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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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all what we do and all just sarah is trying to follow this story and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity into money. see the the hello until mccrae. this is the news. how alive from coming up in the next 60 minutes? guilty on all counts, donald trump becomes the 1st former or current you as president to be convicted of a crime. this is a great price is going to be november round talk is 3 homes and central guns with strikes. at least 14 palestinians have
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been killed. the port on the total devastation of causes largest refugee camp after weeks if is riley attacks. and with more than half the votes counted in south africa's election. the majority of the african national congress is in dell. the donald trump is now the 1st full or currency with president to be convicted of a crime like home to his day a jury in new york guy. the unanimous verdict that trump is guilty of all $34.00 felony charges brought against him in his so called hush money trial. a trump scheme to illegally influence the 2016 presidential election, which he won by paying an adult film actress to stay quiet about knowledge defense and then concealing the payment as a legal expense. he is the republican candidate for the next presidential election to be held in november and holding suggest see currently leads joe biden. in key
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swing states from hendrick begins coverage from new york. after more than 9 hours of deliberations, a jury of 12 new yorkers delivered their historic verdict guilty on all charges that made donald trump the 1st former president in us history to become a convicted criminal. he was found guilty on $34.00 charges of falsifying business records in connection to hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels. as the news filtered outside the court house, there were celebrations, along with a small number of opponents of trump would gather it wasn't long after the verdict that it clearly fuming trump let his feelings be known. this was a great price gonna be november. and they know what happens here. everybody knows what happens here, whether he likes it or not. what actually happened is that the jury apparently
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believed trumps former fixer michael cohen, on whose testimony much of the prosecution's case. huh. trump's lawyer spent 2 days trying to poke holes and cones testimony saying he was motivated by revenge in money, but it wasn't enough. the man who brought the chargers manhattan district attorney elvin bragg gave his reaction a short time later while this defended. maybe unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial and ultimately to date this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes to the court room doors. by following the facts and the law. in doing so without fear or fever, the evidence was overwhelming of trump skilled, but still to see a jury come back in 2 days and with a verdict of guilty on off 30 counts of a former president. i mean it's, it's a really sad day for the united states because you don't want to see
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a former president indicted and convicted of criminal charges. and yet, it's also so clear that trump engaged in so much can we gallery, in order to obtain the presidency in the 1st place. the verdict and the court of public opinion has yet to be delivered for the republican party's candidate for president. trump sentencing is scheduled for july 11th for days before the republican national convention, where he is expected to accept his parties. nomination for president is a convicted sentenced, fellow. the manhattan jury did what to presidential impeachment and a federal investigation could not do render. a historic verdict that labeled the former president and former fellow new york or the criminal john henry l. g 0 new york. both more on this, we joined now by robot kelly, who is a professor of political science and diplomacy at this on national university. he joins us now from there. thank you so much for being with us on al jazeera. now i mentioned like many around the world, you've been no doubt watching on intently here how his eyes you're
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a particular reacted to a school me us present now becoming a convicted felon, especially as he still has a very real chance of winning the next election. and so i think out here the local media response so far has been pretty new. did i think this strikes a lot of them from east asian countries and sort of other newest democracy? is this something fairly standard? right. because for example, in south korea, where i am a previous presidents have been prosecuted, some of them and have been put in jail. one of the reasons why you're getting such a tremendous response on american new services is because this is actually very new in the united states, has many reporters of pointed out. there's the 1st time an american president has been prosecuted after his term, but here and soft free of for example, this is does happen before. i mean, the large, the concern is that will is paint trump if he gets back in the white house, will he be hands strong by constant court cases and will you be distract so on? i think that's sort of the larger concern because he made of course the realize yes
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. given that i mean, does this undermine america's claim of supremacy? is it being eroded from within? yeah, i mean, there's an argument out there that this under cods american leadership. i was, i would argue x, that unless you re electing trump would actually be a greater threat to american leadership because everybody has no, and i think it is 2016 that trump is actually pretty cropped. i mean, he's been saying these kinds of things for a long time, his reputation in new york long before we begin to run present was already kind of shady. i mean, he's been in trouble with the justice department in america literally since the 19 seventy's. so i think the, the condition itself, i'm not really sure if that gives anybody any new information, but again, i think it's more important for american politics that has occurred on the real issue. i think there was a leadership issue that you're getting into the credibility usually i think that will come in in november. i think a lot of americans allies particular will be shocked if trump is returned and this will only worsen that shock. but there is a very real tell us of the of, of actually happening. i wasn't as yeah, yeah, i mean, trump, the last,
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i mean we're going to see a v as soon as my question is, do you dislikes the impact of pulling button? trump has been running more or less neck and neck with binding for. well, again, this is one of the reasons why there's so much of incentives. we've never had american president indicted before like this, much less conducted. right. i mean, you can now say to like a trauma motor in your friend, you're certain, what friends, whatever you're, are you going to vote for the convicted felon? we don't actually know how to, it's actually going to impact the voters, right? i mean, it's still like a 5 to 10 percent swing border section of the country. people who are, you know, make basically decide the election. and this might actually break through to these people who otherwise are normally paying attention to politics right now in november you have to say, yeah, i'm going to vote for the conduct a felon. and i think there's a, a sense that, that might, you know, swing the small margin and 5 needs to win. but again, we just don't know because this is also new and a. yeah. and i guess it does also come down to a few swing sides. the, the election in november doesn't to, you know, a few small counties. some of them are maybe 10000 votes either way.
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yeah, that's right. i mean, because of the way the american system is designed, donald trump is actually much more competitive than he would otherwise be me. your viewers may recall the trump last we call in america the popular vote in both 20162020 in any other democracy out there. he simply were lost because he was the other guy. the other canada had a larger margin in america. that's not really the way it works. we have through 50 separate elections for the different states. and so trump can still, when the states and when the presidency, even though he wins the, the popular even though we lose the popular vote, which is kind of a weird american constitutional mechanic. but there it is, and that's what people are thinking right? that this could move those few swing voters and those swing states as you were saying, because again, we've never had a convicted felon run for the present to given the turmoil and the uncertainty that all of us has thrown up to does it reduce american standing in the world and in the eyes of diplomats and political leaders especially where you are in an agent that it will make it harder trunk gets back in. right. i mean, i think there's a, i think there's
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a sense out there among american how is that the american right is going through this, or a populous convulsion of the sort that we've seen in europe to right when you're has these sorts of political parties. in fact, i've had them longer than we have had, but the europeans have done a better job of continue. am i thinking we have? i think many people generally shocked, but it looks like we have lost robert kelly that we will try and get him back later. in the program. okay, well we're going to move to a guy. so now we're at least 14 palestinians have been killed overnight and the latest is rarely strikes and almost a rod and the res refugee camps in central garza 3 homes with targets. it is ready forces have also a bottom disability and caught an illness around it, killing 3 people in this attack, a honey maxima, joints may live from a debt. all bala and central guys are now in to 100. can you just bring us up to date with the licensed on these is rarely
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a strong sort of an ice and into this morning. yes, tom was through through the time of experience. you hear me tier this down the area and let me start over and over. i'm tired of them being in a couple weeks, military regions is really military invaded throughout the hunt and forest. many of the people, many of the people in uh into the central area, uh, in
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a separate taka, 3 more people were killed. and this is the, the sad, this story of this family. the 3 more people were killed, the running, give the own a kitchen, but the turn it into as a free food distribution points for displays, families. now it's important to point out that this particular family lost the 24 of their family members at the initial weeks of this work. and they actually lost this number of families at the same exact location that was bomb today was very on the kitchen. and the you opened it to uh, to this, to report the distribution of a free meal to displace families it from the northern parts and garza city. meanwhile, these really military continue to bomb across, throughout by city. pushing deeper into the western parts of the city and the central area where according to the eye witnesses described, it is rarely time synonymous. vehicles are at the center part of rough i city there
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are dealers showing our covering as far as the inside. so that was the part that they valuations on in dropbox city. but there's really monetary, as it is stated, it has full control over the philadelphia or a door, and it's conducting right now, a systematic demolition of homes in the eastern part of robot said to the point the entire eastern area, including us fill out neighborhood the janine and those are hard then all the areas along the borders that'd be clear to from all the residential buildings and the public facilities. yeah, honey, as we have been speaking about over the last 12 hours or so is really military and have a withdrawn from positive renewals. can you just give us an update on what damage they have left in their wake? especially in regards to the, the situation in the hospitals. there was a very hours of this morning been really military analysis withdrawal while it from
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the valley a refugee camp. and what are we talking about here? this is the 2nd time in, in less than 24 hours is brand new military said that it's withdrawing it from areas where i think what's going on. the area is that it pretty much turned into a pile of ruffles, but that's more of a tactical withdrawal. we're looking at half of the refuge account that these really military right now withdrew from, but it is a station at the ages of the refugee camp at people who went to check on the struct on their homes. then, based on the area found the trails of devastation and destruction of old means of life, particularly at health care sector is entire refugee camp. and the northern part of this trip is left without any health care facilities whatsoever. we've talked about that completely, a crippled health care system in the northern part, including not only the public health care facility, but those who are privately owned by uh by doctors or our medical companies. there been also destroyed and pushed out of service. in addition to a charitable health organizations such as the palestine request in society or
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allowed the health care facilities in the northern part had been destroyed and completely pushed out of service. the situations in the northern parts are quite shocking without health care facilities. it's only going to get really worse, people be lacking basic access to necessities and to main supplies that could help them survive these difficult conditions on the ground. but right now we're looking into not only there is a permanent internal displacement, but also the various difficulties. and the very miseries created by the intense bombing campaign by the trails of destruction and the damage caused old means of life. okay, honey, thank you so much for that. this honey muck moved for us to the obama and central cancer. these are in the military has withdrawn from positive that you're probably a refugee, kansas honey, was mentioning the after weeks of fighting. it was the longest refugee camp in the gaza strip of israel has boomed it to ruins,
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palestinians who used to live in jamalia. so dia shots by the level of destruction they say is ready, forces have lift the area completely uninhabitable, child strength, it has more pressure. 100 is these ratings have destroyed our lives and screens fun down homes down. make god punish. then you answer all those back in israel, we run for our lives. repeatable, we're going to move a 100000 people used to live in the jabante, a refugee camp. these mountains of rumbles and twisted metal used to be polished to be in homes. schools, businesses, markets, as often this week alone is really military operation. people returned limits to try and salvage what remains that their lives at these ready all me and, and strikes have
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a blue to richard. even the shelters are they used to try and hide that had the most got from them. and oh, well, you know how to print the gun since the 1st day of the war we have been sheltering in the school. then we were forced to leave self. i was separated from my family and still looking for them until now. i came back to find everything destroyed. these are our only strides are home to and we did our lives was the entire place is no longer livable. i found a state of low from red on the ground. i picked it up. i have not eaten for days. these are early spring, everything until now. i cannot find my family and my 75 year old husband, my daughter, who we lost each other under these really medicine of shelving matt, what looks like blood spots is on a scale and a local journalist films and describes the scene. or you move bodies piles of
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overtones signed, and if you test se, julie says, and this really made a triple lose, i got this makes it symmetry. the palestinians were forced to bury some dead again, the total destruction only 3 weeks ago. this was to jump, it is made market research tools used to get our hands in some food here. now it's flattened level to the ground. people cannot find the homes or shops, the entire area has disappeared. we do not even know if we will find to assemblies and relatives. this is a crime. it is a city, a subsidy who is sort of these a forced as stones, our center, and the refugee camp. we were forced to leave to go to the 2nd one already to we were shocked by the scale of the section, but hundreds, nothing standing by the entire ideas, flat and the to the said nothing. hold places like us.
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after destroying our homes, like bone down to school, where we shelter says this woman, the only place that was left for us and our children to how are you? where do we go now? tell us don't put under the name to get these riley on. he has conducted numerous rides across the occupied west bank over the past 24 hours. one right in from iowa caused a major fire the local market of to is ready for it has 5 gas canisters at the shops. it even has this report from remodel. there is no more hustle and bustle at this vegetable market. the smell of smoke and fire has replaced the scent of fresh fruit. this is the aftermath of and is really mean to city. they don't grow model in the occupied left bank. a major fire broke out after these read the army, fire t and gas canisters towards the area. civil defense team said that they expect a great deal of damage. these really forces blocked to the roads leading to the
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market and prevented our teams from responding to the fire lights away. so we have to wait for the rates and to go in. madison hedge of him tells us he lost the dates and grapes. he was preparing to sell and there was also some cash, but now he can't find it. what can i do? this is my only source of income, and we've already been going through a very difficult economic condition. it's been more than a foot and a half hours of civil defense themes trying to put off the fire after they contain much of it. they were surprised to learn that there is still fire coming out. 2 1 of the main buildings here, an old building near the vegetable market. dozens of stores in neighboring buildings have been damaged. not be in a ball and they have, i'm 32 years old now and they've been working since i was 13. i lost all my life savings in this fire. i still haven't been able to go in as they tell us the
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building might fall down. early thursday morning. these really minute 3 read to money exchange offices in the heart to put them on it, put up posters. thing the stores had been involved in funnelling money for what they called terrorist organizations. after every is really rate in the occupied westbank. people try to continue their day to day life. some are continuing to buy bench dibels from this new d collapsing market, trying to find their mallet where there is none there, but he just ita drama, la palestine. what's more of this, we joined now by know a guy who is a political analyst and commentator who joins us from, from a, a thank you very much for being here. first of all, what's been the reaction to it? so the slightest rides, especially that violent attack on the market now as well. the situation in the west bank has been going from bad to worse. even before this war
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started, the west bank had been experiencing the most violent is really a sole state and, and a recent recorded un for un memory in 15 years, almost. um, so what happened in the model i think is emblematic of the kind of destruction that people are suffering in various cities. the economic impact of that in light of the, you know, an economy that's barely holding on is very significant. it only adds to the tension that people feel and to the desperation really of an entire population that on the one hand is seeing their country men and women slaughtered in mass and gaza . and on the other. they are prisoners in their own geography and subject to these kinds of non stop on slots. yeah, obviously the focus has been so much on what is happening in gaza. but as you say,
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the uh, the economy in the west bank is barely holding on. do you think that there is a deliberate move by the israeli government at this point? absolutely i the, the current is really government has made no secret of its intention to deliberately weaken the palestinian authority, make it unable to pay its bills to pay its thousands of employees to impose more and more restrictions to ban. tell us than you had workers from working inside israel and so on so that the policy is longstanding. it's not worse than it's ever because been before. and on top of that, you hear members of these rarely cabinets, threatening palestinians in the west bank with the same fate as gaza. you see them employing the same tactics barring and targeting medical and humanitarian workers in jeanine and not listen what kind of for entering and rating hospitals as well.
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and promising to do that, even more and detaining thousands of palestinians, including over 50 journalist, by the way, all without trial and without charge. yeah. just in regards to a, the effect on the economy and people's lives. i mean, how, how big an impact is that having for the average person that in the west bank as well. you know, i think for all intents and purposes, the economic cycle, if you will, and the west bank is crawling, it can't even be turning at this point. the one of the biggest employers in the west bank, the government, is unable to pay its employees. full salary, use its struggles every month to pay them half salaries. and there is no guarantee that that can continue. you have a part of the private sector as well. struggling to stay alive, struggling to survive was all sorts of restrictions and, and new delays being imposed on the entry of goods into the west bank. so salaries
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of the private sector have also been impacted some scaling down and laying off employees and so on. so it is, there's a domino effect that has been devastating. you see prices go up because of the restrictions imposed by israel on the entry of goods. and at the same time you have less and less buying power and among the residents and citizens here. so it is unbearable if you will. and it's, it's, it's kind of untenable because you can only live on bar time and borrowed a merchandise for so long to get into it. just sending to is around now. uh, these rarely will cabinets minnes have been against that he has proposed to dissolve parliaments and whole daily elections. what do you think that tells you about where is there any politics it? is that right now? especially because he is part of newton. yeah. who's bull cabinets. interesting,
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isn't it? especially when we, you know, take note of the fact that the guns of the party let the guns leads is up suffering in the opinion polls. and it doesn't seem like if elections were held today, that he would be able to form a government. so in a way he wants to distance himself from that then yahoo! and it's still court the opposition. but in another i think the is rarely political system is stuck right now the only person who might have a chance at forming a government is still nothing. yeah. whole maybe if you had a rival in the is really right. invalid code that would change. but for now, i think everybody's hosted to the agenda of this government. infuriated as we see in thousands and thousands of israelis take to the streets, demanding a change of course demanding a deal. be struck to release these really captives. and yet we hear from an aid of nothing yahoo telling the families of captives that the p is not willing,
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his boss is not willing to stop the war, even if there is a deal to let and to release old at captive. so there's a lot of movement there, a lot of opposition figures meeting, but the opinion polls and kind of indicate that they're just going around in circles. there isn't a breakthrough. that is possible at this point at least as far as the polls are concerned. okay, thank you so much know as a way to really do appreciate your insight into a little this is nora day political analyst and commentator from romo on the 12th and usually i'm present. joe biden has partially lifted a band on you crying using us and strikes on russian territory. the change in policies understood to apply only to defend the hockey area. no allies have been
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cooling on the us to allow you trying to use wisdom weapons to attack targets inside russia, both of the nicest on other russian strikes and this we are joined now by its own home and in caving to. so this will go down, be welcomed by you crime. what impact is this going to have on? it's worth it. this is a fairly size, make policy shift start today from president biden and his administration. so let me give you the background to this tone. so, but some time now ukrainian government has been pushing for this. what the situation is in the hall keep region is the crating government says that russia has been attacking hot keats at the 2nd sit in ukraine airily using planes and also using missile sites that it's just across the board or in russia. but it, it wasn't able to hit those sites because of this band on using us weapons to attack russian territory. likewise, on may,
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the 10th russian forces lewis to cross border offensive. the opened up a new a front in this will again into the hall key region and again presidents the landscape. so we weren't able to hit those ground policies before they cross because of based buying on using us weapons. they now say the crating government that those move russian troops messing now and a separate point across the border from the hockey region. so they've been pushing hard pull these funds be lifted. as you mentioned, the us government hasn't lifted it reportedly totally is an open season that they can. now it's hard to any talk in russia. it's just across the border at, from this hall keep region and it follows britson at frauds sweden, an of the european allies saying that they will do the same thing. so this would be welcomed by ukraine. the russian president vladimir putin, his side on the other hand, even before this happened speaking on choose type that this would be
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a serious escalation. naomi's threatened country smooth and they took countries in eastern europe and sign that would be consequences to this. yeah, joan will come back to you in just a moment because as you were mentioning there had been more strikes. at least 3 people have been killed in 16 injured off to russian strikes at the eastern city of hot cave. local officials said that in this house that civilian areas, including an apartment building a shop and a sewing factory prussia has taped off it's offensive, and you finds eastern has made slow incremental advances in the region. well, john, as we've been talking about hockey, come under a tech for at least the last 3 weeks or so most of indian areas hit. now. we just run this through exactly how extensive damage has been in these latest attacks. there were talking about hall teams officials, the governor says 5 people killed and $25.00 injured. now. is the latest update to
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the told from this latest attack. there was also the, as you mentioned, told me like these types of been happening. these every and the types, but sometimes just on the weekend there was an attack when a hyper market hardware height, the market in which a at least 16 people possibly move and not know what code. so there's been some months the, at the hall keys, been on the going this bombardment. what president vladimir putin of russia says if the, the city of belgrade and russian territory is also being hit, 3 people died from attack the on site today. uh oh. so also in the tax last night in keep the power group was here. this is another major problem to ukraine because it's has been losing a lot, especially if it's the power stations. there's been rolling blackouts here in the capital city and around the rest of the country. that's a problem in the summer. but if those aren't fixed and those power stations aren't
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fixed by winter, the temperatures dropped well below 0 in this country, and it's going to be an even bigger sap prove morales. so this countries, it continues to fight in this will forget, thanks so much john. john home and for us, the in case this was still a hit here on and i'll just there the wrinkle with violence against politicians and mexico just some days before versus goes to the phone. the hello. here's a forecast for friday, the last day of spring, and it's feeling like the middle of summer for portugal in spain turn the colors on tarka. the red hotter is less than $35.00 degrees. that could be a record for the month of may. if you hit that number, so there's a number to beat 34.8, and yep, we've got you in for 35 for stave,
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summer on saturday in temperatures still above 4th, who should be at this point in the year? also hot, we can call it that for the baltic states and western russia. oscar this could be your 2nd day in a row of temperatures at 30 degrees last year. it took you to august to get i paid that hot. here's where the message, the rounds of rain coming in for switzerland at northern italy as we look towards lavinia and austria in this on the potential to see some flooding. and for turkey, a so seen is what, whether flare up across central areas of the country here, including for the capitol region on correct. okay, let's go to africa. we see that heat dropped down from a barrier. so things will hot up in morocco, for example, merrick cash pretty close to 40 degrees, and there's been a big drop in those temperatures for south africa where it's heating up is southern mozambique. my put so 30 degrees for you and look at this mess coming in to south africa, south coast on saturday. be careful, caesar. the
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hearing the psyched chart, populations a decline, 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality. a place that floated reporting from whatever happens next. the students from columbia university have already made history out to see who is teams across the world. bring you closer to the faucet, the story they fled from the world's most secretive states. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences, but to shining a light on the home of kings and bring danger $1.00 oh, $1.00 east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera, showcase of the best document. truth films from across the network on al jazeera,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, what you notice here, a reminder of our top story is the south for me you as president, donald trump has been convicted on 34 felony charges in historical cash money trial, and makes him the 1st on the american president to be convicted of a criminal offense. at least 14 palestinians have been killed of an item is rarely as trucks on their own. those are awesome grease, refugee camps and central guns. a 300 photography is ready for us as have also
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targeted the civilian costs in on this or us killing 3 people of just there was mohammed shaheen is in northern cause or a report on the scale of devastation and giovanni. nothing for the most part. i clicked on, we are now at the trans intersection in japan, you count in the north of because the strip weather is radio occupation forces have destroyed expansive parts of account. most property and civilians, belongings have been destroyed in the east ready military operation. that last nearly 20 days, these radio occupation forces withdrew from the camp on thursday morning meeting in the wake. this vast destruction fires resulting from his right. the shelling continued to bid the shadow of the month of the month of my user id forces continue to fight weapons industry, which leads desired on based on known neighborhoods. so the situation still dangerous at some residential tried to go down this road towards the northern parts of the 2 body account, but came on defiance. we can see here that a 5 bill bombing target to the st,
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causing voss destruction. we can still hear the sound of artillery shells at the other end of the street, the motor, this is a different last part of the scale of destruction in jamalia. these way these have destroyed us, so actually testing the massage on us. so what do you call it on the heavy who has your method, it has a residency, you say that the scale of destruction is as a result of his really use of weapons provided by the united states. they say that the goal is a strict, including to body count as being used by, as well as a testing ground for width of the sort of ins hubs. the next to the we received the report that these radio keep ation forces had partially withdrawn from the job of the account. some forces are still deployed around come on and one hospital and the us sick street area. we've recovered a number of decomposed dead bodies which we could not reach earlier until now. we
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have recovered the bodies of nearly 10 people killed in the camp. our crews continued to search for more people killed and injured houses here have been destroyed. sheltering centers in the schools, as you can see behind us have been completely burned. as of residents recover the dead bodies they are finding that most of them are decomposed and have been eaten by street dogs. as they have been living in the streets. and to have one just a partial withdrawal by these radio occupation forces from the 2 body accomplish surrounding areas has revealed a launch scale and vast destruction to residents, houses, and companies, as well as infrastructure and public facilities, including clinics and schools. the residence of waiting for the end of the is really destructive attack. and the genocide will the israel has been waiting since october the 7th of last year to be able to restore a place where they can live safely. how much
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a jersey it i'm about you the to say that for can now we have to boys from wednesdays. general election has been counted. partial results show the governing amc potty is full and showed up the majority for the 1st time sensitive power in 1994. if the i n c fails to win, more than 50 percent of the vote will be forced to seek coalitions, hotness. for more on this, we're going to go now. so if somebody to mila who's at the results operation center, and the town is madrid and somebody the electro commission says the vote counting is now finishing, just took us through what's happening. and when we actually likely to see a final results, well, they're in the process of validating those results. and that may be why they're just so slow when coming in. because i think the expectation was that would be further along in terms of the results of the have been announced. the initial
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commission says the final results should be announced on sundays. that hasn't changed yet. but as you mentioned, the about 55 percent of the the results are in the i. c has traditionally done a quite a decent job in terms of collecting those results in the announcing the outcome. 2 south africans, there was a point where they were many sort that perhaps more people that turned out at the polls than expected. but it appears that the turnover rate is now at 58 percent and again, all the votes have been counted. and so it could be that there are some delays with in the accounting poses, perhaps the use of new digital devices to verify votes. and that could be leading to this delay. it's lower than expected. um, but we are hearing more from the i see in terms of it's a judy cation process, and we do know that political bodies have until 9 pm. so that's a good time on friday night to launch
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a speech. but it's not likely that any of those disputes would affect to the poor, the outcome of the election. ultimately the result. so fall, the african national congress has consistently viewed about 42 percent. it's now dropped to just below that. so it'd be interesting to see that majorities, if it wasn't even further, which would contribute to its needful coalitions going forward. thanks so much, somebody for that, update this for me to mila for us. then we're going to start with a story and go to some the lice, want to who is a political unless he joins us from a crook installed. thanks very much for being with us here on out to 0. first of all, as we hear the, it doesn't look like the i n c is going to get and out my, the outright majority. that is widely is expected. what do you put that down to and what are the might of the results that have come out sofa thank you so much. barely those going to come out so far. i live on the account. you know that as i was by the i do see we have a better advice center. we're going to be able to such as those but the pilot power
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predictive model that we do the sale site up. so on the basis of that model, the amc is going to be about 42 percent and that's the unlike due to change at all . so the last of. busy 15 percentage points in busy lives and 4 boxes besides going to give up. take 42 now. so the last, the majority is the printer. then most of my daughter in case that the problem is where the form up as the big opposite my comes from. and the last, the majority of the northern cape, the owners last at my storage. and that was the depths of the over on the and says those in control. yeah. so obviously now the horse trading begins to try and fullness coalition. how do you see that playing out? and what do you think the coalition could actually look like? and they, they said it has go through a couple of days, been left when punches in the absence of dodge eh,
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you left. that bridge all purchased the, the part is being the m k par to the freedom, but it cannot make for it on friday. it tells a camera novice big boom, this is all about we got just calling for the n c component cause we should wait smaller parties and excludes the other big part as being perhaps the d a for the economy put on by does and the and so on so the most likely scenario is where the amc is blocked off for more dates that laptop wouldn't be the most. they broke up and you mentioned jacob's name of what role could he play here? could he be a king maker at some point without the question stay club semis but remain fairly impressed all over the next 5 years instead of up to 10 politics. he has demonstrated to so pretty as to what it goes. it goes to any politician in the
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build up late to the top of the 30 days. and so we spent about the made up in the office better in this page. the through holding a signal and from funding question. it is on the budget. this will be in for is how what it takes pay out is all about. right. the other thing, no one within the amc has been in the coalition government before. so what sort of tension do you think that that could bring and that they might not be able to get their own? why the entire time? especially in coalition negotiations. you know, i've told me that it's not like that one. this is not due until the end, remember this dump and that the, the courtney should have been. there's been the proof, the government, the best i'm going to do the previous stuff but and then in case that and, and other parts of the country are not on campus on, they've been in the mental issues. so we do have a lot of politicians at various parts of that kind of dispute as somebody that is done. awesome. yeah. but just because, oh, willing and majority and is in the past,
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and that one missed the were just because the, some of the programs that's on our head building and so go figure. yeah, it's just taking it back a steph and, and well, what do you think is behind the full and popularity of the i n st policy be the fall is not over night. it's such a in the, you know, but night they made that decision when they moved from what old called proton corporate checkbook projects paid to high performance, paid wardrobe led by breast them. they're just in to more properties. they don't know where buy a pass in front of 2 pi, oppose as you know, sitting at as opposed to a village. it's simply by being popular, got social skills and ethics and why they've been on it. and every time they've been den got pension and in every election they've been dropping significantly. but they are fight jacobs. so my ben bench that's there, we have been happy to test in for the for this this way,
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which is where they are now. thank you. so much as and just to send the light as one we really do appreciate your time and, and your insight into all of this. thanks so much. thank you so much. i as well the lead off to sound as general election and mexico continues to be mad by unparalleled political violence. the link between the violent and a long history of corruption is perhaps the most significant challenge for. so we have a wins the president say, i'll just there is less than america edit, tennessee, and human reports from west and mexico. he has another episode of political violence in mexico. this when caught on camera next door to the election campaign from the start. in the western state of mutual con, rudy is always drawing large crowds of local farmers. it's an ideal venue for state congress candidates, monique,
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as the leader to ask for both support this man gives her his blessing, a symbol of protection. she feels he needs love it above is the same old thing. i'm afraid for my children, i'm afraid for my life, because the dangers are great. but even though i ask for government protection will fix you so far, i don't have a single policeman by my side. that nothing on your policy, i mean, allowed them. nearly 40 candidates and 14 family members have been killed the deadliest campaign in recent mexican history. the most of the victims were running for mayor and other local offices. positions wanted by corrupt politicians and organized crime. is that they could they take control of the office and they, they can by the can be they know the candidates. i mean it's very, it's very easily the findings by, by legal forces and all of a sudden the valencia lead to movement called citizens revolution. it tracks down kidnappers, another criminals for the information provided by ordinary citizens. he said the
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less now that he's running for mayor of mutual kinds capital. what a yeah, he has 24 hour government protection and he also has his own private security and an armored car cuz he would pull it up as long as it goes. but i am heading to a rally. he tells me that state corruption feeds mexico's crime epidemic minus because on the scene of the style, if with the state has a means to stop this, get the but doesn't want to come with the crime because he generates dividends. it generates profit, so drives money, delinquent generates money for the authorities, while the victim is just the statistic that a lot of me that they're just getting into the middle console. eula, details supporters that with their vote, he can help change things even though is running under the banner of what many claimed to be as one of mexico's most corrupt party. under the welfare and, and business owners, politicians and organized crime or trying to get an orange and a candidates,
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or somebody can call me that is a long history of corruption, which generally guarantees impunity president and this one little piece of it has all insist that stability is guaranteed despite the electro violence and it's very much associated with that where it needs, this is a way they understood how to go very in a country political this, the realities are both anything else human rights, if a corruption now it, so you always play the corruption card because you want to preserve or lead the colorless. that means it's almost a tradition as old as a disability just rate yet with the states under attack by criminal forces. as never before mexico's next president may find that corruption is too high. a price to pay for the illusion of stability. to see a newman al jazeera,
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we took on a similar hit here on al jazeera lava flows and aust, iceland, it's the 5th time this volcano has erupt it off to lying dormant 800 years.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the the china says it has one of the us against interfering and its internal affairs following him between the 2 countries, defense ministers, china is defense chief and duncan met with his american count upon lloyd austin,
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on the sidelines of a security for him in single pool on friday, the u. s. has yet to give it side of how the talks preceded that. it's the 1st face to face meeting between the 2 defense chiefs in the 3 years or patrick fox that joins us now from singapore. as i mentioned, the 1st meeting in years are clearly this is very significant that they even set down in the 1st place, the yeah, that's why that's you say we're still waiting to hear from the american side, the views on how the tools timed out. but we have, i mean, getting some thoughts from the chinese sides of they say that the discussions between the 2 defense ministers were positive and construction don't join the chinese defense minister and set to told lloyd austin that so the 2 side should sherise relations as the on that one, avoid mirroring one another, and as you say, you know, a company on the state to the importance of this face to face off to such
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a long time, particularly given the state of affairs last year, when the us in china managed little more than the handshake here in this thing, the poor. so things have moved along quite a lot since then. and this comes about off to that meeting between presidency and present by them in the event the where they agreed was you high level military, the dialogue between the 2 side. so in one sense, the fact that they are talking to one another suggest that time as have stabilized considerably. but on the other hand, you know, you have to look at how some of the situation physically in this region have arguably watson's confrontation between china and the philippines. and only a few days ago we have courses. so. busy china, whole military drills around the taiwan, those as well. so you know, things on steady by, by any means whatsoever. but the fact they are talking here is it seems
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a positive by many people. yeah. and they, then this is obviously happening on the sidelines on the security summit as well. what can we expect from that? then the next couple of days we'll look at in the next few hours, we are going to be hearing a key note address. so from kind of being present thought in the month of june. yeah. where he is expected to give the philippines view on its disputes with china . and he is expected to put an emphasis on the philippines commitments of international rules based order, which is a sort of coded language or coded criticism of patients actions in the south china sea. so we all can be watching out. so for detail from that very closely, but they're all going to be lots of discussions. in particular, there is a talking points here over the next few days about the increase in military drills around the asia pacific region, which is a great concern to many nations. and this part of the welding in south east asia,
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specifically, adults are concerned about to be having to take sides between washington invasion. ok, thanks so much patrick patrick for for us the in singapore with our season pop and you can e have roll down finding any survive as of last week's mess of land slides. the. busy and says, mold in 2000 people may have been killed though only a handful of bodies had been recovered so far. the land slide had to him valley village in the ink of region last friday, telling you about has moved from into province. so many houses have been destroyed, so people are without shelter. so many canvases and things like that. they need, they need shelter, they need, we'll talk, they need food, they need bidding. these people have lost everything. the area that a covered was an old list and the depth, you know, 5 to 8 meters of trouble in that land slot. um the other contract is that him the rescue operations. and the disaster relief operations is that this is a very rugged province. it's a 3 hour drive, but it's
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a very rugged and one you right to get that the excess has been exacerbated because over the weekend, tribal flashing broke out along the road and that's frightened. a lot of people, it's not so sites you need to drive through that fighting zone to get you to the side. they do have helicopters. you may see one applied person in the background. they've been doing that all day from an a strip just to the east of us here, bringing in supplies. but really it's, this is a, this is the one of the most rather parts of the, in a very rather country. and they are unable to take any of the bodies using machinery because the area is still incredibly unstable. the key focus is on the people who left the people left behind people who being displaced approximately 4000 of them. and so hopefully in the coming days, we'll start to see more of those really urgent released supplies start to flowing. volcano and southwest. iceland has continued to spew lava for the day is the 5th
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major russian to strike the right can. this pendant she listens december. the thousands of people have been evacuated from the homes and the nearby fishing village for the box has more. this soon look at volcanic crate to is once more in full full nature's fireworks for roaches to be visible from a very safe distance that a tennis peninsula home to 30000 people has already seen weeks interruptions elsewhere too often. 8 centuries of inactivity for the 50. yeah thats opened up in the uh stretch has several kilometers. experts say at the moment its only threatens infrastructure like water pipes that remains fall from stable to continuous current and the fire that is more than 2 and a half kilometers long by now. but as it develops with time, it will focus into certain points and eventually,
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and often only one or 2 craters will be active on the long run. but we can't say that by now we only observing the initial phase by now the interruptions, hey, i have shifted heating systems, crossed roads and smashed several homes in the fishing community of getting the vic so now defensive goals and dykes blocked the lava from further destruction and despite the crowds of steam and ass flights of continued at the countries nearby international airports, this is localized events in the southwest corner of the island on the map. it seems to be many the seems to be very close to the airport, but that's, it's elizabeth saving. below the surface, reservoirs of maxima have continued to mass on seen, often a warming, a possible further explosion. this storm of orange and red, the latest remind for the small population of this island nation,
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that spectacular interruptions will remain a regular feature of life here. so many decades may be centuries to come with a month. so just at a later so. so this is how i will be back in just a moment with much more of the dice and you stay with us. the unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump with flood folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the farm is incredibly real. us on hud voices. is our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans in particular have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the way the stream on al
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jazeera of the . ringback the i want people to look closer at the august sight of his i point by camera where all those prefer not to look and write about what it means to be american. about the ordinary people who get caught up. us worse . filmmaker rally tech adults the viet time when on the power of political lot. what are the stories we tell sales about also? and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra the illusion of anti semitism with opposition to design is
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a cynical and it is harmful, a dangerous completion between the persecution of a people and the criticism of the state is echoing across the world news rooms. anti semitism is the hatred of jews because the country is honest and is not about judas. it's about teacher and we need to talk about the sign is a listening close, special on his jersey the guilty on all accounts. donald trump becomes the 1st full courage us prisons to be convicted of a crime race november the on top of the decision. we'll just say we're alive from job ha,


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