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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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on this business uptake these bolts is by the 6 bank growth partner of bung the dashboard forward to use the the hello. i'm a little rock. this is the news. our life from joe are coming up in the next 16 minutes. israel says is withdrawn. troops from northern ga us after weeks of attacks that have left a trail of death and destruction. mixed reactions in a polarized united states after donald trump is convicted in the harsh money trial . we'll look at the implications for the presidential election in november. and president bind allows ukraine to use american weapons to stripe inside russia, from the cartridge region. he says, this will significantly boost its defense. and with more than half the votes
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counted in south africa selection, the governing african national congress for new shores of majority. do you want to just go with the sports the dallas mavericks have foot best thoughts? any n b, a finals against the boston celtics, and maps its own thing by crushing, administered to symbols for one in the western conference finals. the while we begin this news hour in gauze after weeks of fighting the is really army now says it has withdrawn troops from several northern neighborhoods. ground troops have pulled back from bait. layer and bait had known. local sources are reporting that risk who operations are now recovering, bodies of palestinians killed in these areas. and this comes just a day after the military pulled out of the job, illegal refugee that is rarely army says the fighting engine,
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i believe was some of the most intense and missed the war. the military left behind residential squares and complete bruise buildings reduced to rubble and dozens of civilians killed hospitals in the north have also been targeted during the attacks . and we've just received this update from a lot alert pollute, who's at the come all at one hospital. and basically here in northern garza to clear the ground, the version nothing does sort of is smaller. currently, just as this lady forces the victory to her home, the rest of the box was nothing ghost with a better tweak it from much little bit louder. yeah, she has a attendance doctor. i'm talking to her from kim, out of the hospital, which receives thousands of big bodies that came from todd of this. i thought, i'm sure that, that. yeah, and let's just say it's a neighborhood a, the full and the massive of destruction is very use there. as, as really forces this floyd, all the infrastructure and service facility and these neighborhoods,
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civilians are trying to reach the houses of that areas in order to have something to be useful in the next phase. and civil defense altering also to reach a, these neighborhoods in order to have the did and rescue the dead bodies of that area. but they have difficulties because that is why the forces destroyed all the streets and all that. and just a rough time there was an issue, i just need uh, nothing goes for palestine. it's now 3 weeks of intensified is really a tax and northern ga. so have all but destroyed what was the largest refugee camp and the strip ballast and use are used to live in trouble. ya say they are shocked by the level of destruction, which is 0. is mohammed shane reports from there? looking for the most part i clicked on, we are now at the trends in section in japan, you comp in the north of the gaza strip,
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where the is radio occupation forces have destroyed expansive parts of account. most property and civilians belongings have been destroyed in the easy way, the military operation. that last of nearly 20 days, these radio occupation forces withdrew from the camp on thursday morning meeting in the wake. this vast destruction. c fires resulting from his right, the shedding continued to have the shadow of the month of the month of us by he's ready forces continue to fight weapons in the street, which leads desired and base head noun, neighborhoods. so the situation still dangerous, summarize it, and tried to go down this road towards the northern parts of the 2 body account, but came on defiance. we can see here that a 5 belt bombing target to the st, causing vos destruction. we can still hear the sound of artillery shells at the other end of the street. the last part of the scale of destruction in jamalia. these re, these have destroyed us. so actually testing the massage on us. so out of your home,
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if i sit on the heavy, who has your method, it has a residency, say that the scale of destruction is as a result of his really use of weapons provided by the united states. they say that the goal is a strict, including to body count as being used by, as well as a testing ground for width of the sort of in hubs. the next to the we received a report that these radio occupation forces had partially withdrawn from the job of the account. some forces are still deployed around commanded one hospital and the us sick street area. we've recovered them of the composed dead bodies which we could not reach earlier until now. we have recovered the bodies of nearly 10 people killed in the camp. our crews continued to search for more people killed and injured houses here have been destroyed. sheltering centers into schools, as you can see behind us have been completely burned. as the residents recover the dead bodies they are finding that most of them are decomposed and have been eaten
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by street dogs. as they have been living in the streets. and to have one just a partial withdrawal by these radio occupation forces from the 2 body accomplish surrounding areas has revealed a launch of scale and vast destruction to residents, houses, and companies, as well as infrastructure and public facilities, including clinics and schools, the residence of waiting for the end of the is really destructive attack and the genocidal bull. the israel has been waging since october the 7th of last year to be able to restore a place where they can live safely. how much a jersey it i'm a veteran. on meanwhile, at least 14 palestinians have been killed in the latest is rarely air strikes in, in the start out new site that and brush refugee camps. and the central guys on 3 homes were targeted is really forces of also bought a car and, and the side of that killing 3 civilians. all right, honey. my,
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what joins me live now from there in bella. in central garza via phone a penny. what more can you tell us about to the is really true to pull back from north and garza a yes. well perhaps the most accurate description of what's going on right now given the, the history of, of this pattern of behavior by these really monitor. it's nothing more than a tactical withdrawal. still given these really military and it's occupying forces on the ground, the upper hand in maneuvering and re occupying areas into know, during part with what's going on right now. there's really military within the past, the hours the are the hours of this morning pulled out of from the much of the areas in the northern part, the particularly the reference your body of refugee cons in that position in areas that is still given the opportunity and the ability to get back to it whenever it decides to be on, on the ground. but in doing so, it just left the trails of devastation and destruction to the refugee can. we're
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talking about up to 70 percent of the value of the cabinet has been turned into a pile of ruins that include the public facilities including schools and hospitals and clinics, as well as the infrastructure, the residential homes, that particular area and your body, or if you can bid you to be a thriving commercial area. i had the heart of the refugee cam has been turned into a more of the, a wage bland. the people are going back to check on their home, to inspect on what they are able to solve it from these residential homes. or there is, it's all in van. there is nothing to salvage as it's either destroyed, severely damaged or was set on fire by these really military right now. a, what paramedics and civil the difference are doing. they're trying to collect the bodies in the area that they were not able to reach within the past week. the past 20 years, i mean very difficult and relentless air attacks. and this is avi,
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our gallery showing the, presented paramedics, civil defense, and volunteers to get to these areas, remove bodies that as, as, as of today. and within the past couple hours, they've been able to recover some of these bodies either from this trees or from under the rubble. they are largely deceived and have been all the transferred to a get knowledge one hospital and the other a health facilities that are buy though we have been completely pushed out of service with when we talk about health care facilities in the northern part or nothing. but a standing a skeleton now they don't offer any medical services whatsoever. we are literally talking about a complete station of medical services in the northern part. then they serve right now and nothing more, but more for the bodies that are removed from the streets or from under the rebels that is really military at a, withdrew from the areas but did not announce which is very important right now. it does not announce them in the, the military operations in northern fall,
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which means that there is a chance that it's going back again, and the likelihood of killing more people is causing more destruction of very high, very high end honey. we understand that over night there were more intense is really air strikes or elsewhere. a yes overnight, a talks in the central area continues to, to cause a more tragedies and create more miserable conditions for an already traumatized display of populations of families. the 2 families into 2 separate attacks that were targeted happen to be display as families evacuated older way of within the past week. cuz from the whole, the way to the central area seeking shelters. in one of the residential homes, sir, 11 people have been killed in the majority of the men and children. and as we arrive to the side here at the hospital for our report. so we found remaining family members, including some of those would light injuries,
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were here trying to perform the prayer and say good bye to family members who were killed. and they attached several defense group members told us that they're still more people on their job as we're talking about at least a 3 story building. and the, the bomb was quite massive, not only destroyed this house, but also causing great deal of damage to the surrounding areas, pushing people into further internal displacement on a separate attack. a cargo is carrying a 3 family members who just turned their kitchen. that's a private business then to a point to that for free meals distribution for display staff is, were killed on their way to an area that is better known among doesn't here of the 2 key a place to offer a free meals for displace down that they were killed as they were preparing a free meals for these displays families. all right, sir. my name is melinda reporting on the latest from there to bella, as central gosh, honey, thank you so much as always think and nor are they is
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a political analyst and commentator who joins. there is no life from my law very good day, nor i want to get your reaction. if i'm a to are these really military, you confirming uh its pull back from uh, jamalia. linda, we've seen the is really military do this. so on several occasions in gaza, they withdraw from the area they spend, they move their attention on their assault somewhere else, and then they return back as a bank in particular is a very densely populated refugee come up. there was a lot of resistance in attempting to enter it and of the is really army went in places that it hadn't entered before causing the massive, massive destruction that you've been reporting on. and because they, they, they withdrew. now people will be trying to pick up the pieces, trying to see if they can return home, or if there's
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a home to return to. but there is no guarantee that that kind of feedback is permanent, as we've seen in several areas in japan yet, and found eunice everywhere. really in the, in the gaza strip and conditions, of course that offer are rapidly deteriorating. is it clear where that humanitarian zones are currently and, and where people can go a well, i think it's very clear not by now that there are no humanitarian zones. there are, there is absolutely no place that is safe in gaza, humanitarian organizations and 8 organizations. i've been pleading and begging for months now to create such areas to allow sufficient aid and, and we heard over the past few days from 20 of them saying that the situation is becoming completely catastrophic. a need has dropped by nearly 70 percent. people are going hungry and thirsty, not just in the north, where assignment has set in,
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as we've heard from the world for food program, but also in the south where the majority of the population of goza has been displaced to. they have nothing to count on and the humanitarian organizations are running out of things to give them. all right and keeping that all in mind, according to the us state department, israel's attack off is not a major operation. what do you make of the growing gulf between how the white house defines this is really offensive and the images and accounts coming from alpha. and i think it's difficult not to see this as the white house trying to find out for israel. they do not want a confrontation, they do not want to apply any kind of significant pressure, and that's why the red line as full but disappear. that's why they keep the, you know, really interpreting reality in a way that disagrees with everybody else and not wanting to recognize the reality
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for what it is. because politically, the binding, whitehouse does not want to do what everybody is telling. it must, it must apply pressure on, on israel to stop the offensive to open the, the gates to open the crossings and allow humanitarian aid. and i think it is a political choice. and one that will leave all of us wondering for, for many months to come, maybe even years, it will be studied as something that is quite astounding to be honest, the speaking to us from the other, my life. thank you so much. now every turn of focus now to human, where the, who's the rebels have threatened to ramp up a tax on ships in response to georgia, u. s. u k. airstrikes on the city of data. the allied forces say they targeted 3 locations in the port city and a bit stop the rebels from attacking ships in the red sea. with the media say at
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least 16 people were killed and dozens more were injured. the rebels have been targeting shipping in the red sea and the gulf of agents since november and a show of solidarity with palestinians in gaza. the donald trump has condemned what he is calling a winged trial after becoming the 1st former us president. to be convicted of a crime, a jury in new york city found mister trunk guilty of all $34.00 charges in his so called harsh money trial will be sentenced just days before the republican convention when the party will formally nominated him as their presidential candidate john 100 reports from new york. after more than 9 hours of deliberations, a jury of 12 new yorkers delivered their historic verdict guilty on all charges
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that made donald trump the 1st former president in us history to become a convicted criminal. he was found guilty on $34.00 charges of falsifying business records in connection to hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels. as the news filtered outside the court house, there were celebrations, along with a small number of opponents of trump would gather it wasn't long after the verdict did it clearly fuming trump let his feelings be known. this was a great price gonna be november and they know what happens here. everybody knows what happens here, whether he likes it or not. what actually happened is that the jury apparently believe trump's former fixer michael cohen on whose testimony much of the prosecution's case huh. trump's lawyer spent 2 days trying to poke holes in cohen's testimony saying he was motivated by revenge in money,
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but it wasn't enough. the man who brought the chargers manhattan district attorney elvin bragg gave his reaction a short time later while this defended. maybe unlike any other in american history, as we arrived at this trial. and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes to the court room doors. by following the facts and the law. in doing so without fear or fever, the evidence was overwhelming of trump skilled, but still to see a jury come back in 2 days and with a verdict of guilty on off 30 counts of a former president. i mean it's, it's a really sad day for the united states because you don't want to see a former president indicted and convicted of criminal charges. and yet, it's also so clear that trump engaged in so much can we gallery, in order to obtain the presidency in the 1st place. the verdict and the court of
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public opinion has yet to be delivered for the republican party's candidate for president. trump sentencing is scheduled for july 11th for days before the republican national convention, where he is expected to accept his parties. nomination for president is a convicted sentenced felon. the manhattan jury did what to presidential impeachment and a federal investigation could not do render. a historic verdict that labeled the former president and former fellow new york or the criminal. 7 john henry l g 0 new york. and the old drums conviction has put the spotlights on rules in the u. s. on voting by convicted felons. all 9 of it's 50 states and post life time voting bands on those who are convicted. one of them is florida. mr. trump resides at his mar lago estate there, and it's where he's registered to vote. more than a 1000000 people in the states are barred from voting because of felony convictions, but because afford as laws on felony convictions, that happened out of the state,
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you'll still be able to cast a ballot in november and there is no law that prohibits a felony from running for president or serving in office, but because his convictions happened in a state court, trump cannot pardon himself if he becomes president. that right only applies to federal crimes. all right, joining me now is brandon o'connor. she is the professor of yours politics and u. s foreign relations at the university of sydney and she joys me from sydney fit to help you with this sir. um, there's so much to unpack here and everybody's still kind of coming to grips with this verdict. how do you think this may play out to over the next couple of days, a months? obviously, a major drummer and the american news fusions, national interest for the big question is, will it change any vices minds? is there a group of trump for just the thoughts that would support trump before this guilty verdict? the opinion following suggest there is
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a very small number of people in might fall into that category with. ready people with the vice important states in the united states with a selection and i've been but will be decide. ready it's very hard to tell, but i think most people have already kind of got a very strong view of trump. and this probably this conviction isn't kind of profoundly change opinions. all right, so you, you believe that this is not real loud as chances are becoming the next to west president potentially no, i mean i think people are pretty aware. the donald trump plays pretty fast and loose with the trade with the law. his relationship with women, very good question. so i think these things of already well known and this verdict, lots surprise, a lot of people in the united states. it's a start because he's a 5th president to be charged with a felony offense. but i don't think old profoundly changed the election outcome we're trump, is that the mind that i hit in the post?
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what do you make of the reaction from the white house of a g o p as well the republicans. and if you look at the sort of fox news outlets and whatnot presenting this is a conspiracy led by the white house, the dessert because traded offensive against donald trump to stop and becoming president. the white house itself, i think wants to say this is something that it can use and they can bind, but not quite. if it was the portal it takes and the basketball trump is a felony kind of linked to me. but i think that would be a successful strategy. the white house is, i think that to convince americans vitus to the economy is recovering. i think that's a real vulnerability, which i bought insights as dramatic is the same. so bait in new york today. there is a sort of popular culture element to this which might not translate into advising me now and you know, come july 11th when the sentencing will take place. what are the chances that we could see? the former president of the united states be sent to prison. well,
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i think for many people that's a delicious story. to say, trump run behind bars. you know, i don't think that's a huge possibility. it is possible, it gets to run for the presidency from child, but i think it's more likely you will have a set service sentence in the community. he would be put in child by this will, i know i've had for the next couple of months and i surprise will create a kind of frenzy on the trump side. is legal team making those sorts of spurious clients about this being, you know, attempt. ready to push the election to biden's side and be an ad something which is a conspiracy against donald trump and he's got even more legal was brandon o'connor. thank you so very much for joining us. greatly appreciate it. i. it's my pleasure. the
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and ukraine, at least 5 people have been killed and 25 injured after a rush and strikes. if the eastern city of harkins, local officials said missiles struck civilian areas, including an apartment building a shop and a so in factory your tax game, hours after the buying and ministration partially lifted, a ban on ukraine, striking targets in russia using us weapons alive. now for you in chief is our correspondence. john holman, the john, good to have you with us. why has us present by an agree to this? now, why this change of heart? you have it's a big change of how it later isn't it for him? this is something that he said has been a red line because he has a way to escalate this conflict and dragged him outside powers any more than they already have been for some time. and the onset to it is the reality on the
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situation. specifically in the hall keeper agent that you were just talking about. now the situation, the is the, there's been a real attack consistently for russia over several months for me. so launches in russian territory all for russian plains, in russian territory, the launching lloyd poems feasible with these of buttons with wings on them that live from the into ukraine and into hockey region in hockey city. that's the 2nd most popular city populous city in, in the country you crime. but also there's been a ground defensive since the 10th of march russian troops crossing over from just outside of the hockey region into hall keep as well. so that situation is prompted not just the united states, but also before them the united kingdom at front germany now as well, to agree that the weapons can be used to attack ro, russian targets just in the area on the, on the hall key fluid or it's important to emphasize that the united states has
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just given permission for that not to attack target deep inside of rush for it. so and john, how has russia react it to this development a well, the russian president vladimir putin speaking on choose day news. beckett's done already gave a signal for this with name. he said that this was something that was serious and that this was an escalation that that would have serious consequences. he was so rude and countries belonging to the nato, a lawyer in europe, smooth countries with dense populations that they shouldn't play around with this. so that could be consequences. oh, sorry for them. now at nights are foreign ministers at the moment having a meeting the night. so at sick 3 general un stone bug had a response. rush as long as seeing
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a tax on your credit and source from russian. sorry. when's artillery with miss r as a, as in the masking chips? of course, it makes it very hard for your brain to defend themselves if they're not allowed to use as long as weapons to repel those attacks. so many i was hoping maybe it's clear that they of course, accepted about the ukraine, is using the weapons they have received with the to defend themselves and everything by striking an enter targets inside of the restaurant. especially when those meters incentives are used in attracting body for the tax on the on there are some sort of so this is obviously a very delicate situation. and we're hoping that at some point off of that meeting is nights or foreign ministers in which this is obviously going to come up and which the us secretary of state and to me blinking that he might come out and talk
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about this off the after the moment is just coming from unnamed officials within the us white house of ministrations. we'll have to say, well, this develops and we'll get, we'll get set about it by from the us side. and also the russian side off to this interesting developments john home and the reporting live from t. thank you. it's so head here on al jazeera, we're in pop on you, denny, where the u. n. is warning of a major risk of disease after a massive last slide last week of novak jock of it. sure inches round 3 in paris s, as he can still have 24 grand slam trophies the
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have that there's lots of stormy active weather across europe. this weekend, especially across most central areas around that we're seeing a lot of warm forget the, in a moment. first, let's see what the west of the weather is going to creep as we go friday into saturday. so you can see it the, it's a southern pots of germany, we've read warnings out here, and the warnings for the check republic. we've got some very heavy rain to come here. we'd like you to see some flooding. so i'm just don't want is having issued from northern parts of it's been around that heavy rain. you can still see a very shower. and when the picture moving across the lo countries now is looking more unsettled across the balkans. but it does a dry up launch the here. so what's the weather coming in for person on the island of island by saturday, you can see that has improved by sunday. we will see those slices of sunshine in london with a temperature of picking up and temperatures. are still sitting very high for scan today,
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be up into the north east as well for western pots of russia. they'll be coming down across the barion potential that we've seen scorching reco temperatures here. they'll be coming down across a central part, but they'll be picking up for grease athens. seeing the low thirty's to monday or the june 1967, 6 days the re drew the map of them. at least 2 dark colored hair crust appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on them. they dropped the bombs on the run out as they were exposed the events leading to the new and its consequences. which i still felt today is where i could really all be in this was a that is such as the the stuff is live the war in june on outages era. the illusion of anti semitism with opposition to design is
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a cynical and it is harmful, a dangerous completion between the persecution of a people and the criticism of the state is echoing across the world news rooms on to semi kids and the hatred of abuse. because uh, choose country is honest and is not about to lose its about teacher. and we need to talk about design is a listening close, special on the jersey the if you're watching out as a reminder of our top story, is this our, these really are me says it's withdrawn troops from several northern neighborhoods in gauze on ground. troops are full backs on paper here. and base is comes
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a day after the military pulled out of the jump, a lot to bali out refugee camp leaving behind a trail of death and destruction and former us president. all trump has been convicted on 34 felony charges in his so called push when he trial is the 1st former american president to convict somebody all sense and in ukraine, at least 5 people killed and 25 injured in motion strikes on eastern city of heart attacks came just hours after the fight and ministration partially lifted, a ban on ukraine using us weapons to strike targets in russia to south africa. now where the election results so far show the governing amc party is falling well short of a majority for the 1st time in 30 years. with almost 60 percent of the vote declared, the amc has just 42 percent. this would force it to form a coalition with other parties in order to remain in government. my kind of reports
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from that runs in south africa. the biggest political shakeup in 3 decades is looming by early thursday evening. just over 30 percent of the votes have been comforted and the ones dominant a n c is being bound to in the number of regions. the democratic alliance retains us majority in the western cape, and with more than 50 percent of the votes counted, will continue to govern the province for the next 5 years. but diplomacy, boom, done. the 6 months ago has provided the major surprise, including toby's this way. o m k. may have the chance of seizing controlling costs a new natal and amc stronghold ended neighboring and put them along to. the amc has sofa lost 20 percent of the voted gained in 2019 the bulk going to m k. there's already tool couple of coalition government among the partners the and so you
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could consider the economic freedom scientists or e f. f. though it's ready, cool policies, including nationalization of the mines, are deeply at odds with the amc democratic alliance policies to add to barry and ne, it's in the position on palestine. obviously is not about discussions about positions is about what, what will serve up for and what that done. once they the we looked at people and the for a suitable structure of them and not through them as well. what does make a determination about the way for uh my, on the engine on so has already come from the m k party. they'll be no colors until to the and see if this point. could you embroider that? well the, the m k. the reason was formed was because the agency was the struggling to implement the policies for the people which includes the land for education. so it
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wouldn't be applied to that one to have a coalition that because it would probably stop by some time to do those things. another option would be for the a and c to form an alliance with a number of the smaller parties, which would be likely to them on the list in return, then the big ones. but in order to achieve this, the amc would need more than 46 percent of the boat a target, which as the cons continues, appears more and more remotes kinda. i'll just era the trend south africa to our room, which i saw joins us now from the provincial results center in durban. the region is a strong hold of a former president of jacob summa and his new m. k party. well, is the south africa bracing itself for potential change? well nation, the 6 to the same to nearly 60 percent of the results have come in and if the trend
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continues the way it's going and the n c could lose its majority. but the big king make, have the big news make at the moment is jacob's m, as in k policy. and how well it seems to be doing that to me as well as here in closing the top province k 's it in his case he didn't, his supporters are saying that if he betters just to take those problems away from the and see they hope that the intake party runs caves it in as well as the western cape problem and is being run wasting cape is way cape town, city is. the democratic alliance party controls that problems and most of africans will tell you that that area, despite having some problems is jeremy wall run. they hoping the m k party will do the same for this problem. as in other areas, it may wait and wants to find the results. come in once i'm and this the say now it was a cause that maybe some people in the business community could be slightly nervous . if the m k takes they use lead and k, is it in other parts of the country? it means businesses. i may be open the lines to the government and see me allow me
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to stop shifting. a legion says if they want to continue getting those lucrative contracts and attendance from whoever is in charge of of, of, of, of, of, of a particular province. but the actual commission is saying that the final results could only come out may be sunday. that seems that africans will have a sense of who has won the selection and by how much in c of minus to get in terms of votes nationally, all eyes on south africa, which on so thank you so much for your reporting. a guideline is a senior lecture of political science at stolen busha university. he drives me from stolen bush in south africa. ah, good day sir. the official was also obviously are not yet in. just give us a sense of the mood right now. well, the results aren't in, but i think be kind of see some very similar comments when will the final results? and i think it's very clear that the african national congress, i'm not going to get the 50 percent plus this was anticipated. so it'd be in the
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polling, i think, in terms of the general mood, somewhat of a sense of, of kind of nervousness. because you know, what does this mean? and what are the composition outcomes going to be? particularly at the national level. the accommodation is going to have to be formed, but it was either natal, there's been a major shake up in terms of the kind of political landscape. there was the m k policy, you know, from a results point of view. certainly going to be the dominant party that within the tang, which is the economic powerhouse is you know, no particular party has an offer on the guard majority. so the coalition negotiations are going to have to vote multiple parties. well, so i think from opposition political parties, there was a multi party coalition that was formed before the elections with the hope that they would be able to secure, more than 50 percent of the vote. they haven't. so there was certainly a sense of uncertainty, but also a sense of off release because the elections went relatively well. i went online and it shows that it was a peaceful election, and the ice seems to be running the elections well. right. and that is actually
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really, really positive. it's great that your point that out there, what are the different political parties visions for the country? a lot of those things area and there's different audiology. there's different kind of a spaces mean and united randy your bodies on a handful of parties that mean aiming for kind of to govern nationally and use. and she's looking at the african national congress, which hasn't really shifted from that sort of center left policies for many, many years. then of course you've got the government public alliance, which is also sends out the most sort of center, right? you know, looking more kind of free markets and then plus you got the comment, freedom sciences that and much that of a lower level of support by sitting in around 10 percent. um, you're all looking for much more kind of radicals. transfer a bunch of approaches to the economy. so we would kind of looking at a diverse range of, of kind of requirements which is going to naples and sort of the bonds, which is certainly going to make coalition building quite difficult in south africa . right. and they have to do it in 2 weeks. i am told, there does seem to be a,
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a drive for change. what kind of a forms could we see? do government potentially implement what i mean? not a lot of the concerns of being around the economy, service all that the economy is that the, instead of a stated process that we'll assume they're ready exacerbated by the carpet. and when it comes to lock downs, we've got some of the highest levels of unemployment at the bottom. and so that's certainly a key issue that's been driving concerns. most of africans wanting to see changes. that's obviously the last to be placed on the kind of running policy, all the loading conditions to deliver on jobs. what's the concerns are on the service to the 3? many problems that take place across the country in relation to all cities and towns and villages are government concerns around corruption. so i think those are going to be key issues of most crime as well as being a key concern. so i think both parties are trying to wrap up with these issues, and these are certainly issues that they're going to have to figure out. and they used to come to interesting a times in south africa, gille, i'm
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a senior lecturer of political science at to still in bullshit university, sir. thank you. thank you so much. i. the china says it's once a us against interfering in its internal affairs. following a meeting between the 2 countries, defense ministers of the chinese defense minister met with his american counterparts, lloyd austin, on the sidelines of a security for minute single for the face to face meeting was the 1st between the defense minister says 2022 patrick, a fokker joins me now live from single for a good to have you with this. a highly anticipated meeting between the us and china defense sheaves. anything that came out of it yet highly anticipated the data and you know, the big head find that's really come out of it is the telephone calls between us and chinese military commanders will resume in the coming months. according to the
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american secretary, austin also said that he welcome the establishment of a crisis communications group, which is going to be set up by the end of this year. so these are big positive steps and precisely the sorts of god rails that people are hoping to come out. so this so much so you know, this is all about engagement and building understanding between one another here in a single post. separately, we've been getting a little bit more detail about the nature and the substance of both thoughts between don't gen lloyd often, but johnny's struck cannot be told about the about them and said that they were positive and practical and constructive. we all hearing codes that, well, most of the areas that were complex uh, particularly for beijing's views of pentagon redox, 2 sides to 2 miles what was described as china's aggressive behavior around. so i
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want news for yeah, i freedom of movement for the us in the region as well as china support for russians more and you friend of an emphasis on that. in particular, remember the american stuff in repeat the warning, the chinese against russia in the crate and of threatens and sanctions against chinese banks if they are found to be propping up for those who efforts. it was reiterate to stay with with austin setting is trying these kinds of boxes that, that would be measured from the us, the measures from the us and this allies, steve, it continues out. so, you know, we also have some abrasions, read minds out here on that as well. so the 2 sides are discussing these differences. you know, one of the things that the chinese person who john said that, you know, these differences aren't going to be result in one single, bilateral meeting. but 2 things together, it's better than not to commit to. talking together is better than not talking at
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all. what can we expect from the security summit in the next few days? well as that there are lots of points of discussions and debates going on. we will hear from the secretary lloyd austin to bring a dress tomorrow morning and also to be hearing from incoming indonesian president of sylvia. and so as well as a wrap up, if you like, a, an address from dungeon on sunday, which will give them an opportunity to respond to what's happening here tonight to name the, the opening address from the start. and then marcos junior in which we expect the philippines to share its views on its position in the south china sea. and so as to emphasize its commitments to an international rules based order. which as we said, as a sort of code of criticism against beijing's actions in the south china sea and the
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reason so there's lots coming up. and so we're about an hour and a half away from our present market. suspicion is getting busy too. and so we, we're all going to be sharing those details with us as they come in. terrific, we'll catch up with you later, a patrick walker in a single, greatly appreciate it. authorities and pop when you get it, you have ruled out finding any survivors of last week's massive landslide. the government says more than 2000 people may have been killed, although only a handful of bodies suffering are covered so far. the last slide hit the anger region last friday, and tanya bell has now more from anchor province. so many houses have been destroyed. so people are without shelter. so many campuses and things like that. they, they need shelter, they need will talk, they need freed. they need bidding, these people have lost everything. the area that had coverage was an illness and
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the depth, you know, 5 to 8 meters of trouble in that land slot. the other contract is that him to the rescue operations. and the disaster relief operations is that this is a very rugged province. it's a 3 hour drive, but it's a very rugged and one you right to get that the excess has been exacerbated because over the weekend, tribal flashing broke out along the road and that's frightened. a lot of people, it's not so sites you need to drive through that fighting zone to get to the side. they do have helicopters. you may see one applied person in the background. they've been doing that all day from an a strip just to the east of us here, bringing in supplies. but really it's, this is a, this is the one of the most rather possible in a very rather country. and they are unable to take any of the bodies using machinery because the area is still incredibly unstable. the key focus is on the people who left the people left behind people who being displaced approximately 4000 of them. and so hopefully in the coming days,
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we'll start to see more of those really urgent released supplies start to flowing space. parliament has approved a divisive law granting amnesty to call alon separatists involved in the 2017 independence campaign. the bill narrowly passed by 5 votes. it had faced opposition from the conservative popular party, as well as the far right fox party. around 400 people should benefit from the law, including those who took part in protests and former calon regional presidents. carlos picked them up and slid to belgium after the votes. all legal experts have questioned whether the law is in breach of the constitution are as so head for you here on algae 0 lava flows in iceland, the 5th time this volcano has erupt it after a lying dormant for some 800 years. and it's all smiles as real madrid arrive in london, the head of the champions league final. joe will have the sports coming up
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the business latest the sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant. the
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business agents to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the the here's joe layla. thank you. the dallas mavericks. i book this thought to me and b, a finals web l face the boston celtics, the mazda drones by stating the western finals like is the ministration symbols for one. for the 1241 or 3 victory game, 5 suit dog was on hand to watch. look at don't switch and cari of and drop it like it's taught by dallas play is going $36.00 points each. the n b a finals begin on
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june. the 6 most importantly we got the way guy, some great guys in the team, from players coaches to button team. we have great guys. and as the most important thing, i think so we stay together and we just play basketball, you know, especially i think would be 3 very, very, very good teams and having comb with the home advantage, which is which is pretty good for us to the florida. panthers one went away from reaching the n h l stanley cup finals in game 5, they beat the new ranges 3 to release the east and final for the same school line that will be on high mice. the game 6 which happens on saturday. the pump is looking to win the stanley cup for the 1st time. round madrid have arrived in london. i had a son today's the wife of champions league final, at wembley, among the tang jude paddling him being then in special all smiles. as he landed on home soil called on to lucky side will facebook to see thornton and hoping to win your pin club football's biggest price for record extending 15th time.
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the it's an easy to get food going, isn't it? and excitement is building in the capital as london will. so home on a orchestra played a life version of the time physic anthem. as a tracy, tracy was delivered to the funds on my 2002 champion fluid mcclain, a. he want it with round woodridge, that you know about joe, cuz it says he still believes he can add his 24 grand slam titles despite failing to reach a final. so follow this season. the well, number one is 3. the 3rd round to at the french open joke, which beach for books are kind of biased by a not in straight sets on thursday. the 8th for cisco c mcclain. in paris, you must reach the form in the french capital to have a chance of holding orthodontics enough to remain to someone. at this age, i wouldn't be really competing at the slams and continuing to play professional tennis
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. if i didn't believe that i possess quality to go all the way to the title match. so, you know, i still, of course, sense that i have the game and i have the goods to, to go far. the alexander, as there is also theories in the sand, round the full seat. a gentleman who knocked out rough while a dial in his opening match, hips 37. when is against that would go 1st serve coming through in 3 set. well number 7 cast the read was taken to $0.05 before advancing and so it was 13 seed holger. rena can produce incredible performance to come from 5 love down. and the deciding type rate clinching is placed in the 3rd round with a ruling 5 victory, italian matthew capone. the 3rd major of the women's gold sees is on the way, but the wealth of one really cool had a bad stop the. she tends to add a 3rd major title to her name. quarter came into the tournament with 6 wins from her last 7 tournaments, but both aid her 1st whole and put
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a boat full in the water 3 times on the 12th. she's at 10 over paul, 12 shots behind lida. you cause saucer of japan. yeah, i mean, i just didn't really want to shoot 80. and i just kept making boat is i'm but you know, a my last year around in the us when is open, have not been good. i ended sunday, i probably think shooting a hole and then to the shot 80. and i'm human. i'm going to have bad days, i place and really solid up golf up to this point and today was just a bad day. you have see lightweight champion is not my katya if has the cut that he's the best fighter in the world ahead of his title defense against dustin florrie. the russians claim has some credence this. he's helped c u. s. the pound for pound rankings at about things, so pretty heated between the slightest bit of press events, the show down, husbands that us see 3 or 2 in new jersey on saturday. go on this guy think i'm
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of the best buy sitting though, right? all the time. a great day for this problem is the rest of those. oh is and i will give them that problem to form a world heavyweight boxing champion dante wilder says it still will die for him. the american is trying to rebuild his career and fights julie zhang of china on saturday and re as well that has struggled in recent years. he loves consecutive flights to tyson ferry. he didn't pick up one winston that was defeated in his most recent balance against joseph parker. in december. you got what it takes. i still got the dupes. and i'm going to the level come saturday night. i can't wait. i'm on the light all the listing, almost almost done on his body. like like like 65 is do a die, you know, and you all over to know how i feel as a war your wherever you're going to worry a mentality. i got a,
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what were your mindset? i got i where we are and what i believe, and i'm really in a diamond ring for what i believe in just 56 days to go now until the olympic games in paris, philip explained made a historic stop on thursday at norman dees, omaha beach. the torch was carried on horseback along the sand to west 80 is to the day of $250000.00 allied soldiers landed there on the day to drive out the forces of nazi germany. the torch was then carry post the white cross headstones at the newman's, the american cemetery were of 9000 soldiers all buried. and that's what you support for now. it is by itself. thank you so much sir. thank you. ok now in the south west, the iceland is spewing love of for 3rd day. the major eruption is the 5th to strike, the wickedness of fitness less since december william marx reports this sudden look, volcanic crate to is once more in full, full nature's fine works for ruth. just the visible from
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a very safe distance that a tennis peninsula home to 30000 people has already seen weeks of the russians elsewhere. too often 8 centuries of inactivity officio that's opened up in the stretches several kilometers. experts say at the moment it only threatens infrastructure like water pipes that remains fall from stable to continuous current and the fire that is more than 2 and a half kilometers long by now. but as it develops with time, it will focus into the certain points and eventually, and often only one or 2 craters will be active on the long run. but we can't say that by now we only observing the initial phase by now the interruptions, hey, i have shifts of teaching systems crossed roads and smashed several homes in the fishing community of getting the vic so now defensive rules and dikes blocked the law of us and further destruction,
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and despite the crowds of steam and ass flights have continued at the countries nearby international airport. this is localized events in the southwest corner of the island on the map. it seems to be many that seems to be very close to the airport. but that's, it's elizabeth saving below the surface reservoirs of mike might have continued to mass on the scene, often a warming of possible further explosion. this storm of orange and red. the latest reminder for the small population of this island nation that spec to interruptions will remain a regular feature of life here. so many decades may be centuries to come with a month, so does it. and that's it for me for this news hour. but tom, a very will be back in a moment with worth a day's news. the
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unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump, with flag folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream on al jazeera, as ancient human remains cold between science and spirituality. both seeking to understand and the owner of those who came before us. the danish, scientists, quests to interrogate the dna. you'll be odious. people in the united states reveals shocking, ethical and personal dynamic remains. a witness documentary on
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a jersey, a. i was planning on a scooter with my cousin. he said, we're on our way home when we saw in his reading the jeep driving towards us. so we started running soldiers begin, shooting. jude was hit in the neck and found it happen near the foot job, a refugee camp near jericho, and they occupied westbank soldiers detained, the wounded boy, accusing him of throwing rocks and pipelines before leaving him. and his really hosp these really hospital where he was treated claims they are owed more than $13000.00 for treating an 8 year old child with a gunshot wound from an is really assault. his father says the bill is so high, it will be impossible to pay posts and you'd officials told they'll just hear that in situations like this is real, deducts the funds directly from customs taxes that it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority. she says she will never write a scooter again,
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the israel says its withdrawal, and troops from northern counts are off to weeks of attacks that have left the trial of death and destruction. the . i'm told mccrae, this is all just there in life from time. so coming up a mixed reactions and a polarized united states of the don't jump is convicted in the hush money trial. look at the implications for the presidential election in november. president spider allows you trying to use american weapons to strike inside russia from the hockey region keeps says this will significantly boost its defense. with more than half the votes counted in south africa's election. the governor.


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