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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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pressed down why, despite insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the . ready is time for this war 2 and us president joe by that announce, is a news writing sees 5 proposal to end the war and gaza close on both sides to take the deal, the hello, i my m i z. this is al jazeera life from dell. so coming up on the program is really saying that its forces have withdrawn from parts of northern gaza, leaving behind scenes of total destruction. donald trump is saying he'll appeal off
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to becoming the 1st former us president to be convicted of a crime. and india proposed for the final phase of its weeks long the elections prime minister and are under moody's constituency, is among those going to the polls. the us president joe biden has presented. what he says is a new is riley sees fund proposal to end the war on garza. he says the proposal has been sent. i'm asked by cats. ha biden says the plan has 3 phases. the 1st would be a full and complete sci fi between israel and i'm us for 6 weeks. is wrote would withdrawal from all populated areas have gone to. the 2nd phase would see a poem and an end to the will. and the release of all captives held in the strip. the sudden final phase would involve a major reconstruction plan for garza and there were
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a ton of the remains of dead captives to the us present as judge tomas to accept the deal. this is truly a decisive moment, is made their proposal how much as it wants to cease fire. this do is an opportunity to improve whether they really need a mouse needs to take the deal. for months, people over the world of call for cease fire. now it's time to raise your voice is demand. as i saw mos coming to the tape. grease has this deal. and then just for that they began i'll just here is why it has cost one, and kimberly hawk is in washington and she has more details on the proposal we had today. speaking from the white house, us president joe biden urge tomas to take a deal that has been green light and 5 b is railey government. it is
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a proposal that he says will bring about an end to the fighting and allow for palestinians to return to their homes. it is a deal he says could be brought about in 3 phases. the 1st phase he says, would be a cease fire that would allow for the withdrawal of israeli forces and would also allow for the exchange of captives and the release of policy. the prisoners from is really jails. palestinians would be able to return to their homes and would be receiving up to $600.00 trucks a day of age into gaza. the 2nd phase of the deal would allow for a. 2 permanent and to hostilities and negotiation between israel and tomas, the 3rd phase would be critical. it would allow for a major reconstruction effort of gaza. now the us president saying he knows that there are many in israel referring to some of the far right members of the as really cabinet who will not agree with the plan. still,
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he says he has ers just really leaders to stand behind the deal saying think of what happens if we lose this moment. he has also entice the israeli government with opportunities saying this will allow for israel to not be isolated, but to integrate with its air of neighbors, including saudi arabia, as he has invested his own personal reputation, saying that he will work to make sure the israel lives up to his obligations knowing full well, this is a president that is riding and has a lot on the line given the fact that she is up for re election and looking to win another term in the white house. come november. kimberly help it out to 0. the white house as well as rel, has found out as they are from reporting inside the country. so instead we go to amman and jordan with sarah hire, it is reporting for us. and that has been a bit of reaction from the prime minister's office with an attorney always saying
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that the world will not end until all goes are achieved. has there been any further response in the last hour or so? what are you hearing? and so there hasn't been a further response other than the statement that you just mentioned. and that's probably because of the timing of bite and speech. not only was it prime time, t v in israel, but also a full many people who are observing stopped with us. the day of rest starts friday evening and as well and, and uh, towards saturday evening before uh, those products as a house by the families of those houses. a comparative in the statements by the communist has office. he says that that again, and they will continue that they all united citizen is ready government and that's interesting because by that statement indicates those divisions that are taking place in israel, certainly within the government, but also from the families towards the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu themselves these these ready to government is united and its desire to return our
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hostages as soon as possible, but also says that the will will not end until its goals are achieved, and all the hostages. a broad spots. but the crown that bind and is putting forward there is but it will be done over stages, over phases, as part of the plan that was supposed to been discussed with israel also in the states. and the prime minister says that he's authorized this negotiating team to offer a draft aimed at achieving this goal with us. interesting because of the national security advisor earlier today met with the families of those hell's concepts on said the so they won't be a deal unless all the hostages all release. so it contradicts from what this problem that by doing has put forward. but what was interesting is the fact that binds in clarity was aiming at and so the divisions and this coalition government, he also said some of the prime minister measurements and now has said many, many times every day or most. and in every statement that complete victory by the
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says, will not achieve the uh, the security that is route once and requires from this will, but also will come go isolates as well even further. so clearly those divisions that are being mentioned in that statement. okay, thank you. sorry if i write reports came from amman in georgia, enrollment's difficulties factory general is a policy the national initiative to form a palestinian information minister joins us live from madrid on skype. and some of the analysis we've had so far suggest that the content of this agreement isn't too different from proposals that have been made before including of one agreement that was rejected by these res, is the real question. now, not necessarily how much, how, how might as well respond, but what's nice and you all who is going to do with this deal of what according to the american press, has done this is, is there any plan?
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is there any offer about to have to we still need to here is that nothing? yeah. oh really accepts his own offer if it does offer. so the most important point here is that is it, it must be held accountable for what is declared doesn't. is it a new plan? and i think that's what time us on the other systems movements for the to the system that there is a clear statement by another, by the time you know that he is really approving or supporting this particular proposal. that's wonderful. the 2nd point is that this is the collaboration of this kind of details that we have had. it clearly showed that there's an under and i to the states of america both admitting the failure of those that are the on data. and the sense that the tests failed and that she didn't go and it's was, it tests failed and imposing quickly if mcclin's ingle investing in people in gaza,
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it has failed to it or they could uh, list any under systems it has failed to bring back is there any present notices without an exchange deal and that's by itself will have a very big and bucks to nothing you know, on this router the longer it finally, the most important thing is that to, to make sure the company i will not play games. again, the fact that divide didn't decided to declare by himself, these buttons and clearly he wouldn't have done. so if it wasn't he, if he didn't put a c, a visitor in the approval of it, is it has a way of besieging good my opinion. not anyhow. i'm preventing him from bundles i didn't get again. everything you've just said about the failure of the war to achieve its objectives. i suppose, i suppose could also have used as a pretext for nothing yahoo to continue the war. you got it. so you could do you see it so interesting, good by didn't set the visitor and the good thing guys. wonder if at the completion
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of the word i mean was right. and that he said that the continuation of the word would not bring visitor. let me think of it was not to bring visitor and victory to not to bring visitor in more than i thought, what would they have on the table now? and so. busy in my opinion, nothing you know a by didn't was pressure going up anyhow to say to, to, to, to accept the and it to you. which is that it is impossible to achieve anything more at all. that is very and has achieved is killing 46000 police to me and civilians. mainly, i mean, if we include the $10000.00 people who are composing the, unfortunately all he has achieved is the destruction of the infrastructure of gaza, the people's homes, people's houses, causing a lot of pay and paperless. and you and most of the, tell me cuban gotten able to kind of go very important to know the politics is that, but also to focus on that cause or in the people inside has been through non
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bearable 8 months. but this off to decades of a blockade and a siege in any case. do you see any pos for this agreement to make life easier for them? because the say goals are, is now uninhabitable. for sure. if this uh, plan is uh, limited. if nothing else stops his war and remove the army from goza. and if the american president fulfills is promised that there will be a sufficient supply of humanitarian aid and most important, the beginning before the construction of the gaza. uh, i think this one of the leaves, of course some of the pay and some of the pain would never go away. those who lost the fathers that mothers with children in their wives and that has been so of course these are the ones that would move on to you, but at least the stuff i didn't go to stop and the,
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the more no more people. because this is what you want and at the end of the day it's so starting point in the sense of showing that for this to me and people will never give up for the new website on good. unless the good that freedom and that applies, not all new to accepting and good luck with the guys. that's true, but also it's happening. the nice thing about this thing and people in general, thank you very much. secretary general of the policy and the national initiative in full information minister must have thought about lucy speaking to us. let's get more on the the announcement we've had from the white house today with alger there as how shamella barbara. and so we could have been discussing some of the as rating reactions so far, and especially from the prime minister. and that's in yahoo. very important to also look at how a mass will like to respond to this proposal. and a very important part of the equation, there is cattle in the role that cattle plays. what does it steak? yeah. so basically we have the americans this time saying that they would like to
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see a deal soon. these red is still insist that they would like to see how much defeated as admitted to the organization and the political organization is by and how many of the political the leads are of how much is politically the. the bureau said awhile ago that the fundamentals of how much did not change and that's what a deal to happened. they would like to see the following, a pebble, as he's by a complete withdrawal from does anybody tell you in a to be allowed and to the construction of casa, i think that was established to exist. and that how much along with the pillow is going to have a bigger se, in crafting the future of the policy and state. you have to reconcile some of those differences opposing views. these riley is along with that back, as i say, the how much has to be dismantled, how much which says as i'm sitting here. and this explains exactly the importance of the mediators. they objections and todd is the input ticket that they would have
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to go to all the policies. i'd say we need some common ground to do that. you have to try to be of some of the bridges and you have to make some, you have to ask how much to offer some concessions for this proposal to take find those sites. but somebody and imagine going to have my son telling them, you know, what ultimately with or without to do you are you right, is over the top to have him us is possible the past. would you be able to convince how much then to say, i'm come publicly and say we are committed to a political settlement? so there is this proposal based on the phases. we don't know how is how it is going to be implemented. how much time is it is going to take to be implemented? but there are fundamental questions, the yet to be unset number one. by then today was talking about how mass completely escaped military capability is completely diminished. it's not talking about how mass they're brought, dictated with how much, how big of say,
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how much that is quite clear. they would have to be bought without political equations. otherwise, there would be no political sacrament. i suppose it's whether or not these writers will then accept that whether that will be a point that will be used discuss of this deal because then it would complete the undermine any justification for this horrific war. indeed, other words see the 1st ration building up over the last few months to the point with a concise was saying that they might get to the point where they might review their vote as a key made j type. because they've been saying that we've seen a pattern which is basically, politically it is and they were implying by face of benjamin netanyahu trying to leverage they split deals to advance his own political agenda. uh and uh, to the point where this is totally going to compromise the potential for a settlement. this is going to be an extremely critical moment. and i think because we want to get some old reassurances from the americans in particular that for them
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to be able to convince him not to accept, the disagreement is why this time has to be genuine. if it needs to be a timeframe before coming publicly and saying finally, we have a, the agreement which has eluded all the policies over the last 7 months. is fine to do that. all right, thank you very much. this analysis national bar as well this, these 5 deal announcement comes on the day that israel's minute tree announced its forces of withdrawn from several neighborhoods in northern gaza. after weeks of fighting that, they pulled back from base la young bates on noon rescue teams of retrieve the bodies of thousands of palestinians from the streets and under the rumble. on 1st day the ministry pulled out of the giovanni account is ready on me. says that the fighting that was some of the most intense of the entire war. israel's military is left residential areas incomplete, brewing and buildings, reduced to rubble. charles ross that has this report now. the we bank
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a little broken roads of tons between mountains of concrete and twisted steel. there is virtually nothing left to the jabante, a refugee camp, which is home to more than a 100000 palestinians before the war garza often this week is really military operation. the level of destruction is incredibly well the mohammed ro, fee stands where his family home once stood. heather saw him at the top of the list though, area 19 days ago and came back to find the israeli occupation forces have destroyed every thing here. this is real destruction have a look and see the full meaning of destruction. they destroyed life here in 19 days . my house was there and has been totally obliterated. i don't know what to do before the burial for these are wrapped in white shrouds. neither come old one
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hospital is already made, a treat bulldoze is almost many of the dead buried in a nearby makeshift symmetry to the hospital suddenly generates as it's being destroyed. israel did not use it. targets health senses, but the u. n says at least 24 hospitals have been putting out of action since the war started. almost 8 months ago. says almost $500.00 health with is being killed by the commanded one hospital and is completely out of service of states mentioned that it was burned. so many departments like a surgery, intensive care units, and the tendency once when you loop on babies, the pendant beds and the rates of the occupation forces of targeted and destroyed electricity, the water and food networks. despite the destruction and personal plane, the strength of some almost defines belief and to show your mind that i have for
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disabled children at home, they scream a lot and suffer from epilepsy and brain extra fee. they need diapers, which are not available now. so i used to off instead they suffered greatly and displacement as increase the severity of the suffering. we're now in a school in bay lot here, and the situation of the school is very bad. there's no medicine, no clinic or anything. we'll stay strong and we're sending him to go. so we'll be back to normal with the help of everyone here. these young man as a future of concerns about the future shaped by the hell now into a child, stop it, which is 0. so head for you on the program in south africa's african national congress space is a prospect of having to build a coalition to stay empower officer. it's west electro performance yet the
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the had that was not down on the in australia and we've got some unsettled weather, playing both ends of the country. one of those is a cold front moving its way across the se, bringing some very heavy rain to the likes of new south wales and heavy rain as well across queensland. but we are expecting some flooding across coastal areas of new south wales. the temperature is expected to come down here. sensors are also going to head south as we head to the west western australia. past we'll see 22 degrees on saturday sunday. we're down to 20 as the heavy rain rolls in. we're expecting some destructive winds as well when speeds of up to a 100 kilometers per hour there, and temperatures offset to drop down as well from new zealand south island. severe weather is going to run up the west and west areas of the south island on fat to day. christ church however,
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manages to stay dry and see that sunshine the temperature will be dipping down will be closer to the average. on monday, the dr. guys, a hard to find across the south, east asia. we've got more heavy rain a cause much of the region. not just the cause of borneo, but across the indo china with heavy rain to come. for places like thailand, we've got red warnings out in the south. on saturday. you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the line to thousands of projects except the cost . and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems cost on red chris
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the i'll come by, you have, i'll just hear a life from dell. i'm top story us president joe biden is announced in his riley sees farm proposal, which he says could end the war on gaza. he set out a 3 phase road map which would begin with a 6 weeks. he's fine between israel and him, us. the proposal which includes withdrawal of israeli forces from the population areas, is also cooling for the return of all captives. meanwhile, and goals are itself these radios. he says it's withdrawn troops from bait lie on bay till noon and northern cause it comes down to is ready forces pulled out of the 2. finally, a refugee camp, leaving a trail of death and destruction. well,
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in all the news of the following, the form of president donald trump says that he will appeal his guilty verdicts and his harsh money trial. jerry convicted him on over 34 accounts of falsifying business records from coming out payments to an adult films the to protect his 2016 presidential campaign. trump says the trial was rig and name to block him from running in november's election is due to be sentenced on july 11th to me, they can do so we're going to be filling this scam. us. we're going to be appealing it on many different things. you wouldn't allow us to have what this is. it wouldn't allow us to talk. you wouldn't allow us to do anything. the judge was a tyrant. would you on 100 and brings us this update? he's been reporting on this story from outside trump tower in new york. donald trump woke up to the same headlines, the rest of the united states did. so it seemed inevitable that you would have to address his conviction on 34 counts for filing foss. documents,
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he said the system was riggs. any blame joe biden, in the white house we're doing this. the only problem with that argument is a joe biden has no influence over the new york courts or over the 12 new york jurors who came to the conclusion that he was guilty on all charges. nevertheless, the trump campaign says he is already raised $38000000.00 is more than in any other single day in the campaign since he was convicted. that is an effective strategy for him and has been throughout all 4 trials and $91.00 charges. because when one side sees this, the other side sees that. so in trump world, this is going to be an effective fundraiser and has been in the past 24 hours. john henry, and i'll g 0 new york. the move in 85 percent of the votes counted in south africa's elections that appears. the governing african national congress is losing its majority in parliament. the
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amc has been empowered since the end of a policy 30 years ago, but it's never had to rule with a coalition. meet the minimum of thoughts on this now from the results operation center in the town of the drug and is a game changing election. most of all, so the governing african national congress was more than 50 percent of votes counted. it's facing the reality of losing its outbreak. majority in parliament, under the leadership of president slid from a point where the agencies paid worse in this election than any other people are waiting to see whether the agency will take collective responsibility for the election outcome or lay the blame on its president. so the president for this is back in 20142016, the african national congress to collective responsibility for the declining baton . and i'm not positive can survive a change in the district at this point. i may have to come here and present
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a face of unity despite all the wounds that they may feel. given these results, the native projections show the agency may not get more than 42 percent of the votes, because it is not that bad. it is a point where they did with that consequence. when it happens, the party has to be use been blamed for poor governance and faces allegations of corruption. would many of those are centered around the agencies, former president, jacob luma. he's newly formed opposition party. i'm going to receive a m k, a sofa 110 percent of the vote, making it the 3rd largest parties. while the amc scramble to hang onto the hallway and the short term that make it tough for you the long time. the part is enjoyed as comfortable with majority cases. what is now facing a new political era. one that is likely to force it into regional, a national coalitions to stay in power. at this stage, the agency may need one very large partner to push it over the 50 percent mark the
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parts of brings in more votes. it could work with a coalition of smaller policies, which analysts say is likely to be more complicated to manage opposition party. the democratic alliance has the 2nd highest number of votes, but hasn't yet confirmed times. he will do everything in all paws. square vince. hey, in c, m k. and if, if that's rooters who invest is it would tank the economy, it would be a disaster for south africa. so we are very committed to preventing dest auto motors in south africa, have long seen and used elections as a means to achieve change. with many are concerned, the political maneuvering and potential compromises that lie ahead, maybe to the disadvantage. for me to milan alters around the grand south africa. i was the biggest and longest running election is a drawing to a close in india side. today marks the 7th and last phase of his general elections that started 6 weeks ago. 5 minutes under, under moody seats,
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is among those being contested. just to remind you that the indian government hasn't cronsa visa style just there is john list. so instead we are covering the election from outside the country. my god. but what's that pay reports for? and i see in india, northern states of pradesh is one of the who do use cities for hindus is also home to one of the most prestigious constituencies in the country from with prime minister and even remotely is contesting in the 7th and last phase of voting in 2019 multi one, the seats violence light. this election. what do you support as a focusing not on the victory, but the size of it? what do you do? you have a single to logic mode is going to win the india alliance. we most have more than 2.5 percent for the most popular state is politically significant, sending the highest number of members that's 80 to the lower house of parliament.
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this 4000 year old city is famous for producing handles and soak. but members of the weaving community fuel marginalized, if i need the money in the pink them or you have our worries of increased, but we just have remained the same. and the last 10 years since april, the 19th millions of indians has been costing that, but it's in the multi phase election that has spent 4 to 4 days from 1st time voters to senior citizens. people have pets, all those of you a heat wave to exercise the democratic rights, unemployment and inflation on major concerns during the day mary, i, the issues are rising prices and unemployment. there is no work in 2014 the b j piece with national elections with a campaign promising good days for indians. this time, the campaign has been defeated vices as moody seats, a search 10. he's been criticized for describing members of the muslim minority community. as in full traces valid, i'm going to use the da da da da da early
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a government sit, the muslims will have the rise over the results of the country. what does this mean is got much just means they will gather all the wealth and give it to the people who have more children. they will distribute that among the info traitors. the b j . p is up against a coalition fronted by the indian national congress party. it has accused the governing party of one thing to destroy india's constitution. if it winds by a landslide, but a don monthly name, the prime minister and shaw and other employees have decided that if they win these elections, they will to and throw the indian constitution. and then let's say that rhetoric is making many votes, has question the support for parties. this is the 1st collection where people are being forced to confront the secular credentials of this country and whether the ruling party represents the secular credentials that have defined this country. turned out in the polls so far.


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