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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the knowledge is here with the of israel says it's pulled out troops from northern gaza after weeks of attacks that have left death and destruction of rock. this is l g 0. live from joe, also coming up. he's the 1st former us president to be convicted of a crime, how my donald trump bid for the white house be affected and more a deals for of a lot of years. lensky as in crane is given. the go ahead to use us weapons to
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strike some targets inside russia. as south africa's african national congress faces the prospect of having to build a coalition to stay in power. it's worse, ellis toral performance the and we begin in gaza and after weeks of fighting is really army says it's pulled out troops from several northern neighborhoods and they've pulled back from bella here and $800.00 and local sources reports the bodies of palestinians killed in these areas are being recovered on this comes a day after the is really military pulled out of trouble. e a, a refugee camp. the is rarely army says the fighting with some of the most intense of the war. and israel's military left behind residential squares and complete rooms, buildings reduced to rubble, investments of civilian scale. hospitals in the north, also targeted during the attacks. and we have now this update from what alert
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graduates from the come all of the one hospital in beta here in northern casa, or just to clear the ground, the version, nothing does sort of is fully completed. and that is why the forces that it's where you are home, the rest of the box was nothing ghost with a better tweak it from mush a little bit louder. yeah. let's just say on time the doctor, i'm talking to a phone, came out of the hospital, which receives thousands of big bodies that came from todd of this. i thought, i'm sure that that. yeah, and let's just say it's a neighborhood a, the full and the massive of destruction is very use there as, as really forces this floyd all the infrastructure and service facility. and these neighborhoods, civilians are trying to reach the houses of that areas in order to have something to be useful in the next phase and civil defense altering also to reach a these neighborhoods in order to have the did and rescue the dead bodies of that
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area. but they have difficulties because that is why the forces destroyed all the streets and all that. and just a rough time there was an issue i just need uh, nothing goes for palestine. meanwhile, or at least 14 policy news, has been killed. and the latest is rarely airstrikes and, and the setups and bullshit refugee camps and central garza, all 3 homes were targeted is rarely forces also bombed a car in the cell that's killing 3 civilians. and dr. james smith is an emergency physician from the u. k. who has been on a medical mission to gaza for the past 2 weeks. and he's currently treating injured patients in the setup to reference the account. but he says the is really military's of border closures are making the health system worse. the all eyes of course i long, right for right now with the violence continues across the gaza strip. last night
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this evening working here in the say that we received many trauma wound patients. and this morning we received the bodies of 3 people that were killed in an s strengths were told that they were moving to a, a key issue. um they were providing foods to local communities and they would have hit a target to destroy from these ladies on the vehicle they were driving it. in addition to the trauma, injuries that we're staying, we're receiving every day, tons of patients. if there's anything we joined, this suspected type of type this many people who are hungry and the hydrates, it's for this thing with a really serious infections and other medical problems. i mean, the health system has being complete these estimates. it's systematically undermines now, not only for 8 months, but for decades. so you're in gaza. what that means is that we like the basic resources needed to treat its actions with 1st line on somebody else's or what's it
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saying, bleeding with the most appropriate dressings. and so what i'm having to make do, and i'm, i'm to, to a normal practice and we, we want that. so we have um, that situation is only exacerbated as a result of the total is ready control of an old border crossings into gaza. now mainly that she monetary access is yes sir, that diminish and specifically access to essential medical equipment. it's medical license is now very, very limited. the more solid dougherty demonstrations have been taking place in parts of the mid east and europe. well, tens of thousands of people joined riley's in support of garza and the how many cities of sonata ties and marie the protesters also condemned western airstrikes in
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yemen. the u. s. and u. k. so they target who see installations in response to the groups attacks on ships with suspected links to israel. and board testers also marched through central by dog rally comes a day after university students demonstrated and the rocky capital calling for freedom for palestine activists and jordans capital, a mon or the country to cut diplomatic ties with washington. the government has been cracking down on rallies, held in support of palestine. several protesters were arrested. and in the german capital berlin university students condemned is really a tax and the southern gaza city of alpha. they also called for an end to the war and genocide. australia is foreign minister, has condemned some recent protests and supports of palestine. she cares demonstrators of vandalizing government offices in the city of melbourne. penny was says while australians have the right to protest against israel's war and gaza,
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some of the demonstrations have become violence. and hateful. as i understand and i see the depth of concern, the depths of feeling that is strivings have about what is occurring in gaza and what is occurring and rough. uh and i have made on behalf of this country, very strong statements, as the prime minister way of say to israel did not go down this path. the donald trump has condemned where he is calling a rig trial after becoming the 1st former us president to be convicted of a crime. a jury in new york found trunk guilty of all 34 charges in his so called harsh when he trial. it'll be sentenced just days before the republican convention when the party formerly nominated him as their present presidential candidate. john had run reports from new york. after more than 9 hours of deliberations,
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a jury of 12 new yorkers delivered their historic verdict guilty on all charges that made donald trump the 1st former president in us history to become a convicted criminal. he was found guilty on $34.00 charges of falsifying business records in connection to hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels. as the news filtered outside the court house, there were celebrations, along with a small number of opponents of trump would gather it wasn't long after the verdict that it clearly fuming trump let his feelings be known. this was a great price gonna be november. and they know what happens here. everybody knows what happens here, whether he likes it or not. what actually happened is that the jury apparently believed trumps former fixer michael cohen, on whose testimony much of the prosecution's case. huh. trump's lawyer spent 2 days
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trying to poke holes and cones testimony saying he was motivated by revenge in money, but it wasn't enough. the man who brought the chargers manhattan district attorney elvin bragg gave his reaction a short time later while this defended. maybe unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial and ultimately to date this verdicts in the same manner as every other case that comes to the court room doors. by following the facts and the law. in doing so without fear or favor, the evidence was overwhelming of trump skilled, but still to see a jury come back in 2 days and with a verdict of guilty on off 30 counts of a former president. i mean it's, it's a really sad day for the united states because you don't want to see a former president indicted and convicted of criminal charges. and yet, it's also so clear that trump engaged in so much can we gallery,
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in order to obtain the presidency in the 1st place. the verdict and the court of public opinion has yet to be delivered for the republican party's candidate for president. trump sentencing is scheduled for july 11th for days before the republican national convention, where he is expected to accept his parties. nomination for president is a convicted sentenced, fellow. the manhattan jury did what to presidential impeachment and a federal investigation could not do render. a historic verdict that labeled the former president and former fellow new york or the criminal john henry l. g 0 new york. the us secretary of state anthony blank and has confirmed the vitamin ministration is partially lifting around on ukraine using us weapons to stripe targets in russia. the west had previously been reluctant to allow its weapons to be used for fear of
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escalating tensions with moscow. over the past few weeks, ukraine came doors and ask for the authorization to use weapons that were providing to defend against this aggression, including against the russian forces that are massing on the russian side of the border and then attacking into ukraine. and that went right to the president, and as you've heard, he's approved use of our weapons for that, for that purpose. well, i've now 2 teeth and our correspondence with john home, and john, good to have you back with this. explain again why this change of heart of the lot to be as is there as many speak to a to a white house, a us official that said that really this measure is about allowing you trying to hit buffy gains russian forces that were attacking them or preparing to attack them
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. so what's been happening on the border of the hall t region in the northeast of ukraine. we've rusher is festival. the russian forces have been really bombarding the city of hall to even from positions in ukraine by re but missiles, or lloyd palms launched by russian plains of the usually old pricing and russian aerospace. now the ban on using us weapons to attack those missile sites, or even those planes because they're in russian, aerospace means that ukraine has been saying we call really defend ourselves. the when we're attacked, there's also been a ground troops from russia crossing over in the fence if it's turned into a new front. and this will also in the hockey region. and ukraine says that there are more russian troops assessing massing on the russian side of the buddha. so what the united states is, the is doing, is allowing you try to strike the forces the or a testing it into accounts for attack in this way. what it says it's not allowing
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and it specified this to us. is that not allowing long range strikes the into russia? it's purely for now about that for the region. and um, you know, how is russell reacting to this development as well, i think russia even why it will though the united states has been clear to specify the limits to what they're allowing has seem as uh, as a, a per book to buy supposed action president vladimir putin of russia speaking on choose, and of course, it's not just the united states, we should mention that it's also the united kingdom frauds, germany now sweet and european allies, civil side. we've restrictions varying from one country to another green that will so their weapons being used by ukraine to attack targets in russian. so at president vladimir putin said the bass was at an escalation that would be serious
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consequences. and then to meet for met that very some of the audience might remember, was also the president of russia important in the past. and is now the deputy chairman of the russian security council will serve retaliatory measures and saying that that was an intimidation on nuclear bluff. so we've yet to say what will happen now and also response from president putin or for defense minister or natural minister in his government. following the news that came out thursday night 3 to friday when sick, 3 blinking of us start talking about it. and what they're going to say, you know about it, what they're actually going to do. all right, so john, home and a reporting from the ukranian capital key. thank you. china says it's worth it us. it goes interfering in his internal affairs, following a meeting between the 2 countries. defense ministers, don yon mets, his american counterpart, lord, lord austin, on the south side lines of
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a security for him in singapore. the face to face meeting was the 1st between the 2 defense chiefs in 18 months. patrick clark has more now for a single more us, some measurable outcomes, the headline of which of absence. so to say that, so telephone calls between us in chinese ministry, commodities will lose you in the coming months according to the americans. secondly, austin also said that he welcomes the establishment of a crisis communications working group that's going to be in place by the end of this year. so there awesome positive development. see, come out of this gathering here in single pool. that's precisely what many people are hoping that this summer does, that it's false as engagement and understanding separately on those tools. we have got a bit more detail from the american side as well. we told, of course, previously the chinese said that they were positive and practical and constructive
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. there was some difficult conversations that were had the americans that they sold to about russia were trying to support for russian. it's one ukraine, north korea, freedom of movement for us forces and what it describes as john is aggressive behavior around. so i want, there was an emphasis on russia in particular. and as i said before, us as a repeat of the ones china against support moscow and has recently threatened sanctions against chinese banks if they are found to be propping up a will record. the police in germany have shots and injured a man accused of stabbing several people at a right wing demonstration. it happened in a central square in the south western city of mont himes. a police officer is among the 2 people injured alive, stream broadcast shows far right figures here in the stress and burger. preparing
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to address a small crowd at an event organized by the citizens movement packs. you're a party. so here on al jazeera india prepares for the final phase of its long running elections on saturday from mr. maurice, the constituency is among those going to the polls, the the hello. they would stop by looking at the satellite image for south asia. and you can see the monsoon range starting to creep the way further north. and despite the weather the weather. however, it's still a story of dangerous and deadly heat across the northern parts of india and pakistan. that heat has pushed its way from the west across to the east. we've seen some hot may days as well across places like in the pool company has. * set to
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continue to rise across the north of pockets, done figures and as high as they, as they have been. but the whole is expecting to see the tempt just picked up into the high 14th through the weekend. there's still some what, whether to be found, some bits and pieces of rain across and also cloudy conditions. but the heavy rain is set to pour in to southern regions on sunday and as more heavy rain to come across east asia for southern parts of china. in particular, you can see that messy situation with heavy rain expected once again in g one gong as well as through gm and tie one very heavy rain supporting here on sunday. they're just looking much of the wire across the newest wrecks and showers coming into the west of beijing. but more heavy rain is set to sweep in across japan. we'll see that rain in tokyo to the new week. the
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. ringback the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching l g 0 reminder of our top stories this,
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our former us president donald trump has been convicted on 34 felony charges and his so called harsh when he trial. he's the 1st former american president to be convicted of a criminal offense and ukraine. at least 5 people have been killed in 25 injured and russian strikes on the eastern city of harkey. your tax came just hours after the party administration partially lifted a ban on ukraine using us weapons to strike targets. and russia is rarely armies as this withdrawn troops from the here and bait. honeymoon in northern gods. officers comes a day after is really forces pulled out of the job a lot to follow the refugee camp, leaving a trail of death and destruction while is really airstrikes continue across the gaza strip. some in there in bella, have tried to find refuge from the bump arguments and the heat at the beach thought of was whom reports to these children of finding an escape from israel's will and goes
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a loss to enjoy showing how life should be here. in contrast to the reality of supreme unhook during months, which is very a tax $17000.00 and the goal is a strip of living without an adult protection awesome races from the assemblies that i am had to play in swim, we want to get the hovers. we are living in the destruction, whole families, clifton hall, father and brothers and gaza. i'm here i am with my mother. he is living in a 10th more than 15 sounds like children have been killed since october. most of the 81000 palestinians will have been wounded. excluding thousands will have had an potations, also the children j and the despite the horrible conditions we are living, we come to the sea side. the only thing left for us to seek some concepts. there's innocent children did nothing wrong to go through all this tyra. we're trying to
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help them here, mentally, and psychologically hoping they will have a normal and positive future. we the old generation, already traumatized. and scott, this is our last result. lindsay tens of little protection and searing heat. a nearly 2000000 people have been repeatedly displaced and even tend incompetence. have be bumped while i have them, and this is the only place we have to vent a grief and anger. the environment inside the tent is unbearable. they are loading the absence of hygiene flies, a hovering over us day and night. we have tried to get some teen and a fresh breath for children. needless to say, we feel comfort with me all by the sea, as well as the homes. many of these children have lost the favorite clothes, books and toys. they do not have enough to eat, and money has donated from hunger,
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the castles and assumed provide some mental risk points. hundreds of thousands have found a unique list price at this speech every day. as these came from the own going sol ring often freight to, to the is valley too much, always in components of the stress displace palestinian is the last remaining outlet. so i leave you a to the of the growing cycle it you can pressure that they have been during since october the 7th. sorry. so by soon i would just be around there is that i kind of story. the now with more than half of the votes counted in south africa is elections. the governing african national congress may be facing an uncertain future is working to form a coalition to hold onto a parliamentary majority. projections indicated may not get more than 42 percent of the vote. somebody, the miller has more now from the results operation center in mid runs.
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again, changing election. most of all for the governing african national, congress was moving 50 percent of votes counted, it's facing the reality of losing its outbreak. majority in parliament and the leadership of president slid from a point where the agencies feed worst in the selection or any other people are waiting to see whether the agency will take collective responsibility for the election outcome or lay the blame on its president. so the president for this is back in 20142016, the african national congress to collective responsibility for the declining baton . and i, most of the different project can survive a change in the district at this point. i may have to come here and present a face of unity despite all the wounds that they may feel. given these results, the native projections show the agency may not get more than 42 percent of the votes, because it is not that bad. it is
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a point where they did with that consequence when it happened the party, as we use, been blamed to pull governance and faces allegations of corruption. but many of those are centered around the agencies, former president jacobs luma. he's newly formed opposition party. i'm going to receive a m k, a sofa 110 percent of the vote, making it the 3rd largest party. while the amc scramble to hang on to fall away in the short term that make it tough for you the long time. the part is enjoyed as comfortable with majority cases. what is now facing a new political era. one that's likely to force it into regional and national coalitions to stay in power. at this stage, the agency may need one very large partner to push it over the 50 percent mark. the party brings in new boats. could work with the coordination of smaller parties, which analysts say is likely to be more complicated to manage opposition policy. the democratic alliance has the 2nd tie as number of boats,
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but hasn't he has confirmed his plans. we will do everything in all power to prevent in a, in c, m, k. and if, if that's what investors, it would take the economy. it would be a disaster for south africa. so we're very committed to preventing dest auto motors in. so last week i have long seen and used elections as a means to achieve change with many a concern, the political maneuvering, and potential compromises that lie ahead, maybe to the disadvantage, to meet them in a all just around the grand south africa. authorities in pop, our new guinea have ruled out finding any survivors of a major land slide last week. the government says more than 2000 people may have been killed. only a few bodies have been recovered. landslide hit the angle region last friday. the local communities have gathered in
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a show of grief for those being lost. the prime minister of poplar, new guinea, visited to express his sorrow at the disaster. he told them the whole country was morning with them. with the most best to make him a little he's from a pipe from the thoughts we have received at still removing the ground. some people who stable. that's what we can imagine is what this, i'm not move in with machinery in case that causes another long flight, possibly speed moving. and tanya bell has more now from anger province. so many houses have been destroyed. so people are without shelter. so many canvases and things like that, they need, they need shelter, they need, we'll talk then extrude, they need bidding. these people have lost everything. the area that had coverage was an illness. and the depth, you know, 5 to 8 maintenance of trouble in that land slide. the other factors that him to the rescue operations and the disaster relief operations is that this is
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a very rugged province. it's a 3 hour drive, but it's a very rugged and warranty, right? to get that the excess has been exacerbated because over the weekend, tribal flashing, broke out along the road, and that's brought into a lot of people. it's not so say you need to drive through that fighting zone to get to the side. they do have helicopters. you may see one applied person in the background. they've been doing that all day from an a strip just to the east of us here. bringing in supplies, but really it's, this is a, this is the one of the most rather parts of the, in a very rather country. and they are unable to take any of the bodies using machinery because the area is still incredibly unstable. the change focuses on the people who are left, the people left behind, people who are being displaced approximately 4000 of them. and so hopefully in the coming days, we'll start to see more of those really urgent released supplies start to flowing
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the the world's biggest and longest running elections are drawing to a close in india, saturday, march the 7th and last phase of his general elections. the seats are from me to send around remotely, is among those being contested. and a reminder, the indian government has not granted visas to alger 00 unless, so we're covering the election from outside the country a for. and i see in india, northern states of pradesh is one of the who do use cities for hindus, is also home to one of the most prestigious constituencies in the country. from with prime minister and arrange, emoji is contesting in the 7th and last phase of voting. in 2019 multi one. the seats violence light. this election. what do you support as a focusing not on the victory, but the size of it? what do you do? you have a single to logic mode is going to win the india alliance. we must have more than
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2.5 percent for the most popular state is politically significant. sending the highest number of members that's 18 to the house of parliament. this 4000 year old city is famous for producing handles and soak. but members of the weaving community feel marginalized. if i need the money in the peace of mind, you have our worries of increased wages have remained the same and the last 10 years. since april the 19th millions of indians has been costing the benefits in the multi phase election that has spent 44 days. from 1st time voters to senior citizens, people have bets all those of you, a heat wave to exercise the democratic rights, unemployment and inflation. a major concerns during the day, mary, i, the issues are rising prices and unemployment. there is no work. in 2014 the b j piece with national elections with a campaign promising good days for indians. this time,
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the campaign has been divisive as moody seats, a search to he's been criticized for describing members of the muslim minority


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