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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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way that's our facing realities, you're running mates. what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up, present as not that important factor. he had the story on talk to how does era the . ready ready the services and use our own algebra fully by people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. donald trump is set to resume campaigning a day after becoming the 1st for my us president to be convicted of a crime. israel says it's ended, it's military operations in cost of northern gaza, but has left behind death and destruction. also this our i change in policy, they, us allows ukraine to use the weapons that supplies the hit targets inside flushing
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. and india prepares for the final phase of its weak sloane elections. 5 minutes in there. and remo, these constituency is among those going to the i'm trying to show us go with the sports us open champion cocoa golf, takes a novice step towards the 2nd grandson cycle of franchise. the thank you very much for joining us. it's 15 gmc 11. am in new york, and we begin in the us a day after historic verdict against donald trump has become the 1st former american president to be convicted of a crime. a jury found him guilty on all $34.00 charges of falsifying business records. he was accused of trying to cover up payments to an adult film star in order to protect his 2016 presidential campaign. speaking, after he was found guilty, trump insisted the try was raked,
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and an attempt to block him from running in november's election sees due to be sentence on july, the 11th. and in just a few minutes, we are expected to hear from the former president from trump tower in manhattan, where he'll be reacting a day after being convicted on old accounts in this felony trial, that spring and john henry and who's outside trump tower in new york so what's the mood like that and what are we expecting? donald trump, to say after the story, roughly the verdict came in lower manhattan yesterday. today it's in the newspapers . this is what the main stream papers have to say. and then there is, of course, the conservative new york post, which is pretty plain about where it stands on trump's conviction on $34.00 charges . we're out here on 5th avenue, the wealthiest part of manhattan, and not necessarily the most representative. here you have
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a lot of support for drum and some people holding a guilty signs as well. so both ways. what do we expect them to say? well, i think we expect them to say pretty much what he's been saying since 2016, which is that this system is rigged against him even when he wins. and that he will look for justice at the ballot box in november. and he raises a pretty good point there, and that's because every time he's been indicted on new charges every time there's been a negative information about him. in some criminal case, this whole numbers actually go up among republicans among, from watchers. the question here is whether there will be people who are voting for jumping or not big trump fans in the middle of independence. other people who will not support him after he has been convicted. say there are some polls that suggests that there's a number of people who the vote for drugs, but their minds might be change if he were convicted here. of of course,
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be no pause since yesterday when he was convicted. so we don't know how that's really going to pan out, but polls have suggested there are some people whose minds are changeable, and this is a race which is in one or 2 percentage points between the 2 candidates. so that would make a big difference. so we're waiting here to here with donald trump has to say, i suspect it will be that the system is riggs, but we don't know we might have some surprises for us when we will be coming back to you. of course, when donald trump speaks, the former us president, do you just speak very shortly from manhattan, from tom trump tower in manhattan day after being convicted on all 30 full count cities hush money try will bring that to you live. of course, one of the, the war on guys and now enough to weeks of fighting in northern guys are these really ami says it's pulled out troops from several neighborhoods. they've pulled
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back from bait law. yeah. and beta known rescue workers have retrieved dozens of bodies of palestinians from the streets and under the rubble. this comes a day after these really military pulled out of the giovanni a refugee camp. these are the ami says the fighting was some of the most intense of the war, is where i was military, less residential areas, incomplete roy and then buildings reduced to rubble. as john stratford re forced back along broken roads and tons between mountains of concrete and twisted steel, there's really nothing left to the jabante, a refugee camp, which is close to more than a $100000.00 palestinians. the foldable garza often is sweet week, is rarely military operation. the level of destruction is incredible. mohammed refused as it stands, where his family home once stood to have the software,
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the software for you on some of the software list though, area 19 days ago and came back to find the israeli occupation forces have destroyed everything here. this is real destruction have a look and see the full meaning of destruction. they destroyed life here in 19 days . my house was there and has been totally obliterated. i don't know what to do. before burials bodies are wrapped in white shrouds. neither colored one hospital is really made a treat. both of those is on us. many of the data buried in a nearby make shift symmetry. the hospitals are in the generation. we interrupt that report to take you live to new york way form a president. donald trump, through the country when afternoon. the day after julie found jane guilty on all $34.00 accounts in his ash money trying last year, south america, from africa, from asia, and from the middle east. and they're coming in from jails and prisons. and they're
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coming in from mental institutions and, and said asylums, they're coming in from all over the world into our country. and we have a president at a group of fascist, don't want to do it and think about it because they could right now today he could stop it, but he's not the destroying country. countries in very bad shape and they very much, it gets to be saying these things. they want to raise your taxes by 4 times. they want to stop you from having cars with the ridiculous mandates that make it impossible for you to get a car for the car would make it very possible to china to build all of our cars. it's a very serious problem that we have. we just went through one of many experiences where we had a conflict, a judge, highly conflicted. there's never been a more conflict, a judge now. i'm under a gag order, which nobody's ever been under. no presidential candidates ever been under
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a gag order before i'm under a gag order. nasty gag order. where i've had to pay thousands of dollars and penalties and fines and was threatened with jail. think of it, i'm the leading candidate. i'm leading, biding by a lot, and i'm leading the republicans to the point where that's over. so i'm the leading person for president and i'm under a gag order by amanda can put 2 sentences together given by a court and they are in total conjunction with the white house and the d o. j. just so you understand this is all done by biting that is people maybe as people, more importantly, i don't know, buy knows too much about it. cuz i don't know if he knows about anything, but he's never the less the president. so we have to use his name, and this is done by washington, and nobody's ever seen anything like it. so we have a judge who is highly conflicted. you know what the confliction is,
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nobody. nobody wants to write about it. and i'm not allowed to talk about it if i do, he said, i get put in jail. so we'll play that game a little bit longer. we won't talk about it, but you are allowed to talk about it. i hope you do because there's never been anybody so conflicted. this is as far as the trial itself, it was very unfair. we weren't allowed to allowed to use our election expert under any circumstances. you saw what happened to some of the witnesses that were on our side. they were literally crucified by this man. it looks like an angel, but he's really a devil. he looks so nice and soft. people's always seems like such a nice man. no, unless you saw him in action and you saw that with a certain with this that went through hell. and when we wanted to do things, he wouldn't let him. he wouldn't let us do those things. but when the government
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wanted something, they got everything, they got everything they wanted, it's a rig. it was a rig trial. we wanted a venue change where we could have a fair trial. we didn't get it. we wanted a judge judge, we wanted to judge it wasn't conflicted, and obviously he didn't do that. ah, there's nobody's ever seen anything like it. we had a da who is a failed. the a crime is rampant in new york violent drive. that's what he's really supposed to be looking at. crime is rampant in new york. yesterday in mcdonalds, you had a man hitting them up with with machetes. i'm a chevy, whoever you can imagine, even a chevy being wielded in a store in a place where they're reading. and these are going to rapids and brag is down, watching a trial on what they call the crimes crimes.
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they're falsifying business records. that sounds so bad to me, it sounds very bad. you know, it's only a misdemeanor, but to me it sounds so bad when they say falsifying business, that's a bad thing for me. i've never had that before. i'm falsified. you know, what falsifying business records is in the 1st degree. they say falsifying business records sounds so good. read. it means that legal expense. i paid a lawyer totally legal. i paid a lawyer, a legal expense. and a bookkeeper without any knowledge from me correctly marked it down in the books. very professional woman, highly respected. she testified marked it down to the books is illegal expense. so legal expense. a federal lawyer is a legal expense. just joining us on us, you're at we 3 watching the form of us present. donald trump speaking to reporters in new york a day after a julie unanimously found him guilty on all 34 accounts in his hush money trying to
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historic verdict in new york. a trump becoming the 1st us president for us present to be convicted of a crime as expected. he's denounced the justice system saying that this was an unfair trial and blame the bide lead ministration and his people in his work phone was for the criminal conviction. we will have more reaction and analysis of this later in the news i. but in the meantime, let's move on to the war on guys a continue with the war on guys and france and ology area have submitted a draft resolution to the united nations security council. it follows international court of justice is rooting early of this month. that is around must stop, it's a tax in vasa and a lot more, 8 into gaza. the resolution says that israel, the occupying power, shall immediately hold its military offensive in vasa and demands that immediate sci fi a lot, because of strep, respected by all parties. and the immediate and unconditional release of all
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hostages, it goes onto the mind, all parties comply with their obligations under international law and ensure that civilians are protected. well, joining us not on this island is here and use our is fine. says i'm boss or to the united nations. nicole, i believe yes is a lie from you and headquarters in new york and bassett, or thank you so much for being with us on audra 0. and thank you for your patience . can you tell us more 1st about this new joint resolution fonts and algeria are working on? when do you anticipate to put it to a vote to well, uh, thank you for having me 1st. uh, we are extremely concerned with the situation uh in the rasa and in guest. uh, so hold on as present on my chrome side. uh, a couple of days it goes, there is no safe zone. it does. uh right. no. so we want a ceasefire. we won't know operation in rough. uh we won't food you may need to, an excess does or does a street. it's not the case. no,
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we're not dealing with the human and tell young dfcs though we are dealing with the wall. if there is a ceasefire on your mind, you toyota relief wheeler and uh, and to get, uh, so i. yeah. because this isn't that julian draft resolution us proposal. but text that we propose a is a section of 1st duty is no parachuting rough. uh and basically endorsing what their interest so that a court of justice has been asking for last week, which is urging is why the not to doing a person. and i saw an o genia, the hum us to release the whole deal stages. so i really hope that these draft, which again, is proposed by jerry up, but which francis supporting could be adopted as soon as possible. it's a matter of emergency, a matter of imagine. so you, sam baset are, but the us to the state department has already indicated that it doesn't see this resolution is being balance. so are you engaging with the americans or negotiations
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on this resolution? and we are the we are talking about the situation in the rough uh uh we are talking about the decision by the international court of justice which ive been released last week. every well, no. it no, so good to conseula is simple thing done to the should i go to the just the sun. the cost of just is, is asking is well, not to take extra money in rough up and is asking us to really 0 stages. i think everyone should simple that. i think every one of these no exception in the security conseula arch is trying not to take extra money and rough. uh, so this equity considered to do this should do the same as well. you say everyone that supports the i, c j decision, not the us and boss that are with all due respect in the americans. continue to insist that israel is attack on. rafa is not a major operation. there's
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a growing gulf between how washington is seeing this offensive in rasa and the images and accounts coming from this southern city. the us doesn't seem to want to apply any significant pressure on israel. so how can you hope to get this resolution to pass when the americans will most likely veto it and it's going for as well. uh, we sure, as far as concerned it is right. it has to be attached on october 7th. they have us, who is it or is group? okay, the 1200 jewels because of the jews. this is thought that need monstrous. it should stop the threat posed by how much they still there. and as long as they know proration of is a going of to the how much if i don't, i think nobody should say anything. it's a threat to his right. and the secretary of his right is not negotiable, but international humanitarian law should be respected. virginia convention should
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be respect done. and what we are witnessing in the last weeks and most is a, this in regulation, this rose, i've been ignored. but how do you consult somebody? what are the americans to be on the civilian? so i've been kid up. i know we want this civilians to be protected. we need to protect the civilians. what we're witnessing know in guess uh the hold, i mean rough find particular is an absolutely unacceptable number of cities, young victims, and it should stop. now, how do you convince the americans who also have a veto power again in the security council to, to be on board with what you're suggesting? what we need is to see results if we continue every all the day to see indiscriminate beings killing a woman should run into us like a tough but not sunday when you know they were around 45 or 50 innocent people were,
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you know, mid to mid people, the space, beth, some kid at the end of bumping, it should stop, you know, any one should understand that that should stop, you know, it's, it's absolutely unacceptable. okay, i'm positive one last question. if i may, i know you have to leave us very soon. president my call has said he is totally ready to recognize palestinian statehood. but at a useful moment, when will that moment be? isaac. uh, the question is open. uh the president uh present. maxwell said uh repeatedly that there is no do about that. uh, what we want is to achieve a peace solution in the region. we want to read the resumption of this process between but it's starting to nice read. and at a certain moment, recognizing the palestine as
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a state would be useful to get there. and that 0 objective is not, you know, it's doing something a symbolic, but it's to contribute towards a subset able to sort of show up and to have a proper response to the legitimate, the expiration of. but it's time to stay tube. thank you and pass that are for speaking to us on knowledge. is there a nickel idea? yeah. front is impossible to the united nations joining us and from new york. thank you very much for your time venture and on the ground in gaza at least 14 palestinians have been killed in the latest. is there any strikes in our new se, roth and brace refugee camps in central gaza? 3 homes were hit, at least 60 palestinians have been killed across the strip in the past state. let's get the latest on the situation on the ground and gas and speak to terra capitalism . who's in darrow, by law? in central guys that brings us up to speed tired with the situation on the ground. the is riley's say they've withdrawn from certain neighborhoods of northern guys
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that where are they opperation focusing on no apologies. we have lost connection with terry capitalism that we hope to bring him back on as soon as we reestablish the link that the pilots return now to the us and the conviction of forming us present. donald trump has been speaking in new york a day after a jury found him guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records. we've got john henry in new york for his kimberly hawk in washington dc as well. john, let's go to you 1st to outside trump tower in new york. what president trump is speaking from at the moment? what have we heard from him so far? the well trumpet said what he said all along in the system is rigged against him. this is something he has said, even when he wins,
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as he did in 2016 and bought a new york jury has done what to impeachment. and the federal investigation were not able to do. they have labeled the former president for the 1st time a criminal the 1st president ever to be given. that particular label from says the system has been rigged against in many railed against the judge any real against new york. and he said it was all done by dividing administration and should be pointed out though that this wasn't new york jury, president biden didn't have anything to do with this. he has, he's not in the chain of command for the district attorney of new york. so if there's really no way i could have intervened in this particular case, but trump is gonna make this a campaign issue, he says the ultimate verdict is going to come in november. that's on the presidential election will occur. there's no reason to believe that the republican party will back off of him so far the disappoint him in the republicans has been
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near universal. every thing we have seen from members of congress and high profile republicans have said they support him. they think the injustice was done, that is the cover of the new york post, the conservative newspaper as well. so as it stands, trump will be sentenced on july 11th. right. and 4 days later will be at the republican national convention in wisconsin, where he is expected to accept his party's nomination for president is a convicted and sentenced. criminal. and, and the big question now being john, what will he be sentence with? i mean, whether he's gonna say, so jail or not talk us through those next steps. sentencing on july 11th, what are we expecting the shore now? ultimately, this ends ranges from probation to 4 years in prison for each of those $34.00 charges. normally, especially for somebody who hasn't been convicted of a major crime, those sentences are run concurrently. so realistically speaking,
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the sentences probation to 4 years in prison. for someone who hasn't been convicted and particularly in the case of a former president, he's supposed to get the same kind of sentence, but anyone else would. but i think we can all agree that he's. he's been given leniency throughout this trial. what most port watchers expect is isn't worse, that would happen is you would either get probation or he would get home confinement or find a prison sentence where he would be required to stay at home. but he's expected to appeal this case. and he's also expected to remain free to campaign throughout the end of the trial. we don't expect that those appeals to be over. and it is likely that because he's such a high profile figure, he's not really at risk to flee, that the judge would allow him to remain free until that appeal is completed. so likely it won't affect the campaign at all. the trump is expected to be on the campaign trail, traveling the country, arguing his chase of grievance and saying that he was treated unjustly. okay, john,
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thank you very much for the moment. dispatched john henry, not side. trump tower in new york. that's head over to washington dc now and of course funding at the white house, kimberly hawk it can, but he wants to political for life from all this. donald trump, again, just now saying that this has been done by the, by didn't administration in order to hurt a political opponent. what's been the reaction from the bottom campaign as well? the binding campaign has been very clear that it is not involved in any way. what it said was, is very simply that no one is above the law and to what he does framed it. now is that this is really going to be decided by the american voters on november 5th. and the choice is clear, it's going to be between a sitting president and a felon. and the statement that was put out is the only way to keep a felon out of office in when it comes to voting day is to vote in
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favor of president biden. and then what was done was there was a day when the us president put this on acts as india attach the link. so hit the button campaign is using this as a fund raising technique, but the bottom line and all of this is, i think we need to look at this in terms of a historical context. because not only is this the 1st time that a for president has been convicted, but this is really set a precedent now for what many would argue is sort of the weapon eyes ation of the law in the united states. so that this can now be used for of, i guess, the political opponent. and so what has now opened the door can now be used by republicans against democrats and vice versa. and so this is the argument that donald trump is making and that some democrats are also worried could be used in the reverse. and so i think when you brought in this out, this does have ground ramifications. we should point up very quickly that we're
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also expected to hear from joe biden. he is set to speak on the middle east and the coming hour, but he will be asked about donald trump and there's no question he will have her reply. ok, kimberly, thank you very much for that. kimberly all could live there at the white house. let's listen in our once again to donald trump, who's speaking from new york statute limitations by lot because this was very old. they could have brought this 7 years ago instead of bringing it right in the middle of the election. so they missed the statute, limitations they did everything. now let me give you the good news. the good news is last night. we just got a report this morning in the history of politics. i believe maybe i'm wrong. somebody will find that i'm wrong maybe, but i don't think so. they raise with small money donors. meaning like $21.00. 42 dollars, 53 dollars. $38.00. a record $39000000.00
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in a about a 10 hour period. because so far, i guess as back for now. i don't know. i'd rather not have it happen. i don't want to have it backfires. i don't know when this thing legitimately not because they was stupid and did things that they shouldn't be doing. they shouldn't brought this case. they was saying it this morning. this is a case that should not have been brought or watch. danny mccarthy say this is a case that should not have been brought and that was this morning. but they all say that every legal scholars at every league, these are great people who really understand the law. the other thing apologise came out the 1st paul, i don't know. maybe others will be bad, but apologise came out
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a little while ago. the daily mail. does anybody read the daily mail? started good. have a good ball please. i like it today. and the daily mail just came out with a ball and it has trump up 6 points in the last 12 hours and $6.00 points since this happened. so it's good because the people of our country know it's a hooks, they know it's a hopes they get it. you know, they're really smart and it's really something so we're going to be appealing this scam. we're going to be appealing it on many different things. you wouldn't allow us to have what this is. it wouldn't allow us to talk. you wouldn't allow us to do anything. the judge was a tyrant. and you got to see that with bob, just l o. a fine man. i've never seen anything like it any there is anybody that was in that court house where he demanded that the court has to be cleared. now the
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good news is most of the people in the court house with the media and anybody that was in the media of the affair, you'll say, wow, that was anger, that was raised, he was praised. and the reason that bob trust dello acted a little bit upset, which i think he has a right to, was that every question. who is being, as was big objected to by the other side, is sustained by the judge, just a and sustained says that i think you did it many times. i don't know what the number of many types even i was city this a and these were basic questions. and he, i never saw anybody treated that way by a judge and i've been treated very badly by 2 other judges also because it's all the same thing. and it all comes out of the white house, crooked joe by and the worst president to the history of our country is the worst president in the history of our country. the most in top of that, this is the dumbest president we've ever had. he's the dumbest president most
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incompetent president, and he's the most dishonest president we've ever had. and so many of the he's the manager of john today. you take a look at the way he treats china russia so many others. you know, i ended, the russian pipeline was dead, he comes in, any approves it, and he gets 3 and a half 1000000, meaning 3 and a half 1000000 is paid to the family, his family, from the mayor of moscow's wife. and i said within that, jump from nobody wants to talk about it for us, the existing amy's old god day after being converted into his hush money trial, an unexpected promise change actually with he will appeal or this isn't verdict was the sentencing is due on july 11th, so let's discuss all of this way of that class. think of shine. now she's a professor of law and philosophy at the university of pennsylvania and is joining us from philadelphia. okay,
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thank you very much for being with us. what do you make of what donald trump has had to say? so far? he says, he'll appeal this verdict, but on what ground skinny appeal? well, he's actually given us a little bit of a tip of what his grounds for appeal may be, which is he suggested to basis of the claim. but judge humor song was conflict is number one. and number 2, he said that he wanted a venue change, which he was not able to get. and that was a kind of obvious ground for appealed, namely that he was going to to suggest that the jury was biased, that he couldn't get a fair trial in manhattan. and that he had wanted originally venue changed the staten island, which was the only place that is public and solidly republican that he could count on. and so my guess is that he's signaling what the likely grounds of appeal
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are going to be. but they're really unlikely to be successful. i was going to ask you about that, whether he spends a chance or not, given that sentencing is on july 11th. what's the sort of timeline are we looking at here as well? you can be sensitive, still appeal and the fuel will take a long time. and is your correspondence suggested even if he's sentenced to incarceration, if that sentence is likely to be suspended while the appeals are taking place. and so it actually may not affect the course of his campaigning. but i will see those are very weak grounds. i think in this case for an appeal, and let's remember that for the appeal the judge has to take. the jury's finding a back says, given the jury is the fact binder. and the judge determines points of law. and so
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the only points that can be appealed are rulings by judge more shawn with regard to points of law. and the judge was extremely careful, in this case, really multiple times, bending over backwards, try to find it to will. and donald trump's favor, even with regard to violations of the gag order, which you did find donald trump engaged in, but not as many as the prosecution claims there should be. and so i think we'll find that judgment, shawn from the fuck presided over this trial extremely carefully. and i doubt that there will be very good grounds for appealing his legal rulings. and his rulings on the objections, despite with donald trump, suggests what, what are the chances that, that he could be sent to jail. and, you know, given that he's broken gag order is during this trial. and the way speaking now
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going on the offensive accusing, you know, the justice system and so on. do you think that might have an impact on his sentence? yes, it's very possible. so at the sentencing hearing, of course, the defense is allowed to put on all sorts of evidence and typically at a sentencing hearing, the defense will try to put on evidence that the defendant is repetitive, that the defendant is sorry, that the defendant understands what he did wrong, it's very unlikely that donald trump is going to be that defendant that comes in and apologizes for what he did. and it's not a typical to find. but someone who was putting on a vigorous defense and the saying he didn't do it, never the less comes in quite penitent up the time of sentencing. but i don't think we're going to find that kind of turn around in the case of donald trump,
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who is going to be using of course this sentencing hearing as just one more campaign stop. and so he's going to come in as defiant and fiery as ever and making the kind of claim that he did just now in this press conference and saying this is a regular trial. and in effect, it's the deep state coming to get him that he's being treated so and they are lee and with all the distortion that that carries with that. um and i think you'll do the same thing at his sentencing hearing, and that's not gonna play very well for him, but it'll be interesting to see how all this on folks. claire, thank you so much for your inside class finkelstein from the university of pennsylvania. joining us that live from philadelphia. thanks for having me. the now with more than half of the votes counted in south africa's elections,
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the governing african national congress may be facing an uncertain future. it's working to form a correlation, not to projections indicated the n c may not get more than 42 percent of the vote. for me to me that reports on the results operation center and metrics. again, changing election. most of all, for the governing african national congress was more than 50 percent of votes counted, it's facing the reality of losing its outbreak. majority in parliament and the leadership of president slid from a point where the agencies paid worse in the selection than any other people are waiting to see whether the agency will take collective responsibility for the election outcome or lay the blame on its president. so the president for this is that in 20142016, the african national congress to collective responsibility for the declining baton . and i, most of the difficulty can survive a change in leadership at this point on may have to co share a present for face of unity despite all the wounds that they may feel. given these
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results, the native projections show the agency may not get more than 42 percent of the votes. good, this is not that bad. it is what it did with that consequence. when it happens, the party is b is being blamed for poor governance and faces allegations of corruption. but many of those are centered around the agencies, former president jacobs luma. he's newly formed opposition party. i'm going to receive a m k. a sofa, 110 percent of the vote, making it the 3rd largest parties. while the amc scramble to hang onto the hallway and the short term that make it tough for you the long time. the part is enjoyed most comfortable with majority cases. what is now facing a new political era, one that's likely to force it into regional and national coalitions to stay in power. at this stage, the agency may need one very large partner to push it over the 50 percent mark. the
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policy brings in more votes, it could work with the coalition of smaller policies, which analysts say is likely to be more complicated to manage opposition party. the democratic alliance has the 2nd highest number of votes, but hasn't yet confirmed its plans. we will do everything in all power, prevents in a, in c, m, k, and t, if, if that's what it is, in based is, it would tank the economy. it would be a disaster for south africa. so we are very committed to preventing dest auto voters in south africa, have long seen and used in actions as a means to achieve change. with many a concern, the political maneuvering and potential compromises that lie ahead maybe to the disadvantage, to meet them in a alters around the grand south africa. one as well speak to is testing itself was the research at the society working politics institute at bits university. shes joining us from janice, but thank you for being with us. so how do you view these results so far?
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has the a and c bad better or worse than you would expect it? oh hi. good evening, l evening here. um, so in my uh, in my opinion on this i think they said worse than i expected. um there was some holes that suggested the ac would be the snow. uh, but as the campaign picked up, there was they gave me a sense that they would get it to the higher forties. and so this is lower than expected. and i think a as shocked a lot of a lot of people watching the selection. so then there's, there's already talk of forming a coalition. who do you think the and see might be looking to, to make a deal with, to form this coalition government. there's been some suggestions that they might turn to zoom as a coach always weighs the party, but they've said that they're not interested at this point in time for me to college. and what do you think is going to happen here? sure, so i think the 1st thing is that although they are predictions and models that are
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out, so i think give on is going to wait until this will of the election results. and so it kind of here, i think around 70 percent of the votes counted at this stage so, so it's still a bit of a way to that in terms of coalitions. they are a number of options on the table. the 3 that are most prominent to spoken about right now is the option of an amc democratic alliance. coalition. the option of in a and see if, if coalition in the main that's as good as all stand now that would meet others instead of the line or an n c m k coalition or a combination of those that i've just mentioned. and then of course, that there is the question of how small the parties would come into those conditions and what they were on a smart industry. joining this condition, what do you think they'll be demanding? and so smaller parties can do mind either leadership positions or positions in a coalition, or they can demand
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a policy positions. and i just need to point out that the parties have a very diverse set of policy positions across the board, especially when it comes to this one of the parties. so it's very difficult to say now what it is that they would mind in terms of that, but it probably won't get very far. if you're going in as a small part, you may be wanted to find them. and she seems right now what, what is emerging from this election is that the south africans want some form of transformation. there is dissatisfaction with the a and see what kind of reforms do you think we could see a new government implemented in some very hot choices. it has to be said that presidency or my post asked to make what do you think he needs to do to restore face in the nc well, i mean, i think the 1st, the 1st thing to do is to put together a coalition in order to govern that's not a 2nd to you right now, and there are a lot of politicians whose are features having the balance of the selection right
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now. i definitely think that part of this result has to be viewed as a, as a punishment towards the n. c. like as a sort of protest against a government saying is any of of, of the n c. and i think we were seeing that now. so really what it will come down to is over the next 5 years, the, and to survival begins early on. the next, next 5 years and what they will be able to do in government, in terms of the economy, which is a major, major point of the selection in terms of social relations, which is also a major point. but certainly the conversation about jobs has been central in the selection, the conversation about the front of me, you can only chose what the can on the plan is of organ uh, really central thank you so much for speaking to a staff name is summer. from this university joining us and use our from johannesburg. thank you for your time. thanks so much. the
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us secretary of state on to the blinking has confirmed the biden administration is partially lifting a bond on ukrainian or ukraine using us weapons to strike targets inside russia. the us had previously been reluctant to allow his weapons to be used a few of escalating tensions with moscow us. over the past few weeks, ukraine came doors and ask for the authorization to use weapons that were providing to defend against this aggression, including against the russian forces that are massing on the russian side of the border and then attacking into ukraine. and that went right to the president, and as you've heard, he's approved use of our weapons for that. for that purpose. i'll just think of as john home and has more on this from case as, as is there, as may speak to a to a white house, a us official. that said that really this measure is about i'm allowing you crying
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to hit back the gates russian forces that were attacking them or preparing to attack them. so what's been happening on the border of the hall t region in the northeast of ukraine. we've rushers, festival. the russian forces have been everly bombarding the city of hall to even front on positions in, in ukraine by read the missiles or lloyd palms launched by russian plains of the usually old pricing and russian aerospace, now the band on using us weapons to attack those missile sites or even those planes because they're in russian, aerospace means that ukraine has been saying we call really defend ourselves. that when we're attacked, there's also been a ground troops from russia crossing over in the fence if it's turned into a new front. and this will also in the hockey region, and you crying says that there are more russian troops assessing massing on the russian side of the buddha. so what the united states is,
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the is doing is allowing you crying to strike the forces that are attacking it into accounts for attack in this way. what it says it's not allowing. and it specified this to us, is that not allowing long range strikes? the inter russia is purely for now about that for the region. the world's biggest and long is running the elections are drawing to a close in india, saturday, march to 7th and last phase of it's generally elections that began 6 weeks ago. prime minister in there and promote a seat is among those being contested. while i reminded that the indian government has not granted visa, so i'll just here is journalist. so we are covering the elections from outside the country, but it had been offset the reports for and i see in india, smell them states of which are per dish is one of the who do use cities for hindus . it's also home to one of the most stages, constituencies in the country from way of prime minister and having remo. d is contested in the 7th and last phase of voting in 201991 the seats by and
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then slide this election. what do you suppose is a focusing not on the victory, but the size of it? what do you do? you have a signal to logic mode is gone. so in the india lines we most have more than 2.5 percent folks. the most popular state is politically significant, sending the highest number of members that's 18 to the house of parliament. this 4000 year old city is famous for producing handles and soak. but members of the weaving community feel marginalized, if i need the money, and i think the, my, every where he, our worries of increased, but wages have remained the same. and the last 10 years since april, the 19th millions of indians has been costing that. but it's in the multi phase election that has spent 44 days from 1st time voters to senior citizens. people have been told us of a heat wave to exercise the democratic rights,
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unemployment and inflation on major concerns. you may, may i, the issues are rising prices and unemployment. there is no work in 2014 the b j piece with the national elections with a campaign promising good days for indians. this time, the campaign has been divisive as moody seats, a search to he's been criticized for describing members of the muslim minority community. as in full traces valid, i'm going to use the da da da da da early a government sit. the muslims will have the rise over the results of the country. what does this mean? this means they will gather all the wealth and give it to the people who have more children. they will distribute it among them from craters. the b j. p is up against a coalition fronted by the indian national congress party. it has accused the go the name parties of one thing to destroy in this constitution. if it wins by a landslide, but a don monthly name,
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the prime minister and shaw and other employees have decided that if they win these elections, they will to and throw the indian constitution. and it, let's say the rhetoric is making many votes, has questioned their support for parties. this is the 1st collection where people are being forced to confront the secular credentials of this country and whether the ruling party represents the secular credentials that have defined this country . turned out in the polls so far has been low, then in 2019 votes will be counted. and results announced on june the 4th until then moody is living on an island in southern india. seeing his taking time out to meditate my live elizabeth elsa 0 still i had on al jazeera the dallas mavericks book this finding the n b a finals show how the dea shows in sports next. stay with the
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business like this to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant. the business agents to be sponsored by intellect, kentucky's real estate consultant,
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the forces joe following. thank you. writing us open champion cocoa gulf is through the full around in paris that she aims to add the french open title to a grand slam tale. the american beat, diana? yes. terms go 626 full. so you create opponent, try to put up a slice and the 2nd set 9 golf victory on how fast much points box the 3rd seed to reach the funding power as in 2022 teams. that 2nd attempt. yeah, i thought, you know, i played pretty well today. i was just trying to be solid. she's a very aggressive player who can, you know, hit winners and also make mistakes. so i was just trying to be solid and be
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aggressive when i could. yeah, i think center remains on calls to make it facts about grand slams off to defeating pebble cuts off in straight sets. the 2nd seed has been carrying hip injury since early may have looked in good form here and is facing one break point throughout. so that will become the new welding one if no joke of which fails to reach the fund that run. and gara italian faces either car in 10 most with a or sebastian ultima. in the 1st rounds. scotlands women's football team is that to play european qualifying double heads or against israel with the 1st matching block or later. the game takes place, submit the backdrop of the ongoing war in garza and will be played behind closed doors because of expected protests for races at hampton polk. ahead of fat game for us and poll that happened. cool. so with his games we cancelled. what are the various policies in saying well, we're having problems that connect seem to pull at hampton court. let's try again.
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pool. can you hear us? ok? i can hear you joy. yes. so what, what do you, what have people been saying about this game? because we know that happen, close the, it should be canceled a yes domain that's been going on in various the way it since october up to the mazda of park on israel. and israel's assault on call to you. he was organizing this quote before i said the israel couldn't play. it's not. is that hard to him so that like now how much is it too depressed in hungry? in terms of this, not the scottish f. a. have decided that because of the, the protest sofa is rails attack on garza studies should be held behind closed doors cuz that's too much of a security risk and hold it with fund now too much and have been many calls for the months to be cancelled. is relative funds altogether, comparing it with russia's bond while you while you find well governing party
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feedback, you wife or your wife, or how they say that they haven't considered that seriously as a possibility. they say 2 situations. all different. a saying, pointing to how much is the type of the difference between votes obviously demonstrates is not very happy about about their goals for scotland not to play. the much they do not play is, are a very good fights being knocked out of your pain compensation in the background of all this is the possibility, however slim is rowe could be bought from international competition in july see for the world governing body will make his decision and emotion by poets thing in football association that is ro should be buying from and to not know football. oh but it's actions and also. alright pull rece the reporting for us from hampton paul quest, caitlin, to take you in israel. easy heard that we had some technical problems with his
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sound and picked up, but we will return to pull a little bit later on in the evening or were just over a day away now from the u. a for champions league final, at wembley, by on the trip to amy for a record extending 15 please title the standing in the way is to receive don't the, it's the music because it's all going, isn't it? and excitement is building in the capital as ones as well. so homeowners orchestra place line session, if the champions week anthem as tracy was still a bit to the funds owned by 2002 champion to my claim. he want it, we found the jared, that very you, the dallas mavericks and for the sports in the n. b, a finals, willow faced the boston celtics, the mazda advanced by ceiling, the west and finals against the minutes,
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like the temples full one or the 1241 or 3 victory in gain. 5 distinct uncles on hands which looked at don't judge and korea, they drop it like it's hot. so stylish play, a scoring $36.00 points each. the n b a finals begin on june. the 6 most importantly we got the way guys, great guys in the team, from players coaches today, button team, we have great guys. and as the most important thing. so we stay together and we just play basketball, especially i think with the 3 very, very, very good teams. and i haven't come into the home advantage, which is which is pretty good for us. the florida panthers one went away from reaching the n h l stanley cup finals. in gain 5, i'd be in your range of 3 to sleep, the east and final one. the same phone line will be on high mice again, 6, which have this on the front. right? the pumps is looking to when they suddenly count for the 1st time. all right, those are useful for now. move with fall relate to folio. thank you very much for
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that. now we had destroy lanka. we had demonstrated a step to the 3 sort of capital colombo to demand and entries rouse. wong gaza, the gather outside the human head office to call, and the agency to do more to stop the bombardments in the gaza strip. now fernandez rec for some colombo as yet another protest is quantity that if you would tell, assigned the banners as you can see stuff, the genocide and ethnic cleansing, reaction lumpkins that he's done with time to time. even more head no more dollars for his really crime stoppers really will grind and o u. s. age are easier to say no to genocide isn't generally sort of a feel of the policy at this process. and so for us to get a different d use on the people know guys who are living and so that is why you know, not only might have, i'm here because my family, my kids. because this is important, is this just probably not just kind of serious,
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but for our own children living able to be in the would be doing more to see or to produce in of the lack of accountability and become feed connie then lack of a disability of human life that happened here happening that is the incentive to get here to cease by an hour. and then in the day, this group of different organizations concerned citizen came outside the you and building that's just behind me in colombo to voice that concern about what's happening and got the 8 months of the war and does a paper say the israel is launching in human onslaught on the people in palestine and based most of the some of the jobs talk about the world is watching the you and do your job. but more than anything, what brought people here is the inability to stay silent enough for the end of august 0. colombo, that wraps up this, these are on, on to 0, but do say with this,
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i'll be back in just a few minutes. with more updates. the in full battle prize fight has charge out from the hidden positions for the moment, however, their enemy is imagined. and their rifles on real venue recruits to the people's defense rules put through the paces in the baking heats. these are skills which will keep them alive and before they can break for food. the pledge of allegiance. since the new conscription laws came into the force of thousands of young men and women, come down into the jungle, joined the pro democracy forces and raw the fight against the military genta and join the ranks based forces, constriction makes resistance, force stronger. now what accepts that road? so youth, so now joining the people's defense forms instead of being constricted by the
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military. these volunteers, tang and sweat, then a hardship to that belief in a democratic future. belief for which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives. a former film and for you to stop traumatized by eastern few knows more of independence, but determined to turn tragedies to commer. this comic genius concealing his own more scholars creates a fictional character which uses happiness to chase people taking away the witness. this is the reality on that jersey that there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken activists making that boy, how many disasters do we need to start taking action in the fights against the climate? catastrophe this generation is trying to save the world. we are in an emergency
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right now. when you do the, how much destruction you're gonna face the consequence nature is, then i will just be a risk new series dying now or never. the israel says its ended, its military operations in parts of northern guys are leaving behind the scenes of death and destruction the so i'm funny, back to boy, you're watching how to 0 life from joe. also coming up. donald trump says he will appeal after becoming the 1st for us president can be convicted of a fine change in policy. us allows ukraine to use the weapons it suffice to hit target.


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