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tv   The War In June  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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are investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. now to sierra the only lock in doha, the top stories i'll choose or after weeks of fighting the is really army says it has withdrawn troops from several northern neighborhoods in gauze on group ground. troops have pulled back from basically here, and they have noon a day after they withdrew from jamalia refugee camp. the military left behind residential squares and complete rooms. buildings reduced to rubble and dozens of civilians killed. hospitals in the north have also been targeted during the attacks and we have this update now from what
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a good note from the come all at one hospital and basically here in northern garza, just to clear the ground, the version, nothing does sort of is fully completed and that is why the forces that it's where you are home, the rest of the box was nothing ghost with a better tweak it from mush a little bit louder. yeah. let's just say on time the doctor, i'm talking to a phone, came out of the hospital, which receives thousands of big bodies that came from todd of this. i thought, i'm sure that that. yeah, and let's just say it's a neighborhood a, the full and the massive of destruction is very use there. as lately forces this floyd, all the infrastructure and service facility. and these neighborhoods, civilians are trying to reach the houses and that areas in order to have something to be useful in the next phase. and civil defense altering also to reach these neighborhoods in order to have the did and rescue the dead bodies of that area. but they have difficulties because that is why the forces destroyed all the streets and
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all that. and just off towards the or was it the fluids? i just see it. uh, nothing does a flip. paula sign, former us president, donald trump has been convicted on 34 felony charges and his so called harsh when he trial. he's the 1st former american president to be convicted of a criminal offense. it faces up to 4 years in prison for each count and ukraine. at least 5 people have been killed and $25.00 injured after russian strikes at the eastern city of harkins, local officials said missiles struck civilian areas including an apartment building a shop. and so in factory, the attacks came hours after the binding administration partially lifted, a ban on ukraine, striking targets in russia, using us weapons to south africa. now where the election results so far show the governing a z party is falling well short of
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a majority. for the 1st time in 30 years, with almost 60 percent of the vote declared at the amc as just 42 percent. while this would force it to form a coalition with other parties in order to remain in governments and authorities and pop, while new guinea have ruled out finding any survivors of last week's mass of land slide, the government says more than 2000 people may have been killed although only a handful of bodies have been recovered so far. this last slide hits the angle region last friday. the local communities in anger, problems have gathered in a show of grief for those they lost their prime minister of copper. new guinea visited to express the sorrow after disaster. you told them the whole country was morning with them. the will do, i must best make it my legal fees. my pipe from the quotes we have received
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access to moving the ground, so it'd be really stable. that's what we can imagine is what this, i'm not in with machinery in case that causes another long flight. possibly. government said eastern india say at least 14 people have died from heat stroke since thursday, with dozens more admitted to hospital. the record breaking heat wave has also triggered a water shortage in parts of the indian capital daily. the government blames it on low levels in the moon or river. the city's main source of water. temperatures have stored about 49 degrees celsius in recent days of ports has perched for governments to declare a national emergency. and those are your headlines. there's continues here on al jazeera after the war. in june. the
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15th of may 1967 a parade military might. to celebrate 19 years since the founding of the state of israel. but this public display of power took place under a dark shadow the previous day. egyptian president come on, i've done nothing. i had ordered his forces to take up positions along the buddhist with israel. the scheme in the past on some and that monica mostly the volume, the volume of so i give them everything still every 3
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weeks later on the 5th of june, 1967 is when launched out against its ard mavis. after only 6 days of fighting chief total victory defeating the armies of egypt, jordan and syria, the cost meet with him at church at the i mean sion shave it plays. i mean it was very high shoals by slowly. that's right, but it's more like the summer the music stuff is yeah. we have well, we don't have the noun is released as the 6 day will. israel's territorial gains would change the map of the middle east. the to this day is really
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occupation of these lands, is the main bought to piece in this turbulent region. is huge territory, which he's really um, you had conquered it completely intoxicated. everybody was intoxicated, no one could even think straight. but the story of this war is much longer than the 6 days of fighting its roots. lea is aaliyah 2 decades before the 5th of june. 1967 the
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the tennessee leads. the 14th of may 1948 the day that zine lita david fen, gloria, and declared these stablished men of the state of israel on the day off to the declaration, 5 arab armies and took palestine. the lebanese attacked from the north, the syrians, iraq. he's an jordanians from the east. but the most serious threat came from the south. the different army advanced to the village of given that fishes 20 to confirm with us from tennessee, developed a very simple line of soldiers who were defending. what was practically the last line of defense of that of you? but the pressure on these riley's was relieved when are you and broke?
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a truce came into effect designers. the movement purchased arms on the europe in black markets. the arable armies, of course, enjoyed mainstream supplies from a states, the french supplied the lebanese and the syrians, the british supply, the egyptians, the jordanians, and there at peace with a constant stream of arms. the in 1948 to the united nations imposed an embargo on arms shipments to the middle east . and the british and the french abided by this. and barbara when the truce run out these relays, now bet you set out to expel. we are of armies from palestine. the theme i made the last carry of cobra, the 4th 3 of the homeless, the tenants check the loan, hawthorn can the on the bottoms, we have the other guy,
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him, the newspaper. he's going to have a lot of the old dominion some the one about the by the end of october, as is really troops advanced, and egyptian brigade was encircled at the palace, sending village called on fellowship. among the officers trapped in this pocket was a young major. the man i've done most of the with the army is locked in a stalemate, egyptian and is ready. delegations met on the island of rhodes. under the sponsorship of the you and the offer a month of bargaining, they reached an honest disagreement. well, 1st of all,
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they had to put them into the fighting. i believe with egypt wants to get out of there as much as israel wanted. and then the question was mostly about evacuating this legit bucket. did you know through tauriel demands from his room. so it was relatively easy to reach a cease fire by the summer of $194911.00 on jordan and syria had also signed almost disagreements with israel. in the jewish state now extended over almost the whole of palestine. our territory was reduced to just a few small enclaves, eastern jerusalem, and the westbank were placed under jordanian control. the gaza strip was to be administered by egypt. in the midst of defeat
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camelot, the north side conceived a plan that would change the future of egypt. a movement that would be known as the free offices so we can see them and the more what if it's something that would raise your muscle? how do i, but i cool 11 cavity black or, and the kind of negative side that when the heavy set of took 3. but the rad, if it's a pleasure to die on a level, i mean the will, the other, some of what i poured was that out. well, for the gas that are 3 use of to the end of the room, the free offices struck in july 1952. they launched a crew data egypt king photo was deep preowned and sent into
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exile. lieutenant colonel, mount ogden, the said the most to mind behind which was now cold. the july revolution quickly rose to be the country's defect, to lead to the israel. this news arouse deep rooted fees and keep a stable can retirement home of israel's founding. prime minister david fingering of the inquiry and all the time, fear that one day a new co at the 2 would rise in the world and we'd unite the colorado blows against ease and depth. feet or the prevention was enhanced when messic october 9th
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and february 1955. been green and return to political life. this time as defense minister the just a week of to been grant took up the post. 150 is really paratroopers, led by major ariel sharon, was sent to attack and egyptian army base, knew the city of casa 40 egyptian soldiers were killed. and many more injured. the girl came back, decided immediately to show this is resolved by this time from the egyptian border provocations. and the attacks by infield traders were on the rise
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to i'm the mass of the year. what exactly are, what is mass of samuel comes to come see what is dumb ibp bodily. getting medina, wasa as well. ok some you and the husband, i think the letting the answer well and that has a lot to that would mean out of a ali claiming they rejection territorial waters. no. so close the turnaround, straight at the entrance to the gulf of africa, to ship sailing to and from these reports of a lot the to strength and he's army know so, so to more weapons from the west. but this time to no avail.
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the so in a surprise, moves to turn to east russia has new, found a minister, i missed the ship, he lost, lost no time in taking a personal pod in middle east defends, and he was soon engaged in talks with president national egypt scientists, huge arms do with chickens. slovakia which was actually with the soviet union to this was back here, was supposed to supply egypt with 200 aircraft tanks . 1000 kelvin. it was something fabulous. the in november 1955, been green, begun a 2nd term. as israel's prime minister. at the top of his
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agenda was how to respond to the growing strength of egypt. now on to the t, the h months later, the opportunity came. one north for the announce the nationalization of the suez canal. the decision that outraged the british and french, the owners of the international canal company. this is a matter of life and death towards all our portal is knocked with age still alas for the out of what it is with the gun on us, it shows that he's not a man who can be trusted under the merchant
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and from so what convinced that military intervention would be needed to recapture the canal and bring down the upstart small side. but to pre text was needed on the lease and the be known as the the category of products as low as what i put in my homecoming most i really, i felt home is very, i looked at the whole i to assess in on hire a plumber. men delilah thought i'll find them with the heavy body of the hospital and myself with the ashbrook m. yeah, i like anybody this at all been caught that kind of pop up to you know what most of this i thought of for for the as the yeah. let me get that out. front onset and normally island according to this tripod tide secret agreement on the 29th of october,
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1956 is really forces cross the border in egypt. even though these really is, was still some distance from the canal burton and from cold for both sides to withdrawal. when also rejected, the ultimate sense british and french troops began landing and food science at the mediterranean and the canal, the united states was not consulted in any way about any phase of these actions, nor were we informed of them in advance. it is our hope it into this matter will be brought before the united nations general assembly there with no veto operating the opinion of the world can be brought to bear in our quest
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for a just in to this, to our meeting problem by the end of december, under heavy international pressure, the british and french were forced into a humiliating withdrawal from both sides. the global attention now shifted to israel, still occupying the whole of assign 9 and the gaza strip. but he's, he's on our side of the incitement senior. the 2nd level up. yeah. so you have the ease len prince can is it saw by then it cut off that is a half plus what possible was all about the car to know where the which gets the planet in march. 1957 been during
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and finally all these really all me to withdrawal to the pre will voters. however, he had secuity 2 major gains, the stationing of un troops along the borders with egypt, and garza put an end to the palestinian said to use raids inside is really territories. and israel was guaranteed free passage of have shipping. through the toronto straits, the side light contain gave israel actually about 10 years of unsigned peace of the egyptian border between 9057 and 96 to 7. there was a total call but the fragile piece on the board is most
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continuing hostility between cairo and tennessee and israel as a to fight some. and the commander of the air force was devising a new strategy operation focus. i made these a monitoring some ok, the shame low mat thoughts deeply happy to us will a concept that she i'm not going to look for him. it's almost leaving what see what that machine was a beta. how many can we tell you? even it's new file, we only want to see an opposite leaving both of them. this network would soon face this 1st major test. not though the hands of fights men's efforts. but through the result, actions have been, is really peace activist. even nothing was measured pilot
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and as a gimmick for elections of 1965, he bought the airplane, painted it twice and put named bees and said if i'm elected to the next, i would fly to egypt. he was not elected to build a small number of people voted for him, but by that time he became very serious of this. so one day, without any announcement, he took off this displaying a being the time blinded inputs, egypt in february, 1966. and then this one is the, this will see this, i will say the will say that the egyptians treated him very nicely. they did not let them into egypt,
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but they let him feel his tank goverlan and sent him back. the 10 sleight had revealed the weakness of egypt defenses. but israel still had a major concern to make 21 a high performance, supersonic, so beautified to inform the backbone of the arab forces. but it too would soon give up its secrets. in august 1966, any rocky pilot planned israel with these make he had been offered a 1000000 us toners to defect. but it would turn out to be was every cent
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donation for our chief test by that of the air force check the airplane. and when you all, it's this advantages of the meat one year one which was the airplane of their warning, the enemy hands it was not long before with these readings, had learned about the meeting was put to the test, an actual combat in april 1967 the buddhist skirmishes with syria escalated into a full scale areas. we set down 7 aircraft. it was such a big story and these are in the airport. in the weeks following the special reports, possibly originating with soviet's intelligence began to come in, the israel was massing, it's on the, on the syrian border, the kind of current escalation. it's sped
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north side into action. on the 14th of may, 1967 people who did it gyptian troops in to sign the most definitely when a subpoena yet when new move out of the in the me of the team as far as getting that whether to be seen that i have low she mean, i don't know about that, that is about the been in the home. but i'm and was out the how would in that that the zoom out to head to the but small said also saw an opportunity to try to roll back the games. israel had secured following the 1956
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was the on the 16th of may, egypt, us the u. n. to withdrew its peacekeeping troops from sign. i'm the a week later. now, so the announce the closing of the, to your own straight to is really shipping news of most there's actions, boot people out onto the streets all across the are as well as the tamia. it'll be if he has the product. so really, so he looked at the moment, let's see, i see a while, i'm in in the, in the for that. but we didn't get upset, but it can be send a little bit of the feel. but because the, the, the, him a, the israel's new cabinets on delivery as
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coal, took the decision to open hostilities. on the 5th of june, 1967, the air force was given, the green lights to launch operation, focus the aerial attack. it had been rehearsing for years. these really had to roll the dice, which would determine the future of the states the of the since these whales were on gaza, thousands of on the simians hoping indiscriminately displaced. certainly forces are systematically targeting health care infrastructure. hospitals of one of the only safe options to seek refuge until we became targets. so most wages war from hospitals. i've never seen a soldier inside the hospital,
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which is the real world investigates where the east ran is violating international . no, but targeting supposedly a new crisis. dr. silver on hospitals on tuesday or the latest news as it breaks. the heart fidelity is a very critical point right now. we're not far from completely shutting down all this further. this with detail coverage houses are being forced to the guns they live with the constance. fear that more is right is hawks, are never far behind from the hall. so the story, the is very well in the going to slip has led to talk that can go in the military and condition as a huge amount of waste, like the pod hitch. i mean to be israel, it noticed the cold peace. i think that the new thing, the f one is government with this is 5 digit, you say getting less so late? thought provoking nonsense that you made weapons of being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running
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mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the fact that he decided to present as not that important effective he had the story on told to how does era the a long walk and do have the top stories on algae 0 after weeks of fighting these really army says it has withdrawn troops from several northern neighborhoods and gaza. ground troops pulled back from bella, here and baked her noon a day after. they withdrew from jamalia refugee camp the military left behind residential squares and complete rooms, and dozens of civilians killed hospitals in the north have also been targeted during the attacks. and humans who is the rebels to have threatened to ramp up a tax on ships in response to joining us,
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u. k. airstrikes on the city of data. they the allied forces to say they targeted 3 locations in the 4th city and a bit to stop the rebels from attacking ships and the red sea. who's the media say at least 16 people were killed and dozens more were injured. the rebels have been targeting shipping in the red sea in gulf of aidan since november. they say it's in solidarity with palestinians in gaza. and former us president donald trump has been convicted on $34.00 felony charges and his so called harsh money trial. he's the 1st former american president to be convicted of a criminal offense. he faces up to 4 years in prison for each count. this was a great price gonna be november and ukraine. at least 5 people have been killed and 25 injured after russian strikes. is the eastern city of harkins,
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local officials said missiles struck civilian areas including an apartment building, a shop and a sewing factory. the attacks came hours after the bargain. ministration partially lifted, a ban on ukraine, striking targets and russia using us weapons, us governments in eastern india. so you at least 14 people have died from heat stroke since thursday with doesn't is more admitted to hospital. the record breathing heat wave has also triggered a water shortages in parts of the indian capital daily. the government blames it on low levels in the moon or river, the city's main source of water, temperatures of sword above 49 degrees celsius in recent days, the court has urged the government to declare a national emergency. and i up to speed with headlines. the news continue is right here on al jazeera after the war in june. the
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in cairo, the morning of monday, the 6th of june, 1967. a day that will change the history of the middle east. the claim is waiting to take off towards sinai. marshall, after the fact you mohammed, deputies, supreme commander of the egyptian armed forces, is making a morale. boosting visit to troops deployed on the port is with israel for the last 3 weeks. but this gibson show a strength was put to good use spies. really media memories of the holocaust when folks to persuade is released, they were facing a threat to their very existence the difference with the nazis,
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mazda and also was never mentioned by name in the people media. it's a times what's called the junction tire, and that's what his name in washington us president, lyndon b johnson issued a stock phoning to which of a side should start the rule. it was a thinly veiled threats to the egyptian leadership. it's done at the how the, how about he's going to have the most of the but you low some of the vin uh to the cause of what to go with the thought when and of but have a model that i little has before it's initially, but thought about when i went to how to m rico,
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a saw ease. i'm not the point of how to dislike. the in fact is around the apparently the under dog was far more prepared for any of these are the opponent the is really chief of stuff. it's how could it be to the front line to meet truth waiting for green lights. the some of these action also is a head to mobilize on it forces owners and also to think that we should sykes those. and this to, i think 1st was in the action. what we thought i'm gonna assume on the, the,
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the opening attack would be the much for us to opperation focus on the, an aerial stripe to destroy the egyptian, as on the ground, the in the early hours of the system, the june 1967. these really asked who was prepared to deliver the 1st blow when they wake up in the morning and came to the briefings will vote on the blackboard. our was the 745. the $200.00 is really jets took to the
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they would arise every chips and fields would exactly 7 45 am to avoid radar detection. they flew fast. most then west stood with the mediterranean turning south. the plains came in from the north, not from the east, as the egyptians had anticipated the in game a game. and they would do that and how to get in the field because of kind of attends a lot of them on the stuff that's cool, but it's in the way know everything is very easy as you train many,
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many times before. he's over there located very easy on the ground is not far from the wrong. this was not the big problem to strike then immediately there's so big torches with the smoke over all those airfields. it sends out enough to g. late late. i've submitted a bunch and go and send home why had can says if say to so to move on to how us a my thoughts get a vision and his there may have you meet the i had the off. i didn't know how to sit in the corner of the dental for the last 3 months. by mid day, these release had successfully attacked 18 fields.
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the objections had lost 80 percent of the air force. more than $300.00 planes destroyed on the ground, the pay off, but the kind of machine. so for the same, i thought as you want to use this, the bush i'm to button i messaged. if i go with going to go in and go with that on saturday, i run a cli, cairo radio was caring false reports of the total failure of the enemy's air attack with news coming in of egypt, supplier and success. jordan, syria and iraq. now launch their own as strikes
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and these appear to be able to be shown news, every single shanty that you know, there's a sound video, then it don't seem it's death to flash as seriously. that's a little play, or what i am, somebody's in the snow will decide the manual to him, them to say they me the ineffective though they what those attacks gave these really is a pretext to widen the scope of the whole operation focus was extended to cover fields in children, syria and even a key base and iraq h 3, or the only base for mistake with an h is low, and the only base in which recruit and age with the laptops, feel it so, like to that today, i take a mazda base, not far from damascus,
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quote of god, the syrians last tossed the craft, c h 3, f sealed, and iraq was put out of action. and jordan's air force was totally destroyed. by sunset on the 1st day of operation focus had guaranteed israel total as superiority in the skies over the middle east. the, the arab armies would now be fighting with no support the, the outcome of the war had been field leading, seeing that there is no example history of the world of vision of such
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a total strike. and the total effect may be the only time that they can compare it to the level that they hold. just jump on the is on file hubble, which was also great. so pleasant that was almost designated and completed in the pacific on the ground, egyptian forces were faring much better. they had succeeded in holding up. he's really on the phones and just saw the hit, the gyptian deputies supreme command, marshall i'm it was about to take a disastrous decision. it's routes planned. his attempted visit to the front line the day before the
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mentor. see me say leave us. the us saw the, the jessica should be see night bill this month. a small bus. my thought sweet sweet carlo seems gotten. assume it's, i'm not a shuttle. i'm in victoria. how much they are clearly. i mean, sleep the victim, best stop him up, swipe up, smoke a few minutes i'll say could obviously miraculously, the plane was able to return to cairo. but marshall i'm it had been shocked by witnessing israel's as supremacy at 1st times the, the next day i'm going to order an immediate withdrew as a gibson troops from sinai, an order which led to the total collapse of the egyptian from the,
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the cost that much of the i mean sion shave it plays, i mean it was by you cushion by slowly. that's right. that's i'm like, i'm in the summer. the music stuff ish for yeah. we have where they come. come on shy sig, i got some sleep. last deal. it's called like a shuttle no less deal. it's caught up by your vin lift, some simple shape. i need to hon. i got the glass sheets. um we caught, that slowed up will be in by slowly on the start date. some him get when you should come on law you're behind by slowly on the by the 4th day of the rule is really troops reached the eastern bank of the suez canal
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and they had occupied the whole, the sign i peninsula and the gaza strip. live if he has a 100 gasket e look if additional let me know for his own, but it's time for bed. the consent was shooting though it had been enough for the sea autumn has been posted on the previous day. these release had also tasted success on the eastern front. ending the short lived was launched by jordan's kings pressing by 11 o'clock in the morning the 1st day virtually after we destroyed the junction of course, but jose in,
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in knowing that time on the country and also called him up and said, we are winning. well, when do you enroll chair? he didn't do a legal offensive. it was unable to do it. but he, clunk of the hills around the government calls it endangers the southern part of june. and then as far as, as well, on the bye, know if you're under the all the way as calm is id houses. so this is in the, on the often noon of the 1st day of the these release began their results again to to damian. the bottle soon escalate and 2 days later, a hold of the west bank and jerusalem felt these re lease
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mister cuz he might have been a. and i will say i'm is leaving the something that the whole event will not give you the funding. as legal out via which they both have to go to the chevy on. i got a penny on linda. how they have been the cost of the like the actual value all gummed. bush of the color you with the symbol of the with the will. but over on the egyptian and jordanian friends and ignoring and you and cool for a ceasefire, israel's high come on now decided to secure its voyages with syria. on the 5th day of war is really troops began to climb the strategic goal on heights . on similar to the situation that they need, but is that what is it? what can try to have? the vision will be a little bit of it and then you have the model itself,
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or steve can many as opposed to the one that's out of the customer to call on. so what he should, he said then but on the 6th day of the war, damascus read you made an unexpected announcement. syria had accepted the un ceasefire with no advance holding given to the troops fighting on the co, not approved costs fatally undermined syrian on the resistance. the, the man blamed for the armies collapse, was the minister of defense, a man who would eventually rise to power in syria. house was
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a set the, these rallies pushed on and occupied the whole of the golan heights the let me have them up, but we've got a couple of the cs here. and if you add that to that he can walk, walk up the clock not. but he is, yeah, but i'm glad you got them in the home at the end of the 6 day of fighting and only when attend achieved all its goals. israel accepted the u. n. c's via the guns fell silent. the arabs had suffered a humiliating defeat. the
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web, the challenge at move in april. i know you him, if he isn't in any of this guy, did you need to have more than miss lea? a while i had to cut on 40 to whom demi on and to say and with me on a lot of people and then i had them. and when i had a and i'm a month. so the address me the way the word in the see an hour that allows for full. if you give me a here at the, would you be my had a more opinion of the under heavy, popular prussia know, so rescinded his decision to step down from the presidency
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and attempts to regain the lost. our territories began. israel had tripled its size, capturing the sign peninsula, big guns, and strip the west bank, eastern jerusalem on the golan heights davis songs near with victory. i bumped the huge intoxication of vic to me this fuel, to unique man headquarters victory of these lily army in the war. it was a good idea such as the history of his land, these riley's boss and an aura of invincibility. but the victory was just the start of even greater complications which still plague the middle east to this day.
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israel found itself governing and being responsible for a 1000000 palestinians and the newly occupied because the strip westbank and jerusalem i took about 6 months to rome around the newly calculate their daughter's the hosting. the west granting does site and they came back and they said uh, look, uh uh there is uh, another people there and they have a national movement. so what do we do? either we, we concourse them the 38th, is sort of in a butterflies state or we have the low to put them into the state because there's room in the west bank and gaza should be
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a basis for future negotiations, theoretical condition of their rights to have the state of their own environment state to that old in the west bank and gaza. the what israel chose was and still remains the 1st option. and the often most of the war, israel declared what is called the unification of jerusalem. the antonia holy city was placed under is really jurisdiction, including christian and muslim holy sites, the we uh the government and the only government in the area that just decided that we have obligations and privilege and you choose their,
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the obligation unfairly to maintain law and order and to provide the paper with services and the way suitable standards of living as a government, like every government was its citizen. furthermore, and in defiance of international law, is really settlers began to move into the west by the territory. they called judea and samaria. the lands which they wanted to circle in were the core and heartland over the jewish people. in biblical times, this is where judaism emerged. so it was natural that there would be this masonic urge to settle those areas. even perhaps even clear out arabs from these areas. this didn't happen. the jewish settlements were placed there, and this is made things much more complicated for peace making care.
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in addition to the west spine settlements was spreading in the gaza strip sinai. and on the going on heights the and as these railings tightened the grip on the occupied territories, it became clear they had no intention of returning them. the hello solomon is all easy to get a human holiday. okay. the problem to get sent to my, most of them is that we're going to block away more people via the guy. so that's an electrical and locked into saw adf. i'm in the, in my quarters in this i think the wolf come to the model of the full physical data from technical books. one of them said multiple to matters. know what i'm just to give you, but i don't think all right. well then yeah, pretty much the volkswagen in october
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1973. after just 60 is the arabs aiming to restore the territories and the dignity would launch another move. the israel was about to receive a shop from mind of the fund resiliency is thought to ted combs could forever in the war of june. 1967, the the hello there. let's get you where the full cost for south america and temperatures
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have been very disappointing. across the southern parts of the region, in particular, full argentina when a service only seeing 17 degrees celsius that on friday we've had some very frosty and cold starts to the day. but it is while the settled, there's some sunshine coming through. that's not the case with southern parts of chile with what's and windy weather to come in here, but it's looking dryer for the north of this across most essential areas of brazil . that's good news. the southern parts of brazil west across the very crust that the temperature is offset to rise across that central zone for places like power. why? beast in areas of brazil, re a decent arrows. think 27 degrees celsius that i'm the heat is on. across the north, the likes of ecuador, we've got warnings out for high temperatures, here for the northwest through the weekend, and the heat is on across central america and the caribbean as well. cuba. so it's hard to stay in the western region with temperatures picking above 38 degrees
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celsius now. so it is all still high hill across from mexico and across most southern parts of central america. the heat will continue to bloss these areas, but that's what's the weather coming into the south. on friday, the ancient human remains cold between science and spirituality. both seeking to understand and the owner of those who came before us. the danish scientists, quests to interrogate the dna you earliest people in the united states reveals shocking, ethical and personal dynamic. remains a witness documentary on a jersey to that. we know what's happening in irish and we know how to get to places that others tend on. i want to die by the forty's on purpose. as far as
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the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the the hello, i'm a little rock. this is the news. our life from the are coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel says it's pulled out troops from northern gaza after weeks of attacks that have left death and destruction. and he's the 1st former us president to be convicted of a crime. all my donald trump's paid for the void house be affected. more deals for volume is last is ukraine is.


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