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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the say in the, the time to me, the israel says it's and it is military operations in parts of northern guys are leaving behind scenes of total destruction. the service is all g 0 life from bill for the back to the also coming up the we look at how the children of god, of finding a brief respite from the horrors of war. donald trump,
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stacy an appeal after becoming the 1st from the us president to be convicted of a crime and a change in policy. the us allows ukraine to use the weapons. it supplies his pockets inside fresh the after weeks of fighting in northern guys are these really ami says it's withdrawn his troops through several neighborhoods. they've pulled back from bait lie. yeah. and bates, unknown, rescue teams have retrieved a bodies of dozens of palestinians from the streets and under the rubble on thursday, these really minutes harry pulled out of a jabante, a refugee cab. these really ami says the finding what some of the most intense of the war, while israel is military left residential areas, incomplete voice and, and buildings reduced to rubble. as john's profit reports, we bank a long, broken roads and ponds between mountains of concrete and twisted steel.
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there is virtually nothing left to the jabante, a refugee camp, which is close to more than a 100000 palestinians before the war garza often this week is rarely military operation. the level of destruction is incredible. mohammed refused as it stands, where his family home once stood of the software, the software for you on some of the stuff we list though, area 19 days ago and came back to find the israeli occupation forces have destroyed everything here. this is real destruction have a look and see the full meaning of destruction. they destroyed life here 19 days. my house was there and it's been totally obliterated. i don't know what to do before burial bodies of wrapped in white shrouds neither come old one hospital is ready made a treat. both of those is on us. many of the data buried in
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a nearby make shift symmetry. the hospital's only generates at this being destroyed . israel did not use it, targets health senses, but the u. n says at least 24 hospitals have been putting out of action since the war started. almost 8 months ago. says almost $500.00 health with is being killed by the government. the kamala and hospital is completely out of service updates mentioned that data was burned, so many departments like a surgery, intensive care units. and the tendency, once when you loop on babies, pending benjamin rates, the occupation forces of targeted and destroyed electricity, the water and food networks. despite the destruction and personal plane, the strength of some almost defines belief. and to show your mind that i have for disabled children at home, they scream a lot and suffer from epilepsy and brain extra fee. they need diapers,
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which are not available now. so i used to off instead they suffered greatly and displacement as increase the severity of the suffering. we're now in a school, in fact law here. and the situation of the school is very bad. it's best, no medicine, no clinic or anything. we'll stay strong and we're sending him to go. so we'll be back to normal with the help of everyone here. these young man as a future, of course the bad. yeah. yeah. the future shaped by the hell now into a child started out a 0 as an last off the hello tags. this update from the come out loud one hospital in big la here in northern gas to clear the ground. the version, nothing does sort of is fully completed and the way the forces treated her home, the rest of the box was nothing else with a better tweak it from much little bit louder. yeah, she has a attendance doctor. i'm talking to her from kim, out of the hospital, which receives dozens of big bodies that came from time this i thought, i'm sure that, that, yeah, and let's just say it's a neighborhood a,
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the full and the massive of destruction is very use there as well. it forces this floyd, all the infrastructure and service facility, and these neighborhoods, civilians are trying to reach the houses of that areas in order to have something to be useful in the next phase. and civil defense altering also to reach a these neighborhoods in order to have the did and rescue the dead bodies of that area. but they have difficulties because that is why the forces destroyed all the streets and all that and has to have tried the logic of fluids just so you know, nothing goes for palestine. meanwhile, at least 14 palestinians have been killed in the latest is really yes, right? seen on the see rock in bridge refugee camps in central garza, 3 homes were targeted at least 60 palestinians have been killed across kaiser in the past day. that springing i'll just say are static. i was them now. who's in
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darrow blah? in central guys i tried just how people coping with these relentless attacks of the world. a situation for the, for those desperate garzon is fully is completely done as families have been subjected to these very bombardments for more than 7 months. right now in the north and the central areas and right now and the southern part of guns are which supposed to be as a save. so it may have been speaking to people in the north of district. they have been expressing the deep english and even aggregate view to be is very encouraging of the value of a fidget camp that has left behind complex level of destruction in terms of the civil infrastructure and residential buildings. despite the fact that those people have been trying to do everything possible to survive, they are again clinking to the homeland and the most of the straight best families have been returning back to the destroyed buildings living close the remnants of their destroyed houses, button distant from areas,
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people here are completely trapped specifically that within the latest ways of evacuation from rough, our district were more than 6600000. i was funny as have a flight from roof to the central areas. the big territory as we have also touring between the streets of direct by that seeing how desperate guns i was trying to cope with the situation we have been hearing from them that they are trying to steal some sort of relief for outgoing to the goals was beach in order to distract the folks and even to be away from the shadow. these people button this as this report shows these children of finding an escape from israel's will and goes, i love to enjoy showing how life should be here. in contrast to the reality of supreme unhook during months, which is very a tax $17000.00 and the goal is a strip of living without an adult protection awesome races from the assemblies.
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surely love it is that i am a head to play and swim. we want to forget the horrors we are living in death and destruction. the whole family is clifton hoff, father and brothers and garza. i'm here, i am with my mother. i am living in a tent within 15 sounds of children have been killed since october. most of the 81000 palestinians who have be moved to excluding thousands who have had a few patients or sick children. jay and i'm sort of in high despite the horrible conditions we are living, we come to the c side. the only thing left for us to seek some concepts. there's innocent children did nothing wrong to go through all this tyra. we're trying to help them here, mentally, and psychologically hoping they will have a normal and positive future. we the old generation, already traumatized and scott, this is our last result. flimsy tons of little protection in searing heat. nearly 2000000 people have been repeatedly displaced and even tend
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incompetence of the bumps while i have them. and this is the only place we have to vent a briefing, anger, the environment inside the tents is unbearable. they are loading the absence of hygiene flies, a hovering over us day and night. we have tried to get some teen and a fresh breath for children. needless to say, we feel conflict with me all by the sea, as well as the homes. many of these children have lost the favorite clothes, books, and toys. they did not have enough to eat. and many as during from hunger, the castles and assumed provide some mental risk points. hundreds of thousands have found a unique with surprise at this speech every day. as these came from the own going solar and often freight to to the is valley too much, always in components of the stress. displace palestinian is the last remaining outlet 20 the 8th of the, of the growing cycle. it you can pressure that they have been during since october
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the 7th. sorry. so by soon i would just be around there is that i kind of story and i want to show you some nice pictures now from the white house where the setting up the podium for president joe biden, who's due to speak very shortly about the situation in gaza and also the latest surface release is really capt. is to bring that to you live when it the kind of world news now and for us present. donald trump says he will appeal to guilty verdict and his criminal trial. a jury convicted him on over 34 accounts. so falsifying business records. trump was accused of trying to cover up payments to an adult films saw to protect his 2016 presidential campaign. from says the try was raked and aimed to block him from running in november's election. is due to be sentenced on july 11th. anyone,
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legal expense was marked down as legal expense. think of that, this is my, this is the crime that i committed, that i'm supposed to go to jail for a 187 years for when you have violated crime all over the city at levels that nobody's ever seen before. where you have business is leaving and businesses are leaving because of this goes heads of businesses a bad we don't want to get involved with that. i could go through the books of any business person in the city. and i could find things that in theory, i guess let's indict him. let's destroy his life. a moment we'll get reaction to my white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare. but for us to john henry, who's outside trump tower in new york. so john, talk to us about what donald trump has been saying. he says he will appeal. what else did he have to say today? is right. trump says he will appeal, he doesn't say on what grounds. he will appeal and it's important to point out that
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the jury didn't seem divided. it had all 12 ordinary new yorkers found him guilty on all $34.00 felony charges and also fine business records in order to cover up a payment to adult film. star stormy daniels through his lawyer, michael cohen, who has confirmed that all of this did indeed happen, and that the jury concluded that violated campaign finance laws. because with the effectively a campaign contribution to himself, that's what the law says. doesn't say exactly on what grounds it is, the people appeal, but he said he would appeal and he said that the system was rig he went on to say it was all emanating from the white house. the only problem with that argument, joe biden is not in the chain of command for the new york jury or the new york court that convicted truck. if you're a president, you have control over the justice department that has control over any federal charges with state charges or an entirely separate system. so. busy that argument
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is use, he's going to be a hard one to win for him. but he's really argument in the court of public opinion . he's already using this to raise money in his campaign since he's already raised about $35000000.00. since that verdict was issued less than 24 hours ago in all of his legal was his used for political fundraising and it's been effective because in a country where half of the nation sees this, the other half sees that have been very effective for him as a fundraiser pulling john, thank you very much. john henry lives there in new york. let's cross over to washington dc and our white house correspondent. kimberly how good kimberly, what's going to be the political fallout of all this? yeah, well joe biden is also fund raising off of this. he did so almost immediately following the guilty verdict for his opponent, presumptive nominee. donald trump,
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in the republican for the republican candidacy of what we should point out. and you mentioned that we are waiting for joe biden to speak out in the middle east, but there was certain to be questions about donald trump following that speech. he's also his campaign. we should point out mentioned some things on social media as well. saying donald trump is threatening our democracy 1st, he was threatening our electoral system. now the legal system will only you can stop him referencing november 5th when americans go to the polls. the campaign also did say that his speech was an hinge and desperate, and any one watching knows that he cannot be president the united states. he's consumed by revenge and retribution. he thinks the selection is about him. it's not . so they're very strong where it's coming from the president's campaign. but the president is trying to separate himself and continue on business as usual. and as we mentioned, the president is due to speak about the middle east in any moments time. and that
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is due to be from the east room momentarily. and we'll bring that live of course here. knowledge is there a kimberly for the moment. thank you very much. kimberly hawkins white house correspondent you a secretary of state on to me. banking has confirmed the biden administration is partially lifting a bond on ukraine using us weapons to stripe targets inside russia. the us had previously been reluctant to allow its weapons to be used for fear of escalating tensions with moscow. over the past few weeks, ukraine came to us and asked for the authorization to use weapons that were providing to defend against this aggression, including against the russian forces that are massing on the russian side of the border and then attacking into ukraine. and that went right to the president, and as you've heard, he's approved use of our weapons for that. for that purpose. i'll just here as john home and has more on this from cave as a 0 is my space to a to
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a white house, a us official. that said that really this measure is about i'm allowing you crying to hit box the gains russian forces that were attacking them or preparing to attack them. so what's been happening on the border of the hall team region in the northeast of ukraine. we've rusher as possible. the russian forces have been everly bombarding the city of hall to even front on positions in, in ukraine, by reba missiles, or lloyd palms launched by russian plains of the usual pricing and russian aerospace. now the ban on using us weapons to attack those me so sites rebuild those planes because they're in russian. aerospace means that ukraine has been saying we call really defend ourselves. the when we're attacked, there's also been a ground troops from russia crossing over in the fence if it's turned into a new front. and this will also in the hockey region. and ukraine says that there
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are more russian troops that they're seeing massing on the russian side of the buddha. so what the united states is, the is doing, is allowing you try to strike the forces that are attacking it into accounts for a time in this way. what it says it's not allowing, and it specified this to us, is that not allowing long range strikes the into russia? it's purely for now about that for the region. the now is more than half of the volts counted in south africa's elections. the governing african national congress may be facing an uncertain future. it's working to form a coalition after projections indicated the and see may not get more than 42 percent of the vote. for me to me that report some of the results operation center in mid trent. again, changing election, most of all for the governing african national congress, it was moving 50 percent of votes counted it's facing the reality of losing its
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outbreak. majority in parliament, under the leadership of president slid from a point where the agencies paid worse in the selection than any other people are waiting to see whether the agency will take collective responsibility for the election outcome or lay the blame on its president. so the president for this is back in 20142016, the african national congress to collective responsibility for the declining baton . and i, most of the different project can survive a change in the district at this point on may have to come and present a face of unity despite all the wounds that they may feel. given these results, the latest projections show the agency may not get more than 42 percent of the votes, because it is not that bad. it is a point where they did with that consequence. when it happens, the party has to be use been blamed for poor governance and faces allegations of corruption. would. many of those are centered around the agencies,
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former president, jacob luma. his newly formed opposition party. i'm going to receive a. m k a sofa 110 percent of the vote, making it the 3rd largest parties. while the amc scramble to hang on to the hallway and the short term that make it tough for you the long time. the part is enjoyed as comfortable with majority cases. what is now facing a new political era, one that is likely to force it into regional, a national coalitions to stay in power. at this stage, the agency may need one very large partner to push it over the 50 percent mark. the policy brings in more votes, it could work with a coalition of smaller policies, which analysts say is likely to be more complicated to manage opposition party. the democratic alliance has the 2nd highest number of votes, but hasn't yet confirmed its plans. we will do everything in all power prevents in a in c. and hey, if, if that's what it is, lucy invest is,
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it would tank the economy. it would be a disaster for south africa. so we very committed to preventing that auto motors in south africa have long seen and used elections as a means to achieve change with many are concerned the political maneuvering and potential compromises that lie ahead maybe to the disadvantage for me to milan, alters around the grand south africa the united nations is wanting millions of civilians in so don, our imminent risk of farming, it says fighting between wible forces for more than a year is preventing you and agencies from distributing age. at least 10000000 people are internally displaced in 2000000 have costing to neighboring countries. so safety attacks against civilians including sexual violence, a multiplying and hospitals and schools are also coming under attack. at the same time, age workers face systematic obstructions and deliberate denials of access by parties
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to the conflict. movements across country lines. 2 pots of comfortable thought for just 0 and quarter fund had been cut off since mid december. in march and april of this year, nearly 860000 people were denied humanitarian aid in these areas. synagogues new president bus here with your wi fi is on his 1st visit to molly and book, you know, fossil, he's hoping to strengthen ties with a 2 stage, both of which announced a withdrawal from the regional blanket glass. molly book in a fossil n new share o, under military val nicholas hungry for some of the car and the car central bus station. a farmer from tim book, 2, and a jeweler from walker do wait for their names to be called out. ahead a treacherous journey, $2.00 to $7.00 days on the bus, travelling across the ward towards the house toward home. and yet, despite the threat of attacks from i, so now tell you to fighters, the young farmer is more worried about the changing climate in his back. precious
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rice seeds resistant to drop. people are going hungry. he wants plants, millet and rice in synagogue. there are seats that i cannot find, and molly, in january, the june t, as in molly new share and burkina faso announced they would break away from the regional body echo loss after the organization imposed sanctions on them. the withdrawal isn't just about trade. it will also end free movement across west africa for their citizens. i'm worried for my wife and children with these 3 countries detaching themselves. it's not going to be good to divide, us will hurt us. all, all african countries need to work together and unite. then it goes new anti establishment president bus. you would you mind bias visiting neighboring molly and preaching a fast so a move supported by regional leaders. the hope he can succeed, where others have failed. don't put us in a got
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a full set of goals. everything needs to be done to avoid the dismantling of the regional body. echo us because it's essential for security in the region. and also on the economic front, the molly is land locked and 90 percent of its goods transit through sent a go ahead of the muslim celebrations of aid. the senegalese capital is being flooded with ship most come from neighboring molly. the country is sending goals. biggest trading partner and with the new elected governments, it seems the 2 countries share more than economic ties. both countries are looking for a break from their past due relationship with friends, the former colonial power. early in may, prime minister, it was meant sancho announced it was time to revisit the presence of a french military base in senegal. french soldiers have been present in west
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africa for over a 100 years. president finds visits is the start of a new journey for citizens across the region in search for a new direction. nicholas hawk elgin's the right, the car china says it's one to us against interfering and his internal affairs. following a meeting between the 2 countries, defense ministers, don june, met his american counterpart, lloyd austin, on the sidelines of a security form and singapore. the us has yet to say how the talks preceded. the face to face meeting was the 1st between the 2 defense chiefs and 18 months. patrick falk has more from single some measurable outcomes. the headline of which of apps is so to say that so telephone calls between us in chinese military commodities will lose you in the coming months. according to the americans. secretary, austin also said that he welcomed the establishment of a crisis communications working group. that's going to be in phase 5 the end of
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this year. so there are some positive development si come outs of this gathering here in single pool. that's precisely what many people are hoping that this summer does, that it's false as engagement and understanding separately on those tools. we have gone a bit more detail from the american side as well. we told the schools previously for the chinese set that they were positive and practical and constructive. there was some difficult conversations that were, had the american since they talk to about russia, we're trying to support for russian. it's one ukraine, north korea, freedom of movement for us forces and what it describes as john is aggressive behavior around. so i want, there was an emphasis on russia in particular. and as we said before, us as a repeat of the ones china against support moscow and has recently threatened sanctions against chinese banks if they are found to be propping up a will record
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a fleet of 2 sundays general election in mexico continues to be mobbed by kennings and violence along with corruption that perhaps the most significant challenges facing whoever wins the presidency. our address here is right in the marietta, tennessee, newman report, some west and mexico. he has another episode of political violence in mexico. this when caught on camera next door to the election campaign from the start. in the western state of mutual con, rudy is always drawing large crowds of local farmers. it's an ideal venue for state congress candidates, monica felicia to ask for vote for support. this man gives her his blessing, a symbol of protection. she feels he needs the demo. i'm afraid for my children,
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i'm afraid for my life because the dangers are great. but even though i ask for government protection will fix the so far, i don't have a single policeman by my side that nothing on your policy, i mean, allowed them. nearly 40 candidates and 14 family members have been killed the deadliest campaign in recent mexican history. the most of the victims were running for mayor and other local offices positions wanted by corrupt politicians and organized crime. is that they could, they take control of the office and they, they can, by the can be, they know the candidates. i mean, it's very, it's very easily the findings by, by the legal force. that's not a, a, as i knew valencia, i need to movement called citizens revolution. it tracks down kidnappers, and other criminals, for the information provided by ordinary citizens. me said the less now that he's running for mayor of mutual kinds capital. what a yeah. he has 24 hour government protection and he also has his own private
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security and an armored car cuz he would pull it up as long as it goes. but i am heading to a rally. he tells me that state corruption feeds mexico's crime epidemic because on the scene of the style, if with the state has a means to stop this, get a doesn't want to come with the crime because he generates dividends. and that's, it generates profit, so drives money, delinquent, generates money for the authorities, while the victim is just a statistic that a lot of me that they're just getting into the middle console. eula, details supporters that with their vote, he can help change things even though is running under the banner of what many claimed to be as one of mexico's most corrupt party vendor for the welfare and, and business owners, politicians organized crime or trying to get an orange and a candidates, or somebody can call me that is a long history of corruption, which generally guarantees impunity. we're taking you live to the white house where
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as promised, present bible is speaking now about the situation in the middle east. let's placement for our begin. mary marks, i just want to say a few words about what happened yesterday in new york city, the american festival and no one is above the law, was very firm. donald trump was given every opportunity to defend himself. was the state case of a federal case. and was heard by a jury of trial citizens, trouble americans. 12 people like you. like millions of americans who served on yours discharge, chosen the same way every jury in america is chose. in the process, the balance jumps attorney was part of the jury, heard 5 weeks of evidence 5 weeks after careful deliberation. jerry re so unanimous verdict they found donald trump gilby on all $34.00
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felony counts. now to be given the opportunity is he should to pill that decision just like everyone else has that opportunity. that's how the american system of justice works as breakfast is dangerous. it's irresponsible for anyone to say this is greg, just because they don't like the verdict. our justice system is adored for nearly 250 years and it really is a cornerstone of america, our justice system, justice and should be respected. we should never allow anyone to tear it down. it's as simple as that. that's america. actually we are. and that's who will always be god, willie now to another issue i, uh, i want to give an update on my efforts and the crisis you guys for the past several months negotiators a foreign policy.


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