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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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caesar and we need to talk about design is a listing close special on of just the guilty on all accounts. donald trump that comes the 1st full courage, you as president to be convicted of a crime. this was a race november the ultimate kind of decision which is here alive from job ha, also coming up as well. targets 3 homes and the central council with it strikes at least 14 palestinians have been killed. more than half the votes counted in south africa's election. the majority rule of the african national congress is in dallas . and us and chinese defense shapes homes if boost torques in 3 years on the
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sidelines of a security form and singapore, the donald trump is now the 1st formal coverage you as president to be convicted of a crime like on the 1st day a jury in new york's guy, but you none of us verdict that trump is guilty of losing full felony charges brought against them in historical cash money trial. trump schemes to illegally influence the 2016 presidential election, which he won by paying an adult film actress to stay quiet about village the 5th and then concealing the payments as a legal expense. he is the republican candidate for the next presidential election to be held in november and polling suggests he currently leads to a button in key swing states. john hendrick begins our coverage from new york. after more than 9 hours of deliberations, a jury of 12 new yorkers delivered their historic verdict guilty on all charges
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that made donald trump the 1st former president in us history to become a convicted criminal. he was found guilty on $34.00 charges of falsifying business records in connection to hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels. as the news filtered outside the court house, there were celebrations, along with a small number of opponents of trump would gather it wasn't long after the verdict that it clearly fuming trump let his feelings be known. this was a great price gonna be november. and they know what happens here. everybody knows what happens here, whether he likes it or not. what actually happened is that the jury apparently believe trump's former fixer michael cohen on whose testimony much of the prosecution's case, huh. trump's lawyer spent 2 days trying to poke holes and cones testimony saying he
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was motivated by revenge in money, but it wasn't enough. the man who brought the chargers, manhattan district attorney alvin brag, gave his reaction a short time later, while this defendant, maybe unlike any other in american history. as we arrived at this trial. and ultimately today, at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes to the court room doors by following the facts and the law. in doing so, without fear or fever, the evidence was overwhelming of trump skilled, but still to see a jury come back in 2 days and with a verdict of guilty on all 30 counts of a former president. i mean it's, it's a really sad day for the united states because you don't want to see a former president indicted and convicted of criminal charges. and yet, it's also so clear that trump engaged in so much can we gallery, in order to obtain the presidency in the 1st place. the verdict and the court of
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public opinion has yet to be delivered for the republican party's candidate for president. trump sentencing is scheduled for july 11th for days before the republican national convention, where he is expected to accept his parties. nomination for president is a convicted sentenced feller. the manhattan jury did what to presidential impeachment and a federal investigation could not do render. a historic verdict that labeled the former president and former fellow new york or the criminal. 7 john henry l g 0 new york robot kelly is a professor of political science and diplomacy. it posts on national university. he told us that the key question now is with a crucial swing versus will be put on a forcing for a convicted donald trump in november. one of the reasons why you're getting such a tremendous response on american new services is because this is actually very new in united states. as many reporters have pointed out, there's the 1st time an american president has been prosecuted after his term. but
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here and software, for example, this is, does that before. i mean, the larger concern is that will is paint trump if he gets back in the white house, will he be ham strong by constant court cases and will you be distract? so on? i think that's sort of the larger concern because he make of course, the real like it's interesting question to see if this will actually impact the pulling, but trump has been running more or less and that connect with by them for. well, again, this is one of the reasons why there's so much incentives. we've never had american president and died before like this, much less convicted. right? i mean, you can now say like a trump voter in your friend, your circle of friends, wherever you're are you going to vote for the convicted felons. we don't actually know how to, it's actually going to impact the voters. right. and it's still like a 5 to 10 percent swing border section of the country. people who are, you make basically decide the election. and this might actually break through to these people who otherwise are normally paying attention to politics right now in november you have to say, yeah, i'm going to vote for the conduct a felon. and i think there's a, a sense of that might, you know, swing the small margin to bite and needs to win. but again, we just don't know because this is also new.
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the at least 14 palestinians have been killed overnight and the licensed as riley strikes and alyssa roth and berries, refugee cans, and central cancer. 3 homes with targets, it is rarely forces have also informed a civilian cause. now most around killing 3 people in that attack. but these really military has withdrawn from parts of the giovanni a refugee camp after weeks of finding there was the largest refugee camp in the gaza strip of israel has boned its to ruins, palestinians who used to live in jamalia site. they are shocked by the level of destruction they say is really forces have left the area completely uninhabitable. charles transferred reports. the hutch is these ladies have destroyed our lives. when screens the homes down, make god punish them,
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and you answer all those back in israel. we run for our lives. repeatable, we're going to move a 100000 people used to live in the jabante a refugee can. of these mountains of rumbles and twisted metal used to be polished to be in homes, schools, businesses, markets of to and this free week alone is really military operation. people returned limits to try and salvage what remains that their lives at these ready all me and, and strikes have a blitzer rate and even the shelters. but they used to try and hide that, hasn't moscow from them. and oh, well, you know how to print the gun since the 1st day of the war, we have been sheltering in the school. then we were forced to leave self. i was separated from my family and still looking for them until now. i came back to find everything destroyed. these really stretched our home to and with our lives was the
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entire place is no longer livable. i found a state of low from red on the ground. i picked it up. i have not eaten for days. these are alien sprint, everything, till now. i cannot find my family, my 75 year old husband, my daughter who we lost each other under these really medicine and shelving no matter what looks like the blood splattered on a scale and a local journalist film some describes the scene or you move bodies in piles of overtones signed, and if you test it, see the generally says and this really made a triple lose. i got this makes it symmetry. the palestinians were forced to bury some dead again, the total destruction only a few weeks ago. this was to jump. it is made market research to use to get our hands on some food here. now it's flattened level to the ground. people cannot find
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the homes or shrubs. the entire area has disappeared. we do not even know if we will find or families and relatives. this is a crime. it is a, a subsidy, a whole such island. so that these a forces stones, our center and the reference, the account we were forced to leave to go to the 2nd on our data. we were shocked by the scale of the section. $100.00 is nothing standing by the entire ideas, flats, and then to the, the, nothing the hold places like all of the destroying or homes like boom, down to school where we shelter says this woman is the only place that was left for us and all children to hide, where do we go now? it's almost all of the humans who the say at least 16 people have been killed in the us, british strikes on the city of hotel to the us and british military site. they
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targeted 3 locations in the port city as part of the if it's to stop the who are things from attacking shipping and the rid say, well, and 30 people have been wounded in the attack. we're trying to say is it has well, the us against interfering and its internal affairs. following a meeting between the 2 countries, defense ministers, john, this defense chief at duncan met with his american count upon lloyd austin, on the sidelines of a security for him in single port on friday. the us has yet to give it side of how the talks proceeded. but it's the 1st by suffice making between the 2 defense chief in 3 years. patrick polk has more for us now and he is in singapore. can you just give us a little bit of background to this meeting? why that meeting up to 3 years of the well, this is an incredibly significant meeting because of that long delay since the last face to face that the 2 sides of habit this ministry level and it comes off to
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present, bided and presentation ping agreed to review these tools, these military tools, once again, it has taken like some time since that happens in november of last year. but again, these are for that reason, incredibly significant. and it has to be said that a year ago that was considered who criticism is directed to the chinese education for turning down the offer of tools with the americans here. so we have moved on considerably since then. and today we have the chinese side already. they describe the tools as big a positive and practical and constructive don't. during the chinese defense minister is such a told lloyd often that the 2 sides should cherish relations as they are writing. 6 in a voice near and containing one another, as we said already, we all still waiting to get a little bit more detail from the americans on the use of how these tools panda us . but we are told that the 2 step, 2 sides discussed. among other things,
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so i want the south china sea and you frame price. and so last a full 75 minutes and both sides out of delegations, all for 10 people. and. and so, you know, this is quite a big step from where we were a year ago. and so a lot of people will be hosted to see these discussions that taking place because of the concern about the rivalry between these 2 countries. but at the same time, there is always usually great attention and some of the key issues at stake, particularly of the south trying to see what we've seen rates a confrontation between the philippines and china in particular. and of course, just a few days ago, we also, so we're trying to carry out drills around. so i want involving more than a 100 ex, so often does the use of worship. so, you know, the fact that they are talking together is a positive thing, but in terms of practicality, things don't seem to be at a standstill. some like talk, you were still up tops and that and even was position. yeah. is where you said this
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discussion is happening on the side lines of the security summit there. what else can we expect from it over the next couple of days? we'll look in the next few hours. we are going to be hearing from kind of being present, but non mock of junior, and he is expected to deliver an address at the outline the philippines views on this dispute with china in the south china sea. and is expected to emphasize this sort of beans commitments to the international of who is based on the and that's what he seen as a sort of coated criticism towards beijing of its actions in the region. and, you know, this is one of the key issues that the reason face is right now. so this is going to be a very closely watched address of the, to present macos gives in the next few hours. but there are several of the mission ministry issues of state, one of the key talking points in particular, as we get is
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a concern over the increase and expansion of mandatory drills of the taking place across the asian pacific. that's something that's gonna be talked about at length. so while these discussions are taking place in the very much the in its positive, there is a sort of a negative trend if you like. uh, in terms of ratcheting tensions um, military escalation across the asia pacific. uh that people will be discussing here over the next few days. okay, thanks so much. but one of that, that's patrick folk for us. it and singapore. this does have african. now we have more than half of the votes from is general election on wednesday has been counted . how show results show the governing amc parties following showed of a majority for the 1st time since it took power 1994. if it fails to win more than 50 percent of the vote, it will be forced to seek coalition, ponders, submitted. mila has more from the vote, counting center in the town to the drowned outside johannes beck in there,
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in the process of validating those results. and that may be why there is just so slow when coming in, because i think the expectation was that we would be further along in terms of the results of the have been announced. the initial commission says the final results should be announced on sundays. that hasn't changed yet, but as you mentioned, the about 55 percent of the the results are in the i. c has traditionally done a put a decent job in terms of collecting those results in the announcing the outcome to south africans. there was a point where they was meaningful that perhaps more people that turned out at the polls than expected. but it appears that the turnover rate is now at 58 percent. and again, all the votes have been counted. and so it could be that there are some delays with in the accounting process, perhaps the use of new digital devices to verify votes. and that could be leading
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to this delay. it's lower than expected. um, but we are hearing more from the i c in terms of it's adjudication process and we do know that political bodies have until 9 pm, so that we can time on friday night to lodge any disputes. but it's not likely that any of those disputes would affect the board the outcome of the election. ultimately, the results of all the african national congress has consistently viewed about 42 percent. it's now dropped to just below that. so it'd be interesting to see that majority is, wasn't even further, which would contribute to its needful coalitions going forward. well, still ahead here own elders era record levels of violence against politicians and mexico just days before verses go to the polls. and the flows in iceland, the 5th time this volcano has erupt it off the line to him in 800 years, the,
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the hello, there's lots of stormy, active weather across europe. this weekend, especially across most central areas around that. we've seen a lot of warm forget that in a moment. first, let's see what the west of the weather is going to creep as we go friday into saturday. so you can see it. there is a go southern parts of germany. we've read warnings out here and the warnings for the check republic. we've got some very heavy rain to come here. we'd like you to see some flooding. so i'm just don't want, he's having issued from northern parts of it's been around that heavy rain. you can still see a very shower and when the picture moving across the lo countries now is looking more unsettled across the balkans. but it does a dry up launch the here. so what's the weather coming in for person on the island
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of island by saturday. you can see that has improved by sunday. we will see those slices of sunshine in london with a temperature of picking up and temperatures are still sitting very high for scan today. be up into the north east as well for western pots of russia. they'll be coming down across the barion potential that we've seen scorching reco temperatures here. they'll be coming down across a central part, but they'll be picking up for greece. athens seen the low thirty's to monday. they fled from the world's most secretive states. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences, but to shining a light on the home of kings and bring danger one. 0, one east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera and there is no title like cover in the world news like we do,
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we revisit places in the state. i'll just say we're really invest in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist, the you're watching else, is there a reminder of how top stores the sell it for me you as president, donald trump has been convicted on study for felony charges, and his so called hush money trial. these, the 1st full month american president to be convicted of a criminal offense. at least 14 palestinians have been killed of an item. this rarely strikes on the surrounding breeze, refugee camps essential concept. 3 homes photography. is there any forces have also attacked the car? now this around killing 3 civilians. these ready army has conducted
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a series of rights across the occupied with banks during the past 24 hours. when in ramallah caused a major fire at a mock adopt, it is ready forces by tear gas canisters and stools and shops. the, the abraham has this report from ramallah. there is no more hustle and bustle at this vegetable market. this smell of smoke and fire has replaced the scent of fresh fruit. this is the aftermath of and is really me the city. they don't run them in the occupied left bank. a major fire broke out after these read the army fire t, a gas canisters towards the area. civil defense team said that the expect a great deal of damage. these really forces blocked the roads leading to the market and prevented our teams from responding to the fire lights away. so we have to wait for the rates and to go in. man has him him a tells us he lost the dates and grapes. he was preparing to sell and there was
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also some cash, but now he can't find it. what can i do? this is my only source of income and we've already been going through a very difficult economic condition. it's been more. 7 than a foot and a half hours of civil defense themes trying to put off the fire after they contain much of it. they were surprised to learn that there is still fire coming out from one of the main buildings here. an old building near the vegetable market. dozens of stores in neighboring buildings have been damaged and not be in a ball. i'm glad we were preparing for the ead. only 18 days or less to eat a lot. and now stores were failed. remote in guys from turkey in china. we had a big stock and it's gone now. early thursday morning, these really minutes? are you read it to money exchange offices in the heart of drama? it's put up posters. thing the stores had been involved in funnelling money for the
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cold terrorist organizations. after every is really rate in the occupied westbank. people try to continue their day to day life. some are continuing to buy vegetables from this near the collapsing market. trying to find their mallet with there is none the that but he just ita drama la palestine, the ukraine at least 3 people have been killed in 16 injured off the russians. tronics abuse and city of hockey's. local officials said that miss opposite civilian areas, including an apartment building, a shop and a selling factory. the attack time hours onto the bottom, administration partially lifted the band on you crying, striking targets in russia using us weapons. for more on this, we're going to go to cave and now corresponding john holman,
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who was there and john, can you just explain for us why you was presented by them? has agreed to this now? of the well, it's been quite a long time. not really. and it started with pressure from the ukranian government and presidents, the landscape. and what he's all giving is base that run the russian full stays on the russian side of the pool with hot tea region, which is in no face the new crime. i've been using that as a sort of safe type one for aerial attacks on the hockey region in hawk keep city, which is the 2nd largest and ukraine using me. so launching sites also using planes which can launch glide, palms, which can then fly from russian territory into ukrainian territory. but also because of the may 10th rushing ground force offensive, which cross the border from russia into crime until $200.00 square military. columbus has a lot of territory and he says that russian ground forces are still gathering along
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that pulled up. and really, the only way to stop those areas, the tax and those ground, the tax is the ukraine's be able to strike into russian territory. now that's been a red line for the us administration under president biden. they've had a fine on us weapons being able to be used for that. and the us is by far the biggest supply of weapons to ukraine. but things started to move the 1st who you are paying. i lives like britain fronts report to be germany, sweden saying that they rotate for their weapons to be used to attack russian targets. and that reportedly this change from president biden's administration into a what, what are the restrictions on the ukrainian military on using these you with, with us? yeah, it's an important question some because the know the, the us administration cooling for open season the,
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you crying to the tech russian targets anywhere and they've got to be said, you call use the long range missile systems that we're providing you to do that the restrictions are only along this border with the whole key region that we've just been talking about, where they, uh, where are you crying? feels that this is immune upfront of russian troops crossing over all this area of attack from russian policies. i think one of the key reasons for about the us is attempting to sort of strike a fine balance here between escalating that, that's something that president vladimir putin spoke about on choose the pool. this new started to come out of the united states, talking about what it could need. and he said that this constant escalation could have serious consequences may especially wound at smooth, densely populated countries belonging to the nato alliance in europe. about what it could mean for them. if they were strikes on russian territories, we'll have to see now how russia responds to this announcement as
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a real find balance of cheer, political forces around you crying as well to do with this. okay, thanks so much. jones own home. and for us, the in case of the lead up to somebody's general election in mexico, it continues to be modified killings in violence along with corruption. perhaps the most significant challenges facing whoever wins the presidency. i'll just there is less than america either to lucy and human reports from west and mexico. he has another episode of political violence in mexico. this when caught on camera next door to the election campaigns from the start. in the western state of mutual con, rudy is always drawn large crowds of local farmers. it's an ideal venue for state congress candidates, monica solita, to ask for vote for support. this man gives her his blessing,
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a symbol of protection. she feels he needs let one of us to take them with him. i'm afraid for my children have you, i'm afraid for my life because the dangers are great. but even though i ask for government protection will succeed so far, i don't have a single policeman by my side that a bit that nothing on your body's the, i mean that i'm nearly 40 candidates and 14 family members have been killed. the deadliest campaign in recent mexican history, most of the victims were running for mayor and other local offices. positions wanted by corrupt politicians and organized crime. is that they could they take control of the office and they, they can by the can be they know the candidates. i mean it's very, it's very easily the findings by, by legal forces and all of a sudden the valencia lead to movement called citizens revolution. it tracks down kidnappers, and other criminals for the information provided by ordinary citizens. me said the less now that he's running for mayor of mutual kinds capital. what
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a yeah. he has 24 hour government protection and he also has his own private security and an armored car cuz he was blown up as long as it was. but i am heading to a rally. steve tells me that state corruption feeds mexico's crime epidemic on sunday . do you know the style, if with the state has a means to stop this? it doesn't want to come with the crime because he generates dividends. it generates profit, so drives money, delinquent generates money for the authorities. while the victim is just as to this thing, that a lot of me that is going into the middle console, are you the details supporters? that with their vote, he can help change things even though is running under the banner of what many claimed to be as one of mexico's most corrupt party. under the welfare land and business owners, politicians and organized crime. trying to coordinate candidates or have somebody call me and that is a long history of corruption,
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which generally guarantees impugning the president and policeman with lopez over to have the insist that stability is guaranteed despite the electro violence. and it's very much associated with what it needs. this is a way they understood how to go very in a country political this, but really these are both anything else human rights if, because corruption, now it, so you always plays the corruption card because you want to preserve or you think of this, that means it's almost a tradition as owned does this really just rate yet with the states under attack by criminal forces. as never before mexico's next president may find that corruption is too high a price to pay for the illusion of stability. to see a newman al jazeera me to again authorize these and pub in, you can e have ruled out funding any survivors of
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a major land slide. last week the government says more than 2000 people may have been killed. only a few bodies have been recovered. the land slides hits the young bali village and the anchor region last friday. volcano in south west, iceland is viewing lava for the day. the major option is the 5th to strike the rock in this pendant she lives since december. thousands of people had been evacuated from the homes and nearby fishing village for the marks has this soon look. volcanic crate to is once more in full full nature's fine works for ruth, just the visible from a very safe distance that a tennis peninsula home to 30000 people has already seen weeks of the russians elsewhere. too often.


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