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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  June 1, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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with opposition's design is a cynical and it is harmful, a dangerous completion between the persecution of a people and the criticism of the state is echoing across the world news rooms to send me keys in the hatred of jews because the country is honest and it's not about us, it's about teacher and we need to talk about design is a listing cost special on his jersey the at on the clock. this is con to the costa now to 0. your weekly look at a lot of business and economics this week. the rates for clean energy is gathering speed up the technology to build green economies is mainly produced in china, telling us that the you can shop the countries are looking to count fossil fuels
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and cruise clean energy. put the change in energy system to restate the global balance of power and profiteering on cleanup property developers and marketing air quality products for the rich the we bring coming another luxury so then the race will clean energy is moving fast and then it could drive geo political arrival, reason reshape the balance of power as nations phase of the impact civic climate change global spending on the transition to clean energy hit record highest last year. about $1.00 trillion dollars was spent on installing renewable energy systems, buying electric calls and deploying of the technologies. but it's nothing like enough well, needs to invest well as a double, but to reach net 0 emissions by mid centuries. so which countries pulling ahead all when it comes to green investments? china is leading the pack. that will mess. so bored with exactly $676000000000.00
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invested last year. that's twice as much as, or a new countries combined at more than double that of the united states, wind and solar energy barrel. so soaring, particularly in the united states, and much of that is due to the inflation reduction act, which pulled billions of dollars in green investment for care as a key player and all of this of costs. it has about 30 percent of the world's critical mineral reserves, and most of needed to develop renewable technologies from the democratic republic of congo to guinea into most i'm big industries, just booming with securing those minerals in the long term. well, that's an issue, especially for the european union and the united states. china dominates most of the supply chains. and this could help when geopolitical influence, while the shift towards renewable energy is global. some developing nations chopping into the market to secure their own supply. and to attract wealthy
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investors to your life is hardy and has more now the renewable energy is big business. this is one of the world's largest solar plants, built in morocco, southern city of worth. so it's not, it's part of a major plan to expand green energy that deserts intense sunshine may soon be crucial to power homes in morocco and beyond the heart of one of the largest storage facilities worldwide for such kind of the technology that to allow us to for this particular steve, from sun, even during the evening, for around 8 hours and during the night, morocco wants to produce 10 gigawatts, a year of electricity from renewable sources by 2030. it's also looking to generate enough electricity from renewables and exported to europe, especially now that it's reducing us dependence on russian gas imports. this is really a game changer. i mean country is read to us to depend on our impulse. we've
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but merge on this over here. nobody knows. bid soto, we kinda know reduce the dependency on part in bolivia is also shifting to cleaner energy. the south american country recently opened its 1st of the bio fuel plant to curb gas imports. the president says more will forward only be about the only bolivia will not produce. it's owned by a fuel using the role materials produced by the farming industry. this is important, as we slowly reduce our dependency on foreign sources of sprint. olivia has vast reserves of lithium. the mineral is widely seen as the green energy fuel of the future. other countries and potential clients are taking notice of minimal mining as an industry advocate knows all too well. for years it's applied to others with
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raw materials needed to develop renewable energy. china has invested heavily. i assign a number of cooperation that remains with a, a chinese companies to help us in the just the energy transition to ensure that you are able to expedite the renewable resources a solar wind. and we also looking forward to chinese companies to us or participating and our nuclear program for many countries transitioning to renewable energy is no longer a matter of choice, but ultimately a necessity. katia, look this with the yen, elda 0 for counting the cost. well, for more and this, let's bring it in all guess. joining us from brussels is assigned to the unit dixon declared for sundry, and his group president of the club of room and an international climate change for later. and so we're in my review as well. we have, i'm having to dial, he's director of power shift, africa, climate, an energy think tank, a warm welcome to base sandria. i'm going to start with you 1st. if i can,
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this shift to clean energy. it's on the way ultimately do you think in the end that this is going to change everything i can to the arrival of the industrial revolution. but it is absolutely the arrival of the industrial revolution. but the only problem that i would say is that as much progress as we've made, the state of the transition could potentially backtrack. we're saying that because of fossil energy windfall, profits of 2800000000 per day, we're having a huge backtracking in terms of commitments from 1st of all energy producers, but also big multinational companies. so this could really have an impact in terms of the trajectory of the uptake of renewable energy. yeah. might have, it is pretty evident that the transition is not going fast enough to another luxury because this month investment and we have the forces as well. you know, industry that have huge saw and they actually able to hold the bar is,
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you know, is really slow. it is so yeah, there's a lot of changes really excited. the people here last, the option was to be in there. so the amount of the doctor is for people to shift off. another good thing is you're good to go to is getting cheaper workstations. uh huh. you know, as a, as a reminder to achievement, as all of the energy is going to cheap all the time off to the other diploma. most of the time. okay. strides big strikes being made, especially in china. sun drained to china, leading the way, would you say a china is absolutely leading the way in terms of installed capacity. we're saying about to 1453 gigawatts, which is a very big difference with the us and 2nd place around 388 gigawatts. we're also
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saying that the u is coming up and in 3rd place alongside brazil. but i think what's most important is that with this installed capacity, we're also continuing to see investments in coal. we're also saying that actually there could be some issues with because of the impact of climate change we're getting in some places. for example, in brazil, less hydro power and these types of impacts are not taking into consideration. so the perversity of the market is the fact that actually climate could potentially also have huge impacts in terms of how much wind is actually blowing or not, or how much water we have or not due to climate impacts. yeah, very interesting. and how many sundry inventions, the china there is reliance on coal. it's still heavily depend on something like 58 percent of its energy comes from co pop. the biggest challenge said to fix is the best interest to call you guys companies. awesome,
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but i'm not sure why that large and so we want to continue to other actions, but it really started the biggest so these are oh, you know, so they're trying to use the call. well, we want to ship a call to see some other expire until the other people dislike before they're just all the issues. i will tell you to see that countries uh filter. what is the guy with the fucking of the industry? nice. most of those, the youtube, like no physical diesel. i'm a how much, how much were 5? is it for, for china to be dominated?
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he's so dominating the renewable industry is the biggest louisa. oh, we the solar technology bills. interestingly, the biggest because you know, the, the, another key eligibility. so you're the clinical solution body used to be much carefully overall dash titian of water in these industries. so the you that we have the most that i needed for the addition is off to the how to how low and the to be able to select the toner. want to do that for the visual materials that they you know the classroom because yeah,
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the visuals of bible alicia uses benefit the countries. no. just the bus driver. oh, by the see we just so we have an opportunity to watch the years. you know, the job digital, which illusion no way the simple to solve it in a way that we can use it to do this is the address is the why to access to electricity. the water the water required. okay. the come on. and so in the future and they help people, you know, the finished floor would be able to offer you for the so the total was the vision and the rest of the cost so that we can just try it out. but to just see what you're talking about,
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jackson's window of cool was on another problem which is accessing those crucial minerals, which are potentially a source of wealth for african nations and elsewhere in the world. but uh, san drain also opens with it for a huge potential environmental degradation to access them to, to get them to mind the okay. yeah, i think there is, there's a variety of different impacts that we're going to see. and also power shifts. and i fully agree with mom and that we absolutely need to support africa in terms of a new type of economic development. but we do have to remember the ricochet effect of our shift in terms of the value of change. one is the power politics will completely change and the influence of the whole shift towards renewable electrification will have a huge impact. we can see it through battery technology. we can also see it through renewables, technology, but also of course it will create new dependencies. so how do we ensure that we
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don't get stuck in the same types of dependencies that we've had on russian gas, for example? the other key issue is what type of financial structures do we put in place in order to enable africa to truly be the leader. so what we've been working at at the club of rome and also with our initiative referral, is to create the physical space. because the fact of the matter is that africa can't truly be part of the transition or much of the global south. unless we enable dot, that cancellation, we put in place the right special drawing rides and fiscal assistance in order to enable them to truly become the leaders. this also means new types of partnerships with europe, with the united states, and also with china. and from a european perspective, i personally believe that it's the moment to open up a totally new pulse, neo colonial type of partnership with the african member states between europe and africa. think about clean technologies and infrastructure and what that means for
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their economic development. and also their export possibilities. think through the environmental impacts and bring some of the knowledge across from europe, but from other countries like australia, in terms of new mining technologies and think through together how we can co create this transition so that it actually does work for everyone now. and i just said one other thing i just wanted to ask you and talk to you about the d. c in africa, have access to a huge amount of fossil fuel resources in the congo base, but they want to get out. they say they want to get out of it, but the west to say, no, you can't do that. it's a west, right? to say that, you know, the west, you can begin to expand a little forces to see the age of the blocks special horses. well, in the united states, no, do not cool. some countries don't projected you there. so since we're not
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the one and the kind of policy the sure. but she is the side of the castell option, but i was actually also because i was watching. well, we have to do this lecture, but we just don't want to use them so well actually in this other strand with atlantic wise, i think there's an opportunity to see, to live for the buyer this weekend and canada, i know we just left the phone for the a see here, hold on the actual the just be able to actually talk
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to you or visit with release just to just let you know the i see i wanted to look at how much am oh okay. to rock this up. san drain was saying, a huge shift hire out way, and how do you think this shift is going to change the balance of power? how's it going to affect the world g, a politically, a really well completely changed the balance of power and some of the work that we've also been doing with the energy transition commission. you know, shows very clearly now that as i said, our dependency on renewables coming from china, our dependency on minerals coming from brazil, africa will mean that these will be the new energy players. but i think it's really important we are at a tipping point here. we've seen the growth of renewables. we've seen the growth of
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the energy transition. and yet we're being told by energy producers recently, the fossil energy producers that they're pulling out of their renewable investments . and this is incredibly problematic because it's actually giving a signal to the investment community that renewables are starting to get frozen. and that is meaning that actually private capital is not going to flow in the right direction. so i think it's incredibly important now that are leadership across the globe continues to stand behind a renewable energy transition. but as mohammed said, we have absolutely no choice. this is a planetary emergency, we're seeing the impacts of climate change across the globe as we speak. and so this is the time not to be fearful of a shift in geo politics. but to think very clearly about what that might mean in terms of impacts, a new relationships, a new partnerships that we need to build so that we can truly all co create this transition together. and that will depend on the real courage and the bravery of
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our leadership right now. not to start back tracking because they're fearful of the cost because we've seen, as mohammed said, and as we've seen through all of our analysis. but the parity now is here, the costs have gone down. it is the moment to shift strong message from both you visa critical times as andre convicts in the class. i'm having to go. thank you very much. i, i thank you. of course we'll breed the same map and pollution is a universal problem that can lead to serious health issues. but money can play an important role and people's exposure to clean the rich people have the results has to manage pollution and purchase purifies among other products. the real estate market is tapping into that potential for the environmental inequality is not just between households. the quality of that also differs from locally from one street to another. i mentioned nicely between countries. it wouldn't come back as this
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lena is the most basic necessity for human life. but even this is not available equally. in europe, the air is guessing clean a while inside inside east asia, pollution is increasing. adults to $6700000.00 air pollution associated tests per year. the majority of them are in asia and africa. this is driven by a range of things from different ways to generating energy and also our global system. that means that lots of these countries are producing products. the us come to the north and last year, countries the zation emission and missing transportation and agricultural methods like funding of crops or other factors. but there is also inequality within a city, from street to street, or even between households. people with lower socioeconomic status tend to leave you now or yes, we die your levels of traffic, for example,
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that are close to into select communities, work conditions. you have a much more likely from the ability to work outdoors if you are a poor person or in places that affected by your pollution. while a person on a low income may need to cycle to what exposing themselves to pollution, a person with a high income can use an air condition call. and they would also like to have a conditioning app your fires in their homes. while people i'm very loving, comes, may not even have gloss in the windows. and cooking is a major factor with 2300000000 people around the world. only being able to afford using heating message that all creating pollutants in their own homes. like open coal fires with kerosene. in fact, real estate developers, that's the gun offering cleanup as a feature. and some new apartment blocks have advance feel tracing systems built in . in the us, these homes are at least 20 percent more expensive than the equivalent with arch.
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all those studies show that in the us divisions are not only alone economic lines, but also racial. if your black to african american person in north america, you are exposed to one and a half times the amount of particular rest of that you might be exposed to. if you're from a different community or the population as a whole. according to experts, tackling air pollution needs policy change on a global, regional, and national level, rather than potentially exacerbating inequality bubbles of clean a imaging, kimber, which is 0 for counting the cost. all right, let's get into this now with up here. bhalla who joins us from new delhi. he's an environmentalist and youth advisor for the commonwealth human ecology council. well coming to economy because up here tell us more about the side growing business. have been boy equality and just how big the mock is. the bags of faith to be healed . well, uh, you know, the, that is definitely uh,
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doing market for indoor air quality when it comes to clean air. because, you know, the several effect of savings is whether it's the city out or, but you shouldn't, that we see in delhi and the rest of the northern get inject blame and india. and in done this, the, you know, this they use in days has concerns built in the shot them and a lot of them. and of course, you know, often tool that we've seen that people have become more aware of the importance of l, the environments people are more than glad that you know that they can be transmission risk even they belong to. and of course, you know that there is a box that is being generated today around the fact that in days want us to most of the you did countries in the world when it comes to equality. and you know that stock number does that mean? if we looked it in the way quality, the air quality insight homes,
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especially during the winter was found to be 15 percent was then the ad i would say, okay, you know, the that's, that's a big figures. and so is this technology isn't good enough to deal with that kind of problem? there is technology, but as a video also pointed out, it's an accessible to most people get an 80 to 90 percent of in gas. that example can not afford a natural to file because that average household income for the month would be about $20000.00 with is even the cheapest at the file costs at um 50027000 bees. so how long do you think it'll take for this technology to trickle down to the poor communities? well, at least a couple of years and i don't think the distribution lies only in the technology that that needs to be a systemic change when it comes to the enforcement of policies in, in getting to the rest of the developing work that he killed admissions. all the
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time that he talked with you with that, but usually, so we need to have that shift towards public transport between hydrogen. so the short answer to your question is a minimum of 5 to 7 years. but again, the answer is not just in the technology, but also in, in the enforcement of, um, you know, public policies and rules. and how far is the indian government down the pulse of making that shift of, of making the transition to renewables at $1520.00, which we hosted in october. the last bill we committed that. we were to put renewables by 2030. and i'm proud to say that we will on fact to meet, that's all good. but at the same time, i think that our majors, which are being taken by state governments as well as the central government, which all of us and i, i was just, i make all of that fixed, absolutely. have a outdoor and go to vacation systems which are being tested in dante's of the last
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couple of years. but that in one of those studies that see that, you know, with, with the quantum of danny's attribution be as high as it is something like an hour to add to other fires simply in effect to blame. so we also need to make this a for talking about the fact that the government is introducing changes to actually having grown lever action to both tangible sinew sions, yeah, of course, the breathing clean air is a human right. isn't there? how can we ensure that people across the world, poor people across the world have that human right? that is more accessible to the rich? well, the 1st, the 1st part is eliminating it at the so let's say we need do with, with the house orders. we have the main source of indoor air pollution is cooking fuel, whether it's kerosene, whether it's a good, whether it's cool, right? so we need to ensure that green cooking fuels, whether it's l p g, whether it's a bio gas, is being supplied within the house,
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is maybe move into solar photos or induction because of and then eventually altering and showing that access to the email that is provided by providing households and then by providing the my appeal to vacation systems within the as how source. and i'm proud to saying that there are several indian start ups to the um, such as, as such as brand, which i work in the affordable solutions backs back up to the csr to make a, you know, clean, add more accessible to several sections of, of, uh, february economically because sections of society and the zip codes are rolled for develop nations to sump pump that long promised cash to help developing nations improve the quality? absolutely, i mean, we saw the top 28. i was there on the drum of the $100000000000.00 beans and missed $100000000.00 commitments have to be me. met in 2019, but it was only implemented as needed as 2023. and so they've got, you know, we,
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we need to ensure that we're putting our money in actions. and by our, i mean, you know, to the developer needs to ensure that that actions and money is with that mouth, is that, but at the same time, i think several good solutions are being introduced, such as, you know, this is a top 28th. we saw the, the clean of the hands in climate data which was fast, unfortunately in there was not a signatory today, but that is definitely a step in the right direction to acknowledging how things like it. but you shouldn't contribute significantly to words you know, did you? did anything have good to have your thoughts up here? i've had all of that. thank you. and that is all shaped for this week to get in touch with on x for me, then as to what the next clock out jobs and do use the hash tag a see to see when will drop us an e mail coming the top dot 0 dot net is our address. a pay more for you online. a
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job is there a dot. com slash ctc? that'll take you straight to our page, which is individual thoughts. i think some charge you to catch up on that's it for this edition of counting the cost on the clock, the whole team, thanks for joining us. the news announced 0 is coming right to the they fled from the world's most secretive states. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune celebrity influences, but to shining a light on the home of kings and bring danger one. 0, one east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera, since he's whales, we'll run gaza thousands of the simians helping indiscriminately displaced. certainly forces are systematically targeting health care infrastructure. hospitals have one of the only safe options to seek refuge until they became targets. so most
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wages war from hospitals. i've never seen a soldier inside the hospital, which is the real world investigates where the east ran is violating international . no, but targeting supposedly a new crisis. dr. silver on hospitals on out to 0. you will scott, a duty and a growth using for the p. use a card to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy, revised wells and increases systems caught on red chris he says he went to go to and syria to provide a 27 year old activity as to how kids survey testing working as an i'm didn't so i that but notice in the eyes of his governments with my citizenship was revoked. i was surprised in the 1st part of the series we found it was to either push the
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shape look to see confronts can use the piece citizenship verification. i only want my citizenship, fax. if i'm proven in a sense, i don't wanna wait honest, technically stake listed in syria on a tuesday around the time for this war, 2 and of us present turbine announces once he calls and you see spot proposals to end the warrant concepts, goals on both sides to take the d the but on terry jones can this is all just from day oh, so coming injured under like we'll have a special report on kansas children often don't know try.


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