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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 1, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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on this business uptake these voltage by the 6 bank gross not net of on the dashboard to use for those simply focus on the politics of the conflict is the human suffering. that's the report on pre brave bullet and bond. and we always include the views from all sides, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i, mario, minimize the welcome to the news, our life from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes is time for this war 2. and the last president drove by the announce is what he calls a new sci fi proposal to end the war and gaza and calls on both sides to take the deal. we'll have a special report on gauze as often children. then you can give
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a say they hope they can be as good as the parents. so coming up, donald trump is saying he will appeal off to becoming the 1st form of us present to be convicted in the crime. and south africa's rooting amc policy look set to software is, was election lost in 13 years and likely to lose this majority in the parliament. the we began in the united states, u. s. president joe biden is just announced. what he says isn't, is riley says 5 proposal to and the war on garza, he laid out a 3 stage road map. it begins with a 6 weeks. he's 5 deal between israel and her mouth. the proposal also includes the withdrawal of israeli forces from all populated areas of garza and the return of all the captives white house correspondent, kimberly how could begins coverage now from washington?
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it is time for this war to and hold for a cease fire in israel's war on gaza. us president joe biden has revealed israel is pushing a proposal. he hopes will bring an end to it's more on gaza. this is truly a decisive moment, is made their proposal moss, as it wants to cease fire to this do as an opportunity to improve whether they really need the 1st phase of the 4 page agreement would last 6 weeks. it includes a complete cease fire ad withdrawal of israeli forces for populated areas of gaza. this would also include the exchange of is really captives for palestinians held. it is rarely jails. palestinians would be able to return to their homes in gaza. and $600.00 trucks of aid would be delivered each day. i know there are those in
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israel who will not agree with this plan. i've urge leadership is on the stand behind this deal. in the 2nd phase of the deal, israel and her boss would work toward a permanent and to hostilities. the 3rd phase would involve the reconstruction of gaza. previous cease fire talks, mainly mediated by egypt. and cats are, have repeatedly stalled with both sides, blaming the other for failure. now bite and staking his own reputation on ensuring this latest deals moves ahead for president basing re election. it's an acknowledgement of the unpopularity of his pro is real policies. there's a lot to consider as far as biting this concern and a lot riding on bringing this up for if it war to an end, in order for him to focus more on elections in which use a trailing behind. that's why president biden's made ending israel's war and gaza
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a priority. it's become a political problem, costing him support with the voters who were crucial for his election with in 2020 . kimberly help get out to 0. the white house as well as bind algae 0 from reporting inside the country. instead, we are based in amman, the capital of jordan for months or higher reports. as soon as the us president laid out that time, we received a statement from the prime minister's office saying that the government of his ro is united is desired to return. those are held hostage as soon as possible and is working to achieve this goal. i think that the prime minister authorized the negotiating seems to present a proposal to that's ends, but would also enable israel to continue its will until all of its subjects is our chief, including the destruction of hum us, doing the actual proposal put forward by israel,
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including the conditional transition from one phase to the next allows israel to uphold these principles. we haven't heard the from the fall, right? ministers, the likes of it's small. ben, give it us national security minister, or best law, smart church, the finance minister, who's also in charge of expansion of those illegal supplements and occupied westbank. and that's probably because they all strict to observe is of sabbath. that's the day of rest. but the reason why i say this is the joe biden statesman in it. he addresses those. he says that will object to this 3rd is included in this coalition. government not want to see is role in garza for a very long time where the words he used and the resettlement of gods. but now he does them to be united on this and to accept this latest proposal for the permanent c spy. it deal also in this he addresses some of the things perhaps,
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but prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been saying victory until the end t says indefinite will under tired. so victory will only for the israel's isolation from the world that will not bring hostages home will bring securities to israel. now we also have heard from the families of those helps captive welcoming this latest proposal. not comes just a day before they will be gathering in tell of even front of the defense ministry in hostage square. so the height of all g 0, i'm on to or minor again is really government has bandages they are from this. so we've report instead from outside of the country. now in terms of the reaction to this announcement by you as president, joe 5 and how mass is also reduced to statement, saying that it's willing to work towards the plan announced a have said that they assigned that readiness to deal positively with any proposal . the office of permanent ceasefire,
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a complete withdrawal of his writing forces from gaza reconstruction of the strip return of the displaced and a serious prisoner exchange. a corresponding cash will help all right. tell me more about how the proposal is expected to be received by mass opinions us with a, with a source here which is with all those villain going to negotiations. i basically said the atari government, the mediators are now going to, with the, with, with, with how my send with these ready hoping to put together an agreement. and this is quite significant. this has been great deal of frustration over the last few months, particularly from the cuts out is things that the international community has not been doing what it should be morally doing to put an end to this and warning that to a certain point, that if the if the situation continues the way it is, tom might we consider its role as a key made to today with this announcement by president biden, with americans are saying that basically at this time they would like to to,
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to be part of this agreement. they would definitely need the rollover, cut off without cuts out. they won't be a deal because they want to see things move fast. to do that, you need to put some cuz some pressure or how much you have to convince how much on the need to have an agreement done today. and by the way, i don't see a major difference between this proposal of the ones that was presented about few weeks ago. what, how much said, we are willing to be able to go ahead to the egyptians of a cottage that we actually have to do only for these writers to say no, it's an all sponsor, a name. lawrence is a former us diplomatic professor of international relations at the american university, joins us live from washington, dc. what prompted this announcement from the american president now he wants to move the ball forward on the ceasefire. the us was not happy with the invasion of our 5, even though it wasn't as little as the americans feared. and now it's sort of,
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it's been patient with israelis, as they quote, unquote completed their mission across guys, a despite the horrific level of killing civilians. it's going on and the us wants to bring the war to the end. so they dusted off the agreement that was 1st presented 2 months ago. right. and how much i agree to uh, think about 2 weeks ago and they've dusted off. they've made some tweaks we heard some new language and biden's trying to push it forward, even though how nice it yesterday that they are still take sticking to to pre conditions. but the fact that negotiations seem to be starting up again is a very positive sign. a bite in front of the proposal as being and as riley agreement essentially led by i buy them. but some of the details of the announcement, things like association of hostilities that is a permanent cessation of hostilities and we've heard nothing. you all who oppose
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this to yeah, this isn't really industry agreement, although they did agreed to an earlier version of this, like i said about 2 months ago and then again, informally with the egyptians. and so there's a history of the fingerprints here. but there are many things that were added to that at the negotiations in paris and in cairo, and in doha, along the way, the notion of a sustainable calm that was the americans in egypt. sions, you know, the formulas kept changing in terms of which prisoners and how many prisoners for hostages. and so a lot's been been evolving here in this agreement. i think the most significant thing today was simply that bite and addressed the right wing of this really public and just really government basically telling them they need to back off and let this happen in very polite terms. and we haven't seen that before. he also acknowledged the killing of thousands of children to acknowledge the peace rallies have to pull out of all the populated areas guys,
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although that remains to be defined. there was some new language here and course the very significant language. you mentioned the permanent cessation of hostilities which we have not seen before from the americans. i suppose the, the issue is that a lot of what bite and had to say contradicts what these ryan is particularly nothing you all who have been saying publicly. so how much full will the bite and administrative should have given this before making this announcement to is not something they will be looking to tackle. now, by pressuring these riley governments in some way, they put a lot into it. in fact, i think they all send over think it in ways that work against their own interests. but part of what's going on here is your question applies this, the americans are trying to outflank this, or at least to degree. and the history of this are trying to outflank the americans . ultimately, netanyahu wants to prolong this. we're past the us selections, hoping trump will win. and that the, the, they'll be of new linkage between the far right of the american politics. and the
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far end of his really politics biden, of course, wants this to come to an end as soon as possible. he feels he's been very, very patient with us, or at least he's been horrified. us been blinking up the level of civilian carnage and he wants it over. but us will they pressure his release hard enough and that's not clear yet. i mean, behind the scenes, there's a lot of pressure. i'm not sure it's enough yet, but the fact that this really have been pressured into making a proposal and now is addressing this really public means. the americans are ramping things up again as they have in the past. and you know, they've got the november agreement previously. thank you very much, william laurence joining us professor at the american university. earlier we have from a kiva elder, but let's call list and contribute to to hire. it's who was saying that is ready. 5 minutes. have benjamin netanyahu still has to convince members of the connected to also support the deal?
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what you read in this message is that president biden is kind of bypassing the is riley government of the cabinet. we didn't hear anything, you know, it's starbuck now. so everything is muted because of the coalition. the, you know, the older adults don't like, i do hear messages during this job, but, and the message i think is directed may lead to guns to a gas. and i as in good, good the deadline that if the government will not accept the american blueprint that includes and although they are out and actually what the president, by that is said, is that he is aware of the fact that there are factions in the college and that's what he finds, it's very hard to accept. so even if it turn, you know,
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we'd be ready to add the wall or do it to put an end to the confrontation. so i suspect that he will be able to convince bank with a small change from the old provide those will, uh, uh, interested in uh, erecting erecting the joys sacraments, installing them again in the gaza strip democratic partners. and i, i think that the key hopes that the, by the hopes that the guns and i as in good were we couldn't see the, the deadline. the ultimatum that they put during this on the, out to the announcement of this proposal from the american president. it comes on the day that these writing ministry announced that his forces are withdrawn from several neighborhoods in northern gauze or off to weeks of heavy fighting. they say they pulled back from the date, lying on by noon rescue teams of retrieve the bodies of thousands of palestinians
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from the streets. and also from under the rubble on size day, the military pulled out of the giovanni a refugee camp. a say the fighting, that was some of the most intensive the whole. israel's military left residential areas incomplete ruin buildings has been reduced to rubble allergies as child stratford has this report now. they went back along broken roads and the tops between mountains of concrete and twisted steel. there is virtually nothing left to the jabante, a refugee camp, which is close to more than a $100000.00 palestinians. the foldable garza often this week is rarely military operation. the level of destruction is incredible when the bahamas were fee, because it stands where his family home once stood of the software, the software for you on some of the stuff we list though, area $19.00 days ago and came back to find the israeli occupation forces have
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destroyed everything here. this is real destruction. have a look and see the full meaning of destruction. they destroyed life here in 19 days . my house was there and it's been totally obliterated. i don't know what to do. before burials bodies of wrapped in white shrouds. neither come old one hospital is really made a tree bulldoze is almost many of the dead buried in a nearby makeshift symmetry. the hospitals only generate such as being destroyed. israel did not use it targets health senses, but the u. n says at least 24 hospitals have been putting out of action since the war started. almost 8 months ago. says almost $500.00 health with is being killed by the commanded one hospital and is completely out of service. officers mentioned that data was burned. so many departments like
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a surgeon intensive care units and the tenants, you once when you loop on babies, pending beds and the retail, the occupation forces of targeted and destroyed electricity, the water and food networks. despite the destruction and personal plane, the strength of some almost defines belief and to show your mind that i have for disabled children at home, they scream a lot and suffer from epilepsy and brain extra fee. they need diapers, which are not available now. so i used to off instead they suffered greatly and displacement as increase the severity of the suffering. we're now in a school in bay pla here, and the situation of the school is very bad. there's no medicine, no clinic or anything. we'll stay strong and we're sending him to go. so we'll be back to normal with the help of everyone here. these young man as a future, of course i have had or yeah, the future shaped by the hell now into a child. stop it,
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which is 0. the former us president donald trump is saying he will appeal his guilty verdict and his so called hush money trial. on thursday at jury convicted him on all 34 counts . so falsifying business records, trump says the trial was ring an to block him from running in the election in november. john 100 reports on this now from new york. anybody, donald trump is turning his historic criminal conviction into a presidential campaign issue. we're all comes out of the white house prepared, joe biden, the worst president to the history of our country is the worst president in the history of our country. the most incompetent is the dumbest president we've ever had. he's the dumbest president most incompetent president. and he's the most is on his president. we've ever had. the only problem with his argument is that president joe biden has no control over the new york court,
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or the 12 jurors who convicted truck. the trump supporters in detractors seen is divided as ever. what's to say they control victor, ham sandwich, right? well hey, you know, they're showing that here because they just, they're so afraid to so terrified in this band. and that's what this is all about. they have followed the rule of law, the judge. 12 years, the evidence was there and the jury found him guilty. support for the former president, following the conviction that made him a criminal has been nearly universal and the republican party for his part vibrant rejected trumps complaints. as breakfasts is dangerous. it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was reg, just because they don't like the verdict. our justice system is adored for nearly
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250 years and it really is the cornerstone of america. our justice system, justice, i'm should be respected. trump campaign has announced its res nearly $35000000.00 in less than a day after his conviction on $34.00 accounts of filing false business records to cover up an affair with adult film. star, stormy daniels, trump is long turned his legal was into fundraising gains and it's effective among his republican supporters. because when one side sees this, the other side sees this. whatever happens with trump's appeal, and his sentence, he invited agree on one thing. the most important verdict will come in the november election. john henry and l g 0 new york. genesis victor is a professor of political science at georgia. i'm a senior last, he's jo school policy and government. and she was saying earlier that the full of presidents conviction is a boost for the 5 and campaign as it is to the, to sort of the advantage of dividing campaign to some extent. um,
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and to the election administration. if there is a either a resolution of this very soon or i said dropped out, i'll be on the campaign period. what gets disruptive to campaigns is when it has big events that may affect the outcome of the sample within proximity of the election and a so from sort of an objective point of view. procedurally that's kind of what you would want to try to. i suspect that will be some appeals and so forth. it happens that then wind up getting that sentencing moved back. but we'll, we'll have to see how that goes if the courts may speed things along. so that, so that they actually get it done before the convention, but we'll have to see it's it's, it's fairly unlikely that trump will be given any jail time as a result of these convictions. but of course that's in the hands of the judge at this point.
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the . we know that 90 percent of the votes counted now in south africa's elections. it appears the governing african national congress is losing its majority in parliament. the amc has been in power since the end of a pond tape 30 years ago, but it's never had to rule in a coalition. mike kind of has the latest now with the in south africa. the process is now in the in game with results coming in from the major urban centers. the picture of the ultimate result is clear. the amc has split supports both nationally and in the provinces. and for the 1st time in 3 decades, will need outside backing to remain in government. yeah, and see says that the coalition is a consequence and lots of plans and will deal with that consequence when it's happens. the 2nd biggest party,
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the democratic alliance says it will tool coalition, but it says that it will do everything. and it's paula to prevent any coalition between the amc economic freedom sciences. all the content we see is we m k, m k on it's fraud, has already rudolph any coalition with the a and c. m. k is headed by former amc president jacob summa, who says he remains a member of the amc. just an example of the twists and turns in this political process as to the result election organizes say, sometime over the weekend. my cannot out is era. the grand south africa scene delays hunter is a political unless he joins us live now from john his bug and it looks as though the amc is going to have to navigate a very different landscape now. yes, absolutely. be amc is the about 41 percent over the phone and it
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does need one on the top at some of the talk today parties to make a government created up and going forward. what might be the options for them then at best buy to be able to donate the two's uh, bring barrels. the 1st choice would be m k, p a, s a n c type that quite vision. that would be much more to blend ups of the for to that by george you gave us all of those freak up in a n d a coalition code and create the options in the community. so yeah, which i think majority. and so do you say an extended period of difficulty with the bargaining and the negotiations? not necessarily because of the funding just to play good in law. and the
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outcome does as be not to you. it has been across the board for quite some time. so regardless of the charge that is going on at the moment, people know exactly why they need to go. could something unexpected come out of this? i know it's a remote possibility, but could several position parties choose to unite in order to remove the amc and around the post from government they decided to remove the not to drum up also from government. if could they joined together to exclude the amc from any potential coalition? is that a possibility even if it's a unlike can happen? because the the what about the challenges facing the next government in south africa? very serious economic problems. quality of living has deteriorated. people go without clean water, some of them for weeks at a time is we seen in our reports in the country power outages as
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a coalition government going to be stable enough to tackle these things to improve life. so people that yes, there the, the big issue of this stuff, the need to go bend is not a very big problem. the biggest problem that you have has been in being to the jews with the office, the component of government, the restriction, the civil service has been doing the best that is true. but for late another piece of the product. and so the 1st task is to restore, prefer prefer those back into the state and once that is done and not supposed to be done, no, but not the best of 56 months or even the old attempt stuff to get stuff done. but as that goes done, the services will attend the 3 parties, m k. yeah. and a is the comrades office. they wanted to go find the people went together for maybe
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a and at some point they live in a very, very successful vision, south africa. so it's a question of them making the decision in continuing where they were for the st. i'll be able to work together. jacob zoom or is interesting cuz he was obviously a very loyal amc member of the decades. he's now heading the rival m k policy and he seems to always emerge from his political and legal challenges with a new life. yes, is the member in good standing of the based on congress is a member of 2 parties as a member of police agency is also a member of the british only part of his blood. the state, the intention of this. you wouldn't be a n c from the ropes and he has to have as well, i think be a it's so the navigating party and a bit amc half what the relationship and, and the, and the so my do, but that's,
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that's for that to get you into 2 parts. thank you very much for joining us. on sundays pharma passes, the world's biggest and long running elections are drawing to a close in india, saturday, march the 7th. and last phase of the vote there it started 6 weeks ago, 5 minutes. and you're under moody. see to among those being contested, just to remind you that the government to india hasn't gone to the visas to address their john list. so instead we cover the story from outside the country while i been with separate reports. and i see in india, northern states of which are per dish is one of the who do use cities for hindus is also home to one of the most prestigious constituencies in the country from with prime minister and even ramadi is contesting in the 7th and last phase of voting. in 201941, the seats violence, slide. this election. what do you support as
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a focusing not on the victory, but the size of it? what do you do? you have a single to logic mode is going to win. the india lines for most have more than 2.5 percent for the most popular state is politically significant, sending the highest number of members that's 18 to the house of parliament. this 4000 year old city is famous for producing handles and soak. but members of the weaving community, if you will marginalized, if i need the money, you are looking to miami. when he, our worries have increased but wages have remain the same. and the last 10 years since april, the 19th millions of indians has been costing that. but it's in the multi phase election that has spent $4.00 to $4.00 days. from 1st time voters to senior citizens. people have been told us of a heat wave to exercise the democratic rights, unemployment and inflation on major concerns. may, may i,
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the issues are rising prices and unemployment. there is no work in 2014, the b j piece slipped national elections with a campaign promising good days for indians. this time, the campaign has been divisive as body seats, a search 10. he's been criticized for describing members of the muslim minority community as in full traces valid. i'm going to use that a da da da da da early a government sit. the muslims will have the rice over the results of the country. what does this mean? this means they will gather all the wealth and give it to the people who have more children. they will distribute that among the info traitors. the b j. p is up against a coalition fronted by the indian national congress party. it has accused the governing party of one thing to destroy in this constitution. if it wins by a landslide, but a don monthly name, the prime minister and shaw and other employees of decided that if they win these elections, they will to and throw the indian constitution. analysts say that rhetoric is
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making many votes, has questioned their support for parties. this is the 1st election where people are being forced to confront the secular credentials of this country and whether the ruling party represents the secular credentials that have defined this country. to not in the polls so far has been lower than in 2019 votes will be counted and results announced on june the 4th until then mode is living on an island in southern india saying his taking time out to meditate my live, elizabeth ultra 0 or less still wants to bring you on the news. our america is allowing ukraine to use the weapons. it supplies to hit targets inside russia. why that story and also in mexico is his story collections. on nearing families of the disappeared wonder if anything will change on the new president
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the had that was not down on the in australia and we've got some unsettled weather playing both ends of the country. one of those is a cold front moving its way across the se, bringing some very heavy rain to the likes of new south wales and heavy rain as well across queensland. but we are expecting some flooding across coastal areas of new south wales. the temperature is expected to come down here. sensors are also going to head south as we head to the west western australia. past we'll see 22 degrees on saturday sunday. we're down to 20 as the heavy rain rolls in. we're expecting some destructive winds as well when speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour there. and temperatures offset to drop down as well from new zealand south island. severe weather is going to run up the west and west areas of the south
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island on fat to day. christ church, however, manages to stay dry and see that sunshine the temperature will be dipping down will be closer to the average on monday, the dry skies a hard to find across the south east asia. we've got more heavy rain a cause much of the region. not just the cause of borneo, but across the indo china with heavy rain to come. for places like thailand, we've got red warnings out in the south on saturday. the hard hitting intervenes is charlotte, north school pieces. i think that the new thing, the f one of these governments with these says 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking odd since the e you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up,
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present as not that important factor here. the story on talk to how does era the . ringback the welcome back with the news outlets life from the quick look at the top story to
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sell us president. job line is announcing his writing these, these 5 proposals, which he says could end the war and gaza. he set out a 3 face road map. it was begin with a 6 weeks east, 5 between israel and a mass. it also includes withdrawal of israeli forces, remove populated areas of cause and the return of all the captives. meanwhile, inside cause are itself these radios. he says it's drawn truths from bait lion and base noon in northern gaza. it comes down to his ready forces, pulls out of the giovanni a refugee camp, evenings a trail of destruction in the wake us on our own biden's lights as these 5 proposed when i knew we had from alger, is there a senior police scarless mironda shower, who said that deal being put forward is meant to help prime minister benjamin netanyahu. this is meant to rehabilitate and that's in the whole more than it is meant to rehabilitate garza. this proposal is in fact meant to show nothing you
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know, as a mother, as a pragmatist, as his scholarship partners isaac students. even though don nothing now is the godfather of this government. he is not hostage to his fanatic coalition partners, but this proposal from nothing. yeah. he'll be less by, by doing, in fact, the market to buy buy, did i know, supported by the british as a, it'll be and counterparts as an orchestral, when be rehabilitating that then you know, not as the criminal, not as an indicted, corrupt politician. but as a credit, but this whole propose a ceasefire, and in the weeks ahead, he will be received in washington for the 4th time to speak for both houses of congress. so in fact, this is a very clever i would say,
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even demonic the initiative on the part. there's nothing else to use. the need to exploit the need for a ceasefire and bindings need for a cease fire. and how much is the for a cease fire to in the process whether there is or there isn't the ceasefire to to happen? he said his own political future is how about as an adjuster? nothing else is the ultimate project is to propose the ceasefire. and how much rejected is how much accepts it. then he's the ultimate pragmatist part of the west, or would it be speaking to both parts of congress no longer as a walk criminal. but believe it or not, some for them are a peacemaker. well move in. 15000 children have been killed since the start of israel's war on gaza. thousands more of witness the parents dying in front of them . those who be left opened now being cared for by friends,
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why the family members will hope to carry the extra responsibility. talk i was in my thoughts from darrow bala. the children's be hearing this cause of pool is coming to the only thing going. so this caused, it could be seen on likely to have the most profound bloomington, the 6 is my mother and father, look in my head and legs when you move out solely to hospital in dairy, bella, how much is my twice to raise his families periods. but he has a huge weight of responsibility on his shoulders and is very as try kit. the camp in rough on this week is pro the was killed along with his wife, leaving the 4 daughters the youngest, only 2 months old in his soul. cat. okay, got them, you know, but the usually woke up to loud explosions. my other brother was killed along with
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his wife, leaving their daughters. i felt they were all insurance, but survived. i'm single, but now have 4 daughters to look after. i hope i can be as good as their late parents. assembly had been uprooted from bait law here. moving going. so an area now are rooms and so she'll to, in rough or so cool. save so according to israel, 3 weeks ago because the very minute, 3 last and operation, this is new arrangements and national warnings that this could lead to slow was in an area of the crowd that with displaced before contamination turned to outrage with on sunday as well. as strikes puck funnier in that camp also designated a safe. so these chairs remains old. that's left at least 44 people, mostly women and children with killed as you and expects, demanded accountability of,
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to staging. hiring images of destruction. displacements and have emerged from roughly including incense pulling apart and people tend to live it did in the, in the another attack on camp in western roughly killed 21 people when tuesday is billed the noise responsibility. i just saw that our tent was hit by missile. that's all i can recall. i'm scared, my leg was injured. it was hurting too much for now. how much can only hold? can somebody close and hope he can protect them? like a father? garza is a graveyard full pallets sitting the children. united nations says since october, the 7th is well, has killed more than $15000.00. how many children and to do source of volume such as the non fault among the experiencing psychology control man. every single time
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they hear the sound of the buttons, tara cup, i zoom out just the wrong. there is that i had a story. well, algeria and friends of each. so i can i to draft resolutions on cause a to the united nations security council. am i calling for the by to spoke with frances on, by search the united nations and could i stay with? yeah, he says that funds now jerry wants an immediate cease firing garza to allow access fees. you monetary, in 8. well, externally concerned with the situation in the recipe and in guess uh, so hold on as present on my chrome side. uh a couple of days it goes there is no safe zone. it does. uh right. no. so we won't a ceasefire. we won't know operation in rough. uh we won't food you into an excess . it does it does a street. it's not the case. no, we are not dealing with the human. they tell you on dfcs though, we are dealing with the wall. if there is a ceasefire on your money, 3 and
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a relief will enter into a guess. uh so i. yeah. because this isn't that julian draft resolution us propose a text that we propose a is a section of 1st duty is no parachuting rough. uh and basically endorsing whether into a sort of court of justice has been asking for last week, which is, oh, doing is right. it's not doing a person in russell. and oh, jing the hum us to release the whole deal stages. so i really hope that these draft, which again is proposed by jerry off, but which front is supporting could be adopted as soon as possible. it's a matter of emergency, a matter of imagine. so you, sam baset are, but the us to the state department has already indicated that it doesn't see this resolution is being balance. so all you engaging with the americans on negotiations on this resolution,
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we are talking about the situation in the rough uh we are talking about the decision by the international court of justice, which has been released last week. every while no. it no, so good to conseula is simple thing done to the should i go to of just the sun. the cost of just is, is asking a is well not to take extra money in rough up and is asking, i must do really 0 stages. i think everyone should simple that i think every want to restore exception in the secret to conceal is trying not to take action and rough. uh, so this equity consumes this should do the same as well. of the us, like a curious they asked me thinking is confirmed that washington is easy to bind on ukraine using american weapons to strike targets inside russia. the us as
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previously step 5 from allowing this to happen for fear of escalating tensions with moscow. john home and reports on the story from keith. it's a big policy shift. the united states is now allowing ukraine to use the weapons. it's providing to a tech tall get a russian. so is that something at a band since the war stuff is it still imposed restrictions? us weapons can only be used to strike the other side of the border from the hockey region in northeast the crane. over the past few weeks, ukraine came to us and asked for the authorization to use weapons that were providing to defend against this aggression, including against russian forces that are massing on the russian side of the border and then attacking into ukraine. and that went right to the president, and as you've heard, he's approved use of our weapons for that. for that purpose and going forward. we'll continue to do what we've been doing, which is as necessary,
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adapt and adjust that, adopting and adjusting has come off the roof ship embodied hockey for months with missiles and glory, palms launch from russian territory. and when russian troops across the border in may, in the ground defensive, the captive moving 200 square, columbus is of territory president to lensky co dot lice. but ukraine needed to be able to stop the types of source. i reject the budget. we can see the places where the items off even from economy, since you can get maps, satellite images. but we cannot respond, and i think that's on fate. to europe in our lives like u. k. fronts and now germany, the great one allowing ukraine to use the weapons to hit target, some russians, so to with varying degrees of restrictions. but the u. s. is by far the countries biggest on supply ukraine needed it on board. the president biden strikes some
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russian territory using us weapons was for a long time, a red line. he and his government worried about escalating the war and countries from the nights or military lines getting dragged in president vladimir putin speaking on tuesday before the announcement. the home precisely, of the laptops have been the representatives of nato countries, especially in utah, homeless, especially in small countries. and that way they should be aware of what they're playing with before talking about striking risk and certitude in general. this constant escalation, but i can lead to see the consequences. nato secretary general repost it this friday, rush escalated, biting basie and other countries, and restaurants escape the adjuster last weeks by opening a new front where they are shifting a ukraine from inside russia. i'm of course, to assume that you crash not to fact is in no way
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a reasonable because the ukraine must be able to defend that the territory. ukraine is always going to be aware that we can use tight road between supporting the countries right to defend itself in a much wider conflict. drone home. and i would just say the keys goes to mexico. now people that head to the polls on sunday to like more than 20000 officials, including the president, one of the most daunting challenges the window will face, is the shopping number of people who are disappearing. considered one of the worst aspects of a crime wave that spreading fear throughout the country. a lot of america is salisia newman has one is from so i could take us in mexico of the colonial city, the septic as a world heritage site. but its beauty, like that of so many parts of mexico has been overshadowed by one of the most cruel forms of violence. nearly 115000 people in
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mexico have disappeared unwillingly. according to the national register of disappeared and found people more than 11000 last year alone. here in check, i think as there's been a wave of kidnappings of young men between the age of 14 and 28, but need to be forcibly recruited by organized crime groups for the last 5 years, elizabeth ice has been searching for her brother jose, nathaniel, or a mechanic who went out to fix a car one morning and never came back for an listed up in may the violinist. we went to alpha stones together. the 1st time we both a drink was together. he accompanied me to buy my wedding dress and to get my facility treatments. we were very close more than any of a civil. this place. armed men grabbed and murdered her father because he was searching for his son and like many family members,
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she's been threatened. in the symmetry of flesh, neal the i'm identified, bodies of hundreds of presumes victims of unwilling disappearances lie in these cement pits us up to 9 bodies fit in these tombs. each has a number and a date. none. and have a name, a sam? yeah, the state attorney's office and forensic scientists department of 2nd take us has set up a system to help families identify bodies. they've found many a burnt or decomposed beyond recognition. but photos of tattoos and clothes are proving useful. so the special prosecutor is they're making progress. the we search, we do everything so that murders are punished if the culprit of a disappearance is found. the person is tried and sentenced accordingly. perhaps much 99 percent of disappearances in mexico go unpunished,
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according to 0. impunity are respected in g o. and the number of bodies phone is minute compared to the countless searches for time. the stein grades, the desperate families carry out constantly. neither of the 2 leading candidates for sundays presidential elections seems to have a plan to tackle this drama. this is a start. he's run out of room for bodies. they do find, but can't identify. what you see here is the new center for the temporary burial of unidentified people here in septic us are a total of 1336 of these just to your loan. each one will hold a casket, but it's not all. they'll be another 800 built here very shortly, and there will be a total of 3000 if anything, this is an indication that not just the state of socratic us, but mexico is not expecting this crisis to end any time soon. a crisis that's reached unheard of proportions for a country that at least in theory,
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is not at war. the sea and human outages, era septic s. 6 as well. so to bring you on the program officer. sorry quite frank, us and chinese defense chase. hope that 1st talks in 3 years and single for
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the the united nations is wanting millions of people and so done our risk of finding it says, fighting between rival forces from over the years preventing un agencies from distributing
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aid. at least 10000000 people at the space inside the country. 2000000 of crossed into neighboring countries for safety. attacks against civilians including sexual violence, multiplying, and hospitals and schools are also coming under attack. at the same time, 8 workers faced systematic obstructions and deliberate denials of access by parties to the conflict. movements across country lines, 2 pots have come to the fore. i just 0 and core defend, have been cut off since mid december. in march and april of this year, nearly 860000 people were denied humanitarian aid in these areas. well, authorities in popping you any of ruled out finding any more survivors off trend a massive land slide just last week. government assembled in 2000 people might been killed, but only a handful of bodies have been recovered so far. the land slide had to young body village and the angle region last friday,
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tanya bell has moved from angle province. so many houses have been destroyed. so people are without shelter, so many canvases and things like that. they, they need shelter, they need more time, they need freed, they need bidding. these people have lost everything. the area that are covered was an illness. and the depth, you know, 5 to 8 meters of trouble in that land slot. um the other contract is that him the rescue operations. and the disaster relief operations is that this is a very rather province, it's a 3 hour drive, but it's a very rugged and one you right to get that the excess has been exacerbated because over the weekend, tribal flashing broke out along the road and that's frightened a lot of people, it's not so sites you need to drive through that fighting zone to get to the side. they do have helicopters. you may see one applied person in the background. they've been doing that all day from an a strip just to the east of us here, bringing in supplies. but really it's, this is a, this is the one of the most rather parts of the in
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a very rugged country. and they are unable to take any of the bodies using machinery because the area is still incredibly unstable. the key focus is on the people who left the people left behind people who being displaced approximately 4000 of them. and so hopefully in the coming days, we'll start to see more of those really urgent release supplies start to flowing, trying to size. that is one of the us against interfering. and it's internal affairs following a meeting between the 2 countries. defense ministers don't. june met his american counts upon annoyed austin on the sidelines of a secure c for missing a pool. the us has yet to say how the talks went ahead. face to face meeting was the 1st between the 2. in 18 months. the president of the philippines delivered the keynote speech at that saw mason, single pole pattern folk has more well as expected, the philippine president's refund. this country's commitments to the international rules based on multilateralism. many said,
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this is the foundation of peace and stability for the international community. and they said that any solution to disputes in the south and east china seas must be anchored in international law. and they also urge countries to reject what it describes as big, misguided narratives um on just maritime claims. that was very clearly a reference to china. beijing has been increasingly confrontational, was going to pains, particularly as manila has strengthened its alliance with the washington and the monks, it will of further up to china. present mouth cause said here and think about that . the presence of the us in the region is crucial to regional peace and stability. china is determining influence over the security situation in economic evolution of this region is a permanent fact. at the same time,
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the stabilizing presence of the united states is crucial to regional peaks. it's never a choice. most countries are important, of the continued stability of this region requires china in the united states to manage that rivalry in a responsible manner. separately, us from china met on the sidelines of the summit. it was the 1st time that the defense chief of the 2 countries had a face to face in 18 months. a big step for them a year ago when the 2 sides could not manage a little more than a handshake with one another of the chinese side described the tools as big positive and practical and constructive fans. the us said says that the 2 sides would resume telephone calls between military commanders from the us in china in the coming months century lloyd austin also said that he welcomes the establishment of a crisis communication working group that would be set up by the end of this year,
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so that was positive signs of progress and that relationship between washington and vision. that's it for me for this news hour, but carry johnson will be here in a moment. is more of the day, the in june 1967, 6 days the read through the mouth of them at least 2 dark colored hair crust appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on them. they dropped the ball on the run out as they were exposed the events leading to the window and its consequences, which i still felt today to help me in this was such as the stuff is left the war in june on out his era. you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in the projects except the
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cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris the the, i want people to look closer at the ugly side of this. i point my camera aware of this, prefer not to look i'm right about what it means to be american and about the ordinary
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people who get caught up us worse filmmakers around tags and also via turn when on the power of political ok. what are the stories we tell sales about also? and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted to on? i would just say around the time for this war 2 and us present to buy and announce is what he calls a new c spot proposal to end the war and concepts and calls on both sides to take the day the carry. johnson, this is sarah from de, also coming out injured and the, we'll have
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a special report from kansas children often by the federal trump says he left here last to becoming the 1st former us president to be convicted of


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