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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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or felony counts. no, it'd be given the opportunity is he should to pill that decision just like everyone else has that opportunity. that's how the american system of justice works. as breakfast is dangerous. it's irresponsible for anyone to say this is greg. just because they don't like the verdict, our justice system is adored for nearly 250 years. and it really is a cornerstone of america, our justice system, justice and should be respected. we should never allow anyone to tear it down. it's as simple as that, that's america. actually we are and that's who will always be god, willie. now to another issue. i, uh, i want to give an update on my efforts and the crisis you guys. for the past several months negotiators, a foreign policy intelligence community like had been relentlessly focused,
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not just on a cease fire or whatever that would inevitably be fragile and temporary, but not a durable end of the war. that's been the focus of durable end of this for one that brings all the hostages shown insurance. israel secured crates a better day after and gosh, without mos in power. assessor stays for a political settlement that provides a better future for his relays and palace studies alike. after intensive diplomacy, try it out by my team. my many conversations with is a visual cutter in egypt and other the least in countries, israel as now often israel is off a conference of new proposal to roadmap during cease fire and the release of all hostages. this proposal has been transmitted by cutter to home us.
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today i want to lay out as terms for the american citizens and for the world. this new proposal has 3 phases, 3. first phase would last for 6 weeks. here's what it would include, a full and complete ceasefire. withdrawal of israeli forces from all populated areas you guys release of a number of hosses including women, the elderly, the wounded in exchange for lace of hundreds of palestinian prisoners for our american hostages. who will be released at this stage. and we want them home. additional some remains of hostages, who have been killed for the return to their families, raise some degree closer to the terrible grief palestinians. civilians would return to their homes and neighborhoods in all areas. browser, including in the north,
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humanitarian assisted with search for $600.00 trucks carrying 80 in the gaza every single day. with the cease fire that a could be safely and effectively distributed to all who need hundreds of thousands of temporary shoulders, including housing units could be delivered by the international community. all that and more would begin immediately immediately draft a 6 ration for the phase one. israel and the mos would negotiate the necessary razors to get to phase 2, which is a permanent and saw how so now i'll be straight with you for a number of details, let me go shake to move from phase one to phase 2. as all want to make sure it's interest are protected. but the proposal says to negotiate who's take longer than 6 weeks for phase one,
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c 5 will still continue as long as the growth stations good. a nice stage of a cutter would work to ensure negotiations keep going. all agreements, all agreements and to all the rivers are reached. and phase 2 is able to be good then face to prevent exchange for the race of all remaining living hostages, including male soldiers, is really foreigners, we can draw from the browser as long as the mouse lives up to its commitments, temporary cease, fire will become in the words of the pro, these really proposal, the cessation of hostilities permanent and the quote station and try stories permanently. finally and face tree, major reconstruction plan forgot forgotten to match and, and a final remains of hostages will been killed, will be returned to the founders. betsy,
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offer their style on the table and which we've been asking for what we need. people to visual should know they can make this offer without any further risk turnaround security because they've devastated from us format for shifts over the past 8 months. at this point, i'm us no longer is capable of carrying out another october 7th, just one of them. israel is main objective of this for me, quite frankly, right? just i know there are those in israel who will not agree with this plan and will call for an award to continue indefinitely. saw summer, even in the government coalition. and they made it clear they want occupied garza. they want to keep fighting for years, and hostages are not a priority today. well, i've urge leadership is a stand behind this deal. despite whenever pressure cons,
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i mean the people of israel's, let me say this, a, someone who's had a lifelong commitment. israel's is the only american presence ever gone to israel and the china war as someone who just sent the us forces to directly defend israel when it was attacked by a rat. i asked she take a step back and think what will happen if this point is lost? you can't lose this moment, and definitely warrant proceeded or not on a den, a fide notion of total victory will not pre israel will not bring down, but that will only bog down as your own gas drain the economic military and your man and human resources. and further in israel's isolation on the world that will not bring hoss use home that will not, not bring it in during defeated from us. that will not bring israel lastly secure.
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but a comprehensive approach starts with this deal. will bring hostages home and will lead to more secure israel and want to see fire and hostage to a concluded lots the possibility of a great deal more progress, including, including come along is realize northern border 11 united states for health for just diplomatic resolution. one that ensures is secured and allows people to safely return to their home without fear being attacked with the do. rebuilding of god's will began our nations in international community. along with the policy, it is rarely leaders to get it done in a manner that does not allow how master we are in the united states to work with our partners, to rebuild phones, schools and hospitals. you guys help prepare communities ever destroy the chaos of
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war. and what this do is come more deeply degrading the region, including it's no surprise to all, including, you know, i, for potential historic finalization agreement with saudi arabia. visual could be part of a regional security network to counter the threat posed by right. all this progress would make israel more secure with is really families no longer living in the shadow or terrorist attack. all this would create the conditions for a different future, a better future from the policy. and if people want to self determination dignity secured freedom, this path is available once the deal i struck, you guys will always have the right to defend itself against the trips to secure, to bring those responsible october 7th to justice and united states always insure
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the issue has what it needs to defend itself from us, fails other fellows commitments on the deal is we can resume military operations. but even connor, i've assured me and they are continuing to work to ensure that the mosque doesn't do that nice day. so help ensure that it is your lives up to their obligations. well, that's what this deal says. as one says, we'll do our part. this is truly a decisive moment. is made their proposal. how much says it wants to cease fire? this do is an opportunity to improve whether they really need from us needs to take the deal for months, people over the world of call for cease fire. now it's time to raise your voice, isn't the man? as i saw a mouse coming to the table greeted this deal and then just for that they began,
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of course will be differences on the specific details and need to work out as natural mos come to negotiate. ready to deal then is there a negotiation must be given a mandate? the necessary flexibility is close to past 8 months. marks, harper and he paid paid and those who levels are slaughtered by him off, cherished and october 7th, passages and families waiting to languish. ordinary is rarely his lies. are for ever more of a shattering event, emotions and sexual violence, ruthless throughout the palace. teddy people have endured sheer hell of this for too many and some people have been killed. probably thousands of children are far too many have been badly wounded. we all saw the terrible images from the deadly
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fire and rough or early this week. following is rarely striking against targeting moss and even as we worked a surge assistance for god with 1800 trucks and living supplies these last 5 days, 1800. the man carrying christmas still remains. i know there's a subject on which people in this country showed deep passionate convictions, soto why it's been one of the hardest, most complicated problems in the world. there's nothing easy about. there's nothing easy to it all over the united states is work relentless just for it is really security gives you monitoring supplies in regards to get a ceasefire and a hostage deal to bring this work to and, and yesterday with this new initiative we've taken an important step in that direction. i want a level here today as to where we are, what might be possible,
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but i need your help. i so everyone wants peace. now. let's raise their voices. let the leaders know they should take the steel work to make it real, make it last year and for better future out of the treasury chair attack and more it's time to begin this new stage. the hostage is to come home for israel to be secure. and the suffering to stop is time for this war 2 and for the day after to begin. thank you very much. i that was us present, joe biden, delivering remarks on the release from the white house. and he is just shared details on a new guys a ceasefire proposal, which he has described as
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a truly decisive moment. he says negotiations have been focused on the cease fire that ends the humanitarian suffering in gaza, but also brings old hostages home. that's bringing our white house correspondents for the details of the state to cease fire proposal. kimberly, we heard a very solid present bite and the announcing this latest sci fi proposal that he said was announced by his rep, proposed by israel talk us through the details of it. yeah, the proposal that he says, i know some in israel will not agree with this plan. he's urge the is really lisa sat behind this deal. ask them to step back and think about what happens if we lose the small wet, suggesting that israel will be isolated if it does not go ahead with this proposal, the deal seems to be broken down into 3 different phases and that it would be phased in over 6 weeks, the 1st phase of it would be to end the hostilities to be
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a full withdrawal of the is really military. the 2nd phase would be critical in that it would be a release of the task. that was these really captives that are being held in gaza in exchange for palestinian prisoners that are in is really jails. hundreds of them that we know are being held in captivity. then the 3rd phase would involve the rebuilding of gaza. this would be significant, given the widespread damage that has occurred, as well as 600 trucks of age. and now obviously there's going to be need for more a than that. so i think this was a daily number because we know the goal right now has been less than half bath. so this is the united states saying that this needs to be increased significantly. now what you're hearing from the us presidents is that in trying to do this,
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this would be if this is a she, if there were 6 weeks that this could be turned into something lasting and enduring . in other words, this would be the complete and, and, and finality to hostilities. in other words, this would bring a cessation to all of the fighting that has been going on. in other words, this is something that would be last to get in during something that the united states has been trying to achieve. yeah. and in listening to the president back, kimberly, it's clear that he wants to bring this war to 110 doesn't wanted to draw, gone in the lead up to the elections and event a yeah. and the way you heard there is the president kind of dangling the carrot, if you will, for uh, for israel by saying, but look at, if you don't, you're going to be isolated saying that this will allow you to integrate talking about what this means. uh, the opportunity uh with working with the air of neighbors and how this could lead
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to a broader stabilization in the broader middle east. and so that you, what you've got there is the president looking beyond even beyond his his term, if you will, already laying the groundwork for what he hopes he can do if he is re elected. and also laying down that one message that her boss needs to take this deal as well. ok, kimberly thank you very much for the moment. kimberly helped get life for a stay at the white house. that's now a get the view of the respect to these early perspective and speak to. so hi ross, who's joining us from amman in jordan because israel has band ultra 0 in israel, a setup present by them said that it is israel, which has offered this new ceasefire deal. but also said, as kimberly pointed out, that there are those in israel, in these really cabinet will not agree to this proposal. yeah, and his speech was really interesting because when that was the sci fi deal that did go through back in november at last,
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it's 10 days now the time they talked about potentially 3 phases to get to a point where the will, which ends. but since then, these, because the ation deals haven't happened, there's been a change in frame between these riley's and then the hamas and each one accusing the other of know a binding up by the details will not agreeing to them on sunday. the difference with this speech best time is clearly the message was directed to the leadership of israel in front. joe biden even mentioned some of those ministers within the government. he said, uh the wants of the is riley's to remain in garza for many years to come. some of those ministers a he didn't mention the names, but it's a public knowledge. but ministers like it's a mob, been debated. the national security minister and best law, smart church, the finance minister who are very open in what they say about one thing, palestinians to choose
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a to me voluntary. 3 or the from goals are and those are the people that want to reset full goals are reoccupied. goals are and it's because of those ministers in the is riley governments, but has led is route to being condemned into nationally with many countries turning against israel when it comes to calling on them to end this war. another thing he said is people in israel will not agree with this time. so he's referring to these politicians and those divisions the in the governments. he also says in the code issue, government, he then says, i just need to ship israel to stand behind this deal despite the objections. a message to was prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who has always had his arm. it's wasted by those far right ministers. because without those ministers, without how those policies of the coalition government could potentially full a new elections would need to happen. and of course there are close against prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu to resign as soon as possible. not just for the phase of october 7 happening in the 1st place, but also by families. i agree, protesting in the contest that against him saying you must accept a deal no matter what that deal is folly. if you remember all for all was the words that has been used for many months now where. c the families of those health concepts will calling on any deal if it means ending the war to allow those held captive to return back home. sorry, thank you very much for that, sarah. hi, rob lived there in amman, jordan, because again, these really government is banned all just here from reporting from inside israel. so we have to do it from i'm on. let's now head over to gaza and speak to terry capitalism, who's in dell by law in central guys. tare, because we heard the israel has offered a comprehensive what is being described by present biden as a comprehensive new proposal. a proposal he says was transmitted to how mosque by
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cuts off, how i'm asked, be responding to this see think well to now there is no any kind of official response from the minute for come us movement on the ground. but the general sentiment among palestinians is that they have been following the press conference being released by the american president are binding about, then use the spot proposal being any share you took by israel that consists of 3 faces as palestinians here, every single time that be here any updates about i'm you see spark proposed so that gets completely up to mystic by this time they have a sense of fear that the kind of negotiations might hit a dead ends as what happened previously within the previous rounds of types of negotiations that was that were made completely by regional mediators including kotob on egypt, fox. this time to propose that has been initiated by isabel. it has been delivered by how much, far from the posts than you and prospective and as we have been talking to locals
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on the grounds here, they have been saying that to any kind of ceasefire that cannot guarantee the full return to the news of the territory and at the same time, full, so station a full minute treat acts on the ground, will be like a band dues on the ones as people are. so you got to return back to the houses in the north as they have been completely unintentionally best place for more than 7 months. right now, subject to 2 different kinds of is verifies. but yet, there is no any co official confirmation from how much movement regarding the acceptance of dispute as the are ongoing negotiations on shot to efforts being made by regional mediators in order to narrow the gaps of this agreement between israel and thomas to end the war on the territory. yeah. and as you say, as part of this, c 5 proposal phase one of this proposal according to present biden, as this says that uh, you know, palestinian civilians will be able if this phase is completed, will be able to return to their homes,
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including in northern garza and he said also that in this phase one humanitarian assistance will resume with age safely and effectively being distributed to those who need it in gaza. at this, of course, as you said, is what the palestinians in guys i want to see happen now because a condition is that they're living in our simply unbearable yeah, yes, that's completely wrong. it's palestinians have been going through on bearable humanitarian circumstances. the last, the houses behind they've been to their life stuff completely changed and turned upside down. moving from living from houses and to make shift filters the local collins of basic necessities as well. growing diseases are suppressing among palestinians. they have been experiencing on bearable losses and even spain that since they one of the fights and as palestinians now are once and only once the
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spot agreement that will bring an end for this. i'm going knock. now, palestinians have lost the majority of their beloved ones. we're talking about more than 36000 obviously has been killed since october, the 7th, more than more that 70000 promising is being injured. so they are waiting for the moment. they can hear unofficial announcements for the end of this will. sorry, thank you very much for this topic up was zoom, lie for say in dial, blast central guys on this. now analyze all of this and what was announced just a few minutes ago by president biden. waive our senior political analyst, my one of the shadow who's joining us from paris. so my one you heard present by didn't speak fear. he described this latest si, fi proposal as a roadmap to a lasting ceasefire. what do you make of this proposal? can't succeed? this time in reaching elastic ceasefire and god will look, i haven't heard of the details beyond what bite inside and it seems to be
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is just another version. oh, but for really been proposed to part 3 faces towards some kind of a sustainable choir as where i think that's something by then uh is uh as trying to be the sales person for the is a the government as he tries to peddle another version of another one of its proposals that does not a starter clearly simply i'm from passively the words cease, fire government and the fire. you would think of the page months of war after the unsettled destruction of guys that we haven't seen in the past 50 years, anywhere. perhaps in the world's, for the american president, not to be able to stand behind the idea of a fair amount ceasefire is really the one duty, but be that as it may, it continues to support. and is there any proposal that will lead to negotiations
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over a ceasefire price, but back to square $1.00 with him us? because what we know is that how much once a ceasefire apartment one, right. and he did say that in the 2nd phase of this proposal, that would be a permanent end to hostilities. is that different from what we've heard before? is it, or is it the same that that's what i said about the, i don't know the exact details, and this is another version of what we've heard before. but the idea that you're going to go from my face to another page without any guarantees. and that these, hey, is this, could be, you know, destructive by simply is right, is claiming this doctor about the thing to continue piping. because what we know from these readings is that they consider any problem and cease fire to day to day as a fix it or for how much that's what nothing else has said in the past. and his once again biden is trying to sell and is a foreclosure because i tell you for the,
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for the past several months it was indispensible for how much to get to a cease fire. i'm not sure if, if today it's not even more urgent for is there a secret ceasefire and for the united states to get to some form of a formula because the is really leaders are really a thorough of both at the i. c, c, and of i, c, j, the spending invasion in the world is slower. so i've heard of the united states and the by the meditation in particular is suffering terribly because of is there as war crimes and goes on? that's why i think based on by the needs this today, the need some sort of a transition of quiet if possible, so that the pressure at home and abroad is indeed there has been a great deal of pressure on israel from both at home and abroad as he said he seemed to, to suggest over there that the ball was now in her mouses cam. but at the same time,
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admitting that they all those in israel, within the current, is really cabinet who will not agree with this plan. what yes, i mean this is that there's a small secret, right? i mean, they've been saying get loud and clear for the past 6 months that they would upset no ceasefire and thought mister bing viewed the intimacy security minister, proposed to move to god who wants to set them in guys now, so we know their position, president biker is not saying anything new. in fact, if you remember several months ago, he propose to me just enough anyhow to dissolve his government because this radical fanatic, precious ministers, uh, you know, unless i'm not the suitable for it to be in government coordinate devices. but in fact, what i have been saying for the past year is that this dollar amount was made possible only by nothing. yeah. whole for nothing. you know that the now is not under pressure of buyers ministers. he made his ministers. this coalition was made by
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within the hour. it's the product of nothing. you know, he's fat and he's phonetically quoting, the coalition partners were made possible by him in the as his personal form in have city. yeah. in the middle is read. he is the godfather of this government. yeah. so to claim as this nothing, you know, there's some kind of a hostage or rather come elements. it is, there is a total for us to come humbug that we know not to be to because missing a 30 out is the fascist the radical of his government. he is. the one who is indicted or wouldn't be indicted on work on is to prosecute the vices he has his way. he is the one that is responsible for the genocide and profiting in our in front of our i. then he is also the one who was responsible for the failure of october, 2nd because of his arrow goods. so hold on, it is not
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a problem of those to the right. there's nothing you know. yeah, the problem to these is nothing, you know, i'm an establishment and it is road that was a goodman to continue with the war for 8 months, shooting tens of thousands of palestinian women and children, the stop destroying the entire process through and yet unable to win a goose, how much so today they are the ones who are under scrutiny. they are the ones who have to, to actually have the objectives. they're the ones who need some kind of a transition of quiet in order to figure it out. the next moves visited by that is sending these early proposal. i'm not sure how much is going to accept or get on board because the once here's guarantees that this will least opt out of minutes. these fire so far we have not gotten those guarantees, no guarantees you had to say my 11 last question and it's something that you just
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mentioned briefly the bite and when talking earlier from the white house said how mosque was no longer capable of october 7, style attack, is there anything to suggest when you look at what's happening in gaza today? anything to suggest that hamas has been defeated military or i'm not sure. that's how most, you know, by the way, just so we're clear because i've heard that being here to the west, i hear to repeat the details of how much was going to do it again. and again, i remember very specifically how this claim was made. one of the headmaster mid leaders mentioned this on a tv program and left but not in passing. when he was excited. there was no decision by him as to be getting another october 7. october separate account was the point it was, the objective is towards the end going to get more palestinian, but it's an artist that are held hostage to the, to them by the way. there are some 3800 but a simian hostages. and these are the have an administrative detention it is. ready
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because so how much really was very specific and subjective out of back up the stuff that i know.


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