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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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testifying this generation is trying to save the world. we are in an emergency right now. when you do the much destruction you're gonna face the consequence. nature is done. i will just be a risk new series dying now or never. the israel says its ended, its military operations in parts of northern guys are leaving behind the scenes of death and destruction. the no, i'm funny. back to boy, you're watching l g 0 live from to ha. also coming up. donald trump says he will appeal to be coming the 1st for us president to be convicted of a fine change in policy. us allows ukraine to use to weapons it suffice to hate targets inside russia. and india prepares for the final phase of
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a suite on elections 5 minutes and the rent commodious constituency is among those going to the, the after weeks of fighting in northern guys are these really ami says it's withdrawn. it's troops from several neighborhoods. they're pulled back from bait law. yeah. and beta noon rescue teams have retrieves the bodies of dozens of palestinians from the streets and under the rubble on thursday, these really military pulled out of the body. a refugee camp is ready ami says the fighting with some of the most intense of the war, as well as military left residential areas, incomplete bullying and buildings, reduced to rubble as child stratford reports. now they went back along broken roads and tops between mountains of concrete and twisted steel. so
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there's really nothing left to the jabante, a refugee camp, which is close to more than a $100000.00 palestinians. the foldable garza often is sweet week, is rarely military operation. the level of destruction is incredible. well, basically, mohammed repeat stands where his family home once stood up at the top of the top we lift though, area 19 days ago and came back to find the israeli occupation forces have destroyed everything here. this is real destruction have a look and see the full meaning of destruction. they destroyed life here in 19 days . my house was there and has been totally obliterated. i don't know what to do before the barrels. bodies are wrapped in white shrouds. neither come old one hospital is already made. a treat bulldoze is almost many of the dead buried in a nearby makeshift cemetery the hospitals only generates at this being destroyed.
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israel did not use it targets health senses, but the u. n says at least 24 hospitals have been putting out of action since the war started. almost 8 months ago. says almost 500 health workers being killed by the commodities in the hospital. it is completely out of service updates mentioned that it was burned. so many departments like a surgeon intensive care units and maternity wants for newly born babies, pending beds and their rates. so the occupation forces of targeted and destroyed electricity, the water and food networks. despite the destruction and personal plane, the strength of some almost defines belief and to show you might have for disabled children at home. they scream a lot and suffer from epilepsy and brain extra fee. they need diapers, which are not available. and i also saw you fluff instead,
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based off of greatly and displacement as increase the severity of the suffering. we're now in a school, in fact, law here. and the situation in the school is very bad, best, no medicine, no clinic or anything. we'll stay strong and we're sending him to go. so we'll be back to normal with the help of everyone here. these young man as a future, of course the bad. yeah. yeah. the future shaped by the hell. say now into a child. stop it out. your 0. meanwhile, at least 14 palestinians have been killed in the latest use. radio strikes, scene, lucio wright, and bridge refugee camps in central gaza. 3 homes were targeted at least 60 palestinians have been killed across kaiser. in the past, a tie cup was whom has more from down the line in central gas the the is very military has been pressing on with its military offensive course multiple areas in the territory. the main focus of military operations now is in the separate part of going with the impact tequila in
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a rough district. we clearly understand that they use, but it only has to include militarily and the peroration of control over philadelphia. ruth, it's very new to them. a remarkable, also advancement of the maneuvering military tanks to the central areas of russell has bottles the on the close, the funny thing in the, in the roof. i streets are continuing to rage in that area and the more casualties arriving to hospitals that are absolutely in the western parts of the city. we are talking about field hospitals at the same time. new offensive has been carried up specifically that new air strikes have been targeting residential houses where a number of palestinians being recruited cubes in roughly district of our multiple residential building, stuff was completely destroyed by the same time. the situation is a relatively calm in the middle area by the north of this trip, as we have been talking to residents the, the situation is getting new, critical as the is what the maneuvering to, to have made kind of tactical withdrawal from the value of refuge account now they
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are stationed in the eastern areas over to valia at the same time. troops have been deployed the as night was, i've been shooting, everyone is moving to the eastern areas or even families. what trying to recheck what has been left behind from the is where the withdrawal in that very densely populated area that has tend to be a graveyard and reduced the roof of the quarterly. we spoke to dr. james smith, who is an emergency physician from the u. k who has been on a medical mission in gaza for the last 2 weeks. he's currently treating patients and we'll see about refuge account for some of the latest attacks to face a while i is of course i run rough for right now, but the violence continues across the gaza strip last night. the ceiling working here in the state. i. we received many trauma wounded patients, and this morning we received the bodies of 3 people that were killed in an air strikes. were told that they were moving to a kitchen. they were providing foods to local communities and they were a hit,
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a target to strike from these ladies on the vehicle. they were driving it. in addition to the total uh, injuries that were staying. we're receiving every day, tons of patients. if there's anything we joined this suspect, the type of type this many people who are hungry and the hydra exits for this thing with a really serious infections and other medical problems. i mean, the health system has been completely the estimates. it's systematically undermines . now, not only for 8 months, but for decades here in augusta. what that means is that we like the basic resources needed to treat its actions with 1st line on somebody else's wants to stay leading with the most appropriate dressings. and so what i'm having to make do, and i'm, i'm to, to a normal practice and we, we want that. so we have that situation needs only exacerbated as
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a result of the total is ready control of an old border crossings into gaza. now mainly that she monetary access is yes sir, that diminish and specifically access to essential medical equipment. it's medical license is now very, very limited. meanwhile, fronts and all gerry, i have h circulated, drops resolutions to the un security council. it follows international court of justice is ruling earlier this month, said israel must stop peace attacks and rasa, and alarm, or 8 into guys on the franchises. the resolution says that he's around the occupying power shall immediately hold his military offensive in law firm and demands an immediate cease fire throughout the gaza. strippers, be respected by all parties and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. it goes on to demand, all parties comply with their obligations under international law and ensure
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civilians are protected. but i spoke with punches and baskets with united nations early on, because i know, yeah, he says fonts and all jerry, i want that immediate sci fi in gaza to allow humanitarian access well, externally concerned with the situation in russia and engaged the whole world as present on my close side uh a couple of days ago was there is no safe zone. it does. uh right. no. so we won't a ceasefire. we won't know operation in rough. uh. we won't fool you into an excess . it does it does a street. it's not the case. no, we are not dealing with the human to tell you on these as though we are dealing with the wall. if there is a ceasefire on your money 3 and the relief will enter into a guess. uh so i. yeah, because this isn't that julian draft resolution us propose a text that we propose a is a session of 1st duty is no parachuting rough. uh and basically endorsing whether
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into a sort of court of justice has been asking for last week. which is, oh doing is right, is not doing a person in russell and oh jing the hum us to release the whole deal stages. so i really hope that these draft, which again is proposed by jerry off, but which front is supporting could be adopted as soon as possible. it's a matter of emergency, a matter of imagine. so you, sam baset are, but the us to the state department has already indicated that it doesn't see this resolution is being balance. so are you engaging with the americans or negotiations on this resolution? we are talking about the situation in the rough uh we are talking about the decision by the international court of justice, which has been released last week. every while. no. it no, so good to conseula is simple thing, go into the should i go to adjust the sun?
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the cost of just is is asking a is well not to take extra money in rough up and is asking, i must do really 0 stages. i think everyone should simple that. i think every one of there's no exception in the secretary conseula. oh, it is right. not to take action and rough. uh, so this equity consumes this should do the same as well. the other world news for us present donald trump says he will appeal the guilty verdict in his criminal trial. a jury convicted him on over 34 accounts. so falsifying business records, he was accused of trying to cover up payments to an adult film star to protect his 2016 presidential campaign from say is a try was raked and aimed at blocking him from running in november's election. and he's due to the sentence on july, the 11th legal expense was marked down as legal expense. think of that, this is my,
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this is the crime that i committed, that i'm supposed to go to jail for a 187 years for when you have violated crime all over the city at levels that nobody's ever seen before. where you have business is leaving and businesses are leaving because of this goes heads of businesses a bad we don't want to get involved with that. i could go through the books of any a business person in the city. and i could find things that in theory, i guess, let's indict him. let's destroy his life. that's bringing john henry and who's outside from tower in manhattan. the former president john airing is raven says, saying he will appeal on what grounds the that's an excellent question. fully and i don't know the answer one presumes that he'll be able to come up with a perhaps immunity. that is an argument that he's made before the supreme court.
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and the supreme court has not yet ruled on that. but the argument there being that anything one does as president, he is immune for the problem with that is this happened before he was president. so one suspect spread, his lawyers will come up with a, with various options of what those might be. we don't know, we have seen the verdict in today's newspapers. the main stream papers simply calling it like it is saying that he was convicted. but you're a trump fan, you can always look to the new york post, which calls it an injustice. the president spoke for a lengthy period of time in that listening of grievance as you put it. and what he said was that, that this was a written system driven by the white house. the problem with that is it, this was a state prosecution in an estate prosecution. the president of the united states is not the chain of command to joe biden, runs the justice department, but even there is supposed to operate independently. this was
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a district attorney elected in new york, driving a case, it was an independent judge, and it was a jury of 12 of his former fellow new yorkers from having lived right here at trump tower for many years before you moved his residence to florida. so the president is begun using this is really a campaign issue. he's already fundraising on it. sending out notice is saying that they are persecuting him and he's calling on voters for them in the spring about trump. is that every time he's been indicted his hard course? importers have actually favored him more, his numbers tend to go up. when these things happen, what's not clear is whether the people in the middle of those independent voters that each party relies upon to put them over the top in november. mm hm. we're going to support them or whether they'll you, this is a reason to step back from donald trump. so talk us to through the timeline. now
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john, what happens next to sentencing is on july 11th and he's also going to appeal. so what, what are we going to see happen in the next few weeks and next few months? that's right, he's going to appeal this. and what is likely to happen is because he's a very high profiles person and not likely to leave the country. the court is likely to let him go on his own recognizance. that means he's not going to be any requirement for bail is not going to be any requirement for him to be in his residence. he's not going to be held on probation or anything until those appeals are over. at that point all bets are off. but it's very likely that what will happen now is it will be able to campaign as usual, and you'll be sentenced on july 11th, 4 days later in the event at the republican convention in milwaukee and very was expected to accept the cheese parties nomination for the presidency as a convict, incentives criminal. what's interesting there is that in the past,
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anybody who had been convicted of a crime like this would have either resigned or would have been drummed out by his party. in this case, what you're seeing for the republican party in congress and elsewhere is that there is universal support for donald trump. so there's no reason to believe that he will not be the parties nor many in july, john henry in new york. thank you very much, john. the of the us secretary of state antony blinking has confirmed the bite and administration is partially lifting a bond on ukraine using us weapons to stripe targets inside russia. the us had previously been reluctant to allow its weapons to be use for fear of escalate intentions with moscow. over the past few weeks, ukraine came to us and asked for the authorization to use weapons that were providing to defend against this aggression, including against the russian forces that are massing on the russian side of the
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border and then attacking into ukraine. and that went right to the president, and as you've heard, he's approved the use of our weapons for that. for that purpose, i'll just say are, as john homeland has more from case as is there, as may speak to a to a white house, a us official. that said that really this measure is about i'm allowing you crying to hit box the gains russian forces that were attacking them or preparing to attack them. so what's been happening on the border of the hall team region in the northeast of ukraine. we've rushers, festival. the russian forces have been everly bombarding the city of hall to even front on positions in in ukraine buyer, eva missiles, or lloyd palms launched by russian plains of the usually ill pricing and russian aerospace. now the ban on using us weapons to attack those missile sites,
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or even those planes because they're in russian, aerospace means that ukraine has been saying we call really defend ourselves. the when we're attacked, there's also been a ground troops from russia crossing over in the fence if it's turned into a new front. and this will also in the hockey region. and ukraine says that there are more russian troops that they're seeing massing on the russian side of the buddha. so what the united states, as the is doing, is allowing you crying to strike the forces that were attacking it into accounts for attack in this way. what it says it's not allowing and it specified this to us is not allowing long range strikes the into russia. it's purely for now about that for the region. still head on algae 0, south africa's african national congress. traces the prospect of having to build a coalition to spain, power updates, voice electron, the
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had a low, they were stopped by looking at the satellite image for south asia. and you can see the monsoon range starting to creep the way further north. and despite the west to weather. however, it's still a story of dangerous and dead. the heat across the northern parts of india and pakistan that heat has pushed its way from the west across to the east. we've seen some hot may days as well across places like in the pool coverages. * set to continue to rise across the north of pockets done so it goes on as high as they, as they have been by the horse expecting to see the attempt just picked up into the high forties through the weekend. there's still some weather to be found bits and pieces of rain across the north, some called the conditions. but the heavy rain is set to pour in to southern regions on sunday and as more heavy rain to come across east asia for southern
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parts of china. in particular, you can see that messy situation with heavy rain expected once again in g one gong as well as 2 to young and tie one very heavy rain to pull rain here on sunday. it is looking much of the wire across the newest wrecks and showers coming into the west of beijing. but more heavy rain is set to sweep in across japan. we'll see that rain in tokyo to the new week. i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his eye point by camera where all the is prefer not to look and write about what it means to be american and the ordinary people who get caught up in the us. worse, filmmaker rally, packed, and also via turn when on the power of political ok, what other stories retail sales about also and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra
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the the welcome back. a reminder about top stories on how to sierra these really ami says it's withdrawn. troops from bait lie and bates known in northern gaza is comes a day after is really forces pulled out of the giovanni a refugee, completing a train of death and destruction for us present. donald trump says he will appeal the guilty verdict of his criminal trial. trump was convicted for falsifying business records to protect his 2016 presidential campaign. he says the tribe was ranked and aimed at blocking him from funding in november's election. and the us
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secretary of state on to me thinking us confirmed that the country has the so bad on ukraine using american weapons to strike targets inside russia. this is a change in policy from us with your previous see the she's to allow ukraine to use american arms. to strike rush by human sophie said they have launched a miss on a tap on a usa across kerry abbey eisenhower in the red sea. the many onto the says it's in retaliation to joining us and british strikes on the data province in west and yemen that killed at least 16 people was on the ground in the building. i saw a missile hit the building from behind, close to us. the pressure is to the wall the that's what happens. all the ringing outlined lucy's has launch repeated drone and miss on strikes on ships in the red sea since november. they say these attacks our campaign of solidarity with palestinians in gusts. in the many of the many on forces confirmed that the crimes
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of the us and push aggression locked the tub and fulfilling the religious moral. i'm humanitarian, judy tools, the young people say that another operation will continue until the aggression stops. and the seems a little pressed, the kind of thing and people in gaza is listed here in oklahoma. the, with more than half of the most counting south. norfolk is elections. the governing african national congress may be facing an uncertain future. it's working to form a coalition off to projections indicated b and c may not get more than 42 percent of the vote. for me to me that report some of the results operation center in metro again, changing election. most of all, for the governing african national congress was moving 50 percent of votes counted, it's facing the reality of losing its outbreak. majority in parliament and the leadership of president slid around the world. the agencies paid worse. and this
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election than any other people are waiting to see whether the agency will take collective responsibility for the election outcome or lay the blame on its president. so the president, for this is back in 20142016. the african national congress to collective responsibility for the declining baton. and i most of the difficulty can survive a change in leadership at this point on may have to coca a present for face of unity despite all the wounds that they may feel. given these results, the native projections show the agency may not get more than 42 percent of the votes. good, this is not that bad. it is f one. what it did was that cause it was when it happens, the party has to be use being blamed for poor governance and faces allegations of corruption. but many of those are centered around the agencies, former president jacobs luma. he's newly formed opposition party. i'm going to receive a m k, a sofa 110 percent of the vote,
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making it the 3rd largest parties. while the amc scramble to hang onto the hallway and the short term that make it tough for you the long time. the part is enjoyed as comfortable with majority cases. what is now facing a new political era. one that's likely to force it into regional and national coalitions to stay in power. at this stage, the agency may need one very large partner to push it over the 50 percent mark. the parts of brings in more votes. it could work with the coalition of smaller parties, which analysts say is likely to be more complicated to manage opposition party. the democratic alliance has the 2nd highest number of votes, but hasn't yet confirmed its plans. we will do everything in all. paul prevents in a, in c, m, k, and t, if, if that's what it is, in based is, it would tank the economy. it would be a disaster for south africa. so we are very committed to preventing dest auto
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voters in south africa, have long seen and used elections as a means to achieve change. but many are concerned the political maneuvering and potential compromises that lie ahead maybe to the disadvantage, to meet them in the alters around the grand south africa. the united nations is warning millions of civilians in so don not imminent risk of farming. it says fighting between bible forces for more than a year is preventing un agencies from distributing aid. at least 10000000 people. i in turn, the disgrace and to me and have costing to neighboring countries will say, attacks against civilians including sexual violence, multiplying, and hospitals. and schools are also coming under attack, as at the same time, 8 workers faced systematic obstructions and deliberate denials of access by parties to the conflict. movements across country lines, 2 pots of comfortable thought for just 0 and quarter funds have been cut off since
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mid december. in march and april of this year, nearly 860000 people were denied humanitarian aid in these areas. china says it's want the us against interfering, and it's internal affairs. following a meeting between the 2 countries, defense ministers don't to match his american count upon, lloyd austin, on the sidelines or security form in singapore. the face to face meeting was the 1st between the 2 defense chief st. 18 months. patrick falk has more from singapore or some measurable outcomes. the headline of which of apps is so to say that so telephone calls between you. busy some chinese ministry commodities will lose you in the coming months according to the americans. secondly, austin also said that he welcomed the establishment of a crisis communications working group that's going to be in place by the end of this year. so there awesome positive development. see,
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come out of this gathering here in single pool. that's precisely what many people are hoping that this somebody does that it's false as engagement and understanding separately on those tools. we have gone a bit more detail from the american side as well. we told the schools previously chinese said that they were positive and practical and constructive. there was some difficult conversations that were, had the american since they talk to about russia, we're trying to support for russian is one ukraine. our newest grab freedom of movement for us. forces and what it describes as john is aggressive behavior around . so i want, there was an emphasis on russia in particular. and as we said before, us as a repeat of the ones china against support moscow. and it's recently threatened sanctions against chinese banks if they are found to be propping up a will record to the world's biggest and longest running elections are drawing to
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a close in india saturday, march. the 7th and final phase of its general in the elections reminded the indian government has not granted visa, so i'll just, there's generally, so we're covering the election from outside the country. but i have a much 2nd reports for and i see in india, smell them states of which are per dish is one of the who do use cities for hindus is also home to one of the most prestigious constituencies in the country. from where the prime minister and arrange emoji is contesting in the 7th and last phase of voting. in 2019 multi one, the seats, 59 slides. this election. what do you support as a focusing not on the victory, but the size of it? what do you do? you have a single to logic moody is going to in the india alliance. we most have more than 2.5 percent folks. the most popular state is politically significant, sending the highest number of members that's 18 to the house of parliament. this
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4000 year old city is famous for producing handles and soak. but members of the weaving community fuel marginalized. if i need the money in, our worries of increased but wages have remained the same. and the last 10 years. since april the 19th millions of indians has been costing that, but it's in the multi phase election that has spent 44 days from 1st time voters to senior citizens. people have been told us of your heat wave to exercise the democratic rights, unemployment and inflation. a major concerns during the day, mary, i the issues are rising prices and unemployment. there is no work in 2014 the b j piece with the national elections with a campaign promising good days for indians. this time, the campaign has been divisive as moody seats, a search to. he's been criticized for describing members of the muslim minority community as infiltration.


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