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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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so far as i said, i'm going, i'm gonna save you the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the the hello, i'm a little rock. this is a news our life from the are coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel says it's pulled out troops from northern gauze on after weeks of attacks that have left death and destruction. and he's the 1st former us president to be convicted of a crime like donald trump's paid for the void house be affected. more a deals for volume is last 2 years. ukraine is given the go ahead. so use us
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weapons to stripe targets inside russia. and with more than half the votes counted in south africa as the election majority rule or the african national congress isn't doubts. i'm joining control sco with the sports the dallas mavericks have for the best thoughts and the n b a finals against the boston celtics. maps advancing by crushing the ministers, the symbols full one in the western conference finals the while we begin in gaza and after weeks of fighting these rarely army says is pulled out troops from several northern neighborhoods while they've pulled back from beta here and beat her news local sources, reports the bodies of palestinians killed in these areas are being recovered. all this comes a day after the is really military pulled out of the to ball. your refugee camp is
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rarely army says the fighting was some of the most intense of the war. and israel's military left behind residential squares, incompletes rooms, buildings, reduced to rubble and dozens of civilians killed. hospitals in the north were also targeted during the attacks. and we have this update for you from lots of notes from the come all odd one hospital. and basically here in northern casa, or was it clear the ground, the version, nothing does sort of is fully completed, and that is why the forces the victory to our home, the rest of the box was nothing else with a better tweak it from much little bit less yeah, a she has a attendance doctor. i'm talking to her from kim, out of the hospital, which receives dozens of big bodies that came from time this i thought i'm sure that that. yeah, and let's just say it's a neighborhood a, the full and the massive of destruction is very use there as well. the forces destroyed all the infrastructure and service facility. and these neighborhoods,
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civilians are trying to reach the houses of that areas in order to have some things to be useful in the next phase and civil defense offering also to reach these neighborhoods in order to have the did and rescue the bid bodies of that area. but they have difficulties because this lady forces destroyed all the streets and all that and has to have tried the logic of fluids. i just see it uh nothing goes for palestine. meanwhile, at least 14 palestinians have been killed and the latest is rarely airstrikes and the so that's and to bridge the refugee camps in the central garza, 3 homes targeted is really forces have also bombed a car in, on the side us killing 3 civilians. all right, let's bring it in our correspondence with panica abrazzo who is in there in bella, and central guys on a soccer. bring us up to speed in terms of the latest air strikes
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where a line fact to the is very mandatory has been pressing on with its military offensive course multiple areas in the territory. the main focus a military operation is now is in the separate part of the, in part to kayla in a roughly district. we clearly understand that they use for the army has to full militarily and the peroration of control over philadelphia. ruth, it's very notable, a remarkable, also advancement of them a new, very minute 3 times to the central areas of russell has bottles the on the close funding thing in the, in the roof. i streets are continuing to rage in that area and the more casualties arriving to hospitals that are absolutely in the western parts of the city. we are talking about field hospitals at the same time. new offensive has been carried out specifically about new air strikes have been targeting residential houses where a number of palestinians being recruited cubes. in rough i, district of tar multiple residential building stuff was completely destroyed. but
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at the same time, the situation is relatively calm in the middle area. but in the north of this trip, as we have been talking to residents, the, the situation is getting more critical as the is what he meant to bring to, to have made a kind of tactical withdrawal from the value of refuge account. now they are stations in the eastern areas over jamalia. at the same time. troops have been deployed. the snipers, i've been shooting, everyone is moving to the eastern areas. even families what trying to recheck what has to be left behind from the is when it with a i was in that very densely populated area that has tend to be a graveyard and reduce the requisite just incredibly grim situation. thought of, i mean, how are people coping with these relentless attacks and these very, very difficult circumstances were level i've been talking to a number of low codes in different, but i think the news and even in the southern parts of the cars are for families in the south are trapped in a very tiny strip of land pools of milwaukee area. that level kinds of basic
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necessities in the middle palestinians are trying to keep from the shuttle the bottom until the ongoing military campaign by going to the beach and towing to lease or calling to make it to a psychological pressure. as the military campaign has no end in sight, they have been talking to people. this what they have been said to these children of finding an escape from israel's will and goes a love to enjoy showing how life should be here. in contrast to the reality of supreme unhook during months, so is very a tax $17000.00. and the goal is a strip of living without an adult protection because of the rates it from the assemblies. surely love it is that i am here to play and swim. we want to forget the horrors we are living in the destruction of a family of clifton house, father and brothers in gaza. and here i am with my mother. i am living in
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a tent more than 15 sounds of children have been killed since october was the 81000 palestinians who have been wounded. excluding thousands will have had amputations, a list of children, j and the despite the horrible conditions we are living, we come to the sea side. the only thing left for us to seek some concepts. there's innocent children did nothing wrong to go through all this tyra. we're trying to help them here, mentally, and psychologically hoping they will have a normal and positive future. we the old generation, already traumatized and scott, this is our last result. flimsy tons of little protection and searing heat. nearly 2000000 people have been repeatedly displaced and even tend incompetence. have the bumps while i have them and this is the only place we have to vent a briefing, anger, the environment inside the tent is unbearable. they are loading the absence of
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hygiene flies, a hovering over us day and night. we have tried to get some teen as a fresh breath for our children. needless to say, we feel comfort with me all by the sea, as, as well as the homes. many of these children have lost the favorite clouds, books and toys. they do not have enough to eat and many as during, from hunger, the castles and ascend provide some mental risk points. hundreds of thousands have found a unique with surprise at this speech every day. as these came from the own going solar and often freight to to the is valley too much, always in components of the stress displace palestinian is the last remaining outlet. so i leave you a to the of the growing cycle it you can pressure that they have been during since october the 7th. sorry. so by soon i would just 0. there is that i had a story and dr. james smith is an emergency physician from the u. k, who has been on a medical mission to gaza for the past 2 weeks,
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and he joins us now from the cetera to refugee camp of the doctor. thank you so much for being with us. can you describe what's happening where you are and the conditions a slight everybody. so having me, i think the one thing that i'd like to emphasize on probably move some of our medical activities off from, from a, as soon as the weekend to say that i'm all eyes. of course i wrong, right for right now. but the violence continues across the guy's face last night. let's see what scene here in the said i, we received many trauma wounded patients. and this morning we received the bodies of 3 people, but what killed in an estrange we're told that they were moving to a key issue. um they were providing foods to local communities and they would be a target to destroy it from these ladies on the vehicle. they were driving it in
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addition to the trauma eye injuries that wish they were receiving everyday tons of patients. if there's anything we joined this suspect, the type of sciences, many people who are hungry and the high addresses for this thing with a really serious infections and kind of a medical problems. and are you able to treat these conditions at all? i mean, the health system is being completely back to mates. it's systematically undermines now, not only for 8 months, but for decades. so you're in gaza. what that means is that we like the basic resources needed to treat exceptions with 1st line on somebody else's concepts. say, leaving with the most appropriate dressings and someone having somebody do, and i'm and to, to a normal practice. and we, we want that. so we have, the situation needs only exacerbated as
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a result of that social is ready control of at full border crossings. easy got that now mainly that she monetary access is yes sir, that diminish and i'm specifically access to essential medical equipment. it's medical license. now that is very limited. so what are you able to do that we spend the bleeding with whatever we have. literally we offer the i to buy office that i left in the pharmacy, we try and with both patients all to some of the few hospitals that are still partially functional. menu, petroleum, and just say you should see uh, referred onto outlook. so hospital which has been overwhelming, stops, is the general besides a hospital that is normally meant to have a maximum base capacity of $200.00 patients now and looking at the outputs of
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$700.00 in patients uh per day of speeding the case now since october, november and this is a health system that was brand that i missed your call, but now you know, talking about. and that seems to be unable to recover me. and i'm told doctor that you are on a 2 week of medical mission, but i understand you're surrounded now. well, i would say i'm contentedly unable to leave god there at the moment. i. i feel that it's important for us to be here with the people that of god and the people that might assign. i mean there are 2100000 people who are struggling that in gaza. many of them, of course, also don't want to leave and they once in their life, with dignity and, and, and we piece here in gaza and i was due to, to leave several weeks ago and i'm still here, 6 weeks later,
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i find it to stay as long as i possibly can, we waited with my cost and you'd probably expect, and dr. according to the us state department of israel, so tackled off i, it's not a major operation, but not defining it as a major operation. can you talk to us about the general security situation, what you have seen yourself, and i find those comments a so we, we, we fight this a number of times both from the is radius of the next little supports is in the us administration and elsewhere. the suggestion that what's happening in, in robert is the limits admitted to be paid at providence. sorry, yes. to help the patient, which of course is true, but limited ministry incursion. we're not so which is in science now. reports is the pushing right over to watch the coastline. for the last several weeks, i have watched a strides to the restraints a binary on the shoreline. some of these rating naval more ships. that opposition
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just off the coast. there is nothing to limit. it says about these, right, the minute you incursions around need 1000000 people. many of those people who are already dislikes from elsewhere in roswell, alpharetta and gaza rather be displaced now how? so? we've watched over several weeks now a mass exodus of people, the force displacements of moving uh, 900000 people. i would say probably some of the most grotesque and bar is really vitamins that we have seen. so it's all over the last year dr. james smith, sir, thank you so much for your service. and more solidarity demonstrations have been taking place in parts of the middle east and europe. tens of thousands of people joined riley's and supportive gaza, and then you have many cities of seminar ties and marie, the protesters also condemned western air strikes in. yeah, i'm in the us and
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u. k. say they targeted who is the installations in response to the cruise to tax on ships with suspected links to israel for testers, also march through central by god. the rally comes a day after university students demonstrated in the rocky capital, calling for freedom for palestine as active as in jordan's capital amman. want the country to cut diplomatic ties with washington. the government has been cracking down on rallies, held in support of palestine and several protesters were arrested. and in the german capital berlin university students condemned is really a tax and the southern gaza city, a for alpha. they also called for an end to the war and genocide, the demonstrators took to the streets of trunk as capital colombo to demand an end to israel's war. on guys they gathered outside the one's head office there to call on the organization to do more to stop israel bombing
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a geyser. now fernandez fernandez has more now from colombo and yet to now the process is totally, that'd be a good time to sign the banners. and then you can say stop the genocide and it's the same thing. we actually lumpkins to the standard time of time, even more head no more dollars plays really crime. stoppers really will drive in or usa to easier to say no to genocide isn't generally sort of a feel of the policy at this road the you have. so for us to get a different the use on the people have does or living ins. and so that is why it's not on the mindset. i'm here with my family, my kids. but this is important. is this? yes, subject not just the kind of serious but for our own children living able to be in the would be doing more to see or to petition of the lack of accountability and become feed cottage and lack of a disability of human life that happened here happening that is the incentive to
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get here to say these by an hour and 3 and done it in the day. this group of different organizations concerned citizen came outside the u. n. building that's just behind me in colombo to voice that concern about what's happening in gaza. 8 months of the war. and guys, people say that is, this is launching in human onslaught on the people in palestine and best must stop the some of the jobs. talk about the world is watching the you and do your job . good, more than anything. what struck people here is the inability to stay silence. minute for the end of august 0, colombo, the donald trump is protesting his innocence after becoming the 1st former us president
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to be convicted of a crime. a jury in new york found the trunk guilty of all 34 charges in his so called cash money trial will be sent as just days before the republican party is expected to crown him as this candidate in this year's presidential polk john 100 reports from new york, after more than 9 hours of deliberations, a jury of 12 new yorkers delivered their historic verdict guilty on all charges that made donald trump the 1st former president in us history to become a convicted criminal. he was found guilty on $34.00 charges of falsifying business records in connection to hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels. as the news filtered outside the court house, there were celebrations, along with a small number of opponents of trump would gather it wasn't long after the verdict did it clearly fuming trump let his feelings be known. this was
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a great price gonna be november and they know what happens here. everybody knows what happens here, whether he likes it or not. what actually happened is that the jury apparently believe trump's former fixer michael cohen on whose testimony much of the prosecution's case huh. trump's lawyer spent 2 days trying to poke holes in cohen's testimony saying he was motivated by revenge in money, but it wasn't enough. the man who brought the chargers manhattan district attorney alvin bragg gave his reaction a short time later, while this defendant, maybe unlike any other in american history. we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes to the court room doors. by following the facts and the law. in doing so without fear or fever, the evidence was overwhelming of trump skilled, but still to see
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a jury come back in 2 days and with a verdict of guilty on off 30 counts of a former president. i mean it's, it's a really sad day for the united states because you don't want to see a former president indicted and convicted of criminal charges. and yet, it's also so clear that trump engaged in so much can we gallery, in order to obtain the presidency in the 1st place. the verdict and the court of public opinion has yet to be delivered for the republican party's candidate for president. trump sentencing is scheduled for july 11th for days before the republican national convention, where he is expected to accept his parties. nomination for president is a convicted sentenced felon. the manhattan jury did what to presidential impeachment and a federal investigation could not do render. a historic verdict that labeled the former president and former fellow new york or the criminal. 7 john henry l g 0 new york and dirty now is re now sha, she's
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a political strategist and commentators she comes to us from washington dc. so good to have you with this right now, were you surprised by this verdict? and how do you think this may play out over the next couple of months? and i found his verdict to not just be surprising, but also many elements of it felt very surprising. the fact that it was handed out rather quickly and also that donald trump was not found guilty on just some counts . he was found guilty on all counts. so in essence, what i've heard from republicans since yesterday is conviction. is that this bolsters claimed business was a politically motivated, which was that was pre determined by democrats. personally, i must say, i think it's a good day when the rule of law is upheld within these united states. though donald trump is a former president or immediate former president, he is a private citizen and in the constitution,
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there is nothing the bars him from the taking the office of the presidency, should he when it does november. but one thing is clear, convicted felon, cannot vote in elections in these united states. so after yesterday, i am feeling a great mix of feelings, like many political professionals, are we found yesterday to be a sombre ga for the state of politics. but again, a day in which we should be happy that donald trump, as a private citizen, was held accountable under the same laws that i or any other american would be valid accountable under where we charged with the same crimes. but we know, i mean, are you disappointed by the g o p, because they're speaking with him. and i do think that right now, the republican party sits in a moment that will determine its fate for the next decade, at least in the next few months. this is a pivotal point, do the party part,
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ways with the convicted felon, or does it take its chances with him on the ballot? you know, many republicans have cried out that this weaponized ation of the judiciary. they call it was so wrong because it democrats want to be trump, they should do it at the ballot box. but in 4 different jurisdictions, new york, florida, georgia, the district of columbia, there have been prosecutors who have taken their time to assemble the charges against him. most practical, moderate republicans understand, and they're willing to let the judiciary again do what it does for every private private citizen. but the party apparatus, the leadership of today's republican party, has shown itself to the round trumpet, insulate him by bolstering his claims of again, victimization of somebody that who, if he's able to be treated this way, any average american can be. and it almost does it really add up. so again,
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the republican leadership as a decision to make but most republican voters, the this for what it is. and it's just the institution, the law really having gets way with a private citizen. and it's an extort. any moments in that us history? are we not? and we're expecting a trump to address the press at 15 g. you know, what do you expect as well, every time trump takes to the airwaves, whether it's on traditional media or on his own should social. he knows that people listen. he speaks very plainly and very directly. and sometimes it's very confusing to even those insiders like me who for the past almost decade, i have listened everywhere they have and the lead him every time he said he would do something, for example, it was just a few weeks ago, excuse me, a few months ago that he said that he would be
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a dictator on day one or he to re enter the white house. we should take trumps claims very seriously. he is a man who wants to react to the white house so that he can make all these legal cases against him go away. he's actually almost dead that directly. so i do believe that he will go out with the same play book, a crime victim, getting americans to see him as like that. but again, this is the moment in which you have to see the situation for what it is this, the private citizen in battle. you wonder why the republican party is still really wants to stand by him? and it's because they think that he really represents what most americans are thinking the back of their minds. but let's not forget, he lost the white house in 2020, historically speaking, the american electorate. does it take a chance on a loser like that again? and he did lose the popular vote in 2020. so though his chances look good because bided isn't looking very strong in the polls. i would just recommend to everybody
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take all the polling with a great assault. right. the final verdict will be on november 5th. the rena shaw. thank you so much for speaking to us. thank you. as we're expecting a trump of course, to address the press at 15 g, and we'll bring that live a to you as and when that happens, the us secretary of state anthony blank and a has confirmed the binding administration is partially lifting a band on ukraine using us weapons to strike targets in russia. the u. s. had previously been reluctant to allow its weapons to be used for fear of escalating tensions with moscow. over the past few weeks, ukraine came to us and asked for the authorization to use weapons that were providing to defend against this aggression, including against russian forces that are massing on the russian side of the border
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and then attacking into ukraine. and that went right to the president, and as you've heard, he's approved use of our weapons for that, for that purpose, a large now to keys and to correspondence. john holman, john, why has president vine agreed to this? now? why this change of heart? the one second here, stay on sleep. lincoln was also speaking in the press conference that we just heard from. then he said, the whole marketing strategy has been at that and a just, and i think what he meant by that in this specific kingston was talking about the hockey region. that's in the northeast of ukraine. and it's a region that's been phone bonded frequently by russian forces using eva plains on russian territory. but same glide bones, then these got wings mcgloid into cry. oh me. so sight sending me souls from russian territory into the crying of ground forces that have been talking you crime,
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byron, offensive across the board or offensive that started on may the time. so that's the situation in that region. in the news space, the view crane a why you crime was a low being really for it to europe and allies in the us to allow it to use the weapons from them to attack russians haul. gets that across the board to the us to sit it said that thinking and adjusting in, allowing them to a tight rushing, full sized bed in a on, on the russian side of the board with the hockey region at 2 in the woods. the us official that spoke to us out to 0 to stop them attacking them or preparing to attack them. and the official make quite clear that this was about letting you allow you ukrainian full of says to use us weapons for long range strikes. to use me, so miss all systems from the us to be able to launch weapons deep into russia is specifically
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for that food area around hockey. but that doesn't mean that it's not going to be seen extremely negatively or escalating by running the russian government or by president flooding may appear to write to john hallman a report in from chief. thank you. splendid. son is the professor of international relations at the university of south eastern and norway, and he joins us now from also, sir, welcome, how much of a departure is this u. s. policy shift? so it's a, it's a huge escalation. obviously, this is now the united states authorizing the use of sweat and to him, tosh, russian territory that we have to be quite honest is our need to weapons using natal surveillance of nato's targeting in order to face russia. and it's a good knowledge of stuff to a lot of this. my friends are also deployed. it's about being an upgraded by the to personnel. so to large extent, this becomes
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a nato attack on russian territory. so let me just and the men's. yeah, let me push back a little bit on that because you know, this is shirley out of self defense for the ukrainians. who are, you know, under attack, this is, this is a very significant development. they say they're only going to use it for self defense and there are restrictions still in place. well, i think it, i agree that their credit and some of the rights for self defense spot to buy to press. so just that nato and the us us only a certain point, you're not involved in this ignore stuff. a lot of this was prompt. and indeed, what we learned is when united states sabotaged a lot of the piece agreements, it was for the explicit objective of being able to use proxy to strikes and the weekend ross as a strategic tribal. but the get your sponsor questions. uh, it will be a huge escalation and from put in speech name, passcode,
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and he made it quite clear not that russia would now have to retaliate. its nato goes ahead and allows you to athens to muse, to strike corruption. a territorial russian city is now key or pain leaders are also signaling that they are willing to change change position on this. i mean, this is obviously a sign of how precarious the situation is for ukraine. oh, that's a play. now the reason this is happening now is, so it'd be costly nature. we have, we are using this for and asked me to recognize more and more the media ukraine is undergoing a deluxe already to san climate is collapsing. we have the manpower shortage wiper shortage. and the russians i'm obligated to make sure to announcements, so, and they to as an option, does it start to negotiate with russia, or does it escalates? appear stuck, but then there's spawns,
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that's good for us to be an escalation. the main problem that we striking the russian territory directly is the russian analysis itself. it's intel entire deterrence to have been challenged. so if it strikes back against the natal territory, i would put my bets on the baltic states that it could trigger world war 3. however, if it does not retaliate against now, it could also result in world war 3 to the extent it's fair. so this little emboldened the us, and it's made ramos to further attack russia. but sir, i mean russia is the aggressor here. so this is, this is out of self defense for ukraine. unfortunately, we have to leave our conversation there. thank you so much for joining us. going decent professor international relations at the university of south west norway. thank you. as still had here on algae 0, the
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news for the music and the excitements bills ahead of the way for champions week final in london, joe will have the details and sports the unique perspective. a deep sake image of donald trump with flat folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the farm is incredibly realist. on hud voices. is our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the way the stream on al jazeera. so i want people to look closer at the other side of this. i point my camera where all those prefer not to look. i'm right about what it means to be american. about the ordinary people who get caught up us worse. filmmaker rally
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tech adults, the viet turn when on the power of political ok, what are the stories retail sales about also? and how do we base our past to change our future studio? be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching l g 0. reminder of our top story is this, our is really on the says, this withdrawn troops from bay to here and bait henry and north and gosh on. this comes a day after is really forces pulled out of jamalia, a refugee camp, leaving
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a trail of death and destruction. and other searches and the solid or the solidarity with palestine has been taking place around the world. tens of thousands of people joined rallies and the many cities of send off ties. ann marie, the protesters also condemned western airstrikes in yemen. former us president donald trump has been convicted on $34.00 felony charges in his so called harsh when he trial is the 1st former american president to be convicted of a criminal offense. now we've, more than half of the votes counted in south africa's elections. the governing african national congress may be facing an uncertain future. it's working to form a coalition to hold onto a parliamentary majority of projections indicate it may not get more than 42 percent of the vote. so meet miller has more from the results to operate to center in mid runs, a game changing election. most of all,
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for the governing african national congress was moving 50 percent of votes counted it's facing the reality of losing its outbreak. majority in parliament, under the leadership of president slid from a point where the agencies paid worse in this election than any other people are waiting to see whether the agency will take collective responsibility for the election outcome or lay the blame on its president. so the president for this is back in 20142016, the african national congress to collective responsibility for the declining baton . and i notice of the default you can survive a change in the district at this point on may have to come here and present a face of unity despite all the wounds that they may feel. given these results, the native projections show the agency may not get more than 42 percent of the votes, because it is not that bad. it is what it did with that consequence. when it happens, the party has to be use been blamed for poor governance and faces allegations of
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corruption. with many of those a centered around the agencies, former president jacobs numa. he's newly formed opposition party. i'm going to receive a. m k. a sofa, 110 percent of the vote, making it the 3rd largest party. while the amc scramble to hang on to the hallway and the short term that make it tough for you the long time. the parties enjoyed us comfortable with majority cases. what is now facing a new political era, one that is likely to force it into regional and national coalitions to stay in power. at this stage, the agency may need one very large partner to push it over the 50 percent mark. the party brings in new boats could work with the coordination of smaller parties, which analysts say is likely to be more complicated to manage opposition policy. the democratic alliance has the 2nd tires no for a vote, but hasn't confirmed his plans. we will do everything in all paul square, vince in
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a, in c, m k. and if, if that's what it is, invest is, it would tank the economy. it would be a disaster for south africa. so we are very committed to preventing dest auto voters in south africa, have long seen and used elections as a means to achieve change. with many are concerned, the political maneuvering and potential compromises that lie ahead, maybe to the disadvantage. for me to milan alters around the grand south africa. and pauline box is the deputy director of the africa program at the international crisis group, or she joins us now from johannesburg. all the net. welcome back. so this is the potentially watership moment for south africa. she lives in the disaster, $48.00 and see the projections come to fruition to receive an actual loss of 4142 percent. as we ask for the final results come in, but it's
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a want to show. or you can argue that there's good force at off in democracy of many, many mileage that uses convert from a use of sense. of course consumers and k parties that received, that was, you know, my actually 10 or 12 percent interest photos, which is huge. so i guess you just sort of the futures are on certain people are starting to talk about the possibility of forming coalitions in terms of i understand they will get 2 weeks to form a stable coalition. what happens if they don't manage to do that? so i think they will know how to manage to get this. indeed, they're legally bound for a coalition moment for one to 2 weeks for the election results are happening. now it's my understanding that it was somebody to come to you guys will, are some sort of a full talk said this week there's either a party level or maybe into your party talks as well. it's fine for as much as,
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of course, that, you know, started purchase the thinking about the mission possibilities. because so far seems to have been in denial about do you have the option that it might have to enter into a combination of the choices are quite clear as well. the parties as well, i should say, feel resistant by just as well a. she says not well, that still hasn't really nice channels to vote. and maybe maybe small partners didn't do very well. that's all sort of options are quite clear and what kind of the constellation, what kind of aligns to asian full, there's not, there's not much guesswork, dear somebody ideological or political chose, so to speak. and that's going to be very, very difficult. i mean, let's reflect on this moment for a 2nd. if we can polling of the potential of, of south africa with no ac really at the home anymore. i mean,
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there will be an adjustment. i believe she will still you know, force depending on what kind of color should we on the president of the 0, it was uh, my deepest joe. i said it's very likely it's not guaranteed, but it is likely. so the ac will still be the largest parts in the country at an hour. it will have to share power with some parties or doesn't, it doesn't be re, with on some problems. so the democratic alliance has, can be different for policy ideas and differs on how did you change the issues. and there are some k u. s, which are 2 parts. instead of saying they are much more less cleaning our father phone computers. and they will not really be helpful for that. you cannot recovery that are, can be so really hard to see how this is going. it's not pretty clear um, but to be very interesting to see how those thoughts overseas. all right, pauline box talking to us from janice burke. thank you so much. i as the lead
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up to sunday's general election and mexico continues to be marred by killings and violence along with corruption. there are perhaps the most significant challenges facing whoever wins the presidency. i'll just there as latin america editor will see a new one reports from western mexico. he has another episode of political violence in mexico. this when caught on camera, installed the election campaign from the start. in the western state of mutual con, rudy is always drawn large crowds of local farmers. it's an ideal venue for state congress. candidates, monica for leda to ask for vote for support. this man gives her his blessing, a symbol of protection. she feels she needs love, others is the same old thing i'm afraid for my children. i'm afraid for my life because the dangers are great. but even though i ask for government protection will
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succeed so far, i don't have a single policeman by my side that a bit that nothing on your body's be. i mean that i'm nearly 40 candidates and 14 family members have been killed. the deadly is campaign in recent mexican history, most of the victims were running for mayor and other local offices. positions wanted by corrupt politicians and organized crime. is that they could they take control of the office and they, they come by that can be they know the candidates. i mean it's very, it's very easily the findings by, by legal force. that's not a, as i knew valencia need to movement called citizens, revolution. it tracks down kidnappers, another criminals for the information provided by ordinary citizens. and he said the less now that he's running for mayor of mutual kinds capital what a yeah. he has 24 hour government protection. and he also has his own private security and an armored car because he would going up as long as it was that i am heading to
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a rally. he tells me that state corruption feeds mexico's crime epidemic minus because on the, do you know, the style, if with the state has a means to stop this, get the doesn't want to come with the crime because he generates dividends. he generates profit, so drives money, delinquent, generates money for the authorities, while the victim is just as to this thing, that a lot of me that is going into the middle console, eula, details supporters that with their vote, he can help change things even though is running under the banner of what many claimed to be as one of mexico's most corrupt party vendor for the welfare plans and business owners, politicians, an organized crime for trying to coordinate candidates or have somebody call me that is a long history of corruption, which generally guarantees impugning the president and this one will lopez over to
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have the insist that stability is guaranteed despite the electro violence. and it's very much associated with where it leads. this is a way they understood how to go very in a country political this, but really these are both anything else human rights, if the corruption now eh, so you always play the corruption card because you want to preserve or lead the colorless. that means it's almost a tradition as old as a disability just rate yet with the states under attack by criminal forces. as never before mexico's next president may find that corruption is too high, a price to pay for the illusion of stability. to see a newman al jazeera, me to work on china says is warrant the u. s. against interfering and as internal affairs following a meeting between the 2 countries, defense ministers, daniel and met his american counterpart, lord austin, on the sidelines of
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a security form is single for the face to face meeting was the 1st between the 2 defense chiefs in 3 years and patrick block has more now from single for to some measurable outcomes. the headline of which of apps is so to say that so telephone calls between us and chinese ministry. commodities will lose you in the coming months. according to the americans, secretary, austin also said that he welcomed the establishment of a crisis communications working group that's going to be in place by the end of this year. so there awesome positive development. see, come out of this gathering here in single pool. that's precisely what many people are hoping that this summer does, that it's false as gauge meant and understanding separately on those tools. we have gone a bit more detail from the american side as well. we told the schools previously, chinese said that they were positive and practical and constructive. there was some
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difficult conversations of what had the americans that they sold to about russia, which on the support for russian, it's one ukraine, north korea, freedom of movement for us forces and what it describes as john is aggressive behavior around. so i want, there was an emphasis on russia in particular, and as we said before, us as a repeat of the ones china against support moscow. and it's recently threatened sanctions against chinese banks if they are found to be propping up. we'll record as still i had here on al jazeera india for paris for the final phase of its long running elections on saturday. mr. motors constituency is among those going through the polls. at his sports cocoa golf takes another step towards the 2nd grand slam title and the frame
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the the starting out for your sports. here's show lima. thank you. the dallas mavericks and put the spot in the n b a finals where they'll face the boston celtics. the mounts advanced by ceiling, the west of finals against the minutes like the tables for one with the 1241 or 3 victory and gain 5 snoop dog, who is on hand to watch, leave his own church and cari of and dropping like its hopes bus down his play, a scoring 36 points h, the m b a finals begin on june. the 16th most importantly we got the way guy, some great guys in the team, from players coaches to
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a button team. we have great guys. and that is the most important thing. so we stay together and we just play basketball. meno especially, i think with the 3 very, very, very good teams. and i haven't comb with the home advantage, which is which is pretty good for us. the florida pump is the one went away from reaching the n h l stanley cup finals. in gain 5, they be in your range of 32 to lead the eastern finals by the same school line. they'll be on high mice, the game 6, which happens on saturday. the pump because they're looking to win this time they come for the 1st time bringing us open champion, packs of golf is through to the full found in paris. the she aims to have the friendship and title to the grand slams holly, the american beat, diana? yes. terms go 626 full. a ukrainian opponent trying to put up a fight in the 2nd set. the length of victory on his, on her 1st match points bought the foot see to reach the final impairments in 2022 . twin sits that can detect the nature of the women's goals season. those on the
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way bought the world, the one that he cooled or had a bad stall to. she tends to add a 3rd major title to her name came into the tournament. and 6 winds from her last 7 tournaments, box, bogey, toughest hole, and a bowl in the wall to 3 times on the 12th. she's at 10. o is a part 12 shots behind the eucharist, also of japan. yeah, i mean i just didn't really want to shoot 80 and i just kept making boat is i'm but you know, a my last year around in the us ones open have not been good. i ended sunday have trouble, i think, shooting a hole and then to the shy am, i'm human. i'm going to have bad days. i place them really solid up golf up to this point and today was just about a family that have arrived in london. i had to subsidize your way for champions the final at wembley, among the team j biling and the england international smiles as he landed on time soil hollow and chelsea side will face photo see adult and hoping to win european
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come footballs. biggest price for record extending 15th time. the is the music that gets this little going and excitement is building in the capital as london's work. so hold on, a orchestra played a knife version of the champions league and some, as a trophy was delivered to the funds owned by 2002 champion closed mckelvey. he want it weighs roundtree. is that fair? yeah, the yes, the lightweight champion is done. my coaches has that because that he's the best flights are in the world ahead of his title defense against dustin play. the russians claim has some credence as the top see your face pound for pound rankings . that is about things look pretty heated between the fights. is that a press event? the showdown happens,
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you'll see 3 or 2 in new jersey on. so today earlier, both flights has made weights for the context. no, honestly, i think i'm of the best. as i said in the day for this problem is the risk there's oh is and i will give him the problem from world heavyweight boxing champion. don't say, well the says it's do or die for him. the american is trying to rebuild his career and fights july, zhang of china on the south today in re yet, well the has struggled in recent years. he lost consecutive flights to tyson fury. he didn't pick up one when since then was defeated in his most recent bout against joseph parker in december. and i still got what it takes. i still got the dupes. and i'm going to the level come saturday night. i can't wait. i'm, i'll be like all the listing almost almost done on his body. like like,
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like 65 is do or die. you know, and uh, yeah, i already know how i feel as a worry on the wherever you're going to love your mentality. i got to what were your mindset? i've got to where we are and what i believe, and i'm really in a diamond ring for what i believe in. right, that is what you spoke for now. it is back to layla bank. so i'm sure i'd greatly appreciate it. the world's biggest and the longest running elections are drawing to a close in india, saturday, march, the 7th and last phase of its general elections while the seat of 5 minutes in render mowdy is among those being congested. and a reminder, the indian government has not granted visas to, i'll to 00 unless so we are covering the election from outside of the country of the lord. and i see in india, northern states of to protest is one of the who do you cities for hindus is also home to one of the most prestigious constituencies in the country. from way of
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prime minister and even ramadi is contesting in the 7th and last phase of voting. in 201941, the seats violence slide. this election. what do you support as a focusing not on the victory, but the size of it? what do you do? you have a single to logic mode. he's going to win. the india outlines we most have more than 2.5 percent for the most popular state is politically significant. sending the highest number of members that's 18 to the house of parliament. this 4000 year old city is famous for producing handles and soak. but members of the weaving community if you will, marginalize. if i need the money in my every when he, our worries have increased but wages have remain the same. and the last 10 years since april, the 19th millions of indians has been costing that, but it's in the multi phase election that has spent 4 to 4 days from 1st time voters to senior citizens. people have been told us of
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a heat wave to exercise the democratic rights, unemployment and inflation on major concerns. main, mary, i the issues are rising prices and unemployment. there is no work in 2014 the b j piece with national elections with a campaign promising good days for indians. this time, the campaign has been divisive as moody seats, a search to. he's been criticized for describing members of the muslim minority community. as in full traces valid, i'm going to use that a da da da da da early a government sit, the muslims will have the rice over the results of the country. what does this mean? this means they will gather all the wealth and give it to the people who have more children. they will distribute it among the some craters. b j. b is up against a coalition fronted by the indian national congress party. it has accused the governing party of one thing to destroy in this constitution. if it wins by
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a landslide, but a don monthly name, the prime minister and shaw and other employees have decided that if they win these elections, they will to and throw the indian constitution. analysts say that rhetoric is making many votes, has questioned the support for parties. this is the 1st collection where people are being forced to confront the secular credentials of this country and whether the ruling party represents the secular credentials that have defined this country. turned out in the polls so far has been lula then in 2019 votes will be counted and results announced on june the 4th until then mode is living on an island in southern india saying his taking time out to meditate my live, elizabeth ultra 0 and that does it for me, and i just want to show you some live pictures here from the outside, trump tower, and we're all waiting for us president to to,
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or show up. he's going to have 15 gmc, he will have hold a press conference. we'll bring that last to just a moment, more news coming your way after that the the illusion of anti senses with opposition to design is a cynical and it is harmful, a dangerous completion between the persecution of a people and the criticism of the state is echoing across the world, news rooms to send me keys in the hatred of jews because the country is honest and is not about jewels. it's about teacher. and we need to talk about design is a listing cost special on his jersey of to $6.00 weeks. the final phase of india is general elections begins on seeing the fast prime minister now rent remote
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a is the key to increase has majority of low turn out and economic concepts. and t cost is ruling b, j, p. follow india is general elections analysis era. now let me tell you about safari . equal results, the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used only and look just very close here like common here, sits on to play with a large tires basically, but look in my private for me now. thanks royal. i can also offer somebody probably equal, resorted in, gone to interrogate the narrative. there's no question about the united states is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yeah. think the correct . but so in the international community upfront,
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only without the knowledge as well as the of israel says it's pulled out troops from northern gaza after weeks of attacks that have left death and destruction of rock. this is l g 0. live from joe, also coming up. he's the 1st former us president to be convicted of a crime, how my donald trump bid for the white house be affected and more a deals for of
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a lot of years. lensky as in crane is given the go ahead to use us weapons to


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