the americans were going to put everything together so that these troops could going and right now, that's a problem because the, the only forces that know hate to because they've been there in the past,
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understand the culture and have the expertise particularly, and all 3 of the kind of can countries just jamaica behind us or believes that few numbers that they're highly competent, well trained, and very professional in their, on their military. they're not to police. the problem to is that sending police personnel in the context of a been in security that has no particular for price. we've the kind of weaponry that the guys have is um, is probably going to be uh, that cannot be a workable solution because the canyon police isn't really used to fighting and settings, at least not the kind that you can cut. are you h e, nor is the police from the name and a given the power of the games that the seals more like. it should be a military operation, rather than the police operation. sounds diego, like a lot of responsibility and pressure on the new prime minister to try and establish
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his credibility to calm things down and spread the acceptance of not only his administration, but those pals and those forces backing him up. this is not his 1st shot at this job. what kind of track record in history does he bring to the premier ship to? well, she's a very typical a person to be appointed in this position right now. and maybe it is quite good news for several and reasons. first, it was that she was appointed by consensus by all the the. busy council members, which are not the really in to the same. and like every, every time they and they are trying to make decisions. this time they made this decision together to get one person that is not imposed by any particular sector. and in which every everybody an acceptance, and particularly because she's not a part of the political class in haiti,
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even if she was prime minister at one moment during the day, monday to of president mission. and by the 30 she was appointed and she served as prime minister, but only for 5 months. and the. busy in fact, she has, she was forced to, to reading to resign and from this position because he was contending with president language of our family and some members of the. busy are meant including, including because he said of a noted commission and that was investigating and i'm covering the corruption in the awarding of a construction. busy busy contracts for a creating and constructing a meeting for us for a tour after the week of 2010. so somehow she is seeing that not only as somebody who is impartial who is not. busy in the house from times of the day, any particular political group, but also at his scene of somebody events and will try to come by corruption. and
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that's right, and he is also beverly seen by the international community. this is a critical point, isn't that events like how we look at his background as a development specialist? how is that gonna contribute to his ability to deal with some of the challenges the country faces? now, what i'm going to make is the, i'm actually experience with the, you know, with development. i think we do need to do need is, you know, someone told me to use experience in the community. wanted him as well because you know, yeah, we're really the kids on the when was fiction anymore all the way in the to the all right, so the guy yeah, that's why the community one to 10. so i was just saying, i think, i think is experienced, you know, so the fact that the lead not do away with me,
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somebody bass going to happen in terms of, you know, twice in the, in the ations the side. but we don't have the, we send people the beginning, you know, 20, since they just want us to pack. how do you want us to use those? of course, the new experience for how it's going to be a good time to think situation. it's not the same, i mean 2011 and on and the people waiting to see all agreed to be one of the signals he's going to give up duties for us on his days. and the v is going to fall . so we see, you know, actually it is hard to see how is going to, um, you know, what i can do the can do the con, the process quick clean, then the other one. how critical is it that the new prime is that does deal with particularly the humanitarian crisis in places like selina neighborhood very quickly and demonstrate to people that he can make
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a tangible difference to the lives to oh, i think that you just said that the problem now is that the haitians of a strong distrust of politicians, which is the by the multiple issues encountered in previous governance. so the window of opportunity for the new prime minister to prove himself as of reducing its ruler and curry, a positive opinions from the nation. the public is going to be very, very lead me to the need. the many turn angle will be critical as well as the security one. so it needs to balance the context where um, she's part of which is leading to transitional government. so which has not necessarily the, which is not necessarily issued with legitimacy by everyone in patient and it needs to access. but at the same time, in the context of insecurity which makes any action extremely difficult and challenging. and uh, with the an international community which is being quite slow,
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the sites making speeches in responding to the cartridge types. so events didn't he lead a transitional government or transitional authority as juan was explaining that, but it lacked surprises. and how does that impacts his ability to operate responding to the transition counsel, which as a friend, the, the trip to chicago is the president. so the body's response to the no 9 members. so the members wouldn't be the president. so he's going to be responding to, to the president of the plan together until elections within 2 years. right? yes. so what we're seeing here is the same scheme of what happened in 2004, you know, the model for the obviously, you know, design and we had you envision coming to be in the we someone from your job,
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who's what apartment is the time to leave the country, it's organizations we secuity is the same thing again 20 years later. so yeah, you know, the present design was more than a assessing ag department is to reside. so we have someone coming on board with the un mission, well, doing an organization's a winning secuity. so it's the same situation right now. it is more challenging. we have more security issues, young people that on and provide more use before the indeed if it is and the time is enough. so now has to deal with that. we the condition of the cpg to, you know, waiting secuity shows and also providing services to the, to the, the country. so southern sense of deja i've always been here before. it sounds diego, like it's a real priority to be able to move quickly beyond this transitional process of foreigner pointed the all bodies trying to appoint somebody temporarily to get
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things together and get to an electoral process and get some elections and elect somebody that has wide credibility in the eyes of people. how soon do you think the country can move towards the elections to oh yes, usa is very. busy and for haitians to start building some, a mazda of trust with the haitian political class that is completely discredited. patients as even was saying, don't trust impertinent patients anymore because they see them as the same. they always see the same names the same and met and then the women who have been. busy just and having the power for decades in heavy. so it is very important and this time and while it, and one advantage now is that most of the political groups are representing him, the transitional government. so they won't be any of positions that we've tried to
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. this to be like these governments or this is in this a critical point. it is also an opportunity to have competitive elections, to have a political campaign in which no, any single bridge go by any will happen, ben, to just to a board and the plays. that's the political groups. what about the groups the gangs? and of course, a lot of the i see i go finish the, then we will go to events, go, go ahead. the i got to address the security situation. of course, it is indispensable to have some backing up for and security buys and also help the patient police to get to the overhead. and again, the comments against the games, but he's also that's a. busy that he's also needed to have a comprehensive way of dealing with this. and it's also very important to separate opinions between the, the edits and the legal arm groups that isn't a pull and point events. you wanted to come in with
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a thoughts on that before we go to add one, go ahead. yes, i wanted to make sure. right? so the 1st one to back, why the just to the bottom that you do the distressing in the, in the organization. so you know, in our end we wanted to talk about this if it's 93 percent 93 percent of the respondents do not trust the policies. so they can, i mean, as always, is the opportunity to, you know, the 201 by it's all the patients to go to that's gonna be the other thing is, you know, you asked about it, you know, it sounds that will change when they form a new electro commission, the we, the, we, the, we, the response of the security. so the government, but basically, you know, i'm, you know, resolve the situation of the security, which is really the piece is that the same thing. we want the mission to
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succeed. you want the government to succeed now in the how to actually reset community, but at the same time work on the justice department of justice. okay. yeah. and we cannot, these are the gang situation. we know we need them to test these. people are saying the numbers against the stars they are working for the people. yeah. what is the people beyond patient how she's doing right. so when you're saying like our to so you went into human life. i mean, 2 months ago, and i said before the thing, yeah, what we're going to go now. we will as you know, as well. i mean, i know the, the sort of the, the, the people i enjoying getting these not about the policy. so we want the mission to succeed. if we want the secuity to the law, i see. so less than the house of deals not only with the situation, but also with the justice system because right now trying to be so much,
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not only the getting started, but the people that are finding those that are giving the nominations and people that are giving them anybody to do the police in the country a lot to take a part. yeah. add one. how long can some of those countries which are sending forces to hate the sustain the mission, given that it's, it is not a popular mission bank home in all of these countries, at least, and especially in kenya. right? yeah, so that's the big challenge. there's been a number of legal impediments filed in kenya to stop the deployment, which has been described as the beagle by opposition groups and of yes, terry come countries may be willing to engage a little longer because i hate to use a carry come nation and there is a feeling that they're working within the carradine region to improve stability. but in general, the ability to sustain in the long term will also be difficult. particularly there
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are massive losses of, i mean is canyon. the policeman around boost and several are killed or the same personnel from the new york and countries that may increase the pressure from the public opinions at home to pull out. because uh, to begin with this, this operation is not really popular and actually finding troops finding countries willing to send troops to begin with as being a major challenge in the previous 2 emission. most latin american countries contributed this time. they didn't necessarily agree to commit themselves again to the point to haiti, so there's also the danger that the operation gets off to difficult thoughts. the contributors may wish to pull out quickly and there may not be other countries to replace them. while it may, it's because also the reason why it's so even though we have many less numbers and countries do with leading forces, the meanest hospitals being produced the day. so i can understand their reluctance
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to participate right now because they don't think you know what they did before. so now they already know what happens in the state forwarding was speeding. so the way i see, oh, i definitely, i think we can agree. it's a, it's going to be a tough mission ahead of them. let's hope they can sort this out in the way that's best for the haitian people. that brings us to the end of the show. it's time to think, called guess big things to events from both the a good, the rain, and on the chevy. se the and thank you to for watching. you can see the show again, any time by visiting our website. i'll just 0. don't com. and for further discussion, head over to on facebook page, that's facebook dot com forward slash a j inside story. you can also join the conversation on x, l 100 virus, a j inside story from me, sammy's a van and the whole team for now is good by the
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the latest news as it breaks here, that being given basic things. but the main concern is how these people are able to feel that live with detailed coverage hall teeth tooth has been on the heavy ariel from above and to months. now, the residential building here is just been here from around the world, which you will see here. is a catch of mussels at the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here. now we have to go out at least 4 hours, june 19, 676 days the read through the map of the middle east. to dark colored aircraft appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on. they dropped the bombs on the run out as they were exposed the events leading to the will and its consequences, which i still felt today. but i couldn't really army in this was because that is
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such as easy stuff is when the war in june on outages era the the challenges here with what we do and i'll just sarah is trying to find the story and he's the people who allow us into their lives, they get into minus see the
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the hello until mccrae. this is the new sour life from coming up in the next 16 minutes guilty on all counts. donald trump becomes the 1st former or current to you as president to be convicted of a crime rate is going to be november around targets 3 homes and central guns with it strikes at least 14 pill.


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