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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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situations like this is we will deducts the funds directly from customs taxes that it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority. she says she will never write a scooter again, the israel says its withdrawal, and troops from northern counts are off to weeks of attacks that have left the trial of death and destruction. the, until mccrae, this is all just there in life from time. so coming up, mixed reactions in a polarized united states of donald trump is convicted in the hush money trial. look at the implications for the presidential election in november. president spider allows you trying to use american weapons to strike inside russia from the
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hockey region. keeps says this will significantly boost its defense. with more than half the votes counted in south africa's election. the governing african national congress remains, shows that the majority of the we'd begin and ghosts are enough to weeks of fighting the as riley army says it has withdrawn troops from several know the neighborhoods. ground troops have pulled back from by the law here and by to look 100 local sources of reporting, the risk you will price. and so now recovering bodies of palestinians killed in these areas that this comes down to the military pulled out of the jabante, a refugee camp is ready, ami says the fighting and jamalia with some of the most intense amid the war. so the military lift behind residential squares and complaints ruins, buildings reduced to rubble in thousands of civilians killed hospitals in the north
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have also been targeted during the attacks. we have this update from the law sales codes from the compiled one hospital and by law here in northern casa to clear, the ground, the version, nothing does sort of is fully completed. and that is where the forces that it's where you are home. the rest of the box was nothing else with a better tweak it from much little bit less. yeah, i shouldn't say on time the doctor i'm talking to are from came out of the hospital which receives dozens of big bodies that came from tell us i thought, i'm sure that that. yeah, and let's just say it's a neighborhood a, the full and the massive of destruction is very use there as well. it forces this floyd, all the infrastructure and service facility. and these neighborhoods, civilians are trying to reach the houses of that areas in order to have something to be useful in the next phase and civil defense altering also to reach a these neighborhoods in order to have the did and rescue the dead bodies of that
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area. but they have difficulties because that is why the forces destroyed all the streets and all that. and just a rough time there was an issue i just so you know, nothing goes for palestine. meanwhile, at least 14 palestinians have been killed and the latest is riley strikes an hour, and those are awesome bridge refugee camps and central cancer. 3 homes with targeted is ready for his eval set up on the car. in l. no serat killing 3 civilians of the honey about me joins us alive now from the obama and central kaiser and honey, what more can you tell us about these is rarely troops pulling back from northern guys are in this just this just kind of destruction that they have left behind the yes tom eliza, this mom and we can safely say that this really military lacks these strategies you
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what's going on on the ground. these are more of a tactical withdrawal. they happened before these a history of this behavior happening more than one time in the past. whether in the northern part, in the city or upon eunice or in the eastern part of gaza city. we seen this. the practice is on the ground happening repeatedly where there's really military states that it's withdrawing. but within days, within weeks it's back again to the same areas that this has a bully. bombed or sending more mobilizing more ground forces. but what's really going on right now, the treasury to people local residents of the northern part mainly the value of refuge account or over whelmed by the scenes of, of devastation, the trails of destruction caused by the intense bombing campaign with advice, air, or land or sea and the do the work, all that is done by the occupying work for is occupying forces on the ground, not oil leaks. there are signs of, of destruction and damage from public facilities that infrastructure,
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but also the fact that many of the residential homes were set on fire. it burned completely burned down the furniture, the, the, the belongings of people to the point, the area becomes so uninhabitable and would, they will be force into further internal displacement as of not right now. without any social services or means of life. people are going to be forced to be elsewhere just to survive these difficult conditions. also, the scenes are apparent, medics and civil defense collecting bodies of from the streets of from area that they could not do. and the pos are quite horrifying. is remaining family members are searching for missing family members and missing members of their loved ones that are relative in those, the streets, the just increasing the pain and the, the, the feeling that they have been relentlessly targeted and forced into a more of a trauma that keeps it evolving in each passing day. and how do you, of course,
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there was a more is riley strikes overnight and then to this morning, can you just bring us up to date with the, the license from on in regards to that? we're pretty much so i'm looking at the same exact scenario across the gaza strip. then as of now we can see the entire gaza strip has been equally bon equity, destroyed an equity based send back to the stone age. as the size seems of destruction and trades of devastation are quite visible everywhere here were reported from it's everywhere in the street. and then they'll say, right, revenue cameron, bridge refuge account. these 2 places have been quite an atoria support. relentless air attacks for the past 8 months and since the beginning of the of the digit, inside the war, a house that was destroyed in an overnight attack, the 11 people reported killed it, transferred to this hospital. there are other people are still missing under the rubble. several injuries were also transferred to this hospital on
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a separate attack as a car that was carrying a 3 member, one family, and those are running a this, the free meals distribution point for display sam is we're targeting the car. and right now everything happens in no way to deliberately, to stop people either from david is safe leave shoulder in residential home. as we look at the targeted people are displaced families, it from rough, i city to the central area. so either shot or whatever, remaining sense of safety that they have, or preventing them from extending help in helping hand to display family as what happened with the members of the res family who turned there on a private business. that's a kitchen to do that. the on into a free meals distribution point for displace families. meanwhile, is really military continue to strike across rough city, pushing more people into internal, a further internal displacement and causing destruction to merely the eastern area of the city. with many of these are the that a large area of the,
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of the agricultural land being raised, they have both those the infrastructure and the roads, including slot had been road as well as entire neighborhoods, turned into piles of rubble. thanks so much, honey. honey mcknight for us there and darrow bala, the central gaza, or humans, 50 ripples have threatened to ramp up the tags on ships and responds to joins us u. k. a strikes from the city of high data. the allied forces. i targeted 3 locations in the port city and a bit to stop the ripples from attacking ships in the red sea. and who's the media solely 16 people were killed and thousands more were injured. the rebels had been targeting shipping in the red sea and the gulf of items since november and to show of solidarity with palestinians. in garza. the old trump has condemned what he is cooling a regular to trial after becoming the 1st form of us president to be convicted of
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a crime. the jury in new york found trump guilty of all of $34.00 charges and his so called hash money. trump. he will be sentenced just days before the republican convention and the policy will fully nominate him as the presidential candidates john henry and proponents from new york. after more than 9 hours of deliberations, a jury of 12 new yorkers delivered their historic verdict guilty on all charges that made donald trump the 1st former president in us history to become a convicted criminal. he was found guilty on $34.00 charges of falsifying business records in connection to hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels. as the news filtered outside the court house, there were celebrations, along with a small number of opponents of trump would gather it wasn't long after the verdict that it clearly fuming trump let his feelings be known. this was a great price gonna be november.
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and they know what happens here. everybody knows what happens here, whether he likes it or not. what actually happened is that the jury apparently believed trumps former fixer michael cohen, on whose testimony much of the prosecution's case. huh. trump's lawyer spent 2 days trying to poke holes and cones testimony saying he was motivated by revenge in money, but it wasn't enough. the man who brought the chargers manhattan district attorney elvin bragg gave his reaction a short time later while this defended. maybe unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial and ultimately to date this verdicts in the same manner as every other case that comes to the court room doors. by following the facts and the law. in doing so without fear or fever, the evidence was overwhelming of trump skilled, but still to see
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a jury come back in 2 days and with a verdict of guilty on off 30 counts of a former president. i mean it's, it's a really sad day for the united states because you don't want to see a former president indicted and convicted of criminal charges. and yet, it's also so clear that trump engaged in so much can we gallery, in order to obtain the presidency in the 1st place. the verdict and the court of public opinion has yet to be delivered for the republican party's candidate for president. trump sentencing is scheduled for july 11th for days before the republican national convention, where he is expected to accept his parties. nomination for president is a convicted sentenced, fellow. the manhattan jury did what to presidential impeachment and a federal investigation could not do render. a historic verdict that labeled the former president and former fellow new york or the criminal john henry l. g 0 new york to south africa. now we have more than half of the votes from its general
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election on wednesday, have been counted. partial results show the governing amc party is fully short of a majority for the 1st time since a to power 1994. if it fails to win more than 50 percent of the vote, it will be forced to seek coalition partners of more on this. we're going to go to somebody to mila who's at the results of operation, sent it in the town of mid rand, somebody that what's the latest on the account? where are they at? and when are we likely to hear a final results? well they've just age towards the 60 percent of those votes of being counted or well and being verified. and the results of 60 percent of you mentioned the as it goes to that the african national congress is facing in terms of not 3 things. that's the majority mock, and it's likely having to form coalitions. we're going to discuss it a little bit more with the democratic alliance, the official positions, and isn't a thanks so much for your time. the democratic alliance of should be 2000000 votes
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and as proven itself in terms of its performance in the wisdom cape way. it's one so that province. so, so it's in the, a party v a and see could be looking at in terms of the coalitions. it's going to have to form to maintain the majority, but we're still looking at multi policy charts or policies. now, the smaller proxies, if you went into a deal with, into the selection, and you'll be speaking to them tomorrow, to see if we can find the cost way into the future that we can all agree on. that is precisely what i wanted to ask you in terms of the chart to the fact that you've signed with the opposition parties. the alternative government you will offering, wanting to rescue south africa as the democratic alliance has said, what would it be providing and what are you looking at? because some of those parties haven't done as well as we might have expected. we say me both, i'll share, i'll share of the voting up with the only part in parliament. the share of the vote actually went up. so we were very pleased with our results and the contribution
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that we can make. unfortunately, our partner parties did not enable the votes to materialize that they were committed to. ready but that's now gone and we have to meet with him tomorrow. we are to show a word and we'll discuss with them with if there's a policy in the future that we can work together. even if in california, majority government together have to go back to the agency in terms of its future that's different from yours. but is it something that you're considering in terms of a coalition and how could you possibly work together? well, if we can find agreement amongst the multi party charts of at 1st has to go to the democratic lines is federal executive. it will discuss options in detail. the condition of options that are on the table. if one party falls below 50 percent, they are things like confidence in supply arrangements. they are things like in order to governments, we could easily full the single position block that was what we chose to do. and
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there are many options of different forms of college. and so if you could get into southern many, many options, and we will be analyzed, one of them and take the one that is least bad for solving the election results. isn't a surprise. we've had projections and i'm, let's look at it for some time. so until the africans have been disillusioned with the governing party, how do you view their direction they've taken in terms of, is it potentially a great to confidence and opposition parties and even newly full bodies, like the m k, which to some extent has taken us by surprise, with regard to how well that part is done as well. i think what it shows us again is that's south africa, very much like of the democracies of africa had a liberation party that did very, very well in the 1st 30 years. and now they fall in under 50 percent, they'll never get above 50 percent. again,
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my prediction is that that will continue to just integrate very much like lifted in sam. be a lot plumbing too much partridge isn't gonna. that is going to receive, i'm getting some gain momentum. and the opposition parties, especially the da, will have to form a solid rational block in the center of south africa and politics, to advance constitutionalism and the rule of law to advance and non racialism into bought some of the basic economy. thank you very much for your time or speech, and they 2 hadn't zillow the democratic alliance. and so to me, a new political era which ever way you look at it in terms of the results of the votes and the changes. so the africans are likely to see in the coming days and months and day. thank you so much for me to somebody to mila for us here in south africa, a couple. so hit hit on al jazeera. we were in helping your guinea with the you in is one of the major risk of disease up a mess of land slide last week. the
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in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rougher offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to give each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a mess and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages. october, 2nd, and return, and i want to stop inside story on al jazeera, the
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interrogate the narrative. there's no question about the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric yet say, look, the correct, but so is the international community upfront. only what, how to do the the, to watch and you'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the ssl is really obvious, visits, withdrawal and troops from several northern neighborhoods and gowns of ground troops of calls back from bad lafayette and the bates noon. this comes down to the military, pulled out of the jabante of richard g can leaving behind
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a trial of death and destruction. for me, you as president, donald trump has been completed on the city full of felony challenges in his circles hush money trial. he's the 1st form of american presidents. we convicted of the criminal offense, the can you cry, and at least 5 people have been killed in 25 injured off. the russians strikes at the eastern city of hockey's. local official said missiles struck civilian areas, including an apartment building a shop and the southern factory. the attacks came out was up to the bottom. the administration partially lifted the band on you, cried, striking targets into russia using us weapons of correspondence and keep john home and explains why the united states has made this you too. mm. this is something that he said has been a red line because he has a way to escalate this conflict and drag him outside powers any more than they
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already have been for some time. and the onset to it is the reality on the situation. specifically in the hall, keep raging. that situation is prompted not just the united states, but also before then the united kingdom at front germany now as well, to agree that the weapons can be used to attack russian targets just in the area on the, on the hall t food or the russian president vladimir putin speaking on choose a new spec is done already gave a signal for this with name. he said that this was something that was serious and that this was an escalation that that would have serious consequences. he was so rude and countries belonging to the nato, eloise, in europe, smooth countries with dense populations that they shouldn't play around with this, that, that could be consequences. oh, sorry for that. now at nights are foreign ministers at the moment having a meeting the night. so at sick 3 general gen stoughton, but had
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a response rush as long as seeing a tax on your printing and source from russian solar winds artillery with miss r as a, as in madison chips, of course, it makes it very hard for your brain to defend themselves, if they're not allowed to use a long swift funds to repel those attacks. so many of us have made it clear that they, of course, accepted about the ukraine is using the weapons they have received with the to defend themselves. since everything by striking i mean to targets inside a restaurant, especially when those meters incentives are used in attracting body for the tax on the on russian. so as china says it's one of the u. s. against into fairing in its internal affairs following a meeting between the 2 countries,
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defense ministers. from june, mid his american count about lloyd austin on the sidelines of a security form and singapore. the us has yet to say how the tool proceeded with a face to face meeting was the 1st between the 2 defense chips. in 3 years of more on this, we're going now to patrick bulk who is in singapore. and this is obviously a highly anticipated meeting between us and china defense chips, but we had a little via from china, but has there been any more detail about exactly what was discussed in that mission that has indeed been some and some measurable outcomes. the headline of which of apps is so to say that so telephone calls between us and chinese ministry. commodities will lose you in the coming months, according to the americans. secretary, austin also said that he welcomed the establishment of a crisis communications working group. that's going to be in place by the end of this year. so there awesome positive development. see come out of this gathering
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here in single pool. that's precisely what many people are hoping that this summer does, that it's false as the gauge went to an understanding separately on those tools. we have gone a bit more detail from the american side as well. uh, we uh, sold the schools previously the chinese said that they were positive and practical and constructive. that was some difficult conversations of what had the americans that they sold to about russia were trying to support for russian. it's one ukraine, north korea, freedom of movement for us forces and what it describes as john is aggressive behavior around taiwan, there was an emphasis on rusher in particular. and as we said before, the us as a repeat of the ones china against support moscow and has recently threatened sanctions against chinese banks if they are found to be propping up a will record. so again, these were very difficult conversations. the chinese side also talked about it's
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red lines, taiwan in particular. so that has been progress evening to the summit officially begins and as the chinese bucks passed in for the defense ministry. well, john said, so, you know, we're not going to be able to resolve these differences in one single bilateral meeting, but still seems together is better than not. so it's all, it sounds like some incredibly positive progress, but it will be it slowly. this obviously happens on the sidelines of the security summit in single can you just explain a little bit about what's expected fit and the rest of today and then to tomorrow. what's on the something that isn't the tournament that we've just heard about a short while ago that as was mentioning in particular, and that's is at the present lot of minutes. uminski is going to be arriving in single pool and will be delivering an address care on sunday that was part of the
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agenda. previously, the organizes was somewhat slow about delivering the list of speakers for this week . perhaps that may have been one of the reasons he is here to promote refrains 10 points, a piece planned. and, you know, this is happening, as you mentioned, just a short while ago as cock cubans coming out the sustained attack from the russians . we have seen some positive developments already today between the the us in china, bap, so be some positive results or for the conflict to your trading as well. okay. thank you so much, patrick. patrick. oh, fuck for us there. in single, a well sorry, season puffing your guinea have rule down, finding any survivors of last week's massive land slide. the government says more than 2000 people may have been killed. although on the a handful of bodies have been recovered, sofa the land slides hits young valley village in the, in the region. last friday, tanya bile has more from into problems. so many houses have been destroyed.
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so people are without shelter. so many canvases and things like that they, they need shelter, the need will talk, then you can read any bidding. these people have lost everything. the area that had coverage was an illness. and the depth, you know, 5 to 8 maintenance of trouble in that land slot. and the other factors that him to the rescue operations and the disaster relief operations is that this is a very rugged province. it's a 3 hour drive, but it's a very rugged and warranty, right? to get that the excess has been exacerbated because over the weekend, tribal flashing broke out along the road and that's brought into a lot of people. it's not so say you need to drive through that fighting zone to get to the side. they do have helicopters, you may see one applied person in the background. they've been doing that all day from an a strip just to the east of us here, bringing in supplies. but really it's, this is a, this is the one of the most rather possible in a very rather country. and they are unable to take any of the bodies using
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machinery because the area is still incredibly unstable. the change focuses on the people who left the people left behind people who being displaced approximately 4000 of them. and so hopefully in the coming days we'll start to see more of those really urgent released supplies start to flowing as governments in eastern india. so at least 14 people have died from hate stroke since this day with dozens more admitted to hospital record breaking hate 5 has also triggered it. was a shortage in parts of the indian capital. daily. the government blinds is on lower levels and the yamuna river. the cities 9, sol. suppose the temperatures have sold above 49 degrees celsius and recent dies. the court has urged the government to declare a national emergency volcano and south west. iceland is spewing lava for a 3rd day. the major option is the 5th to strike the rock independent. she lives since december 3800 people in the nearby fishing village has been evacuated from
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their hugs. but so for me, tell me cry with it is next then inside story will examine whether the appointment of a new prime minister will help stabilize hazy to stay with us. the the hi. lo, there has been a lot of storming conditions across east asia and more of those to come as we move it through the we can particularly across the southern parts of the region, but also up in the know we have fields, thunder storms rolling across the moving parts of china with powerful winds invasion that wasn't fun for those work is that the skies have cleared with a most settled conditions across moving areas with some showers and some cloud pushing across the north,
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east and west of the weather moves away from japan as that system breaks the pot for the east, but for southern parts of china, for taiwan as well. we're going to see some very heavy rain saturday into sunday with a chance of some flooding that now the months in rain. so set in the course of south asia, stretching up into caroline, moving into southern parts of bangladesh and the north east of india. they will continue to push for the north over the next few days into con nashika. tell them not do as well, but it's a story of exceptional record breaking heat for large areas of south asia in particular. for india, the heat to move from the west to the east and much of production had its hottest day ever. on friday, with temperatures are still sitting very high. we've got amber looks out across the northeast and the and the north west. the whole at 46 on saturday. june 1967, 6 days the re drew the map of the middle east to dark colored aircraft appeared
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from a distance just as we were focusing on. they dropped the bombs on the run out as they were exposed the events leading to the will and its consequences, which it still felt today. and it was such as the start of his land. the war in june on which is era hazy, has a new prime minister, gary condo is chosen to turn the country around. of games control, most of the capital and violence is killed and then just thousands. so con condo, bring the stability hate to nice. this is inside storage the
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