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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 1, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the the . ready and the services in use our on outages for the back people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. deep divisions within minutes. the, our cabinet to a guys are seized by applying that to us, says was proposed by israel itself for desperate search for the bodies of loved ones in gaza. opposite is really forces withdraw from the devastated jabante, a refugee camp. also this our exit polls projects of victory for india is prime
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minister, right, and the render motives b, j. p. after the final phase of voting in general elections and south africa's governing amc party records, it's worse electron result and look set to share power for the 1st time. since the end of his full london's, when bleak, stayed in getting ready to hush. the biggest game in european club full, full grammar trip will say, come for us, you don't live in the champions. the thank you for joining us. is really opposition figures urging the government to accept a new sci fi proposal for gaza, or prime minister benjamin that y'all was said, conditions haven't changed, and he won't accept a permanent sci fi until come off is destroyed. on friday us present, joe biden announced the plan saying it was an is really a proposal. or a con begins coverage nearly 8 months since the israel's war on guns posting in
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these lives have been up ended by death and destruction. see some lights in the darkness that solved the president biden unveiled a new proposal to end the war. a number of others we will come to you when we hope the wall was still in order for us to go back to the areas and our houses here to know we have to suffer done love to be mean we high people support the palestinian people and we hope you're serious about reaching a ceasefire agreement. we want to say 5 because we are very tired physically and psychologically. the proposal lays out 3 phases, the fuss would last 6 weeks and include a c for withdrawal of israeli forces from populated areas of gone. so it would also include the exchange of his way to cap tips, the posting and held in his way to jails in a 2nd phase as well. and her mouse would walk towards a permanent end to hostilities. on the 3rd, with a bold,
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the reconstruction of garza, this is truly a decisive moment. is made their proposal moss as it wants to cease fire to this do as an opportunity to improve whether they really need well item described of and is ready deal bought a statement from the office of its probably minnesota says israel's conditions the ending the will have not changed the destruction of her masses, military and governing capabilities, the free of all hostages, and ensuring the golf and no longer poses a threat to israel. the american pressure on his right or maybe on both sides, islam did you create the some i'll be doing the that we raise the brushes all the prices on that. but now, not only from the united states, also to europe and the rest of the world. hemispheres also reacted saying the
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movement reaffirms it's readiness to posted to be engaged on cooperate with any proposal on the foundation of a permanent ceasefire. complete withdrawal from the gaza strip reconstruction, the return of displaced persons to the homes and the completion of a genuine present to exchange deals from mazda. because in displacement come to be haunted by starvation and disease and a strip of land rented and habitable many posting is a clean to the hoop. the deal will finally be reached the can change this reality the on i'll just era while he's, while his band dodges 0 from reporting from there. so it's how high right is joining us from amman and jordan. so sarah mixed messages coming from israel. these really, governments pushing back, it seems that out of plan which the biden administration said was israel spot or
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yeah. well, the statement from the prime minister's office was released immediately off to bite and had spoken, but also earlier today about his dress statements on southwest, which is the day of rest. really, quite schultz and pre owned uh to the point saying that they will know to accept some time and, and ceasefire until from mazda is completely gotten rid of. not just made a terribly but politically, which is somewhat less i'm vigorous because that is part of the 3 point face plan. but it seems that so, and perhaps they weren't happy with the fact that the us had put out this statement whether these raise knew about it. it's not clear, it's being report said in the last a few minutes through a someone that has close links or reports of the place next to both the us and israel saying that benny gans who's one of the wall cabinet members, was a wet, including also y'all's kalonde, the defense minister of this statement before it's was issued all of them knowing about it, but it seems not in terms of the details and certainly not with some scaling
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remarks from the us president warning of these ready coalition, but they need to be united in this, they need to agree with this because an old out victory. what will the isolates these railways? and meanwhile, we're expecting more protests today cetera. and israel, the families of the captives are also expected to deliver a message to the media. how much more pressure does this put on the government of the upgrades but has puts out an immediate statement yesterday fully suddenly so as a straight dr. barton had spoken by the families of those that have deal is ready. the american citizenship welcoming this as well as those in israel, there's a 125 post to just still held in the gaza strip. they all going to be making an announcement late so, so it will be interesting. see what they said, probably for the welcoming of this plan and putting more pressure on the government
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. they've accused providence to benjamin netanyahu a stalling this father for political gain because he needs to stay in a government in a coalition for rights. a government already has divisions with far rights ministers, the so are in system and that's what bible was referring to yesterday. to continue the role in garza for as long as possible. and if it was up to them to occupy it and take over garza in definitely. oh, so we've been hearing from the opposition visa. yeah, i love pete's a welcoming this and also putting more pressure on the government saying. but if you need to, we will take you into the full, don't worry about those fall rights ministers. we will find a plan, but definitely take this deal. this is the only way out. so i thank you very much for that child to 0. is how high right reporting their life from amman, jordan, because again, these really government has banned algae 0 from reporting from inside israel. so we have to do it from outside. the country. not turning to the situation on the ground in the gaza strip. $95.00 simians have been killed by. is there any forces over
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a 24 hour period? that's according to guys. as house ministry, at least 2 we killed in yet another is really strike on rasa. the strip 7 most city . these are in the military has skills more than $36000.00 to the ends in gaza since october, the 7th. that's bringing out his ears hurting my mod, who's in dial by in central guys or for his size honey. the c side proposal is being discussed and debated the humanitarian classes in guys is only getting worse . bring this up to speed with the latest situation on the ground of the yes, folly paris, specially when we look at the situation in the ground from the time to by the administration made the speech about a proposal for a seed spire over 3 phases. but that's, that's very short time to see any significant changes on the grant. in fact, there are no changes to report about at all other than the ongoing intense bombing
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campaign renewed. artillery still ain't got a talk when, as they do neighborhood, that's what the eastern part of gaza city people are still quite busy removing the, the bodies and removing those who have been killed and from under the levels of, from the value of refuge account. and most of the northern parts of the, of the gaza strip. and there is actually a new threat and been exposed right now is increasing the risk of losing more lives than a causing further civilian casualties and destruction, which is the unexploded ordnance that are everywhere in devalue refuge account. but the most of the, of the northern part of this trip already there are documented cases of these unexploded, oregon is going off and hurting, and harming people who are going back to inspect on their homes and try to salvage whatever the situations are. a quite difficult assignment that is started to spread there and drop off is really monetary continues to destroy a residential buildings,
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the damage infrastructure and public facilities. just turning the entire gauze and serve into more of a waste land, riley, quite uninhabitable, and each passing day. honey hum us we know has reacted positively, positively rather to the sci fi proposal, which was announced by president biden. and i know that people in guys that have been disappointed in the past. are they a little more helpful this time or on just a tiny bit of hope this time and we, we, we know here just different talking to people. this tiny bit of hope is because people are going exhausted. i'm tired of the, i'm going intense bombing campaign. the ongoing, rapid masculine gulf of families displays families of their own age. children of their boots, the, their, their homes being destroyed, seeing every, every means of life here has been destroyed. so there's, they're looking at a little bit of the right side that this could happen. however, the vast majority have this cautious and dissipation. derek whites,
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the suspicions about the, the involving a story with regard to the seeds fire because their experience in the past have been quite a draining and exhaust name. for the most part. there were talks about possible and potential states fire the but didn't work out on the ground. in fact, what we, what we, so contrary to what's going on of surgeons. yeah. attacks more people have been killed at the point where people have been killed at the record number across the doctor every time there is talk about a potential ceasefire. so cautious optimism there, honey, my modem down, but i central guy. so thank you very much for the update. well, let's remind you of this. propose 3 points, guys, a sci fi upon the 1st would be a full and complete sci fi between israel and her mouse for 6 weeks. the 2nd phase would see a permanent end to the war, and the release of all is really. capt is the 3rd and final phase would involve a major reconstruction plan for garza and the return of the remains of the dead
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captives that spring in. she advertising now in washington dc. this plan was announced by president biden, and he put all the onus on her mouse to accept this to you. but it seems like it's, these relays were pushing back any reaction from the lighthouse a box. the contradictions don't make sense to your factor in what a senior administration official told john this shortly off to bite and spoke festival. there was no expectation that this will begin tomorrow, and the was that he had been his ration official, not only about administration, officials is absolutely nothing wrong with, as well as doing and rough or right now to have the support of you as a restriction. it doesn't cross any red lines, so despite the destruction on par with con units and so on, which we never used to be a part of the red line that's too hard to, to, to, to, to have is point just a minute ago that everything seems to be as it was, it's not going to happen tomorrow. that's what they keep saying. so that's the 1st point. secondly, to the administrative as well kept saying this was
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a painstaking and game. it was a detailed 4 and a half page agreement. and so i think we're clear, there is, and 4 and a half pages, how to get a 4 and a half page agreement be and then game for mid least patients to pick up. and that's when you get into trouble that them up some browsers by themselves been suggest, but, but which is emphasized by the administration official, nothing has been negotiated upfront. phase 2 in phase 3, all it's basically been negotiated is a phase one temporary things for that movie. extended while negotiations continue, i'm not even look at the electro calendar, and that's always what the biden ministration said. they want to last. yeah, they said, well that is what i'll do, whatever they want until the heat of the election campaign that election campaign sheet to the election campaign begins pads in july with the convention starting and so on. so what basically biden's got was what they've always. so they want to, which are some sort of com around the election. right. and that's nothing else has
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been negotiated. which also means that the israeli government, cuz they whatever they want about the site is doing phase 3 in the road, come off and everything else. and another interesting point in all of this and, and, you know, you talk about the calendar, it is the timing. also this was announced yesterday by prime minister of this by, by present biden. sorry, at the same time as 5 minutes minutes now was invited to deliver a speech to the us congress without him having accepted this plan. apparently, how should we read this? what should be made into that? i think we should we really care about that as well because the a park, the major is ready and i'll be here the major, the usual suspects. lindsey graham and one have welcome this time and all presenting it as is riley term. mm hm. so i think what we're seeing here is, and this may then become flash when the other tool to the congress is it's a really, it's a, it's rehab rehabilitation also both that and yahoo,
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i'm buying them as the peace maker with them is really proud on the table, which has not actually been negotiated in the long term, other than that temporary things for. so that for its value of the piece make is they are the ones who pub shouldn't be chased by international quotes as well as the, basically by the administration as well. as in congress, right. but how are you looking? lindsey graham? i mean he's, he's one of the many kind of republicans here who ordinarily would suggest any kind of entry of the killing or power of citizens. it's something out of the symmetric. he's welcoming, but they're all welcoming him because this is the way to show themselves this piece may just out of time when they could be in very deep trouble. internationally under the low. interesting. she have, thank you very much for that. she ever times, they lived there in washington. well, let's now look at what's happening within israel and discussed the internal is really dynamics, the politics within israel, with political commentator over a goldberg who's joining us from tel aviv or a good to have you with us on algebra. so the statement,
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these really government has issues seems to be as we've heard in contradiction with the proposal that biden said was israel's, and which she had mentioned that has been welcomed by everyone in washington. what, what is going on here? the bees really is not know in advance that the steel was in the works. as i would have seen these are, these didn't know that this deal was in the works as soon as she helps it. i agree with it's analysis on these are, these are particularly for administrative now realize that there's no other option . the problem is that to me, i was, i was created in domestic political discourse and it just does not allow me to say this. all right, you cannot say the words in the door, the big ones being ridiculed and possibly dismissed by right wing religious elements of his government. me. and she also knows that until some real change of scene is on the general consensus and supports the continuation of the
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war. now when i say this, it's important to remember that these are the general consensus will also support a seasonal concert. he sees foreign plaza 6 or 6 weeks. is there a place i can attest personally from conversations with the various people i know but also from the general made here. the country is thursday, either hungry. firstly. sorry, collin, which are like so is trainees in general wants a ceasefire. but what about is there any politicians? what's happening right now, there's a lot of pressure hanging over prime minister netanyahu. we know that war cabinet member of any guns had straightened to quit the coalition. if finish me, i would didn't agree to a day after plan for by the easy, not forced to accept this plan. now, next out with gun threatening to the collection, the tennessee readings that was there in the media telling me that this is already being referred to as the time. yeah. feel demonstrations that are due to take place all over as well about tonight as they have been for some time,
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are expected to call on him and his government officers to support the mid term young deal. so once again, i agree with, she called to announce this, this is a way for me, it's in the out and also providing by proxy to appear on, you know, even if you're luck simply to appear to be peace makers. yeah. but what about the right wing members are going to tell us, coalition been right wrong. it's in, you know, close to, to say he has to gamble the right wing members who will support him and she continues the war. but i think she's gambling because of his recent search and falls. he's now mainly that she managers to make a deal. i thought this would happen earlier, which i mean if you manage just to make a deal online because generally it will be hard for us to vote for a pill simulacrum of him. like any guns. if she is seeing somebody who was able to follow through on the war for as long as possible, but also at the end, realized that circumstance isn't such a thing of the deal. she is the one man just to bring the police to the front of the hostages on his face on the ceasefire agreement,
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which is really what everybody has on subject for except for the religious right. he spends a pretty good chance of being very popular candidates in the upcoming election. again, keith has to decide please, all right, go with his base but the base. so it's looking to drop him that the 1st opportunity or is he gambling? the majority of israel's, which supports his early some support to work desperately on the 6 or 8. thank you for talking to us. thank you very much. interesting to hear what's happening with the news read already or we goldberg, a visual common data. joining us there from tennessee, thank you for your time. thank you for having of the hundreds of demonstrators have gathered in the french city of leone to stand in solidarity with the palestinians in the besieged guys of strip. the protesters are demanding an end to israel as nearly 8 months or more on guys that they are regular protest across the western cities. they have been way
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demonstrate as have been demanding and then to israel's 8 month for on gas the let's turn our attention to the days having use now. and the wells biggest and long as running elections in india has ended or the exit polls are projecting victory. for prominence and arranger, moody's b, j, p, and its allies. with around 350 seats, a body needs 272. for majority, reminder, the indian government has not grounded visas to address. here is generally, so what covering the election from outside the country. let me go, show them 3 fives. the latest amount of tone election in the final round voting more than a $100000000.00 voters were eligible to cost the ballots in this room among the candidates prime minister, move range multi contesting for the ancient city of boston. the sea in northern
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india is we'll talk buddies for many of his supporters is already delivered on the deck. and so from this in january, when he no great to the temple for one of hendo is ins, most read the dates. it's built on the rule and so for a historic most that is destroyed by right wing groups in the early nineties. many hindus believe rome was born here actually movies you need. so yeah, i'm little skinny, moody is done to look for us. a grand rome temple is being constructed. we will have to support nowadays. nearly a 1000000000 people have been eligible to cost the ballots in the polls that began on april, the 19th voting has been held, a was 6 weeks. the election commission says it's to ease the burden of staging a nation vote and was most populous country. but turn out has been low then in
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2019 with the severe heat we've cited as one of the reasons for the millions had turned up unemployment and section a major concerns. so the biggest issue here in vernon us is unemployment. so we all leave it with those operating machines 24 hours earlier and that operating them twice a week and not i need to have people are upset. people are not happy immediately. lucas and leader may be satisfied, unhappy, but a normal person is not moving as lead his party of gentle party, to too long slight victories in 20142019 the selection is being seen as a test of his political dominance. if he wins the selection, he will be only the 2nd prime minister in india's history to be a search term disability's up against and aligned sled by the indian national congress dot gov. some voters have criticized political parties for leading
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campaigns. they see that have been polarizing. defies of bringing up issues of induced versus muslims will take us no way. we need developments to them and not in a specific field for a specific person, but progress for everyone. everyone supports indians living abroad are required to travel to the home constituency to costa ballots. votes would be counted in the single, they had announced on june defaults on the consumption brief. i'll just see the a while. let's discuss this further now with some on troubles with a research associate at the i. d is the foreign policy. think tank of the london school of economics is joining us from coca to thank you very much for being with us on alger 0. this is an election that many so as a referendum on bodies political dominance, what do you make of these are the exit polls of rezoning victory for moody. i find
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the exit goes credible. they are almost all showing the same outcome with minus variations. uh docs is a 2 ton spot of entry majority for the beach. it be along with smoking, a allied policies and the sites of parliamentary majority for the beach. it be on its own. possibly in the range of $320.00 to $330.00 seats. that's my personal project. so they go up to $300.00 tree last time. so of 222-5120. 19. and it's quite clear. that's the beach it be has fashioned within electronical strategy, which we elements fest the movie personality coach. second muscular and uncompromising can do that solution and tubs, social welfare, and a bouquet off pool full schemes to help the week and media sections of society. and
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each of these 3 elements and reinforces each other on has let's do this outcome, which i have anticipated for some time now. so despite the divisive rhetoric, we heard during the campaign and do you know the on time, mostly rhetoric you, you don't think that penalize the party at all the beach of the party. was it also perhaps the strong economy that india is experiencing right now? on i'm sorry, lynch is the reaches issue in india to t movie like everybody else has no answers to that. but she has been sitting a dream of development, which still seems to resonate with large numbers of people. in the past, month to the hoss movie, has repeatedly resorted to hate speech. me directed act was name by an autopsy.
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and that seems to have looked hutchins, and so we even have hopes and galvanized the core and do nationalist base. but what each freedom this outcome we have to look not just at the incumbent, but also asked the officer, right. the opposite is not just just for rich and frank vintage, but there was an alliance of a political party against the b j. p. that was, you say for augmented, but they had formed an alliance led by the congress against the b j. p. why did they, you know, why did they not succeed in getting more focused, if these results are confront? and unfortunately, this so called india allies led by the company's fault. he never came together in any meaningful sense. uh, it was more offensive lines than anything else. and i'll tell you why the india lines did not publish even though one page wanted to point off statement of
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principles, you know, let alone a common minimum program. the in the launch code over the a small transform in the low single digits by way of joint public meetings or values. i'm totally, of course the had no declared from the stereo tended it. okay. um in awesome. that's just as in 2019, the opposition was missing in action and on fit for purpose. okay, so what? well another term from o d and the b j. p mean for in the continuation of the same policies as well as the space. so i think know the answer is chief in full set home industry. i'm a truck will be greatly encouraged by these results if they in fact turn out to be correct in 3 days time on tuesday. so in the next 5 years there are 2 sharps. that's
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a movie and shaw and that company completes the 10 in india into a hindu nationalist republic. you know about name perhaps the from it name. but i've heard of course that it's also possible that you know the brand new ship me unravel during its touch of politics is inherently on searching. and especially in a foster and complex country like india, which many problems including unemployment, especially among the youth. so we shouldn't take anything for granted, but it's the movie painting ship in fact, unravels. during the next few years. india is set for a tub blooms time in the next few years because movie and fox will not go quietly. a thank you very much for talking to us. i'm on trouble is good to get your analysis on this story. to montebello, as joining us there from calcutta,
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india, and we're going to take you now live to tell of the, with families of the captives being held the user, the captive being held in guys that are speaking to the media. leslie, cyber security. it's on the whole book for the citizens to go back safe to the houses in the notes of the south hall for a better future of to own the home and disaster is we need not to lose this child, so we need not to lose it. and um, saying to this a to citizens before they come paying to a boat this the and would like to say present by them is the young friend to is. well, he is the best friend to as well. and he has been supported the of the of the, the uh, 7th of october attack. and he is all was supposed to have the odyssey.
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i don't know how in way of what do i use are that instead of a few of the colors i'm going to have a couple but the i'm but the heart of the my god, the whole. but we, what, what has been said by the, in the, as to the society. we also say the same thing to estimate all we need to boss has to be the way that we are supposed to do this deal. as opposed to this, the, the was most on the side of that is and suppose this, the live offered by prison. by them all, the captives must fit them back home immediately. we can not lose this john, so the model. okay, if you're just joining us, that we've been listening that to the families of some of the captives being held in guys that have been addressing the media, they have reacting to the
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a deal the sci fi proposal, which was announced by prime minister netanyahu, which was announced by present bite and on a friday yesterday to find these, they're saying that they support this theater and a welcoming the dean and saying israel as a whole support video. even though we've heard some mixed messages from these really government on the 3 slide proposal saying they would continue with the war on guys until hamas is eliminated, at least on the prime minister statement. that's what we got for the family is clearly putting a bit more pressure on the national government to accept the c side proposal that was announced by the americans yesterday, the families, they're saying that president biden is a real friend to israel and that therefore israel should be accepting the steel, moving on and follow simians, a desperately searching for the remains of their loved ones. after is ready, forces withdrew from your body. a refugee camp in northern guys that on friday is
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comes after a 3 week offensive force, tens of thousands from the most densely populated comp in gaza. i'm harmonized history for the warning. it contains images that may be upsetting to some of us. it's a gruesome task used to be speaking through debris, to find the bodies of peace resolved once on the beyond, but it should have done the over 30 people were killed and that buried under this rubble on the 11th of may. our house was born without any warning. and now these are the remains of what we found. burns. we haven't found any in tech bodies. they will be composed to make up you with us. he's the home had been hit by and these really, boom is giovanni. now is just wonderful offering, so destroyed and crumbling houses, businesses and screws of the sea,
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which is really offensive guy. the largest and most densely populated with the g is wreck beyond recognition. street of the street, people tell simulate stories of most lindsey settled was another one. my father was standing in front of his own doorstep when a rocket targeted me struck him dead. what did he do wrong? you was 71 years old. so what harm did he call us to israel? what's the read that he posted it then? you know, my father was oppressive. is bad. yeah. i think it'd be sent to of is really rate since the will be gone, the medical team to become well practice and retreating bodies from under the rubble upon one of those other bodies of children alone with the funds for parents not long ago. we also to cover the bodies of the mother with a 2 month old baby. they fell victims as truck. what's unfolding in the body are
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things you can look up and more broadly and cause a month to genocide against our people. many of the date of birth to come. i loved one hospital, abrupt insure out here, people i think to find the bodies. young men will give them a dignified funeral, as they con who loan a nice woman was to be stricken to speak. she can only mater, but she's lost her son. well, those 2 of survived baton kinda looking for each other. i mean pre angry for those they have lost have them. i'm just and other than elements and he's ready military joe and has crashed in 711 on after being hit by his while anti aircraft me style. it was a hermit, $900.00 drone, which is one of the is really military is most expensive at crowd is to full time
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since october. that hezbollah says it has shot down, is really drones over $711.00. all these really ami responded with us twice targeting a house in 711 on 7 people were injured nearly 8 months. a violent has killed at least 80 civilians in the way around. 99 percent of the votes counted in south africa is elections. the governing african national congress has lost its majority in parliament for the 1st time since apartheid ended. 3 decades ago. the n c's tati currently stands at just about 40 percent. that will force it to seek a coalition partner to get enough backing to name a president and form a government in 2nd place is the democratic alliance with around 21 percent of the votes for my president jacobs, who my m k party has done surprisingly well. avoids for his contested elections. coming in 3rd, with just over 14 percent is running ahead of the fs,
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the comic freedom fighters party and 4th grades with around 9 percent. my kind of has more from the results operation center in the town of me drunk. the b a n c was punished by voters nationally and in the provinces. its representation in the full 100 see national assembly was slashed. it will remain the biggest party, but for the 1st time will not be able to govern the loan. and the biggest surprise is the performance of the new content we see is way potty o m. k headed by pull him and see president jacob zoom a, who says he's still and a and see member reflection of the political twists and turns the country with missing. and the party is adamant on one thing. they'll be no correlation until to the and see if this point the a and sees national chip person is reluctant to talk about the coalition option. what's the agencies position at the moment? the 0 or discussion back with up to a number and a,
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it depends on the agreement on major policy issues that we need to do to determine what the did the strong resistance within the organization to an alliance with the a seen by some is a really of the upon take past others would be deeply opposed to bringing in the e s. s. when it's ready, go lift wing policy. you have good political parties that are on the lights. the political parties got on the left and left a but this issue that the amc has to take would have die of consequences on the pads. but the best option for me that the a into the team could be to well, for smaller plan, it's kind of practice that's have yet to be on the center. and there is a ticking cook. the constitution says the 1st, the taking up a new parliament must take place within 2 weeks of the official results being declared. and its 1st act must be to elect
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a president that's only 14 days in which to me about an entirely new political landscape, montana. oh, just era madrid in south africa. us defense secretary lloyd austin has sold a security for him in singapore. that rule with china is neither imminent, no unavoidable. austin's comments com. this tension is a rising any asian pacific region. he also defended the actions of the philippines, that is in a stand off with badging over the south trying to see patrick funky is at the conference in singapore. and as this update to the secretary of defense delivered a strongly worded address. so with stinging criticism of beijing accusing china dangerous harassment towards the philippines and using the language that was similar to the sort of language said press the button and mock austin junior used in his speech at the summit and he said, so that base things actions were a legal and was if any set the washington's commitment to is tracy. i was on cloud
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separately at a time when the wrong questions about how soon the spreads us moved. who was also is abra across the middle east. and ukraine, you said, says that the us is deeply committed to the in the pacific. america will continue to play a vital role in the end of the ship. together with our friends across the region that we share the united states across the united states government. across our political landscape. you'll find a strong and bi partisan commitment to the end. don't pacific of critics and propagandist will still oppose the principle principles that drive virtues. they will continue to reject the rate of law
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and they will try to impulse their we own the origin of direction of those was something a strong response from china. a member of the chinese delegation accuse washington and seeking to build an asian pacific version, all the nato, a lions to maintain the gemini over the reasons taking on the sidelines on this summit. so they've done a general ging, john thing said that the us in the pacific strategy sounds good but does no good and they also hits out of the us for all named taiwan. now we know that there was some tough conversations had behind the scenes yesterday, but progress was made but to days was in many ways. highlights how far apart for us in china, us still on some critical issues. now to germany way under former chancellor, i'm going to merkel the country said it had a humanitarian responsibility to take in refugees and integrate them. now nearly 10
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years on that attitude has changed. new rules are making life more difficult for refugees. they can no longer access cash and have to use restrictive payment cards as how many came before some delay. many people believe it's a reflection of how far to the right germany. a german politics has shifted. jemina, an idea of shopping for household goods. as a somali asylum seeker, she gets around a $160.00 every month from the state, but motors, cash. instead, she has to use this new pre loaded payment card. and there are lots of technical on logistical problems with it. because she still waiting to find out if she'll get assignments, she's lost as not to show her face not to use her real name. she says the newly introduced payment todd has made life more difficult for her. when you have cash and when you have a card today, because when you have cash, you have the all freedom and even if you have the normal time
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a to cancel. but this card is a different from the other funds or cash. so we have limits and we don't feel afraid of. the federal government says this measure is about helping local authorities coordinate how they provide financial health. and to cut down on crime, this type bargain. we are limiting the possibility of withdrawing cash due by taking into account the individual case and local circumstances for us to decisive point. is that transferring money abroad is no longer possible. it's a far cry from the moment in 2015 when the vin shawn. so the angry maskell set her country had a humanitarian duty to take in refugees and makes them welcome. germany's emphasis now is only encouraging skilled workers to come. and for the people whose asylum claims fail to be sent back more quickly. one on the list says the recent search
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and support for the political far right is possibly to blame, i think is also sacrifice actually to the populace. annoyed at the moment actually that people are on top of everything actually afraid of migration. and that the, the idea or the narrative behind it is actually that it should to make it less attractive to come to, to germany. which is power. adults that go at a time when many employers say there's a chronic shortage of workers in this country. so if this appears a sign of have gemini is being dragged to the political rights, then perhaps elections to the european parliament in june may show us just how far out is there bowling? still a head on alger 0. we investigate a wave of kidnapping spreading. ca, to mexico, i had on sundays elections. and we live at london's wembley stadium, a head of the european champions league final. and these,
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coming up in st. louis in just a few minutes. stay with the, the latest news as it breaks. the hot fidelity is a very critical point right now are not far from completely shutting down. all the for this with detailed coverage houses are being forced to the eyes on the live with the confidence. fear that more is right is hawks, are never far behind from the hearts of the story. the is very well in the gorgeous flip has led to the desktop that can go your human carrying position as a huge amount of waste, like the award winning program from international. so make, cuz we've just seen so many people traveling with children, taking a long and difficult to explore and abundance of wells plus programming every time we do an interview well met with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now,
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programs that open your eyes to an alternative view from well, on alger 0 the, [000:00:00;00] the back time, of course he's on the thank you so much fully, well, london's wembley stadium getting ready to host the biggest game in european club football around madrid, taking on brush it opened in the champions league final well the funds will be hoping to punish memories of our last visit to the venue for champions league final and 25th annual bates in by bon munich. and it's hard to decide if i need lifted
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the trophy ones before back in 1997 rail funds while i old but expect to be attending this fixture. betsy made me a recruiter extending 50 times when i think is something special that depends from what i really don't know, but i think it can be based or it can be that the issue and this can be the quality of the play. i can be to conduct that because it happened so many times. maybe if you play 10 times against them other, it's going to be very difficult. 34, impossible. but if you break it down to one game and this is what you do, if you go to a final, then everything is possible in football. but the most important thing is not only to see the occasion where we are playing the mother this about the game. and we played so many games this season altogether. 6060 games with all the bonus week, a cup chime as the confirmed the game. so we had 60 games to prepare ourselves for harry, full sites. his life is now at wembley stadium, harry disappointment, just over a decade ago for development. that,
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that venue. what are the chances tonight you think as well i, they say it's the hope that kills you. and so they sent me visit us about when we return to the hopes that would be expressed by some of the document signed. so it's really st wanted into making the most of this experience. one i spoke to said even a route with this 3. now they wouldn't be so bad, been incorrect, directed himself, said, of course i don't think that's going to happen. i don't mind to have despite the extremely high performing nature of the recent years, i have had this habit of just failing at the final hurdle. last season. not quite getting over the lines with the guy on the last day of the season. and so that's certainly on the dogs, the coach that you had from that at a judge it's. he says that they should make the most of that they should have braced the i'm just on the dog stages and give that, that role to take on this madrid side. but rel,
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madrid off. a really awesome machine, especially when it comes to this competition, as you just said, from college. and i think he has won this competition for times as a coach. he was talking about some of the fears with a natural around the weekend of such a big occasion when he was so close. there's always a chance that you might lose it, but there was a real mixture of experience of youth in this team. either a full players in the score one this competition 5 times perhaps an array of extraordinary young talent. not least, of course, depending on the young english mid sale, the who has come from the woodlands to madrid at the beginning of the season and is really just carried this team unexpectedly and many causes, given his youth and his is new status at the club and the we few people who would be surprised if he carried them to victory tonight. how are either the last speak, your opinion, finally, wembley. so thousands of the take of his funds storming the stadium. what sort of
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security plan is in place for this much as well? yeah, there's a bigger view in. so those events in 2021. it was the delayed years 2020 final between england added to lee. that was thousands of people, as you say, really trying to beat the doors down to get in. a lot of them did get in. there was balance that was drunkenness, drug sealed behavior, review into that cold at a day of national shame and football authorities, wembley stadium. i'd be doing a lot to try to make sure that there isn't such a repeat of those sorts of events as been 5000000 pounds on the thing up sort of the actions fabric of the stadium. making sure the deluxe to reinforce the remote as it is threatening looking barriers around the stadium level. so put a note, the highest number of security stewards around here. 2 and a half 1000 does a pretty sizable police presence as well as 3 separate uh, sort of a zones of ticket checking before you're allowed to get into the stadium level. so band alcohol on went by the way,
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the famous talk the way up to the stadium. so there are lots of measures in place to make sure that there are no such repeats. and so far as to say from what we see, this will be very good nature. how are we, let's hope pitts, at least comment. so at the study where you watson, it will be back with high res. we get closer to kickoff wembley stadium. now it's hunting club, that's alonzo has been celebrating that. you wrote police triumph around. 50000 supposes cheering. that's a bonus by ones from an open salt bust or a bug around a salon. so when he get europe's 2nd, se, compensation just over a week ago with a 3 know when i have a lot of keys in that final on friday, scott was wondering, plight israel in a your a 2025, qualify the toothpaste behind closed doors with non funds in glasgow, the game was disrupted by protests with others, cooling israel to be thrown out of the competition because of the will on gauze a full race was around them pa, for us. and usually for international football, it will be far more people outside the stadium than inside of scotland played
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israel. organized has decided the security risk was too great to allow funds and to have them park the hundreds of demonstrates is gathering outside the funding, european governing body. you wipe from israel, is that fund rush after the invasion of ukraine called so it's really genocide res todd. and we're here because absolutely appalled by the headphone to say on the side of the fun. and julie has been business as usual. but as you are then the world, which is absolutely the same as plays took to the pitch in front of empty stones, the homeless sculptors spoke, but was still echoing, with chums that demonstrate this here are setting up towards the roof of having them park. so that they can be heard loud and clear by the players and the officials inside the otherwise empty stadium. they've wanted this game cancelled at the very least, they want to disrupt it. and one of them did
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a demonstrate to go inside and change themselves to the goal posts causing them us to be delayed. as the plays were taken off. earlier, members of gloss goes jewish community also gathered outside the stadium. they said israel should not be bound from playing in the tournament. we've been advocating for peace. every week for over 9 years. between is really the smallest city and people, most teams in most countries have a right to participate in sports in peace, local politicians from the green policy. how to join the coals for the scottish football association. the say to cool the game off. it's really important, but particularly in western countries where we have in the main so many privilege live in the safe and vitamin that we started though for people who aren't able to do that ever lived in the price of the party disease, scotland, one for one of to kick off was the light by half an hour. they next travel to hungry. where is royal have played that hon games ever since october pull race out . is there a glass guard? well, tennis number 9 on the ship a once the will to speak out about the ongoing will on gauze,
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which is he needs the young or female applied to reach a grand slam final night. it's the last 16 of the french shirts, and on friday i should use a news conference the holiday issue last year. and i took part of that prize winning from the season ending vs finest as a full size effect. yeah, i'm, uh, it's where you said to, to see the news of every day and i honestly try not to be on the social media is because it's horrifying video. what's happening and, and guys are right now i wish the world could speak more because it's really unfair what's happening. and this kids woman, man suffering but definitely makes me very sad and angry to see that nothing is moving and then nothing is really happening. so i wish piece and, and goes on and i was, you know, more people speaking about this or no, sir, and i've been champagne. irina sutherland k is, there's the full front of parents of the ending, the run of one of our best friends and the gang pile of it. i says 7561 is from
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finish development. she's looking for her 1st roland. there was thoughtful. she'll face of a medicine phase of evidence. all right, that is a school is looking for the id. thank you very much for that. that mexicans go to the polls on sunday to elect to more than $20000.00 officials, including a president. one of the challenges at the window will face is a wave of kidnappings, which is spreading 5th throughout the country a lot in america, edison, c and human has more from zack, a take us, the mexico, in the colonial city. the septic as a world heritage site, but its beauty like that of so many parts of mexico has been overshadowed by one of the most cruel forms of violets. nearly 115000 people in mexico have disappeared unwillingly, according to the national register of disappeared and found people more than 11000
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last year alone. here in check, i think as there's been a wave of kidnappings, of young men between the age of 14 and 28, would need to be forcibly recruited by organized crime groups. for the last 5 years, elizabeth ice has been searching for her brother jose nathaniel, or a mechanic who went out to fix a car one morning and never came back for missed that up in may the violinist that we went to alpha stones together in the 1st time we both a drink was together, he accompanied me to buy my wedding dress and to get my facility treatments. we were very close more than any other civil says with armed men grabbed and murdered her father because he was searching for his son. and like many family members, she's been threatened in the symmetry of fish, neil the unidentified bodies of hundreds of presumed victims of unwilling
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disappearances lie in the cement pits up to 9 bodies fit in these tombs, each has a number and a date. none, and have a name, a sam? yeah, the state attorney's office and forensic scientists department of secretary desk has set up a system to help families identify bodies. they've found many a burnt or decomposed beyond recognition, but photos of tattoos and clothes are proving useful. so the special prosecutor is they're making progress the we search as we do everything so that murders are punished if the culprit of a disappearance is found. the person is tried and sentenced accordingly. perhaps much 99 percent of disappear inches in mexico go unpunished. according to 0, impunity are respected in g o. and the number of bodies phone is minute compared to the countless searches for time. the stine grades,
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the desperate families carry out constantly. neither of the 2 leading candidates for sundays presidential elections seems to have a plan to tackle this drama. this is a start. he's run out of room for bodies. they do find, but can't identify. what you see here is the new center for the temporary burial of unidentified people here in socratic us, are a total of 1336 of these just here we're alone. each one will hold a casket, but it's not all. they'll be another 800 build here very shortly, and there will be a total of 3000 if any city. this is an indication that not just the state of socratic us, but mexico is not expecting this crisis to end any time soon. a crisis that reached unheard of proportions for a country that, at least in theory, is not at war. to see a newman, al jazeera septic us to and that wraps up,
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this is our own. i'll just see or do stay with us. i'll be back in just a few minutes with friend t more of today's top stories of always is more on our website at all. just the or dot com. thank you for the form of film and for you to stop. traumatized by eastern few knows more of independence, but determined to turn tragedies to comment. this comic genius concealing his own more scholars creates a fictional character which uses happiness to chase people taking away the witness. this is the reality on that jersey and some neighborhoods across lebanon. syrians are being forced out the government estimates. they're up to 2000000 syrians and 11 on one and every 4 people. they are
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managing the crisis one day, the internal security ex, again, spotlight is and then i don't do anything for years. human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force them to return to their country. they include deportations often without judicial review and the latest crack them security forces are closing shops, the legally owned by syrians, nearly 70 percent, according to the united nations don't have the proper documents. the governments into boskus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. all the while, syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. that there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken activists making that boise how many disasters do we need to start taking action in
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the fights against the climate catastrophe. this generation is trying to save the world. we are in an emergency right now. when you do the much destruction you're gonna face the consequence. nature is, then i will just be a risk, new series dying now or never. the families of captives held in guys i called on these release to take to the streets to demand that prime minister next now accepts the si fi proposal announced by the us president the for the black people, you're watching how to 09 from don't also coming up next, if both project a victory for india is 5 minutes in render movies the j. p. after the final phase


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